Michigan City Bans Farmer from Farmers Market Because He Opposes Same Sex Marriage

-By Warner Todd Huston

A farmer who lives 20 miles outside the City of East Lansing, Michigan, was just banned from the city’s farmers market because he posted a Facebook post in support of traditional one man/one woman marriage.

Last year, Steve Tennes, who owns a 120-acre farm far outside the city East Lansing city limits, posted a Facebook message opposing gay marriage. He also said he would not host gay wedding ceremonies at his farm. The owners of the farm host birthday parties, weddings and other events on the grounds and they have decided that their religious beliefs preclude them from hosting gay weddings.

But the farmer’s social media post got the city council of East Lansing quite upset, The Daily Signal reports.

So, as a result of the Facebook post, East Lansing Mayor Mark Meadows banned Tennes’ Country Mill Orchard from being allowed to participate in the farmers market that it has attended as a seller for the last six years.

East Lansing contacted Tennes last year saying that if he showed up to the last farmers market in August protesters would come to oppose his stance on traditional marriage. But when he arrived to sell his organic apples, peaches, cherries, and pumpkins, not a single protester appeared.

There was no disruption and no problems.
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Michigan City Bans Farmer from Farmers Market Because He Opposes Same Sex Marriage”

Detroit Muslim Stabs Two Over Argument About Religion

-By Warner Todd Huston

Federal officials are looking into whether or not a hate crime was committed after a Detroit Muslim stabbed two people at a bus stop after he demanded that they tell him if they were Muslims.

Police arrested Terrence Lavaron Thomas after the attack that occurred on Saturday. Southfield Police Chief Eric Hawkins said that Thomas was “engaged in conversation” with two people at a bus stop outside Detroit. During the conversation Thomas “asked some of the folks there if they were Muslims.”

Police say that when the bystanders told him they weren’t Muslims he “was not happy with that answer.” He then pulled out a “3-inch folding knife” and attacked them.

One of the victims was stabbed five times. Neither victim had life-threatening injuries.

Thomas was charged with two counts of assault with intent to murder and one count each of carrying a dangerous weapon and possession of a controlled substance (marijuana). His bond was set at $1 million cash/surety.

He could also be charged with a federal charge of “ethnic intimidation,” a felony.
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Detroit Muslim Stabs Two Over Argument About Religion”

Mother Upset Over Islam-Promoting School Assignment

-By Warner Todd Huston

The mother of a Michigan high school student was shocked to learn that her daughter was assigned a class project that was clearly deigned to promote Islam. Worse, it was a project meant to promote Islam to 3rd graders.

The Michigan parent found that her 10th-grade daughter was assigned the task of designing a brochure that could explain the wonders of Islam in terms that a 3rd grader could understand. The woman’s daughter was told that the purpose of the brochure would be to “introduce Islam to 3rd graders.”

This parent jumped to Facebook to tell her friends and family how shocked she was over the assignment. (Not long afterward she deleted her posts at the request of the school’s principal.)

“This assignment upset me because they are presenting Allah as the same God of the Christians and Jews. This paper, in my opinion, is promoting Islam by describing Allah’s names as ‘beautiful’. To me this is not simply factual like it should be,” Mother Jennette Hall said.
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Mother Upset Over Islam-Promoting School Assignment”

Hey, Chicago: Detroit Police Chief Says More Guns is Good

-By Warner Todd Huston

Chicago, Illinois is losing at least 3 to 4 citizens every weekend to violence with upwards to 25 shot. EVERY weekend. Chicago pols, the city’s police superintendent, and state Democrats say we need to ban guns to “fix” the problem. But the Detroit Chief of Police says an armed citizenry is making HIS city safer. Chicago could learn a lesson, here.

According to the Detroit News, Chief James Craig credited the fall in crime in the Motor City to the fact that more citizens are armed these days.

Detroit has experienced 37 percent fewer robberies in 2014 than during the same period last year, 22 percent fewer break-ins of businesses and homes, and 30 percent fewer carjackings. Craig attributed the drop to better police work and criminals being reluctant to prey on citizens who may be carrying guns.

“Criminals are getting the message that good Detroiters are armed and will use that weapon,” said Craig, who has repeatedly said he believes armed citizens deter crime. “I don’t want to take away from the good work our investigators are doing, but I think part of the drop in crime, and robberies in particular, is because criminals are thinking twice that citizens could be armed.”

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Hey, Chicago: Detroit Police Chief Says More Guns is Good”

Union Places Own Interests Above That of Members

-By Warner Todd Huston

When one thinks about unions, one usually assumes that it is an organization geared toward guarding the interests of its members, the average, every day worker. But in Michigan that notion seems almost quaint. No, in Michigan, the unions are guarding the interests of union bigwigs and actually dealing away the benefits of members to keep the unions toughs in clover.

Union thugs in the Wyoming Public Schools district near Grand Rapids, Michigan, has negotiated away up to $12,700 in annual salary and benefits for teachers just so it can try and keep a provision in the contract that allows the union to forcibly withhold dues money out of teachers paychecks as a mandatory condition of employment–a provision that now stands contrary to state law, by the way.
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Union Places Own Interests Above That of Members”

Michigan Muslims Upset Over Christian Church’s Easter Egg Hunt

-By Warner Todd Huston

Remember, liberals say that we need to be “tolerant” of Muslims in the U.S. because, gosh darn it, they are Americans just like you and me. While you are remembering that, Muslims in Dearborn, Michigan are trying to oppress a local Christian Church because it is hosting an Easter egg hunt. Proof that Muslims are just as American and tolerant as you and me.

As it happens, Cherry Hill Presbyterian Church sent a bunch of fliers about their secular Easter egg hunt to a local school district as an out reach effort into the community. The church says that the event is just a community event and does not feature any religious content.

The flier features images of Easter eggs and an Easter bunny. Naturally Muslims in Dearborn are furious and want to behead someone over the matter. OK, maybe just figuratively–for now–as they want to know who in the school district allowed the Church’s flier to be handed out to kids.

They will wait until they get in charge to begin the literal beheadings, of course.

Anyway, the Muslims claim that handing out the fliers is some sort of violation of Church and State–says people who want their church to become the state.
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Michigan Muslims Upset Over Christian Church’s Easter Egg Hunt”

Michigan Teachers Union Wants NO Christian Teachers

-By Warner Todd Huston

The Michigan teachers union apparently doesn’t want any Christian teachers as “non-Christian” teachers are given special consideration for new positions.

The union contract in Ferndale Public Schools in Oakland County, Michigan, specifically stipulates that Christian candidates will be given less consideration than minorities and teachers of other religious convictions.

As Michigan’s Mackinac Center reports, the state’s Elliott-Larsen Civil Rights Act prohibits discrimination in employment and public services on the basis of religion but the teachers union is essentially breaking that law while pretending to follow it.

The Michigan Education Association is essentially breaking that law with its rules on which teachers will be given consideration for open jobs.

Here is how the MEA’s rule reads:
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Michigan Teachers Union Wants NO Christian Teachers”

Union Thug Posts Names of Non-Union Workers at Workplace, Denies Intimidation

-By Warner Todd Huston

A union thug in Michigan was wide-eyed with faux shock when he was told that publicly posting the names of workers who opted out of the union was viewed as an intimidation tactic.

Union thug Lawrence Roehrig, international vice president of AFSCME and secretary treasurer of Michigan AFSCME Council 25 (that is a government worker’s union, folks) defended the practice of outing the workers who opted out of the union under Michigan’s new right to work rules saying that it was just a way to educate workers.

In the same way a business owner is paying for “protection” when a mobster demands payment to make sure nothing “happens” to them, thug Roehrig said, “You’re not harassing them. It gives you an indication of who’s paying and who isn’t.”
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Union Thug Posts Names of Non-Union Workers at Workplace, Denies Intimidation”

Muslims Demanding Their Own Sharia Patrols in Michigan

-By Warner Todd Huston

During the public comment time at the Dearborn city council meeting, a Muslim stood to demand that the city institute sharia patrols to keep young people out of parks and to prevent the sale of “offensive” magazines in stores.

The man named Hassan took his place in line during the public comments and when it was his turn to speak he prefaced his comments with loud chanting of Islamic prayers. He then went on to demand that the city begin patrols of the parks because people used them for “sexual activities.”

The Muslim would not tell the council where he lived claiming he feared for the safety of his family but said he lived near Westland.
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Muslims Demanding Their Own Sharia Patrols in Michigan”

Congressman Gary Peters Lawyers Up to Silence Julie Boonstra

LANSING, MICH – Yesterday, Rep. Gary Peters released his Washington DC legal attack dogs out to intimidate and silence Julie Boonstra, a Michigan mother battling leukemia who had the courage to speak up after the insurance plan she liked was cancelled due to the Affordable Care Act.

Instead of listening to Julie’s concerns, Peters took steps to strong-arm Michigan television stations to simply pull “Julie’s Story” from the airwaves. These are desperate political tactics from someone who is increasingly incapable of defending his support for Obamacare.

AFP-Michigan State Director Scott Hagerstrom issued the following statement:

“The fact that Representative Peters would sic his legal team on a Michigan mother battling cancer to muzzle her tells you everything you need to know about his record of putting politics over people.”

“Julie Boonstra was brave enough to tell her story about how Obamacare is making her life worse and instead of offering compassion and solutions, Rep. Peters responded with intimidation.”

“Rep. Peters is an unwavering supporter of Obamacare and now he won’t take responsibility for the devastating impact it’s having on millions of Americans just like Julie.”

“This attack on her credibility is disgusting, unwarranted, and inexcusable. Congressman Peters and his indecent campaign team should be ashamed of themselves.”

Click here to read the legal letter from the Peters Campaign: http://americansforprosperity.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/Peters_letter.pdf
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Congressman Gary Peters Lawyers Up to Silence Julie Boonstra”

Moron Liberals Think ‘No Gang Colors’ Sign is ‘Racist’

-By Warner Todd Huston

Everyone knows that the term “gang colors” refers to the jackets, logos or actual colors that gang members wear in order to identify themselves to each other and to rival gangs. But apparently some idiot liberal didn’t know this common term and when he saw a bar that had a sign that said “no colors allowed” he thought the bar was being “racist” and saying black people couldn’t go there.

Even worse, this idiot liberal video taped himself whining that the bar was being raaaaacist, revealing his ignorance to the world…

You know the old saying: “Don’t just sit quietly and allow people to wonder if you’re an idiot, speak up and prove it.” Well, this idiot proved it handily.
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Moron Liberals Think ‘No Gang Colors’ Sign is ‘Racist’”

Reporter Confronts Union Chief Supporting a Child Molesting Teacher

-By Warner Todd Huston

Fox News correspondent Jesse Watters recently traveled to Michigan to find out why the teachers union there is fighting so hard to force the taxpayers to give a big cash payment to a teacher convicted of molesting a child.

Watters confronted Steven Cook, the head of the Michigan Education Association–the teachers union there–over why the MEA would fight so hard to force the taxpayers to give this child molester a $10,000 payout even after he was convicted for his crime?
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Reporter Confronts Union Chief Supporting a Child Molesting Teacher”

VIDEO: Michigan Cops Harass Citizen Legally Carrying a Gun

-By Warner Todd Huston

A Michigan man legally carrying a pistol openly in a holster was illegally stopped and harassed by Grand Rapids police in March of 2013 in an incident that sparked a federal lawsuit. Now the full video of the encounter has been released to the public.

Last March, Grand Rapids citizen Johann Deffert was peacefully walking on the sidewalk in his own neighborhood when police illegally detained him, cuffed him, threw him on the ground and then into a squad car, a federal lawsuit alleges.

In Michigan it is fully legal to open carry a pistol with the proper license.

Deffert is suing for $600,000 alleging he was physically assaulted by cops.
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VIDEO: Michigan Cops Harass Citizen Legally Carrying a Gun”

Rocker Ted Nugent Rips Democrats for Fall of Detroit

-By Warner Todd Huston

Rock legend and conservative gadfly Ted Nugent told TMZ that he is “shattered but not at all surprised” that the liberals have destroyed his beloved city of Detroit.

As we all know, Detroit is filing for bankruptcy after 5 decades of Democrat Party rule.

Meanwhile, our bailed out auto industry is now outsourcing to China! Nice, eh?

Of course, Ted is called “the Motor City Madman,” so he has long ties to that once powerful American metropolis. But the liberals have reduced the city to a pile of burning rubble befitting as a backdrop for a WWII movie set in Dresden, Germany, as opposed to a great American city.
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Rocker Ted Nugent Rips Democrats for Fall of Detroit”

One Way Liberals are Just Like Radical Islamists

-By Warner Todd Huston

With the bankruptcy of Detroit in the news, a recent compilation of the many failures of the Motor City reveals one stat that shows how liberals are similar to radical Islamists at least in as much as they want to keep their people illiterate, stupid and easily controlled.

Tyler Durden of Zero Hedge blog has a very disheartening post titled, “25 Facts About The Fall Of Detroit That Will Leave You Shaking Your Head,” and aside from giving us a perfect example of how liberal policies are an abject failure in every case, it also shows one stat that proves an essentially evil aspect of liberalism.

His point number nine is this: “An astounding 47 percent of the residents of the city of Detroit are functionally illiterate.” (Durden cited CBS Detroit for his stat.)

Correspondingly, upwards to 70 percent of the Muslim world cannot read.
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One Way Liberals are Just Like Radical Islamists”

Detroit Bankruptcy: Motor City Becomes Tap City

-By Warner Todd Huston

Ruins of Detroit after decades of Democrat control

Well, the bills have come due and Detroit has gone from Motor City to Tap City declaring bankruptcy, the largest U.S. city to ever do so. This is what Barack Obama wants to turn the whole country into, folks.

Not long ago the state of Michigan passed a law to give power over troubled city budgets to what is called “an emergency financial manager” and Detroit had been under the guidance of EFM Kevyn Orr for some time. But Orr has essentially admitted defeat by recommending that the former auto-making powerhouse file for Chapter 9 protection.

Orr reported to the state legislature that the city was upwards to $20 billion (yeah, “billion” with a “b”) in debt and that it wasn’t possible to make good on that debt.

(Meanwhile, our bailed out auto industry is now outsourcing to China! Nice, eh?)

In a letter appended to the filing, Michigan Governor Rick Snyder said, “The citizens of Detroit need and deserve a clear road out of the cycle of ever-decreasing services.”
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Detroit Bankruptcy: Motor City Becomes Tap City”

Rep. Conyers on ‘Fading Republican Party’: ‘There’s Really Only One Major Party’

-By Warner Todd Huston

Michigan’s Democrat Congressman John Conyers has pronounced the Republican Party dead and gone telling a gathering of the Detroit NAACP that, “the Republican party is fading out of sight almost, so there is really only one major political party of any significance.”

Amusingly, Conyers prefaced that line with “actually without being biased…”

It should be pointed out that the “only major political party of any significance” has been locked out of 30 governors mansions across the country. Only 19 states now have Democrats as governors. Additionally, 24 states are completely controlled by the Republican Party while only 13 are controlled by Democrats (the remainder are spilt between parties on power).

A great example of the Democrats’ stewardship of which Conyers is so proud can be seen back in his home state. Detroit, once Michigan’s biggest and most vital city–and wholly controlled by Democrats–is in such poor financial shape that Governor Rick Snyder, a Republican, has had to evoke a “financial state of emergency” for the crumbling city and has imposed an emergency financial manager upon it to bring the city out of its Democrat-initiated financial disaster.
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Rep. Conyers on ‘Fading Republican Party’: ‘There’s Really Only One Major Party’”

85,000 Mich. Food Assistance Card Holders Left Without Funds

-By Warner Todd Huston

Michigan officials reported that “human error” was the cause of 85,000 recipients of state food assistance finding no money deposited to their state-issued debit cards on Friday.

Michigan’s Department of Technology, Management & Budget spent all day Friday attempting to correct the “error” and get the state aid credited to the Bridge Card debit cards but could not say for sure when all 85,000 recipients would have access to their allotments.

By late morning, some 40,000 cards had been credited and officials hoped to fill all cards by day’s end, Friday.

“It’s 85,000 card holders and their family members. The average card holder services about four to five folks in their family, roughly about $500 on average, about $540 gets put on to that card each month for them,” spokesman Kurt Weiss told WWJ Newsradio 950

The problem occurred for about one-tenth of the 1.8 million Michiganders on the State’s Bridge Cards.

“Grocers and retailers across the state who are servicing these customers are put in a bad situation because they are, you know, having to turn folks away and that’s certainly not the position we want to put those retailers in and we certainly issued our apologies to those folks as well,” Weiss told WWJ News.
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85,000 Mich. Food Assistance Card Holders Left Without Funds”

Unions Attack/Destroy African American Hot Dog Vendor’s Equipment

-By Warner Todd Huston

One story that no one seems to be talking much about is the violent attack on an African American small businessman’s hot dog vending stand perpetrated by criminal union thugs during Monday’s right-to-work fracas in Lansing, Michigan.

Clint Tarver set up his stand near the Americans for Prosperity tent that union goons later tore down and, at least initially, Mr. Tarver reported that things were “going real well,” until the union toughs got into their woefully common criminal behavior.

Tarver was not just selling his hotdogs to the AFP folks but to anyone that wanted a snack. But it wasn’t long before the union members began to taunt him, even calling him a “n*gger,” calling him an “Uncle Tom,” and accusing him of being “on the wrong side.”
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Unions Attack/Destroy African American Hot Dog Vendor’s Equipment”

Media Ignores Union Violence: Flashback to Palin’s 2008 ‘Target’ Outrage

-By Warner Todd Huston

As unions again run amuck, this time in Michigan, the Old Media establishment has steadfastly refused to report on the union’s violence, not to mention the “violent rhetoric” coming from their advocates. But this is in stark contrast to the Summer of 2011 when the Old Media was hot to condemn the supposed “violent rhetoric” of Republicans such as Sarah Palin, Andrew Breitbart, and talk radio hosts.

In Michigan this week unions have once again shown why the term “union thug” is no misnomer by beating up people and engaging in property destruction, intimidation, and violence all in order to turn back Michigan’s right-to-work legislation passing through the state’s duly elected legislature.

During the day on Monday union goons attacked a tent set up by members of Michigan’s chapter of Americans for Prosperity. The tent was staffed with women and men, Michiganders who came out to support the Republican’s effort to pass worker’s rights legislation that would make The Wolverine State the 24th right-to-work state.

Also in attendance was occasional Fox News guest and comedian Steven Crowder. The young Crowder was actually physically attacked, punched at least four times, by one union criminal. Crowder’s crime? He dared to ask unionistas the simple question: “what is it about right-to-work that you oppose so much?”

The union thugs then swarmed AFP’s tent and tore it down with the women, and a few children, still inside.
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Media Ignores Union Violence: Flashback to Palin’s 2008 ‘Target’ Outrage”

Huffington Post Misquotes Union Violence Victim, Steven Crowder

-By Warner Todd Huston

Huffington Post is being accused of purposefully misquoting Steven Crowder, the victim of violence perpetrated by union thugs during protests over Michigan’s worker’s rights legislation, and blaming Crowder for being attacked.

In a December 11 piece by Dave Jamieson, Huffington Post’s “workplace reporter,” Crowder is misquoted at least once. Worse, instead of having Crowder explain himself, his actions are “explained” by a union tough that was on the scene.

The whole story was “reported” from the union perspective and painted Crowder as a “provocateur” who’s main goal was “to get punched.”

The whole of the story was originally presented from the perspective of union member Ken Spitzley, a state agriculture department employee, who claimed he witnessed Crowder’s actions that day. According to Spitzley, Crowder was only there only to “provoke” the union thugs. “There was no question he was there just to start a fight, to start some kind of trouble,” Jamieson reports.
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Huffington Post Misquotes Union Violence Victim, Steven Crowder”

MSNBC: An Unprofessional Excuse for the News

-By Warner Todd Huston

The violence that unions perpetrated in Michigan as the state legislature passed its new right-to-work legislation was hailed by lawless Democrats and union supporters alike showing that neither unions nor Democrats are much interested in morality of legality, but the incident also revealed yet another perfect example of how illegitimate MSNBC is as a source for reliable news.

During the union thugs’ protest outside the state capitol in Lansing, union criminals beat up a pro-worker’s rights advocate and destroyed a tent set up by the conservative activist group Americans for Prosperity. Multiple videos show that it was a spontaneous, criminal action by the union members but MSNBC’s coverage tended to run counter to the truth.

On the evening of December 11, Ned Resnikoff took to the cabler’s webpages to “report” on the incident for MSNBC’s The Ed Show. But instead of observing journalistic practice, instead of doing his job as a reporter, Resnikoff outrageously lied through his teeth and claimed that the AFP tent was really torn down by its own people!

Resnikoff posted the mere claims of a biased union member pretending that he knew that the AFP folks had torn down their own tent just to get publicity out of it all.
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MSNBC: An Unprofessional Excuse for the News”

Mich Dem. Whitmer Shows Unions & Obama More Important Than Her State

-By Warner Todd Huston

Michigan’s Gretchen Whitmer, the State’s Senate Democratic Leader, is now pleading for President Obama to trample on Michigan’s state sovereignty and control the state from Washington DC. This is an odd request for someone that thinks she should be Michigan’s next Governor.

During most of American history, state politicians have been keen to safeguard their own power in their state. We even fought a whole civil war in part over the idea of states’ rights, after all. Oh, but not Michigan’s Gretchen Whitmer. No, for Whitmer, allowing unions and President Obama to control Michigan is far more important than allowing the people of Michigan and their representatives to control the state.

Whitmer, you see, is trying to get President Obama to withhold federal funds from Michigan merely because Republicans and worker’s rights advocates have succeeded in passing right-to-work-style legislation in the current lame-duck session.

Whitmer is calling the right-to-work law “petty and vindictive politics.” That’s how losers talk, we all know. So, she wants King Obama to take action.
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Mich Dem. Whitmer Shows Unions & Obama More Important Than Her State”

Muslims in Michigan Attack Christians With Bottles, Stones — Cops Turn Blind Eye

-By Warner Todd Huston

This is one of the most disgusting and alarming videos made in America I’ve seen in quite some time. In it you will see scores of teenaged Muslims surrounding a small group of less than a dozen Christians in Dearborn, Michigan. You will see these Muslim thugs taunting the Christians, cursing them, throwing bottles, and even chunks of concrete at them. One scumbag, punk even throws a plastic milk carton at the Christians.

You will also see Dearborn police ignoring these crimes. Why? Because Dearborn police don’t care about enforcing the law. They care about placating their Muslim citizens. It is easier for Dearborn cops to allow these Muslims to attack Christians and then to blame it all on the Christians than to uphold the law much less the U.S. Constitution.

This is truly disgusting…

Why are these Muslim creeps doing this? Because these few Christians wanted to stage a little march sporting their banners and touting their cause. And what could be more American than wanting to have a little march, protest or otherwise?
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Muslims in Michigan Attack Christians With Bottles, Stones — Cops Turn Blind Eye”

Inexcusable: Thad McCotter Out of Congress Over Petition Sigs Snafu

-By Warner Todd Huston

What an inelegant way for such an illustrious career to end — perhaps if only temporarily. Congressman Thad McCotter (R, Mich) not only didn’t get enough signatures on his nominating petitions to get himself on the ballot for his reelection, the petitions his team did turn in were rife with duplicates and outright fraud. Now he’s announced that he is not running for reelection because of all this.

McCotter, 46, has been in Congress for ten years and has been considered a rising conservative star. He even made an abortive attempt to run for the 2012 GOP nomination for the White House. Now, he’s out of Congress on his ear due to nothing other than neglect of the nomination process.

McCotter initially announced that he was going to carry out a write-in campaign but has given up that idea, too.

As he announced the end of his last ditch effort to keep his seat, he had a message for Michiganders. “To those who unhappy at this news, I’m sorry; to those happy at this news, you’re welcome,” he said.

The write-in effort was necessary because McCotter’s campaign utterly bollixed the nominating petitions, didn’t get enough signatures, and clearly committed fraud in order to try and get the petitions in on time.
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Inexcusable: Thad McCotter Out of Congress Over Petition Sigs Snafu”

Wealthy Michigan Teacher Upset She Can’t Retire at 47

-By Warner Todd Huston

It’s just unfair, isn’t it? I mean, if an $80,000-per-year, union protected, unfireable, teacher can’t retire at the extremely young age of 47 while the rest of us have to work into our 70s, well, what kind of world are we living in? That’s how teachers in Michigan feel, anyway.

Just ask the haughty Terri List, a Michigan public school teacher from Saginaw Township. She’s entirely disgusted with all those ignorant taxpayers — who vote in evil Republicans — that won’t let her retire at 70% of her salary at a sprightly 47-years-of-age. She’s so upset that she’s telling anyone that will listen that being a teacher isn’t worth the effort.

On the government union site run by the Michigan Education Association, Mz List is seen carping that waiting to retire at 60 is a travesty for the teaching profession. In what rotten world do people have to wait until they are 60 to retire, anyway!?

… only the rest of us, Mz List, only the rest of us. You know the “us” I’m speaking of Mz List? Yeah, the “us” that are with our taxes forced to pay your exorbitant salary, your overly generous benefits, and your retirement in your middle age.
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Wealthy Michigan Teacher Upset She Can’t Retire at 47″

More Union Workers Caught Blowing Weed on Break Time

-By Warner Todd Huston

Not long ago a series of Detroit sting-styled TV News reports found autoworkers getting high and drunk during their lunch breaks. Now WJBK has found the same problem with the union workers at an aerospace factory.

Tower Defense and Aerospace Factory Workers Party at Lunch: MyFoxDETROIT.com

The company claims it has “been investigating” the employees. But the fact is, if these workers were not protected by unions they’d have been properly fired the second management realized that they were doing illegal drugs on company property during their break time.

It shouldn’t take a TV expose for a company to be able to fire criminals! But that’s what happens with unions. They protect criminals.
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More Union Workers Caught Blowing Weed on Break Time”

Mich. House Moves to Ban Union Dues Deducted from Teachers’ Paychecks

-By Warner Todd Huston

A new measure has been introduced in the Michigan House of Representatives that would ban school districts from automatically deducting union dues from teachers’ paychecks and handing that money over to unions.

The practice of having state governments deducting dues automatically from state employees is quite common in northern and western states that are in thrall to the unions. It is a major payoff to unions to have governments automatically deduct dues from the paychecks of government employees, too.

It does seem odd that government is handling union dues, of course, but the reason it is done is because if government didn’t automatically deduct the dues and hand the cash over to the unions, those unions would have a harder time getting timely dues payments from members. If employees were responsible for paying their own union dues — as they should be required to do — then unions would find payment a bit less reliable than when government does the job.
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Mich. House Moves to Ban Union Dues Deducted from Teachers’ Paychecks”

Michigan Public School Illegally Uses Robocall System Against GOP Governor

-By Warner Todd Huston

News has emerged that a Michigan public school illegally used its automatic phone calling system to call the homes of every student to urge parents to join the recall effort against Republican Governor Rick Snyder last month. To imagine that they can illegally use public school facilities for a partisan, left-wing political effort, this is the arrogance of left-wingers in our mis-educational system writ large.

It is certainly illegal for a school to put it’s telephone alert system for partisan political use, but that is what happened nonetheless. Here is what the message said:

This is a message from the Lawrence Public Schools (inaudible) alert system. This is an informational item and not directly associated with the school. Concerned parents interested in cuts to education . . . we’re here to inform you that there is information about the problem. Also, be advised that there is a petition to recall Governor Snyder. If you want, stop by Chuck Moden’s house right by the school June 7th/8th between 3:30 and 4:00 pm. Thank you. Goodbye.

(To hear a recording of the message, click here.)
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Michigan Public School Illegally Uses Robocall System Against GOP Governor”