Anti-American Boston Judge Forces Christian Woman to ‘Learn About Islam’ for Punishment After Dispute with Muslim

-By Warner Todd Huston

Once again proving that liberals are drifting farther every day away from American ideals and principles, an activist judge in Boston recently punished a Christian woman by order that she “learn about Islam” to settle a dispute brought to court by a Muslim tenant from an apartment building the punished woman owns. This couldn’t be a more un-American–and un-Constitutional–punishment.

The case that came to Judge Paul Yee Jr.’s courtroom was between a Christian Pastor who owns an apartment complex in which several Muslim tenants live and one of his Muslim tenants. The complex owner, Daisy Obi, a 73-year-old ordained minister from Nigeria who is the pastor of the Adonai Bible Center in Somerville, Massachusetts, was accused of physically attacking her Muslim tenant and spewing anti-Muslim epithets at her.

The purported victim, tenant Gihan Suliman, claims that Obi called her anti-Muslim names and pushed her down a flight of stairs during an argument in April of 2012.

The case came before Yee, who is a 2009 Deval Patrick appointee to the District Court in Quincy Court One. He was previously an Assistant District Attorney for Suffolk County and was also a counsel for the Boston Housing Authority. Clearly Yee thinks of himself as a social warrior and not an adjudicator of law.

At the close of the case in 2014, Judge Yee ruled against Obi and sentenced her to two years in jail and to serve six months and have the rest suspended. But this self-righteous, activist judge also demanded another punishment by forcing Obi to “learn about Islam.”

“I want you to learn about the Muslim faith. I want you to enroll and attend an introductory course on Islam,” Yee said during the sentencing phase of the trial. “You have to give some kind of written documentation to probation that you have in fact done that.”

This is clearly both un-American and un-Constitutional.
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Anti-American Boston Judge Forces Christian Woman to ‘Learn About Islam’ for Punishment After Dispute with Muslim”

University Proves That Radical Feminists Are About the Fights, Not The Rights

-By Warner Todd Huston

Feminist extremists at the all female Mount Holyoke College in Massachusetts have forced the cancellation of the absurdist play “The Vagina Monologues” because it isn’t feminist enough. That’s right, the play once hailed as the height of feminist expression is now deemed not feminist enough.

The thing about a civil rights movement is that it often ends up being more interested in the perpetual fight than in the actual achievement of any rights. Such “movements” often end up devaluing actual achievements by acting as if nothing has changed even after they’ve achieved staggering success.

We see this in nearly every rights movement in America. Take black civil rights, for instance. This country has progressed from a country where blacks were held in bondage, to one where they were free but had few rights, to today where blacks are 100 percent equal in every way with the rest of civil society. And yet, despite the amazing positive changes for African Americans, today we have charlatans like Al $harpton and Je$$e Jack$on who traipse about the country stirring race hate and claiming that no progress has been made despite the blatantly obvious facts to the contrary.

This loathsome tendency to imagine that no progress has been made in spite of reality is also a chief feature of the feminist movement and this business at the all-female Mount Holyoke College is a perfect example of that.
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University Proves That Radical Feminists Are About the Fights, Not The Rights”

Illinois a ‘Sinkhole State’: Rates Second Worst for Liability Per Taxpayer

-By Warner Todd Huston

Obama’s Illinois perennially ranks at the very bottom of every statistic that marks a successful state and a new report on America’s “sinkhole states” finds that Illinois again ranks at the very bottom this time for how much state debt each citizen is saddled with.

The statistics gathered by the excellent Chicago-based budget watchdog group Truth In Accounting calculated how much state debt–obligations like pensions, healthcare plans for retirees, etc–each citizen would have to pay to retire the debt in a lump sum.

The group has dubbed the worst states as “America’s Sinkhole States.”

Truth In Accounting found that Connecticut is the worst state in the union with each citizens owing 48 thousand dollars per citizen to retire the debt. But coming in a close second is the state of Illinois with a whopping 43 thousand dollars per citizen in debt.
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Illinois a ‘Sinkhole State’: Rates Second Worst for Liability Per Taxpayer”

Mass. Democrat Says Gov’t Should Control Media

-By Warner Todd Huston

That darned old media is just out of control and filled with “hate crimes,” Senator Ed Markey (D, Mass.) says. So, he thinks the best solution is that government should control everything we see and hear. What could go wrong with that, Mr. Orwell?

Markey has proposed a tax dollar-wasting “study” to find ways to force broadcast media from showing “hate crimes” to we stupid, uneducated Americans. Markey is here to save us from ourselves, you see.

As to that whole First Amendment, freedom of speech thing? Markey doesn’t see any reason why that should be a problem. Why? Well, he doesn’t really say, but just take his word for it, won’t you? He should change his name from Markey to Malarkey.

Of course, not everyone is hailing Malarkey’s idea as such a great idea. Gene Policinski, who works at the First Amendment Center, says that this is something we’d better notice. “Anytime government in any form or level looks to study our speech–even something that we might all consider detestable speech–we need to pay attention.”
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Mass. Democrat Says Gov’t Should Control Media”

It’s GOOD That Massachusetts Court Didn’t Ban Perverted ‘Upskirt’ Photos

-By Warner Todd Huston

So, no doubt you are reading that headline and expecting me to be coming out in favor of perverted, privacy invading photos taken up a woman’s skirt with neither her knowledge nor approval. Naturally I am not, but I am still glad that the Massachusetts Supreme Court did not ban such illicit photography. In fact, the court did exactly what it should have.

Earlier this week the Massachusetts Supreme Court ruled that these disgusting upskirt shots are not illegal.

Last year a man in Boston was secretly taking video and still shots underneath women’s skirts on the city’s public buses and trains. He was using these photos for a sexual purpose, of course, posting them online for other perverts to see.
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It’s GOOD That Massachusetts Court Didn’t Ban Perverted ‘Upskirt’ Photos”

Cops Confiscate HUGE Cache of Heroin Packets Stamped ‘Obama Care’

-By Warner Todd Huston

The President may want to find whoever is supplying heroin marked “Obamacare” so he can take some and forget the mess he made with his singularly failed takeover of our nation’s healthcare system, but he may have to find a new supply after cops in Massachusetts confiscated this batch.

State troopers in Massachusetts recently reported on their Facebook page that they confiscated 1,250 bags of heroin stamped “Obamacare” on Friday.

The State Police reported that Trooper Joe Petty assisted by Tooper Dave Stucenski and his K9 “officer” Frankie, Located 1250 Bags of Heroin in Hatfield, Massachusetts on December 20.
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Cops Confiscate HUGE Cache of Heroin Packets Stamped ‘Obama Care’”

Tax Paid University Professor Tells White Male Students to Commit Suicide

-By Warner Todd Huston

Professor Noel Ignatiev, Massachusetts College.

A tax-paid professor from Massachusetts College says if you are a white male you should commit suicide because you are evil.

This from tenured professor Noel Ignatiev of Massachusetts College. Here are this tax-supported “teacher’s” own words:

“If you are a white male, you don’t deserve to live. You are a cancer, you’re a disease, white males have never contributed anything positive to the world! They only murder, exploit and oppress non-whites! At least a white woman can have sex with a black man and make a brown baby but what can a white male do? He’s good for nothing. Slavery, genocides against aboriginal peoples and massive land confiscation, the inquisition, the holocaust, white males are all to blame! You maintain your white male privilege only by oppressing, discriminating against and enslaving others!”
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Tax Paid University Professor Tells White Male Students to Commit Suicide”

Massachusetts Politician Wants Power to Invade People’s Homes to Search for ‘Gun Safety Violations’

-By Warner Todd Huston

Remember that ol’ Constitution thingie? Politicians in Massachusetts don’t, at least, as is evidence with a new proposal that authorities should have the power to break down the doors of people’s homes to “inspect” the home for “gun safety violations.” Because… it’s for the kids.

Massachusetts Selectman Barry Greenfield is debating a new ordinance in Swampscott, Massachusetts that would give the police the power to batter down the doors of homeowners any time authorities feel like it wants to “inspect” the home for “gun safety,” reports SwapmscottPatch.

Greenfield thinks it’s only logical that if there are regulations governing how Bay Staters are supposed to keep and store their guns that the government should be allowed to invade people’s homes to “make sure” that citizens are following those regulations.

Why does he want to give government the power to invade people’s homes whenever it feels the urge to do so? It’s for the kids, dontcha know?
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Massachusetts Politician Wants Power to Invade People’s Homes to Search for ‘Gun Safety Violations’”

NY Woman Arrested for Scamming Boston Bombing Victim Fund

-By Warner Todd Huston

A woman has been arrested in Boston for trying to scam money out of the Boston marathon bombing victim’s fund saying she had a brain injury. Turns out she wasn’t even in the state during the blast, much less the city!

There’s always those that will try and steal from the most vulnerable, isn’t there?

The woman, 26-year-old Audrea Gause of Troy, New York, was arrested in her home town on a Massachusets fugitive warrant that charged her with grand larceny.
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NY Woman Arrested for Scamming Boston Bombing Victim Fund”

Teachers Unions Do NOT Care About Kids

-By Warner Todd Huston

Teacher’s unions are antithetical to a good education for our children and a teacher in Andover, Massachusetts is yet another horrendous example of how teachers unions are interested only in unionism and not education.

A teacher from Andover High School was fired from her teaching job in September of 2012 because of an email she sent during a union action. The email proved that the children were absolutely unimportant to this “teacher.”

The email was sent three weeks before a teacher’s contract was ratified and was sent to other teachers and union members. In the email, teacher Jennifer Meagher thought she had an excellent idea on how to hurry along the contract talks.

She told her fellow unionistas that harming the school is, “the only leverage we have left at the bargaining table. We can assure the (School Committee) and (McGrath) that reports will be passed and (reaccreditation) will continue if there is a contract signed this summer that maintains a 5-class load at AHS.”

What does that mean? It means that this “teacher” would rather hurt the school in order to get her union wants, that she’d rather see the school discredited and the kid’s education made less just so her unionistas would be happy. She was holding the kid’s education hostage for more money. Period.
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Teachers Unions Do NOT Care About Kids”

Social Media Site Reddit Apologizes for ‘Online Witch Hunt’ of Boston Bomber Search

-By Warner Todd Huston

Reddit has officially apologized for users’ assumption that an innocent and missing Brown University student was a likely suspect in the Boston Marathon bombing.

In the few days between the Monday afternoon bombing of the Boston Marathon and Friday morning when it became clear that the Tsarnev brothers were being sought by authorities for the act of terror, users of the social media website Reddit attempted to ID the bombers through a crowd sourced search of video and photographs of the bombing site.

Unfortunately, according to Reddit General Manager Erik Martin, the effort became a “witch hunt” and proved to be just the sort of situation that the website had hoped to avoid.

“We all need to look at what happened and make sure that in the future we do everything we can to help and not hinder crisis situations,” Martin said in a blog post published on April 22.
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Social Media Site Reddit Apologizes for ‘Online Witch Hunt’ of Boston Bomber Search”

Resident Admits Tsarnaev’s Hate For US is Typical in Cambridge

-By Warner Todd Huston

What one resident of Cambridge, Massachusetts had to say about the atmosphere in that liberal area of the state was quite telling in revealing how essentially un-American leftism truly is. This resident practically admitted that the in that college town, everyone expresses the same basic hate for America that dead terrorist Tamerlan Tsarnaev so often did. When he terrorist Tsarnaev was heard attacking America in conversation, no one paid it any mind.

In interviews, Luis Vasquez, a Cambridge native who was in the same year at the Cambridge Rindge and Latin School as the dead suspect Tamerlan Tsarnaev, said that the hate for America that Tamerlan expressed was so commonly heard around Cambridge that it was essentially unremarkable.

In response to Tamerlan’s claim that he had not a single American friend, here is what Mr. Vasquez is quoted as saying:
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Resident Admits Tsarnaev’s Hate For US is Typical in Cambridge”

Photos: Jeff Bauman’s Small Measure of Justice Over Muslim Bombing Suspect

-By Warner Todd Huston

Jeff Bauman was just a normal, everyday American before he went to Beantown to attend the Boston Marathon.

Jeff Bauman in happier times

Then Islam intervened.

(Click HERE to see what Islam did to Mr. Bauman. **WARNING* photo is graphic.)

Then came this Muslim extremist…

Muslim cretin Tamerlan Tsarnaev

(Click HERE to see Tamerlan’s just deserts. **WARNING* photo is satisfyingly graphic.)

Boston Globe Frets Over City’s Muslims After Marathon Bombing

-By Warner Todd Huston

Before the dust has settled, before any idea of who perpetrated the Boston Marathon bombing and why is determined, the Boston Globe is fretting for the city’s Muslims claiming that there will surely be a “backlash” if the bombers are found to be Islamic extremists. This despite that even after 9/11 there was never any real backlash against Muslims in this country.

For the Boston Globe, columnist Yvonne Abraham opens her piece sonorously noting that Boston’s “Imams have been praying for Monday’s bombings” and fretfully claims they are also “praying” that the perpetrator isn’t a Muslim.

Abraham then goes on to claim that Boston’s Muslims experienced a “backlash” after the attacks by Islamic extremists on Sept. 11, 2001. She even outrageously evokes Japanese internment camps from WWII.

He recalls the backlash that followed the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001. He remembers being afraid to send his children to school for a few days afterward, and the way some began to view all Muslims with suspicion, even hostility. A few fringe-dwellers even spoke of internment camps like those that held Japanese-Americans during the ≠Second World War.

This is all nonsense. No one talked of putting Muslims in concentration camps. Further, Muslims did not experience any backlash in the United States immediately after 9/11 or since.
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Boston Globe Frets Over City’s Muslims After Marathon Bombing”

(BREAKING) CNN: ‘Dark Skinned Male’ is Suspect for Marathon Bombing–AP: Arrest ‘Imminent’

-By Warner Todd Huston

Photo by Charles Krupa

**UPDATE** 3:15 PM Eastern: Bomb threat at Boston federal courthouse. Evacuation in process.

**UPDATE** 3:10 PM Eastern

**UPDATE** 3 PM Eastern, FBI reiterating that NO arrest has been made. Some sources say someone has been detained for questioning but not yet officially arrested.


2PM Eastern: CNN correspondent John King reported this afternoon that authorities have identified a suspect in the bombing of the Boston Marathon.

On the afternoon of April 17, King reported that, “the description given to me was a dark skinned male” but it wasn’t clear whether or not police had anyone in custody.

The identification came from surveillance video of the crowd recorded near the Lord & Taylor store along the race route and near where the second blast occurred.

Authorities say they have video of the “dark skinned” man dropping a backpack near the store shortly before the explosion took place. The bombs, made of six-liter pressure cookers packed with nails and ball bearings, are reminiscent of those used in bombings in India.

Boston Mayor Tom Menino also noted on Wednesday afternoon that the police are “very close” to identifying a suspect.

Shortly after King’s report aired, the Associated Press reported that an arrest is “imminent.”

“A law enforcement official briefed on the investigation says a suspect in the Boston Marathon bombings is about to be arrested.”
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(BREAKING) CNN: ‘Dark Skinned Male’ is Suspect for Marathon Bombing–AP: Arrest ‘Imminent’”

ABC Ignores Tim Scott’s Senate Appointment in Dec., By Jan. Hails Mo Cowan’s as ‘History’

-By Warner Todd Huston

In December, ABC’s World News saw no news at all in the historic appointment of African American Tim Scott to the Senate in South Carolina. No mention was made of it during the broadcast.

Only a month later, though, the same program suddenly hailed African American William “Mo” Cowan’s appointment to the Senate as history making.

When Republican Tim Scott was appointed to fill retiring Senator Jim DeMint’s Senate seat he became the first African American from South Carolina to be sent to the Senate since 1881. Further, when he took his seat he was the only black Senator from either party in Washington D.C. But despite all these notable historic facts, ABC’s World News never mentioned Scott’s appointment.

However, this month when the Governor of Massachusetts appointed African American, Democrat Mo Cowan to finish out John Kerry’s term, ABC suddenly found it to be a moment worthy of coverage.
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ABC Ignores Tim Scott’s Senate Appointment in Dec., By Jan. Hails Mo Cowan’s as ‘History’”

Student Speaks Out Against Harvard’s ‘Incest-Fest’ Party

-By Warner Todd Huston

It has been said that the students and faculty of Harvard University are America’s “best and brightest.” This month they prove this axiom to be mythological as they once again launch their annual “incest-fest” party where residents of the famed Kirkland House spend the day trying to have sex with as many house members as they can. Winners get a hearty handshake of acknowledgement and perhaps some STDS for their “success.”

Harvard’s denizens inventively call this debauched exercise the “incest-fest” because it is held in the Kirkland House among its residents. You see, the residents are living in the same house, so they are like a family. So, if they start having sex with each other it’s like “incest.” Hilarious, no?

This “event” has been going on for some time, of course, and Harvard authorities never say word one about it. Like most university faculties, Harvard long ago decided to let the inmates run the asylum (literally in this case) and have given up even a pretext of attempting to impose order and standards on their campuses.

But one student isn’t so taken by all that wonderful “self expression” going on at Kirkland House.
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Student Speaks Out Against Harvard’s ‘Incest-Fest’ Party”

Media Ignores Warren Plagiarizing, Went Nuts Over Claims of Scott Brown’s

-By Warner Todd Huston

Michael Patrick Leahy detailed yet another twist to Elizabeth “Faux-Cahontis” Warren’s tale of fake American Indian claims. Apparently in 1984 Warren supplied several “old family recipes” to the “Pow Wow Chow cookbook,” edited by her cousin. Turns out these “family recipes” where just lifted from various cookbooks and newspaper articles of the era. She appears to have plagiarized them.

Will the media note that Warren plagiarized recipes from other cookbooks, claimed they were “family recipes,” and then signed them “Elizabeth Warren – Cherokee”? Probably not, but the Old Media went ga ga when they thought her opponent, Senator Scott Walker, plagiarized something.

For Warren’s part, Leahy notes that several of her “family recipes” were copied word-for-word from a New York Times News service piece published in 1979. Boston-based talk show host Howie Carr also found that several of her recipes appear to have been plagiarized. (Here, here, and here)
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Media Ignores Warren Plagiarizing, Went Nuts Over Claims of Scott Brown’s”

Elizabeth Warren Lies or is She a Victim of ‘Right-Wing Smear Machine’?

-By Warner Todd Huston

No one is responsible for their lies, if they are liberals, anyway. We see this axiom at play again in the Massachusetts Senate race where Democrat candidate Elizabeth “Faux-Cahontis” Warren — who has for decades made her fortune and gained professional success in part for falsely claiming she has native American ancestry — is now being called a victim of the “right-wing smear machine.”

Apparently, Warren’s apologists are now saying that her decades of lies and wealth building of a false claim isn’t her fault. The whole darn mess is just a result of those mean ol’ right-wingers.

Already we’ve been treated to Warren’s statement that the whole issue is an attack by “a right wing extremist .” This claim was made after the candidate refused to meet with representatives of the real Cherokees who demanded Warren meet with them to explain her false claims of being one of them.
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Elizabeth Warren Lies or is She a Victim of ‘Right-Wing Smear Machine’?”

It Begins: CNN Rushes to Point Out Romney Once Liked ‘Healthcare Mandates’

-By Warner Todd Huston

Can you say 10th Amendment? CNN doesn’t seem to be able to

It was practically only hours after the Supreme Court issued it’s historic — and odious — decision to give Obamacare its stamp of approval that CNN rushed to tell readers that Romney, too, once approved of a healthcare mandate. This narrative, we know, will be one the Old Media tries to use to beat Romney down and give Obama his second term.

“As it turns out,” CNN trumpets, “the tax penalty in the president’s health care law was modeled after the reform plan passed in Massachusetts under then governor Mitt Romney.”

Of course, this is basically true, so fair point. But CNN falls down on the job by not explaining what Mitt Romney has been saying about his Massachusetts healthcare mandates. Romney has repeatedly said that his plan was a state-based plan but one he does not think would work on a federal level.
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It Begins: CNN Rushes to Point Out Romney Once Liked ‘Healthcare Mandates’”

Media Ignores Warren Plagiarizing, Went Nuts Over Claims of Scott Brown’s

-By Warner Todd Huston

Michael Patrick Leahy detailed yet another twist to Elizabeth “Faux-Cahontis” Warren’s tale of fake American Indian claims. Apparently in 1984 Warren supplied several “old family recipes” to the “Pow Wow Chow cookbook,” edited by her cousin. Turns out these “family recipes” where just lifted from various cookbooks and newspaper articles of the era. She appears to have plagiarized them.

Will the media note that Warren plagiarized recipes from other cookbooks, claimed they were “family recipes,” and then signed them “Elizabeth Warren – Cherokee”? Probably not, but the Old Media went ga ga when they thought her opponent, Senator Scott Brown, plagiarized something.

For Warren’s part, Leahy notes that several of her “family recipes” were copied word-for-word from a New York Times News service piece published in 1979. Boston-based talk show host Howie Carr also found that several of her recipes appear to have been plagiarized. (Here, here, and here)
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Media Ignores Warren Plagiarizing, Went Nuts Over Claims of Scott Brown’s”

Hokumhontas Warren’s Stupid Horse Moment

-By Selwyn Duke

Many critics have called Massachusetts Senate hopeful Elizabeth Warren a “racist” for relating a family story about how her grandfather had “high cheekbones like all Indians do.” But they’re wrong. The comment wasn’t “racist.”

It was stupid.

In fact, it was childishly stupid. Really, it reminds one of the copout Bill Clinton disgorged when addressing his marijuana use: “I tried it, but I didn’t inhale.” And it should come as no surprise, either — leftists are childish.

As for the “racism” charge, many conservatives take that leaf out of the left’s book because, they figure, turnabout is fair play. If a conservative had uttered Warren’s words — stereotyping minority characteristics and using a politically incorrect term — he’d be Derbyshired.
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Hokumhontas Warren’s Stupid Horse Moment”

Why is the New England Historic Genealogical Society Lying Abut Warren’s Amer. Indian Claims?

-By Warner Todd Huston

As each day rolls on in this investigation of the claims made by Massachusetts Democrat Senate candidate Elizabeth Warren that she has Native American heritage in her background we are finding fewer and fewer reasons to believe her. Sadly, she is dragging down once well-respected groups with her unprovable claims and Boston-based New England Historic Genealogical Society is one of them.

As this story came to the fore recently one of the main sources that buttressed Warren’s now faltering claims that she is part Native American came from the New England Historic Genealogical Society (NEHGS). Famously, or perhaps now infamously, NEHGS genealogist Christopher Child substantiated Warren’s claim that her great-great-great grandmother, O.C. Sarah Smith, had Cherokee blood.

This evidence, Mr. Child claimed, is substantiated by a “marriage application” filed with the state of Oklahoma upon which, Child insists, is a section where this supposed native heritage is noted. This document, however, does not seem to actually exist.
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Why is the New England Historic Genealogical Society Lying Abut Warren’s Amer. Indian Claims?”

VIDEO: Jeff Semon, For Mass. 7th Congressional District

-By Warner Todd Huston

In the last of my Challenger Series of videos made at CPAC this year, we have Jeff Semon. He is an impressive and serious young candidate for U.S. Congress from the Bay State, Massachusetts. He’s running to take the seat held by big-time lib Ed Markey.

Semon has been campaigning hard and says that in his opinion the voters in the 5th CD aren’t nearly as liberal as Markey is.

Incidentally, Semon is the fellow that created to nail extremist, left-wing NY Times columnist Paul Krugman to the wall.

See if you agree that Semon is an impressive candidate…

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VIDEO: Jeff Semon, For Mass. 7th Congressional District”

Mitt Romney: My Mass. Healthcare Plan Is ‘Fundamentally Conservative’

-By Warner Todd Huston

Romney did it again. On Fox News he linked Romneycare to conservative principles, an outrageous act in the eyes of any conservative. But hold the boat, people, because Romney didn’t exactly say that Romneycare itself is a conservative policy. And therein lies the weasel words that Romney has used to describe the Massachusetts healthcare plan he was so proud to pass when he was the Governor of the state.

To the video…


I’m happy to stand by the things I believe. I’m not going to change my positions by virtue of being in a presidential campaign. What we did was right for the people of Massachusetts. The plan is still favored there by 3:1 and it is fundamentally a conservative principle because the people take personal responsibility rather than turning to the government for free care.

Now, let’s look at what Romney said here. He didn’t exactly say that Romneycare itself is “fundamentally conservative.” He said the concept that people should take responsibility for their own healthcare is a fundamentally conservative idea.

Such as it is, he’s right. That IS a fundamentally conservative idea.

But as Romney has repeatedly done since he signed that disastrous, socialist, far from conservative piece of legislation, he has weasel worded his description of that law. As he’s done before, in this clip he illicitly linked conservative principles to Romneycare by focusing at a micro level on the single idea that we should take care of our own healthcare and linking that real conservative principle to his actions as if conservative principles are the guiding forces behind Romneycare. The problem with Romney’s characterization of the issue is that his legislation is fundamentally not conservative. It is big government, socialist, authoritarian nonsense. It’s not conservative at all. Romney tries to us that one tiny conservative idea buried under miles of socialist ideas as misdirection for the ills that Romneycare forces on the people of the Bay State.
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Mitt Romney: My Mass. Healthcare Plan Is ‘Fundamentally Conservative’”

Boston University Muslim Chaplin Raising Funds for Al Qaeda, Mass. Pols Embrace Him

-By Warner Todd Huston

Abdullah Faaruuq, a Muslim “spiritual advisor” and chaplain from Boston-based Northeastern University, was a key speaker at a fundraiser for al Qaeda’s Ma Barker, the criminal female terrorist named Aafia Siddiqui, also known as “Lady al Qaeda.” This man, Faaruuq, is living off American taxpayers yet advocates for his followers to use “the gun and the sword” to advance Islam in America.

The fundraiser for Siddiqui was held at the Islamic Center of Worcester, Mass. on Dec. 8 with the stated goal of raising $30,000 to assist this female terrorist convicted in 2008 of attempting to kill American soldiers in Afghanistan.

As Steve Emerson of Family Security Matters reports, Abdullah gave Siddiqui high praise.
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Boston University Muslim Chaplin Raising Funds for Al Qaeda, Mass. Pols Embrace Him”

Sour Mash, Bitter Man: or, Hit the road, Jack Daniel’s

-By Daniel Clark

If you read the label on a bottle of Jack Daniel’s (not that one happens to be handy), you’ll see that it’s made in “Lynchburg (Pop. 361).” Perhaps this should be updated to say, “at least one of whom is a raving Communist lunatic.” That person is Charles Rogers, a “concerned citizen” who has proposed a measure, passed by the Moore County Council (no relation to Michael), requesting permission from the Tennessee assembly for a referendum to impose a new “barrel tax” on the famous whiskey manufacturer.

Supposedly, Rogers wants the tax in order to pay for infrastructure projects, but he let the real reason slip when, according to an October 21st Fox News story, he explained, “We are entitled to more money from the only industry in the county. They created the image of this little old hamlet down here being the place where this fantastic whiskey is being made, and the people didn’t realize what was going on.” O, the exploitation!

Jack Daniel’s general manager Tommy Beam responded that the company is already heavily taxed, and that, being the county’s largest employer, it has expanded the tax base dramatically. The population of Lynchburg is now actually close to 6,000 (The 361 figure on the bottle is from the time that the label was trademarked, about 50 years ago). In addition, the distillery brings in an estimated 200,000 tourists every year. This demonstrates a point that ought to go without saying, which is that a successful industry is beneficial to the community in which it resides. Yet Rogers treats Jack Daniel’s as if it were a deadbeat, failing to pay its “fair share” to the local government.
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Sour Mash, Bitter Man: or, Hit the road, Jack Daniel’s”

Getting Muddy: Tim Pawlenty Attacks ‘ObamneyCare’

-By Warner Todd Huston

Tim Pawlenty is one of only two GOP contenders that have a nation-wide ground game and it looks like he’s starting to go on the attack against Mitt Romney, the other Republican with a nation-wide organization. On Fox News Sunday today he attacked Romney’s disastrous healthcare bill that he signed when Governor of Massachusetts head on calling the legislation “ObamneyCare.”

With one phrase he was able to link Romney’s healthcare law directly to the hated Obamacare legislation. It was clever, but it shows that Pawlenty feels that Romney is not only the guy to beat, he’s vulnerable as well.

Read the rest at

The American Flag Is ‘Offensive’ in Schools Now

-By Selwyn Duke

Increasingly, it seems that the American flag is joining toy guns and dodgeball on the banned-from-school list. And the latest story on this front involves The Butterfield Elementary in Orange, Massachusetts, where a teacher told an 11-year-old boy that he may not hang his depiction of Old Glory because it might “offend” another student.

The boy, Frankie Girard, had drawn the picture in art class but then found that his teacher didn’t share his patriotism. Says his father, John, “He was denied hanging the flag up. And he asked if he could just even hang it on his desk, and he was told no. He could take the picture that he drew and take it home and be proud of it there.”

I guess patriotism has joined piety as a “private matter.” (Leftists tend to confuse closets with shelves. Everything that should be in the former, they display; everything that should be on the latter, they hide.)
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The American Flag Is ‘Offensive’ in Schools Now”