The Democrats Lies of Ties Between Russia and Trump Continue to Unravel

-By Warner Todd Huston

Since before Donald Trump won last year’s presidential election, Democrats have been desperately trying to fool the American people into thinking that Trump somehow worked hand-in-hand with the Russians to steal away the White House from Hillary Clinton. But thus far, after months of pseudo investigations, not a scintilla of proof has been revealed. And this weekend, Democrat Adam Schiff once again showed that Democrats have nothing but lies and innuendo against Trump.

Before we go on, I must address this 100 percent truth as straight as I can: There WAS NO hacking of the U.S. election. Not one vote was hacked. There was no electronic interference with the U.S. election. Period. So, whenever you hear someone say “hacked the election” just know that they are lying to you. Lying. They are not just misinformed. They are purposefully lying to mislead you into thinking the 2016 election was illegitimate.

Now, California Democrat Schiff has been at the forefront of attempting to fool America into thinking Trump is all mixed up with Vladimir Putin’s corrupt Russian government. Over last weekend, Schiff appeared on CNN’s State of the Union with host Jake Tapper to continue pushing his false claims against the president. But when Tapper asked Schiff about actual proof, the congressman’s reply was telling for its evasiveness and lack of specificity.

When Tapper asked Schiff to get more specific during the April 2 broadcast, Schiff mumbled that he “can’t say” if the evidence against any ties to Russia are correct. He also softened his previous criticism of House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes (R, CA) for having visited the White House before he made his revelations that the Obama administration had, indeed, been surveilling Trump and his campaign before the election. Schiff dissembled further by backing off his previous claim that evidence of collusion between Trump and Russia was “more than circumstantial.”
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The Democrats Lies of Ties Between Russia and Trump Continue to Unravel”

Today We See How Many Un-American Electoral College ‘Faithless Electors’ Vote Against Donald Trump

-By Warner Todd Huston

Today, December 19, is the day the electors meet to cast their Electoral College votes to actually certify who will become the next president of the United States and if the anti-American left has its way enough of these electors will defy their duty and vote for anyone other than the actual winner, Donald J. Trump. Even if this last second effort doesn’t beat Trump, the whole campaign is thoroughly anti-American and can’t end well.

Thanks to our horrid system of (mis)education, many Americans are just waking up to news of the Electoral College (EC). Many are surprised over the way we’ve chosen our president since the beginning. They are shocked that we’ve never elected our president via the “popular vote” because we are not a democracy. We are a representative republic and the EC is one of the ways we manifest that “representative” part of our system.

What is the EC?

The Electoral College is currently made up of 538 electors. 270 or more of their votes are required to elect a President. Each state’s allotment of electors is determined by the number of members in its Congressional delegation which equals one for each member in their delegation to the House of Representatives along with one for each Senator.

Most states now have a “winner-take-all” system that awards all electors to the candidate who won the state’s popular vote. But Maine and Nebraska currently utilize a variation of “proportional representation.”
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Today We See How Many Un-American Electoral College ‘Faithless Electors’ Vote Against Donald Trump”

With Trump’s Win, Democrats Suddenly Find ‘Resistance’ Is Cool Again

-By Warner Todd Huston

When Barack Obama won the White House in 2008 Democrats and their lapdogs in the media went wild telling everyone who would listen that resistance to Obama was un-American, dangerous, and racist. But now, before Donald Trump has even taken office, these same hypocrites have suddenly found that resistance is cool again.

Since he first became a serious contender for the presidency starting in 2007 and all throughout his 8 years in the White House, Barack Obama has enjoyed near universal love from the Old Media Establishment. Rarely was there a harsh word for him and even when there was criticism it was usually mitigated by “buts,” “excepts,” and “of courses” — as in “of course” Obama can’t be THAT bad because Republicans are evil homophobic, racist, haters.

The media loved their Obamamessiah so much that from the beginning they reveled in featuring Obama in Christ-like poses and making him out to be the second coming. Even during the “March for Selma” event in 2015 media outlets cropped their photo of Obama marching to exclude George W. Bush who was marching only a few feet away because they didn’t want the spotlight taken off their beloved Obama.

They helped him in public and in private. In 2012, for instance, a large group of members of the media met with Obama in secret to help him plan his media assault on the nation after he won re-election.

Someone was even selling posters of Obama holding a lamb and a shepherd’s staff and featuring the uplifting message “our journey” all as if Obama were Jesus. And they were serious. It wasn’t satire.
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With Trump’s Win, Democrats Suddenly Find ‘Resistance’ Is Cool Again”

Un-American Media Calls for Insurrection Over President Elect Donald Trump

-By Warner Todd Huston

As common, everyday liberals take to the streets to beat up those they disagree with, blockade streets, and destroy other people’s property because, you know, they are all so into “peaceful democracy,” their instigators in the left-wing media and entertainment biz are egging them on with one meltdown after another all because Donald J. Trump won the election for president.

In the week before Election Day when Hillary Clinton was perusing office furniture catalogs and measuring for Oval Office drapes, the whole of the media was slamming anyone center right who dared make noise as if they wouldn’t accept the results of the 2016 election. And Donald Trump himself was at the top of that list.

Admittedly some of the attacks on Trump for not automatically saying he’d accept the results of the election were his own fault. The controversy arose on October 19 in the last presidential debate when the moderator asked the real estate mogul if he would immediately accept the results of the election on November 8. Trump demurred saying only that he’d have to wait until it all came about before he’d decide whether it was a legitimate outcome.

This is a logical stance to take, especially since he had spent about a year saying that we needed to be wary of Democrat vote fraud. But his reply was in-artful and guaranteed the media would attack him for it, and attack they did.
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Un-American Media Calls for Insurrection Over President Elect Donald Trump”

We MUST Engage in a Republican Civil War!

-By Warner Todd Huston

The 2016 election is finally over and GOP nominee Donald J. Trump pulled an amazing win out of the neatly wrapped up Clinton win as arranged by the pundits and the pollsters — and even some in the GOP establishment and “conservative” intelligentsia. And now the #NeverTrumprs and establishment Republicans are braying that we all now need to “work together” to move the nation forward. But don’t be fooled into canceling the coming Republican Civil War. Don’t capitulate to the very people who were pulling for Hillary. This war NEEDS to be fought.

The calls to “come together” are being heard all across Republicanland, of course. Take House Speaker Paul Ryan who on the day after the election gushed about the “enormous political feat” Trump achieved and sonorously noting that we have to “work to heal the division” in both party and country.

Ryan isn’t alone. The call to “work together” is the most common theme from all corners on the day after Election Day.

Another one calling for an end to any internal reckoning is PJ Media’s Roger Simon — who is a very good writer whom I like. In a Wednesday morning piece, Simon insisted straight out, “Trump Wins — Time to End the Republican Civil War.”

Here is Roger’s main hope:

So rather than pursue mutual assured destruction on our side, for winners to rub it in or losers to gripe — you can be sure the Democrats will have plenty of the same in store for us (imagine what Obama himself might try to pull, or the ever-corrupt Mr. Podesta) — I suggest we declare a ceasefire in the Republican civil war, effective now.

Simon contends — and with some sense — that we need to come together to make Washington work. I admire his sentiment.

Sadly, Simon is mistaken.

Unfortunately, his idea, here, is a mistake because it assumes that both sides will endeavor to come toward the middle between Trump’s most ardent and upset voters and the GOP establishment that worked as hard as it could to defeat Trump and give the White House to Hillary Clinton.

Simon seems to imagine it will be all heart, unicorns and rainbows if we cancel the looming civil war and “work together.”

While the GOP establishment will certainly bray for that cease fire and pretend they want to reach across the divide to work with the right-leaning, torch-carrying Trump mobs, in truth they have absolutely no desire whatever to work with “us” — by “us” I mean all those standing on the outside looking in on the liberal GOP establishment.
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We MUST Engage in a Republican Civil War!”

Shots Fired at Donald Trump Campaign Sign Outside North Carolina Man’s Home

-By Warner Todd Huston

A man in Cary, North Carolina, was shocked, frightened, and angered when someone opened fire on the Donald Trump campaign sign which was affixed to the front porch of his home last weekend. It’s just another example of the extreme violence perpetrated by liberals during this election cycle.

The fact is, nearly every single incident of violence and property destruction committed during this 2016 election has been perpetrated by the left. This is just another example.

Cary resident James Powers reported the incident to police on November 6 when upwards to 20 shots were fired through the sign late on the evening of November 5. Many of the projectiles went through the sign and struck Powers’ home.
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Shots Fired at Donald Trump Campaign Sign Outside North Carolina Man’s Home”

Hillary’s Criminal Behavior and Scandals Pile Up Before Election Day, But Will It Matter?

-By Warner Todd Huston

As an avalanche of stories revealing Hillary Clinton’s corruption appear across the media landscape, just in time for Election Day crooked FBI Director James Comey is pronouncing the former Secretary of State “innocent.” So, will her real scandals matter as Americans go to the polls?

Just as FBI Director James Comey announced on Friday, October 28, that the Bureau was opening a second investigation into Hillary Clinton’s illegal, secret email server used to avoid both America’s transparency laws and her national security laws, Conservative talk show host Rush Limbaugh floated an important theory as to why Comey was doing it.

Rush noted that a cynical view of Comey’s announcement might tend to bring one to imagine that it was all a feint. That Comey made his announcement to roil the news cycle, but before Election Day Comey would come out to make the miraculous announcement that they investigated and, once again, Hillary is innocent of any wrong doing.

Now, to add to the story, not long after Comey announced his renewed investigation, news broke that the FBI’s New York office was reviewing 650,000 new emails that had something to do with Hillary’s email server.

Now, remember, the first investigation that ended in July took over a year to look over 30,000 of Hillary’s emails.
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Hillary’s Criminal Behavior and Scandals Pile Up Before Election Day, But Will It Matter?”

Race for White House Collapsing for Democrats, But is it In Time for Trump

-By Warner Todd Huston

Staring in the middle of October the presidential race was already beginning to move toward the Republicans. But with last week’s announcement by FBI Director James Comey that the Bureau was opening a new investigation into Hillary Clinton’s illicit private email server hidden in her New York home when she was Obama’s Secretary of State, the race took a major lurch in favor of GOP nominee Donald Trump’. But with less than a week until Election Day, will that movement be enough to push Trump over the top?

Even before FBI Director Comey’s October 21 announcement the polls began to move in Trump’s favor. By the end of October just before the FBI announcement many of the polls had become statistical ties as time and again Trump had closed to within the margin of error — or close to it — both in national as well as many state-based surveys.

The polls began to tighten so much that many pollsters began to worry that their turnout models were built on incorrect assumptions of higher Democrat turnout.

Another thing that should worry pollsters is the incredible turnout at Trump rallies in comparison to the turnout at Clinton rallies. Trump commonly speaks before tens of thousands of supporters. In fact, it is just as common to see hundreds if not thousands who turn out to Trump rallies but end up not even able to get into the venues. On the other hand Hillary has been lucky to assemble a thousand supporters at a time.

But all this was even before the FBI’s announcement. After the news broke Trump’s drive accelerated.

Since last Friday there have been a long series of signs appearing that seems to auger bad tidings for the Clinton campaign.

In no particular order…
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Race for White House Collapsing for Democrats, But is it In Time for Trump”

Despite Slide in Polls, Clinton Already Has Giant Celebration with Fireworks Planned for NY

-By Warner Todd Huston

So sure is she of winning the White House, Hillary Clinton’s campaign has already contracted for a giant fireworks-filled celebration to be held in Manhattan and set to kick off only 30 minutes after the polls close in New York, source say.

The Clinton campaign has sought permits and informed city officials that a barge will be positioned in the Hudson near Manhattan’s Javits Center to be used as a launching platform for a massive fireworks display on Election Day, according to the New York Post.

The paper also reports that a New York Fire Department Marine Unit has been told to be on hand to monitor the fireworks display reportedly to last up to two minutes.

The company Team Clinton hired to oversee the fireworks show, Garden State Fireworks, is the same company Trump hired to entertain guests at the opening of the Trump National Golf Club in Bedminster, NJ.

One NY Firefighter, though, didn’t like the idea of having to be involved with the fireworks show, even as a safety monitor.

“This will make it seem like the firefighters endorsed Hillary,” the source said.
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Despite Slide in Polls, Clinton Already Has Giant Celebration with Fireworks Planned for NY”

Trump Was Gaining on Clinton Even Before New FBI Investigation Into Her Email Scandal

-By Warner Todd Huston

The polls for the upcoming presidential election, now only a week away, were already starting to tighten even before the shocking revelations that FBI Director James Comey reopened the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s illegal email server hidden in her Chappaqua home when she was Obama’s Secretary of State. If they were tightening before the renewed criminal investigation into her actions, one shudders to think what they will show early this week once polls taken after the announcement begin to be reflected in their results.

During the middle two weeks of October between the 10th and 21st (the FBI announcement came late on the 28th) many of the presidential polls across the nation had already begun to show movement in favor of GOP nominee Donald Trump. By the end of that period many of the polls had become statistical ties as time and again Trump had closed to within the margin of error (MOE) or close to it both in national as well as state-based surveys.

For instance, the most recent average of polls taken ending no later than October 27 saw Clinton leading with only a plus 3.4. But in most cases these polls had an MOE of 2 and one half to 3 and one half points meaning that the polls were nearly a statistical tie.

Further the trajectory lines showed Trump gaining throughout October.
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Trump Was Gaining on Clinton Even Before New FBI Investigation Into Her Email Scandal”

Suicide as Western Nations Allow Themselves to be Taken Over by Muslim Invaders

-By Warner Todd Huston

Many radical Muslims have forewarned the west that they intend to enter western nations and then use liberal western laws against their hosts to destroy them from the inside. Sadly, it is nearly impossible to deny that they have been succeeding admirably at their goal.

This destruction from within is occurring in nearly every nation in Europe as well as Australia, Canada, and the United States of America. Every single western nation exhibits multiple examples of Muslims gathering en masse and then daring western authorities to stop them from overwhelming and destroying western systems from within.

Two recent examples perfectly show this tactic, one in Germany and another in Bosnia-Herzegovina.

In Bosnia-Herzegovina, for instance, a large group of Muslims have taken over a town and essentially banished native citizens from entering the area. And they are now daring authorities to do something about it.

The town in the eastern European nation was essentially conceived from the beginning as an affront to Bosnians, the UK Express reported.

“Investors from the Middle East built the 160-home luxury estate near Tarcin, which is close to the Bosnian capital of Sarajevo,” the paper noted.

The town was then marketed in Kuwait as a Muslim-only community in a country “gifted with beautiful nature by Allah.”
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Suicide as Western Nations Allow Themselves to be Taken Over by Muslim Invaders”

Donna Brazile: Another Example That ALL Democrats are Liars and Have NO Integrity

-By Warner Todd Huston

There are some simple facts of life about members of the Democrat Party. They will say anything, they have no integrity, and everything the say is built on lies. It really is just that simple. And current Democrat National Committee Chair Donna Brazile just gave us a perfect example of this truism with her reaction to the latest FBI investigation against her boss, Hillary Clinton.

Late last week FBI Director and erstwhile Clinton operative James Comey shocked the Democrat establishment by sending a letter to Congress telling both Democrat and Republican committee members that he is re-opening the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s illegal email server that she had hidden in her New York home when she was Obama’s Secretary of State.

We later found out that more of Hillary’s illegal emails were discovered on several devices owned by Anthony Weiner, the disgraced New York Congressman who is also the husband of Hillary’s long-time chief of staff Huma Abedin. The emails were found during an investigation into Weiner’s alleged sexual misconduct with a 15-year-old girl.

It appears that on these devices were stored “thousands” of Hillary’s emails likely containing classified material. Since Weiner has no security clearance that likely means these classified emails were illegally stored on those devices.

But when news broke of Comey’s letter to Congress, immediately the Democrat establishment cried foul and insisted that Director Comey was unfairly working to undermine Hillary only 10 days before Eletion Day. They also demanded that he release all he knows to “prove” that his new investigation is legitimate and not some illicit attempt to upset the election.
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Donna Brazile: Another Example That ALL Democrats are Liars and Have NO Integrity”

Donald Trump Calls Out CNN, ABC for Ignoring Clinton’s Ample Time Away from Campaign Trail

-By Warner Todd Huston

GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump has been appearing sometimes at more than four events a day for months, now, but the media has decided that his one-hour appearance to cut the ribbon at a new hotel is somehow short shrifting his campaign and supporters. And this even as they ignore Hillary’s taking days at a time off the campaign trail and going to an Adele concert.

Always looking for the next coordinated line of attack to use as a weapon against Donald Trump, the media has been criticizing Trump for taking an hour off the campaign trail to cut the ribbon at the opening of his newest hotel.

In one Instance, CNN’s Dana Bash tried to embarrass Trump over his ribbon-cutting ceremony by employing the media’s favorite “some say” tactic.

The CNN on-air host confronted Trump as he appeared at the grand opening ceremony for his newly opened Trump hotel which is situated inside the renovated, historic Old Post Office Building in Washington D.C.

“What do you say to people who say you’re taking time out of swing states to go do this, you say…,” Bash asked as she forced a microphone in Trump’s face.
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Donald Trump Calls Out CNN, ABC for Ignoring Clinton’s Ample Time Away from Campaign Trail”

That Election Fraud The Left Says Isn’t Happening is Piling Up

-By Warner Todd Huston

The Clinton campaign and her media facilitators have been excoriating GOP nominee Donald Trump for “damaging our democracy” by raising the specter of election fraud. But even as the left screams that there is no such thing in the U.S. election system, evidence to the contrary has been piling up for decades.

Despite the evidence, the media has been working overtime to damage Trump by claiming he is wrong about vote fraud. About a week ago CNN led the way by attacking Trump as the “destroyer of our democracy” because, they said, he was attempting to undermine the legitimacy of the elections over concerns of voter fraud.

As part of his October 16 “Reliable Sources” Sunday show, CNN’s Brian Stelter delivered a rant saying Trump was damaging our democracy. “Trump’s biggest lie is about the election itself!” Stelter insisted.

“He is alleging a massive conspiracy,” Stelter exclaimed, “thereby creating a massive challenge for the news media. Trump has been planting seeds for over a year, warning supporters not to trust the government, the polls or the media, because it’s all rigged, he says.”

Stelter went on to claim that voter fraud in the U.S. “rarely happens” and has had no part in swaying any election.

Of that latter claim, facts say otherwise. Well known election fraud expert John Fund has written article, after article, after article and even books chronicling voter fraud in the U.S.
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That Election Fraud The Left Says Isn’t Happening is Piling Up”

Video Shows Hillary Needs Aide’s Help to Mount a Single Step

-By Warner Todd Huston

A video clip posted by a Clinton supporter shows Hillary Clinton needing the help of an aide to mount a single step at a Florida rally, once again sparking questions about the Democrat nominee’s seemingly delicate health.

The video originally posted to Twitter by a young male Hillary supporter was taken on October 26 at a rally in Lake Worth, Florida and showed Hillary crossing a parking lot before trying to get up onto a short riser to wave to supporters.

But as the 69-year-old Democrat approached the 18-inch-high riser an aide rushed over to help her take the single step up.

According to Kyle Olson, an aide was also seen quickly grasping Hillary’s waist perhaps in an effort to steady her and prevent her from falling.

Hillary has been dogged by worries that she is in poor heath and is not well enough to become president. In September, for instance, a general surgeon from Texas insisted that Hillary’s “abnormal eye movements” points to a serious health problem.
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Video Shows Hillary Needs Aide’s Help to Mount a Single Step”

As Election Day Nears, Obama Works Overtime to Bring in As Many Illegals as He Can

-By Warner Todd Huston

In the first few years of his presidency Barack Obama deported millions of illegals. But as his second term approached, the president soon reversed that policy and not only began to release the ones already taken into custody, but launched several programs to bring in as many illegals — both Hispanic and Muslim — as he could. And now he is welcoming in hundreds of thousands as the 2016 election nears.

When Barack Obama took office, his first two years saw a cascading number of illegal alien activists complaining that he was deporting too many illegals. In fact, in 2012 surrogates for Mitt Romney was airing TV ads claiming that Obama had deported more illegals than any other president. This was an effort to get the illegal alien advocates mad enough at him not to vote for his reelection.

While this claim wasn’t exactly true it does reflect the fact that in the first few years of his first term he was deporting a lot of illegals.

This policy, though, was soon reversed, perhaps in response to outrage from activists for illegals and their partners in the U.S. Hispanic community.

By 2013 Obama was making major changes in policy, seriously reversing his deportations. Year after year he began to lower the number of deportations and by 2015 Obama put into place new rules for his immigration services that would give 87 percent of the illegal population a degree of protection from deportation. That is an increase from the 74 percent who were given such “protection” with Obama’s earlier policy changes.

The president also informed DHS, border police, and his other immigration departments to pick up fewer illegals. Earlier this year, the small number of illegals rounded up in the January sweeps amounted to less than one in 1,000 of the total number of parents and children who surged across the border, starting in 2014. And even of these gathered up, few were set for deportation.
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As Election Day Nears, Obama Works Overtime to Bring in As Many Illegals as He Can”

Why Any Conservative With a Conscience Should be Done With The GOP

-By Warner Todd Huston

The 2016 general election was the last chance the Republican Party had to keep in the party anyone who considers himself a conservative. At this point, there is no reason whatever for a conservative to ever vote Republican again.

Firstly, the Republican Party stopped being an opposition party with the rise of Franklin Roosevelt’s remaking of the Democrat Party into a proto socialist operation. The very last Republican who cared anything about congressional privilege or the U.S. Constitution was Robert “Mr. Conservative” Taft and even he was a weaker version of the Republicans who locked up power for generations waving the bloody shirt after the civil war.

The Republican Party turned into a herd of whipped curs with the dawning of the 1940s, running with their tails between their legs in the face of outrageously bombastic Democrats who care neither about American tradition, the law, nor the truth.

Republicans have no principles and their only motivation is to be in a position to make themselves and their friends rich as possible while the act as junior partners to the Democrats.
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Why Any Conservative With a Conscience Should be Done With The GOP”

Instead of Reporting Email Leaks Embarrassing to Clinton, Media Desperately Spins Them

-By Warner Todd Huston

The damning evidence that Democrats care nothing about people and everything about money and raw power is piling up more every day and the old media establishment is finally beginning to pay attention to the mounting scandals. But instead of reporting the truth, many in the media have now turned to spinning the WikiLeaks releases to help the Democrats and Clintons push the accusations aside.

We noted last week that few Americans had even heard of any of the scandals being released by WikiLeaks culled from thousands and thousands of emails from Clinton campaign chief John Podesta because the media was obsessed by a decade-old tape of Donald Trump saying untoward things about a woman with “Access Hollywood’s” Billy Bush.

It probably isn’t a huge surprise that the old media complex are not all fired up about reporting on the WikiLeaks story. After all, many of the emails show how the media has been in total collusion with the Clinton campaign. It is certain they are furious that their perfidy has been so clearly revealed… again.

The media has so blatantly ignored this scandal that vice presidential nominee Mike Pence noted that the media is “ignoring an avalanche of hard evidence about the Clinton’s corruption.”

Pence was aghast at the favoritism the media has shown to Hillary Clinton.
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Instead of Reporting Email Leaks Embarrassing to Clinton, Media Desperately Spins Them”

Serious FBI Agents Furious At Director Comey Over Decision to Let Hillary Off the Hook

-By Warner Todd Huston

There was once a day when the FBI’s famed G-Men were celebrated on stage and screen. But these days the luster of the FBI’s star has decidedly faded especially with the decision of its director to allow the criminal activities perpetrated by Hillary Clinton to go unpunished because the director is a crass, left-wing political operative instead of a hard-nosed man of law and order. And his actions have caused a major problem among agents who still want their work to be respected.

For Americans of a certain age, “The FBI” immediately conjures up the stirring horns of the theme song for “The FBI” TV series starring Efrem Zimbalist, Jr. The show which so proudly noted was “a Quinn Martin production” at the start of every episode had a fairly long run airing from 1965 to 1974.

The series was probably one of the best examples for the gravity and trust Americans once imbued into the Federal Bureau of Investigation. The show’s stars were always deadly serious, highly intelligent, and always got their man. They successfully investigated everything from theft, to espionage, murder, and fraud and the public ate it up year after year.

But that was a day when the Bureau was seen as a trusted agency that could be expected to be a dispassionate, effective investigative service. Still, the show aired during the worst of the Vietnam era just as Americans were turning away from their past explicit trust in government institutions.

The show is in stark contrast to today’s shows based on Bureaus like the FBI. Today we see such agencies as sometimes distrusted by the public and generally featuring at least one agent who turns out to be an enemy to law and justice or even the very country itself.

Hollywood aside, the FBI has had its ups and downs, certainly, but usually it found those low times due to some mishap or bad policy decisions based on matters of process by its upper management. But despite some of the worst 1970s conspiracy theories, rarely has the FBI been considered a bald-faced political actor until Director James Comey tarnished the shield by becoming a member of Hillary Clinton’s election campaign.

When Comey decided that Hillary would be let off scot free for her clear and purposeful violations of national security, he turned the FBI from a serious policing agency into a low, mean, transparent arm of the Democrat Party.
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Serious FBI Agents Furious At Director Comey Over Decision to Let Hillary Off the Hook”

How Trump Can Still Win

-By Gary Krasner

I’ve decided to offer some advice to Team Trump. Apparently he needs it badly. Here are the main things he can do to right his campaign ship:

1. Take his smart phone away from him. Have the campaign professionals post twitter remarks to the millions of his twits.

2. Trump must stick solely to his scripted speeches, and no ad-libbing on the side, because that is what will be aired on the nets!!!

3. Donald must shut up about bimbo allegations and Melania must publicly refute them. Only Melania. And she must ask:

a. Why did these women wait 3 weeks before the election, and how and why did they organize coming forward together?

b. Point out that some alleged women victims were misquoted by NY Times.

c. Call for the resignation of reporters who have been working with HRC campaign to tailor their messages.

d. Demand that Hillary, finally and once and for all, deny allegations from Broderick and Wiley


Trump must do the following at the upcoming last debate.

Avoid attacking Hillary on allegations that have already been aired. Hillary’s Achilles Heel is addressing allegations she has not been prepped for with ready and rehearsed answers.

Also, use a rhetorical device that’s memorable and can be repeated during and after the debate. Reagan said “there you go again.”

Suggestion: I propose, “True or False, Hillary?!”

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How Trump Can Still Win”

WikiLeaks Breaking Democrat Scandal After Scandal While Old Media Ignores it all to Talk About Trump’s Locker Room Rambling

-By Warner Todd Huston

If you get most of your news from the old media establishment consisting of newspapers and TV network news you’d be forgiven for not knowing about the damaging information contained in the latest batch of hacked emails publicly released by the whistleblower site WilieLeaks. That would be because the old media is systematically ignoring the story. Why? Because what is contained in these emails is thoroughly damaging to the Democrat Party as well as to Hillary Clinton and her campaign.

As news about a decade-old recording of Donald Trump’s locker room banter continues to take the lion’s share of the old media’s attention, others have been digesting the 2 thousand emails from Hillary’s top campaign aide John Podesta. And what these emails say about the collusion of the media with team Hillary, the backroom vendetta Democrats had for Democrat candidate Bernie Sanders, the general hatred that Democrats have for the American people, and Team Hillary’s criminal actions is truly illuminating.

This particular batch of emails are hacked messages sent to and from Clinton campaign Chairman John Podesta. He is a long-term associate of the Clintons and was President Bill Clinton’s Chief of Staff from 1998 until 2001. Podesta also owns the Podesta Group, a major lobbying firm, and is the Chair of the Center for American Progress (CAP), a far left-wing Washington DC-based think tank.

If you are interested in reading the raw emails posted by WikiLeaks for yourself, you can find them at their Podesta email section:

Some of the most disgusting, if unsurprising, revelations in the email dump is the bald collusion between Democrat Party operatives and the sold out media. Disgusting for its bias, yet unsurprising for the fact that at this point that bias seems to be a given.
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WikiLeaks Breaking Democrat Scandal After Scandal While Old Media Ignores it all to Talk About Trump’s Locker Room Rambling”

DeMonte: Illinois, We Shouldn’t Be Worried Over Trump’s Locker Room Talk When Hillary is a Criminal

Following is an open letter to Republicans in Illinois penned by Demetra DeMonte, Co-Chair Trump Illinois, Republican National Committeewoman for Illinois, and RNC Secretary 2011-2015.

Dear Fellow RNC members,

I believe it is now time for us to speak up about the swirling news over the last 24 hours.

First and foremost, Donald J Trump is not going to step down – nor should he. He is our lawfully elected nominee.

Yes – Donald Trump used some very inappropriate language. We can all agree on that. I certainly do not condone it. But one thing is sure – he is not the first – nor will he be the last to utter foul language in the privacy of their home or in their locker rooms.

What would be so amusing, if it wasn’t so disingenuous, is that Hillary is appalled and disgusted at Trump’s language. Right… just like Captain Renault, the character from Casablanca, is “shocked, shocked” that there is gambling going on in Rick’s Café, while at the same time he is accepting his ill-gotten gambling winnings!

Hillary, the consummate hypocrite, who while First Lady, barraged her own Secret Service detail with unspeakably foul language! The very same men who put their lives on the line for hers! Such hypocrisy!
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DeMonte: Illinois, We Shouldn’t Be Worried Over Trump’s Locker Room Talk When Hillary is a Criminal”

Placing Trump’s Comment in Proper Context

-By Gary Krasner

This will not be a defense of Trump’s private comments about women. The ultimate point will be that it’s not dispositive of how he will govern.

Indeed, it merely reflects a personal attribute that was shared by other presidents, including JFK and Bill Clinton.

Is it a common attribute? Yes. Just watch the first episode of the first season of the comedy, Key and Peele on Comedy Central.

This hilarious sketch is located at the 2 min, 47 sec mark of this video:

It illustrates how men feel giddy recounting how dominant they supposedly are in their marriages.

But ironically, at the same time, it shows how terrified they are that their spouses might be able to overhear them talking like that. And the great lengths to undertake to prevent that.
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Placing Trump’s Comment in Proper Context”

Clinton Operative Email Calls Americans ‘illiterates,’ Says Bernie Sanders Employing Nazi Tactics

-By Warner Todd Huston

The Wikileaks release of over 2,000 emails from Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta reveals some of the vicious things Team Clinton was saying about Democrat candidate Bernie Sanders as well as the bulk of the American people. In one communiqué, for instance, Americans were called “illiterates” and Bernie Sanders was accused of employing Nazi tactics to beat Hillary in the primaries.

One Clinton operative who’s unsigned email to campaign chief Podesta was sent using the email address “,” is typical of the kind of hate Podesta’s associates have showered upon the American people and Democrat candidate Bernie Sanders and his supporters.

This “mecof05” told John Podesta that the country is filled with “functional illiterates” who can’t understand the English language, said that Sanders was using tactics pioneered by Hitler’s Nazi propagandist Joseph Goebels, and complained that Sanders and Trump both are using the media just like the “Nazi media were used.”

In his opening paragraph, “mecof05” disparaged the American people saying, “There are too many functional illiterates now in the world and more than half of the population of the United States are a part of the irrational masses that the illiteracy produces.”

He went on to claim that Bernie Sanders is acting like a Nazi propagandist.

“Goebels taught us that if a people is told the same lie a thousand times, the people is drawn to believe it. It is Trump’s main asset but Sanders is also using it. There are a few things that may be of use,” the emailer wrote to Podesta.
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Clinton Operative Email Calls Americans ‘illiterates,’ Says Bernie Sanders Employing Nazi Tactics”

Fraud and Deceit: Hillary Cheating Her Way to the White House

-By Warner Todd Huston

Originally posted at

Aside from the obvious fact that the national media is working overtime to get Hillary Clinton elected–including some in the so-called conservative media–evidence is growing that Hillary and her party are well on the road toward cheating their way to putting Hillary in the White House.

The examples of the left cheating, lying, and committing fraud in a desperate attempt to get Hillary elected are wide and varied. They range from the more trivial to the insidious.

In one case, for instance, Hillary’s campaign hired a child actor to pretend to be a little girl who is aggrieved over Donald Trump’s “body shaming” of a past beauty pageant contestant.

During a town hall-styled event Hillary’s Hollywood actress host, Elizabeth Banks, pointed out a little girl in the audience and made as if they had only just noticed the little girl for the first time. The girl rose and delivered a very polished–almost focus group created–question on “body shaming,” a topic with which the left has recently fallen in love.
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Fraud and Deceit: Hillary Cheating Her Way to the White House”

Dem. Tim Kaine Turns Vice Presidential Debate Into Bickerfest

-By Warner Todd Huston

Originally published at

The one impression America came away with as the first and only vice presidential debate ended on Tuesday night, October 4, was that Democrat candidate Tim Kaine was more like a yip-yapping Chihuahua instead of the Pitbull that a second chair running mate should be. But he also figured as the perfect running mate for the biggest liar and crook ever to run for the White House because he threw one lie after another at his opponent.

As the debate came to a conclusion several of the flash polls and focus groups said that GOP candidate Mike Pence easily won the debate because he seemed calm, cool and collected. They also said he was more focused, tried to stay within the debate rules, and was far less hyper and contentious than his Democrat rival.

A panel of undecided voters from Ohio, for instance, felt Kaine came off poorly during his bout with Pence. One even called him a “jerk” for interrupting up to 70 times during the debate.

In fact, there is already a video showing the dozens of times Kaine talked past his time and tried to shout down his opponent during his opponent’s time.
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Dem. Tim Kaine Turns Vice Presidential Debate Into Bickerfest”

The Mainstream Media’s Taxing Attacks on Donald Trump–What At This Point Does It Matter?

-By Warner Todd Huston

Originally published at

Over the weekend The New York Times stirred controversy with a story based on purportedly shocking revelations about Donald Trump’s taxes. The paper insisted Trump got away with paying no taxes at all in the 1990s and this, they intimated, makes him some sort of hypocrite. So, to borrow a phrase, what at this point does it matter?

In a piece entitled, “Donald Trump Tax Records Show He Could Have Avoided Taxes for Nearly Two Decades, The Times Found,” the so-called “paper of record” published Trump’s personal tax information from 1995 and extrapolated its consequences on “decades” afterward. The paper claimed Trump took such heavy business losses in ’95 that “it could have allowed him to legally avoid paying any federal income taxes for up to 18 years.”

Of course, if the paper really did get ahold of Trump’s tax information and then published it without his permission, they would have broken the law. But… what are a few broken laws when the media needs so desperately to help Hillary Clinton win the election?

According to the paper:
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The Mainstream Media’s Taxing Attacks on Donald Trump–What At This Point Does It Matter?”

Hillary’s Lie About The Lie She Explained Was Not A Lie, But Was

-By Gary Krasner

The Clinton (“come with the cash”) machine came out yesterday saying that other (younger) staffers also came down with pneumonia.

It was an obvious attempt to show that whatever is ailing her now (pneumonia is the call today. Tomorrow, who knows?) is not related to her age or any underlying health problems that would make her unfit to serve.

(She is unfit to serve in any government position for myriad reasons, but that’s another story which MSM won’t publish.)

In other words, Hillary is saying that the pneumonia has been contagious. OK, that’s fine.

So knowing that she could transmit pneumonia, she nonetheless visited her daughter on Monday, following the 911 memorial service in NYC.

Her press people say that Hillary was playing and “running around the house” (yeah, right) with Chelsea’s infant.

This is a woman who clearly doesn’t foresee — nor care about — consequences. SERIOUS consequences.
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Hillary’s Lie About The Lie She Explained Was Not A Lie, But Was”

Republicans Who Support Hillary Are Traitors to This Country

-By Warner Todd Huston

The news media has been all a twitter over the small group of ne’er-do-wells, government leeches, and has-beens who claim to have been Republicans in the past but who are now nonetheless supporting Hillary Clinton for President. But those who pretend at being Republican and support Hillary need to be ostracized and cast out of the center right coalition, not because they are traitors merely to the Republican Party but because they are traitors to the entire country.

These group of un-American traitors have joined together to push a fool-filled group going by the name Republicans for Clinton (or R4C16). They explain their disastrous support for this anti-American effort as one that will “defeat Donald Trump, restore GOP leadership and save the senate.”

But in truth, if people are stupid enough to join these halfwits and are successful in their goal of electing the criminal Clinton to the White House their group will achieve none of those things.

Now, I don’t say this as a big Trump guy. I supported Cruz and there is a ton I don’t like about Trump. But he is by leaps and bounds better than Hillary.

Here is how these government leeches explain their mission:
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Republicans Who Support Hillary Are Traitors to This Country”

Time to ‘John Birch’ the Alt-Right? No, More Like Time to Ignore Them

-By Warner Todd Huston

This week redoubtable conservative columnist Jonah Goldberg noted that the conservative movement must “John Birch” the Alt-Right, meaning we need to destroy them and kick them out of the center right tent. But Jonah is being ridiculous. In reality we need to go back to ignoring this group of loudmouthed misfits because they are insignificant.

In his August 31 article, Goldberg waxed poetic over how wonderful Hillary Clinton has been for defending conservatives against the racists, hatemongers, and nutballs of the “Alt-Right.”

Hillary recently went on a tirade against this mysterious Alt-Right, denouncing them as racists, and slamming GOP nominee Donald Trump for playing the Alt-Right’s racist, white supremacist game. Goldberg apparently thought her speech and focus was wonderful and suggested that instead of Hillary shouldering this task alone the whole of the center right coalition should come down on the Alt-Right just as hard as William F. Bucklyites did against the John Birch Society in the early 1960s.

For a bit of history, the John Birch Society (JBS) was a very large and potent pseudo conservative group founded in 1958 and led by a messianic leader named Robert W. Welch, Jr. The group’s main appeal was a virulent anti-communism, which was a popular ideal at the height of the Cold War. It also developed into a strong nationalist organization that opposed the U.N. Welch even attacked President Eisenhower as a communist plant in the White House and there were also elements of racism among JBSers.

At one point the group claimed to have a million members but whatever its real number it certainly had chapters all across the nation. And all its members were fed by Welch’s newsletters and propaganda.

Eventually the group got so radicalized that Buckley, founder of the National Review magazine, decided that it was time to ostracize them from the conservative movement and make sure Americans understood that the JBSers were absolutely not part of the conservative movement.

That is what Goldberg is proposing that we now do to the Alt-Right, an internet fringe that grew out of white separatist ideals, crypto Nazism, and filled with Ku Klux Klan members who grew to feel the Klan was just a bit too radical even for them.
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Time to ‘John Birch’ the Alt-Right? No, More Like Time to Ignore Them”