Bodyguard of Chicago’s Most Famous Anti-Gun Priest Caught with Illegal Gun

-By Warner Todd Huston

Chicago’s most famous anti-gun Catholic priest was just hit with some embarrassing news when his bodyguard was arrested for illegally carrying a gun.

Loudmouth priest Father Michael Pfleger found the unwelcome news late in May when his bodyguard, Henry Eugene Hale, 35, was arrested outside the Father’s church. Police found that Hale did not have an Illinois firearm card or a concealed carry license and was therefore carrying the gun illegally.

A spokesperson for the Chicago Police Department told Chicago City Wire that officers confronted Hale at the church at 1200 W. 78th Place when “they saw him holding a firearm.”

Illinois records show that Hale allowed his Firearms Identification Card (FOID) expire last year and did not renew it. He was also a certified security guard in the state, but allowing his FOID to lapse put that certification in jeopardy. According to his employment record he was once disciplined, but there are no details as to why.

A local policeman’s blog noted that Hale has been a member of Pfleger’s security team for quite sometime. The unnamed police officer who runs the blog also noted that “Pfleger and his minions called 006th district nonstop to try to get the guy out of arrest.”
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Bodyguard of Chicago’s Most Famous Anti-Gun Priest Caught with Illegal Gun”

City of Baltimore Removes Four Confederate Statues Under Cover of Night

-By Warner Todd Huston

In a stealth purging of history, the city of Baltimore removed four Confederate statues from city property under cover of night early on Tuesday morning.

City crews began the destruction of the monuments just before midnight and finished by 5:30 AM, The Hill reported.

The city council quietly approved the removal late on Monday in a unanimous vote.

“It’s done,” Baltimore Mayor Catherine Pugh told the Baltimore Sun. “They needed to come down. My concern is for the safety and security of our people. We moved as quickly as we could.”

“I did not want to endanger people in my own city,” the African American mayor said. “I had begun discussions with contractors and so forth about how long it would take to remove them. I am a responsible person, so we moved as quickly as we could. ”

The statues removed included a memorial to Supreme Court Justice Roger B. Taney, as well as Confederate Generals Robert E. Lee and Thomas “Stonewall” Jackson.
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City of Baltimore Removes Four Confederate Statues Under Cover of Night”

Vote Fraud Warning: Over 7 Million Voters Registered to Vote in More Than One State

-By Warner Todd Huston

A new study has found that over 7 million American voters are illegally registered to vote in more than one state, and that doesn’t even include the number of counties that have more voters registered than they have voting age population.

As Democrats and their handmaidens in the U.S. court system fight tooth and nail against voter ID laws aimed at cleaning our voter rolls, a new study has found that 7.2 million Americans are registered and can vote in more than one location at a time, the Washington Free Beacon reports.

The new voter data was gathered from the Kansas-run interstate voter registration crosscheck program, which is used to identify “possible duplicate registrations among states.”

The study was conducted by the office of Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach who is now preparing to head up President Trump’s vote fraud commission.

The newest data is from crosschecks of voter registrations across 28 states that participate in the program. At least 7.2 million registrations appeared in two states at once, according to the data.
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Vote Fraud Warning: Over 7 Million Voters Registered to Vote in More Than One State”

Illegal Alien Causes Firestorm After Bragging About Filing Her Taxes in Social Media Post

-By Warner Todd Huston

An illegal alien living in Arizona caused a stir, Thursday, when she jumped to her Facebook page to brag about sending in her tax returns.

As Belén Sisa wrote about her filing, she also noted that she is an illegal.

Sisa posted the following to her Facebook account:

MYTH BUSTER: I, an undocumented immigrant, just filed my taxes and PAID $300 to the state of Arizona. I cannot receive financial aid from the state or federal government for school, I cannot benefit from unemployment, a reduced healthcare plan, or a retirement fund. I think I’m a pretty good citizen. Oh and there are MILLIONS just like me who pay into a system they will never receive anything from. Wanna tell me again how I should be deported, contribute nothing and only leech off this country while the 1% wealthiest people in this country steal from you everyday? How about you show me yours Donald J. Trump? #HereToStay.

Her post quickly went viral getting over 6,500 shares.

Sisa is an Obama “DREAMER” and is still protected by the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program created by Obama.
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Illegal Alien Causes Firestorm After Bragging About Filing Her Taxes in Social Media Post”

Newest Trump Travel Order Block by Hawaii Judge/Obama Pal Proves ‘Law’ Means Nothing to Liberals

-By Warner Todd Huston

On Wednesday an extremist, left-wing “judge” in Hawaii — who turns out to be Obama’s law school classmate — proved that the law doesn’t mean anything at all to a liberal by issuing an illicit order to halt President Trump’s latest travel order only hours before it was to take effect.

Hawaii District Judge Derrick Watson issued a hold on Trump’s March 6 Executive Order 13780 which was aimed at putting a temporary moratorium on travel from several terror-torn nations. Trump’s order was predicated on a careful review of legal and constitutional rulings, plus national security reasons, to put a temporary halt immigration from six terrorism-prone Muslim countries, all formerly identified as countries of concern by the Obama administration last year. The order to halt the influx of so-called “refugees” from these nations was ordered pending the creation of new screening procedures to exclude those who may in fact be terrorists posing as immigrants or “refugees.”

With his order, this leftist “judge” specifically mentioned two sections of EO 13,780; sections 2 and 6.
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Newest Trump Travel Order Block by Hawaii Judge/Obama Pal Proves ‘Law’ Means Nothing to Liberals”

The Top 30 Fake Hate Crimes Busted Since Election Day

-By Warner Todd Huston

Since November 9, the day Donald J. Trump became the President-Elect of the United States, the media has erupted in reports of “hate crimes” against a large swath of liberal focus groups, especially Muslims. However, despite early reports, it also turns out that nearly every single one of those reports turned out to be a hoax. So, here are the top thirty fake hate crimes since Election Day.

But before we get to the list, though, at least one American Muslim has spoken up to tell his fellow Americans to stop it with the fake hate crimes. Siraj Hashmi took to the pages of Red Alert Politics to tell his fellows to just cut it out.

Hashmi warned the fakers that they are only hurting themselves along with anyone who might suffer a real hate crime by turning all so-called hate crimes into mere cries of wolf in the eyes of the American peole. Hashmi said, “please don’t make up a hate crime, especially when these incidents are so politically charged. Faking a hate crime questions the credibility of anyone and everyone who suffers from real hate crimes.”

It is sound advice, indeed. But the only flaw in Hashmi’s point is that, thus far at least, it seems as if the only “hate crimes” we are seeing ARE the fake ones!

Anyway, starting on the day after the November 9 announcement that Donald Trump was to become our 45th U.S. president, here are the top 30 fake hate crimes:
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The Top 30 Fake Hate Crimes Busted Since Election Day”

Left-Wing Daily Show Host Jon Stewart Says Obama Bad on Press Freedom and Left’s Racebaiting ‘Has to Stop’

-By Warner Todd Huston

Jon Stewart, former host of the left-wing Comedy Network cable TV show, “The Daily Show,” had a LOT to say during a recent interview with New York Times editor Chris Smith and with his uppercut smacks to the left in general and Barack Obama in particular, some of what he said is sure to infuriate his fellow leftists. But in fact, Stewart was right on with many of his criticisms.

Stewart was being interviewed ostensibly to push his new book, “The Daily Show: An Oral History,” but the waning Obama administration and the state of the left in America today seemed to be weighing far more heavily on his mind than a mere book tour.

Firstly Stewart slapped the left for its absurd habit of claiming everything people right of center do is motivated by raaaacism.

“Not everybody that voted for Trump is a racist,” Stewart insisted. “I don’t give a f*ck what any of you say to me. You can yell it at me, you can tweet it at me. They’re not all racists. Or they’re not giving tacit support to a racist system. We all give tacit support to exploitative systems as long as they don’t affect us that badly.”

He went on to slam Hillary Clinton saying she was “an unqualified Secretary of State because the way she handled classified material.” Though in the same breath he criticized Trump for considering disgraced General David Petraeus as a candidate for Secretary of State because Petraeus practically did the same thing when he was in government and it was the main reason he was cashiered from the Obama administration and sent home under the threat of prosecution.
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Left-Wing Daily Show Host Jon Stewart Says Obama Bad on Press Freedom and Left’s Racebaiting ‘Has to Stop’”

Anti-Trump Temper Tantrums and Riots: Liberals Aren’t Losing Their Minds, They’re Revealing Them

-By Warner Todd Huston

For a week, now, since the election of Donald J. Trump as the 45th president of the United States, liberals under 30 years of age who grew up earning “participation trophies” for everything they did have been rioting in some of the nation’s largest cities in order to thwart the more than 200 year American tradition of the peaceful transfer of power from one political party to another. But this nation wide temper tantrum isn’t an example of the left “losing its mind.” It is actually revealing the authoritarian, violent, and hate-filled mind the left has inculcated in our youth.

Young liberals have been flooding the streets of America’s big cities crying, pleading for “safe spaces,” kvetching, and whining about President Elect Donald Trump. And if that was all it was, it would be a bad enough sign that the left so hates our system that they don’t want to accept the results of an election simply because it didn’t go their way.

Unfortunately it is worse than simply blowing off steam. Instead these “protests” are filled with death threats, widespread property damage, physical violence against those with who they disagree, and all around anti-American hatemongering. In a few instances people have even been shot by these “protesters.” And if these anarchists continue, it won’t be long before there is a growing number of deaths recorded.

The “protests” weren’t always on their minds, of course. Only weeks ago liberals were laughing their heads off when ever some suggested that Trump might win the White House.
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Anti-Trump Temper Tantrums and Riots: Liberals Aren’t Losing Their Minds, They’re Revealing Them”

Evidence Shows ‘Kaepernick Effect’ Hits NFL Hard As Ratings Continue to Plummet

-By Warner Todd Huston

As week six of the National Football League’s 2016/17 season passes, it has become clear that ratings have cratered as fans tune out by the millions. There are many theories about why this has happened, but the one commonality is the fan’s rage over the anti-American protests now seen weekly during the national anthem started by San Francisco 49ers secondstring quarterback Colin Kaepernick.

Kaepernick started his anti-American protests in the very first week of the NFL’s new season. He quickly explained that he could no longer stand at attention when “The Star Spangled Banner” was played at games. It was, he said, because the U.S. is evil and filled with white racists. Only hours passed before millions of fans let Kaepernick and the 49ers know just what they thought of his anti-American statement.

“I am not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses Black people and people of color,” Kaepernick explained to “To me, this is bigger than football and it would be selfish on my part to look the other way. There are bodies in the street and people getting paid leave and getting away with murder.”

His protest soon spreading like wild fire throughout the NFL as player after player decided that the U.S. was too evil to honor by standing for the national anthem.
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Evidence Shows ‘Kaepernick Effect’ Hits NFL Hard As Ratings Continue to Plummet”

CA School OKays Hispanic Students Wearing ‘Dump Trump’ Shirts Even as U.S. Flag Shirts Banned

-By Warner Todd Huston

A California high school has agreed to allow Hispanic students to wear their “Dump Trump” T-Shirts on campus despite a dress code that seems to prohibit them. The controversy is set against a backdrop of a federal court ruling banning U.S. flag shirts in California schools.

Sean Boulton, the principal of Newport Harbor High School in Newport Beach, a town south of Los Angeles, decided to acquiesce to the request of a group of Hispanic students who wanted to wear their shirts denigrating GOP front runner Donald Trump even as the school’s dress code could be read as prohibiting them.

The school’s dress code for the 2015/16 school year puts a ban on clothing with “inappropriate graphics” and clothing with messages that “denigrates others on account of gender, sexual orientation, race color, religion, ancestry, national origin, handicap or disadvantage.”

Despite those rules, school authorities are now allowing students to wear shirts attacking Trump and his voters.
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CA School OKays Hispanic Students Wearing ‘Dump Trump’ Shirts Even as U.S. Flag Shirts Banned”

New York Appeals Court Rules Murderer Not Guilty Because Six-Day-Old Baby ISN’T Really a Person

-By Warner Todd Huston

In 2008 a pregnant woman who severely injured her baby in utero by driving recklessly was charged with murder when the baby died six-days after being born. After years of court cases, a New York Appeals court ruled that the baby wasn’t a baby–yes, even though it was alive and outside the mother for six days–and the woman cannot be charged with murder.

Seven years ago Jennifer Jorgensen, who was in the third trimester of her pregnancy, swerved her car into oncoming traffic and ran head long into another car. She killed the two people in the other vehicle and was herself seriously injured. Since her baby was in distress from the wreck doctors birthed the child by cesarian section. The baby lived for only six days before succumbing from injuries received in the crash.

Since the child died from its mother’s actions behind the wheel, the state charged Jorgensen with the murder of the child. Prosecutors reasoned that since the child died after it was born alive and since it died from injuries received in the accident, then Jorgensen was guilty of murder.

After several years of court cases, in 2012 Jorgensen was convicted of killing her child and sentenced to nine years in prison. Naturally she appealed the decision with her attorneys offering a two pronged defense. First they say that she never intended to purposefully kill her baby (so premeditated murder is not the case) and secondly according to New York law her baby wasn’t really a “person” so she couldn’t be convicted of killing it. The reasoning on the latter is that the baby was not yet born during the accident so it didn’t matter that it was pulled out of her later and lived six days outside her before its death.
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New York Appeals Court Rules Murderer Not Guilty Because Six-Day-Old Baby ISN’T Really a Person”

As Jihadi Attacks Are Up Dramatically in USA, Obama Says Conservatives are ‘Dangerous’

-By Warner Todd Huston

Since Barack Obama came to office, his security regime has repeatedly put out reports saying that conservatives, Republicans, patriots, white people, and our military veterans are “dangerous” and need to be watched, quite despite that NONE of these people have caused any troubles. On the other hand, not once has Obama put out a report saying that Muslims are dangerous. And now we get this report from Congress informing us that would-be jihadi attacks are up “dramatically” since 2010.

The new report from the House of Representatives Homeland Security Committee notes that there has been a sharp rise in jihadi terror attempts inside the USA going from the 38 that were identified in 2010 to 124 by 2015.

“The Islamist terror threat in the US homeland has escalated dramatically this year and remains high,” committee chairman Michael McCaul said in the monthly “Terror Threat Snapshot” published Friday. “There have been more US-based jihadist terror cases in 2015 than in any full year since [September 11, 2001].”

Now, remember, this number represents the jihadi threats that the government has identified and cleared, so there are likely many more that they couldn’t report because they are still part of ongoing investigations. So, there are likely many more not on this list.

With the number of jihadi threats growing at a steady rate-and with some of these threats becoming real murders of Americans–it is clear that Islam is the most dangerous problem in America today.
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As Jihadi Attacks Are Up Dramatically in USA, Obama Says Conservatives are ‘Dangerous’”

USA Falls Again on Freedom Scale, Thanks to Increase in the Obama-Led Ending of Rule of Law

-By Warner Todd Huston

The USA has fallen another few notches on the freedom scale thanks in part to the increasing lawlessness of Obama and his Democrat cohorts according to the latest freedom list put out by the Cato Institute.

Over the last half dozen years or so the USA has slowly lost ground on the Cato Human Freedom Index. This country was once in the top 5 countries with the most freedom but this year the USA slipped several more places to the 20th spot.

Only last year the US was ranked 17th on this yearly list, but this year we’ve fallen to 20.

This slip in the rankings is mostly due to the fact that businesses are being strangled by oppressive regulations and crushed by rampantly greedy unions. But it also due to the end of the rule of law in the US as government ignores laws, re-tooling them and warps them at will in order to feed its rapacious appetite for complete control of our lives. And most especially the sharp rise in abuse of eminent domain rules allowing government to steal private property on a whim has contributed to American’s loss of freedom.

“Since the year 2000, the U.S. has been on a decline in terms of economic freedom,” Co-author of the report Ian Vasquez told The Daily Caller News Foundation on Wednesday.
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USA Falls Again on Freedom Scale, Thanks to Increase in the Obama-Led Ending of Rule of Law”

VIDEO: NBC Talking Head Says FCC Should Fine Media That Refuse to Use the Correct ‘Transgender’ Label

-By Warner Todd Huston

Revealing her inner fascist, another far left-wing NBC talking head went on TV today to say that if you don’t use the proper “transgender” term being bandied about this week you should be fined by the government and charged with “misgendering” people.

This is the perfect example of how the well-worn phrase “scratch a liberal and you’ll find a fascist underneath.” It is evidence that all liberals are fascist authoritarians. They claim they love “freedom” but their love of YOUR freedom stops as soon as you do something they don’t like.

The wacko in question this time is one Danielle Moodie-Mills who was identified as an “NBC Black Contributor” on MSNBC’s Melissa Harris-Perry Show this morning.
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VIDEO: NBC Talking Head Says FCC Should Fine Media That Refuse to Use the Correct ‘Transgender’ Label”

Bill Nye the Liar Guy Claims ‘Science Funding’ Is In The US Constitution

-By Warner Todd Huston

Why, didn’t you know, America, that the Founders were so far reaching that they put global warming funding right in the U.S. Constitution? Well, that is what Bill Nye the not-so-sciencey guy is claiming, anyway.

The guy who plays a scientist on TV, but actually has no science degrees at all, told that the U.S. Constitution makes provisions to fund science, so being anti-global warming means you hate the founders… or something.

Here is what Bill Nye the actor guy told Vox:

When you have people denying this basic process, and how we all got here, it’s offensive to me intellectually. And I happen to think it’s unpatriotic. Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution says the government shall “promote the progress of science and useful arts.” So if you’re a politician looking to derail the progress of science, I think you’re not doing your job.

I want voters and taxpayers to recognize this. Do you really want to vote for somebody who doesn’t believe in the scientific method — and doesn’t believe that we defeated smallpox? Do you really want that person running your government?

Of course, this is all built on a lie. The U.S. Constitution says no such thing.
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Bill Nye the Liar Guy Claims ‘Science Funding’ Is In The US Constitution”

Islam Is The REAL War on Women: 92% of Women in Egypt Forced to Undergo Genital Mutilation

-By Warner Todd Huston

As putrid Democrats continue to promulgate their lie-filled “Republican war on women” campaign theme, they sit by ignoring that the real war on women is perpetrated by Islam. Another reminder of where the real hate for women emanates is in a survey showing that fully 92 percent of married women in Egypt are forced to undergo genital mutilation.

If you are unaware of what Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) is, be prepared to be horrified. Euphemistically called “female circumcision” by liberals who want to obviate what it really is, it is in fact the utter destruction of the female pleasure centers in the vagina so that a woman can never gain pleasure or have an orgasm from sexual intercourse.

Many Muslims from Africa to the Middle East think that women are disgusting beasts who should not be allowed to enjoy sex. So, to keep girls pure in the eyes of The “Prophet” Muhammad, in their pre-teen stage, these inhuman Muslims rip out a girls’ clitoris and sew herr vagina shut leaving but a small hole for urination.
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Islam Is The REAL War on Women: 92% of Women in Egypt Forced to Undergo Genital Mutilation”

Complaint Demands Christian Crosses be Removed From INSIDE Catholic School so as Not to Offend Muslims

-By Warner Todd Huston

A useful idiot named John Banzhaf who claims to be a professor at George Washington University, but really spends his time filing nuisance lawsuits on all sorts of topics, has filed a complaint against a Catholic university because the Christian cross is displayed throughout the school. This loon claims that because there are Christian crosses everywhere, why, goshdurnnit, this must offend Muslim students. So he is demanding that the crosses be removed from the school.

The buttinski prof thinks that he is being an advocate for Muslim students at Washington D.C.’s Catholic University of America. He is demanding that the Catholic school remove all its crosses because he thinks that the crosses will somehow prevent Muslims from praying to their own “god.”

Now, the thing is, not a single Muslim student at CUA has ever complained. None of them have said that their own Muslim faith is somehow oppressed by having Christian crosses displayed inside a Christian school. But professor Banzhaf thinks he knows better.

How this halfwitted “professor” can imagine that Muslims can have their religion oppressed with displays of Christian crosses inside a Christian school, but that a lack of crosses won’t harm the Christians’ religious expression is a mystery to any logical, thinking person.

Here is the inescapable logic that this foolish “professor” can’t seem to grasp: He wants all Christian crosses removed, right? So, he obviously thinks that a lack of crosses won’t hurt the Christian students and their expression of faith.

So, with his “logic,” a lack of symbols of religion means religion is still easily practiced.

But think of this: there is already a lack of Muslim symbols in this school. And here is the thing: if Christians can pray to God without crosses being present, how is it that Muslims can’t pray to their Allah if symbols of their religion aren’t present.

He is essentially attacking a problem that doesn’t exist.

Worse, this Banzhaf character seems think that Muslims are so stupid that they can’t figure out how to pray to their “god” if there are symbols that are not of their faith present in any given room?

He has just infantilized Muslims.

I’m not alone in think this Banzhaf guy is a jerk.
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Complaint Demands Christian Crosses be Removed From INSIDE Catholic School so as Not to Offend Muslims”

58% of US Muslims Want Free Speech to be Illegal, So Can you Be Muslim AND American?

-By Warner Todd Huston

A recent poll seems to suggest that Muslims living in the USA want to outlaw our god-given right to free speech and a large number even agree that blasphemers of the Muslim god should be executed… not “over there,” but HERE in the USA! It makes one wonder if it is possible to be both a Muslim and a true American?

For years during the invasion of Iraq under George W. Bush some doubters of Bush’s tactics said that Muslims cannot be made to understand western freedoms and constitutional government. In those heady days of nation building in the 1990s, many warned that Islam is incompatible with freedom and modernity.

For his part, President Bush insisted that Iraqis and other Muslims were “just like everyone else” and yearned to be free. Bush moved forward with his foreign policy based on the idea that this normal human yearning would make them understand and welcome our efforts there to help them throw off Islamist tyranny and begin to self govern.

While we’ve certainly had mixed and usually disappointing results from our efforts in Iraq, Afghanistan, and elsewhere in the Middle East, we have certainly seen that Islam is often a stumbling block to our idea of freedom and self government.

But what about American Muslims? We care constantly told that they are “just like every other American” and are peaceful, loyal Americans who love our system.

But, do they?
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58% of US Muslims Want Free Speech to be Illegal, So Can you Be Muslim AND American?”

Ben Carson STILL Trying to ‘Clarify’ His Stance on Guns

-By Warner Todd Huston

One of possible GOP presidential candidate Ben Carson’s problems is his mixed message on the Second Amendment. In some discussions he seems to be for restrictions and in others says he is 100 percent supporting of the right to bear arms. And this weekend at the NRA convention Carson is again trying to “clarify” his stance on guns.

Over the past year, neurosurgeon Carson has said things that brought criticism from gun rights advocates and caused some to even wonder if he knows how guns even work.

Only a few weeks ago, for instance, Carson told Glenn Beck that he felt that guns should be restricted in urban areas but not rural areas. He also felt that Americans have no right to semi-automatic weapons.

“It depends on where you live,” Carson told Beck. “I think if you live in the midst of a lot of people, and I’m afraid that that semi-automatic weapon is going to fall into the hands of a crazy person, I would rather you not have it.”
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Ben Carson STILL Trying to ‘Clarify’ His Stance on Guns”

New Mexico Just moved Toward Restoring Private Property Rights Crimping Seizure Laws

-By Warner Todd Huston

Decades ago when civil asset forfeiture laws were first proposed they seemed like a good idea. But at this point they’ve become a corrupting influence and just an excuse to steal from citizens. Now New Mexico has made a move to reverse the damage.

The corrupt law in question, here, is the civil asset forfeiture law, a rule that was created to give cops the ability to quickly seize property and assets so that drug dealers won’t have the cash on hand–or the ability to liquidate assets–to help them get away with drug dealing.

With this law cops can seize your property and assets even if they never charge you with a crime. Worse, they often never return the money and property even if you are eventually proven innocent in a court of law.

Unfortunately, once these laws spread across the country what ended up happening in practice is that cops simply started stealing the money and property of nearly everyone they came in contact with making a mockery of both the Constitution and the whole purpose the law was created for in the first place.

In essence, forfeiture laws ended up turning police into outright criminals.
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New Mexico Just moved Toward Restoring Private Property Rights Crimping Seizure Laws”

Obama’s ‘Mandatory Voting’ Idea is Thoroughly Un-American (Like Everything Else He Wants)

-By Warner Todd Huston

Obama is a totalitarian. So, his idea that it should be mandatory that everyone votes is not a surprising position from a proponent of big government. But it is also a thoroughly un-American idea and one that should be just as thoroughly destroyed in the minds of the American people.

Last week Obama came out endorsing the idea of forcing everyone to vote under penalty of law. He thought it would be a good idea to make everyone go to the polls to avoid being thrown in jail or having their lives, jobs, or bank accounts threatened by his jackbooted, armed government thugs.

Claiming that mandatory voting would be “transformative” Emperor Obama claimed that it would somehow eliminate money in politics if everyone were forced to vote.

First of all, even the left-wing Washington Post notes that little would change if we were all forced to vote. The paper noted that “non-voters are–on average–only a bit more Democratic than voters, and a bit more supportive of liberal policies.” So, the balance wouldn’t really shift much at all.

This means just as much money as ever would be spent to encourage voters to sign onto one candidate or cause of another.
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Obama’s ‘Mandatory Voting’ Idea is Thoroughly Un-American (Like Everything Else He Wants)”

How Al Sharpton Rakes in Millions Not to Call Corporations ‘Racist’

-By Warner Todd Huston

According to a new investigative article, Al Sharpton has spent years shaking down corporations essentially for protection money supplied to him so that he would avoid calling them “racists,” or setting up boycotts, and creating uncomfortable public relations nightmares.

An extensive piece in the New York Post on Sunday traced Sharpton’s practice of taking money in exchange for his silence. The MSNBC host, the Post said, has taken millions not to attack corporations for their purported racism.

“Al Sharpton has enriched himself and NAN for years by threatening companies with bad publicity if they didn’t come to terms with him,” Ken Boehm, chairman of the National Legal Policy Center (NLPC) told the paper. “Put simply, Sharpton specializes in shakedowns.”

Only a few weeks ago, the National Legal & Policy Center published an open letter to Walmart asking the nation’s largest retailer to stop funding Sharpton’s National Action Network.
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How Al Sharpton Rakes in Millions Not to Call Corporations ‘Racist’”

Differences Between Civil Rights Movement of 1963 and Today’s Illicit Nonsense is Stark

-By Warner Todd Huston

Comparing the wholly American and sensible demands issued by the real civil rights movement during the event that saw Martin Luther King deliver his “Dream” speech in August of 1963 to the mishmash of self aggrandizing nonsense belched forth by today’s “BlackLivesMatter “movement” reveals a startling difference and exposes today’s protesters to be disjointed, illogical, filled and with race-hate not to mention insensate and childish.

When King mounted the steps of the Lincoln Memorial in that great American moment to begin to change forever how Americans treated its black citizens he didn’t do so alone. He stepped out to give his soaring “I Have a Dream” speech backed by hundreds of key members of the burgeoning civil rights movement, organizers who themselves were backed by hundreds of thousands of Americans, black and white, spread all across the country.

Before that great rally in Washington in 1963, the civil rights movement had already coalesced into a concerted effort replete with demands that they hoped would bring relief to millions of Americans yearning to be as free as the rest of the country.
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Differences Between Civil Rights Movement of 1963 and Today’s Illicit Nonsense is Stark”

Yet Another Bad Surprise for Obamacare Users: Their Year-End Taxes Will Soar

-By Warner Todd Huston

So, you thought the Lord God Obama had given you some “free” healthcare, did you? You’ve happily applied for and used his subsidies all last year because that clunky, constantly crashing Obamacare website said you could, eh? Well, guess what? Come April 15 you’ll probably owe a whopping new tax bill to the IRS because, as it turns out, you didn’t really deserve the subsidy you got. Sucks, doesn’t it?

The government reports that nearly 7 million Americans took advantage of the subsidies they were offered on the Obamacare exchange websites, subsidies that helped them cut down on the costs of the newly mandated Obamacare healthcare policies.

But now, according to tax preparation company H&R Block, as many as 4 million subsidy users might discover that in fact they made too much money to have been allowed to get the subsidy and at tax time the IRS will demand that they pay the money back.
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Yet Another Bad Surprise for Obamacare Users: Their Year-End Taxes Will Soar”

Obama’s Sec. of Education Says Taxpayer Funded Pre-School is a Civil Right

-By Warner Todd Huston

Obama’s Secretary of Education, Chicago operative Arne Duncan, is hoping to make taxpayer funded, universal pre-school a “civil right.”

During comments made in Los Angeles at the LA Universal Preschool forum on Oct. 21, Chicago hack Arne Duncan said that universal pre-school was a “social movement” that was “just like” the civil rights movement.

“At the end of the day for me this is really a social movement,” Duncan said of taxpayer-funded pre-school.

“If you look at social movements, we all celebrate what happened in the 1960’s. The civil rights movement was extraordinarily powerful, life transforming, earth shattering. But the question I have is, why didn’t the civil rights movement happen in the 50’s or the 40’s or 30’s or 20’s?” he said.
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Obama’s Sec. of Education Says Taxpayer Funded Pre-School is a Civil Right”

Freedom-Schmeedom: Obama to Force Photographers in National Parks to Get Permits

-By Warner Todd Huston

Ansel Adams made himself and our national parks famous for photographing the natural beauty he found in the great American west. Now, in this land of “freedom and liberty,” Obama plans to prevent any more Ansel Adams by forcing photographers to get permits to be allowed to photograph our parks.

The stunning black and white photos Adams took of the American west, especially Yosemite National Park, are the very ideal of natural beauty preserved by the snap of his lens. Adams roamed freely in this land of the free and captured images that have been beloved by naturalists all around the world.

But now Obama is planning to put a stranglehold on new Ansel Adams by controlling who is *allowed* to take photos in our national parks with a new “permit” system. Worse, Obama plans to charge up to $1,500 for these permits according to a report by the Associated Press.
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Freedom-Schmeedom: Obama to Force Photographers in National Parks to Get Permits”

FDR Invented The ‘Liar-In-Chief’ And Tore Down the Democrat Party And The Country

-By Warner Todd Huston

PBS and documentary maker Ken Burns have done it again with a wonderful look at the political lives of Teddy and Franklin Roosevelt. But if the series did anything it revealed to a discerning viewer how Franklin rebuilt the presidency on a pillar of hate and lies and remade the Democrat Party into a party driven by purposeful misdirection and deceit.

Certainly the series approaches these two consequential presidents as good for the country. Neither were as salubrious for the country as popular opinion holds and both did a lot of damage. To Burns’ credit he does allow conservative commentator George Will to slip in a few digs at how both Teddy and Franklin tore down the presidency and turned our country from a constitutional republic built on a pretty straightforward explication of the political raison d’être of any particular party, candidate or era and into a nation run by sneaky politicians who lie straight-faced to the people and don’t care about the Constitution at all.

Teddy Roosevelt did his bit to end our Constitutional republic, granted, and was followed by Woodrow Wilson who pounded a few more nails into that coffin. But it was Franklin Delano Roosevelt who really destroyed the country.

The truth is, Franklin was an utterly failed president in everything but his leadership in WWII. It has to be acknowledged that his stewardship of the war was great and maybe a lesser president would have left the US more vulnerable. But there is no doubt that he materially hurt this country in every other arena.

His domestic policy was a disaster, his economic policies utterly failed, and his disregard of the rule of law and the US Constitution was a disgusting display of arrogance and hubris. By forcing the world into war, Hitler ended the Great depression, not Franklin Roosevelt.
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FDR Invented The ‘Liar-In-Chief’ And Tore Down the Democrat Party And The Country”

Note the Difference Between Bundy Ranch Protest and Ferguson Riots

-By Warner Todd Huston

A comparison between the Bundy ranch protests from April of this year to what is going on in Ferguson is telling. It is also very, very instructive on just how to stand up for your rights in the era of a thoroughly militarized government.

Early in 2014 a rancher in Nevada named Cliven Bundy became the focus of an anti-government protest when the Bureau of Land Management swooped in with a paramilitary attack on Bundy’s ranch killing his cattle and claiming he was going to be arrested for supposedly refusing to pay a grazing tax, a dispute over which rancher Bundy and the government had been embroiled since 1993.

As the government swooped in with a militarized retinue of shock troops featuring armored vehicles, fully automatic machine guns, body armor, and hundreds of officers, people around the country began to perk up and take notice. Within a matter of days hundreds of American citizens made their way to the Bundy ranch in Nevada to stand up to the overreaction of the federal government.
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Note the Difference Between Bundy Ranch Protest and Ferguson Riots”

Black ‘Professor’ Who Attacked Teen Anti-Abortion Protester Blames ‘Slavery’

-by Warner Todd Huston

So-called professor Mireille Miller-Young of the University of California at Santa Barbara says she has a legitimate reason for physically attacking a 16-year-old anti-abortion protester in march of this year. She was pregnant, so anti-abortion protests are a “trigger” that makes the disease of pregnancy cause her to go wild. On top of that, “Slavery” made the black “Queer Studies” professor do it, you see?

In March this crazed “professor” attacked the teen and her 21-year-old sister when they took advantage of the school’s “free speech zone” where the pair set up a display to protest abortion.

The “professor” swooped in, physically assaulted the kids and stole their display running away with it to her office where she locked the display away.
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Black ‘Professor’ Who Attacked Teen Anti-Abortion Protester Blames ‘Slavery’”

NJ Town Suing Homeowners to Fix Own Sidewalks or Face Fines

-By Warner Todd Huston

Can cities take our taxes, but pass laws that force local citizens to individually pay for services anyway, thereby making tax dollars used solely to pay city worker’s salaries? One city in New Jersey is trying this ploy, anyway.

City authorities in Highland Park, New Jersey have stopped using tax dollars to fix sidewalks and are attempting to force residents to pay their own money to replace the deteriorating concrete slabs in front of their homes–slabs put in by the city years ago and originally paid for with tax money. Worse, now the city is taking residents to court who have refused to pay their own cash to fix these sidewalks.

Two years ago the city of Highland Park passed an ordinance to save tax dollars by requiring residents to pay their own money to fix the sidewalks.
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NJ Town Suing Homeowners to Fix Own Sidewalks or Face Fines”