Liberal Virginia Governor Vetoes Bill Allowing Abused Women the Right to Protect Themselves

-By Warner Todd Huston

Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe (D, Clintoista) just vetoed a bill that would have allowed victims of domestic violence and abuse carry a concealed firearm without first going through the normal, time consuming permit process, especially if they have already filed for a protective order. And you thought Democrats for women’s safety, didn’t you?

McAuliffe, a long time Clinton operative, vetoed House Bill 1852 which would have authorized Virginians over the age of 21 and who are not otherwise prohibited to carry a firearm, to carry a concealed firearm for 45 days after an order of protection is filed against a purported abuser. The bill would have covered the waiting period that Virginians generally experience after applying for a concealed carry permit. Meaning that the bill would have allowed a vulnerable person (usually an abused woman) to get her right to carry a concealed handgun right away instead of having to remain unarmed for well over a month leaving her vulnerable to her abuser during that period.

The bill was passed with lopsided margins in both houses of the Virginia legislature. It passed 63-31 in the state’s House of Delegates and 26-14 in the Senate.
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Liberal Virginia Governor Vetoes Bill Allowing Abused Women the Right to Protect Themselves”

Hillary Clinton Hints She’ll Back Gun Confiscation as President

-By Warner Todd Huston

At a recent campaign event on so-called “gun violence,” Hillary Clinton said Americans own too many guns and then said she’d do something about this “problem” when she becomes president. What else could this mean but confiscation?

Clinton was speaking at round-table-like forum on guns held at St. Paul’s Baptist Church in Philadelphia, where she insisted we have too many guns.

“When it comes to guns? We have just too many guns,” Hillary said to the applause of those in attendance. “On the streets, in our homes, in our neighborhoods.”

She went on to say America must address the “epidemic” of guns and hinted that if she were to become president she would do something about it all. But what would that “doing something” look like?

Well, it must be remembered that last year Clinton spoke positively about the gun confiscation policy imposed on the people of Australia. Clinton said the Australian policy is one “worth considering” and said it could be imposed using the Obama program “Cash for Clunkers” as a model.
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Hillary Clinton Hints She’ll Back Gun Confiscation as President”

Illinois Wants Potheads to Give Up Their Second Amendment Rights

-By Warner Todd Huston

Illinois is mulling a new medical marijuana law that would force pot users to sign away their right to bear arms.

Those who focus on the right to bear arms love to say, “what part of ‘shall not be infringed’ don’t you understand,” as a catch phrase to show that the founders did not want government to be able to sweep in and take away our rights to self defense. That phrase can be asked of Illinois legislators who are proposing that to get a medical marijuana permit citizens would have to relinquish their right to bear arms.

The plan would require pot users to be fingerprinted for a background check, they’d have to pay a yearly $150 permit fee, and they would be forced to give up their Second Amendment rights to be allowed to get pot.

Interestingly, the National Rifle Association is not too keen to jump into this one. Apparently coming to the aid of pot users is a role they aren’t comfortable with so for now the NRA is not taking a position on the proposed law other than to say it will be interesting to see how the courts are going to reconcile it.
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Illinois Wants Potheads to Give Up Their Second Amendment Rights”

Anti-Gun Penn. Mayor Ousted From Office by Pro-Gun Voters

-By Warner Todd Huston

Let this be a warning to all arrogant politicians who think they don’t have to listen to their constituents. An anti-gun mayor in Chambersburg, Pennsylvania was fired by pro-gun voters this month after he enraged hundreds of voters by joining New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s discredited anti-gun group, Mayors Against Gun Violence.

In the Nov. 5 election, voters in Chambersburg ousted incumbent mayor Democrat Pete Lagiovane in a region steeped in gun culture and hunting traditions.

Mayor-elect Darren Brown, a tea party Republican, was gratified but noted that he was a little worried about how close the election ended up being. “The results are a little closer than I thought they’d be,” Brown said after winning with 52 percent of the vote.

The NRA used its powerful voice in support of Brown, “The only pro-gun candidate in this race,” as the legislative arm of the NRA said in advertisements.
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Anti-Gun Penn. Mayor Ousted From Office by Pro-Gun Voters”

CNN’s British Import Piers Morgan Calls Gun Owners ‘Heartless Gun Nut Bastards’

-By Warner Todd Huston

CNN’s late evening TV host and British citizen Piers Morgan is slamming America’s gun owners again calling them “heartless gun nut bastards” on Twitter.

Morgan got angry when he discovered that Second Amendment supporters were trying to create a “guns save lives day” to be held on December 14.

It so happens that December 14 was the day that a crazed murderer killed 26 teachers and children at the Sandy Hook Elementary school in Newtown, Connecticut.

“Imagine the effect this ‘Guns Save Lives Day’ campaign will have on those poor Sandy Hook families, on that first anniversary,” Morgan Tweeted in outrage.

I hate to agree even a little with this insufferable, historically ignorant, Constitution-hating Brit, but he has a bit of a point, here.
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CNN’s British Import Piers Morgan Calls Gun Owners ‘Heartless Gun Nut Bastards’”

Colorado Dem Senators Get Recalled, PPP Polling Throws Out Own Poll Foreshadowing Results

-By Warner Todd Huston

Today we have a great example of a polling firm allowing its political ideology to get in the way of its work. On Tuesday, Sept. 10, two anti-Second Amendment State Senators in Colorado were recalled by huge margins. In the days before the recall vote took place, Public Policy Polling (PPP) had conducted a poll that showed that the senators were about to be eliminated by voters but the firm refused to publish its own poll because the left-wing pollsters couldn’t imagine the results could possibly be right. Colorado just couldn’t be that right-leaning, PPP thought.

State Senate President John Morse (D, Col. Springs) and Sen. Angela Giron (D, Pueblo) lost their bid to retain their seats

Firstly to explain what occurred in the recall vote, and this is a great victory for Second Amendment supporters, too, we need to expound a bit on the whole thing.

State Senate President John Morse and fellow Senator Angela Giron were two principal supporters of the strict new anti-Second Amendment gun laws that were forced onto Colorado in the aftermath of the shooting in an elementary school in Newtown, Connecticut.

But Morse and Giron pushed these anti-gun laws contrary to the wishes of their own constituents. After the laws were forced down Coloradan’s throats, both Morse and Giron admitted that they ignored their own voters and did so for their own good and were proud that they did so.

A recall effort began almost immediately and both were successfully cast into a recall election by local, grassroots organizers who gathered the requisite number of signatures to get the recall elections scheduled.

But in the run up to the recall elections hundreds of thousands of dollars in political spending flooded the two districts. Most of this outside money was from left-wing organizations attempting to defeat the local gun-supporters and their effort to recall the two senators. The recall election became an important battle ground between the constitution-hating left and supporters of the Second Amendment.

On September 10, the recall election was held and both were recalled handily. It was the first time any state lawmaker has ever been recalled.

Now, back to the polling company PPP.
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Colorado Dem Senators Get Recalled, PPP Polling Throws Out Own Poll Foreshadowing Results”

Marshall University Professor Suggests Using Military to Kill NRA Members/Conservatives

-By Warner Todd Huston

The Charlestown Gazette recently published the editorial by a Marshall University professor who advocated using an “M1A Abrams tank, supported by an F22 Raptor squadron with Hellfire missiles” to kill NRA members, Republicans, Conservatives, and those who support the Second Amendment.

In an anti-gun piece that could best be described as a foaming-at-the-mouth tirade, Professor Christopher Swindell employs incredibly overheated rhetoric, punctuated by constant name calling, spiced with grammatical errors and out right lies to expound upon his hate for those with whom he disagrees.

Early in his piece, for instance, Swindell describes the rhetoric of supporters of the Second Amendment as “knuckle-dragging Cretan talk.” Yes, he wrote “Cretan talk.” A twofer that is both misspelled and needlessly capitalized.

Would it surprise you to learn that Christopher Swindell is a professor of journalism in Marshall University’s journalism and mass communications department? (
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Marshall University Professor Suggests Using Military to Kill NRA Members/Conservatives”

MSNBC’s Chris Matthews Calls NRA/Beck ‘Nazis,’ Then Accuses Right of Calling People Nazis

-By Warner Todd Huston

During a panel discussion on his May 6 broadcast of Hardball, MSNBC talking head Chris Matthews called Glenn Beck and the NRA “Hitlerian” for their arguments against Obama’s gun-ban plans but only minutes later scolded those same folks for calling people Nazis.

In a discussion of Glenn Beck’s address given on May 4 to members of the National Rifle Association at their convention in Houston, Texas, Matthews said the rhetoric employed there against the gun grabbers on the left was “Hitlerian.”

“This whole idea of righteous indignation, first of all, it’s Hitlerian, generally speaking, demagoguery,” Matthews blurted out. “It’s always about righteous indignation. All great demagogic speakers talk about how they’re coming to get us. That’s how you get people excited.”

Shortly thereafter, Matthews played a few minutes of Glenn Beck’s speech to the attendees of the NRA convention.

Beck said that the “freedom of all mankind is at stake.” He went on to lament that many of his New York friends were all too quick to acquiesce to Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s nanny state-like bans on soda, salt, transfats and other things. Beck then showed on the wall screen a satirical new tourism slogan for Bloomberg’s city. In a take off on the old New York slogan “I Love New York,” Beck put an image on the screen that showed Michael Bloomberg in a communist-like pose then satirically intoned that the new slogan should be “You WILL love New York.”
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MSNBC’s Chris Matthews Calls NRA/Beck ‘Nazis,’ Then Accuses Right of Calling People Nazis”

Bloomberg Assembles Leftist Cartoonists to Attack Second Amendment

-By Warner Todd Huston

New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg is touting his newest effort to cancel the U.S. Constitution and the Second Amendment with a gathering of cartoons by 21 cartoonists who have taken a stand against our Constitutional right to self-protection.

As Bloomie has it, they are “the nation’s best loved cartoonists.” But what Bloomberg doesn’t mention is that this gathering isn’t just a bunch of cartoonists goaded to sudden action by current events, but is a list of artists many of whom are well known as left-wing activists. One is even a La Raza activist and is in favor of giving the southwestern US “back” to Mexico.

Far from just a handful of “beloved cartoonists” who found that recent events have proven that a new approach to the Second Amendment is warranted, these folks are long-time left-wingers that have attacked traditional American principals for decades.

The artists are gathered together under the rubric “Cartoonists Demand Action to End Gun Violence” as sponsored by Bloomberg’s Mayors Against Illegal Guns.
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Bloomberg Assembles Leftist Cartoonists to Attack Second Amendment”

VIDEO: Boone County IN Sheriff Ken Campbell on Absurdity of Magazine Bans

-By Warner Todd Huston

This video effectively shows how lacking in veracity the left’s talking points about “high capacity” magazines is and how their reasons for banning them is so fee of any intellectual heft.

But, then again, the left really doesn’t care about “high capacity magazines.” What they care about is getting every new little victory in anti-gun legislation because every new law is one step closer to their ultimate goal of banning all firearms. This year’s “common sense” law is next year’s “not far enough” law and another excuse to go father.
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VIDEO: Boone County IN Sheriff Ken Campbell on Absurdity of Magazine Bans”

LA Times: NRA’s School Plan ‘A Hail of Bullets Will Protect Everyone’

-By Warner Todd Huston

The National Rifle Association recently put out its National School Shield proposal elucidating its ideas on adding more security in the nation’s schools. And right on cue, the Los Angeles Times ridicules the NRA’s plan as but “a hail of bullets” that “will protect everyone.”

In an editorial from April 2, the L.A. Times’ Robin Abcarian opens her piece with a series of jokes lambasting the NRA’s plan as, “a kiddie version of the National Missile Defense program. Star Wars for Schoolyards. A hail of bullets will protect everyone!”

The NRA debuted its National School Shield initiative with front man Asa Hutchinson, a former Republican Congressman from Arkansas, leading a full court press campaign. Hutchinson’s pitch essentially stated that at least one armed security guard be stationed at every American school. This, Hutchinson said, would increase response times to attacks.

This idea–one guard at every school–is what Abcarian characterized as “a kiddie version of Star Wars” and a “hail of bullets” that would protect everyone.
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LA Times: NRA’s School Plan ‘A Hail of Bullets Will Protect Everyone’”

Man Sells Autographed Jim Carrey Photo to Buy a Gun

-By Warner Todd Huston

**UPDATE**: Ebay yanks listing off the site. No explanation known.

An ebay user with user name astrobuzz is selling his autographed photo of Jim Carrey for a cause. As his auction title reads: “Selling a Jim Carrey Autographed 8X10 Photo So I Can Afford A Gun!”

In the auction description, Mr. Astrobuzz tells page visitors that he hopes to raise enough cash from selling the Carrey photo to buy a Glock G30S .45 ACP Pistol “to protect my family.”
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Man Sells Autographed Jim Carrey Photo to Buy a Gun”

Florida’s Thug Police Chief Eric Liff is Wrong About Everything

-By Warner Todd Huston

Former Cocoa, Florida police Chief Eric Liff is full of crapola when it comes to his wild-eyed beliefs about the National Rifle Association. Liff, however, is right about one thing: he shouldn’t be made to join the NRA against his will. Unfortunately for this grandstander, his point is moot because he isn’t in that position at all.

Liff is upset that the Seminole County Gun & Archery Association has a requirement for members. Before they can use the association’s facilities they must also become a member of the NRA.

Liff was fired as Cocoa’s police chief in the late 1990s and unsuccessfully attempted to sue the city to get his job back in 1999.
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Florida’s Thug Police Chief Eric Liff is Wrong About Everything”

Russell Simmons Slams NRA’s New African American Spokesman

-By Warner Todd Huston

There is a new face on the pro-gun circuit. Mr. Colion Noir, a young African American who is conservative and pro-gun, is the National Rifle Association’s newest spokesman but apparently this has proven too much for rap and entertainment mogul Russell Simmons.

After seeing the NRA’s intro video of Noir’s upcoming NRA News show, Simmons took to Twitter to tell the gun group, “Dear @NRA, we don’t trust you. Sincerely, Black America.”

Simmons then wrote a longer attack at, saying that “black people ain’t got no time” for the NRA.
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Russell Simmons Slams NRA’s New African American Spokesman”

Obama Fails to Register ‘,’ Hilariously, Site Re-Directs to NRA Homepage

-By Warner Todd Huston

At the beginning of the year, President Barack Obama’s new 501(c)4 political nonprofit, Organizing For Action, was launched with all the usual bells and whistles. But the tech wizards at OFA forgot one important rule in today’s Internet world: Register all the iterations of your website address before someone else does.

Now Obama’s team is filing complaints against the folks smart enough to get the addresses before he did.

As Obama’s OFA made its debut, no one in his purportedly Internet-savvy campaign had obtained the corresponding .com, .net, .org or .us sites, nor did OFA register other names that are close to its official one, as is the sensible practice. In the case of the .net address, a fellow named Derek Bovard had already registered the .net address by the time Obama’s team took notice.

Bovard has routed his new site to the homepage of the National Rifle Association.

So, whenever anyone goes to they end up seeing the homepage of the NRA.

Naturally, Obama and his fellow community organizers were furious. So furious, in fact, that they have replied by filing complaints against Bovard–and, apparently, a variety of other people who had registered domain names that OFA now wants.
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Obama Fails to Register ‘,’ Hilariously, Site Re-Directs to NRA Homepage”

MSNBC: NRA Chief Wayne LaPierre is ‘Afraid of Dark People’

-By Warner Todd Huston

Once again MSNBC has accused the National Rifle Association of being racists. Now host Alex Wagner claimed that NRA chief Wayne LaPierre employed coded racism in a recent op ed he wrote.

The day after the President’s State of the Union speech, LaPierre posted an op ed detailing the NRA’s response to Obama’s speech. In the op ed, LaPierre said that gun ownership was not just “paranoia.”

Hurricanes. Tornadoes. Riots. Terrorists. Gangs. Lone criminals. These are perils we are sure to face–not just maybe. It’s not paranoia to buy a gun. It’s survival. It’s responsible behavior, and it’s time we encourage law-abiding Americans to do just that.

This paragraph is what set Wagner off. “There’s also a lot of racial–racism imbedded in that full statement. He goes on to impugn Latin America as these kind of dark nights with dark people in Brooklyn,” she said.
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MSNBC: NRA Chief Wayne LaPierre is ‘Afraid of Dark People’”

The NRA’s Media Strategy, Is It Working?

-By Warner Todd Huston

The newest efforts to ban guns being undertaken by Democrats and President Obama demands response and the National Rifle Association isn’t lying down on the job. But is the NRA’s media strategy working?

For about a week after the murders of 26 school children and teachers at Sandy Hook Elementary in Newtown, Connecticut, the NRA was sensibly–and respectfully–silent over the incident. But after allowing a suitable time to go by to allow some grieving to take place, the NRA came out swinging with a few ideas on what to do about guns, one of which was to place armed guards in our nation’s schools.

Immediately the left skewered the NRA for the suggestion, even though the President himself later proposed something similar–and was criticized for it from his own side.
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The NRA’s Media Strategy, Is It Working?”

Obama’s Perpetual Campaign Hits Road for Gun Ban Tour

-By Warner Todd Huston

In the next leg of President Obama’s perpetual campaign, he and Vice President Biden plan to hit the road and tour the country pushing their new gun ban ideas as the political season heats up.

Just ahead of inauguration day, VP Biden finished chairing his special Commission on Gun Violence and now he plans to appear in Richmond, Virginia before an organized anti-gun audience to campaign for his “gun violence” recommendations.

Biden joined Virginia’s Democrat Senator Tim Kane at the first campaign-style event on Friday, January 25. Both rallied to push Obama’s anti-gun message.

White House spokesman Jay Carney told the media on Wednesday that the President would soon begin touring the country pushing his policy recommendations, but no schedule of events was released.
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Obama’s Perpetual Campaign Hits Road for Gun Ban Tour”

NRA More Popular Than Hollywood

-By Warner Todd Huston

With polls showing that our Second Amendment is still nearly as popular as ever, one is tempted to think that our guns are safe, for now. A new poll, for instance, even shows that the National Rifle Association is more popular than Hollywood.

The new NBC/Wall Street Journal poll found that even after the crime at Sandy Hook Elementary in Newtown, Connecticut ratings for the NRA did not much stray from the 41 percent approval it has enjoyed since 2011.

On the other hand, only 24 percent of respondents had a positive view of the entertainment industry.
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NRA More Popular Than Hollywood”

NRA Still More Popular Than Media

-By Warner Todd Huston

For all the abuse the Old Media establishment has dished out to the National Rifle Association this month, polls show that the NRA is still more popular than the media.

Gallup released a poll this month stating that the NRA stands at 54 percent approval.

Fifty-four percent of Americans have a favorable opinion of the National Rifle Association, while 38% have an unfavorable opinion. The public’s ratings of the NRA have fluctuated since first measured by Gallup in 1993 — from a low of 42% favorable in 1995 to a high of 60% in 2005.

On the other hand, the same polling firm shows that the media is distrusted at 60 percent! Approval rates for the media are below 30 percent.

And Congress? Their approval rate was last measured by Gallup at 21 percent.
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NRA Still More Popular Than Media”

D.C. Police Investigating NBC’s Gregory For Violations of Gun Banning Laws

-By Warner Todd Huston

Washington D.C. Police Chief Cathy Lanier has affirmed that the department is looking into allegations that NBC’s David Gregory violated D.C.’s gun banning laws during a recent taping of Meet the Press.

In a discussion about gun control on the December 23 broadcast of the NBC Sunday morning political talk show, host David Gregory brandished a 30-round magazine purportedly for an AR-15 or similar “assault rifle.”

Washington D.C.’s gun laws, however, state that even possessing such a device is a violation. Meet the Press is filmed at NBC’s D.C. studios.
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D.C. Police Investigating NBC’s Gregory For Violations of Gun Banning Laws”

NBC’s Gregory Mocks NRA Security Guard Idea But Sends Own Kids to Guarded School

-By Warner Todd Huston

On NBC’s Meet The Press over the weekend, David Gregory was quite confrontational with the Vice President of the National Rifle Association over the organization’s idea of putting armed security guards in every school in America. But even as Gregory mocked the NRA for the idea, he seems to see nothing wrong with sending his own kids to a school that has armed security guards each school day.

Introducing the NRA’s security guard proposal, Gregory confronted NRA VP Wayne LaPierre saying, “You blamed Hollywood and the gaming industry. But never once did you concede that guns could actually be part of the problem. Is that a meaningful contribution, Mr. LaPierre, or a dodge?”

Gregory also claimed that security guards don’t work. “But you would concede that, as good as an idea as you think this is, it may not work. Because there have been cases where armed guards have not prevented this kind of massacre, this kind of carnage. I want you would concede that point, wouldn’t you?,” the NBC anchor said.

Armed security doesn’t work? Well, then the question must be asked of Gregory why he sends his own kids to a school with just that sort of protection?
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NBC’s Gregory Mocks NRA Security Guard Idea But Sends Own Kids to Guarded School”

NBC’s Gregory Violates DC Gun Laws on Meet The Press

-By Warner Todd Huston

While attacking National Rifle Association President Wayne La Pierre on NBC’s Meet the Press this weekend, host David Gregory actually violated gun laws in the city where he broadcasts.

During the show, Gregory waved around a 30-round magazine for what he claimed is an AR-15 rifle. But since Meet the Press is taped in NBC’s Washington D.C. studios this is actually a violation of the city’s strict gun laws.

Washington D.C. specifically bans the very ammunition magazine that Gregory bandied about during his discussion.

DC High Capacity Ammunition Magazines – D.C. Official Code 7-2506.01 (my bold)

(b) No person in the District shall possess, sell, or transfer any large capacity ammunition feeding device regardless of whether the device is attached to a firearm. For the purposes of this subsection, the term large capacity ammunition feeding device means a magazine, belt, drum, feed strip, or similar device that has a capacity of, or that can be readily restored or converted to accept, more than 10 rounds of ammunition. The term large capacity ammunition feeding device shall not include an attached tubular device designed to accept, and capable of operating only with, .22 caliber rimfire ammunition.

Penalties include “a maximum fine of $1000 and/or up to a year imprisonment.”

Will D.C. officials prosecute Mr. Gregory? They would anyone else, wouldn’t they?
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NBC’s Gregory Violates DC Gun Laws on Meet The Press”