Joseph and Mary Were NOT ‘Refugees,’ ‘Immigrants,’ or ‘Homeless’–Stop Saying They Were

-By Warner Todd Huston

It is that time of year again when left-wingers try to warp the Bible to support their anti-American ideals and this time of year they often abuse the birth of Christ by saying that Christ’s earthly parents, Joseph and Mary, were either homeless, were refugees, or were immigrants. But in truth, they were NONE of those things.

A few years ago, ABC chief political analyst Matthew Dowd jumped to his Twitter account to make the shop-worn and false liberal claim that Jesus Christ’s parents, Joseph and Mary, were “two immigrants” in Bethlehem in the tale of the first Christmas. It all amounts to fake news that is over 2,000 years old.

Going back thousands of years for his Christmas Eve fake news, Dowd skewed the Christmas nativity story by saying Joseph and Mary were “immigrants” who were turned away by many in the town. “Let us remember today,” Dowd wrote, “2 immigrants, a man and his very pregnant wife, sought shelter & were turned away by many. She gave birth in a manger.”
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Joseph and Mary Were NOT ‘Refugees,’ ‘Immigrants,’ or ‘Homeless’–Stop Saying They Were”

THIS is How UN-American CNN Is: Anchor Mistakes Amer. Nat’l Anthem for French Nat’l Anthem

-By Warner Todd Huston

Showing how un-American CNN truly is, as President Trump wrapped up his visit to Europe on Thursday, he stood with French President Emmanuel Macron to hear each country’s national anthems. But as the American anthem rang out, CNN’s Poppy Harlow thought she heard the strains of the French anthem instead of the “Star Spangled Banner.”

That’s right CNN’s anchor didn’t even recognize our nation anthem.

As she blathered about other things she has no real knowledge about, the band struck up the American anthem and Harlow said, “Let’s just listen in to the French national anthem for just a moment.”

Trump put his hand over his heart — a visual cue to Harlow, at least, if she doesn’t know what our national anthem sounds like.

Someone in the newsroom likely told her in her ear piece that it was the “Star Spangled Banner” playing, not the French “La Marseillaise.”

Then she blurted out, that it was our anthem, not France’s.

But the fact that CNN’s anchor had no idea what the national anthem of her own country sounded like is telling.
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THIS is How UN-American CNN Is: Anchor Mistakes Amer. Nat’l Anthem for French Nat’l Anthem”

No, Fake News Media, Thomas Jefferson is NOT the ‘First President to Have a Muslim Iftar Dinner’

-By Warner Todd Huston

The media is upset this weekend that President Donald Trump canceled the “White House Muslim Iftar Dinner tradition started by Thomas Jefferson.” But the media is wrong in every respect. Thomas Jefferson never held any Iftar dinner and only three out of 45 presidents ever hosted one, so there is no such “tradition” to cancel.

Amy B. Wang of the Washington Post led the pack with this nonsense that Thomas Jefferson held the “first Iftar dinner” with a June 24 piece entitled, “Trump just ended a long tradition of celebrating Ramadan at the White House.” (If you can’t see the article at the Washington Post, it can be seen at the Greensboro News & Record.)

Once again the claim that Thomas Jefferson held the first Iftar dinner at the White House was trotted out by the Post’s Wang. She recounted the time when the diplomatic envoy from the Bey of Tunis, Sidi Soliman Melli Melli, visited Washington during Ramadan in 1805.

Jefferson invited the envoy to the White House for dinner at 3:30 PM — the time most Washingtonians had dinner in those days. But after he sent the invitation he was told that Melli Melli could not partake of a meal until after sunset because of Ramadan. Thomas Jefferson was faced with two choices: cancel the dinner entirely or simply have the meal later in the evening at a time when his guest could attend. Being a good host and a decent person, Jefferson chose the latter.

But in fact, all Jefferson did was change the time of his meal. He had no intention of honoring Islam. Jefferson simply was not honoring the religion of “the Musselmen” — as he termed Muslims at the time — when he changed the time of the meal. Also, there is no evidence that Jefferson asked Melli Melli what sort of food a “Musselman” would eat, so no special food was prepared to suit a Muslim’s religious needs. Jefferson neither inquired about religious accommodations nor was any made. All he did was move the time of the meal as a courtesy.

Further, Jefferson sent no letters containing proclamations about the meal being an Iftar dinner nor mentioning Islam, he never mentioned such honors in his private papers, and there is no record that he spoke to anyone about his intentions to honor the Muslim practice of an Iftar dinner.

But to the Post’s Wang, that Jefferson had a dinner at all was somehow proof positive that he invented a “tradition” of some sort. And what was the “proof” she presented that it was in Iftar dinner? She quoted the words of liberal historian John Ragosta who gave the scintillating argument, “Yeah, it sounds to me like an Iftar dinner.”

Wang went on to insist there has been a “modern tradition” of having an Iftar dinner at the White House. But in truth, only three presidents in all of American history ever held an Iftar dinner.

Bill Clinton held the first one. His dinner was politically motivated because at the time the growing Muslim-American community was leaning toward becoming a Republican constituency and Clinton was looking to peel Muslim voters away from the GOP.

George W. Bush followed Clinton’s practice of holding Iftar dinners because he wanted to prove that the U.S. wasn’t looking to go to war with all of Islam in the wake of the attacks on 9/11/2001 and the subsequent implementation of the war on terror. His celebration of Iftar was a diplomatic effort.

And, naturally, Barack Obama held them because he had a personal connection to Islam through his childhood growing up in Indonesia and being raised during that time as a Muslim.

But three presidents out of 45 does not make a “tradition.”
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No, Fake News Media, Thomas Jefferson is NOT the ‘First President to Have a Muslim Iftar Dinner’”

Video Shows CNN’s Becky Anderson Appearing to Stage a Muslim ‘Protest’ Against London Terror Attacks

-By Warner Todd Huston

A new video seems to show a CNN camera crew preparing to film a standup with reporter Becky Anderson and carefully staging a group of Muslims holding signs protesting the London terror attacks to make it look as if London’s Muslims were standing against terrorism.

The video shows CNN crew members carefully placing Muslim-looking people holding pre-printed signs with slogans such as #ForLondon, #TurnToLove, and #ISIS=EnemiesToHumanity. The bearded and scarf-wearing group are urged into a tight grouping after being placed one-by-one on the street to the rear of CNN’s Becky Anderson who is clearly waiting for staffers to finish placing the “protesters,”

As the video begins, it even appears that Anderson herself is motioning to crew members on where the ersatz peace protesters should stand. She then patiently stands by and watches as the placement is carried out.

The resulting staged photos and video then appeared on the BBC and the Associated Press.

A reporter for the Associated Press, Raphael Satter, went even farther saying in a Tweet that, “A group of London Muslims have come bearing flowers and posters saying ‘ISIS will lose’ and ‘Love will win’ across a photo of Tower Bridge.” Nowhere did Satter tell his readers that the “flower bearers” were staged by CNN’s camera crews.

The video was first posted by Mark Antro in London. Antro also noticed that CNN moved the white police officers out of the camera shot and replaced them with Asian officers.

The video of the CNN crew carefully placing the “protesters for peace” smacks of fake news and raises questions about the veracity of everything CNN reports about terrorism, Islam, and the role of peaceful Muslims in today’s overheated climate. Continue reading

Video Shows CNN’s Becky Anderson Appearing to Stage a Muslim ‘Protest’ Against London Terror Attacks”

‘Last Man Standing’ Star Tim Allen ‘Blindsided’ By cancellation of His Popular Sitcom

-By Warner Todd Huston

After the hilarious ABC sitcom, “Last Man Standing,” was canceled this month, many fans became suspicious that the network only dumped the popular show because of its conservative political content. Now the show’s star, comedian and actor Tim Allen, is also expressing how shocked he is over the fate of the show.

Allen, who is famous for his center-right political leanings, jumped to his Twitter account to tell fans that he, too, was surprised that his show got the ax. In his May 16 tweet, Allen said he was “stunned and blindsided” that ABC put an end to the series.

ABC cancelled the conservative-friendly show despite that it was still earning some of the better sitcom ratings on network TV. Whereas most of the shows ABC cancelled had seen steady ratings declines, “Last Man Standing” was still often winning its time slot and had experienced no meaningful loss of viewers.
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‘Last Man Standing’ Star Tim Allen ‘Blindsided’ By cancellation of His Popular Sitcom”

Texas Lawmakers Falling for Fake News Predictions of Financial Disaster with New Bathroom Bill

-By Warner Todd Huston

As the Texas legislature debates its own version of North Carolina’s bill to protect vulnerable women and children in public restrooms, some Lone Star lawmakers have fallen for a false report issued by the president of the Texas Association of Business (TAB) who has floated debunked claims predicting dire economic repercussions if the state passes the bill into law.

The state has been debating the merits of Senate Bill 6, also known as the Texas “bathroom bill,” meant to protect the privacy of women and children and maintaining that people must use facilities based only on their birth gender.

The measure is similar to North Carolina’s year-old HB2 which brought attacks from liberals across the country and sparked boycotts by entertainers and sports leagues.

North Carolina was hit with a series of boycotts by entertainers and sports leagues after it passed its own bathroom bill early in 2016. The threat of boycotts is what TAB President Chris Wallace warned about in his debunked report insisting that Texas would loose billions if it were to pass its own bathroom bill. Wallace warned Texas legislators that passing SB 6 would cost the state up to 185,000 jobs and as much as $8.5 billion in lost revenues, according to Breitbart News.

But even the purported “successful” boycotts launched against North Carolina were a dismal failure.
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Texas Lawmakers Falling for Fake News Predictions of Financial Disaster with New Bathroom Bill”

Newest Trump Travel Order Block by Hawaii Judge/Obama Pal Proves ‘Law’ Means Nothing to Liberals

-By Warner Todd Huston

On Wednesday an extremist, left-wing “judge” in Hawaii — who turns out to be Obama’s law school classmate — proved that the law doesn’t mean anything at all to a liberal by issuing an illicit order to halt President Trump’s latest travel order only hours before it was to take effect.

Hawaii District Judge Derrick Watson issued a hold on Trump’s March 6 Executive Order 13780 which was aimed at putting a temporary moratorium on travel from several terror-torn nations. Trump’s order was predicated on a careful review of legal and constitutional rulings, plus national security reasons, to put a temporary halt immigration from six terrorism-prone Muslim countries, all formerly identified as countries of concern by the Obama administration last year. The order to halt the influx of so-called “refugees” from these nations was ordered pending the creation of new screening procedures to exclude those who may in fact be terrorists posing as immigrants or “refugees.”

With his order, this leftist “judge” specifically mentioned two sections of EO 13,780; sections 2 and 6.
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Newest Trump Travel Order Block by Hawaii Judge/Obama Pal Proves ‘Law’ Means Nothing to Liberals”

The Hysteria Over Trumps Nonexistent ‘Muslim Ban’ Grows by the Minute

-By Warner Todd Huston

The left and their minions in the media are losing their collective mind over President Donald J. Trump’s temporary halt to immigration from a list of terror-sponsoring nations and it appears that they are trying to bully him into withdrawing his order. Thus far they are not winning… and that’s a good thing, too.

First of all, the 90-day moratorium on immigration from these troubled nations is not a “Muslim ban” nor is it something that Trump just dreamed up out of nowhere. After all, Trump merely strengthened an Obama policy with this whole deal.

The order specifically maintains that “The United States cannot, and should not, admit those who would place violent ideologies over American law,” and goes on to list the several nations Obama already flagged several years ago. That’s right, the list of nations, Libya, Yemen, Somalia, Iran, Syria, Iraq and Sudan, were already signaled out by Obama in 2015. Obama called them countries of concern.

As an aside, speaking of other presidents, the left’s favorite anti-American ex-president, Jimmy Carter, also banned certain Muslim immigrants when in 1980 he banned Iranians from entering the U.S.A. after Iran’s Islamic revolution and the Hostage Crisis.

So, before we even get into this topic, you must understand that this is not that “new” nor is it a “Muslim ban,” and the liberals making these claims are simply lying.
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The Hysteria Over Trumps Nonexistent ‘Muslim Ban’ Grows by the Minute”

Black Professor and CNN Mouth Calls All Blacks Who Dare Meet With Trump ‘Mediocre Negroes’

-By Warner Todd Huston

In yet another example of the hate that liberals promulgate, African American professor and CNN contributor Marc Lamont Hill decided that any black person who dares talk to Donald Trump must hence forward be dismissed and branded a “mediocre negro.”

This is what Morehouse College Professor and CNN Commentator Marc Lamont Hill said on Monday’s “CNN Tonight.” Hill, a professor of the fake discipline called “African American Studies,” was once again seen on CNN accusing Donald Trump of being a “racist.” But he also engaged in that long practice indulged by the black left of Uncle Toming other blacks who won’t toe the liberal line.

During the show Hill decided that any black person who has the temerity to meet with the President-Elect should be labeled a “mediocre negro,” essentially labeling any black he doesn’t like an inconsequential person, Breitbart News reported.

Hill’s name calling started when CNN host Don Lemon reminded the panel that black comedian Steve Harvey recently visited Trump in New York. During his comments on Harvey’s visit with Trump Hill decided that Harvey was one of “a bunch of mediocre negroes being dragged in front of TV as a photo-op for Donald Trump’s exploitative campaign against black people.”
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Black Professor and CNN Mouth Calls All Blacks Who Dare Meet With Trump ‘Mediocre Negroes’”

Hate Crime Hoax: Black Man Arrested Made for ‘Vote Trump’ Burning of Mississippi Church

-By Warner Todd Huston

Police were investigating the burning of an African American church in Mississippi as a hate crime after graffiti reading “vote Trump” was found spray painted on an outside wall. But now authorities have reported that a black man has been arrested for the crime and race hate has been abandoned as a motive.

According to Mississippi Department of Public Safety spokesman Warren Strain, Leland, Mississippi, African American resident Andrew McClinton was charged with first-degree arson of a place of worship, CBS News Channel 3 reported Wednesday.

McClinton was arrested for the destruction of the Hopewell Missionary Baptist Church in Greenville, Mississippi. The church was burned on November 1, seven days before the 2016 Election Day.

The sanctuary of the church was heavily damaged while the rest of the building suffered water and smoke damage, authorities reported last month. The structure was deemed a total loss.
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Hate Crime Hoax: Black Man Arrested Made for ‘Vote Trump’ Burning of Mississippi Church”

Pakistani Village That Murdered a Dozen Teens for ‘Honor’ Again Shows Barbarity of Islam

-By Warner Todd Huston

A story of the “honor killings” of nearly a dozen teenagers at once in a village in the Kohistan region of Pakistan once again reveals the backwards, inhuman, murderous, oppressive, barbarity that undergirds Islam and it again forces America to ask just why Obama wants to bring this horrid people into the U.S.A.?

So-called “honor killings” are every-day-common in all corners of the world where majority Islam nations perpetrate their reign of terror and the tale of the teens in Pakistan is a logical, though extreme, example of the reasoning — if one can call it that — governing the concept of “honor” in Islam.

A story in the Washington Post relates that a few years ago a group of five teenaged Pakistani girls dutifully covered from head to toe in traditional Muslim garb — head coverings and all — were seen in a video enjoying some music and clapping and laughing as a single teen boy danced around in front of them.

It was the sort of hijinks any group of teens anywhere in the world might indulge. It couldn’t have been more carefree and innocent and soon the cellphone video of the little celebration was posted to the Internet. That is when the evil of Islam kicked in with deadly consequences.
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Pakistani Village That Murdered a Dozen Teens for ‘Honor’ Again Shows Barbarity of Islam”

‘NCIS Los Angeles’ Premiere Jokes Smashed Trump Piñata ‘Deserved It’

-By Warner Todd Huston

During the season premiere of the CBS series “NCIS: Los Angeles,” as the team conducted a stake out one of the agents found a battered and barely concealed Donald Trump Piñata in a garbage can then jokes “oh, he deserved it.”

As the NCIS LA team used a terrorist as bait to smoke out his associates, the members don various disguises to blend in with the public.

Detective Deeks (Eric Christian Olsen) is dressed as a homeless man and while pretending to root through garbage cans comes upon a Piñata with a bight yellow shock of fluttering paper hair. Deeks pulls the Piñata out of the can a few inches and says, “I found a badly beaten Piñata.” Then shoves it back down while joking that the Piñata “deserved it.”

The 2 part, eighth season premiere aired on September 25. Part one was titled “High-Value Target” and part two “Belly of the Beast.” The Trump incident occurred near the end of part one.

This is far from the first time the NCIS franchise was seen attacking Republicans, conservatives, or those on the center right.

“NCIS: Los Angeles” has indulged slams on the right many times during its past seven seasons. In a 2013 episode, for instance, the main bad guy was an evil private healthcare insurance company. There were also tea party type characters cast in the role of villains not to mention a series of anti-capitalist tropes.
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‘NCIS Los Angeles’ Premiere Jokes Smashed Trump Piñata ‘Deserved It’”

After Scolding Trump, Now It’s Khizr Khan Making a Mockery of His Son’s Sacrifice

-By Warner Todd Huston

The father of a slain U.S. soldier who happened to be a Muslim made himself a temporary icon for liberals when he went on stage at the Democrat convention and attacked Donald Trump. But now that father, Khizr Khan, is going on the Sunday shows and making a mockery of his own son’s sacrifice by claiming Islam has “nothing to do” with terrorism.

Mr. Kahn lost his son, Captain Humayun Kahn, in Iraq in 2004 and in an attempt to shore up their military bonafides, the Democrats pushed him up on stage during their convention in Philadelphia to wag his finger in GOP nominee Donald Trump’s face.

With a wife who befitting of the second class status of women in Islam was standing at his side and not allowed to say a word, Mr. Kahn insisted that he and Muslims like him are “loyal” to the United States and as proof offered the story of his son who fell in service to the country in Iraq.

Waving a booklet of the U.S. Constitution, Kahn attacked Trump saying, “If it was up to Donald Trump, [Kahn’s son] never would have been in America. Donald Trump consistently smears the character of Muslims. He disrespects other minorities, women, judges, even his own party leadership. He vows to build walls and ban us from this country.”

Kahn ended his attack on Trump yelling, “You have sacrificed nothing. And no one.”

As he waved the Constitution, the bereaved father also yelled at Trump to look in the document to find the words “liberty” and “equal protection under the law,” the latter in a nod to religious liberty apparently.

But, here is the thing… potential immigrants do not have a right to expect that the U.S. is not allowed to screen them out because of their religion, their nationality, or any other factor. The U.S. Constitution does not force the federal government to apply Constitutional rights to foreigners waiting at our door to enter the country.
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After Scolding Trump, Now It’s Khizr Khan Making a Mockery of His Son’s Sacrifice”

No, Thomas Jefferson was NOT the First President to Hold an ‘Iftar Dinner’

-By Warner Todd Huston

Every year he’s been in office, President Obama has hosted an “Iftar dinner” to honor Islam in the White House. Except for the last two years, the President has also led his speech with the outlandish nonsense that in 1805 Thomas Jefferson held the “first Iftar dinner” in the White House. And every time it’s been utter hogwash.

For the 2012 Iftar dinner celebration, for instance, Obama said the following:

As I’ve noted before, Thomas Jefferson once held a sunset dinner here with an envoy from Tunisia — perhaps the first Iftar at the White House, more than 200 years ago. And some of you, as you arrived tonight, may have seen our special display, courtesy of our friends at the Library of Congress — the Koran that belonged to Thomas Jefferson. And that’s a reminder, along with the generations of patriotic Muslims in America, that Islam — like so many faiths — is part of our national story.

The reference to Jefferson’s so-called Iftar dinner in the 2012 speech was at least a step closer to reality than in the past when he was less equivocal. In 2010, for instance, Obama said straight out Jefferson’s was the first Iftar dinner.

Tonight, we are reminded that Ramadan is a celebration of a faith known for great diversity. And Ramadan is a reminder that Islam has always been part of America. The first Muslim ambassador to the United States, from Tunisia, was hosted by President Jefferson, who arranged a sunset dinner for his guest because it was Ramadan—making it the first known Iftar at the White House, more than 200 years ago.

But the fact is Jefferson’s dinner is neither a sure thing nor a “perhaps.” President Thomas Jefferson simply did not hold any Iftar dinner in the White House, nor did he intend to honor Islam that day. To claim that the very first president to authorize war against “the Musselmen””–as he called Muslims–would have hosted a dinner to honor Islam is an absurdity of the first order.
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No, Thomas Jefferson was NOT the First President to Hold an ‘Iftar Dinner’”

A Perfect Example of Western Foolishness: NYPost Claims ‘Love Beat ISIS’

-By Warner Todd Huston

The halfwits at the New York Post think that because a gay man fled Syria to become the grand marshall of a gay pride parade in the U.S. that “love beat ISIS.” This kid of idiocy is why the west can’t beat ISIS.

In his absurd piece grandiosely entitled, “Love Beats ISIS,” columnist Eric Hegedus gives us the story of 28-year-old Subhi Nahas who fled Syria in 2012 “after enduring years of oppression–both by the government and his own family.”

Hegedus describes the life of fear the young gay man led until he finally made it to the U.S. in 2015. He even reported that a childhood acquaintance of the refugee’s had joined ISIS then threatened to track Nahas down and kill him for being gay.

The other particulars of this young gay Syrian’s life are unimportant to the point that the writer of the piece imagines that his activism for his gay brothers here in the U.S. and in the Middle East somehow “beat ISIS.”
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A Perfect Example of Western Foolishness: NYPost Claims ‘Love Beat ISIS’”

THIS Is Why You Should Hate All Leftists…

-By Warner Todd Huston

There has been a lot of ink spilled about the stupidity of being politically correct (also known as “PC”) and while it is without question many leftist purveyors of this concept imagine they are doing Gia’s work by pushing PCism, the plain fact is it is dangerous thinking and, even worse, illogical and stupid. And Canada’s left-wing Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, gives us the umpteenth reason why you should hate liberals and their idiocy.

The problem with PCism, of course, is that the process becomes the goal. Instead of doing actual good, what you end up with is people more worried about the process and verbiage of PCism than in what being PC will actually do in a real world situation. It leads to mindlessness, not solutions.

Nt long ago the Canadian PM gave us a perfect example of supplanting process with real world solutions when he said Muslim “honor killings” aren’t barbaric. His intentions were to be fair to Muslims, but his actual words ended up excusing the murder of women for daring to love someone other than whom their parents chose.

Trudeau’s stupidity came after a Canadian agency wrote a citizenship guide that said the government doesn’t condone cultural practices that are “barbaric.” The barbarism in question included “spousal abuse, ‘honor killings,’ female genital mutilation, forced marriage or other gender-based violence.”

Now, no western society… in fact, no sane human… should condone any of those things and, yes, they are all barbaric.
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THIS Is Why You Should Hate All Leftists…”

U.S. Appeals Court Rules Americans Have a Right to Buy and Sell Firearms

-By Warner Todd Huston

In a new ruling the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit maintained that Americans have a Constitutional right to acquire and sell arms.

The Ninth Circuit Court remanded the case of Teixeira v. County of Alameda back to a lower court informing it the court that the Second Amendment and its history protects the rights of Americans to self-defense including the “right to acquire weapons” as well as own them.

This puts a dent in the city of Alameda’s regulations that practically bans the opening of any gun store in the city.
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U.S. Appeals Court Rules Americans Have a Right to Buy and Sell Firearms”

Robert De Niro Forced to Pull Anti-Vaccine Documentary From the Tribeca Film Festival‏

-By Gary Krasner,

(Note: In an Associated Press article published on March 26 in The New York Times, it was reported that due to pressure from pro-vaccine activists famed actor Robert De Niro pulled a film from the Tribeca Film Festival that linked vaccines to autism. This is the story that Gary Krasner, the Director Coalition For Informed Choice, is reacting to below…)

The essence of this story is about defamation of Andrew Wakefield, and how personal defamation has replaced civil debate.

When one party wishes to dodge a debate on the merits of issues (Trump), he will defame his opponent (Cruz) with slanderous lies.

Seeing that progressive politics was a hard sell to the mainstream public, the infamous radical community organizer Saul Alinsky raised it to a high art.

In his “Rules For Radicals” (1971), Alinsky taught that defamation of character is an important tactic to use. Hillary Clinton was an early disciple of his work.

In 1969, Hillary Rodham wrote a 92-page senior thesis for Wellesley College titled “There Is Only the Fight . . . “: An Analysis of the Alinsky Model’.

20 yrs later, Obama taught the rules of this great tactician to Chicago activists when he worked for ACORN. Defamation of his opponents enabled him to win his first 2 local elections.

Today, Alinsky’s 13th rule: “Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it”, is being used against parents who think vaccination is a contributing cause of ASD.
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Robert De Niro Forced to Pull Anti-Vaccine Documentary From the Tribeca Film Festival‏”

Muslim Employees at Wisconsin Co. Upset Over Cancellation of Prayer Time

-By Warner Todd Huston

A Wisconsin manufacturing plant made a policy announcement affecting the prayer time for its 53 Muslims employees but the new policy change has employees banding together and claiming they are being “discriminated” against. Imagine if Christians did this…

The Ariens Company, a lawn mower and snowmobile manufacturing company in Brillion, Wisconsin, made a recent change in company policy ending the past practice of its many Muslim employees who often took multiple breaks for Muslim prayers. Whereas in the past employees were able to take breaks whenever they needed to join in prayer, now the company says Muslim employees will get only a lunch break and should indulge their prayers at that time. The company also warned employees if they try to take other times off they will be replaced.

But employees say that the one lunch break does not coincide with the proper time for Muslim prayers.
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Muslim Employees at Wisconsin Co. Upset Over Cancellation of Prayer Time”

Anti-American Boston Judge Forces Christian Woman to ‘Learn About Islam’ for Punishment After Dispute with Muslim

-By Warner Todd Huston

Once again proving that liberals are drifting farther every day away from American ideals and principles, an activist judge in Boston recently punished a Christian woman by order that she “learn about Islam” to settle a dispute brought to court by a Muslim tenant from an apartment building the punished woman owns. This couldn’t be a more un-American–and un-Constitutional–punishment.

The case that came to Judge Paul Yee Jr.’s courtroom was between a Christian Pastor who owns an apartment complex in which several Muslim tenants live and one of his Muslim tenants. The complex owner, Daisy Obi, a 73-year-old ordained minister from Nigeria who is the pastor of the Adonai Bible Center in Somerville, Massachusetts, was accused of physically attacking her Muslim tenant and spewing anti-Muslim epithets at her.

The purported victim, tenant Gihan Suliman, claims that Obi called her anti-Muslim names and pushed her down a flight of stairs during an argument in April of 2012.

The case came before Yee, who is a 2009 Deval Patrick appointee to the District Court in Quincy Court One. He was previously an Assistant District Attorney for Suffolk County and was also a counsel for the Boston Housing Authority. Clearly Yee thinks of himself as a social warrior and not an adjudicator of law.

At the close of the case in 2014, Judge Yee ruled against Obi and sentenced her to two years in jail and to serve six months and have the rest suspended. But this self-righteous, activist judge also demanded another punishment by forcing Obi to “learn about Islam.”

“I want you to learn about the Muslim faith. I want you to enroll and attend an introductory course on Islam,” Yee said during the sentencing phase of the trial. “You have to give some kind of written documentation to probation that you have in fact done that.”

This is clearly both un-American and un-Constitutional.
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Anti-American Boston Judge Forces Christian Woman to ‘Learn About Islam’ for Punishment After Dispute with Muslim”

Dem. Abandons House Bid After Saying ‘ISIS Isn’t Evil’ In Act of PCism Gone to Logical End

-By Warner Todd Huston

A Democrat candidate for the House in Minnesota has abandoned his campaign and fled his social media after saying that ISIS “isn’t necessarily evil” prompting an avalanche of criticism. He said his Tweet was poorly worded and didn’t relate what he actually meant, but his nonsense is a perfect encapsulation of the utter stupidity of left-wing, politically correct thinking taken to its logical end point.

Dan Kimmel, of Burnsville, Minnesota took to Twitter on Saturday to belch out the proper level of PCism as a response to Friday’s terror attacks in Paris. But unbeknownst to him his Tweet was to become the end of his own campaign for office.

The foolish Tweet read as follows: “ISIS isn’t necessarily evil. It is made up of people doing what they think is best for their community. Violence is not the answer, though.”

In minutes the Democrat was heavily criticized and not long afterward he deleted the Tweet. But the recriminations continued and got so harsh that even the state Democrat Party called on him to quit the race. In short order he did end up quitting his campaign and retreated from the public eye.

Kimmel apologized on his campaign website saying the Tweet “was poorly worded and did not convey my intent.” He also said, “the tweet was stupid.”

But, while the Tweet was certainly very, very stupid and made Kimmel out to be a moron, it most certainly did convey exactly what he meant and he meant it in only the best PC style.

Let’s parse his Tweet…
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Dem. Abandons House Bid After Saying ‘ISIS Isn’t Evil’ In Act of PCism Gone to Logical End”

After Paris Terror, Liberals Attack Conservatives, Cry for Muslims, Worry Focus Taken Off Global Warming, Mizzou, Anti-Gun Agenda

-By Warner Todd Huston

The Old Media and the liberal left’s reaction to the terror attacks in Paris last night really do prove that in and of itself leftists occupy just another niche of enemies to modernity and western civilization.

Certainly leftists are not themselves terrorists–though this is quite unlike the charge leftists make against anyone who is center right. But their ideas, ideals, and their reaction to Islamist terrorism makes of leftists haters of the west with a hate just as deep, just as white hot as any ISIS murderer’s hatred.

This we can see in the left’s reaction to what happened in Paris on November 13, 2015.

As a writer for Breitbart News one of my charges has always been to keep an eye on the outrageous nonsense that goes on in the left-wing media both in the U.S. and Eurdope, and in my piece today I trace several of the key reactions to the Paris attacks that reveals the media’s hatred for our own.

But the tone was set to absolve Islam by the president himself who reused to say Islam or Muslim in his short address to the nation on Friday evening (see a transcript of his comments at the end of this article).

In any case, the media worked hard to absolve Muslims and Islam only to blame conservatives and the west for the attacks.

Before the dust had settled and before even the extent of the damage and number of dead had been tallied from a string of terror attacks in Paris, France, liberals in the old media establishment were already writing pieces blaming conservatives, bemoaning that the attacks had taken the focus off pet liberal issues like Mizzou and global warming, and wringing hands for the safety of Muslims.

To name just a few of these liberals handwringing and blaming everything except Islam, was early out of the gate with a story twisting the terror attacks into a weapon to use against conservatives.
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After Paris Terror, Liberals Attack Conservatives, Cry for Muslims, Worry Focus Taken Off Global Warming, Mizzou, Anti-Gun Agenda”

‘Christian’ Group Lies About Christianity to Urge Sen. Kirk to Sign Onto Obama’s EPA Powergrab

-By Warner Todd Huston

A new radio spot being played on Chicago talk radio by a purportedly “Christian” environmentalist group is using a pack of lies about Christianity and the environment in order to push left-wing Senator Mark Kirk into signing onto the President’s global warming policies.

A faux Christian group calling itself the “Evangelical Environmental Network” launched its radio blitz on November 12 with the sales line “It’s up to us to care for the earth that God left us.” But the ad is quite a pack of lies especially considering that it is coming from a group of so-called Christians.

First of all the ad misleads by presenting soundbytes from “Christian voices” urging Kirk to vote “yes” on Obama’s pro-global warming initiatives. The presentation to the radio audience listening to the ad makes it seem as if these “regular people” were callers to a radio show–as that is the timber of the audio, the sound is mixed in such a way as to leave the impression you are listening to a talk show caller as opposed to hearing someone speaking directly into a microphone like a narrator might.

With the announcer sonorously starting the ad saying “The voices of Christians,” here is what these faux “regular people” say on the ad:

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‘Christian’ Group Lies About Christianity to Urge Sen. Kirk to Sign Onto Obama’s EPA Powergrab”

Students On ‘Hunger Strike’ Demanding University Prez Resign Over Non-Existent Racism on Campus

-By Warner Todd Huston

Once again we see the folly of sending anyone to an American college in a story out of Missouri where a large group of black students, including members of the football team, are on a purported “hunger strike” demanding that the president of the college resign over supposed acts of racism on campus none of which really even happened.

Students at the University of Missouri are taking action… meaningless action, naturally… over claimed examples of “racism” on campus. The incidents, these mewling little whiners say, are examples of “endemic” racism on campus.



On the campus of an American university.

The places where a politically correct attitude is so ingrained that speech codes have been implemented to stop people’s widdle feewings from getting hurt. The places where PCism runs amuck. The places where no conservative speakers are allowed to appear. The places comedians won’t even appear at anymore because everyone is perpetually “outraged.” The places where freedom does not exist. This is where these fools are pretending they see racism everywhere.
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Students On ‘Hunger Strike’ Demanding University Prez Resign Over Non-Existent Racism on Campus”

Obama Just Handed the U.N. Power Over Our Response to Terrorism

-By Warner Todd Huston

Our Constitution is supposed to take precedence over all foreign laws or any arrogant edicts from the fetid U.N. But now Obama has made a move that would put the mechanics of the response to terrorism in some of our biggest cities in the hands of foreigners. President Obama has essentially just signed away U.S. sovereignty.

In August U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch announced that the Obama administration signed onto what is essentially a new international police operation with an initiative called Strong Cities Network (SCN). Lynch reported that this new organization would be operating out of some of the country’s largest cities.

Naturally, despite that this new policing initiative is essentially a U.N. treaty, Obama never presented the plan to Congress for approval. Bypassing our elected officials, Obama singed onto the U.N. effort on his own hook.

The new effort was announced in a press release last week with a statement headlined, “Launch of Strong Cities Network to Strengthen Community Resilience Against Violent Extremism.”
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Obama Just Handed the U.N. Power Over Our Response to Terrorism”

Now Obama Wants to Bring Back Deported People Who are Mentally Ill

-By Warner Todd Huston

Apparently getting rid of dangerous, mentally ill illegal immigrants wasn’t good enough for the U.S. government because now a federal judge has decreed that every mentally ill illegal sent back to where they belonged should be brought back to the U.S. And guess who this idiot judge wants to pay for all this re-importing of dangerous, mentally ill illegals? Yeah, you guessed it on the first try.

A judge in (where else but) California has decreed that hundreds of mentally ill illegals who “represented themselves” at their deportation hearings were illicitly deported because they weren’t mentally competent to do so and now deserve to be brought back to the US–at our expense–for yet another trial with a lawyer provided–yes, again at our expense–so that they can have another shot to stay in the US and get free mental help–aaaaand, yes, all at our expense.

As the Associated Press reported late last week:

Federal Judge Dolly M. Gee’s ruling will let immigrants with serious mental disabilities request to have their cases reopened in hopes of returning to the U.S. The ruling covers immigrants deported from California, Arizona and Washington between Nov. 21, 2011 and Jan. 27 this year.

Naturally the ACLU loves this idiotic ruling.
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Now Obama Wants to Bring Back Deported People Who are Mentally Ill”

Some May Want to Forget 9/11–But We Must NEVER Forget!

-By Warner Todd Huston

It has been 13 years since that horrible day in 2001 when terrorism hit America with a vengeance. But many want to forget and pretend it never happened and we already have a generation of kinds just about to, or soon to enter into their teen years who can’t remember what happened on September 11, 2001. It is up to us to keep the memory of that day alive lest we allow it to be repeated.

But how do we approach that remembrance? But looking at an empty word document sitting ready to be filled with my 9/11 remembrance finds words coming slowly and I find it so hard to start this piece.

But I realized why it is so hard for me to start this piece. I am still furious, feelings are still too raw, I still well up when I see video of the towers falling, my heart still stops when I see that heart-wrenching image of bodies falling from windows hundreds of feet in the air. I still get that dark feeling in the pit of my stomach, the same one I felt that morning in 2001.

It’s all still too emotional to write a mere memorial. Words fail me.
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Some May Want to Forget 9/11–But We Must NEVER Forget!”

Obama Admin. Again Warning That White ‘Militias’ are as Big a Threat as Islamists

-By Warner Todd Huston

Since the day his regime took over in Washington, Barack Obama’s blinkered “intelligence” agencies have been warning that it is white people, conservative groups, tea partiers, military veterans, and “militias” that are the real danger lurking in America and recently Obama’s FBI did it again claiming that “militias” (read white male gun enthusiasts) are looking to attack Muslims inside the USA.

In a report issued in May only to police departments and other law enforcement agencies, the FBI’s Counterterrorism Division insisted that “militia extremists” are looking to kill Muslims. The report goes on to cite two–yes only two–instances of “militia” leaders saying they are mad at Muslims and may want to target them.

No actual instances of this desire to attack Muslims has been seen, though. Only talk. Still, the FBI is all worried over Americans with guns.

An intelligence bulletin issued by the FBI’s Counterterrorism Division in late May warns that so-called “militia extremists” are likely to begin targeting Muslim institutions, including mosques and other religious facilities. The bulletin titled “Militia Extremists Expand Target Sets To Include Muslims” was obtained by Public Intelligence after being released to law enforcement in late May, just days before a planned “freedom of speech” rally outside a Phoenix mosque which attracted numerous individuals dressed in camouflage, tactical gear and carrying loaded assault weapons.

Based primarily on a “large body of source reporting generated mainly since 2013,” the bulletin states that militia extremists are “expanding their target sets to include Muslims and Islamic religious institutions in the United States.” The recent targeting of Muslims augments prior FBI analysis, contained in a January 2015 report, which found that “established militia extremists target government personnel and law enforcement officers, perceived threats from abroad, and individuals or institutions that seek to constrain Second Amendment rights.”

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Obama Admin. Again Warning That White ‘Militias’ are as Big a Threat as Islamists”

Harvard Prof Excuses ISIS Sex Slavery and Terrorism Because USA Had Slavery 150 Years Ago

-By Warner Todd Huston

I thought liberals were always congratulating themselves on how they are so mentally superior that they see “nuances” everywhere? Now a halfwit liberal is making the lie to that by equating U.S. slavery to ISIS rape culture thereby proving he is an utter simpleton.

A pinheaded Harvard professor is now out there insisting that we shouldn’t get too upset over the fact that ISIS terrorists are using rape and sexual slavery as a weapon of war because, gosh darn it, the U.S.A. had slavery 150 years ago, too. You heard that right, that is exactly what Bloomberg columnist and Harvard professor Noah Feldman is saying. He is saying that U.S. slavery is exactly the same as ISIS using rape as a tool.

Feldman starts his facile piece with a lie on his lips right at the outset.

It’s been 150 years since U.S. law allowed masters to rape enslaved girls and women. Almost all modern Muslim societies banned slavery in the last century. So why is Islamic State turning back the clock, actively embracing and promoting enslavement of Yazidi women, thereby enabling them to be raped under one interpretation of classical Islamic law?

The first half of that is essentially a lie. U.S. law did not excuse rape of slave women in direct terms in the same way that ISIS is using rape as a tool of war and religious supremacy.

Yes, it was true that negro slave women had no standing in American law during that time period, sure, but it is not true that rape was actually ensconced in that law in certain terms. On the other hand, ISIS is making rape and sexual slavery a directly espoused practice that they are trying to back up via sharia law and interpretations of the Koran. So, the case of early 1800s American law turning a blind eye to the ravaging of slave women and ISIS directly entering sexual slavery into its political and legal codes are not at all the same thing.

There is that “nuance” of which the left claims to have sole ownership. If this nitwit “professor” can’t see the truth I just stated, the “nuance” between then and now, then he truly is a simpleton.
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Harvard Prof Excuses ISIS Sex Slavery and Terrorism Because USA Had Slavery 150 Years Ago”

As Media Worries Over Trump, Hillary Clinton Ignored for Saying All Cops and Judges are Racists

-By Warner Todd Huston

As the media continues to lose its tiny collective, hive mind about every little utterance made by Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton has come out to proclaim that every cop and judge is a racist.

Hillary Clinton went on criminal Al Sharpton’s radio show late last week and insisted that all cops are racist toward black men. She also said that the judicial system is inherently racist and can’t properly judge blacks.

During the conversation, Clinton told Sharpton, “I believe we need to end the era of mass incarceration. If you compare arrest records in, you know, in charging of crimes, in convicting of crimes, in sentencing for crimes, you compare African-America men to white men, it is as unfortunately clear as it could be that there is a bias in favor of white men.”

She goes on to praise Obama’s task force on policing “roadmap for reforms.”

So, Clinton just proclaimed all cops, all judges, all lawyers, the whole judicial system, to be a racist system inherently aligned against black people.
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As Media Worries Over Trump, Hillary Clinton Ignored for Saying All Cops and Judges are Racists”