Obama’s Wave of Illegals Also Bring a Wave of Violent and Petty Crimes

-By Warner Todd Huston

When Obama threw open the southern border and advertised is South and Central American countries to tell foreigners that anyone who came to the US illegally would be given amnesty, he also threw open our back door to a wave of your conventional criminals such as rapists, murderers, thieves, and drug dealers.

That is exactly what has happened, too. According to new reports crime by illegals has exploded all across the country (as especially in the south west). A list compiled by the federal government reveals criminal convictions that were won against 1,000 of the 36,007 foreign criminals who were released out into our country by officials in 2013.

“The 1,000 criminals’ convictions,” The Daily Caller wrote, “included 196 drunk-driving charges and 57 other driving offenses, 88 theft, 69 burglary and 24 larceny charges, 26 assault charges and 35 charges of battery, 178 drug charges, two rape charges and at least four auto thefts.”
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Obama’s Wave of Illegals Also Bring a Wave of Violent and Petty Crimes”

Illegal Alien Activists in California One Step Away from French Newspaper Terrorists

-By Warner Todd Huston

With their vandalism of offices of the Santa Barbara News-Press this week, activists for illegal immigrants in California have proven themselves to be but a single step away from being just like the terrorists who killed 12 members of a French newspaper.

The media has been filled with news of the attack by Muslim terrorists on the offices of the left-wing French satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo in which 12 staffers of the paper were killed. The Muslims attacked the paper and murdered the publication’s staffers because the Muslims felt that the paper had committed blasphemy against Islam.

Now, a newspaper in California has been attacked by illegal alien activists because it dares to use the word “illegal” to describe the criminals who have broken our laws to come into the United States.
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Illegal Alien Activists in California One Step Away from French Newspaper Terrorists”

Why Inner City Blacks See Racism Everywhere and Think We Are Still in Slave Days and Whites Don’t

-By Warner Todd Huston

Inner city blacks have a skewed and untrue view of what America “is” today and it is because they live in all black neighborhoods. This often self-imposed isolation is also why white people don’t understand why blacks don’t see the progress that blacks have made in this country.

There is a myth of segregated neighborhoods in this country that lives strong, especially in the minds of blacks. The myth is that whites live only among whites and blacks among blacks. The myth is also part of the assumption that whites are racists who will neither let blacks live near them, nor will move to areas where blacks live thereby keeping blacks down.

This is part of the victim mentality that blacks have built up among themselves to explain why inner city neighborhoods are blighted. It’s always someone else’s fault.

But according to an article by Dan Keating in The Washington Post studies have shown that these days all white neighborhoods have plummeted to near non-existence in American cities.
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Why Inner City Blacks See Racism Everywhere and Think We Are Still in Slave Days and Whites Don’t”

Calif. Court Makes Wearing American Flag to School a Crime

-By Warner Todd Huston

Witness the end of the USA: An appeals court in California has now let stand a lower court’s ruling that white kids aren’t allowed to wear t-shirts with the American flag on them to school when illegals are celebrating the faux Mexican holiday of Cinco de Mayo.

That’s right, natural born American citizens are now considered criminals by the US court system should they dare to wear Old Glory on a t-shirt when law breakers are celebrating a holiday that isn’t even a holiday in the backwards country of their birth.

Lawbreakers, criminals from other countries, people who are here to steal our benefits, our jobs, and our property are given more rights than natural born citizens.
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Calif. Court Makes Wearing American Flag to School a Crime”

Worst American Governor Pat Quinn Urges Obama to Bring all Illegals to Illinois

-By Warner Todd Huston

Illinois Governor Pat Quinn has a great idea. He wants Obama to bring all the illegals to Illinois! In a state that sits at the bottom of every metric that makes a successful state–rampant unemployment, lowest job creation, highest debt, biggest pension crisis, worst business climate–Pat Quinn wants to import thousands of people who have no jobs and no prospects for one, people with no education, and people possibly full of diseases right here to the Land of Lincoln.

On Friday evening after the news day was done, Quinn announced that he is prepared to give as many illegals as Obama can spare a place to stay in Illinois.

During the announcement, Quinn spokesman Grant Klintzman said, “If a location is needed we are prepared to aid the federal government in finding a suitable one.”
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Worst American Governor Pat Quinn Urges Obama to Bring all Illegals to Illinois”

MSNBC’s Racist Cinco de Mayo: White Guy Pretends to Get Drunk on Tequila While Wearing Sombrero

-By Warner Todd Huston

Now, imagine if Fox News had “celebrated” Cinco de Mayo by having a white guy wearing a dime store, straw sombrero and wandering across the screen pretending he’s drunk on tequila. The media wagging tongues would have made it into the worst example of racism since… well, last week’s Sterling incident.

MSNBC’s Racist Cinco de Mayo Celebration

But that it happened on MSNBC, no one will likely throw the race card at the extremist, left-wing cable network.

Still, that is what happened on MSNBC when network’s morning show, Way too Early, made the switch to its low-rated Morning Joe.

As Way too Early was coming to a close on May 5, a show producer named Louis Burgdorf–obviously a white guy–paraded across the screen in front of the host’s station wearing a cheap Mexican sombrero and pretending to be drinking tequila.

The banner across the bottom of the screen proclaimed “Mexican Heritage Celebration.”

So, a sombrero-wearing white guy pretending at being drunk was the way MSNBC decided to “celebrate” Cinco de Mayo? And no one wants to scream “rraaaaaacism” at that?
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MSNBC’s Racist Cinco de Mayo: White Guy Pretends to Get Drunk on Tequila While Wearing Sombrero”

Obama Tells Us to Cancel Cell Phone and Cable to Pay for Obamacare

-By Warner Todd Huston

So, if you make less that $40,000 a year and find the high cost of Obamacare to be overwhelming, President Obama has a message for you: cancel your stupid cable TV and you dang iPhone service you ingrates. THEN you will be able to afford his mandated-by-law take over of our national healthcare system.

This is what Obama told a Latino audience at a townhall held on March 6 by several Spanish language media networks.

Obama was presented with a question about a family that makes $36,000 a year and found that the cheapest Obamacare plan they could find would cost them $315 a month. This, the family felt, was too expensive and something they could not afford.

The President’s response was chilling. Obama said, “if you looked at their cable bill, their telephone, their cell phone bill… it may turn out that, it’s just they haven’t prioritized health care.”
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Obama Tells Us to Cancel Cell Phone and Cable to Pay for Obamacare”

George Zimmerman’s Brother Better on Race Than Obama

-By Warner Todd Huston

Robert Zimmerman Jr., George Zimmerman’s brother, was not amused by President Barack Obama’s comments on the “not guilty” verdict in his brother’s trial. Robert feels that Obama didn’t learn a thing from the whole ordeal.

“We are where we are today,” Zimmerman said on Fox News. “And no matter what your opinion of the verdict is, there have to be things that bring us together, there have to be teachable moments that we learn from what happened here.”

Zimmerman said he was glad that the President was talking about “encouraging African-American youth,” but wondered why Obama wasn’t encouraging youth of all races.

“I think mentoring children of all colors is one of the ways that we break the cycle, and I would just add to what the president had to say that sometimes the right encouragement and the right role models and kind of the right shoulder to lean on in life can prevent any kind of engagement with law enforcement and the criminal justice system whatsoever,” he continued. “So I think he made some good points about training law enforcement…and he also asked for some soul searching.”
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George Zimmerman’s Brother Better on Race Than Obama”

Nat’l Media Ignores Zimmerman’s Personal Ties to African American Community

-By Warner Todd Huston

As the left is losing its tiny collective mind calling George Zimmerman a “racist,” it is coming to light that he is an Obama voter and even tutored black kids in the past. Yeah, a real KKK member there!

Preferring to launch racist attacks on Zimmerman, the left-wing national media won’t tell you this, but George Zimmerman is a registered Democrat and voted for Barack Obama for president. Local TV had the news, though.

Secondly, The Examiner reported that he has a pretty solid history of working to help African Americans and is even related to a few in his family.
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Nat’l Media Ignores Zimmerman’s Personal Ties to African American Community”

WaPost Enlisting ‘Hispanic Media’ To Attack GOP

-By Warner Todd Huston

Greg Sargent of The Washington Post is very concerned that if the Republicans don’t rush through an amnesty bill, it might cause the “Hispanic media” to get mad at least he says so in his latest entry at The Plum Line blog. There, Sargent warns that the “GOP will get a beatdown by the Hispanic media” by slowing immigration reform.

Sargent sourly notes that Republicans in the House are putting the brakes on any forward momentum in favor of amnesty and “see no urgency whatsoever about acting this summer on immigration reform.”

Of course, many of these Republicans, the Post writer says, “won’t feel any pressure to act on reform” because they are in safe, conservative districts.
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WaPost Enlisting ‘Hispanic Media’ To Attack GOP”

Eva Longoria’s ‘Devious Maids’ Slammed as ‘Degrading,’ ‘Stereotypical’ to Hispanics

-By Warner Todd Huston

“Devious Maids,” the new TV series produced by and starring actress Eva Longoria, is being criticized as demeaning to Hispanics and for stereotyping Latino women as domestic help.

When commercials started playing advertising the new Lifetime Network drama/comedy about five Latina maids, many potential viewers complained that the heroines of the show were but lowly Latina house maids. It was demeaning, stereotypical, and even racist they said.

Damarys Ocana, executive editor of Latina magazine, was one that immediately criticized the new series. “There probably wasn’t a Latina in the country who didn’t initially roll her eyes of ‘oh great, here we go again. Another Latina character that’s a maid,'” she told ABC News.

Twitter user Yvonne Hernandez was also wary of the premise of the show posting a Tweet that bemoaned the idea “Because there aren’t enough stereotypes about overly dramatic Latinas.”

These reactions were typical of much of the criticism.
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Eva Longoria’s ‘Devious Maids’ Slammed as ‘Degrading,’ ‘Stereotypical’ to Hispanics”

Feds Enlist Race Obsessed La Raza to Help Hire Government Workers

-By Warner Todd Huston

The federal government’s Office of Personnel Management (OPM) has partnered with La Raza–a group widely believed to be racist–to encourage more Hispanics to apply for higher position within the government.

La Raza, whose name translates to “The Race,” will sponsor a workshop to help members fill jobs in the Senior Executive Services (SES). These are special management positions with salaries often exceeding $200,000 in cash and benefits annually.

A public notice from OPM makes the partnership official.

The National Council of La Raza (NCLR) [The Race] is hosting a series of leadership development workshops geared towards Federal employees on July 23, 2013, in New Orleans, LA. These workshops are a part of the 2013 NCLR Annual Conference from July 20-23, 2013. The workshop topics on July 23rd will include an overview of the Senior Executive Service (SES) and instruction on how to prepare and apply for a SES position.

OPM also notes that current federal employees can get paid to attend the workshop hosted by the race-based, Hispanic group.
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Feds Enlist Race Obsessed La Raza to Help Hire Government Workers”

The Conservative Hispanic Society: IRS Targeted Us Too

-By Warner Todd Huston

The Conservative Hispanic Society has joined the growing list of conservative groups that feel that they, too, were targeted by the Internal Revenue Service in its recent campaign of harassment. In a statement, CHS is “expressing outrage” over what it feels is Obama’s “infiltration of every aspect of our government.”

In a statement the Conservative Hispanic Society, a group that represents “traditional Hispanic values,” expressed its outrage at the Obama administration’s targeting of conservative Hispanic groups.

CHS feels that they’ve been targeted for a slowed down approval process.
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The Conservative Hispanic Society: IRS Targeted Us Too”

Bloomberg Businessweek Apologizes for ‘Racist’ Magazine Cover

-By Warner Todd Huston

New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s media group has apologized for its February 21 cover of Bloomberg Businessweek over complaints that it used racist imagery to illustrate the feature story on the housing market.

With a title of “The Great American Housing Rebound: Flips. No-look bids. 300 percent returns. What could possibly go wrong?,” the cover illustration featured Latino and African American American caricatures awash in a sea of government money.

The image was criticized as racist by several organizations and media outlets.

Ryan Chittum of the Columbia Journalism Review praised Bloomberg Businessweek for being “edgier than its predecessor,” but went on to say that the February cover was over the line.

“The cover stands out for its cast of black and Hispanic caricatures with exaggerated features reminiscent of early 20th century race cartoons,” Chittum wrote. “Also, because there are only people of color in it, grabbing greedily for cash. It’s hard to imagine how this one made it through the editorial process.”
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Bloomberg Businessweek Apologizes for ‘Racist’ Magazine Cover”

Them Hispanics Are Gonna Take Us Over… Or Something

-By Warner Todd Huston

For the last 20 years or so, there have been a lot of white Americans expressing alarm at all the little brown babies rolling around our nation of immigrants. It has worried them for quite some time. The trope is that whites are afraid they’ll be hip deep in the mewling, dark-haired droolers and they fear that America will become a mere satellite of Mexico in no time because of it. I, for one, have never been that worried about it and today I just saw some numbers that seem to prove right my skepticism of the Know Nothings.

Before I get to the numbers, I have to say I’ve never been too overly worried about Hispanics destroying the USA. Of course, I am against illegal immigration as much as the next border fence-yearning conservative. We have laws for a reason, after all.

However, I’ve never, ever been one of those that want the brown folks to be excluded from our national experiment. The worry that many had is that all these Hispanics will come here bringing all their communist-loving, Democrat-voting ways and that English will disappear and our national identity will be destroyed.

It was never my experience that this must be so, however. It was my experience that, while first generation Hispanic immigrants might never acculturate, their kids don’t take much effort to become fully Americanized in short order. They like American music, they like American food, American entertainment… in short, they don’t retain much Hispanic-ness growing up here in the U.S. It was even my experience that a lot of them are none too happy to be forced by their parents to visit Mexico or points further south, either.

They are Americans They don’t feel like Mexicans (or what have you).
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Them Hispanics Are Gonna Take Us Over… Or Something”

The Atlantic Says GOP Leader Hopes Minorities Don’t Vote, But He Didn’t Say That at All

-By Warner Todd Huston

The Atlantic illicitly portrayed GOP House Speaker John Bohner as saying that he “said out loud he hopes blacks and Latinos ‘won’t show up’ this election,” but a look at what Boehener actually said proves that The Atlantic is purposefully misleading its readers.

In its headline, The Atlantic Wire story for August 27 screams, “Boehner Says Out Loud He Hopes Blacks and Latinos ‘Won’t Show Up’ This Election.”

If John Boehner really did say that he hoped that blacks and Hispanics wouldn’t vote this election that would be quite an incendiary thing to say, for sure. It would rightly bring condemnation down on the Speaker’s head. And The Atlantic is saying flat out that this is what Boehner said.

It wasn’t just the headline, either. Even in its lead paragraph The Atlantic characterized Boehner’s comments as wishing minorities won’t vote. (My bold)
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The Atlantic Says GOP Leader Hopes Minorities Don’t Vote, But He Didn’t Say That at All”

Calif. AG Pushes to Award Law License to Illegal Immigrant

-By Warner Todd Huston

California’s Attorney General, Democrat Kamala Harris, has weighed in on the side of an immigrant who is asking the State Supreme Court to award him a California law license after his graduation from law school despite that he’s neither a legal resident nor a naturalized citizen of the United States of America.

In her brief, Democrat Harris pleaded with the court to award this license. “Admitting Garcia to the bar would be consistent with state and federal policy that encourages immigrants, both documented and undocumented, to contribute to society,” Harris said.

This is nonsense. Our laws do not encourage undocumented immigrants to “contribute to society.” Only when our laws are ignored, set aside, or broken by recalcitrant government officials do they somehow encourage illegals to “contribute to society.”

In truth, our laws encourage illegal immigrants to become legal or go back home.
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Calif. AG Pushes to Award Law License to Illegal Immigrant”

My Call to the Department of Justice Racism And Civil Liberties HOTLINE!!

-By Warner Todd Huston

My friend SooperMexican sends along the result of his call to Eric Holder’s DOJ Arizona racism hotline.

Says Soops:

When the news broke that the Department of Justice had set up a “hotline” to call in abuses of civil liberties in Arizona after the Supreme Court ruled on SB1070, I didn’t think much of it.

Now, I know that as a Republican white guy I am not allowed to have a friend who is Mexican. But I do. I also have a daughter-in-law who is Mexican. One to be that is from Puerto Rico. And I married a Korean. So, I guess I should turn in my white guy card.
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My Call to the Department of Justice Racism And Civil Liberties HOTLINE!!”

Confiscated: Obama Afraid Latinos Will Attack Him With Forks At Luncheon

-By Warner Todd Huston

Imagine if Bush had insulted his Latino guests like this.

Latinos with forks, that seems to be Obama’s newest fear. At least, that’s the case judging from his actions at this years National Association of Latino Elected Officials (NALEO) luncheon since Obama had the Secret Service confiscate all the dinner forks from the participants at the June 22 event held in Orlando, Florida.

I guess Obama doesn’t worry about millions of illegal immigrants taking our jobs, getting free schooling and social services, but he’ll be darned if they’ll be allowed to eat dinner with forks like a civilized person, at least not with him around, anyway.

Several participants Tweeted that butter knives were banned outright and forks were confiscated as soon as the diners finished eating and before the President entered the room to speak.

Now, these attendees are supposed to be elected officials and their staffs, not just the average Jose off the street. And still Obama feared them enough to take away their forks like they were inmates at a prison or something. I am sure many of these elected officials are wondering what the heck is up with that little bit of distrust?

Dan Amira of New York Magazine has a bit of fun showing photos of all the times that Obama has been in the room with “fork wielding strangers” in the past, but it seems to me that this removal of forks by Obama would have been treated as prima facie evidence of racism if Obama were a Republican President.
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Confiscated: Obama Afraid Latinos Will Attack Him With Forks At Luncheon”

Newest PC Goal: More Hispanic Theme Parks

-By Warner Todd Huston

When is a national park not a national park? When it is “themed” toward one small segment of the population by a government infected with PCism. That is what U.S. Interior Secretary Ken Salazar did when he advocated recently for “Latino” themed national parks and historical landmarks.

One might ask if Salazar is Interior Secretary of the right country with such a suggestion?

To carry through with his penchant for identity politics, Salazar has also pushed the National Parks Service to forget about those evil dead white guys and try to find more places for our historic landmarks that are associated with women and minorities.
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Newest PC Goal: More Hispanic Theme Parks”

Is Rafael Rivadeneira DuPage County’s Bad Hispanic?

-By Warner Todd Huston

The soap opera As the World Turns was canceled last summer, but apparently the political scene in DuPage County is trying to revive it. Well, if not the show than at least the drama. This one has a Hispanic twist, too. It comes in the person of conservative Rafael Rivadeneira, Tea Party favorite and President of the Republican National Hispanic Assembly of Illinois (“RNHA of Illinois”)…. or is he?

Over last weekend the RNHA held its annual convention in Dixon, Illinois. There Rivadeneira was reelected to the position of RNHA president. But apparently not everyone was happy with the outcome. OK, “not happy” is an understatement. Some were so mad that they spilt the event in half and marched over to another hotel and elected their own slate of leaders.

Now, that’s drama.
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Is Rafael Rivadeneira DuPage County’s Bad Hispanic?”