Get Ready: 2019 Will Be the Year of Gun Confiscation with Democrats in Power

-By Warner Todd Huston

A court recently upheld New Jersey’s ban on firearm magazines that hold more than ten rounds, but state officials have steadfastly refused to inform the citizens just how they intend to enforce that law.

But the fact that it was upheld and coupled with news in a growing list of other states — not to mention the noise from Washington DC — proves that Democrats intend to make 2019 the year of ending the Second Amendment in every way but in name.

As to New Jersey, Governor Phil Murphy signed the ban on extended magazines in June, but it immediately underwent an appeal by gun supporters. But it looks like supporters of the Constitution lost that battle.
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Get Ready: 2019 Will Be the Year of Gun Confiscation with Democrats in Power”

Fascist Dem. Sen. Chris Murphy Says Way to Save America is to Ban Conservative Websites

-By Warner Todd Huston

Connecticut’s Democrat Senator, Chris Murphy, said that conservatives should be shut out of social media, proving that he is not an American, but is, instead, an un-American fascist.

On Monday, Murphy announced his Chinese-styled censorship of the people’s right to free speech saying he feels people who aren’t in the proper party should be shut down.

“Infowars is the tip of a giant iceberg of hate and lies that uses sites like Facebook and YouTube to tear our nation apart. These companies must do more than take down one website. The survival of our democracy depends on it,” Murphy tweeted on August 6.

The president’s son was serious alarmed by this fascist proclamation by a sitting U.S. Senator.

“A Democrat Senator openly admitting that Big Tech’s censorship campaign is really about purging all conservative media. How long before Big Tech and their Democrat friends move to censor and purge @BreitbartNews, @DailyCaller and other conservatives voices from their platforms?” Donald Trump, Jr., tweeted on Tuesday.

Trump, Jr., is right. This is a chilling example of how far the Democrat Party has fallen from American ideals.
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Fascist Dem. Sen. Chris Murphy Says Way to Save America is to Ban Conservative Websites”

Trump Continues to Deliver Blows to Greedy Government Unions

-By Warner Todd Huston

Some of the best “popcorn” moments in Washington have largely flown under the radar as not many have noticed the repeated body blows that President Donald Trump has Delivered to the greedy, un-American government unions and this week he did it again.

I say “popcorn moment” because Trump’s repeated attacks on the unions makes you want to break out the popcorn to watch the Democrats get angrier and angrier as Trump undermines their source of union money income.

I guess there is just so much going on that the media hasn’t spent much time on the story, but Trump’s work to force the collapse of the rapacious government unions has been epic and unprecedented. No other president has hurt the unions so badly.

The latest is the Trump administration’s effort to cancel the free office space that Barack Obama gave to the unions. You see, during the fetid Obama regime, government union officials were allowed to set up shop in government buildings without paying a red cent in rent.

So, what we had were thousands of union goons given free office space in buildings the U.S. taxpayers are funding.When Trump came to office, he apparently wondered why union officials were allowed to use tax-funded office space free of charge?

Well, it IS a good question, after all.
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Trump Continues to Deliver Blows to Greedy Government Unions”

‘Abolish ICE’ Story in ‘Roll Call’ A Perfect Example of Liberal Bias in the Media

-By Warner Todd Huston

Would you like to see how the left-wing media spins stories to make Republicans look like the bad guys? You need look no farther than the spin Roll Call put on a story about Vice President Mike Pence replying to liberal demands that the Department of Immigration and Customs Enforcement be abolished.

For several weeks, now, a growing list of left-wing Democrats have lighted upon a new campaign issue and have begun braying to “abolish ICE.” This week the Trump administration has finally begun to push back against the outrageous demand. President Trump mentioned the left’s push to eliminate one of our chief immigration enforcement agencies at a rally in Montana. But VP Pence also spoke about it from Washington on Friday.

Pretending to report on Pence’s comments, the DC-based newspaper Roll Call jumped to the story with a Friday piece entitled, “Pence to Democrats: Stop ‘Spurious Attacks on ICE.”

The very first paragraph of this laughable excuse for news is a master class in left-wing spin all aimed at making Pence look like the bad guy.

Here it is:
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‘Abolish ICE’ Story in ‘Roll Call’ A Perfect Example of Liberal Bias in the Media”

Another Blatant Case: This is How Liberals Lie About This Immigration Debate

-By Warner Todd Huston

On Thursday another story about detained immigrant minors broke, this time about a group alleging that they were abused while being held. But the way the story was reported was a perfect example of how the media lies about this immigration debate because while the leftist media has blamed Trump for it, they neglected to mention the incident happened during the Obama years.

The liberal media has continued its hourly assault on President Donald Trump with its constant stream of lies about America’s immigration policy. But Thursday also saw this new wrinkle in the news of the day. It appears that a few illegal aliens filed a lawsuit alleging that they were abused when they were in detention as minors.

The story came from the Associated Press and some of the allegations are shocking:

Multiple detainees say the guards stripped them of their clothes and strapped them to chairs with bags placed over their heads.

“Whenever they used to restrain me and put me in the chair, they would handcuff me,” said a Honduran immigrant who was sent to the facility when he was 15 years old. “Strapped me down all the way, from your feet all the way to your chest, you couldn’t really move. … They have total control over you. They also put a bag over your head. It has little holes; you can see through it. But you feel suffocated with the bag on.”

In addition to the children’s first-hand, translated accounts in court filings, a former child-development specialist who worked inside the facility independently told The Associated Press this week that she saw kids there with bruises and broken bones they blamed on guards. She spoke on condition of anonymity because she was not authorized to publicly discuss the children’s cases.

According to the AP, these illegal alien kids had been sent to the facilities in question because authorities suspected them of being members of the criminal gang MS-13.
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Another Blatant Case: This is How Liberals Lie About This Immigration Debate”

More Proof of California Being Destroyed by Homelessness, Illegals, and Liberals

-By Warner Todd Huston

Liberals are no longer destroying California bit-by-bit. They have sped their destruction up to a faster clip and conservative actor James Woods just showed some proof of the frenetic pace.

Usually, the left in California, especially the Hollywood elite, have succeeded in secluding themselves away from the troubles the average citizen faces every day, but Woods shows that even the liberal elites are starting to be forced to confront the troubles they have wrought with their foolhardy, self-destructive policies.

Liberals have allowed the once great state of California to devolve into the worst dystopian mess in the nation (though Illinois is desperately trying to beat the west coasters). But, now even the elites are finding their territory overrun with the homeless and illegals and conservative actor James Woods revealed a shocking video outside the famed studios of TV mogul Oprah Winfrey to show it.

“This is the sidewalk next to Oprah Winfrey’s studio in West Hollywood,” Woods tweeted on May 25. “She has done extensive, and truly beautiful renovations to The Lot. Brand new apartments were built across the street. The new resident families cannot walk their children on the sidewalk to the local school.”

Along with the tweet, Woods added a video showing row after row of tents used by illegals and homeless people living on the very sidewalk outside Oprah’s studios.

Conservative Tribune reported the major trouble that California is seeing with the growing number of homeless people in the state…
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More Proof of California Being Destroyed by Homelessness, Illegals, and Liberals”

Somali Muslim Immigrants Stealing MILLIONS in Welfare from Minnesota

-By Warner Todd Huston

They came to the U.S. as supposed “refugees,” but now it has been discovered that a number of Somali immigrants are stealing hundreds of millions in American welfare money that they are literally shipping back to Africa stuffed in suitcases. Worse, the cash is going to fund the various Islamist terror armies there.

Could you remind me why, exactly, is it a bad thing to put a temporary halt to immigration from Muslim countries, again?

It has come to light that these Somali terrorists living among us have a long list of tactics to steal America’s benefits, but one was revealed by Fox 9 in Minneapolis with an investigation that found that Somalis were using a sham daycare center system to bilk the American people out of welfare cash.

During its 5-month investigation into the story, Fox 9 KMS tracked the funding flowing into the daycare center and found it was being sent outside the U.S. Fox also found “dozens” of other fraudulent centers doing the same thing.
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Somali Muslim Immigrants Stealing MILLIONS in Welfare from Minnesota”

Liberal Lunatics Now Want to Give ‘Human Rights’ to Rivers and Streams

-By Warner Todd Huston

Liberalism can no longer be treated as a serious ideology. Nor can it be thought of in any way at all as an American one. It also isn’t sane and as proof, the left’s latest gambit is to force its way on the nation via the courts by giving “human rights” to lakes, rivers, and streams so liberals can force “the law” to their radical environazi agenda.

The latest idiocy was revealed in an article entitled, “Can Rivers Be People Too?,” published on May 9 by the risible left-wing rag, The New Republic.

The long answer to that question is “no.”

This crazy idea started last year when a group of environazis filed a nuisance lawsuit claiming that the state of Colorado had violated the Colorado River’s “right to flourish and regenerate.”

“Environmental law has failed to protect the natural environment because it accepts the status of nature and ecosystems as property,” said the suit filed by the deranged envirowacko group Deep Green Resistance. DGR added that current law is inadequate because it only “regulates the rate at which the natural environment is exploited.”
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Liberal Lunatics Now Want to Give ‘Human Rights’ to Rivers and Streams”

Robert Mueller is NOT the Standup Guy the Liberals Claim Him To Be

-By Warner Todd Huston

Liberals claim that special counsel Robert Mueller is beyond reproach and that questioning him is un-American. But is Mueller the standup guy the left makes him out to be?

No, not really. Indeed, according to Congressman Louis Gohmert, Mueller has a long, long history of unfairly and mostly illicitly targeting of innocent people. Mueller is one of the most crooked actors in Washington D.C.

Gohmert’s warnings are extensive and detailed. Mueller’s actions “are a stain upon the legacy of American jurisprudence,” Gohmert notes in a May 2 op-ed.

“I do not make these statements lightly,” Gohmert lamented. “Each time I prepared to question Mueller during Congressional hearings, the more concerned I became about his ethics and behavior. As I went back to begin compiling all of that information in order to recount personal interactions with Mueller, the more clearly the big picture began to come into focus.”

“Judging by Mueller’s history,” Gohmert added, “it doesn’t matter who he has to threaten, harass, prosecute or bankrupt to get to allege something or, for that matter, anything. It certainly appears Mueller will do whatever it takes to bring down his target — ethically or unethically — based on my findings.”

The Texas Republican went on:
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Robert Mueller is NOT the Standup Guy the Liberals Claim Him To Be”

VIDEO: Facebook’s Zuckerberg Says His Team Made a Mistake on Diamond and Silk, Essentially Admits Obscene Bias

-By Warner Todd Huston

Without a doubt, Facebook has become one of the biggest online forums for Americans — if not the world — to talk to each other. Sadly, CEO Mark Zuckerberg and his management team have chosen sides and decided to bat for team Democrat and then lie about it all. Still, he almost admitted his perfidy during his testimony before Congress this week.

Facebook has been engaging in the systematic silencing of conservatives who have tried to use the social media network just like everyone else, to debate the day’s news and reach out to others who may be of like mind.

Over the last few months, conservative groups have found that their traffic has cratered and many of their contacts can no longer see their posts. Already one prominent conservative website has essentially given up its business because Facebook has throttled its reach.

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg continues to insist that he is only trying to stop “fake news” and to make Facebook more user friendly. However, it seems only conservative sites qualify as “fake news” to the biased administrators at Facebook. That’s because they have chosen sides, not because conservatives have more so-called fake news.

The latest conservative squelched by Facebook is the hilarious and energetic duo of Diamond and Silk, the pair of pro-Trump, African American women who became famous on Youtube for their support of Trump’s policies.
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VIDEO: Facebook’s Zuckerberg Says His Team Made a Mistake on Diamond and Silk, Essentially Admits Obscene Bias”

The Corrupt FBI Leadership, McCabe, Comey, Obama — These are the Russia Collaborators

-By Warner Todd Huston

It is becoming clear to anyone who cares about truth that Trump is the least of America’s worries where it comes to government corruption and collusion with the Russians.

Sadly, it is also clear that the national media is in cahoots with the left (and their pals the Russians, apparently). Because instead of telling the truth about corrupt FBI agent Andrew McCabe, the media is telling the nation lies and pretending that this is all Trump’s fault.

There has been no better summation about this situation than what nationally syndicated conservative radio host Mark Levin gave in a recent visit to the Sean Hannity show on Fox News.

Levin had it all exactly right when he appeared on Sean’s show when he was invited on to speak about the firing of the disgraceful FBI agent. Levin correctly noted that McCabe is not in the least bit a put upon civil servant like the media wants us to believe and if anyone wants to see collusion with the Russians, all they have to do is look at Barrack Obama and his corrupt regime.

Levin also blasted Lindsey Graham and Marco Rubio for crying about the McCabe losing his pension when he isn’t going to lose much of anything. The best selling author also scorched Comey, McCabe, Samantha Power, Clapper, Brennan and Susan Rice during his visit to Fox News.

After Sean introduced him, Levin didn’t need anything else to wind him up on the topic.

You have to watch this rant because Levin has important info to impart:

But, if you can’t watch the video, this is what he said…
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The Corrupt FBI Leadership, McCabe, Comey, Obama — These are the Russia Collaborators”

Just How Much Did Russia ‘Influence’ The Election? Seems Like Not Much At All

-By Warner Todd Huston

The liberal media and the “witch hunt” Mueller investigation are still braying that President Donald Trump “colluded” with the Russians to affect the outcome of the 2016 election. But notice how the left keeps using vague words like “collusion” and “interference” to describe their charge, yet they never give us any details about what the “interference” looks like. That’s because the actual details seem to show that the Russians had hardly any substantive effect at all on the election.

We have been told by the liberal media that “the Russians” interfered in the election. Again, they just use this catchall accusation and give no details. What Russians are they talking about? They don’t ever really say.

Then they insist that “the Russians” used their deep pockets to buy “lots” of ads to fool America into voting for… maybe Trump… or something. The left also claims “the Russians” used Facebook and social media to do this. They aren’t very specific on this, either. Just a bunch of general claims.

But, OK, let’s take this at face value for now. Let’s say the Russians did spend “lots” of money on social media. What did the reality of this spending look like?

Well, according to Byron York, who looked deep into the recent Mueller indictment of 13 Russians, it amounted to about nothing.

Here is what the Washington Examiner journalist recently found.
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Just How Much Did Russia ‘Influence’ The Election? Seems Like Not Much At All”

African American Olympian Destroyed by Liberals Because She Took Selfie with Ivanka and Sanders

-By Warner Todd Huston

An African America member of the U.S. bobsled team was excoriated by liberals on Twitter because she dared take a selfie with Ivanka Trump and presidential spokesperson Sarah Huckabee Sanders at the Winter Games in PyeongChang, South Korea.

Silver medal winning bobsledder Lauren Gibbs jumped to Twitter to post the selfie with Trump and Sanders adding a caption pleading with Americans to be civil. But, as liberals are wont to do, the athlete was thoroughly destroyed by leftists who insisted that there is no reason at all to be civil to people who hold the wrong political position. In no uncertain terms, liberal Twitter trolls accused the black athlete of being a race traitor, not caring about people, and aiding in the looting of America by rich white people.

Gibbs started her tweet on a positive note:

“It’s important to remember,” Gibbs wrote on her February 24 tweet, “that we don’t have to agree on everything to get along, be civil to each other and enjoy each others company. #itsforamerica it was a pleasure to meet you both!”

But Gibbs’ liberal fans were not at all pleased with the photo nor interested in civil relations with anyone who might disagree with their political point of view. Tweet after tweet slammed Gibbs for taking the picture and cast ridicule and hate on her selfie mates.
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African American Olympian Destroyed by Liberals Because She Took Selfie with Ivanka and Sanders”

Time to END This ‘President’s Day’ Foolishness

-By Warner Todd Huston

Monday, February 19 has been designated as “President’s Day,” another fake holiday seemingly meant to tear down American heroes and replace them with a meaningless day off of work (for some). But I urge you, America, reject this sham holiday.

I never celebrate this “President’s Day” business. I might celebrate the presidents individually, sure, but not the whole gaggle of them on the same day. I mean, it isn’t celebrating any of them if you are celebrating all of them. After all, we don’t celebrate the birthdays of all our siblings and parents on the same day, do we? Wouldn’t each feel slighted if none were given their special day?

Naturally, it isn’t about any particular president’s hurt feelings if we didn’t give them a special day. It’s about us. It’s about our feelings for the country.

Celebrating a particular president for all he has done is an important part of our civil “religion.” It is an important way to keep us all together as a society, a way to give us a collective history to celebrate.

The problem with “President’s Day” is that it homogenizes all the deeds done by individual presidents, great and not-so-great, into a meaningless mélange. By celebrating all the presidents at once, we are necessarily negating the important historical works of, say, the father of our country, George Washington (February 14), or the savior of the union and freer of slaves, Abe Lincoln (February 12).

We are also saying that the worst presidents, like Obama, Carter, and James Buchanan, or do-nothings like Franklin Pierce, are all equally deserving of the same amount of praise.

They are not.
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Time to END This ‘President’s Day’ Foolishness”

Liberal Media Pushes Fake News That Florida Killer Was a Member of a ‘White Supremacist Group’

-By Warner Todd Huston

The media spent all day Thursday knocking itself out to “report” that Parkland school shooter Nicholas Cruz was part of a “white supremacist” group. But it turns out that the media was punk’d and the whole claim was a hoax.

We all know that the left-wing, old media establishment is the first sector of Americam society to warn us all not to “jump to conclusions” over religion when a killer who is suspected of being a Muslim gets in the news. The media gravely warns us not to call him a Muslim terrorist until “all the facts are in.” But in the case of this Parkland, Florida, school killer the media took the word of one un-vetted “white supremacist” who made the unsubstantiated claim that teenaged killer Nicholas Cruz was part of a white separatist group without doing one bit of checking on the claim.

On Thursday morning, February 15, the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) hastily published a story claiming that the leader of a Tallahassee-based group calling itself the Republic of Florida (ROF) had “admitted” that Parkland killer Nicholas Cruz was a member of his group.

This person, one Jordan Jereb, insisted that Cruz had been “training” with them and that an ROF member even bought Cruz a WWII-era bolt action rifle.

The ROF is a white supremacist/white separatist group that claims it is fighting for “white Identitarian politics.”

“Republic Of Florida is a white civil rights organization fighting for white Identitarian politics,” the group says on its website. “And the ultimate creation of a white ethnostate so we can be free from anti-white policies and have policies that reflect our values as white westerners. The ROF Militia is the armed forces of the Republic Of Florida.”

As soon as the ADL posted this tall tale, the media went wild to pick it up and proclaim it to be 100% fact.
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Liberal Media Pushes Fake News That Florida Killer Was a Member of a ‘White Supremacist Group’”

Dead Not Counted Before Liberals Start Lying About Florida School Shooting

-By Warner Todd Huston

Sadly the country suffered another mass shooting in a primary school, this time in a high school in Florida. Unfortunately, the blood was still flowing, the victims had not even been identified, and the suspect had yet to be caught before liberals were purposefully misreporting on the incident and flat out lying in order to sell their anti-gun, anti-America, left-wing agenda.

One lie in particular made the rounds among many of the leftist media’s “real” journalists. As the crime in Florida unfolded, these “journalists” began Tweeting out that the attack at a high school in Parkland, Florida, is the “18th school shooting this year.”

This lie and ones like it appeared on several Twitter feed. Here are a few examples:
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Dead Not Counted Before Liberals Start Lying About Florida School Shooting”

Memo ‘Reporting’ Proves the American Media are Part of the Democrat Party

-By Warner Todd Huston

The massive failure that is the liberal media’s reporting of Republican Devin Nunes’ FISA memo is a crashing mess for helping inform the American people of the news, but it is helpful for proving beyond a shadow of a doubt that the national “news” media is merely an adjunct of the Democrat Party and are not to be trusted on any level.

Outside of Fox News, nearly every talking head on TV has been proclaiming the memo released last Friday to be a nothing burger and they made this pronouncement even before seeing it. This means their proclamations of being “right” that the memo was meaningless are not evidence of being correct, but evidence that they are merely celebrating their uninformed and previously decided conclusion. In other words, they say they are right just because they felt they were going to BE right, regardless of anything actually in the memo.

Take the lunacy of extremist, left-wing “journalist” Nicolle Wallace, for instance. On Friday Wallace exclaimed that Trump’s “war on our law enforcement community” will cause the deaths of our agents. She insisted on MSNBC that the blood of any future law enforcement agent will be on Trump’s head. This same partisan liar, though, has repeatedly praised race rioters and the Black Lives Matter movement despite that BLM has openly called for the deaths of cops. Yet, to Nicolle Wallace, no blood would be on the hands of BLM activists if cops are killed. This dichotomy just shows her partisan lies for what they are.

This sort of left-wing activism was seen all across the media as the memo “reporting” played out.
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Memo ‘Reporting’ Proves the American Media are Part of the Democrat Party”

Illinois Senator Dick Durbin is the PERFECT Example for Repeal of the 17th Amendment

-By Warner Todd Huston

As Washingtonians continue to angle for position over immigration policy, senators like Illinois’ Dick Durbin and New York’s Chuck Schumer have come to insist that their chief concern is to work on behalf of illegal aliens instead of American citizens. But this situation does prove definitively that the founders were right about how to elect senators and that the 17th Amendment has been one of America’ greatest mistakes. It should be repealed.

The current immigration debate centers on two policies. One is the fate of the so-called DREAMERs — those who were brought into the country illegally by their lawbreaking parents. The second is the idea of “chain migration” — a policy maintaining that once a single illegal is given status he should be allowed to bring dozens of relatives here. Washington is in an uproar over these issues with one side saying that we should only allow immigrants with merit to enter the U.S. while the other side thinks we shouldn’t have any immigration laws at all and we should let everyone who wants to come here do so whether they are useful to our society or not.

One thing is certain, the Democrats simply do not care even a tiny bit what the American people think about immigration. Indeed, a recent Harvard-Harris poll (no right leaning group, for sure) found that 80 percent of Americans are against chain migration and want it ended. Indeed, it is even higher among their own voters. Fully 85 percent of African Americans want merit-based immigration and are against chain migration.
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Illinois Senator Dick Durbin is the PERFECT Example for Repeal of the 17th Amendment”

You Can’t Be Both a Liberal AND an American at the Same Time

-By Warner Todd Huston

Liberals live in America, but they don’t love America. So, it’s not a surprise that they have an affinity for law breaking illegal aliens. After all, liberals don’t care about our laws or our sovereignty any more than transient illegals who come to the U.S. only to use it for its freebies and welfare, or to get a job to make a quick dollar to send back to their home country. These transient illegals don’t have any more interest in being an American than liberals do.

So, when liberals fight for illegals, understand that they are doing so not out of love, but hate. Indeed, the modern Democrat Party is the biggest hate group in American history.

Today’s liberals are all about hate. They hate democracy, they hate the Constitution, they hate white people, they hate capitalism, they hate democracy, they hate republican government, they hate religion, they hate the family structure, they hate guns, they hate history, they hate freedom of speech and liberty… in short they hate everything about the U.S.A. and you can’t love a place that you hate so thoroughly.

In fact, the only thing they love about America is their assumption that they can “do whatever they want,” a concept they treat with licentiousness and wanton instead of the virtue and probity the founders hoped Americans would observe.

It might seem a natural progression, this party now having drifted to its logical extremes. Born of a hate for the equality of negroes, the Democrat Party morphed into a party that hates America itself as the nation struggled with the post Civil War reconstruction era.
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You Can’t Be Both a Liberal AND an American at the Same Time”

CW’s New ‘Black Lightning’ Super Hero Series Reveals the Hypocrisy of Social Justice Warriors

-By Warner Todd Huston

On Tuesday night, the CW network debuted a new TV superhero show called “Black Lightning.” But, while the show was pretty good, the lack of outrage over its very title shows the essential hypocrisy of the social justice warrior set.

The show is set in an inner-city neighborhood filled with a mounting crime problem, growing frustration with police and police brutality, and gang warfare. In this troubled town lives high school principal Jefferson Pierce (series star Cress Williams), a pillar of the community but a man with a divorced wife and two girls attending his school.

Even as he is a community leader, Mr. Pierce has a secret past. We soon discover he was once an inner city vigilante named Black Lightning; a man somehow imbued with the power to wield electrical arcs and affect the electrical systems of cars and buildings. Seven years ago Pierce used his power to stop bad cops, kill drug pushers, and put dangers criminals out of commission. But since that time, Pierce had hung up his super suit to become a schoolteacher and to stay alive in order to try and win back a wife who left him because she was tired of him risking his life being a superhero.
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CW’s New ‘Black Lightning’ Super Hero Series Reveals the Hypocrisy of Social Justice Warriors”

Illinois Senator Dick Durbin Has a Long History of Lies and Calumny

-By Warner Todd Huston

The nation recently discovered Illinois Democrat Dick Durbin after he made the so far unsupported claim that President Donald Trump called several third world nations “sh**hole countries.” But, what most Americans don’t know is that Dick Durbin has a long history of lying in service to the Democrat Party and the anti-American, left-wing cause.

Durbin hit the airwaves last week claiming that Trump disparaged several foreign nations, including Haiti, Durbin proclaimed Trump a racist (again) and attacked him for being un-presidential. But the comment, IF Trump even said it, was said in a private meeting, not in a public forum. So, in truth we have no actual proof it was said.

The ensuing media frenzy is entirely hypocritical of the press considering that, to one degree or another, nearly every single president (and vice president, for that matter) has had a potty mouth in private meetings. And yet, the press has never reported on the salty language of past presidents. But Trump? Oh, yeah, the media went wild to report on the claimed cursing by Trump, despite the lack of proof he even said it.

But, what about that “proof”? The claims the media fell all over itself to report upon came from no less than Illinois Democrat Dick Durbin. And Durbin has decades of lies piled up to his credit. In fact, Durbin is one of the biggest liars in the whole of the upper chamber.
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Illinois Senator Dick Durbin Has a Long History of Lies and Calumny”

California and Illinois Rank as Worst States and People are Moving Out in Droves

-By Warner Todd Huston

More people left the deep blue, left-wing states of California and Illinois than any other state in 2017, according to U-Haul rental rankings released this month.

The worst five states everyone wants to leave includes one purple state and four deep blue, Democrat-run states while the top five states people are moving into are all very red, Republican states, the new ranking shows.

The U-Haul tracking of rented moving trucks and trailers identifies Texas as the number one state Americans are moving to with Florida, Arkansas, South Carolina, and Tennessee rounding out the top five most alluring states.

“The Dallas/Fort Worth area continues to grow. Due to the attractive tax incentives for corporations, large companies are flocking into the Dallas area: Toyota, Dr. Pepper, Exxon, T.I., etc. Housing development is booming everywhere in the Dallas/Fort Worth area,” U-Haul’s Debbie Morales said. “Everywhere you look, new businesses, homes and apartment/condo buildings are going up. There are plenty of things to do in Texas: the largest urban arts district in the nation, rodeos, the state fair/Cotton Bowl, and major professional sports teams. Also, the climate in Dallas is great if you like four distinct seasons. The economy is up as Dallas employment is at an all-time high. So why not move to Texas?”

The bottom five are telling, indeed. The worst state for out-migration is California. The most liberal state in the country is followed by liberal Illinois, Pennsylvania, the politically purple state of Michigan, and finally far left Massachusetts.

So, it is clear. Politically liberal blue states are losing citizens in droves to successful, low tax Republican red states.

Is it any surprise? Who wants to live in a failing, anti-American state like California or Illinois?
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California and Illinois Rank as Worst States and People are Moving Out in Droves”

Seattle Soda Tax Worst Case Showing How Liberals Hurt the Little Guy

-By Warner Todd Huston

Most Americans pay between $8 and $12 for a case of soda, depending on where you are and how much tax is levied upon the purchase. But not if you live in Seattle. Thanks to the left-wing city’s new soda tax, residents of The Emerald City are now paying almost $20 a case for their soda fix. Who do you think this hurts the most? Right. The poor and middle classes.

The new tax went into effect on January 1 and the new cost is so outrageous that most stores are going to the expense of creating signs and posters to inform customers about why the prices of their sugared drinks have soared.

Not surprisingly, many regular shoppers in the city have already started making plans to either drive outside the city to get their sugared drinks, or to start giving it up altogether.

“We’ll just go ahead and make the trip outside the city when we want to buy some,” Seattle citizen Dennis Peterson told KOMO News.

So, what is the deal with this foolish tax? Naturally, the city’s politicians think that the tax will bring in millions in new revenue. Time to pop the champaign corks because the gravy train is getting its steam on… if I can mix metaphors.
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Seattle Soda Tax Worst Case Showing How Liberals Hurt the Little Guy”

Robert Mueller’s Anti-Trump Grand Jury Slammed as a Biased ‘Black Lives Matter Rally’

-By Warner Todd Huston

As each day passes, it increasingly appears that Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s so-called “investigation” into the Democrats’ claims that Trump “colluded” with Russia to affect the 2016 election is proving itself to be worse than a snipe hunt. But a recent report on the make up of Muller’s grand jury adds to that perception.

If you thought that Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s effort to destroy Donald Trump with his faux Russia probe was a partisan joke that was fixed from the beginning, the makeup of his “grand jury” will probably cinch your low opinion of his efforts.

Mueller has been relying on a grand jury that meets each Friday in Washington DC. It has handed Mueller indictments against Paul Manafort and George Papadopoulos, but neither indictment has had anything to do with Trump or any possible connections to Russia.

The federal grand jury that has been handing down indictments that thus far have had no connection at all to Russia or Trump appears to be a thoroughly biased operation, according to Page Six:
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Robert Mueller’s Anti-Trump Grand Jury Slammed as a Biased ‘Black Lives Matter Rally’”

Feel Good, Conservatives, You Are 100% Vindicated For Voting for Donald Trump

-By Warner Todd Huston

Only a year into his presidency, the Democrats and their lapdogs in the leftist media have declared President Donald Trump to be the worst president in history. Of course, we all know that Barack Obama and Jimmy Carter (you can add James Buchanan) have already earned that title. Still, though, as the media pounds you every day with its Trump Derangement Syndrome, you may feel a bit depressed as a Trump voter. Well, here are four big reasons why you have been vindicated for voting for Trump and why even if he doesn’t do anything else he is already a great success.

Despite being in office only a year, President Donald J. Trump has had a string of important achievements, but it is the flavor of those successes that is remarkable. Considering that Trump always hovered around the political center — and sometimes the center-left — during his 50 years in the media spotlight, as president he has led a series of quite conservative campaigns. He’s eliminated hundreds of Obama’s destructive regulations, pumped up the economy, effected a directional change to the right in our court system, returned the country to a more U.S. focused foreign policy, and likely swung a tax cut (which appeared to be only days away at the writing of this article).

For conservatives, even if for the next four years Trump decides to just coast on his first year’s achievements, he has already justified his election and earned your vote. But, all signs point to him continuing these campaigns as his presidency rolls onward, so if you are a conservative, you are must realize that you have been vindicated if you voted for the president.

Reason One: Trump the Regulation Cutter

When Barack Obama came to office, he promised to cut regulations. It was one of his first major lies as president. Indeed, the cost of his avalanche of regulations cost the country over $300 billion in just the first two years of his regime. His plans to swamp the nation with regulations was so extreme that in 2012 he refused to even submit his regulatory plans to Congress as is required by law because he knew it would shock the nation. And that was only two years after Obama promised to have the “most ethical administration in history.”
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Feel Good, Conservatives, You Are 100% Vindicated For Voting for Donald Trump”

Charles Barkley Calls Steve Bannon a ‘White Separatist’

-By Warner Todd Huston

In comments attacking Alabama Republican Senate Candidate Roy Moore, former basketball great Charles Barkley called former presidential advisor Steven Bannon a “white separatist.”

The former Philadelphia 76ers power forward waded into the Alabama Senate race insisting that the Republican candidate should never have gotten as far as he has, not because of the unproven accusations of sexual misconduct, but because he associated himself with the “white separatist” Bannon.

Barkley made his comments to the press before the November 25 Alabama-Auburn football game, according to USA Today.

“Roy Moore is running with Steve Bannon as his right-hand man, who is a white separatist,” Barkley said on Saturday.

“I’m not even going to get into the women stuff,” Barkley continued. “But the guy — how can you be a white separatist and represent all the constituents in your state? I mean, everybody is going crazy over this sexual allegations, but Roy Moore, to me, when he brought in Steve Bannon, should have been disqualified.”
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Charles Barkley Calls Steve Bannon a ‘White Separatist’”

Gun-Grabbin Gabby Giffords Wants to Take Away Your… Muskets?

-By Warner Todd Huston

Former Congresswoman Gabby Giffords just gave us more proof that the left’s real goal with “gun control” is nothing short of a total elimination of the Second Amendment and a ban on all guns.

One of the first things that liberals insist when discussing “common sense gun control” is that they only want to make America safe, not put an end to the Second Amendment. They piously proclaim themselves to be stewards of the Constitution and insist that they don’t want to take your guns away from you.

Then there is their other claim, which the Second Amendment was written in an era where there are only muzzleloading muskets, so perhaps only muzzleloading guns are covered by the law of the land.

But they are liars. And Giffords just proved it.
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Gun-Grabbin Gabby Giffords Wants to Take Away Your… Muskets?”

Dear Conservatives, Supergirl Thinks You’re Stupid and She Doesn’t Want You Watching Her Show

-By Warner Todd Huston

Last week the premiere episode of season three for the CW network’s Supergirl debuted, and it had a very clear message for conservative viewers: you are stupid, and you should go away.

As season three kicked off were treated to an evil, sexist, capitalist, Trump-like real estate developer who hates poor people and told that only “morons” don’t believe in global warming, all in a show that treats all white males like villains. Well, all but the one who is a geeky, tech guy who is afraid of his shadow, bad with girls, and uncomfortable in his own skin (Last season featured a white guy, of sorts, as Supergirl’s needy boyfriend, but he was an alien, not a white human).

It is a long way from the easy-going, inoffensive, and fun show that debuted for a single season on CBS before moving to the CW.

The fingers in the eyes of conservative viewers began in the first minutes of the debut episode, “The Girl of Steel.”

The episode opens in the midst of a battle between Supergirl (Melissa Benoist) and a bad guy. She defeats the bad man, of course, and saves her lesbian stepsister and her fiancée in the process.

Next, we are introduced to season three’s big baddie who shows up in a meeting as evil capitalist real estate developer Morgan Edge (Adrian Pasdar). He is, of course, a capitalist “exploiter,” we are told. During a meeting of city officials, Edge is accused of setting up a “development that would level the whole area and force people from their homes just to build high-rises for the wealthy.” Of course. They later call him a “stubborn sexist” who has “all the charisma of a Michael Douglas movie from the 90s.”

If you didn’t catch that latter reference, it was yet another dig at white men. It referenced actor Michael Douglas’ 1993 hit movie Falling Down, a film that cast him as a middle-aged, unemployed, white man who snapped and went on a psychotic shooting spree through downtown Los Angeles.
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Dear Conservatives, Supergirl Thinks You’re Stupid and She Doesn’t Want You Watching Her Show”

Nate Boyer, NFL Player and Army Veteran Who Helped Colin Kaepernick Take a Knee During Anthem, Pens ‘Open Letter’

-By Warner Todd Huston

The former Army Special Forces veteran and NFL player who helped Colin Kaepernick devise his take-a-knee-styled national anthem protest penned an open letter pleading for Americans to “like each other” again.

Boyer, a former Green Berret who was signed by the 49ers as an undrafted free agent in May of 2015, drew ire from many of his Army compatriots by helping former San Francisco 49ers quarterback formulate his idea of kneeling during the anthem last year.

Last September, Kaepernick noted that he, “had a long conversation with Nate Boyer, who is a military vet.” He added, “And we were talking to him about, ‘How can we get the message back ‘on track? And not take away from the military. … But keep the focus on what the issues really are.

“As we talked about it, we came up with taking a knee,” Kaepernick concluded last year, “because there are issues that still need to be addressed. And it was also a way to try to show more respect to the men and women that fight for this country.”

But the anthem protest inventor who turned free agent last year but was left unsigned for the 2017 season, also noted that he could never stand in honor of the flag and country.
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Nate Boyer, NFL Player and Army Veteran Who Helped Colin Kaepernick Take a Knee During Anthem, Pens ‘Open Letter’”

FBI Warns of Growing Domestic Terror Threat Posed by Black Extremist Groups

-By Warner Todd Huston

The Federal Bureau of Investigation is warning that the country faces an increasing level of threats from acts of domestic terror at the hands of a growing number of “black identity extremist” (BIE) groups.

The bombshell new report released by the FBI’s counterterrorism division states that these groups are targeting police.

“[I]t is very likely BIEs proactively target police and openly identify and justify their actions with social-political agendas commensurate with their perceived injustices against African Americans,” the report says, according to Fox News.

The report goes on to say that these BIE’s began forming after the 2014 shooting of African American teenager Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri.

The report mentions that the Bureau began monitoring for threats after the Ferguson riots and in the intervening years have complied a long list of incidents to prove the threat is real. It also noted that these incidents of violence are “likely” to continue.

“It is very likely that BIEs’ perceptions of unjust treatment of African-Americans and the perceived unchallenged illegitimate actions of law enforcement will inspire premeditated attacks against law enforcement over the next year,” the paper said. “It is very likely additional controversial police shootings of African-Americans and the associated legal proceedings will continue to serve as drivers for violence against law enforcement.”

Naturally, minority groups are insisting that the relatively new term “black identity extremists” is “racial profiling” and an example of racism at the FBI.
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FBI Warns of Growing Domestic Terror Threat Posed by Black Extremist Groups”