FBI Warns of Growing Domestic Terror Threat Posed by Black Extremist Groups

-By Warner Todd Huston

The Federal Bureau of Investigation is warning that the country faces an increasing level of threats from acts of domestic terror at the hands of a growing number of “black identity extremist” (BIE) groups.

The bombshell new report released by the FBI’s counterterrorism division states that these groups are targeting police.

“[I]t is very likely BIEs proactively target police and openly identify and justify their actions with social-political agendas commensurate with their perceived injustices against African Americans,” the report says, according to Fox News.

The report goes on to say that these BIE’s began forming after the 2014 shooting of African American teenager Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri.

The report mentions that the Bureau began monitoring for threats after the Ferguson riots and in the intervening years have complied a long list of incidents to prove the threat is real. It also noted that these incidents of violence are “likely” to continue.

“It is very likely that BIEs’ perceptions of unjust treatment of African-Americans and the perceived unchallenged illegitimate actions of law enforcement will inspire premeditated attacks against law enforcement over the next year,” the paper said. “It is very likely additional controversial police shootings of African-Americans and the associated legal proceedings will continue to serve as drivers for violence against law enforcement.”

Naturally, minority groups are insisting that the relatively new term “black identity extremists” is “racial profiling” and an example of racism at the FBI.
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FBI Warns of Growing Domestic Terror Threat Posed by Black Extremist Groups”

Michigan City Bans Farmer from Farmers Market Because He Opposes Same Sex Marriage

-By Warner Todd Huston

A farmer who lives 20 miles outside the City of East Lansing, Michigan, was just banned from the city’s farmers market because he posted a Facebook post in support of traditional one man/one woman marriage.

Last year, Steve Tennes, who owns a 120-acre farm far outside the city East Lansing city limits, posted a Facebook message opposing gay marriage. He also said he would not host gay wedding ceremonies at his farm. The owners of the farm host birthday parties, weddings and other events on the grounds and they have decided that their religious beliefs preclude them from hosting gay weddings.

But the farmer’s social media post got the city council of East Lansing quite upset, The Daily Signal reports.

So, as a result of the Facebook post, East Lansing Mayor Mark Meadows banned Tennes’ Country Mill Orchard from being allowed to participate in the farmers market that it has attended as a seller for the last six years.

East Lansing contacted Tennes last year saying that if he showed up to the last farmers market in August protesters would come to oppose his stance on traditional marriage. But when he arrived to sell his organic apples, peaches, cherries, and pumpkins, not a single protester appeared.

There was no disruption and no problems.
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Michigan City Bans Farmer from Farmers Market Because He Opposes Same Sex Marriage”

Montana, Hell, Let’s Talk of the Democrat’s LONG History of Political Violence

-By Warner Todd Huston

The fake news media went mad last week when a Republican candidate from Montana got in a tussle with a pajama-boy-like journalist on the eve of Election Day. Across the fake news establishment the media whined about the “violence” inherent in the Republican Party in the era of Trump. But this narrative totally ignores the history of political violence perpetrated by Democrats that goes back well before the Civil War.

The latest incident that got the fake news establishment feeling their oats was when Montana’s Republican candidate for Congress, Greg Gianforte, pushed around a reporter for the UK paper The Guardian on the day before Election Day.

The Guardian’s pajama boy apparently pushed his way into a room with the candidate which sent the latter over the edge. As audio seems to prove, the Republican then initiated a physical altercation that, as pajama boy is wont to tell over and over again, broke the reporter’s glasses.

Gianforte apologized profusely the next day. But despite the cacophony of media condemnation for his actions meant to drive Democrats to the polls to defeat him, Gianforte won his election to Congress with a comfortable margin.

After his election, nearly every single report on the event started something like this report by tax dollar whore NPR (my bold). Continue reading

Montana, Hell, Let’s Talk of the Democrat’s LONG History of Political Violence”

ACLU Tell Protesters to Video Cops During Inaugural But Warn Cops to Turn OFF Body Cameras

-By Warner Todd Huston

In a move so typical of the hypocritical left, the ACLU is urging protesters at Donald J. Trump’s inauguration to be sure and take video of police and security agents attempting to keep everyone in D.C. safe but at the same time they are warning the police to be sure and turn off their body cameras so as not to record protesters.

In essence, the ACLU wants to make sure protesters feel free to destroy property and put people in danger while feeling just as free that their identities won’t be revealed by video from images recored by police body cameras.

Yet even as they are warning police to turn off their body cameras to give protesters perfect anonymity, the ACLU is also urging activists to get in cops’ faces with their own video cameras.

As security forces in Washington make their plans to insure the security and safety of the thousands who will be attending the inauguration of Donald J. Trump, the ACLU is warning officers to make sure their body cameras are turned off during the inevitable protests and attempts at disruption, according to NEA.com.
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ACLU Tell Protesters to Video Cops During Inaugural But Warn Cops to Turn OFF Body Cameras”

Hillary’s Criminal Behavior and Scandals Pile Up Before Election Day, But Will It Matter?

-By Warner Todd Huston

As an avalanche of stories revealing Hillary Clinton’s corruption appear across the media landscape, just in time for Election Day crooked FBI Director James Comey is pronouncing the former Secretary of State “innocent.” So, will her real scandals matter as Americans go to the polls?

Just as FBI Director James Comey announced on Friday, October 28, that the Bureau was opening a second investigation into Hillary Clinton’s illegal, secret email server used to avoid both America’s transparency laws and her national security laws, Conservative talk show host Rush Limbaugh floated an important theory as to why Comey was doing it.

Rush noted that a cynical view of Comey’s announcement might tend to bring one to imagine that it was all a feint. That Comey made his announcement to roil the news cycle, but before Election Day Comey would come out to make the miraculous announcement that they investigated and, once again, Hillary is innocent of any wrong doing.

Now, to add to the story, not long after Comey announced his renewed investigation, news broke that the FBI’s New York office was reviewing 650,000 new emails that had something to do with Hillary’s email server.

Now, remember, the first investigation that ended in July took over a year to look over 30,000 of Hillary’s emails.
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Hillary’s Criminal Behavior and Scandals Pile Up Before Election Day, But Will It Matter?”

Serious FBI Agents Furious At Director Comey Over Decision to Let Hillary Off the Hook

-By Warner Todd Huston

There was once a day when the FBI’s famed G-Men were celebrated on stage and screen. But these days the luster of the FBI’s star has decidedly faded especially with the decision of its director to allow the criminal activities perpetrated by Hillary Clinton to go unpunished because the director is a crass, left-wing political operative instead of a hard-nosed man of law and order. And his actions have caused a major problem among agents who still want their work to be respected.

For Americans of a certain age, “The FBI” immediately conjures up the stirring horns of the theme song for “The FBI” TV series starring Efrem Zimbalist, Jr. The show which so proudly noted was “a Quinn Martin production” at the start of every episode had a fairly long run airing from 1965 to 1974.

The series was probably one of the best examples for the gravity and trust Americans once imbued into the Federal Bureau of Investigation. The show’s stars were always deadly serious, highly intelligent, and always got their man. They successfully investigated everything from theft, to espionage, murder, and fraud and the public ate it up year after year.

But that was a day when the Bureau was seen as a trusted agency that could be expected to be a dispassionate, effective investigative service. Still, the show aired during the worst of the Vietnam era just as Americans were turning away from their past explicit trust in government institutions.

The show is in stark contrast to today’s shows based on Bureaus like the FBI. Today we see such agencies as sometimes distrusted by the public and generally featuring at least one agent who turns out to be an enemy to law and justice or even the very country itself.

Hollywood aside, the FBI has had its ups and downs, certainly, but usually it found those low times due to some mishap or bad policy decisions based on matters of process by its upper management. But despite some of the worst 1970s conspiracy theories, rarely has the FBI been considered a bald-faced political actor until Director James Comey tarnished the shield by becoming a member of Hillary Clinton’s election campaign.

When Comey decided that Hillary would be let off scot free for her clear and purposeful violations of national security, he turned the FBI from a serious policing agency into a low, mean, transparent arm of the Democrat Party.
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Serious FBI Agents Furious At Director Comey Over Decision to Let Hillary Off the Hook”

Forget Hillary, Even the Lowest State Democrat Does Not Care About Laws

-By Warner Todd Huston

As the nation shakes its collective head with the full understanding that the law does not apply to Bill and Hillary Clinton and that their corruption knows no bounds, another story slipped under the radar that proves that from the highest federal office to the lowest, local state official no Democrat cares a whit about law and all have simply decided to do anything and everything they want regardless of what the law says.

The fact that the FBI Director James Comey sold his integrity to the Clinton crime family machine aside, another story proved that Democrats just don’t care what the law says or how it has been adjudicated in the past, nor what the intent of the law even is.

The revealing incident occurred in Pennsylvania where Democrats had been ignoring a state law that maintains that local gun laws cannot be any more strict than the state’s provisions. In other words, the state law says no local city or township may pass an anti-gun ordinance that is more strict than the state’s rules.
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Forget Hillary, Even the Lowest State Democrat Does Not Care About Laws”

Hillary Clinton Hints She’ll Back Gun Confiscation as President

-By Warner Todd Huston

At a recent campaign event on so-called “gun violence,” Hillary Clinton said Americans own too many guns and then said she’d do something about this “problem” when she becomes president. What else could this mean but confiscation?

Clinton was speaking at round-table-like forum on guns held at St. Paul’s Baptist Church in Philadelphia, where she insisted we have too many guns.

“When it comes to guns? We have just too many guns,” Hillary said to the applause of those in attendance. “On the streets, in our homes, in our neighborhoods.”

She went on to say America must address the “epidemic” of guns and hinted that if she were to become president she would do something about it all. But what would that “doing something” look like?

Well, it must be remembered that last year Clinton spoke positively about the gun confiscation policy imposed on the people of Australia. Clinton said the Australian policy is one “worth considering” and said it could be imposed using the Obama program “Cash for Clunkers” as a model.
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Hillary Clinton Hints She’ll Back Gun Confiscation as President”

Obama’s Promise to Destroy the Coal Industry Has Been Kept

-By Warner Todd Huston

Back in 2008 Barack Obama was given little notice when he told the editorial board of the San Francisco Chronicle that if he became president he’d work to destroy the coal industry, both for miners and power providers. Now, as his presidency comes to an end we see he has kept that promise.

This month, despite that coal is still one of the world’s leading sources of energy, America’s biggest coal company, Peabody Energy, filed for bankruptcy. Peabody joins a growing list of bankruptcies of other American coal concerns including Alpha Natural Resources, Arch Coal, and Patriot Coal.

Granted the industry had problems before Obama came along, but those problems became but a small part of the insurmountable obstacles put in their way by Obama’s policy to “bankrupt” the coal industry.

And before you think we here at Publius Forum are just being hyperbolic, no, “bankrupt” is exactly the term Obama used in his interview in 2008.

Here it is in Obama’s own voice
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Obama’s Promise to Destroy the Coal Industry Has Been Kept”

The Myth of Mass Incarceration

I never do this, but I am republishing this whole piece. The stats in it are incredibly important but since WSJ is hidden behind a pay wall, few will get to see this stuff. So, as much for myself as you, the reader, I am reposting this here so that I can reference it later.Just a reminder to anyone coming to this site, this site is not a money maker for me, so I am not making $$ of someone else’s work, here. But this info is just too important to lose behind a pay wall.

The most shocking revelation in Mr. Latzer’s piece is that only 1.2 percent of America’s African American population are incarcerated. This makes the lie that blacks are being “warehoused” in prisons. That makes the lie to the Black Lives Matter movement, too.

Finally, this article makes the lie to the push for “sentencing reform” being pushed by both Barack Obama and Speaker of the House Paul Ryan.

The Myth of Mass Incarceration
-By Barry Latzer
Wall Street Journal, Feb. 22, 2016

Violent crime, not drugs, has driven imprisonment. And drug offenses usually are for dealing, not using.

It has become a boogeyman in public discourse: “mass incarceration.” Both left and right, from Hillary Clinton to Rand Paul, agree that it must be ended. But a close examination of the data shows that U.S. imprisonment has been driven largely by violent crime—and thus significantly reducing incarceration may be impossible.

Less than one-half of 1% of the U.S. population is incarcerated, according to the Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS), so “mass” is a bit of hyperbole. The proportion of African-Americans in prison, 1.2%, is high compared with whites (0.25%), but not in absolute terms.

There’s a lot of historical amnesia about the cause of prison expansion, a mistaken sense that it was all about drugs or race and had very little to do with serious crime. This ignores the facts. Between 1960 and 1990, the rate of violent crime in the U.S. surged by over 350%, according to FBI data, the biggest sustained buildup in the country’s history.

One major reason was that as crime rose the criminal-justice system caved. Prison commitments fell, as did time served per conviction. For every 1,000 arrests for serious crimes in 1970, 170 defendants went to prison, compared with 261 defendants five years earlier. Murderers released in 1960 had served a median 4.3 years, which wasn’t long to begin with. By 1970 that figure had dropped to 3.5 years.
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The Myth of Mass Incarceration”

Video From Oregon Activist: ‘We’re Breaking NO Laws’ But Warns They Are Armed—NO RUBY RIDGE

-By Warner Todd Huston

As patriots gather outside the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge near Burns, Oregon, all eyes are on the activists gathered there to protest what they feel is a government gone wild. Many of the activists are armed raising some fears that bloodshed could result if Obama’s government sends armed officials to clear them out. But one activist has a warning and a promise for officials.

In a video posted to Facebook, activist Jon Ritzheimer told those watching his video that he and his fellows have gathered to defend their Constitutional rights.

Close to the end of the video the activist explains one of the reasons that he and his fellows are protesting. He says that the refuge is “swallowing up ranches.”

On the video Ritzheimer continues saying, “this refuge here we found out is also the largest and it’s getting bigger and bigger. It’s swallowing up ranchers. It’s already kicked off over 100 ranchers from this land.”

Still, Ritzheimer goes to pains to point out that the land they are camping on is public land and that they aren’t breaking any laws. He further points out that there has been no vandalism of the park. He insists, “there’s nothing illegal taking place here.”

“This land belongs to ‘we the people.’ It’s outlined right here in the Constitution,” Ritzheimer says.
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Video From Oregon Activist: ‘We’re Breaking NO Laws’ But Warns They Are Armed—NO RUBY RIDGE”

Dear Baby New Year, THIS is What Liberals Have in Store For You

-By Warner Todd Huston

The year 2015 is now in the rear view mirror and Baby New Year has waddled in, diaper and all. But baby, you are still young and naive and I hate to say it but you and the generation you are ushering in will have an awful time once you find out what liberals have in store for you.

First of all, you are lucky, Baby New Year, lucky that you even got a chance to see 2016. Were it up to any common liberal you’d have been aborted back in 2015 when you were still gestating. Granted there’s a chance you’d have seen 2016 only to have your body diced up and sold for its lucrative parts. In any case, thank your lucky stars that you escaped the liberals’ beloved slice and dice.

But don’t think you are too lucky. After all, the bleak world that liberals have already set in motion for you is not one you’re likely to enjoy.

Because, dear Baby New Year, liberals have already set the rules for your world as you grow up and it ain’t gonna be pretty.

You may think that you are waddling into the United States, the land of freedom, liberty and self-determination. But the liberals have already killed that hoary old ideal. And don’t speak too loudly because liberals have taken away your free speech. Say the wrong thing and you’ll be thrown out of your school, you’ll lose you job, and you’ll become an outcast to society… such as it is.
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Dear Baby New Year, THIS is What Liberals Have in Store For You”

Anti-American Boston Judge Forces Christian Woman to ‘Learn About Islam’ for Punishment After Dispute with Muslim

-By Warner Todd Huston

Once again proving that liberals are drifting farther every day away from American ideals and principles, an activist judge in Boston recently punished a Christian woman by order that she “learn about Islam” to settle a dispute brought to court by a Muslim tenant from an apartment building the punished woman owns. This couldn’t be a more un-American–and un-Constitutional–punishment.

The case that came to Judge Paul Yee Jr.’s courtroom was between a Christian Pastor who owns an apartment complex in which several Muslim tenants live and one of his Muslim tenants. The complex owner, Daisy Obi, a 73-year-old ordained minister from Nigeria who is the pastor of the Adonai Bible Center in Somerville, Massachusetts, was accused of physically attacking her Muslim tenant and spewing anti-Muslim epithets at her.

The purported victim, tenant Gihan Suliman, claims that Obi called her anti-Muslim names and pushed her down a flight of stairs during an argument in April of 2012.

The case came before Yee, who is a 2009 Deval Patrick appointee to the District Court in Quincy Court One. He was previously an Assistant District Attorney for Suffolk County and was also a counsel for the Boston Housing Authority. Clearly Yee thinks of himself as a social warrior and not an adjudicator of law.

At the close of the case in 2014, Judge Yee ruled against Obi and sentenced her to two years in jail and to serve six months and have the rest suspended. But this self-righteous, activist judge also demanded another punishment by forcing Obi to “learn about Islam.”

“I want you to learn about the Muslim faith. I want you to enroll and attend an introductory course on Islam,” Yee said during the sentencing phase of the trial. “You have to give some kind of written documentation to probation that you have in fact done that.”

This is clearly both un-American and un-Constitutional.
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Anti-American Boston Judge Forces Christian Woman to ‘Learn About Islam’ for Punishment After Dispute with Muslim”

This Anti-American Pope Strikes Again, Slamming America Over Immigration

-By Warner Todd Huston

The red Pope is at it again. This time, in order to scold the U.S.A. over its already too generous immigration policies, Francis is purposefully giving a Mass in Spanish despite that less than 15 percent of the United States even speaks the language. On top of that, he went out of his way to praise an activist nun who has decided to specialize in giving aid to illegals in the U.S.

This pope has the temerity to attack the U.S.A. over immigration despite the fact that this country has allowed more people to come here than any other nation of earth. And today he praised an activist nun in an act the media is pretending was spontaneous!

During a broadcast hosted by ABC News, Pope Francis went out of his way to praise Sister Norma Pimentel, an activist nun from Texas who is making a name for herself working on behalf of people who break our laws.

During a “townhall” styled meeting the pope singled the nun out before the crowd.
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This Anti-American Pope Strikes Again, Slamming America Over Immigration”

We Should End Birthright Citizenship Whether Trump Wins Election or Not

-By Warner Todd Huston

One of the key aspects of the new immigration policy that Donald Trump proposed this weekend was to end birthright citizenship, the one rule that has served to create the “anchor baby” phenomenon drawing pregnant mothers to the U.S. from every corner of the world. This would be the right move for any president to make and it would be in keeping with the original intent of the Constitution and its requisite amendments.

Donald Trump came out with his plan to fix immigration on Sunday written with the aid of Alabama Senator Jeff Sessions. Along with appearances on the Sunday political talk show, Trump issued a new policy paper to codify his plan. If elected he says he would work to streamline the immigration process, triple the number of Immigration and Customs officers, require companies to hire only American citizens or legal immigrants by implementing the e-verify program, and he would end birthright citizenship.

Of the latter, Trump said that birthright citizenship (BC) “remains the biggest magnet for illegal immigration.”

Millions of immigrant women, pregnant or not, come here in order to have their child born on U.S. soil so that they can then claim citizenship for the child. This action has the benefit of giving cover for family members of that sudden “new citizen” to stay in the U.S. and to give those family members free benefits courtesy of the U.S. taxpayer.

Americans rally against “birth tourism.”

Unfortunately, what we have now is a situation where the law considers someone a “natural born citizen” based solely on the physical location of their birth. If a child is born anywhere inside U.S. territory, that child is an automatic citizen. This might seem logical, but is actually a perversion of the ideas of the 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. It has also become a loophole by which millions of greedy foreigners have grabbed hold of U.S. benefits they do not deserve.

Birthright citizenship should absolutely be eliminated regardless of who becomes president.
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We Should End Birthright Citizenship Whether Trump Wins Election or Not”

‘King v Burwell’ Marks the Official End of the American Republic

-By Warner Todd Huston

As he exited the Constitutional Convention, Benjamin Franklin was supposed to have told a bystander that the founders had given us a Republic, “if we could keep it.” Well this week’s latest Obamacare decision by the U.S. Supreme Court proves that we ultimately couldn’t keep it, Mr. Franklin. America is now a dead letter.

Of course, what Franklin’s possibly apocryphal reply meant was that we only had a United States system if informed citizens kept the government’s feet to the republican fires. We could only keep the system the founders gave us if we made sure the government stayed true to the system as handed down to us.

That system was one of a constitutional republic built on a rule of law, built on generations of tradition as evinced in the Common Law, and laid out with a system that had set parameters that were expected to remain virtually unchanged (though not unchangeable).

That system has been slowly eroded by parties and presidents who have had no fealty to our American way of life. Destroyers such as the Democrat Party, Woodrow Wilson, Franklin Roosevelt, and the mewling fellow travelers of the GOP who have quietly supported the destruction, all have taken their toll on our republic. But it wasn’t until the advent of our most anti-American president yet in Barack Hussein Obama that the nation finally died a death not from revolution, but from neglect.

Thoday’s action by the opportunist Chief Justice John Roberts has thrown the last spade full of dirt over the grave of the American Republic.
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‘King v Burwell’ Marks the Official End of the American Republic”

Frightening Poll: Large Number of American Muslims Believe Sharia Better Than US Constitution

-By Warner Todd Huston

A new poll finds that a very large number of American Muslims feel that sharia law is better than US law. And most consider themselves to be a member of the Democrat Party–a party that not surprisingly also has little interest in the US Constitution.

The poll of American Muslims was taken this June for The Center for Security Policy and here are some of the Poll’s findings:

When asked how they define “sharia,” 71 percent essentially see sharia as a guide for all aspects of a Muslim’s life, one more important than the US way of life or US law.

When asked if sharia should replace the Constitution only 43 percent said no and an astounding 33 percent said yes. So, when asked straight on a small majority shied from saying the want the Constitution replaced with sharia.

But American Muslims came closer to how they really feel when they were asked if they thought Muslims in the USA should be judged under US law. Only 30 percent said that US courts should be first and foremost as the place for adjudicating legal matters while 51 percent said that they should be allowed to ignore US law and be free to use their own sharia courts instead.
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Frightening Poll: Large Number of American Muslims Believe Sharia Better Than US Constitution”

Hillary Sets New Legal Standard of ‘Vast Majority’ To Excuse Breaking Law

-By Warner Todd Huston

Hillary Clinton said a lot of specious things during the Tuesday press conference where she was forced to answer to why she used a private email system instead of the proper government email when she was Secretary of State. But one thing she said was important because she essentially set a new legal standard of “almost” fulfilling the law and maintained that it excused her for violations.

During her press conference, Hillary essentially maintained that she *almost* obeyed the law and since she *mostly* did, why, heck, she should be excused for any further violations.

Here is what she said during her presser:

Second, the vast majority of my work emails went to government employees at their government addresses, which meant they were captured and preserved immediately on the system at the State Department.

See, America. Since she gave “the vast majority” of her emails to the government, why, that must mean she is off the hook.
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Hillary Sets New Legal Standard of ‘Vast Majority’ To Excuse Breaking Law”

Liar in Chief: Seconds After Obama Pleaded for ‘Bipartisanship’ in SOTU He Attacks GOP

-By Warner Todd Huston

President Obama couldn’t have proved his hypocrisy better at this year’s State of the Union speech than when he called for bipartisanship and reaching across the aisle but only seconds later slammed Republicans as working to take the vote away from people and taunting them with “I won.”

About halfway through his Santa Claus of the Union speech, President Obama once again loosed his tired claim that he is interested in the ideas Republicans have. He once again lied about how he is ready to leave partisan politics behind and is ready to reach across the aisle. This year he had a new catch phrase for it saying several times that we need “a better politics,” one where both parties work together.

But only seconds after he made that call he went on to claim that Republicans are trying to take the vote away from people, and taunted the GOP that “I won” two elections.

Obama’s hypocritical call for “A better politics” was something he described as, “one where we appeal to each other’s basic decency instead of our basest fears.”
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Liar in Chief: Seconds After Obama Pleaded for ‘Bipartisanship’ in SOTU He Attacks GOP”

Liberal Mayors Form Coalition to Aid Obama to Implement Amnesty

-By Warner Todd Huston

A group of some 24 liberal mayors from across the country have come together in order to help President Obama implement his amnesty policies.

Dubbing themselves “Cities United for Immigration Action,” mayors from such cities as Los Angeles, San Francisco, Detroit, Atlanta, Baltimore, Washington DC, and Philadelphia plan to hold a meeting in New York next Sunday and Monday to discuss ways to help Obama deliver amnesty to millions of illegals.

The group claims it stands for “welcoming and inclusive cities that prosper, and the president’s action on immigration will help.”

On its website, the group claims that amnesty will “strengthen our cities.”
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Liberal Mayors Form Coalition to Aid Obama to Implement Amnesty”

Ferguson Protests From Coast to Coast, Will They Effect ‘Change’?

-By Warner Todd Huston

On Saturday, Nov. 29, some five days after a grand jury decided not to indict a Ferguson policeman for murder, a group of 100 people gathered to walk from Ferguson, Missouri to the state capital in Jefferson City to protest the grand jury decision. In the last week protests across the nation echoed the discontent seen in Ferguson. But as these protests now seem to be winding down, what did they accomplish?

Early in August when a white police officer shot an unarmed black teenager after the teen had committed a strong-arm robbery of a local convenience store, many activists thought they had the perfect cause for protest. But protests quickly devolved into riots and police responded with force giving protesters even more to gripe about.

Months later a grand jury meeting to decide if that police officer had acted in a criminal manner decided not to indict him sparking further riots and protests in Ferguson.

Ferguson wasn’t the only place that sponsored protests in support of Michael Brown, the teen shot in early August. Protests occurred all across the country from California, Indiana, and Texas, to Illinois, Boston, and New York.
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Ferguson Protests From Coast to Coast, Will They Effect ‘Change’?”

Despite Rabble-Rousers Urging Ferguson Citizens to Vote, Few Bothered

-By Warner Todd Huston

After months of rioting, one of the main themes that many left-wing rabble-rousers have been pushing on residents of Ferguson is to register to vote so that they can “change” their local government. But despite all the rhetoric, few Ferguson residents bothered to vote last Tuesday.

A big criticism of Ferguson, Missouri’s government is that there are “too many white people” in it. Activists have maintained that only a slate full of black candidates can properly govern the largely black population of the city. So, to throw out the few whites on the council, activists have urged citizens to register to vote and usher in a utopian black government.

But despite all the caterwauling of activists, it appears that Ferguson residents still weren’t motivated very much to go register and vote.
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Despite Rabble-Rousers Urging Ferguson Citizens to Vote, Few Bothered”

Calif. Court Makes Wearing American Flag to School a Crime

-By Warner Todd Huston

Witness the end of the USA: An appeals court in California has now let stand a lower court’s ruling that white kids aren’t allowed to wear t-shirts with the American flag on them to school when illegals are celebrating the faux Mexican holiday of Cinco de Mayo.

That’s right, natural born American citizens are now considered criminals by the US court system should they dare to wear Old Glory on a t-shirt when law breakers are celebrating a holiday that isn’t even a holiday in the backwards country of their birth.

Lawbreakers, criminals from other countries, people who are here to steal our benefits, our jobs, and our property are given more rights than natural born citizens.
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Calif. Court Makes Wearing American Flag to School a Crime”

Atheists Threaten to Sue Restaurant for Giving Discounts to Patrons Who Pray Before Meals

-By Warner Todd Huston

Apparently if you go to Mary’s Gourmet Diner in Winston-Salem, North Carolina and you pray before your meal you get a discount for “public prayer.” Now atheists are suing to stop this private business from indulging this business practice.

Of course, like in nearly every case, the atheists have no real legitimate beef. But that doesn’t stop them from using the law as a weapon to destroy religion.
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Atheists Threaten to Sue Restaurant for Giving Discounts to Patrons Who Pray Before Meals”

Voter ID Laws Winning, Obama and Holder Losing

-By Warner Todd Huston

Not only are the courts across the country upholding the ballot integrity efforts of Voter ID laws–including the U.S. Supreme Court–but even majorities of nearly every section of the American public are polling in favor of voter ID requirements. This means Obama, his activist Attorney General Eric Holder, and the leftist intelligencia are losing this issue big time.

The left claims that voter ID laws are the second coming of racist Jim Crow laws. They say it is onerous for people to have to get a valid photo ID in order to vote. They say having to get a photo ID is somehow “just like” the expensive poll taxes forced on blacks between the end of the Civil War and the 1964 Civil Rights Act.

But, since photo IDs can be gotten for less than $10–and in many cases, free of charge–in every state in the union, this claim of left-wing liars is hard to make Americans believe. And the polls show it.

But the courts are agreeing.
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Voter ID Laws Winning, Obama and Holder Losing”

Dept. of Homeland Security Report: Patriotic Americans A Danger

-By Warner Todd Huston

Once again we get left-wingers advising government officials that fanatical Islamists and other foreign terrorists are just as bad as patriotic Americans.

A new report titled, “Understanding Law Enforcement Intelligence Processes,” was penned by a cadre of professors at the University of Maryland advising the Department of Homeland Security that foreign threats are just as bad as people who love the Constitution, people who want to observe their Second Amendment rights, and people who love the flag and think America is a great nation.

Yes, these so-called educators are paid with your tax dollars to spread alarm and hate for our own citizens.

The report is a guide for “law enforcement” officials on how to create new intelligence practices.
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Dept. of Homeland Security Report: Patriotic Americans A Danger”

In ‘Frontera,’ Once Again Hollywood Makes Criminal Illegal a Hero and White Americans the Devil

-By Warner Todd Huston

Isn’t this just like Hollywood. At a time when tens of thousands of illegals, some of whom are gang members, some criminals, and all who are breaking our laws by crashing across our southern border like a tidal wave, Hollywood gives us the tale of an innocent illegal who is framed for murder by minute-men type white men trying to shoot Mexicans down in the desert with sniper rifles because, why, they hate them, of course. Yes, Hollywood gives us a movie where the Mexicans are being put upon and white Americans are the evil bad guys.

Welcome to the theme for the new Ed Harris vehicle, “Frontera.”

Once again Hollywood makes white America the criminal, presents our border security as a crime against humanity, mocks our laws and our sovereignty, and sides with criminal aliens against the rest of us.

We should also point out that in real life these Mexican lawbreakers are not being shot down by white people in the deserts, so the whole premise of this piece of… celluloid… is built on a lie.

Please, America, avoid this movie like the plague. We can’t reward Hollywood for this anti-American crap.
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In ‘Frontera,’ Once Again Hollywood Makes Criminal Illegal a Hero and White Americans the Devil”

Now Destroying Unions is the Same as Reforming Government

-By Warner Todd Huston

Years ago folks that stood against unions always had that one obstacle of “private” concerns in the way of urging people away from unionism. But today, with most unions being tied directly to government, now fighting unions is an act of beneficial government reform.

Once upon a time, the biggest hurdle for those arguing against unionism was the simple truth–and it was a truth–that unions and businesses were private concerns and if the two entities agreed to co-exist, who was an anti-union activist to say anything against the arrangement?

This is a simple, logical question that always made anti-union activists look like meddling outsiders. And the truth is, no matter how right they were that unionism is a bad idea for everyone, they were meddlers!

But today we have a far different situation for those who stand against unions. Since 1959 when unions were first allowed to organize government workers unions have slowly encroached into nearly every aspect of government causing spending to soar, bloating pensions beyond belief, and destroying the efficiency of government.
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Now Destroying Unions is the Same as Reforming Government”

NARAL Board Member Urges Women to Have a Fu*K-In at Hobby Lobby For Revenge

-By Warner Todd Huston

Like every other liberal, a board member of the notorious infanticide group NARAL has proven she hasn’t a clue what the Supreme Court’s Hobby Lobby ruling means by jumping to Twitter to suggest that women should have sex “in the glitter aisle” of every Hobby Lobby craft store in revenge for the ruling she neither likes nor understands.

NARAL board member Jessica Valenti displayed her ignorance for all to see with a June 30 Tweet saying, “Maybe women should organize a safe-sex fuck-in at every Hobby Lobby across the country. In the glitter aisle. JUST A THOUGHT.”

First of all it is pretty arrogant for her to claim she has the capability of having “a thought,” but I digress…

As LifeNews.com notes, Valenti was once a blogger for the mass baby murder advocates but has now become a board member.
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NARAL Board Member Urges Women to Have a Fu*K-In at Hobby Lobby For Revenge”

Liberal Mike Malloy’s Anti-Gun Hysteria: Says He’ll Make False Reports to Police, Advocates Murder

-by Warner Todd Huston

Like all liberals, radio host Mike Malloy thinks that “the law” is essentially a meaningless concept and that because he is pure of liberal heart he should be allowed to do whatever he wants even if it is to file false police reports, bear false witness against others, and scare people by causing an illicit panic over gun owners who are following Georgia’s new open carry law.

Malloy claims to be a gun owner himself–another bit of hypocrisy, that–but he truly despises Georgia’s new open carry law. Despite that the Georgians among whom he lives have voted for the open carry law and despite that his narrow minded, anti-Second Amendment mentality is accepted by only a tiny minority of Georgians, Malloy claims he is ready to battle the open carry law by breaking the law himself… because, you know, he should only have to follow those laws he likes.
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Liberal Mike Malloy’s Anti-Gun Hysteria: Says He’ll Make False Reports to Police, Advocates Murder”