Dead Not Counted Before Liberals Start Lying About Florida School Shooting

-By Warner Todd Huston

Sadly the country suffered another mass shooting in a primary school, this time in a high school in Florida. Unfortunately, the blood was still flowing, the victims had not even been identified, and the suspect had yet to be caught before liberals were purposefully misreporting on the incident and flat out lying in order to sell their anti-gun, anti-America, left-wing agenda.

One lie in particular made the rounds among many of the leftist media’s “real” journalists. As the crime in Florida unfolded, these “journalists” began Tweeting out that the attack at a high school in Parkland, Florida, is the “18th school shooting this year.”

This lie and ones like it appeared on several Twitter feed. Here are a few examples:
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Dead Not Counted Before Liberals Start Lying About Florida School Shooting”

[VIDEO] Filmmaker Utterly DESTROYS the ‘White Privilege’ Junk Taught in Our Universities

-By Warner Todd Huston

Guerrilla filmmaker Ami Horowitz has been excellent at exposing the stupidity of the left and his latest film takes aim at the empty logic of “white privilege” as taught in our feckless colleges and universities.

Horowitz showed up outside a Kansas City conference pushing the nonsense of “white privilege” on students and school administrators and asked them if they truly believe in the idea, according to Daily Wire.

Naturally, every single person he asked dutifully parroted the far-left talking points and insisted that all white people are permanently racist.

One women even said that she feels “super guilty all the time” because of her so-called “white privilege.”

Most of these white leftists also told Horowitz that all whites in America are racist.
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[VIDEO] Filmmaker Utterly DESTROYS the ‘White Privilege’ Junk Taught in Our Universities”

18-Year-Old Illegals Allowed into the 9th Grade Brutally Rape a 14-Year-Old Girl Right in a School Bathroom

-By Warner Todd Huston

Two dangerous and violent Obama “DREAMERs,” one illegals from Guatemala and the other El Salvador, were arrested for brutally raping a 14-year-old girl right in a Maryland high school bathroom last week. The two males are both nearly past high school age but were put into the 9th grade with 14 and 15 year old American children even as they should never have been allowed into government funded schools at all.

The two monsters, Henry E. Sanchez, 18, and Jose O. Montano, 17, were allowed to enter the ninth grade due to their relative ill-educated ignorance. This is typical with the people who streamed into our country during Obama’s reign of terror on this nation. They have no education, often cannot speak English, and usually can’t even write in their own language, much less English.

Yet these lawbreakers come here, and what is the first thing our left-wing lawmakers allow? That’s right, they let them enter school on our dime. It is also very common for these illegal aliens to be put in grades with children several years younger than they. This is because they are so poorly educated that they simply can’t keep up with kids their own age so lawmakers allow 18-year-olds who should by rights not be allowed into high school at all to be put in with kids four and five years younger than they.

So, these two criminals who raped a 14-year-old girl, who were arrested and are being held without bond should never have been allowed into this country in the first place, much less catered to and given the opportunity of a free education courtesy of the taxpayers of the State of Maryland.
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18-Year-Old Illegals Allowed into the 9th Grade Brutally Rape a 14-Year-Old Girl Right in a School Bathroom”

New York About to Eliminate Test Meant to See if Teachers Can Read Because RAAAACISM!

-By Warner Todd Huston

There would have been a day when a story saying that teachers were about to be excused from requirements that they be able to read just to avoid charges of racism would have been an entry in an issue of the National Lampoon or even on But today, in this day of truly insane liberalism, the idea that liberals don’t care if teachers can read just to avoid charges of racism in hiring is… well, sadly, it’s not even a little surprising.

New York’s Board of Regents is expected to adopt the new recommendation of an education standards task force espousing that the state dump a teacher candidate literacy exam known as the Academic Literacy Skills Test, according to ABC News.

Sadly, that is where we are in the extreme, left-wing state of New York where state education officials are actually contemplating eliminating a reading test to determine if applicants applying for teaching positions can read at sufficient levels.
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New York About to Eliminate Test Meant to See if Teachers Can Read Because RAAAACISM!”

Shift in U.S. Against WWII A-Bombing of Japan is a VERY Bad Sign

-By Warner Todd Huston

On the even of Memorial Day when we take a moment in our busy lives to remember the sacrifice made by millions of soldiers who lost their lives in war since our nation was founded, President Obama went on another apology tour, this time to grovel in front of the Japanese in abject despair for dropping the atomic bomb on them during WWII. Sadly, too many Americans are just as foolish as he if the results of a new poll are any indication. It is all proof that the U.S. is losing its grip on reality.

Before I get too much farther into this business, let me just say to Japan that I am not sorry we destroyed two of your major cities with the A-Bomb. I don’t have even a tiny bit of sympathy for Japan’s loss. They started the war, they murdered and enslaved millions (not hyperbole), they attacked us, and even as their forces were clearly beaten they refused to surrender which would have necessitated perhaps a million more casualties should the U.S. have had to invade to pacify them. They even refused to surrender after we wiped out Hiroshima with a single bomb forcing us to do it again at Nagasaki.

Actions have consequences and Japan’s actions led to what they deserved. Period.

Unfortunately, today too many Americans are starting to regret the A-Bombing of Japan, the bombing that saved the lives of so many Americans and Japanese both. A new poll finds a bare one percent more Americans now disapprove of the bombing than approve.

A new CBS News poll found only 43 percent of Americans still approve of the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki while 44 percent disapprove. This year’s result compares to 53 percent approving of the bombing in 1990 with 41 percent disapproving.

This is a travesty created by our failed miseducation system.
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Shift in U.S. Against WWII A-Bombing of Japan is a VERY Bad Sign”

CA School OKays Hispanic Students Wearing ‘Dump Trump’ Shirts Even as U.S. Flag Shirts Banned

-By Warner Todd Huston

A California high school has agreed to allow Hispanic students to wear their “Dump Trump” T-Shirts on campus despite a dress code that seems to prohibit them. The controversy is set against a backdrop of a federal court ruling banning U.S. flag shirts in California schools.

Sean Boulton, the principal of Newport Harbor High School in Newport Beach, a town south of Los Angeles, decided to acquiesce to the request of a group of Hispanic students who wanted to wear their shirts denigrating GOP front runner Donald Trump even as the school’s dress code could be read as prohibiting them.

The school’s dress code for the 2015/16 school year puts a ban on clothing with “inappropriate graphics” and clothing with messages that “denigrates others on account of gender, sexual orientation, race color, religion, ancestry, national origin, handicap or disadvantage.”

Despite those rules, school authorities are now allowing students to wear shirts attacking Trump and his voters.
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CA School OKays Hispanic Students Wearing ‘Dump Trump’ Shirts Even as U.S. Flag Shirts Banned”

John Kasich and His Big Government Education Disconnect

-By Warner Todd Huston

Ohio Governor John Kasich talked about education at the GOP debate in Detroit, but what he said essentially reveals the disconnect between apparent conservative rhetoric and a less conservative love of big government.

Talking about how the schools in Cleveland, one of the largest cities in his home state of Ohio, have been turning around lately due to new policies, the Governor tried to wrench that into federal policy.

Those local policies may be all well and good, but one sentence he unleashed that night revealed a dichotomy between conservative boilerplate and the usual, big government nonsense we see from establishment and Washington Republicans.

“And, frankly, look, if I were president,” Kashich said, “I’d take 104 federal programs, bundle them into four buckets, and send it to the states, because fixing schools rests at the state and the local level, and particularly at the school board level.”

Notice the disconnect? He began talking about those “buckets” of federal money he’d “send to the states” for education. And why would he send all those buckets loaded with tax dollars? Because “fixing schools rests at the state and the local level, and particularly at the school board level.”

So, what is the disconnect?
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John Kasich and His Big Government Education Disconnect”

Politics, Left And Right, Dumbed Down to ‘Fairness’

-By Warner Todd Huston

As the presidential primaries roll out across America it has become clear that the voters are revolting against the establishment — both on the left and the right. Usually we think of the Republicans and Democrats as being polar opposites, but in today’s climate large numbers of voters on both sides are lining up in opposition to the elites for exactly the same reason. Both the left and right are in revolt over “fairness.”

Large numbers of voters, those voting for Trump on the right side of the aisle and those voting for Sanders on the left, are upset that America is no longer fair for everyone. Certainly the definition of fair and the cure for this lack of fairness takes different forms on the left and right, but it is fairness they are both exercised about, nonetheless.

Many center right Americans are worried that the large youth vote jumping on the bandwagon for self-professed socialist Bernie Sanders is a harbinger for a collapse to come and proof that America’s children have become communists. It is also proof that they have rejected the American ethos and tradition. But, while the end product might be much the same, I’d argue that it isn’t true that these Sanders voters are really voting for actual socialism.

In fact, I’d argue that most of them haven’t a clue what socialism even is. If they did they’d realize what a stupid idea it would be to vote for someone so foolish as to imagine socialism is a good idea. 20 years ago Bernie Sanders would have been thought of as a crackpot and would have been utterly dismissed from presidential politics.
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Politics, Left And Right, Dumbed Down to ‘Fairness’”

Here is How Democrats Are Using Immigrants to Destroy This Country

-By Warner Todd Huston

It is a well worn adage that America is “made up of immigrants.” But the “making” occurred in an era when people moved to the United States in order to become Americans. Democrats, though, have taken that original intent and upended it to create a means to destroy the country instead of growing it. And there is no better example of this than the words of a Mexican immigrant who was asked to remark on the candidacy of Marco Rubio.

Before we get to this immigrant’s statements about the young Florida Senator vying for the GOP nomination for president, we must address this “made up of immigrants” claim. In truth we are not made up of “immigrants,” but of citizens.

Immigrants don’t “make” a country. Citizens do. Yes, immigrants coming here are important to our republic, but immigrants become a nation’s citizens and it is its citizens that make a country work.

Since immigrants become most useful to the country when they do, indeed, become citizens, it is so disheartening to read the statements of Las Vegas resident Maria Herrera, the rather un-American “citizen” interviewed by The Washington Post on January 10.

This woman was asked by the Post what she thinks about Florida Senator Marco Rubio, a man whose family originally hailed from Cuba.
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Here is How Democrats Are Using Immigrants to Destroy This Country”

Dear Baby New Year, THIS is What Liberals Have in Store For You

-By Warner Todd Huston

The year 2015 is now in the rear view mirror and Baby New Year has waddled in, diaper and all. But baby, you are still young and naive and I hate to say it but you and the generation you are ushering in will have an awful time once you find out what liberals have in store for you.

First of all, you are lucky, Baby New Year, lucky that you even got a chance to see 2016. Were it up to any common liberal you’d have been aborted back in 2015 when you were still gestating. Granted there’s a chance you’d have seen 2016 only to have your body diced up and sold for its lucrative parts. In any case, thank your lucky stars that you escaped the liberals’ beloved slice and dice.

But don’t think you are too lucky. After all, the bleak world that liberals have already set in motion for you is not one you’re likely to enjoy.

Because, dear Baby New Year, liberals have already set the rules for your world as you grow up and it ain’t gonna be pretty.

You may think that you are waddling into the United States, the land of freedom, liberty and self-determination. But the liberals have already killed that hoary old ideal. And don’t speak too loudly because liberals have taken away your free speech. Say the wrong thing and you’ll be thrown out of your school, you’ll lose you job, and you’ll become an outcast to society… such as it is.
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Dear Baby New Year, THIS is What Liberals Have in Store For You”

Students On ‘Hunger Strike’ Demanding University Prez Resign Over Non-Existent Racism on Campus

-By Warner Todd Huston

Once again we see the folly of sending anyone to an American college in a story out of Missouri where a large group of black students, including members of the football team, are on a purported “hunger strike” demanding that the president of the college resign over supposed acts of racism on campus none of which really even happened.

Students at the University of Missouri are taking action… meaningless action, naturally… over claimed examples of “racism” on campus. The incidents, these mewling little whiners say, are examples of “endemic” racism on campus.



On the campus of an American university.

The places where a politically correct attitude is so ingrained that speech codes have been implemented to stop people’s widdle feewings from getting hurt. The places where PCism runs amuck. The places where no conservative speakers are allowed to appear. The places comedians won’t even appear at anymore because everyone is perpetually “outraged.” The places where freedom does not exist. This is where these fools are pretending they see racism everywhere.
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Students On ‘Hunger Strike’ Demanding University Prez Resign Over Non-Existent Racism on Campus”

Wyoming Students Launch ‘America Pride Day’ Despite Principal Forbidding it

-By Warner Todd Huston

Administrators at a Wyoming high school decided that their school shouldn’t have a day to celebrate American pride and so canceled the school’s “America Pride Day.” Fortunately, the students thought better of their administration’s anti-American sentiment and held their pride day anyway!

Some of the kids at Jackson Hole High observed America Pride Day despite the administration’s ban of the day.

Naturally the un-American, PC-infected, limp-wristed principal of Jackson Hole High School in Jackson, Wyoming was afraid that if the school had a day where students celebrated the American flag that *some* kids *might* feel “excluded.” So, he canceled the America pride day and tried to ban the American flag.

Fortunately the kids told him to shove it and dozens of them came to school on the designated day wearing red, white, and blue decorations and carrying Old Glory despite the lilly-livered principal’s hand-wringing idiocy.

In defiance, one kid even drove his truck through the parking lot festooned with multiple flags.
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Wyoming Students Launch ‘America Pride Day’ Despite Principal Forbidding it”

New York’s New School Rules for Transgendered Kids Would Allow Boys to Play on Girls Sports Teams

-By Warner Todd Huston

If things go as planned by advocates of the few so-called “transgendered” kids in the state of New York’s school system, boys will be able to join girls sports teams if those boys are pretending to be girls (and vice versa).

The new rules would essentially make kids sports entirely meaningless at least as far as records and wins goes. The rules do so by upending the natural limits on physical abilities inherent in sports when you keep boys and girls segregated by gender.

Worse, the new rules won’t even require the purportedly transgendered students to supply much by way of documentation to prove they are serious about being transgendered.

Advocates say that the whole state needs to be inconvenienced because there are maybe as many as 12 transgendered students in the whole state.

The new rules would also allow these kids to simply decide on their own which locker room they want to use.
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New York’s New School Rules for Transgendered Kids Would Allow Boys to Play on Girls Sports Teams”

School Choice Finally on the Agenda in Illinois

-By Warner Todd Huston

The move for school choice is not only growing in Illinois in general but in Chicago in particular as politicians and parents both see the downward spiral of the public education system picking up speed.

With the costs of public education soaring but neither the rates of graduation nor proficiency growing accordingly, parents are desperate to find a way for their children to gain a better education.

The state is pumping millions upon millions into the bottomless pit of education and taxes are edging higher every year to support the spending habit. As an example, Illinois school district U46 (west of Chicago in the Elgin area) has $600 million in bond debt and this is just one of the nearly 700 school districts in Illinois.

So, as the system founders, many experiments have blossomed. We all know that charter schools have grown rapidly in the Chicago area, but there are other schools such as Leo Catholic High School in Chicago’s Auburn Gresham neighborhood that are serving as perfect examples of school choice. Leo is a prime example of a private high school that is a wildly successful example of education at its finest.

The school is not fully supported financially by the city’s Catholic system but has since 1926 served students as an independent high school operating in what is now one of the city’s most depressed neighborhoods. The school started back when Auburn Gresham was a heavily Irish-Catholic part of the city but now serves an entirely African American student body. (Edit to note: The Archdiocese of Chicago does support Leo and has provided over $2M in direct, financial operating support for the school between 2009 and 2015, but doesn’t pay all the school’s expenses as it does the schools it has direct control over.)

The school has been such a success that for the last six years 100% of its students have been accepted into a college or university and 96 percent have gone on to pursue higher education.
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School Choice Finally on the Agenda in Illinois”

Complaint Demands Christian Crosses be Removed From INSIDE Catholic School so as Not to Offend Muslims

-By Warner Todd Huston

A useful idiot named John Banzhaf who claims to be a professor at George Washington University, but really spends his time filing nuisance lawsuits on all sorts of topics, has filed a complaint against a Catholic university because the Christian cross is displayed throughout the school. This loon claims that because there are Christian crosses everywhere, why, goshdurnnit, this must offend Muslim students. So he is demanding that the crosses be removed from the school.

The buttinski prof thinks that he is being an advocate for Muslim students at Washington D.C.’s Catholic University of America. He is demanding that the Catholic school remove all its crosses because he thinks that the crosses will somehow prevent Muslims from praying to their own “god.”

Now, the thing is, not a single Muslim student at CUA has ever complained. None of them have said that their own Muslim faith is somehow oppressed by having Christian crosses displayed inside a Christian school. But professor Banzhaf thinks he knows better.

How this halfwitted “professor” can imagine that Muslims can have their religion oppressed with displays of Christian crosses inside a Christian school, but that a lack of crosses won’t harm the Christians’ religious expression is a mystery to any logical, thinking person.

Here is the inescapable logic that this foolish “professor” can’t seem to grasp: He wants all Christian crosses removed, right? So, he obviously thinks that a lack of crosses won’t hurt the Christian students and their expression of faith.

So, with his “logic,” a lack of symbols of religion means religion is still easily practiced.

But think of this: there is already a lack of Muslim symbols in this school. And here is the thing: if Christians can pray to God without crosses being present, how is it that Muslims can’t pray to their Allah if symbols of their religion aren’t present.

He is essentially attacking a problem that doesn’t exist.

Worse, this Banzhaf character seems think that Muslims are so stupid that they can’t figure out how to pray to their “god” if there are symbols that are not of their faith present in any given room?

He has just infantilized Muslims.

I’m not alone in think this Banzhaf guy is a jerk.
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Complaint Demands Christian Crosses be Removed From INSIDE Catholic School so as Not to Offend Muslims”

Calling a 5-Yr-Old ‘Transgender’ Is Child Abuse

-By Warner Todd Huston

A school in Maine got in hot water last week for feeding 5,6,and 7 year olds a “lesson” on being transgendered. But can a 5-year-old even be a “transgendered” kid? No. And to impress on them to think so is child abuse.

Officials at a grade school in Kittery, Maine instituted a lesson plan for its Kindergartners and its first through third graders meant to train them on the subject of transgendered kids and to push the idea that being transgendered is perfectly normal. Naturally, many parents were furious at the scheme.
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Calling a 5-Yr-Old ‘Transgender’ Is Child Abuse”

NH Scholar Admits He Crafted State Common Core Standards to Attack White People

-By Warner Todd Huston

A scholar in New Hampshire has admitted that he helped develop the state’s Common Core testing standards in order to attack the “white privilege” of the state’s white population. His goal was to knock white people down a few pegs in the Granite State.

Patricia L. Dickson reports that Dr. David Pook, a professor at Granite State College and chair of the history department the Derryfield School in Manchester, New Hampshire, admitted to an audience at an event at New Hampshire Institute of Politics that he had a goal that was far different than education when he helped write the state standards.

The reason why I helped write the standards and the reason why I am here today is that as a white male in society I am given a lot of privilege that I didn’t earn[.]

Amusingly, Derryfield, the very school Prof Pook works for, feels that the standards are inferior and will not use them!

Regardless, this is yet another example of how our schools are used for extremist, left-wing social engineering instead of education. “Teachers” like Pook want to use our schools as a means to indoctrinate kids with anti-American, left-wing garbage. And don’t be fooled. This guy may be one of the few who openly admits that Common Core is meant to undermine the US, but he isn’t alone in that goal.

Sadly, these creeps are succeeding in undermining our system of education and aiding in tearing down the United States.
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NH Scholar Admits He Crafted State Common Core Standards to Attack White People”

Obama Helping to Ban Historical Reenactments of 1889 Land Rush in Oklahoma Because it’s ‘Racist’

-By Warner Todd Huston

Once again the far, far leftists that infest our schools are making to destroy the teaching of American history. This time it is in Oklahoma, home to the 1889 “Land Rush” that helped settle the great western region of the country. The un-American leftists that run Oklahoma’s schools now want to excise the teaching of the Land Rush history in schools because it’s “racist.” And the Obama administration is also behind it.

The 1889 Land Rush is a key part of Oklahoma history and is one of the things it is most known for. If you are a little shaky on the history, in 1889 Oklahoma was still thought of as “Indian Territory” and few white settlements existed there. But in 1889 the government opened a few large sections of the soon-to-be state and after setting a day when those areas would be open for purchase, a race of sorts began to fill the territory with new settlers seeking land for homes, businesses and towns. It was quite a national spectacle at the time and is an important part of the state’s history.
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Obama Helping to Ban Historical Reenactments of 1889 Land Rush in Oklahoma Because it’s ‘Racist’”

Case Dismissed Against Father Arrested for Questioning Daughter’s School Assignment

-By Warner Todd Huston

Back in May a father upset that his 14-year-old daughter was given a sexually explicit reading assignment at school was arrested for daring to confront the school board over the book. Now, the father’s case has been dismissed by a judge who was shocked at the arrest and said it was a “chilling” example of the unconstitutional quashing of the father’s right of free speech.

On May 6, parent William Baer attended a school board meeting in Gilford, New Hampshire where he expressed his unhappiness that his 14-year-old daughter was assigned the book “Nineteen Minutes,” a book that contains sexually explicit and violent content.

In one part of the book, for example, a teenaged girl is raped by a drunken boy. The violence and the explicit nature of the passage made the father question the assignment.
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Case Dismissed Against Father Arrested for Questioning Daughter’s School Assignment”

Taxpayer Paid Professor Forces Students to Recite Faux ‘Pledge of Allegiance’ That Mocks USA & Republicans

-By Warner Todd Huston

A taxpayer paid professor in Denver is forcing students to recite a satirical version of the pledge of allegiance that attacks the United States for targeting blacks and women and says that Republicans are homophobic and against “the poor.”

Dr. Charles Angeletti, is a self-proclaimed atheist and socialist professor of American Civilization at the publicly funded Denver university, reports. This communist “required students recite the satirical Pledge of Allegiance during the fall 2014 semester.”

The fake pledge is as follows:

“I pledge allegiance to and wrap myself in the flag of the United States
Against Anything Un-American and to the Republicans for which it stands,
two nations, under Jesus, rich against poor, with curtailed liberty and
justice for all except blacks, homosexuals, women who want abortions,
Communists, welfare queens, treehuggers, feminazis, illegal immigrants,
children of illegal immigrants, and you if you don’t watch your step.”

The professor distributed this faux pledge to every student and demanded that they recite it in his classroom.

Steven Farr, an MSU freshman majoring in Meteorology, reports that this “teacher’s” class was wall to wall condemnation of the United States and that the “teacher” offered no other view other than anti-Americanism.

Other students have also noted that this “teacher” coddles liberals but viciously attacks anyone who differs with his opinion of hatred for the country.

Firstly, no one who is an avowed communist should even be allowed to teach American civilization. Communism is antithetical to America in every single way, so having a teacher with a personal ideology that hates everything that is American must–not will, not can, not might, must–burden students with a biased view of that history. It is simply impossible for someone to have an ideology built on hate of his subject to teach that subject without negative bias infusing every aspect of his instruction.

Secondly, a class on any sort of civilization–whether it be European, Roman, Western, Eastern, or what have you–should not be a biased class in any direction. It should be a straight recitation of the history of that society. It must be up to students to decide what value to confer on that group and that group’s history.

This professor is not a teacher. He is a hater attempting to force students to accept his outlandish and hate-filled opinions as fact. He is not “teaching” he is attempting to indoctrinate. He should be fired because he is failing to teach and not through mere incompetence, at that. He has set himself up as an enemy of the United States and is trying to cajole students into developing a similar enmity.
“The only end of writing is to enable the reader better to enjoy life, or better to endure it.”
–Samuel Johnson

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Warner Todd Huston is a Chicago based freelance writer. He has been writing opinion editorials and social criticism since early 2001 and before that he wrote articles on U.S. history for several small American magazines. His political columns are featured on many websites such as Andrew Breitbart’s,, and, as well as,,, among many, many others. Huston has also appeared on Fox News, Fox Business Network, CNN, and many local TV shows as well as numerous talk radio shows throughout the country.

For a full bio, please CLICK HERE.

15,000 Wisconsin Teachers Tell Union to Get Lost

-By Warner Todd Huston

Unions are having a tough time of it in Wisconsin of late. Since Governor Scott Walker saved the state budget with his new union rules and since he gave workers a choice, Wisconsin’s teachers unions have been in steep decline and this year’s certification vote was further proof that workers don’t want unions.

Under Act 10 in Wisconsin, it is now the law that teachers unions have to be re-certified each year and to be recognized as a bargaining unit the unions must get 51% support from members.

Since Act 10, unions have found that members are very, very unhappy to be part of their organization and thousands of teachers are opting out. This year, nearly 15,000 public employee union members refused to vote for their union, and 25 more unions were decertified by a vote. That is 100 fewer unions than last year even applied for re-certification.

This brings the number of Wisconsin teachers unions to 285 state wide, down from 408 last year.
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15,000 Wisconsin Teachers Tell Union to Get Lost”

Obama’s Sec. of Education Says Taxpayer Funded Pre-School is a Civil Right

-By Warner Todd Huston

Obama’s Secretary of Education, Chicago operative Arne Duncan, is hoping to make taxpayer funded, universal pre-school a “civil right.”

During comments made in Los Angeles at the LA Universal Preschool forum on Oct. 21, Chicago hack Arne Duncan said that universal pre-school was a “social movement” that was “just like” the civil rights movement.

“At the end of the day for me this is really a social movement,” Duncan said of taxpayer-funded pre-school.

“If you look at social movements, we all celebrate what happened in the 1960’s. The civil rights movement was extraordinarily powerful, life transforming, earth shattering. But the question I have is, why didn’t the civil rights movement happen in the 50’s or the 40’s or 30’s or 20’s?” he said.
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Obama’s Sec. of Education Says Taxpayer Funded Pre-School is a Civil Right”

Cosmo Magazine Sponsors Shirtless Male Models and Party Bus to Bring Students to the Polls

-By Warner Todd Huston

Cosmopolitan magazine has been heavily pushing Obama’s agenda during this year’s election but the magazine isn’t satisfied with mere editorials and advertisements. Instead, the fashion magazine is going the extra mile by sponsoring a series of party busses featuring shirtless male models, free gifts, and snacks all aimed at carting college students to the polls next month.

N.C. State University’s Technician, the school’s campus newspaper, reported that the fashion magazine will sponsor the party bus after the associate director of publicity and communications for Student Government entered to win the magazine’s #CosmoVotes election bus contest.
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Cosmo Magazine Sponsors Shirtless Male Models and Party Bus to Bring Students to the Polls”

Crony Union Members Get Million Dollar Pensions for One Day of Teaching

-By Warner Todd Huston

In another example of why government unions should all be eliminated, two union operatives in the Illinois school system have been the happy recipients of million-dollar pensions–courtesy of the taxpayers–for teaching classes for only a single day.

Back in 2011 I wrote of union operatives Steven Preckwinkle and David Piccioli at the Illinois teachers union who both “taught” only one day in the Illinois school system and then went on to be union operatives for the rest of their careers that were supposedly in “education.” Yet despite their lack of actually educating anyone, both were still demanding to get huge, generous pensions for being “teachers.”
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Crony Union Members Get Million Dollar Pensions for One Day of Teaching”

How Much Did Illinois Spend on Misspelled No Littering Signs?

-By Warner Todd Huston

Illinois is in such bad shape it can’t even produce no littering signs that are properly spelled, it appears.

Friend to the blog John Ruberry of the wonderful MarathonPundit blog was on a trip through the state when he spotted a no littering sign that read: “Please Don,t Liter.”

Apparently the workers in the sign department in the State of Illinois don’t know the difference between a coma and an apostrophe, nor, apparently, what a contraction is. And spelling? What is with this ‘liter’ business? Are Illinois sign makers saying we should not use the metric system here?

This says an awful lot about Illinois schools, doesn’t it?
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How Much Did Illinois Spend on Misspelled No Littering Signs?”

Mother Upset Over Islam-Promoting School Assignment

-By Warner Todd Huston

The mother of a Michigan high school student was shocked to learn that her daughter was assigned a class project that was clearly deigned to promote Islam. Worse, it was a project meant to promote Islam to 3rd graders.

The Michigan parent found that her 10th-grade daughter was assigned the task of designing a brochure that could explain the wonders of Islam in terms that a 3rd grader could understand. The woman’s daughter was told that the purpose of the brochure would be to “introduce Islam to 3rd graders.”

This parent jumped to Facebook to tell her friends and family how shocked she was over the assignment. (Not long afterward she deleted her posts at the request of the school’s principal.)

“This assignment upset me because they are presenting Allah as the same God of the Christians and Jews. This paper, in my opinion, is promoting Islam by describing Allah’s names as ‘beautiful’. To me this is not simply factual like it should be,” Mother Jennette Hall said.
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Mother Upset Over Islam-Promoting School Assignment”

Obama Sent Illegals All Across The County, Forcing States to Pay for Schooling

-By Warner Todd Huston

President Obama secretly sent tens of thousands of illegals all across the country and into every state without bothering to inform governors that he was doing it and now the states are stuck footing the bill for healthcare and education.

On September 29, the AP reported that “Unaccompanied minors… have moved to communities of all sizes, in nearly every state.”
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Obama Sent Illegals All Across The County, Forcing States to Pay for Schooling”

Coach ‘Breaks The Law,’ Suspended for Praying With Team

-By Warner Todd Huston

A coach for a prep school in Arizona has been suspended for praying with his team during last week’s homecoming game. He was told it was “against the law.”

Tom Brittain, the head varsity coach for Tempe Preparatory Academy–a state-funded charter school–found himself suspended after the “offensive” praying.

The coach was told to keep the praying off the field, but apparently he didn’t feel disposed to have his constitutional right trod upon by school administrators.

His boss, headmaster David Baum told the media, “He is a man who likes to pray and I don’t object to that. Just, he can’t do that with our students. That’s the only prohibition.”

Then Baum claimed it was he, rather than the coach, who was trying to “protect” the Constitution.
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Coach ‘Breaks The Law,’ Suspended for Praying With Team”

NY School Bans National Guard T-Shirt Because: GUNS!

-By Warner Todd Huston

A New York school took quick action to ban t-shirts being handed out by a New York National Guard recruiter because the shirt “promoted violence” since it had an drawing of a U.S. soldier in battledress on it. And, *gasp*, the drawing of the soldier was holding an evil, evil GUN!

Ravena-Coeymans-Selkirk High School in Ravena, New York, said that the Guard recruiter’s t-shirts were “inappropriate” and violated the school’s dress code because of the gun image.

“They’re not allowed to wear anything that would have a weapon on it,” district Interim Superintendent Alan McCartney told the Times Union. “Our main purpose is education. Wearing pictures of weapons brings to mind those things in our society that are not pertinent to education.”

So, even mentioning America’s fighting forces is “not pertinent to education”? This man is an idiot who should be fired just because he is plainly too stupid to be in “education.”
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NY School Bans National Guard T-Shirt Because: GUNS!”

Calif. Court Makes Wearing American Flag to School a Crime

-By Warner Todd Huston

Witness the end of the USA: An appeals court in California has now let stand a lower court’s ruling that white kids aren’t allowed to wear t-shirts with the American flag on them to school when illegals are celebrating the faux Mexican holiday of Cinco de Mayo.

That’s right, natural born American citizens are now considered criminals by the US court system should they dare to wear Old Glory on a t-shirt when law breakers are celebrating a holiday that isn’t even a holiday in the backwards country of their birth.

Lawbreakers, criminals from other countries, people who are here to steal our benefits, our jobs, and our property are given more rights than natural born citizens.
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Calif. Court Makes Wearing American Flag to School a Crime”