Liberal Media Pushes Fake News That Florida Killer Was a Member of a ‘White Supremacist Group’

-By Warner Todd Huston

The media spent all day Thursday knocking itself out to “report” that Parkland school shooter Nicholas Cruz was part of a “white supremacist” group. But it turns out that the media was punk’d and the whole claim was a hoax.

We all know that the left-wing, old media establishment is the first sector of Americam society to warn us all not to “jump to conclusions” over religion when a killer who is suspected of being a Muslim gets in the news. The media gravely warns us not to call him a Muslim terrorist until “all the facts are in.” But in the case of this Parkland, Florida, school killer the media took the word of one un-vetted “white supremacist” who made the unsubstantiated claim that teenaged killer Nicholas Cruz was part of a white separatist group without doing one bit of checking on the claim.

On Thursday morning, February 15, the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) hastily published a story claiming that the leader of a Tallahassee-based group calling itself the Republic of Florida (ROF) had “admitted” that Parkland killer Nicholas Cruz was a member of his group.

This person, one Jordan Jereb, insisted that Cruz had been “training” with them and that an ROF member even bought Cruz a WWII-era bolt action rifle.

The ROF is a white supremacist/white separatist group that claims it is fighting for “white Identitarian politics.”

“Republic Of Florida is a white civil rights organization fighting for white Identitarian politics,” the group says on its website. “And the ultimate creation of a white ethnostate so we can be free from anti-white policies and have policies that reflect our values as white westerners. The ROF Militia is the armed forces of the Republic Of Florida.”

As soon as the ADL posted this tall tale, the media went wild to pick it up and proclaim it to be 100% fact.
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Liberal Media Pushes Fake News That Florida Killer Was a Member of a ‘White Supremacist Group’”

Gun-Grabbin Gabby Giffords Wants to Take Away Your… Muskets?

-By Warner Todd Huston

Former Congresswoman Gabby Giffords just gave us more proof that the left’s real goal with “gun control” is nothing short of a total elimination of the Second Amendment and a ban on all guns.

One of the first things that liberals insist when discussing “common sense gun control” is that they only want to make America safe, not put an end to the Second Amendment. They piously proclaim themselves to be stewards of the Constitution and insist that they don’t want to take your guns away from you.

Then there is their other claim, which the Second Amendment was written in an era where there are only muzzleloading muskets, so perhaps only muzzleloading guns are covered by the law of the land.

But they are liars. And Giffords just proved it.
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Gun-Grabbin Gabby Giffords Wants to Take Away Your… Muskets?”

Kim Kardashian Wants America’s Guns Banned, But Not For Her Bodyguards

-By Warner Todd Huston

TV reality show star Kim Kardashian, the woman who is famous because someone released her sex tape, is now trying to wade into political debates, this time saying that she wants heavier restrictions on America’s Second Amendment rights… but not for her armed bodyguards, of course.

In an attempt to prove that her large posterior isn’t her only asset, Kardashian attempted to show that she understands the anti-gun debate with an all-caps message posted to her website.

As the Daily Caller’s David Hookstead noted, “the message is crystal clear: rich and famous people should have the right to use guns to defend themselves, but it should be insanely hard for everybody else to get their hands on firearms.”

After blathering for several all-caps paragraphs on gun violence, Kardashian got to the nub of her argument with the following: Continue reading

Kim Kardashian Wants America’s Guns Banned, But Not For Her Bodyguards”

Liberal Virginia Governor Vetoes Bill Allowing Abused Women the Right to Protect Themselves

-By Warner Todd Huston

Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe (D, Clintoista) just vetoed a bill that would have allowed victims of domestic violence and abuse carry a concealed firearm without first going through the normal, time consuming permit process, especially if they have already filed for a protective order. And you thought Democrats for women’s safety, didn’t you?

McAuliffe, a long time Clinton operative, vetoed House Bill 1852 which would have authorized Virginians over the age of 21 and who are not otherwise prohibited to carry a firearm, to carry a concealed firearm for 45 days after an order of protection is filed against a purported abuser. The bill would have covered the waiting period that Virginians generally experience after applying for a concealed carry permit. Meaning that the bill would have allowed a vulnerable person (usually an abused woman) to get her right to carry a concealed handgun right away instead of having to remain unarmed for well over a month leaving her vulnerable to her abuser during that period.

The bill was passed with lopsided margins in both houses of the Virginia legislature. It passed 63-31 in the state’s House of Delegates and 26-14 in the Senate.
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Liberal Virginia Governor Vetoes Bill Allowing Abused Women the Right to Protect Themselves”

Black Males More Likely to Kill Police Than to be Killed By Police

-By Warner Todd Huston

The nation awoke to the murder of five police officers by sniper fire during a Black Lives Matter protest in Dallas, Texas, after President Obama spoke out on the earlier shootings of two black men by police in two different states. With these incidents in the news attention is once again turned to the strained relations between police and the community. But the evidence shows that police have far more to fear from African American males than the reverse.

In her new book, “The War On Cops,” author Heather MacDonald reveals FBI data showing that police officers are 18.5 times more likely to be killed by a black man than black men are of being killed by a cop. MacDonald also reports that 40 percent of all cop killers are black men. These statistics seem to prove that police have far more to fear from black males than black males have to fear at the hands of police.

To be sure MacDonald’s findings are at odds with the Black Lives Matter movement and even recent comments by President Obama.

In the afternoon of July 7 after news engulfed America that two young black men were killed by police, one in Louisiana and another in Minnesota, President Obama released a statement lamenting the shootings saying “all Americans should be troubled” by the two shootings.
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Black Males More Likely to Kill Police Than to be Killed By Police”

Forget Hillary, Even the Lowest State Democrat Does Not Care About Laws

-By Warner Todd Huston

As the nation shakes its collective head with the full understanding that the law does not apply to Bill and Hillary Clinton and that their corruption knows no bounds, another story slipped under the radar that proves that from the highest federal office to the lowest, local state official no Democrat cares a whit about law and all have simply decided to do anything and everything they want regardless of what the law says.

The fact that the FBI Director James Comey sold his integrity to the Clinton crime family machine aside, another story proved that Democrats just don’t care what the law says or how it has been adjudicated in the past, nor what the intent of the law even is.

The revealing incident occurred in Pennsylvania where Democrats had been ignoring a state law that maintains that local gun laws cannot be any more strict than the state’s provisions. In other words, the state law says no local city or township may pass an anti-gun ordinance that is more strict than the state’s rules.
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Forget Hillary, Even the Lowest State Democrat Does Not Care About Laws”

A Perfect Example of Western Foolishness: NYPost Claims ‘Love Beat ISIS’

-By Warner Todd Huston

The halfwits at the New York Post think that because a gay man fled Syria to become the grand marshall of a gay pride parade in the U.S. that “love beat ISIS.” This kid of idiocy is why the west can’t beat ISIS.

In his absurd piece grandiosely entitled, “Love Beats ISIS,” columnist Eric Hegedus gives us the story of 28-year-old Subhi Nahas who fled Syria in 2012 “after enduring years of oppression–both by the government and his own family.”

Hegedus describes the life of fear the young gay man led until he finally made it to the U.S. in 2015. He even reported that a childhood acquaintance of the refugee’s had joined ISIS then threatened to track Nahas down and kill him for being gay.

The other particulars of this young gay Syrian’s life are unimportant to the point that the writer of the piece imagines that his activism for his gay brothers here in the U.S. and in the Middle East somehow “beat ISIS.”
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A Perfect Example of Western Foolishness: NYPost Claims ‘Love Beat ISIS’”

U.S. Appeals Court Rules Americans Have a Right to Buy and Sell Firearms

-By Warner Todd Huston

In a new ruling the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit maintained that Americans have a Constitutional right to acquire and sell arms.

The Ninth Circuit Court remanded the case of Teixeira v. County of Alameda back to a lower court informing it the court that the Second Amendment and its history protects the rights of Americans to self-defense including the “right to acquire weapons” as well as own them.

This puts a dent in the city of Alameda’s regulations that practically bans the opening of any gun store in the city.
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U.S. Appeals Court Rules Americans Have a Right to Buy and Sell Firearms”

Obama to Make One More Push Against Guns Before He Leaves Office

-By Warner Todd Huston

As he looks to the exit as the last year of his last term winds down, Barack Obama is about to take one more stab at curtailing the Second Amendment with yet another push to force so-called “smart gun” technology on the firearms industry and it’s a plan even police officers stand against.

Obama has failed to limit the Second Amendment like he had hoped to do when he came into office, but that isn’t for lack of trying and as his last term comes to an end he is once again trying to force the nation’s law enforcement community to set aside their proven, usable firearms and instead begin using problematic “smart gun” technology.

With his latest anti-gun policy, the President is urging federal and local policing agencies to purchase so-called “smart guns” quite despite that there is no current technology reliable enough for law enforcement use. And police say they don’t want to be Obama’s guinea pigs.

According to Politico, already sick and tired of how badly the Obama administration has treated them with years of backbiting since the Ferguson, Missouri riots, the nation’s law enforcement community (both federal and local) are not much interested in helping Obama prove the so far unworkable smart gun technology as a viable option.
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Obama to Make One More Push Against Guns Before He Leaves Office”

Chelsea Clinton Spills the Beans on Hillary’s Plans to Confiscate Guns Using the Supreme Court

-By Warner Todd Huston

We here are the Federalist Papers Project have been warning that if Hillary Clinton becomes President she will be a true anti-gun president and will seek to confiscate our guns and put a major crimp in our Second Amendment rights. Now Hilary’s own daughter, Chelsea, is flat out admitting that what we have been saying here is 100 percent correct: Hillary will seek to destroy the Second Amendment.

In an MSNBC broadcast of comments made at a campaign event in Maryland, Chelsea Clinton flat out admitted that her mother would seek to undermine the Second Amendment and take away our rights. Chelsea also specifically noted her mother will stack the Supreme Court with extremist liberals who will follow her policy to destroy the Second Amendment.

“It matters to me that my mom also recognizes the role the Supreme Court has when it comes to gun control,” Chelsea said this month. “With Justice Scalia on the bench, one of the few areas where the Court actually had an inconsistent record relates to gun control. Sometimes the Court upheld local and state gun control measures as being compliant with the Second Amendment and sometimes the Court struck them down.”

“So if you listen to Moms Demand Action and the Brady Campaign and the major efforts pushing for smart, sensible and enforceable gun control across our country, disclosure, have endorsed my mom, they say they believe the next time the Court rules on gun control, it will make a definitive ruling,” Clinton added. “So it matters to me that my mom is the only person running for president who not only constantly makes that connection but also has a strong record on gun control and standing up to the NRA.”
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Chelsea Clinton Spills the Beans on Hillary’s Plans to Confiscate Guns Using the Supreme Court”

Hillary Clinton Hints She’ll Back Gun Confiscation as President

-By Warner Todd Huston

At a recent campaign event on so-called “gun violence,” Hillary Clinton said Americans own too many guns and then said she’d do something about this “problem” when she becomes president. What else could this mean but confiscation?

Clinton was speaking at round-table-like forum on guns held at St. Paul’s Baptist Church in Philadelphia, where she insisted we have too many guns.

“When it comes to guns? We have just too many guns,” Hillary said to the applause of those in attendance. “On the streets, in our homes, in our neighborhoods.”

She went on to say America must address the “epidemic” of guns and hinted that if she were to become president she would do something about it all. But what would that “doing something” look like?

Well, it must be remembered that last year Clinton spoke positively about the gun confiscation policy imposed on the people of Australia. Clinton said the Australian policy is one “worth considering” and said it could be imposed using the Obama program “Cash for Clunkers” as a model.
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Hillary Clinton Hints She’ll Back Gun Confiscation as President”

Liberalism Drips From ‘X-files’ Reboot, Slams Fox News and the Second Amendment

-By Warner Todd Huston

On Sunday evening after football the eagerly awaited first installment of the six-part “X-Files” reboot aired on Fox. Unfortunately, the writers let their liberalism interfere with common sense story telling as the first half of the show featured slams n Fox News host Bill O’Reilly and an attack on America’s right to keep and bear arms.

The mini-series begins with the ostensibly conservative host of an internet-based TV show seeking out our intrepid FBI agents Fox Mulder (David Duchovny) and Dana Scully (Gillian Anderson). The character’s name is a not-so-subtle allusion to Bill O’Reilly and the connection is made all the more tangible when O’Reilly is even cited as another crazy, conservative, conspiracy theorist.

The web TV host character is unsubtly named “Tad O’Malley” (Joel McHale) and the first words we hear from him are when Mulder brings his show up on a laptop computer.

Mulder opens his lap top to reveal an appearance of Barack Obama on the Jimmy Kimmel show playing across the screen. The FBI agent switches his screen to the “Tad O’Malley” show and we hear the host saying, “…it comes down to this: It’s the mainstream liberal media lying to you about life, liberty, and your god given right to bear arms.”

Immediately Mulder asks, “Why would I watch this jackass, Scully?”
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Liberalism Drips From ‘X-files’ Reboot, Slams Fox News and the Second Amendment”

Video From Oregon Activist: ‘We’re Breaking NO Laws’ But Warns They Are Armed—NO RUBY RIDGE

-By Warner Todd Huston

As patriots gather outside the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge near Burns, Oregon, all eyes are on the activists gathered there to protest what they feel is a government gone wild. Many of the activists are armed raising some fears that bloodshed could result if Obama’s government sends armed officials to clear them out. But one activist has a warning and a promise for officials.

In a video posted to Facebook, activist Jon Ritzheimer told those watching his video that he and his fellows have gathered to defend their Constitutional rights.

Close to the end of the video the activist explains one of the reasons that he and his fellows are protesting. He says that the refuge is “swallowing up ranches.”

On the video Ritzheimer continues saying, “this refuge here we found out is also the largest and it’s getting bigger and bigger. It’s swallowing up ranchers. It’s already kicked off over 100 ranchers from this land.”

Still, Ritzheimer goes to pains to point out that the land they are camping on is public land and that they aren’t breaking any laws. He further points out that there has been no vandalism of the park. He insists, “there’s nothing illegal taking place here.”

“This land belongs to ‘we the people.’ It’s outlined right here in the Constitution,” Ritzheimer says.
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Video From Oregon Activist: ‘We’re Breaking NO Laws’ But Warns They Are Armed—NO RUBY RIDGE”

Advance Preview of Obama’s ‘Terrorism’ Address: ‘America, We Must Become a Nation of Sheep Led to the ISIL Slaughter’

-By Warner Todd Huston

We here at have been fortunate enough to be afforded a sneak peek at Obama’s “terror” address that he will be giving today. Without further ado, the president of the United States:

My fellow Americans, tonight I felt it was important to come before you so that you could hear what I think about these horrible attacks my country has suffered these last few weeks.

Certainly I grieve for those who fell victim to the gun violence my country is embroiled in. I am heart broken by the loss the victims’ families feel and understand their pain. Sadly, with their lives filled with the pain caused by the Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, they have little room in their minds to help me advance my ideas. Tonight I hope to put an end to that.

Many un-American people who don’t understand who we are as a people want to continue this wretched gun culture that has made me embarrassed to visit other countries. To them I say “no more.” No more will I sit idly by and allow them their Second Amendment rights. No more will I allow my people to stand armed against my policies. No more will I let my countrymen to have the last, best chance to answer back to terrorists by being armed with needless, dangerous, assault guns.

My country is suffering an occupation of sorts worse than any ISIL terrorist invasion. Republicans who cannot accept that I won are certainly more dangerous than any ISIL terrorist, especially since my policies have completely contained ISIL to a small and dwindling part of Iraq and portions of Syria.
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Advance Preview of Obama’s ‘Terrorism’ Address: ‘America, We Must Become a Nation of Sheep Led to the ISIL Slaughter’”

NOT a Victim: The Story of the Armed Black Man Stopped by Cops and WHY He DIDN’T Go to Jail

-By Warner Todd Huston

Everyday the liberal, old media establishment search for stories of black men illicitly accosted by our “raaaaacist” law enforcement community. So, you probably won’t hear this story of the armed African American who had an out-of-date driver’s license and other violations and was stopped by police but wasn’t arrested, or beaten up, or killed.

The story comes from the Facebook posting of a fellow named Steven Hildreth, Jr., an African American who wanted to tell the whole world about his encounter with the Tucson, Arizona police department.

But, unlike so many others looking to score big in the racebaiting industry, Mr. Hildreth didn’t post his story to call raaaacism, or attack our men in blue. In fact, Hildreth not only had the opposite message, but he even had a moral to pass on for why he wasn’t beaten up or harassed by police even though he was an armed black man who had some registration violations.

In fact, I’m not going to even rewrite his story. Here it is as he posted it on October 27:

So, I’m driving to my office to turn in my weekly paperwork. A headlight is out. I see a Tucson Police Department squad vehicle turn around and follow me. I’m already preparing for the stop.

The lights go on and I pull over. The officer asks me how I’m doing, and then asks if I have any weapons.

“Yes, sir. I’m a concealed carry permit holder and my weapon is located on my right hip. My wallet is in my back-right pocket.”

The officer explains for his safety and mine, he needs to disarm me for the stop. I understand, and I unlock the vehicle. I explain that I’m running a 7TS ALS holster but from the angle, the second officer can’t unholster it. Lead officer asks me to step out, and I do so slowly. Officer relieves me of my Glock and compliments the X300U I’m running on it. He also sees my military ID and I tell him I’m with the National Guard.

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NOT a Victim: The Story of the Armed Black Man Stopped by Cops and WHY He DIDN’T Go to Jail”

There Is No Reason The Environmental Protection Agency Needs Military Weaponry

-By Warner Todd Huston

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is a perfect example of an agency that needs to be cut back, defunded, and dis-empowered. A recent examination of its budget shows that it has spent tens of millions on assembling its own private army replete with aircraft, machine guns, body armor, and tanks not to mention money wasted helping foreigners push “global warming” and unnecessary “grants” given to partisan, left-wing groups to push so-called “environmental justice.”

Open the Books, a watchdog group out of Illinois run by Adam Andrzejewski, has released an oversight report showing the waste, fraud, and abuse endemic in the EPA and proves that this agency is ripe for reform.

“Our report discovered that when the EPA comes knocking they are armed with a thousand lawyers, arrest/criminal data, credit, business and property histories, plus a ‘Special Agent’ with the latest in weaponry and technology,” Open The Books notes.

Each of these so-called “special agents” cost the American Taxpayer $216,000 per year, the report finds.

Now, before we get further into the utter waste and illicit spending on itself, we need to also point out the money the EPA wastes by throwing it out at unworthy private entities in “grants.” Open The Books (OTB) discovered that the agency spent over $72 billion giving grants to outside groups and non-governmental organizations for their partisan, left-wing causes.
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There Is No Reason The Environmental Protection Agency Needs Military Weaponry”

In June John McCain Defeated a Move to Arm Our Solders at Recruiting Centers and Bases

-By Warner Todd Huston

In June, Nevada’s Republican Sen. Dean Heller tried to get the Pentagon to change its practice of banning arms from our soldiers on bases and in recruiting centers here in America. Unfortunately for our soldiers, John McCain was the principle foe of the move and helped to defeat the arming of our soldiers, a decision that recently had deadly consequences in Tennessee.

Last week Nebraska Senator Dean Heller appeared spoke to radio host Kevin Wall on KKFT AM in Carson City, NV, to talk about his amendment and noted that John McCain himself defeated the move to arm our soldiers.

Here is the audio of Heller’s visit to KKFT:
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In June John McCain Defeated a Move to Arm Our Solders at Recruiting Centers and Bases”

Gun Banning Group Proposes Gov’t Use its Gun Buying ‘Power’ To End Run the Constitution

-By Warner Todd Huston

On Friday a group of left-wing “ministers” in some little-known “social justice” organization was given the platform of The New York Times to flog their ideas on how to ban guns. Their idea was to use the “buying power” the US government ostensibly has to force gun manufacturers to toe the gun banning line or face a reduction in federal guns and ammo purchases. Essentially, these purported ministers want to use the federal government’s buying status as a way to make an end run around the courts and the Constitution.

For the Metro Industrial Areas Foundation–a group that claims its goal is to “build power for social change”–authors the Rev. David K. Brawley, the Rev. Otis Moss III, the Rev. David Benke and Rabbi Joel Mosbacher had a novel if insidious idea on how to beat the courts, the Constitution, and force their ideas about guns on the country in a totally unaccountable manner.

They want their activist ideas implemented through the back door by having the US government force changes in the gun industry using its billions per year in guns and ammo purchases as a big stick to beat the industry into submission.

This would be no less than the federal government interfering in commerce on a massive scale.
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Gun Banning Group Proposes Gov’t Use its Gun Buying ‘Power’ To End Run the Constitution”

MSNBC’s Mitchell Claims TN Terrorist Killed Because He’s a Southern Gun Nut, Not Because He’s Muslim

-By Warner Todd Huston

MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell was so desperate to absolve Islam as a motive for yesterday’s terror attack by a Tennessee Muslim she tried to get a classmate of the murderer to say that the killer liked southern culture, guns, and hunting like other southerners do. Because, you know, conservative southerners are more prone to terror than Muslims are, right?

Mitchell was interviewing one of id’d murderer Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez’ classmates about what other kids thought of him when he was at Red Bank High School in Red Bank, Tennessee–a city just across the river from Chattanooga.

Mitchell launched into an odd line of questioning about Abdulazeez, a line of questioning that confused the killer’s classmate. Mitchell wanted to know if the killer was “part of small-town Tennessee activity” like shooting and gun culture.

“Were guns a big part of activities—social or other activities?” Mitchell asked the young woman who went to high school with the killer..
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MSNBC’s Mitchell Claims TN Terrorist Killed Because He’s a Southern Gun Nut, Not Because He’s Muslim”

CNN Host Calls Terrorist Who Attacked Dallas Police ‘Very Courageous and Brave’

-By Warner Todd Huston

Are you a domestic terrorist who, for whatever reason, decide to plant homemade bombs and then lay in wait outside a Dallas police station to kill cops? Well if you are you have a big fan on CNN. Lucky for you there’s an on air talent who says that you are “very courageous and brave” to try and kill cops. Thanks for revealing yourself, CNN’s Fredericka Whitfield.

Whitfield hit the air Saturday morning after the terrorist attacked police and was then killed for his effort. She was simply awed by the “brave” work of wacko James Boulware who perpetrated the attack and was later taken out by the Dallas police.

For CNN’s Whitfield, Boulware’s fine, fine work as “was very courageous and brave, if not crazy as well, to open fire on the police headquarters.”

Several folks on Twitter were mystified if not outright outraged by the CNN anchor’s decision to define this nutjob as “brave.”

In any case, now we have CNN lining up firmly with cop killers, eh? So, we’ve got that going for us, which is nice.
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CNN Host Calls Terrorist Who Attacked Dallas Police ‘Very Courageous and Brave’”

Ben Carson STILL Trying to ‘Clarify’ His Stance on Guns

-By Warner Todd Huston

One of possible GOP presidential candidate Ben Carson’s problems is his mixed message on the Second Amendment. In some discussions he seems to be for restrictions and in others says he is 100 percent supporting of the right to bear arms. And this weekend at the NRA convention Carson is again trying to “clarify” his stance on guns.

Over the past year, neurosurgeon Carson has said things that brought criticism from gun rights advocates and caused some to even wonder if he knows how guns even work.

Only a few weeks ago, for instance, Carson told Glenn Beck that he felt that guns should be restricted in urban areas but not rural areas. He also felt that Americans have no right to semi-automatic weapons.

“It depends on where you live,” Carson told Beck. “I think if you live in the midst of a lot of people, and I’m afraid that that semi-automatic weapon is going to fall into the hands of a crazy person, I would rather you not have it.”
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Ben Carson STILL Trying to ‘Clarify’ His Stance on Guns”

It’s ‘Elementary’: Another TV Show Reveals Anti-Gun Ignorance

-By Warner Todd Huston

During last Thursday’s broadcast of the CBS mystery series Elementary, a modernized take on Sherlock Holmes, we got yet another woeful example of the anti-gun foolishness we see on network TV. In the case of this show we not only got another I hate guns speech from the star of the show, we also got a whole lot of bull crap presented as gun “facts.”

Now, in this series the main character played by English actor Johnny Lee Miller, presented as a genius, is chasing down a murderer who used a gun to kill several people. As the plot trudged onward to the final chapter, Sherlock Holmes noted that they found out about the gun used in the crime. At one point, Holmes says he had “traced back to a private trader at a gun show in Virginia.”

But before he continued about this purported “tracing,” Holmes snarked about how monstrous America was because you could buy a gun from a gun dealer at a gun show and skip all that darned ol’ background checking and paperwork.
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It’s ‘Elementary’: Another TV Show Reveals Anti-Gun Ignorance”

Vivek Murthy: Obama’s New Anti-Gun Surgeon General

-By Warner Todd Huston

On Monday, the Senate has approved Vivek Murthy to be the next U.S. surgeon general. Murthy is many things, of course, he is a far, far left-wing activist, and a stolid liberal, but one thing he definitely is, is a major anti-gun nut, a man who hates the US Constitution.

Murthy has said that banning guns is part of “medicine” calling guns in America a “public health crisis.” He is the president and co-founder of Doctors for America, a group that pushes hard for massive gun confiscation laws.

Early this year the National Rifle Association warned the nation against allowing this hater of the US Constitution from being made America’s Surgeon General.
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Vivek Murthy: Obama’s New Anti-Gun Surgeon General”

Bias Du Jour: The Media Dubs Sydney Terrorist a ‘Self-Styled Cleric’ to Distance Him From Islam

-By Warner Todd Huston

As the dust is still settling around the hostage taking incident in Sydney, Australia, several things are already known. We know that the hostage taker is a Muslim terrorist. But in an effort to absolve Islam, the media is employing some rather interesting rhetoric. In order to distance this terrorist from Islam, the media is calling him a “self-styled cleric.”

On Sunday (Monday Sydney time) a gunman stormed a cafe in Sydney, one of the nation’s biggest cities in the state of New South Wales. At one point during the standoff that developed with police, the terrorist forced some of the people in the cafe to hold a black ISIS flag against the window, thereby fully describing his cause as terrorism.

The man has been identified as a Muslim named Haron Monis, a man who came to Australia from Iran for political asylum. He has a record of terrorist-like activities having been arrested in the past for harassing families of fallen Australian soldiers. Monis is a suspect in several murders in cases separate from the hostage-taking incident and he has a record of sexual assault and petty theft.
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Bias Du Jour: The Media Dubs Sydney Terrorist a ‘Self-Styled Cleric’ to Distance Him From Islam”

WI Police Chief Demands Citizens Allow Cops to Roam Through Homes Looking for Guns

-By Warner Todd Huston

Hear that pounding at your door? It is the Beloit, Wisconsin, police chief demanding that you allow him and his jackbooted thug officers to roam through your house looking for guns. Seriously. That is what Chief Norm Jacobs wants citizens of his town to allow.

This has to be one of the most un-American ideas imaginable. To allow government thugs to freely roam through your home looking for something that under the Constitution you are allowed to have in the first place is a bad, bad idea.

But not only is Chief Jacobs a promulgator of anti-American policies, he is also a screeching purveyor of hyperbole. In his address to the city, he said guns were *just like* Ebola.

“Gun violence is as serious as the Ebola virus is being represented in the media, and we should fight it using the tools that we’ve learned from our health providers,” the chief said last week.

Hear that, America? Chief Jacobs thinks your Second Amendment rights is like a virus. If that isn’t a perfect example of the way leftists think there is no better example.
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WI Police Chief Demands Citizens Allow Cops to Roam Through Homes Looking for Guns”

Stormtrooper Austin Police Chief Wants Citizens to Inform On ‘Gun Enthusiasts’

-By Warner Todd Huston

The police Chief of Austin, the most left-wing city in Texas, is demanding that citizens tell police if they have a friend, neighbor or family member who loves guns. You read that right. Just like in Soviet times when the KGB demanded that people inform on each other, this officer of the law is demanding that citizens snitch on anyone that owns a gun so police can create some sort of hit list of gun owners in the city.

In a December 1 press conference, Acevedo said that it was his job to “vet” people who own guns. Apparently, Austin Police Chief Art Acevedo thinks it is his job to go door to door to assess whether citizens should be allowed to exercise their Second Amendment rights.

During the presser, the chief said the following:
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Stormtrooper Austin Police Chief Wants Citizens to Inform On ‘Gun Enthusiasts’”

Arkansas Shooting Range Owner Declares Business ‘Muslim-Free Zone’

-By Warner Todd Huston

The owner of an Arkansas gun range has announced that no Muslims are welcome at her shooting range because Islam “demands” that Muslims kill non-believers.

Jan Morgan, the owner of the Hot Springs, Arkansas-based Gun Cave Indoor Shooting Range has said in a long post that she sees no reason why she has to open her business to people that want to kill her.
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Arkansas Shooting Range Owner Declares Business ‘Muslim-Free Zone’”

County Officials in Florida Sidestep Law to Intimidate Gun Dealers

-By Warner Todd Huston

In Florida only the state is allowed to make laws, rules, or regulations that affect gun dealers. So, county officials are trying to intimidate gun shops into toeing their arbitrary “rules” even though the locals have no power at all to make such rules.

In an effort to sidestep state laws, county officials are urging gun dealers who sell ammunition and weapons to police to “voluntarily” follow new rules created by officials–rules that have no force of law.
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County Officials in Florida Sidestep Law to Intimidate Gun Dealers”