Report: Every Business Started by Al Sharpton Closed for Non-Payment of Taxes

-By Warner Todd Huston

It has been discovered that all the businesses that race-baiter and MSNBC talking head Al Sharpton has started has been closed because of non-payment of taxes.

In the report at National Review by Jillian Kay Melchior, it was revealed that every for-profit company Sharpton has started has been forcibly shut down by one tax jurisdiction or another because he never paid his taxes.

Records show that Sharpton’s beleaguered for-profit entities often overlap and intertwine, some sharing ties with the reverend’s nonprofit organization, National Action Network. Their financial records are copious, confusing, and sometimes outright bizarre, and together, they depict persistent financial woes for Sharpton, who also personally owes New York State nearly $596,000, according to active tax warrants.

“He clearly appears — based on the information that’s available to us — to have a history of noncompliance with tax obligations,” says Bernadette Schopfer, the director of taxation at New York’s Maier Markey & Justic, a certified public-accounting firm that has had no dealings with Sharpton or National Action Network. “It appears that [Sharpton] does not file [taxes for his businesses], and then opens up something else. At all the entities we see he has opened up, he has not been compliant with the obligations of the owner of a business. . . . He’s either willful in his behavior, or he’s just sloppy.”

But it is the same with his personal taxes, too. It is well known that he owes at least $4.5 million in back taxes that he still has not paid nor made any provisions to pay.
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Report: Every Business Started by Al Sharpton Closed for Non-Payment of Taxes”

Why Inner City Blacks See Racism Everywhere and Think We Are Still in Slave Days and Whites Don’t

-By Warner Todd Huston

Inner city blacks have a skewed and untrue view of what America “is” today and it is because they live in all black neighborhoods. This often self-imposed isolation is also why white people don’t understand why blacks don’t see the progress that blacks have made in this country.

There is a myth of segregated neighborhoods in this country that lives strong, especially in the minds of blacks. The myth is that whites live only among whites and blacks among blacks. The myth is also part of the assumption that whites are racists who will neither let blacks live near them, nor will move to areas where blacks live thereby keeping blacks down.

This is part of the victim mentality that blacks have built up among themselves to explain why inner city neighborhoods are blighted. It’s always someone else’s fault.

But according to an article by Dan Keating in The Washington Post studies have shown that these days all white neighborhoods have plummeted to near non-existence in American cities.
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Why Inner City Blacks See Racism Everywhere and Think We Are Still in Slave Days and Whites Don’t”

Despite Rabble-Rousers Urging Ferguson Citizens to Vote, Few Bothered

-By Warner Todd Huston

After months of rioting, one of the main themes that many left-wing rabble-rousers have been pushing on residents of Ferguson is to register to vote so that they can “change” their local government. But despite all the rhetoric, few Ferguson residents bothered to vote last Tuesday.

A big criticism of Ferguson, Missouri’s government is that there are “too many white people” in it. Activists have maintained that only a slate full of black candidates can properly govern the largely black population of the city. So, to throw out the few whites on the council, activists have urged citizens to register to vote and usher in a utopian black government.

But despite all the caterwauling of activists, it appears that Ferguson residents still weren’t motivated very much to go register and vote.
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Despite Rabble-Rousers Urging Ferguson Citizens to Vote, Few Bothered”

VIDEO: Al Sharpton’s Chicago Town Hall Revolts Against Democrat Machine Politics

-By Warner Todd Huston

On Thursday, December 19, a town hall hosted by extremist left-winger Al Sharpton of MSNBC, went a bit sideways for him as the event turned into a revolt against Chicago’s Democrat machine politics instead of a forum for his left-wing “solutions” to the problems besetting Chicago’s African Americans.

Much to Sharpton’s dismay, the nearly 100% African American audience at Sharpton’s townhall roused a protest against former Obama operative and current Chicago Rahm Emanuel and the Democrat aldermen of City Hall for their decades of constant failure.

One 82-year-old area preacher even went so far as to call for tea party-styled meetings in the neighborhoods to address all going wrong in the black neighborhoods of Chicago.
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VIDEO: Al Sharpton’s Chicago Town Hall Revolts Against Democrat Machine Politics”

The Atrocity of Another Black/White Civil War

-By Kevin Roeten

In this war, no one wins. The country will be decimated, mistrust among the citizens will abound, and black/white racism will be rampant in the populace. What could possibly start a war among fellow citizens who share everything except the same skin color?

The war is coming. The clash between the majority of Blacks, and the majority of Whites seems imminent.

Several racial incidents may be harbingers. 1) Non-prosecution of the new Black Panthers in federal Voting Rights Act violations against white victims [No Whites Need Apply], 2) the US Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights (OCR) received almost 7,000 complaints (11% increase) over the past year [How’s That Post-Racial America Working Out for You?], 3) gerrymandering, and 4) purposeful indoctrination that lynching in America is still going on.
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The Atrocity of Another Black/White Civil War”

Flashback: Al Sharpton’s Followers Call Whites ‘The Devil,’ Al Says, ‘Don’t Worry About it’

-By Warner Todd Huston

Al Sharpton is all about stopping the “hate,” isn’t he? At least that’s what he always claims. So how did he react when his own supporters started calling white people “the devil” when a BBC reporter was interviewing him several years ago? He said whites should “ignore it” and “don’t worry about it.”

Not only did he brush off any worry that his own supporters were indulging in hate, he justified it as understandable because blacks “live in hell” in America and they have a right to call white oppressors the devil.
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Flashback: Al Sharpton’s Followers Call Whites ‘The Devil,’ Al Says, ‘Don’t Worry About it’”