Trump’s Pick of Tillerson for Secretary of State Gives Anti-Business Left a Panty Twist

-By Warner Todd Huston

President-Elect Donald Trump has been giving the left fits over his choices — and even his rumored picks — for his nascent administration and cabinet. But so far the left has lost its lunch the most over the choice of Exxon CEO Rex Tillerson for Secretary of State.

Tillerson is the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Exxon Mobil Corporation, the world’s sixth largest company in 2016. He has decades of experience in dealing with a multitude of governments across the globe with his job as one f the world’s top oilmen and this record is exactly the sort of experience that President-Elect Donald Trump touted.

In his announcement, Trump described Tillerson’s career as “the embodiment of the American dream.” Trump also tweeted that Tillerson is “one of the truly great business leaders of the world.”

The pick certainly fits well with a “drain the swamp” attitude and is also a good match for Trump’s desire to move forward without relying on the same old Washington insiders.
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Trump’s Pick of Tillerson for Secretary of State Gives Anti-Business Left a Panty Twist”

The Emptiness of Obama’s Foreign Policy, He’s WORSE Than Neville Chamberlain

-By Warner Todd Huston

There is one expertly crafted sentence in news coverage of Obama’s witless “negotiations” with Iran over its nuclear ambitions that explains perfectly Obama’s total fecklessness in foreign relations.

Reuters reported this amazingly nonsensical *paragraph:

Negotiators have a tentative agreement on the rough outline of a possible public statement on the progress they have made so far that would also highlight areas of disagreement, diplomats close to the talks said.

Notice what this paragraph says. It is reporting that negotiators have agreed on a “rough outline” of what is only “a possible statement” on supposed “progress” but will also “highlight” the “disagreements” they have with one another.

In other words, they have a statement coming on nothing.

This is the epitome of Obama foreign policy.
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The Emptiness of Obama’s Foreign Policy, He’s WORSE Than Neville Chamberlain”

No, George Washington DIDN’T Say America Should Stay Out of Foreign Affairs

-By Warner Todd Huston

With the talk of how bad Islam is for civilization and the question of just what to do about it, we are seeing those lightly informed about American history claiming that our founders–in particular George Washington–warned us to stay out of “foreign entanglements.” In fact, however, Washington neither said this, nor meant for such a policy to be enacted.

Many on the left and the isolationist right try to use the father of our country to support their ideas against the GOP and to justify their hope that the USA will pull out of the Middle East. Specifically they cite Washington’s farewell address where a retiring president supposedly warned Americans against getting involved with foreign nations and getting caught up in those evil “foreign entanglements.”

On one hand, it is quite amusing to see lefties in love with a founding father or American history and principles for the first time in their lives, certainly, but it isn’t just the left revealing a sudden respect for a founding father with citation of Washington’s address. On the other hand those Ron Paulites and his isolationist wing on the right have for years been bandying about Washington’s farewell address as some sort of “proof” that one of our “first principles” was to stay away from foreign nations.

So, what was Washington really saying? Did he warn us against “foreign entanglements”? Did he think the U.S. should steer clear of all outside political situations and relegate ourselves only to trade with foreigners?
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No, George Washington DIDN’T Say America Should Stay Out of Foreign Affairs”

Hillary Sets New Legal Standard of ‘Vast Majority’ To Excuse Breaking Law

-By Warner Todd Huston

Hillary Clinton said a lot of specious things during the Tuesday press conference where she was forced to answer to why she used a private email system instead of the proper government email when she was Secretary of State. But one thing she said was important because she essentially set a new legal standard of “almost” fulfilling the law and maintained that it excused her for violations.

During her press conference, Hillary essentially maintained that she *almost* obeyed the law and since she *mostly* did, why, heck, she should be excused for any further violations.

Here is what she said during her presser:

Second, the vast majority of my work emails went to government employees at their government addresses, which meant they were captured and preserved immediately on the system at the State Department.

See, America. Since she gave “the vast majority” of her emails to the government, why, that must mean she is off the hook.
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Hillary Sets New Legal Standard of ‘Vast Majority’ To Excuse Breaking Law”

Obama Purposefully Set Clinton Up to Get Away With Email Crimes

-By Warner Todd Huston

President Obama made dead sure that Hillary Clinton would never get caught using illegal private email systems while Secretary of State by refusing to appoint an official internal inspector general for the Dept. of State during Hillary’s tenure, a new report shows.

It is the duty of the president to make sure that every government department has its own appointed Inspector General to serve as an internal watchdog over an agency. But during Hillary’s entire tenure, Obama never bothered to fill the vacant IG office for the State Department.

A new report by the Washington Examiner reveals Obama’s complicity in giving Clinton all the cover she needed to do whatever she wanted as Secretary of State by making sure there was no watchdog to keep her honest during her stint at State.
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Obama Purposefully Set Clinton Up to Get Away With Email Crimes”

VIDEO: Obama’s Idiotic State Dept: ‘We Are at War With People Who Kill in the Name of a Variety of Causes’

-By Warner Todd Huston

Once again we see that Obama and his ilk are putting us in danger by refusing to understand the scope of the threat confronting not only the USA but all of western civilization. In a new interview a State Department spokesperson foolishly said that we are “at war” with people who kill “in the name of a variety of causes.” Uh, no, we are at war with people who kill in the name of Islam. There is no “variety” to the cause of world wide terror.

There isn’t any “variety of causes” spawning world wide terrorism. It is Islam alone that is responsible for this. Yet here we have the dimwitted Marie Harf of Obama’s Dept. of State claiming that terror from a “variety” of ideologies is being perpetrated. This is simply untrue.
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VIDEO: Obama’s Idiotic State Dept: ‘We Are at War With People Who Kill in the Name of a Variety of Causes’”

US Sec of State John Kerry Says America Caused all the World’s Problems

-By Warner Todd Huston

Well, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry is proving that he is a good anti-American liberal. In a recent comment he noted that all the world’s problems were cause by the USA.

Kerry was speaking at the Washington Ideas Forum on October 30 and said that the world was “complicated” and made worse by the “worst stereotypes” perpetrated by the United States.

At one point, Kerry noted that the US wanted a less sectarian government in Iraq in order to help defeat ISIS. But this goal has been hard to achieve because of the USA itself.
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US Sec of State John Kerry Says America Caused all the World’s Problems”

Sec. of State John Kerry: Climate Change Causes Islamic Extremism

-By Warner Todd Huston

In an address at the State Department on Thursday, Secretary of State John Kerry wanted to make sure that everyone understood that Islam does not cause extremism, but deprivation and “climate change” do.

Kerry appeared at a reception at the State Department in honor of the Islamic holiday of Eid al-Adha and thought it was important to set the record straight that groups like ISIS aren’t really driven by Islam but by poverty, youthful populations, and climate change.
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Sec. of State John Kerry: Climate Change Causes Islamic Extremism”

A Growing Number of Teen Girls in West Volunteering for Islamist Terror Group ISIS

-By Warner Todd Huston

Officials in Austria have gone public with fears that the terror group ISIS may be finding a new wave of recruits among its teenaged girls after a number of girls have run away from home intending to join ISIS forces in Iraq or Syria. Unfortunately, Austria isn’t alone teens are fleeing countries all across the west to join jihadis.

Earlier this year, two teenaged Austrian girls ran off to Syria and soon began posting photos of themselves on their social media accounts toting AK47s, wearing burkas and sporting ISIS regalia. Others have since attempted to run away and join these girls sparking fears among officials that the girls are fostering a sickening trend of wannabe terrorist runaways.

Thanks to their social media updates, Samra Kesinovic, 16 and her friend Sabina Selimovic, 15, have become minor celebrities among many teens in Austria’s Muslim minority community after the two ran away from their homes in Austria and ended up hanging around ISIS in Syria.

This month authorities announced that they apprehended two more teen girls who were trying to find passage through Turkey and into Syria to join the ISIS jihad movement.
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A Growing Number of Teen Girls in West Volunteering for Islamist Terror Group ISIS”

Obama Admin FINALLY Has A Major Border Security Plan… But For Nigeria?

-By Warner Todd Huston

As millions of illegal aliens stream across our southern border bringing poverty, disease, and the destruction of our country, President Obama has finally decided to launch a program to lock down a border… but it isn’t ours. His billion-dollar plan is to help the Nigerians shut down their borders.

After all this time of Americans pleading for the government to lock our border down, apparently Obama suddenly thinks that border security is important, only not for us and in this case to stop terrorism.

Last Thursday the State Department announced that it is launching a border security plan in cooperation with officials from Nigeria and several other nearby African nations such as Cameroon.
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Obama Admin FINALLY Has A Major Border Security Plan… But For Nigeria?”

Kerry Says Bible Commands Us to Help Muslims With Climate Change?

-By Warner Todd Huston

At a ceremony to appoint Texas lawyer Shaaril Zafar as the State Department’s “special representative to Muslim communities,” Secretary of State John Kerry claimed that the Bible commands us to help “Muslim-majority” countries to protect themselves from global warming. So, where are the media to whine that Kerry is trying to set up a “theocracy”?

“Our faiths are inextricably linked on any number of things that we must confront and deal with in policy concepts today. Our faiths are inextricably linked on the environment. For many of us, respect for God’s creation also translates into a duty to protect and sustain his first creation, Earth, the planet,” Kerry blurted out.

“Confronting climate change is, in the long run, one of the greatest challenges that we face, and you can see this duty or responsibility laid out in Scriptures clearly, beginning in Genesis. And Muslim-majority countries are among the most vulnerable. Our response to this challenge ought to be rooted in a sense of stewardship of Earth, and for me and for many of us here today, that responsibility comes from God,” he asserted.
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Kerry Says Bible Commands Us to Help Muslims With Climate Change?”

Hey, Wasn’t Joe Biden Supposed to be Obama’s Foreign Policy Expert?

-By Warner Todd Huston

When President Barack Hussein Obama picked Joe Biden to be his number two man, we were all told that it was because good ol’ Joe was the U.S. Senate’s “expert” on foreign policy. He was supposed to act as Obama’s right hand man in an area that Obama had no experience whatsoever. So, with disaster after disaster in foreign policy, it behooves us to ask, where is Joe Biden?

Of course, we all know that Biden has been wrong on every stance he’s ever taken on foreign policy both as a Senator and as Vice President. He has been so consistently wrong that even a member of Obama’s own administration has said Biden is an utter failure on reading foreign policy.

In his recent book, former Secretary of Defense Robert Gates said that Biden has been wrong about “nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades.”

It was a stark description that even the left-leaning PolitiFact said was “mostly true.”
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Hey, Wasn’t Joe Biden Supposed to be Obama’s Foreign Policy Expert?”

Senate Investigation Finds that Obama Could Have Prevented Benghazi Attacks

-By Warner Todd Huston

In Benghazi, Libya “Obama lied, people died.” That is the slogan that should dog this President for his actions–or lack thereof–during the attacks in Benghazi, Libya that killed four Americans. Now a Senate investigation shows that Obama could have prevented the attacks and saved those lives.

The Senate Intelligence Committee has finally released its report on the Benghazi attacks and it finds that Obama failed miserably to stop the attacks even though he and his subordinates could have.

The Senate Committee says the murderous attack on U.S. facilities in Libya could have been prevented and faults the State Department for failing to respond to the deteriorating security situation despite numerous warnings.
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Senate Investigation Finds that Obama Could Have Prevented Benghazi Attacks”

CBS Proves Hillary Deliberately Lied About Benghazi

-By Warner Todd Huston

During the weekend’s broadcast of 60 Minutes, CBS’ Lara Logan interviewed the British-born security chief that was on the ground during the attacks at our facilities in Benghazi, Libya in 2012, attacks that ended up killing four embassy employees one of whom was our ambassador to Libya, Chris Stevens. During that interview we find out that Hillary delivered to the nation a series of deliberate, bald-faced lies about what she knew of the attacks.

Granted the 60 Minutes report did not mention the name Hillary Clinton–who was Secretary of State during the attacks–nor did it explicitly say that she deliberately lied to the nation in the aftermath of the attacks. But during the report we find out that Washington knew, even before it was happening, that the compound was about to be hit by a terrorist attack and that no Youtube video had anything to do with it all.

It was revealed that ambassador Stevens himself sent messages to the administration telling them that al Qaeda flags had been seen flying over various government buildings in Libya in the days before the attack. We also find out that al Qaeda itself had warned the USA that an attack was being planned.
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CBS Proves Hillary Deliberately Lied About Benghazi”

Susan Rice Gets Pass While Media Discounted Condi Rice

-By Warner Todd Huston

Noah Rothman recently did an excellent job detailing what the progressive media said about Condoleeza Rice when George W. Bush appointed her as his Secretary of State in 2005. Rothman noted how the media dismissed Condi Rice as merely a “friend” of Bush and otherwise made it seem as if her appointment was just a payoff for loyalty instead of the appointment of a qualified person. In contrast, Obama’s appointment of Susan Rice as his national security advisor is not being so quickly dismissed by that same media establishment.

Rothman quoted a series of members of the media from 2005 dismissing Condi rather spectacularly as having received her nomination simply because of the “loyalty” factor.

Inter Press Service Washington Bureau Chief Jim Lobe, for instance, said that Condi was appointed “as much for her fierce personal loyalty to Bush as for her own foreign-policy views.”

Christian Science Monitor diplomacy correspondent Howard LaFranchi complained that Condi’s appointment meant that “no fresh new voices will be challenging White House thinking or offering debating points in policy discussions.”

The New York Times ravaged the appointment as an example of “friends of George” being foisted on Washington.
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Susan Rice Gets Pass While Media Discounted Condi Rice”

Greens Fret Over Obama Admin Keystone Report

-By Warner Todd Huston

The State Department has released its much-anticipated report on the environmental impact of the Keystone Pipeline and, to the alarm of the green lobby, it seems to leave President Obama with little reason to continue delaying construction.

The 2,000-page report makes no final recommendation on whether or not to approve construction of the energy project, but does definitively say that the pipeline would have “no significant impacts to most resources along the proposed Project route.”

This runs contrary to the fears of environmental groups that have said the pipeline would be “essentially game over for the climate.”
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Greens Fret Over Obama Admin Keystone Report”

ABC’s McFadden Compares Hillary to Thomas Jefferson

-By Warner Todd Huston

The inordinate praise for now former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has been thick throughout the media, but no other coverage was more obsequious than ABC’s. Cynthia McFadden topped off this praise by comparing Clinton to no less than Thomas Jefferson.

On the January 30 broadcast of Nightline, McFadden spoke to Clinton in what was billed as her “last television interview in office.” The interview was conducted in front of a statue of Thomas Jefferson and at one point in the interview McFadden effusively equated Clinton to Jefferson. Motioning toward the statue of the founder, McFadden said, “As Jefferson looks over our shoulder, who I would only point out, was Secretary of State who went on to become president.”
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ABC’s McFadden Compares Hillary to Thomas Jefferson”

Dept. of Homeland Sec. Again Calls Patriotic Americans ‘Potential Terrorists’

-By Warner Todd Huston

Are you a patriotic American that thinks that our American way of life is in danger? Are you a Tea Partier? If so, Obama’s Department of Homeland Security (DHS) wants you to know that you might be a terrorist. Or, at least, the DHS wants to characterize you as a potential terrorist, anyway.

Once again the DHS is warning that believing in American exceptionalism or hailing from the right side of American politics is a dangerous thing, just as they did in 2009. It might be recalled that in 2009 the DHS released a report that said our veterans or anyone that held a conservative viewpoint should be eyed suspiciously by government as a potential domestic terrorist.

This new report, titled Hot Spots of Terrorism and Other Crimes in the United States, 1970-2008, has a different way of defining the exact same position as the 2009 report that brought so much embarrassment to Obama’s administration. Apparently police should be suspicious of anyone that feels their way of life is endangered, anyone that is religious, and anyone that might be interested in “personal liberty,” or “national sovereignty,” or firearms.

That’s a pretty wide net, isn’t it?
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Dept. of Homeland Sec. Again Calls Patriotic Americans ‘Potential Terrorists’”

A Blogger at NATO 2012, What I Saw on Day One

-By Warner Todd Huston

I was awarded press credentials for NATO’s 2012 Summit in Chicago and, having no idea what to expect, what I found on day one was a study in contrasts. What occurred was sometimes amusing, often mundane, and sometimes even violent. But it was all democracy in action.

Early on the morning of day one, Sunday, May 20, I boarded a western Metra train under threat of having my equipment bags confiscated or at least me prevented from boarding the train with them. I was not ruffed up the “the man,” though and downtown I went riding high on the rails. Literally. I took a seat on the top tier of the train.

The Summit didn’t start well as the NATO advance video called Chicago the Illinois Capital (It isn’t) and the place where Obama grew up (Again, it isn’t).

Upon reaching the gathering point for the press in beautiful downtown Chicago I boarded the super, double, secret press shuttle bus that took us down the service streets, steering well clear of the surface roads, straight to Chicago’s McCormick Place convention center, site of the NATO Summit.

Of course, before I was allowed on the super, double, secret press bus, bomb-sniffing dogs were loosed to make sure I had no underwear-bomb on my person or in my equipment bags. After I was officially cleared, I boarded the bus with local Chicago TV newsreader Jay Levine.

Everywhere I went there were knots of security personnel. A LOT of security personnel. The last time I saw that many security people I was in Cancun, Mexico during the 2010 UN Climate Conference.

There were members of the FBI, Homeland Security, Chicago Police, the U.S. Marshals as well as U.S. Airmen and Army officers all there on duty to make sure our tender media people were safe and secure.

I was later to learn that out on the streets of Chicago the number of security of all sorts made the way to McCormick Place seem like it was lightly guarded!
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A Blogger at NATO 2012, What I Saw on Day One”

We Need Rules for Cyberwarfare Before a President Steals That Power, Too

-By Warner Todd Huston

A recent New York Times article revealed that the Pentagon briefly considered engaging in cyberwarfare at the outset of the actions in Libya, but decided against it for a variety of reasons. This reminds us all that as a nation we really need to discuss the use of cyberwarfare. The first question asked must be: should a president be able to simply order such an attack on his own hook?

The Times noted that one of the concerns about the use of cyberwarfare is how it would be justified under the War Powers Resolution of 1973?

One unresolved concern was whether ordering a cyberattack on Libya might create domestic legal restrictions on war-making by the executive branch without Congressional permission. One question was whether the War Powers Resolution — which requires the executive to formally report to lawmakers when it has introduced forces into “hostilities” and sets a 60-day limit on such deployments if Congress does not authorize them to continue — would be required for an attack purely in cyberspace.

One would think that the answer to this would be somewhat obvious — though nothing seems obvious in Constitution-based discussions, sadly.

We know that the Founders vested in Congress the power to declare war not in the president. They wanted to avoid a repeat of the historical outrage of a King’s untrammeled powers to declare wars without the consent of the people and their duly elected representatives.
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We Need Rules for Cyberwarfare Before a President Steals That Power, Too”

The Consequence of US Leadership Failure at the UN

From the office of Rep. Peter Roskam (Ill., 6th District)…

In the coming weeks the United Nations Security Council is expected to take a series of misguided procedural steps towards allowing the Palestinian Authority (PA) to unilaterally declare independence (UDI). If they happen they will mark a step backwards from any potentially genuine Middle East peace and illustrate yet another failure of the Obama Administration’s “leading from behind” approach.

This did not have to be a foregone conclusion. This past May, Majority Leader Eric Cantor and I called on the Administration to stand united with the American people, and with Israel, opposing this UN action. The State Department has heard a similar chorus in the months since.
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The Consequence of US Leadership Failure at the UN”

Obama Puts Israel on ‘State Supporters of Terror’ List, Then Opens Diplomatic Relations With Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt

-By Warner Todd Huston

Obama’s is one of the most disastrous foreign policies of any president ever. His latest outrage is the dual absurdities of, on one hand putting Israel on a list of state sponsors of terrorism, while on the other hand opening a dialog with and bestowing diplomatic legitimacy upon the terrorists of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt.

This is the schizophrenic mess that Obama’s anti-western centric foreign policy ideas have created. It shouldn’t be much of a surprise, though. Upon becoming President Obama almost immediately launched into a series of one more example of Obama giving Israel the back of his hand.
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Obama Puts Israel on ‘State Supporters of Terror’ List, Then Opens Diplomatic Relations With Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt”

The Strategic Debate We Need To Have

– By Jeff Lukens

The U.S. federal debt is our nation’s greatest strategic weakness. As the debt continues to grow, our military posture around the globe is threatened. Defense cuts are coming, and with that reduction must come a reduced mission. In this environment, what our nation’s strategic mission should be, and what the corresponding defense funding should be to meet that need, are open questions. They are questions that need to be openly explored by politicians and the American people alike.

In a recent speech to the American Enterprise Institute (AEI), Defense Secretary Robert Gates said, “A smaller military, no matter how superb, will be able to go fewer places and do fewer things.” Ever the public servant, Gates seeks to kindle a debate the country seems reluctant, but needs, to have. It would be an invitation to disaster if we kept the same mission with reduced funding, or a reduced force. By bringing the issue to the public forum, Gates apparently seeks to avoid that calamity.

The core Pentagon budget is now about $530 billion, and accounts for roughly 20 percent of federal spending, and roughly half of discretionary spending. Defense cuts are coming, that much we know for sure, and the easiest of them have already been made. Gates acknowledged that over the past two years, “more than 30 programs (weapon systems, etc.) were canceled, capped, or ended that, if pursued to completion, would have cost more than $300 billion.”
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The Strategic Debate We Need To Have”

Tolerance and Diversity – What are we Supposed to Tolerate?

-By Rev Michael Bresciani‏

After the brutal shooting death of Pakistan’s Christian Minister Shabbaz Bhatti for his opposition to ‘blasphemy laws’ the persecution and murders of Christians continues unabated in Pakistan and other Muslim countries. Is this what the west is supposed to tolerate?

Even that lumbering and largely ineffective body known has the UN has voiced its concerns over the brutality and torture by Muslims on young boys in Afghanistan. There, they are sexually molested and severely punished with electric shock and beatings. Is this what we are supposed to tolerate?

In Egypt Christians are being slaughtered and Coptic Churches are being burned to the ground. As the rest of the world watches and President Barack Obama plans to send billions in aide to Egypt, no one seems to mention these human rights violations in the mainstream media. Little wonder that Sarah Palin coined the phrase the ‘lamestream media.” Is this what we are supposed to tolerate?
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Tolerance and Diversity – What are we Supposed to Tolerate?”

Why Islam is Different and Dangerous

-By Alan Caruba

Imagine that every day of your life begins with a morning call to prayer from minarets around the city or village in which you live.

Imagine that you are required to pray five times throughout the day, every day.

Imagine that the law of the land is based on Sharia, taken from the Koran.

Imagine that you live in a nation where stoning women, beheading criminals, and other draconian, ancient punishments are deemed acceptable.

Imagine being Muslim and knowing that conversion from Islam is punishable by death.
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Why Islam is Different and Dangerous”

Attacking the Family: Making the Terms ‘Father’ and ‘Mother’ Passé

-By Selwyn Duke

It seems that our neutered, post-Christian culture just can’t do enough to vindicate Muslims’ accusation of Western decadence. And the latest affront to common sense and Truth is an attack upon the family: The State Department will remove the terms “father” and “mother” from passport applications and replace them with “gender neutral terminology.” Reporting on the story, Fox News writes:

“The words in the old form were ‘mother’ and ‘father,’” said Brenda Sprague, deputy assistant Secretary of State for Passport Services. “They are now ‘parent one’ and ‘parent two.’”

A statement on the State Department website noted: “These improvements are being made to provide a gender neutral description of a child’s parents and in recognition of different types of families [emphasis added].”

Improvements? A real improvement would be eliminating the Brenda Spragues from government.
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Attacking the Family: Making the Terms ‘Father’ and ‘Mother’ Passé”

Obama’s Weak Foreign Policy Shows Again

-By Warner Todd Huston

Barack Obama once again shows his fecklessness and weakness in foreign policy with a decision by the State Department to allow the Palestinian Mission in Washington D.C. to fly the flag of its non-existent country.

Recently the flag of the Palestinian Authority was authorized for display by the State Dept. even though there is no such country as Palestine and the U.S. government does not officially recognize it as such. The State Dept. also agreed to upgrade its designation of the Palestinian mission to that of a “General Delegation.”

The State Dept. claimed that this was “an improvement in relations” with the Palestinians.

The Obama administration has been meekly asking that the Palestinian Authority engage in direct face-to-face negotiations with Israel, but PA President Mahmoud Abbas has rebuffed all requests.
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Obama’s Weak Foreign Policy Shows Again”