We Must NEVER Forget the Outrages of 9/11!

-By Warner Todd Huston

It has been 19 years since that horrible day in 2001 when terrorism hit America with a vengeance. But many want to forget and pretend it never happened and we already have a generation of kids just about to, or soon to enter into their young adult years who can’t remember what happened on September 11, 2001. It is up to us to keep the memory of that day alive lest we allow it to be repeated.

But how do we approach that remembrance? But looking at an empty word document sitting ready to be filled with my 9/11 memorial finds words coming slowly, and I find it so hard to start this piece.

But I realized why it is so hard for me to start this piece. I am still furious, and feelings are still too raw, I still well up in tears when I see video of the towers falling, my heart still stops when I see that heart-wrenching image of bodies falling from windows hundreds of feet in the air. I still get that dark feeling in the pit of my stomach, the same one I felt that morning in 2001.

It’s all still too emotional to write a mere memorial. Words fail me.

I sat there wondering why it was that some 11 years on I still feel this anger, these emotions of loss?

I mean, let’s face it, we have come a long way from those terrible days of vulnerability on September 11, 2001. We’ve killed many hundreds of al Qaeda’s operatives–including the evil bin Laden himself. We’ve seriously hurt that enemy.

We’ve had a healthy dose of revenge on al Qaeda so that should go a long way toward easing the emotions of 9/11.

But that isn’t the problem. The problem is that a large number of Americans still have not learned the lesson that 9/11 should have so easily taught us.

We are now mired in idiotic, politically correct arguments about whether or not Christian ministers will be allowed at any memorial events in New York. We are told that our intelligence officials are being forced to attend Islamic services at mosques so that they can prove we “care” about Muslims. Worse, we still see a large sector of the American political arena saying Tea Partiers and Christians–our own citizens–are somehow “just like” or “just as bad” as the Islamist monsters that cut off people’s heads and throw acid on young girls that supposedly break Islamic traditions.

We have not learned that this enemy is not going to be swayed by our pitiful attempts to show them that we “like” them. They aren’t mad because we don’t like them. They are mad because they don’t rule us and their goal is to either kill us all or subjugate us. There is no black and white here, but too many of our own are fooling themselves into believing that we can “lead from behind” with “soft power.”

It is so bad, in fact, that on the tenth anniversary we still hadn’t been able to come together long enough to build a memorial to the attack, or anything else for that matter, at Ground Zero. Various governments and groups were still arguing over it all even after a decade. Ground Zero was still a barely-started construction site.

Consequently, I find it hard to write a mere memorial as if this is an event long in our past. It is not. Worse, our own people are making sure that we cannot put this behind us because they are not allowing us to beat this enemy.

So, even eighteen years out the wounds are still raw, the enemy still strong, and traitors in our midst are lending them succor.

These words don’t come easily. Nor do they come with relief. They are hard, cold facts. We are still in danger. We can’t “forget,” nor can we start mere memorials as if it is all long over.

It isn’t over.

Today we face the Islamic State, or ISIS, an Islamic terror that is surging back into Iraq and Syria, an infestation of murderous “religion” that Obama ha allowed to grow unchecked and only now is saying we might want to do something about. These people are targeting the United States. They’ve murdered several American citizens specifically to prove they can do it.

Mostly our president does nothing.

So, no. It isn’t over.
“The only end of writing is to enable the reader better to enjoy life, or better to endure it.”
–Samuel Johnson

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Why We Must NEVER Forget the Outrage of 9/11!

-By Warner Todd Huston

It has been 13 years since that horrible day in 2001 when terrorism hit America with a vengeance. But many want to forget and pretend it never happened and we already have a generation of kinds just about to, or soon to enter into their teen years who can’t remember what happened on September 11, 2001. It is up to us to keep the memory of that day alive lest we allow it to be repeated.

But how do we approach that remembrance? But looking at an empty word document sitting ready to be filled with my 9/11 remembrance finds words coming slowly and I find it so hard to start this piece.

But I realized why it is so hard for me to start this piece. I am still furious, feelings are still too raw, I still well up when I see video of the towers falling, my heart still stops when I see that heart-wrenching image of bodies falling from windows hundreds of feet in the air. I still get that dark feeling in the pit of my stomach, the same one I felt that morning in 2001.

It’s all still too emotional to write a mere memorial. Words fail me.
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Why We Must NEVER Forget the Outrage of 9/11!”

No, Fake News Media, Thomas Jefferson is NOT the ‘First President to Have a Muslim Iftar Dinner’

-By Warner Todd Huston

The media is upset this weekend that President Donald Trump canceled the “White House Muslim Iftar Dinner tradition started by Thomas Jefferson.” But the media is wrong in every respect. Thomas Jefferson never held any Iftar dinner and only three out of 45 presidents ever hosted one, so there is no such “tradition” to cancel.

Amy B. Wang of the Washington Post led the pack with this nonsense that Thomas Jefferson held the “first Iftar dinner” with a June 24 piece entitled, “Trump just ended a long tradition of celebrating Ramadan at the White House.” (If you can’t see the article at the Washington Post, it can be seen at the Greensboro News & Record.)

Once again the claim that Thomas Jefferson held the first Iftar dinner at the White House was trotted out by the Post’s Wang. She recounted the time when the diplomatic envoy from the Bey of Tunis, Sidi Soliman Melli Melli, visited Washington during Ramadan in 1805.

Jefferson invited the envoy to the White House for dinner at 3:30 PM — the time most Washingtonians had dinner in those days. But after he sent the invitation he was told that Melli Melli could not partake of a meal until after sunset because of Ramadan. Thomas Jefferson was faced with two choices: cancel the dinner entirely or simply have the meal later in the evening at a time when his guest could attend. Being a good host and a decent person, Jefferson chose the latter.

But in fact, all Jefferson did was change the time of his meal. He had no intention of honoring Islam. Jefferson simply was not honoring the religion of “the Musselmen” — as he termed Muslims at the time — when he changed the time of the meal. Also, there is no evidence that Jefferson asked Melli Melli what sort of food a “Musselman” would eat, so no special food was prepared to suit a Muslim’s religious needs. Jefferson neither inquired about religious accommodations nor was any made. All he did was move the time of the meal as a courtesy.

Further, Jefferson sent no letters containing proclamations about the meal being an Iftar dinner nor mentioning Islam, he never mentioned such honors in his private papers, and there is no record that he spoke to anyone about his intentions to honor the Muslim practice of an Iftar dinner.

But to the Post’s Wang, that Jefferson had a dinner at all was somehow proof positive that he invented a “tradition” of some sort. And what was the “proof” she presented that it was in Iftar dinner? She quoted the words of liberal historian John Ragosta who gave the scintillating argument, “Yeah, it sounds to me like an Iftar dinner.”

Wang went on to insist there has been a “modern tradition” of having an Iftar dinner at the White House. But in truth, only three presidents in all of American history ever held an Iftar dinner.

Bill Clinton held the first one. His dinner was politically motivated because at the time the growing Muslim-American community was leaning toward becoming a Republican constituency and Clinton was looking to peel Muslim voters away from the GOP.

George W. Bush followed Clinton’s practice of holding Iftar dinners because he wanted to prove that the U.S. wasn’t looking to go to war with all of Islam in the wake of the attacks on 9/11/2001 and the subsequent implementation of the war on terror. His celebration of Iftar was a diplomatic effort.

And, naturally, Barack Obama held them because he had a personal connection to Islam through his childhood growing up in Indonesia and being raised during that time as a Muslim.

But three presidents out of 45 does not make a “tradition.”
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No, Fake News Media, Thomas Jefferson is NOT the ‘First President to Have a Muslim Iftar Dinner’”

Video Shows CNN’s Becky Anderson Appearing to Stage a Muslim ‘Protest’ Against London Terror Attacks

-By Warner Todd Huston

A new video seems to show a CNN camera crew preparing to film a standup with reporter Becky Anderson and carefully staging a group of Muslims holding signs protesting the London terror attacks to make it look as if London’s Muslims were standing against terrorism.

The video shows CNN crew members carefully placing Muslim-looking people holding pre-printed signs with slogans such as #ForLondon, #TurnToLove, and #ISIS=EnemiesToHumanity. The bearded and scarf-wearing group are urged into a tight grouping after being placed one-by-one on the street to the rear of CNN’s Becky Anderson who is clearly waiting for staffers to finish placing the “protesters,”


As the video begins, it even appears that Anderson herself is motioning to crew members on where the ersatz peace protesters should stand. She then patiently stands by and watches as the placement is carried out.

The resulting staged photos and video then appeared on the BBC and the Associated Press.


A reporter for the Associated Press, Raphael Satter, went even farther saying in a Tweet that, “A group of London Muslims have come bearing flowers and posters saying ‘ISIS will lose’ and ‘Love will win’ across a photo of Tower Bridge.” Nowhere did Satter tell his readers that the “flower bearers” were staged by CNN’s camera crews.

The video was first posted by Mark Antro in London. Antro also noticed that CNN moved the white police officers out of the camera shot and replaced them with Asian officers.

The video of the CNN crew carefully placing the “protesters for peace” smacks of fake news and raises questions about the veracity of everything CNN reports about terrorism, Islam, and the role of peaceful Muslims in today’s overheated climate. Continue reading

Video Shows CNN’s Becky Anderson Appearing to Stage a Muslim ‘Protest’ Against London Terror Attacks”

Montana, Hell, Let’s Talk of the Democrat’s LONG History of Political Violence

-By Warner Todd Huston

The fake news media went mad last week when a Republican candidate from Montana got in a tussle with a pajama-boy-like journalist on the eve of Election Day. Across the fake news establishment the media whined about the “violence” inherent in the Republican Party in the era of Trump. But this narrative totally ignores the history of political violence perpetrated by Democrats that goes back well before the Civil War.

The latest incident that got the fake news establishment feeling their oats was when Montana’s Republican candidate for Congress, Greg Gianforte, pushed around a reporter for the UK paper The Guardian on the day before Election Day.

The Guardian’s pajama boy apparently pushed his way into a room with the candidate which sent the latter over the edge. As audio seems to prove, the Republican then initiated a physical altercation that, as pajama boy is wont to tell over and over again, broke the reporter’s glasses.

Gianforte apologized profusely the next day. But despite the cacophony of media condemnation for his actions meant to drive Democrats to the polls to defeat him, Gianforte won his election to Congress with a comfortable margin.

After his election, nearly every single report on the event started something like this report by tax dollar whore NPR (my bold). Continue reading

Montana, Hell, Let’s Talk of the Democrat’s LONG History of Political Violence”

Pop Singer Ariana Grande Offers to Pay for Funerals of Manchester Bombing Victims

-By Warner Todd Huston

In the aftermath of the terrible bombing of children in Manchester, England, the pop singer who they came to see has offered to pay for the funerals of the victims, a report says.

Singer Ariana Grande immediately suspended her concert tour after the Islamic terror attack on her audience and now she is going one step farther by offering to pay for the funerals of the 22 victims, the Daily Mail reports.

The offer was related via a fan site dedicated to the singer.

An account dedicated to the pop superstar claims that the devastated singer has pledged to help the families of the 22 people who lost their lives in the bombing of Manchester Arena following her concert.

The site, called Ariana Updates!, shared a post saying: ‘News on Ariana: Ariana has reached out to the families who’s loves ones died last night….she is gonna pay for the funerals!’

Immediately following the attack the singer said she was “broken” by the bombing.
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Pop Singer Ariana Grande Offers to Pay for Funerals of Manchester Bombing Victims”

Newest Trump Travel Order Block by Hawaii Judge/Obama Pal Proves ‘Law’ Means Nothing to Liberals

-By Warner Todd Huston

On Wednesday an extremist, left-wing “judge” in Hawaii — who turns out to be Obama’s law school classmate — proved that the law doesn’t mean anything at all to a liberal by issuing an illicit order to halt President Trump’s latest travel order only hours before it was to take effect.

Hawaii District Judge Derrick Watson issued a hold on Trump’s March 6 Executive Order 13780 which was aimed at putting a temporary moratorium on travel from several terror-torn nations. Trump’s order was predicated on a careful review of legal and constitutional rulings, plus national security reasons, to put a temporary halt immigration from six terrorism-prone Muslim countries, all formerly identified as countries of concern by the Obama administration last year. The order to halt the influx of so-called “refugees” from these nations was ordered pending the creation of new screening procedures to exclude those who may in fact be terrorists posing as immigrants or “refugees.”

With his order, this leftist “judge” specifically mentioned two sections of EO 13,780; sections 2 and 6.
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Newest Trump Travel Order Block by Hawaii Judge/Obama Pal Proves ‘Law’ Means Nothing to Liberals”

Senator Ted Cruz Wants to Revoke Citizenship of Americans Who Turn to Terrorism — Why Aren’t We Already Doing This?

-By Warner Todd Huston

Texas Senator and GOP presidential primary runner up, Ted Cruz, wants to revoke the citizenship of any American who tries to join ISIS or otherwise turns to Muslim terrorism. One has to wonder why, exactly, it is that we haven’t already made this idea into law, but apparently we haven’t.

Cruz is talking about the soon to be introduced Expatriate Terrorist Act (ETA) of 2017, which would allow the U.S. government under certain circumstances to revoke the citizenship of Americans who knowingly join or provide material support to foreign terrorist organizations.

Of course, the idea isn’t new. Not only has such a bill been floating around Washington for some time, for over a year President Donald Trump has been talking about better vetting to prevent terrorists from getting into the country in the first place.

But the Texas Senator says that working to prevent Muslim terrorists from getting into the U.S. is only part of the equation of combating terrorism in at home. The other half of the problem is composed of home-grown terrorists — those the media often erroneously call “lone wolf terrorists — who turn to terror right here inside our own borders.
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Senator Ted Cruz Wants to Revoke Citizenship of Americans Who Turn to Terrorism — Why Aren’t We Already Doing This?”

President Trump Released a List of 78 Terror Attacks The Media Hopes You Ignore

-By Warner Todd Huston

As the media tries to blame President Donald J. Trump for a failed raid on a Yemen terror compound by the U.S. military coupled with his recent temporary moratorium on travel from a list of seven terror-exporting countries, the media is in a full blown effort to undermine the president’s efforts to fight terror. To remind the world just how dangerous ISIS and its compatriots are, the Trump administration released a list of 78 terror attacks that the media is trying desperately to ignore in the hopes you, the American people, will never learn of them.

Last weekend a raid in Yemen ended up in a failed effort to take out al Qaeda leader Qassim al-Rimi. Unfortunately the raid not only failed to take out al-Rimi, it also ended up in the loss of a $75 million aircraft and, even worse, the loss of one of our own men, Navy SEAL William “Ryan” Owens.

Many in the media are calling it Donald Trump’s “botched raid.” This characterization is mostly a false portrayal of the action because it was planned and initially approved during the last months of the Obama era.

Contrary to what some have reported, Obama did not reject the operation as planned during his waning days in office. In truth, the military commanders in charge of the raid were the ones responsible for delaying the attack until Trump took office (they didn’t delay it because they were waiting for Trump to take office). Trump was presented the same information Obama was and both presidents signed off on the raid. The only difference is that it was delayed by the Pentagon and carried out this month, instead of during Obama’s last months in office.
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President Trump Released a List of 78 Terror Attacks The Media Hopes You Ignore”

Another Reason to Reject Muslim Immigrants: They Come Here for Free Stuff, NOT to ‘Better Their Lives’

-By Warner Todd Huston

Liberals have taken to belching out the false claim that “immigration made America great” as an excuse to allow unending waves of Muslim “refugees” into the U.S. They say these Muslims only want to come to the U.S. and join our country and to “better their lives.” However, economic statistics clearly show that this is a lie. There “refugees” aren’t coming here to join the great American experiment. They are merely coming here for free stuff courtesy of the American taxpayer.

The most recent data on the economic status of these tens of thousands of “refugees” shows that they have not come here to join our system, to get an education, or to get a job to better themselves. Indeed, few get jobs and the great bulk of them simply live off government handouts paid for by the rest of us who are working for a living.

The data shows that these “refugees” languish on welfare and don’t make any effort to better themselves. Fully 91.4 percent are on food stamps and 68.3 percent on cash assistance.

Welfare statistics, double click to enlarge.

The information comes from the website of Alabama Senator Jeff Sessions who warns, “The Census projects that another 14 million immigrants will arrive in the United States between now and 2025, easily eclipsing the highest previous historical watermark for foreign-born population share.”
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Another Reason to Reject Muslim Immigrants: They Come Here for Free Stuff, NOT to ‘Better Their Lives’”

The Hysteria Over Trumps Nonexistent ‘Muslim Ban’ Grows by the Minute

-By Warner Todd Huston

The left and their minions in the media are losing their collective mind over President Donald J. Trump’s temporary halt to immigration from a list of terror-sponsoring nations and it appears that they are trying to bully him into withdrawing his order. Thus far they are not winning… and that’s a good thing, too.

First of all, the 90-day moratorium on immigration from these troubled nations is not a “Muslim ban” nor is it something that Trump just dreamed up out of nowhere. After all, Trump merely strengthened an Obama policy with this whole deal.

The order specifically maintains that “The United States cannot, and should not, admit those who would place violent ideologies over American law,” and goes on to list the several nations Obama already flagged several years ago. That’s right, the list of nations, Libya, Yemen, Somalia, Iran, Syria, Iraq and Sudan, were already signaled out by Obama in 2015. Obama called them countries of concern.

As an aside, speaking of other presidents, the left’s favorite anti-American ex-president, Jimmy Carter, also banned certain Muslim immigrants when in 1980 he banned Iranians from entering the U.S.A. after Iran’s Islamic revolution and the Hostage Crisis.

So, before we even get into this topic, you must understand that this is not that “new” nor is it a “Muslim ban,” and the liberals making these claims are simply lying.
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The Hysteria Over Trumps Nonexistent ‘Muslim Ban’ Grows by the Minute”

It’s Christmas, So It Must Be Time for More Muslim Terror Attacks

-By Warner Todd Huston

As the western world prepares for Christmas Day, a celebration of love, a time for family, and the hope of world peace, Muslims are gathering to celebrate the sort of carnage and death they happily promulgate during every other day of the year. Christmas 2016 is no different as terror attacks blanket the world like a freshly fallen blanket of snow.

The west has been slapped with multiple acts of terror in the week before Christmas and there is no expectation that they will slow down any time soon.

On the day Donald J. Trump was informed that the Electoral Collage count gave him the White House, the world was stunned when a Turkish police man turned terrorist decided to assassinate Russia’s envoy to Turkey live on Turkish television.

Russian Ambassador Andrey Karlov was gunned down at a gallery exhibition on December 19 before the eyes of millions across the world as his murder was caught in clear, live images on TV. Karlov was murdered in Ankara, Turkey, by one Mevlut Mert Altintas, a Turkish police officer and now Islamist terrorist.

As he shot the unsuspecting ambassador from behind, Altintas shouted “Allahu akbar! Do not forget Aleppo!” Altintas also screamed out his allegiance to ISIS after he murdered the ambassador. An image taken only moments before Altintas drew his gun and struck Karlov down shows a pensive Altintas lurking in the background as the ambassador spoke to the crowd.

Altintas was himself shot by other security forces after his cowardly act of terrorism.

And good riddance to him. Sad it took so long to end him.
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It’s Christmas, So It Must Be Time for More Muslim Terror Attacks”

Pakistani Village That Murdered a Dozen Teens for ‘Honor’ Again Shows Barbarity of Islam

-By Warner Todd Huston

A story of the “honor killings” of nearly a dozen teenagers at once in a village in the Kohistan region of Pakistan once again reveals the backwards, inhuman, murderous, oppressive, barbarity that undergirds Islam and it again forces America to ask just why Obama wants to bring this horrid people into the U.S.A.?

So-called “honor killings” are every-day-common in all corners of the world where majority Islam nations perpetrate their reign of terror and the tale of the teens in Pakistan is a logical, though extreme, example of the reasoning — if one can call it that — governing the concept of “honor” in Islam.

A story in the Washington Post relates that a few years ago a group of five teenaged Pakistani girls dutifully covered from head to toe in traditional Muslim garb — head coverings and all — were seen in a video enjoying some music and clapping and laughing as a single teen boy danced around in front of them.

It was the sort of hijinks any group of teens anywhere in the world might indulge. It couldn’t have been more carefree and innocent and soon the cellphone video of the little celebration was posted to the Internet. That is when the evil of Islam kicked in with deadly consequences.
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Pakistani Village That Murdered a Dozen Teens for ‘Honor’ Again Shows Barbarity of Islam”

Once Again Media Lies About the ‘Rise’ In ‘Hate Crimes’ Against Muslims

-By Warner Todd Huston

Now that Donald Trump has been elected to the White House, you can be sure that the media will suddenly realize that homelessness is rampant, unemployment is a major problem, the economy is bad, and America is evil again. And to prove the contention, the media is already talking about how there has been a “massive rise” in “hate crimes” against Muslims. And it’s all Trump’s fault. But don’t believe these lies.

The latest guffaw worthy claim that America is suddenly gone all racist against Muslims was floated by the Associated Press on Monday, almost a week after President Elect Donald Trump stunned the media by winning the election.

The wild-eyed, spittle-specked claim was then echoed by such sources as CNN, The New York Times, ABC News, and a host of others decrying the “surge” or the “hike” or the fears of a “massive” rise in hate crimes against Muslims.

But it is all based on lies, folks. Don’t believe a word of it.
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Once Again Media Lies About the ‘Rise’ In ‘Hate Crimes’ Against Muslims”

Suicide as Western Nations Allow Themselves to be Taken Over by Muslim Invaders

-By Warner Todd Huston

Many radical Muslims have forewarned the west that they intend to enter western nations and then use liberal western laws against their hosts to destroy them from the inside. Sadly, it is nearly impossible to deny that they have been succeeding admirably at their goal.

This destruction from within is occurring in nearly every nation in Europe as well as Australia, Canada, and the United States of America. Every single western nation exhibits multiple examples of Muslims gathering en masse and then daring western authorities to stop them from overwhelming and destroying western systems from within.

Two recent examples perfectly show this tactic, one in Germany and another in Bosnia-Herzegovina.

In Bosnia-Herzegovina, for instance, a large group of Muslims have taken over a town and essentially banished native citizens from entering the area. And they are now daring authorities to do something about it.

The town in the eastern European nation was essentially conceived from the beginning as an affront to Bosnians, the UK Express reported.

“Investors from the Middle East built the 160-home luxury estate near Tarcin, which is close to the Bosnian capital of Sarajevo,” the paper noted.

The town was then marketed in Kuwait as a Muslim-only community in a country “gifted with beautiful nature by Allah.”
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Suicide as Western Nations Allow Themselves to be Taken Over by Muslim Invaders”

Some Say We Should Forget 9/11–But We Must NEVER Forget!

-By Warner Todd Huston

It has been 13 years since that horrible day in 2001 when terrorism hit America with a vengeance. But many want to forget and pretend it never happened and we already have a generation of kinds just about to, or soon to enter into their teen years who can’t remember what happened on September 11, 2001. It is up to us to keep the memory of that day alive lest we allow it to be repeated.

But how do we approach that remembrance? But looking at an empty word document sitting ready to be filled with my 9/11 remembrance finds words coming slowly and I find it so hard to start this piece.

But I realized why it is so hard for me to start this piece. I am still furious, feelings are still too raw, I still well up when I see video of the towers falling, my heart still stops when I see that heart-wrenching image of bodies falling from windows hundreds of feet in the air. I still get that dark feeling in the pit of my stomach, the same one I felt that morning in 2001.

It’s all still too emotional to write a mere memorial. Words fail me.
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Some Say We Should Forget 9/11–But We Must NEVER Forget!”

After Scolding Trump, Now It’s Khizr Khan Making a Mockery of His Son’s Sacrifice

-By Warner Todd Huston

The father of a slain U.S. soldier who happened to be a Muslim made himself a temporary icon for liberals when he went on stage at the Democrat convention and attacked Donald Trump. But now that father, Khizr Khan, is going on the Sunday shows and making a mockery of his own son’s sacrifice by claiming Islam has “nothing to do” with terrorism.

Mr. Kahn lost his son, Captain Humayun Kahn, in Iraq in 2004 and in an attempt to shore up their military bonafides, the Democrats pushed him up on stage during their convention in Philadelphia to wag his finger in GOP nominee Donald Trump’s face.

With a wife who befitting of the second class status of women in Islam was standing at his side and not allowed to say a word, Mr. Kahn insisted that he and Muslims like him are “loyal” to the United States and as proof offered the story of his son who fell in service to the country in Iraq.

Waving a booklet of the U.S. Constitution, Kahn attacked Trump saying, “If it was up to Donald Trump, [Kahn’s son] never would have been in America. Donald Trump consistently smears the character of Muslims. He disrespects other minorities, women, judges, even his own party leadership. He vows to build walls and ban us from this country.”

Kahn ended his attack on Trump yelling, “You have sacrificed nothing. And no one.”

As he waved the Constitution, the bereaved father also yelled at Trump to look in the document to find the words “liberty” and “equal protection under the law,” the latter in a nod to religious liberty apparently.

But, here is the thing… potential immigrants do not have a right to expect that the U.S. is not allowed to screen them out because of their religion, their nationality, or any other factor. The U.S. Constitution does not force the federal government to apply Constitutional rights to foreigners waiting at our door to enter the country.
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After Scolding Trump, Now It’s Khizr Khan Making a Mockery of His Son’s Sacrifice”

Failed Coup in Turkey Again Exposes The Inhuman Ignorance That is Islam

-By Warner Todd Huston

The duly elected leader of Turkey, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, seems to have survived a coup attempt spearheaded by members of his country’s own military that may have been alarmed by the Islamist direction their president is taking the country. But whatever caused it, the subsequent attacks on innocents at the hands of Turkish Muslims is a perfect example of why Islam is dangerous.

The coup didn’t appear to have lasted very long and some are even claiming that Erdoğan engineered it himself to steal even more power in an extralegal manner. But whatever caused the coup attempt, who ever was behind it, what occurred in the Kurdish and Alevis areas of Turkey shows how inhuman and untrustworthy Islamism is and why it is a danger to the world.

Firstly, if this was a legitimate coup attempt by the military, Erdoğan and his supporters had every right to oppose it. After all, as much as any westerner should oppose Erdoğan he was legally elected to lead the country.

Whatever the facts are around the coup, the world will find out soon enough as Erdoğan moves to purge officials, military leaders, members of the judiciary, and on and on.

But what happened during the coup, away from the battles with the military, apart from the attacks seen around government installations really shines the light on how evil Islam really is.
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Failed Coup in Turkey Again Exposes The Inhuman Ignorance That is Islam”

A Perfect Example of Western Foolishness: NYPost Claims ‘Love Beat ISIS’

-By Warner Todd Huston

The halfwits at the New York Post think that because a gay man fled Syria to become the grand marshall of a gay pride parade in the U.S. that “love beat ISIS.” This kid of idiocy is why the west can’t beat ISIS.

In his absurd piece grandiosely entitled, “Love Beats ISIS,” columnist Eric Hegedus gives us the story of 28-year-old Subhi Nahas who fled Syria in 2012 “after enduring years of oppression–both by the government and his own family.”

Hegedus describes the life of fear the young gay man led until he finally made it to the U.S. in 2015. He even reported that a childhood acquaintance of the refugee’s had joined ISIS then threatened to track Nahas down and kill him for being gay.

The other particulars of this young gay Syrian’s life are unimportant to the point that the writer of the piece imagines that his activism for his gay brothers here in the U.S. and in the Middle East somehow “beat ISIS.”
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A Perfect Example of Western Foolishness: NYPost Claims ‘Love Beat ISIS’”

An Example of How the Lying Media Has Warped the Orlando Shooting to its Own Ends

-By Warner Todd Huston

There is a new piece in the L.A. Times that is distressing at the least, but also shows how the liars in the Media and the American political left (but I repeat myself) have distorted the Muslim terror attack in Orlando into a message that the U.S. Constitution is bad, Americans are evil, and guns, guns, guns.

The proper lesson from the ISIS/Islam-inspired terror attack by an American-born, Muslim extremist and all around mentally sick individual is that Islam is a cancer on humanity. But instead of the proper focus on the root cause of the mass murder of 49 people in an Orlando gay nightclub in Florida we get effluvia and puffery disguised as analysis and outright lies peddled as causation.

This is clearly evinced in a piece written by The Times’ so called “national race and justice correspondent,” Jaweed Kaleem–just another mediot obviously trying to absolve Islam for the attacks.
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An Example of How the Lying Media Has Warped the Orlando Shooting to its Own Ends”

Gays Immediately Blame Christians for Muslim Terror Attack on Florida Gay Bar

-By Warner Todd Huston

As the news broke that there had been a mass shooting at a gay bar in Florida, the gay community instantly erupted in accusations that Christians were responsible for the murderous act.

Only minutes after she learned of the shooting, political activist Suzanna H Porter jumped to her Twitter account to tweet that the man who shot up the Pulse gay bar in Orlando was an anti-LGBT white guy.

Hours later, once she was proven to be an alarmist liar, Porter deleted her entire Twitter account in shame.

But Porter wasn’t alone.

A tweet from Hoosiers for Hillary posted that the terror attack was directed at Gay Pride month when we now know it was not.

Further, a commenter on the gay news Twitter feed “Pink News” insisted “Christians planned this.”

There were many more like this, of course. These are just the few I highlight here.

The idiotic lies these people were spouting were reflected in early media accounts of this story, too. Early on Sunday morning MSNBC had Jim Cavanaugh, a so-called “law enforcement expert” for the network, on TV and he said the shooting was likely a white guy who hated gays.

In the end, we all now know that this act of terror was committed by an ISIS-connected Muslim from Florida who is a registered Democrat voter.
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Gays Immediately Blame Christians for Muslim Terror Attack on Florida Gay Bar”

THIS Is Why You Should Hate All Leftists…

-By Warner Todd Huston

There has been a lot of ink spilled about the stupidity of being politically correct (also known as “PC”) and while it is without question many leftist purveyors of this concept imagine they are doing Gia’s work by pushing PCism, the plain fact is it is dangerous thinking and, even worse, illogical and stupid. And Canada’s left-wing Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, gives us the umpteenth reason why you should hate liberals and their idiocy.

The problem with PCism, of course, is that the process becomes the goal. Instead of doing actual good, what you end up with is people more worried about the process and verbiage of PCism than in what being PC will actually do in a real world situation. It leads to mindlessness, not solutions.

Nt long ago the Canadian PM gave us a perfect example of supplanting process with real world solutions when he said Muslim “honor killings” aren’t barbaric. His intentions were to be fair to Muslims, but his actual words ended up excusing the murder of women for daring to love someone other than whom their parents chose.

Trudeau’s stupidity came after a Canadian agency wrote a citizenship guide that said the government doesn’t condone cultural practices that are “barbaric.” The barbarism in question included “spousal abuse, ‘honor killings,’ female genital mutilation, forced marriage or other gender-based violence.”

Now, no western society… in fact, no sane human… should condone any of those things and, yes, they are all barbaric.
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THIS Is Why You Should Hate All Leftists…”

Shift in U.S. Against WWII A-Bombing of Japan is a VERY Bad Sign

-By Warner Todd Huston

On the even of Memorial Day when we take a moment in our busy lives to remember the sacrifice made by millions of soldiers who lost their lives in war since our nation was founded, President Obama went on another apology tour, this time to grovel in front of the Japanese in abject despair for dropping the atomic bomb on them during WWII. Sadly, too many Americans are just as foolish as he if the results of a new poll are any indication. It is all proof that the U.S. is losing its grip on reality.

Before I get too much farther into this business, let me just say to Japan that I am not sorry we destroyed two of your major cities with the A-Bomb. I don’t have even a tiny bit of sympathy for Japan’s loss. They started the war, they murdered and enslaved millions (not hyperbole), they attacked us, and even as their forces were clearly beaten they refused to surrender which would have necessitated perhaps a million more casualties should the U.S. have had to invade to pacify them. They even refused to surrender after we wiped out Hiroshima with a single bomb forcing us to do it again at Nagasaki.

Actions have consequences and Japan’s actions led to what they deserved. Period.

Unfortunately, today too many Americans are starting to regret the A-Bombing of Japan, the bombing that saved the lives of so many Americans and Japanese both. A new poll finds a bare one percent more Americans now disapprove of the bombing than approve.

A new CBS News poll found only 43 percent of Americans still approve of the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki while 44 percent disapprove. This year’s result compares to 53 percent approving of the bombing in 1990 with 41 percent disapproving.

This is a travesty created by our failed miseducation system.
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Shift in U.S. Against WWII A-Bombing of Japan is a VERY Bad Sign”

Obama Takes Criticism for Doing Wave at Ballgame, Dancing While Brussels Burns

-By Warner Todd Huston

Even as the world is still reeling from the aftermath of the terror attacks in Brussels, Obama has been seen dancing and taking in baseball games like he doesn’t have a care in the world.

Hours after the attacks that killed over 30 people — including some Americans — President Obama gave the outrageous atack a mere 50 seconds of time in a speech otherwise filled with praise for communist Cuba and condemnation for the U.S.

Only an hour or so later, as Obama enjoyed the day’s event planned by his dictatorial communist hosts, the same President who only had 50 seconds of his time to discuss the attacks in Brussels was seen doing the wave at a Cuban baseball park.

Not long afterward the press were treated to scenes of the President doing the tango with a lovely Cuban woman who was not his wife.
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Obama Takes Criticism for Doing Wave at Ballgame, Dancing While Brussels Burns”

Jude Law is Proof Once Again That Actors Should be Ignored Off the Screen

-By Warner Todd Huston

Actor Jude Law seems to fancy himself some sort of intellectual philanthropist but his trip to the illegal Muslim migrant camp in Calais, France nicknamed “The Jungle” proves once again that actors should be ignored when they are off the screen because they are generally too stupid to be worth anyone’s time.

Actor Law visited “The Jungle” just ahead of its being shut down and demolished. He went there to highlight the “plight” of these illegal migrants and to plead for his own nation of Britain to allow even more of these lawbreaking, rapists and thieves into his country.

Full of faux compassion, Law traipsed around with a coterie of other actors and British celebrities– all of whom were surrounded by a security squad. They filmed some silly special meant to fool Brits into feeling sorry for the migrants but the criminal nature of these people was too much for them to subdue for long because after the cameras stopped rolling these so-called “refugees” turned on Law’s security team and robbed them of their wallets and cell phones.

If it wasn’t so affirming it would be funny — neigh hilarious — that these British do-gooders went to Calais to “help” these illegal migrants only to be attacked and robbed for their troubles.

So, how did Law and his foolish fellows characterize the incident?
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Jude Law is Proof Once Again That Actors Should be Ignored Off the Screen”

Anti-American Boston Judge Forces Christian Woman to ‘Learn About Islam’ for Punishment After Dispute with Muslim

-By Warner Todd Huston

Once again proving that liberals are drifting farther every day away from American ideals and principles, an activist judge in Boston recently punished a Christian woman by order that she “learn about Islam” to settle a dispute brought to court by a Muslim tenant from an apartment building the punished woman owns. This couldn’t be a more un-American–and un-Constitutional–punishment.

The case that came to Judge Paul Yee Jr.’s courtroom was between a Christian Pastor who owns an apartment complex in which several Muslim tenants live and one of his Muslim tenants. The complex owner, Daisy Obi, a 73-year-old ordained minister from Nigeria who is the pastor of the Adonai Bible Center in Somerville, Massachusetts, was accused of physically attacking her Muslim tenant and spewing anti-Muslim epithets at her.

The purported victim, tenant Gihan Suliman, claims that Obi called her anti-Muslim names and pushed her down a flight of stairs during an argument in April of 2012.

The case came before Yee, who is a 2009 Deval Patrick appointee to the District Court in Quincy Court One. He was previously an Assistant District Attorney for Suffolk County and was also a counsel for the Boston Housing Authority. Clearly Yee thinks of himself as a social warrior and not an adjudicator of law.

At the close of the case in 2014, Judge Yee ruled against Obi and sentenced her to two years in jail and to serve six months and have the rest suspended. But this self-righteous, activist judge also demanded another punishment by forcing Obi to “learn about Islam.”

“I want you to learn about the Muslim faith. I want you to enroll and attend an introductory course on Islam,” Yee said during the sentencing phase of the trial. “You have to give some kind of written documentation to probation that you have in fact done that.”

This is clearly both un-American and un-Constitutional.
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Anti-American Boston Judge Forces Christian Woman to ‘Learn About Islam’ for Punishment After Dispute with Muslim”

Advance Preview of Obama’s ‘Terrorism’ Address: ‘America, We Must Become a Nation of Sheep Led to the ISIL Slaughter’

-By Warner Todd Huston

We here at PubliusForum.com have been fortunate enough to be afforded a sneak peek at Obama’s “terror” address that he will be giving today. Without further ado, the president of the United States:

My fellow Americans, tonight I felt it was important to come before you so that you could hear what I think about these horrible attacks my country has suffered these last few weeks.

Certainly I grieve for those who fell victim to the gun violence my country is embroiled in. I am heart broken by the loss the victims’ families feel and understand their pain. Sadly, with their lives filled with the pain caused by the Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, they have little room in their minds to help me advance my ideas. Tonight I hope to put an end to that.

Many un-American people who don’t understand who we are as a people want to continue this wretched gun culture that has made me embarrassed to visit other countries. To them I say “no more.” No more will I sit idly by and allow them their Second Amendment rights. No more will I allow my people to stand armed against my policies. No more will I let my countrymen to have the last, best chance to answer back to terrorists by being armed with needless, dangerous, assault guns.

My country is suffering an occupation of sorts worse than any ISIL terrorist invasion. Republicans who cannot accept that I won are certainly more dangerous than any ISIL terrorist, especially since my policies have completely contained ISIL to a small and dwindling part of Iraq and portions of Syria.
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Advance Preview of Obama’s ‘Terrorism’ Address: ‘America, We Must Become a Nation of Sheep Led to the ISIL Slaughter’”

Facebook Can’t Handle The Truth: Censors Image of Muslim Kids Playing With Human Head

-By Warner Todd Huston

Amidst President Obama’s dangerous campaign to import hundreds of thousands of Syrian “refugees” into the U.S.–any number of whom WILL be ISIS terrorists–Facebook revealed its desire to help Obama by censoring a photo of a group of Muslim kids joyously playing with a human head as a toy.

Last week I posted to my personal Facebook account a photo of a pack of Muslim boys playing with a human head.

Along with the photo I wrote that the image was “A reminder: Here’s some of Obama’s “orphans” so deserving of getting imported into the U.S.”

This quip of mine was in reference to Obama’s absurd jab at Republicans who oppose his ISIS member importation policy where he said that Republicans were afraid of “widows and orphans.”

In any case, I posted the photo to show that we do, indeed, have something to worry about where it concerns Obama’s “orphans.” After all, these kids are raised to have no respect for “infidels,” they are raised to think that non-Muslim lives are not worth anything. And that is what Obama wants to bring here!

Further, we have a great example of a “widow” and her “orphans” who were allowed to come here without restriction in the persons of the Tsnaraev brothers who later became notorious as the Boston marathon bombers. These two young men were Muslim “orphans” from Kyrgyzstan who ended up as imported terrorists.

Yet, Facebook refused to allow my legitimate politically poignant photo of Muslim boys playing with a human head to stay up.

Facebook can’t handle the truth.
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Facebook Can’t Handle The Truth: Censors Image of Muslim Kids Playing With Human Head”