Bodyguard of Chicago’s Most Famous Anti-Gun Priest Caught with Illegal Gun

-By Warner Todd Huston

Chicago’s most famous anti-gun Catholic priest was just hit with some embarrassing news when his bodyguard was arrested for illegally carrying a gun.

Loudmouth priest Father Michael Pfleger found the unwelcome news late in May when his bodyguard, Henry Eugene Hale, 35, was arrested outside the Father’s church. Police found that Hale did not have an Illinois firearm card or a concealed carry license and was therefore carrying the gun illegally.

A spokesperson for the Chicago Police Department told Chicago City Wire that officers confronted Hale at the church at 1200 W. 78th Place when “they saw him holding a firearm.”

Illinois records show that Hale allowed his Firearms Identification Card (FOID) expire last year and did not renew it. He was also a certified security guard in the state, but allowing his FOID to lapse put that certification in jeopardy. According to his employment record he was once disciplined, but there are no details as to why.

A local policeman’s blog noted that Hale has been a member of Pfleger’s security team for quite sometime. The unnamed police officer who runs the blog also noted that “Pfleger and his minions called 006th district nonstop to try to get the guy out of arrest.”
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Bodyguard of Chicago’s Most Famous Anti-Gun Priest Caught with Illegal Gun”

Somali Muslim Immigrants Stealing MILLIONS in Welfare from Minnesota

-By Warner Todd Huston

They came to the U.S. as supposed “refugees,” but now it has been discovered that a number of Somali immigrants are stealing hundreds of millions in American welfare money that they are literally shipping back to Africa stuffed in suitcases. Worse, the cash is going to fund the various Islamist terror armies there.

Could you remind me why, exactly, is it a bad thing to put a temporary halt to immigration from Muslim countries, again?

It has come to light that these Somali terrorists living among us have a long list of tactics to steal America’s benefits, but one was revealed by Fox 9 in Minneapolis with an investigation that found that Somalis were using a sham daycare center system to bilk the American people out of welfare cash.

During its 5-month investigation into the story, Fox 9 KMS tracked the funding flowing into the daycare center and found it was being sent outside the U.S. Fox also found “dozens” of other fraudulent centers doing the same thing.
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Somali Muslim Immigrants Stealing MILLIONS in Welfare from Minnesota”

Robert Mueller is NOT the Standup Guy the Liberals Claim Him To Be

-By Warner Todd Huston

Liberals claim that special counsel Robert Mueller is beyond reproach and that questioning him is un-American. But is Mueller the standup guy the left makes him out to be?

No, not really. Indeed, according to Congressman Louis Gohmert, Mueller has a long, long history of unfairly and mostly illicitly targeting of innocent people. Mueller is one of the most crooked actors in Washington D.C.

Gohmert’s warnings are extensive and detailed. Mueller’s actions “are a stain upon the legacy of American jurisprudence,” Gohmert notes in a May 2 op-ed.

“I do not make these statements lightly,” Gohmert lamented. “Each time I prepared to question Mueller during Congressional hearings, the more concerned I became about his ethics and behavior. As I went back to begin compiling all of that information in order to recount personal interactions with Mueller, the more clearly the big picture began to come into focus.”

“Judging by Mueller’s history,” Gohmert added, “it doesn’t matter who he has to threaten, harass, prosecute or bankrupt to get to allege something or, for that matter, anything. It certainly appears Mueller will do whatever it takes to bring down his target — ethically or unethically — based on my findings.”

The Texas Republican went on:
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Robert Mueller is NOT the Standup Guy the Liberals Claim Him To Be”

City of Atlanta Hacked, Held Hostage by Ransomware and Considering Paying $51,000 Ransom – THIS Should Be BIG News

-By Warner Todd Huston

The data troubles in the city of Atlanta, Georgia, would be top national news if the media were not so interested in promoting porn stars. Atlanta has had its entire city computer system locked down by a ransomware hacker and is considering paying a $51,000 ransom to get access back to its system.

This news is actually pretty shocking and really should be a national story. Imagine the threat that this represents. Atlanta is one of the nation’s largest cities and if big cities like this can lose control of their entire computer systems like Atlanta has, this is a danger to all Americans.

Make no mistake, either. Atlanta doesn’t have any more or less vulnerable computer system than any other city. Nearly every city in the U.S. (and the federal government for that matter) have antiquated computer systems running them. Few of them are up to scratch security-wise.

This means that every U.S. city, from the smallest to the biggest, is in danger of hackers like this.

According to CBS News:

The use of ransomware, which lets hackers seize control of computers belonging to individuals, businesses and local governments, has been on the rise in recent years. In 2017, U.S. officials blamed North Korea for the massive “WannaCry” ransomware attack on hospitals, financial firms and other companies.
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City of Atlanta Hacked, Held Hostage by Ransomware and Considering Paying $51,000 Ransom – THIS Should Be BIG News”

The Corrupt FBI Leadership, McCabe, Comey, Obama — These are the Russia Collaborators

-By Warner Todd Huston

It is becoming clear to anyone who cares about truth that Trump is the least of America’s worries where it comes to government corruption and collusion with the Russians.

Sadly, it is also clear that the national media is in cahoots with the left (and their pals the Russians, apparently). Because instead of telling the truth about corrupt FBI agent Andrew McCabe, the media is telling the nation lies and pretending that this is all Trump’s fault.

There has been no better summation about this situation than what nationally syndicated conservative radio host Mark Levin gave in a recent visit to the Sean Hannity show on Fox News.

Levin had it all exactly right when he appeared on Sean’s show when he was invited on to speak about the firing of the disgraceful FBI agent. Levin correctly noted that McCabe is not in the least bit a put upon civil servant like the media wants us to believe and if anyone wants to see collusion with the Russians, all they have to do is look at Barrack Obama and his corrupt regime.

Levin also blasted Lindsey Graham and Marco Rubio for crying about the McCabe losing his pension when he isn’t going to lose much of anything. The best selling author also scorched Comey, McCabe, Samantha Power, Clapper, Brennan and Susan Rice during his visit to Fox News.

After Sean introduced him, Levin didn’t need anything else to wind him up on the topic.

You have to watch this rant because Levin has important info to impart:

But, if you can’t watch the video, this is what he said…
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The Corrupt FBI Leadership, McCabe, Comey, Obama — These are the Russia Collaborators”

Just How Much Did Russia ‘Influence’ The Election? Seems Like Not Much At All

-By Warner Todd Huston

The liberal media and the “witch hunt” Mueller investigation are still braying that President Donald Trump “colluded” with the Russians to affect the outcome of the 2016 election. But notice how the left keeps using vague words like “collusion” and “interference” to describe their charge, yet they never give us any details about what the “interference” looks like. That’s because the actual details seem to show that the Russians had hardly any substantive effect at all on the election.

We have been told by the liberal media that “the Russians” interfered in the election. Again, they just use this catchall accusation and give no details. What Russians are they talking about? They don’t ever really say.

Then they insist that “the Russians” used their deep pockets to buy “lots” of ads to fool America into voting for… maybe Trump… or something. The left also claims “the Russians” used Facebook and social media to do this. They aren’t very specific on this, either. Just a bunch of general claims.

But, OK, let’s take this at face value for now. Let’s say the Russians did spend “lots” of money on social media. What did the reality of this spending look like?

Well, according to Byron York, who looked deep into the recent Mueller indictment of 13 Russians, it amounted to about nothing.

Here is what the Washington Examiner journalist recently found.
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Just How Much Did Russia ‘Influence’ The Election? Seems Like Not Much At All”

Liberal Media Pushes Fake News That Florida Killer Was a Member of a ‘White Supremacist Group’

-By Warner Todd Huston

The media spent all day Thursday knocking itself out to “report” that Parkland school shooter Nicholas Cruz was part of a “white supremacist” group. But it turns out that the media was punk’d and the whole claim was a hoax.

We all know that the left-wing, old media establishment is the first sector of Americam society to warn us all not to “jump to conclusions” over religion when a killer who is suspected of being a Muslim gets in the news. The media gravely warns us not to call him a Muslim terrorist until “all the facts are in.” But in the case of this Parkland, Florida, school killer the media took the word of one un-vetted “white supremacist” who made the unsubstantiated claim that teenaged killer Nicholas Cruz was part of a white separatist group without doing one bit of checking on the claim.

On Thursday morning, February 15, the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) hastily published a story claiming that the leader of a Tallahassee-based group calling itself the Republic of Florida (ROF) had “admitted” that Parkland killer Nicholas Cruz was a member of his group.

This person, one Jordan Jereb, insisted that Cruz had been “training” with them and that an ROF member even bought Cruz a WWII-era bolt action rifle.

The ROF is a white supremacist/white separatist group that claims it is fighting for “white Identitarian politics.”

“Republic Of Florida is a white civil rights organization fighting for white Identitarian politics,” the group says on its website. “And the ultimate creation of a white ethnostate so we can be free from anti-white policies and have policies that reflect our values as white westerners. The ROF Militia is the armed forces of the Republic Of Florida.”

As soon as the ADL posted this tall tale, the media went wild to pick it up and proclaim it to be 100% fact.
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Liberal Media Pushes Fake News That Florida Killer Was a Member of a ‘White Supremacist Group’”

Dead Not Counted Before Liberals Start Lying About Florida School Shooting

-By Warner Todd Huston

Sadly the country suffered another mass shooting in a primary school, this time in a high school in Florida. Unfortunately, the blood was still flowing, the victims had not even been identified, and the suspect had yet to be caught before liberals were purposefully misreporting on the incident and flat out lying in order to sell their anti-gun, anti-America, left-wing agenda.

One lie in particular made the rounds among many of the leftist media’s “real” journalists. As the crime in Florida unfolded, these “journalists” began Tweeting out that the attack at a high school in Parkland, Florida, is the “18th school shooting this year.”

This lie and ones like it appeared on several Twitter feed. Here are a few examples:
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Dead Not Counted Before Liberals Start Lying About Florida School Shooting”

Robert Mueller’s Anti-Trump Grand Jury Slammed as a Biased ‘Black Lives Matter Rally’

-By Warner Todd Huston

As each day passes, it increasingly appears that Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s so-called “investigation” into the Democrats’ claims that Trump “colluded” with Russia to affect the 2016 election is proving itself to be worse than a snipe hunt. But a recent report on the make up of Muller’s grand jury adds to that perception.

If you thought that Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s effort to destroy Donald Trump with his faux Russia probe was a partisan joke that was fixed from the beginning, the makeup of his “grand jury” will probably cinch your low opinion of his efforts.

Mueller has been relying on a grand jury that meets each Friday in Washington DC. It has handed Mueller indictments against Paul Manafort and George Papadopoulos, but neither indictment has had anything to do with Trump or any possible connections to Russia.

The federal grand jury that has been handing down indictments that thus far have had no connection at all to Russia or Trump appears to be a thoroughly biased operation, according to Page Six:
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Robert Mueller’s Anti-Trump Grand Jury Slammed as a Biased ‘Black Lives Matter Rally’”

FBI Warns of Growing Domestic Terror Threat Posed by Black Extremist Groups

-By Warner Todd Huston

The Federal Bureau of Investigation is warning that the country faces an increasing level of threats from acts of domestic terror at the hands of a growing number of “black identity extremist” (BIE) groups.

The bombshell new report released by the FBI’s counterterrorism division states that these groups are targeting police.

“[I]t is very likely BIEs proactively target police and openly identify and justify their actions with social-political agendas commensurate with their perceived injustices against African Americans,” the report says, according to Fox News.

The report goes on to say that these BIE’s began forming after the 2014 shooting of African American teenager Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri.

The report mentions that the Bureau began monitoring for threats after the Ferguson riots and in the intervening years have complied a long list of incidents to prove the threat is real. It also noted that these incidents of violence are “likely” to continue.

“It is very likely that BIEs’ perceptions of unjust treatment of African-Americans and the perceived unchallenged illegitimate actions of law enforcement will inspire premeditated attacks against law enforcement over the next year,” the paper said. “It is very likely additional controversial police shootings of African-Americans and the associated legal proceedings will continue to serve as drivers for violence against law enforcement.”

Naturally, minority groups are insisting that the relatively new term “black identity extremists” is “racial profiling” and an example of racism at the FBI.
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FBI Warns of Growing Domestic Terror Threat Posed by Black Extremist Groups”

Buffalo Soldiers: Will Liberals Attack The Statues to Famous Black Soldiers Who Killed Indians?

-By Warner Todd Huston

In their lust to destroy America’s history, anti-American, Antifa fascists have been attacking Civil War statues, statues to our founders, and even statues to Revolutionary War heroes. In their ignorance, they imagine all these statues are black and white instances of evil. But to prove that history isn’t just a black and white issue, there is the history of the black soldiers of the western armies who became famous killing American Indians. What will these idiots do with statues to the famed Buffalo Soldiers?

It all amounts to a very inconvenient history for these leftist, Antifa thugs.

These leftists think that all American history is evil, certainly. But they pretend that they are sticking up for minorities with their attacks on the tens of thousands of statues and memorials to various historical figures across the nation.

But there are many statues that might pose a particular problem to these disgusting “social justice warriors.” One wonders what these slimeballs who think they are standing up for minorities are going to do with the tricky history of the Buffalo Soldiers?

There are many statues to the famous black soldiers who joined the U.S. Army to fight Indians in the great wild west. Comprising the 9th and 10th Cavalry and the 24th and 25th U.S. Infantry, regiments raised after the Civil War to keep the peace on the frontier.
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Buffalo Soldiers: Will Liberals Attack The Statues to Famous Black Soldiers Who Killed Indians?”

City of Baltimore Removes Four Confederate Statues Under Cover of Night

-By Warner Todd Huston

In a stealth purging of history, the city of Baltimore removed four Confederate statues from city property under cover of night early on Tuesday morning.

City crews began the destruction of the monuments just before midnight and finished by 5:30 AM, The Hill reported.

The city council quietly approved the removal late on Monday in a unanimous vote.

“It’s done,” Baltimore Mayor Catherine Pugh told the Baltimore Sun. “They needed to come down. My concern is for the safety and security of our people. We moved as quickly as we could.”

“I did not want to endanger people in my own city,” the African American mayor said. “I had begun discussions with contractors and so forth about how long it would take to remove them. I am a responsible person, so we moved as quickly as we could. ”

The statues removed included a memorial to Supreme Court Justice Roger B. Taney, as well as Confederate Generals Robert E. Lee and Thomas “Stonewall” Jackson.
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City of Baltimore Removes Four Confederate Statues Under Cover of Night”

Sorry, Liberals, You Don’t Get to Have Moral Outrage Over Charlottesville Murder

-By Warner Todd Huston

A monster went to Charlottesville, Virginia, over the weekend and used his car to kill a pedestrian standing on the street. This criminal deserves the worst the law can do to him not to mention that his name should become a black mark in history. But, liberals don’t deserve to use this creep as their focus for moral outrage or to use him as a weapon to attack “the right” because liberals wasted their moral authority by ignoring the many deaths and other outrages perpetrated by members of the Black Lives Matter and Occupy Wall Street movements.

After literally years, now, of liberals claiming people from “the right” are “dangerous,” “bloodthirsty,” “murderous,” “violent,” and any other label they care to use, the left finally got their monster. But on the way to this ONE guy “from the right” who committed murder, they’ve time and again ignored murderers when they came from within their own ranks.

Before we get to the left’s wasted moral authority, though, we need to clear up so definitions.

There is factually no difference between Nazi-styled racists and the Black Lives Matter movement. Both are racist groups bent on separating their favored races from society and creating a segregated section for themselves. Both constantly spout hate against every race but their own. Both have been responsible for riots, property destruction, and deaths. In fact, BLM is guiltier of such things than any Nazi, Alt-Right, or white supremacist group. But they should be loathed equally, and both denounced as domestic terrorist groups.

Yet, the left will use this James Alex Fields, Jr., as a rallying point to claim that “the right” is dangerous and deserves to have their free speech curtailed.

First, we need to clear up this “the right,” nonsense.
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Sorry, Liberals, You Don’t Get to Have Moral Outrage Over Charlottesville Murder”

History Shows That Most American Political Violence is Perpetrated by Leftists

-By Warner Todd Huston

After a Bernie Sanders campaign volunteer attempted to assassinate Republican members of Congress in Virginia, many on the left began insisting that “both sides” need to moderate their violent political rhetoric. But history proves that leftists are guilty of most of the politically-motivated violence in the U.S

Democrat volunteer James T. Hodgkinson opened fire as Republicans practiced for a charity baseball game, seriously wounding Rep. Steve Scalise (R-LA), on June 14, 2017. Immediately thereafter, the New York Times blamed Republican “violent rhetoric” for the Democrat shooter’s actions. And as the nation took stock of Hodgkinson’s actions, many voices also called for “both sides” to stop with the harsh political rhetoric. The conceit is that “both sides” are responsible for Hodgkinson’s crime.

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History Shows That Most American Political Violence is Perpetrated by Leftists”

Video Shows CNN’s Becky Anderson Appearing to Stage a Muslim ‘Protest’ Against London Terror Attacks

-By Warner Todd Huston

A new video seems to show a CNN camera crew preparing to film a standup with reporter Becky Anderson and carefully staging a group of Muslims holding signs protesting the London terror attacks to make it look as if London’s Muslims were standing against terrorism.

The video shows CNN crew members carefully placing Muslim-looking people holding pre-printed signs with slogans such as #ForLondon, #TurnToLove, and #ISIS=EnemiesToHumanity. The bearded and scarf-wearing group are urged into a tight grouping after being placed one-by-one on the street to the rear of CNN’s Becky Anderson who is clearly waiting for staffers to finish placing the “protesters,”

As the video begins, it even appears that Anderson herself is motioning to crew members on where the ersatz peace protesters should stand. She then patiently stands by and watches as the placement is carried out.

The resulting staged photos and video then appeared on the BBC and the Associated Press.

A reporter for the Associated Press, Raphael Satter, went even farther saying in a Tweet that, “A group of London Muslims have come bearing flowers and posters saying ‘ISIS will lose’ and ‘Love will win’ across a photo of Tower Bridge.” Nowhere did Satter tell his readers that the “flower bearers” were staged by CNN’s camera crews.

The video was first posted by Mark Antro in London. Antro also noticed that CNN moved the white police officers out of the camera shot and replaced them with Asian officers.

The video of the CNN crew carefully placing the “protesters for peace” smacks of fake news and raises questions about the veracity of everything CNN reports about terrorism, Islam, and the role of peaceful Muslims in today’s overheated climate. Continue reading

Video Shows CNN’s Becky Anderson Appearing to Stage a Muslim ‘Protest’ Against London Terror Attacks”

Montana, Hell, Let’s Talk of the Democrat’s LONG History of Political Violence

-By Warner Todd Huston

The fake news media went mad last week when a Republican candidate from Montana got in a tussle with a pajama-boy-like journalist on the eve of Election Day. Across the fake news establishment the media whined about the “violence” inherent in the Republican Party in the era of Trump. But this narrative totally ignores the history of political violence perpetrated by Democrats that goes back well before the Civil War.

The latest incident that got the fake news establishment feeling their oats was when Montana’s Republican candidate for Congress, Greg Gianforte, pushed around a reporter for the UK paper The Guardian on the day before Election Day.

The Guardian’s pajama boy apparently pushed his way into a room with the candidate which sent the latter over the edge. As audio seems to prove, the Republican then initiated a physical altercation that, as pajama boy is wont to tell over and over again, broke the reporter’s glasses.

Gianforte apologized profusely the next day. But despite the cacophony of media condemnation for his actions meant to drive Democrats to the polls to defeat him, Gianforte won his election to Congress with a comfortable margin.

After his election, nearly every single report on the event started something like this report by tax dollar whore NPR (my bold). Continue reading

Montana, Hell, Let’s Talk of the Democrat’s LONG History of Political Violence”

Vote Fraud Warning: Over 7 Million Voters Registered to Vote in More Than One State

-By Warner Todd Huston

A new study has found that over 7 million American voters are illegally registered to vote in more than one state, and that doesn’t even include the number of counties that have more voters registered than they have voting age population.

As Democrats and their handmaidens in the U.S. court system fight tooth and nail against voter ID laws aimed at cleaning our voter rolls, a new study has found that 7.2 million Americans are registered and can vote in more than one location at a time, the Washington Free Beacon reports.

The new voter data was gathered from the Kansas-run interstate voter registration crosscheck program, which is used to identify “possible duplicate registrations among states.”

The study was conducted by the office of Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach who is now preparing to head up President Trump’s vote fraud commission.

The newest data is from crosschecks of voter registrations across 28 states that participate in the program. At least 7.2 million registrations appeared in two states at once, according to the data.
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Vote Fraud Warning: Over 7 Million Voters Registered to Vote in More Than One State”

Media Bias: North Carolina Newspaper Illustrates Democrat Vote Fraud Story with Trump-Pence Sign

-By Warner Todd Huston

Last week a newspaper in North Carolina gave its readers a perfect example of underhanded, media bias in its reporting about a woman who was arrested for voter fraud. The bias was revealed in two parts of the story. First the suspect’s party was never once mentioned — naturally she was a Democrat. And even more absurd, the story of a Democrat arrested for vote fraud was illustrated with a giant Trump-Pence campaign sign as if the criminal was a Republican Trump supporter.

The story in question was published in the Raleigh News & Observer on April 5 and told the news of a Granville County election worker who was arrested for altering records to allow convicted criminals to vote Democrat in the 2016 election.
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Media Bias: North Carolina Newspaper Illustrates Democrat Vote Fraud Story with Trump-Pence Sign”

The Democrats Lies of Ties Between Russia and Trump Continue to Unravel

-By Warner Todd Huston

Since before Donald Trump won last year’s presidential election, Democrats have been desperately trying to fool the American people into thinking that Trump somehow worked hand-in-hand with the Russians to steal away the White House from Hillary Clinton. But thus far, after months of pseudo investigations, not a scintilla of proof has been revealed. And this weekend, Democrat Adam Schiff once again showed that Democrats have nothing but lies and innuendo against Trump.

Before we go on, I must address this 100 percent truth as straight as I can: There WAS NO hacking of the U.S. election. Not one vote was hacked. There was no electronic interference with the U.S. election. Period. So, whenever you hear someone say “hacked the election” just know that they are lying to you. Lying. They are not just misinformed. They are purposefully lying to mislead you into thinking the 2016 election was illegitimate.

Now, California Democrat Schiff has been at the forefront of attempting to fool America into thinking Trump is all mixed up with Vladimir Putin’s corrupt Russian government. Over last weekend, Schiff appeared on CNN’s State of the Union with host Jake Tapper to continue pushing his false claims against the president. But when Tapper asked Schiff about actual proof, the congressman’s reply was telling for its evasiveness and lack of specificity.

When Tapper asked Schiff to get more specific during the April 2 broadcast, Schiff mumbled that he “can’t say” if the evidence against any ties to Russia are correct. He also softened his previous criticism of House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes (R, CA) for having visited the White House before he made his revelations that the Obama administration had, indeed, been surveilling Trump and his campaign before the election. Schiff dissembled further by backing off his previous claim that evidence of collusion between Trump and Russia was “more than circumstantial.”
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The Democrats Lies of Ties Between Russia and Trump Continue to Unravel”

Illegal Alien Causes Firestorm After Bragging About Filing Her Taxes in Social Media Post

-By Warner Todd Huston

An illegal alien living in Arizona caused a stir, Thursday, when she jumped to her Facebook page to brag about sending in her tax returns.

As Belén Sisa wrote about her filing, she also noted that she is an illegal.

Sisa posted the following to her Facebook account:

MYTH BUSTER: I, an undocumented immigrant, just filed my taxes and PAID $300 to the state of Arizona. I cannot receive financial aid from the state or federal government for school, I cannot benefit from unemployment, a reduced healthcare plan, or a retirement fund. I think I’m a pretty good citizen. Oh and there are MILLIONS just like me who pay into a system they will never receive anything from. Wanna tell me again how I should be deported, contribute nothing and only leech off this country while the 1% wealthiest people in this country steal from you everyday? How about you show me yours Donald J. Trump? #HereToStay.

Her post quickly went viral getting over 6,500 shares.

Sisa is an Obama “DREAMER” and is still protected by the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program created by Obama.
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Illegal Alien Causes Firestorm After Bragging About Filing Her Taxes in Social Media Post”

Liberal Virginia Governor Vetoes Bill Allowing Abused Women the Right to Protect Themselves

-By Warner Todd Huston

Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe (D, Clintoista) just vetoed a bill that would have allowed victims of domestic violence and abuse carry a concealed firearm without first going through the normal, time consuming permit process, especially if they have already filed for a protective order. And you thought Democrats for women’s safety, didn’t you?

McAuliffe, a long time Clinton operative, vetoed House Bill 1852 which would have authorized Virginians over the age of 21 and who are not otherwise prohibited to carry a firearm, to carry a concealed firearm for 45 days after an order of protection is filed against a purported abuser. The bill would have covered the waiting period that Virginians generally experience after applying for a concealed carry permit. Meaning that the bill would have allowed a vulnerable person (usually an abused woman) to get her right to carry a concealed handgun right away instead of having to remain unarmed for well over a month leaving her vulnerable to her abuser during that period.

The bill was passed with lopsided margins in both houses of the Virginia legislature. It passed 63-31 in the state’s House of Delegates and 26-14 in the Senate.
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Liberal Virginia Governor Vetoes Bill Allowing Abused Women the Right to Protect Themselves”

Texas Lawmakers Falling for Fake News Predictions of Financial Disaster with New Bathroom Bill

-By Warner Todd Huston

As the Texas legislature debates its own version of North Carolina’s bill to protect vulnerable women and children in public restrooms, some Lone Star lawmakers have fallen for a false report issued by the president of the Texas Association of Business (TAB) who has floated debunked claims predicting dire economic repercussions if the state passes the bill into law.

The state has been debating the merits of Senate Bill 6, also known as the Texas “bathroom bill,” meant to protect the privacy of women and children and maintaining that people must use facilities based only on their birth gender.

The measure is similar to North Carolina’s year-old HB2 which brought attacks from liberals across the country and sparked boycotts by entertainers and sports leagues.

North Carolina was hit with a series of boycotts by entertainers and sports leagues after it passed its own bathroom bill early in 2016. The threat of boycotts is what TAB President Chris Wallace warned about in his debunked report insisting that Texas would loose billions if it were to pass its own bathroom bill. Wallace warned Texas legislators that passing SB 6 would cost the state up to 185,000 jobs and as much as $8.5 billion in lost revenues, according to Breitbart News.

But even the purported “successful” boycotts launched against North Carolina were a dismal failure.
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Texas Lawmakers Falling for Fake News Predictions of Financial Disaster with New Bathroom Bill”

18-Year-Old Illegals Allowed into the 9th Grade Brutally Rape a 14-Year-Old Girl Right in a School Bathroom

-By Warner Todd Huston

Two dangerous and violent Obama “DREAMERs,” one illegals from Guatemala and the other El Salvador, were arrested for brutally raping a 14-year-old girl right in a Maryland high school bathroom last week. The two males are both nearly past high school age but were put into the 9th grade with 14 and 15 year old American children even as they should never have been allowed into government funded schools at all.

The two monsters, Henry E. Sanchez, 18, and Jose O. Montano, 17, were allowed to enter the ninth grade due to their relative ill-educated ignorance. This is typical with the people who streamed into our country during Obama’s reign of terror on this nation. They have no education, often cannot speak English, and usually can’t even write in their own language, much less English.

Yet these lawbreakers come here, and what is the first thing our left-wing lawmakers allow? That’s right, they let them enter school on our dime. It is also very common for these illegal aliens to be put in grades with children several years younger than they. This is because they are so poorly educated that they simply can’t keep up with kids their own age so lawmakers allow 18-year-olds who should by rights not be allowed into high school at all to be put in with kids four and five years younger than they.

So, these two criminals who raped a 14-year-old girl, who were arrested and are being held without bond should never have been allowed into this country in the first place, much less catered to and given the opportunity of a free education courtesy of the taxpayers of the State of Maryland.
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18-Year-Old Illegals Allowed into the 9th Grade Brutally Rape a 14-Year-Old Girl Right in a School Bathroom”

Media Tries and Fails to Re-invent Ferguson Thug Michael Brown as Victim with Meaningless ‘New’ Video

-By Warner Todd Huston

In yet another attempt to turn Ferguson thug Michael Brown into a victim, a new “documentary” filmmaker released a segment of film showing Brown inside the market he was thought to have robbed just before he was shot and killed by a local policeman back in 2014. The filmmaker claimed that is “proved” Brown did not rob the store. But in only a day the whole claim unsurprisingly fell apart.

A segment of film showing 18-year-old Michael Brown in the Ferguson quick-mart was released late last week by documentary film maker Jason Pollock. The filmmaker insisted that the video “proved” that Brown could not have robbed the market on the day he was killed resisting arrest a few blocks away.

The snippet of footage appears in Pollock’s new movie entitled Stranger Fruit. The film appears to be surveillance video from the store that hasn’t been seen in pubic before.
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Media Tries and Fails to Re-invent Ferguson Thug Michael Brown as Victim with Meaningless ‘New’ Video”

Chicago Reveals How Evil the Democrat Party Has Become

-By Warner Todd Huston

Two separate incidents concerning memorial street signs in Chicago encapsulates perfectly how warped, truly immoral, and evil the Democrat Party in the U.S.A. has become.

The City of Chicago is one of the most dangerous cities in America, there is simply no doubt. Last year there were a shocking 4,379 citizens shot and 716 shot and killed — and another 84 murdered by other means — in the city run by former Obama Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel. 2016 was the city’s bloodiest year in 60 years.

If that wasn’t bad enough, 2017 is already shaping up to be worse than last year. In the first two months of the year the city has already seen 512 total shootings with 98 killed plus an additional 5 murdered by other means. But according to the Chicago Sun-Times, February of 2016 ended with 187 shootings and only 43 murders.

Chicago isn’t just dangerous in the city’s worst areas, either. The Windy City’s trains are fraught with violence, there are roving gangs of teens attacking shoppers in the city’s shopping districts, attacks on joggers on the lake front, children being murdered, dismembered, and thrown in a city lagoon — all these incidents occurred outside the so-called “dangerous” areas of the city.
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Chicago Reveals How Evil the Democrat Party Has Become”

Pakistani Computer Techs Now Under Criminal Investigation Hired By Democrats Took $100,000 From Iraqi Operatives

-By Warner Todd Huston

The scandal over a group of computer technicians hired by a long list of Congressional Democrats — including the former head of the Democrat National Committee — is growing deeper by the week. The latest is that the three Pakistani immigrants hired to maintain the Congressmen’s computers were the recipients of a mysterious $100,000 pay off from an Iraqi politician. And through it all the Old Media complex is ignoring the whole story.

Early this month news broke that Congressional Information Technology (IT) staffers Imran Awan, and his brothers, Jamal and Abid — all from Pakistan — had been working for a list of highly placed Democrat Congressmen. The team held top clearance status with administrator level access to the computer network of the House of Representatives.

The three are now the subject of a criminal investigation after it was discovered that congressional information was being copied to a server outside of the House computer system. The three are suspected of improperly accessing information and stealing congressional property.

The brothers were hired by the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence minority members Jackie Speier (D-CA), Andre Carson (D-IN), and Joaquín Castro (D-TX). Castro, who sits on the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, hired Jamal Moiz Awan. Speier and Carson’s offices utilized Imran Awan.

Abid Awan worked for Illinois Democrat Tammy Duckworth even though he has a prior criminal record and a bankruptcy. Abid also worked for Florida Democrat Lois Frankel.
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Pakistani Computer Techs Now Under Criminal Investigation Hired By Democrats Took $100,000 From Iraqi Operatives”

Democrats Demanding that Immigration Officials Stop Deporting Illegals Convicted of Violent Crimes

-By Warner Todd Huston

Democrats are so in the tank for open borders and the importation of illegal aliens that they are even working themselves into a froth to protest the deportation of illegals convicted of violent crimes against Americans.

Left-wingers are furious this week over the recent increase in deportations initiated by the newly ensconced Donald J. Trump administration. They were mollified somewhat over the last four years by Obama’s increasingly lower number of deported illegal aliens, but now that Trump is in charge, more attention is being brought (properly so) to the job of deportation being ignored by the Immigration department through most of Obama’s 8-year reign of terror on the nation.

First some numbers. While it is difficult to get hard and fast numbers a CNN report from 2015 said there are nearly 75,000 people in U.S. prisons who are not legal citizens. Also at that time authorities had issued detainer requests for over a million illegals (these are requests issued to hold an illegal for deportation). And during Obama’s reign from 2010 to 2014 at least 121 illegals were released from immigration only to end up arrested for murdering a U.S. citizen. Ten years ago, another report found that 12 Americans are murdered by an illegal alien every day.

As you can see from these numbers, it would seem Americans are in far more danger from illegal aliens than from Muslim terrorists.
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Democrats Demanding that Immigration Officials Stop Deporting Illegals Convicted of Violent Crimes”

The Hysteria Over Trumps Nonexistent ‘Muslim Ban’ Grows by the Minute

-By Warner Todd Huston

The left and their minions in the media are losing their collective mind over President Donald J. Trump’s temporary halt to immigration from a list of terror-sponsoring nations and it appears that they are trying to bully him into withdrawing his order. Thus far they are not winning… and that’s a good thing, too.

First of all, the 90-day moratorium on immigration from these troubled nations is not a “Muslim ban” nor is it something that Trump just dreamed up out of nowhere. After all, Trump merely strengthened an Obama policy with this whole deal.

The order specifically maintains that “The United States cannot, and should not, admit those who would place violent ideologies over American law,” and goes on to list the several nations Obama already flagged several years ago. That’s right, the list of nations, Libya, Yemen, Somalia, Iran, Syria, Iraq and Sudan, were already signaled out by Obama in 2015. Obama called them countries of concern.

As an aside, speaking of other presidents, the left’s favorite anti-American ex-president, Jimmy Carter, also banned certain Muslim immigrants when in 1980 he banned Iranians from entering the U.S.A. after Iran’s Islamic revolution and the Hostage Crisis.

So, before we even get into this topic, you must understand that this is not that “new” nor is it a “Muslim ban,” and the liberals making these claims are simply lying.
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The Hysteria Over Trumps Nonexistent ‘Muslim Ban’ Grows by the Minute”

The Chicago Hate Crime Liberals Deny As Black Teens Torture a White Kid for Days

-By Warner Todd Huston

On January 4 a white teenager with special needs was found wandering aimlessly in a black Chicago neighborhood and when police found him he had a frightening tale of race-based torture to tell. But before he was rescued Facebook users were treated to videos of four black kids hooting and laughing as they beat the teen bloody while yelling “F white people” and “F Trump.” Unsurprisingly, because it is a white person being tortured, liberals from coast to coast are insisting this isn’t a racist hate crime.

The mentally undeveloped boy was kidnapped from his suburban home up to 72 hours before he was finally found by the Chicago police. He was driven into the city, bound with duct tape, repeatedly beaten bloody, forced to drink from a toilet, treated to racial-tinged taunting, and made to say things he didn’t want to say as these animals — one of whom was supposed to be his friend — hooted like monsters and recorded it all on cell phone video.

Despite the clear intentions of these black attackers, despite their own voices being heard yelling racial epithets, the left is now united in waving off this horrid crime as just another day in a dangerous and violent Chicago. Indeed, even the Chicago Police Department shockingly called the three-day session of beatings and torture of the white 18-year-old just “an act of stupidity,” and not really a hate crime.

While it isn’t surprising that the racist left is refusing to call this attack a hate crime, the more shocking and immoral treatment of the case was by the very police agency that this boy and his worried family will have to rely on to investigate this outrage. Then, the very evening the boy was rescued by officers, Chicago’s top brass blithely waved this crime off as a mere act of “stupidity.”
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The Chicago Hate Crime Liberals Deny As Black Teens Torture a White Kid for Days”

The Top 30 Fake Hate Crimes Busted Since Election Day

-By Warner Todd Huston

Since November 9, the day Donald J. Trump became the President-Elect of the United States, the media has erupted in reports of “hate crimes” against a large swath of liberal focus groups, especially Muslims. However, despite early reports, it also turns out that nearly every single one of those reports turned out to be a hoax. So, here are the top thirty fake hate crimes since Election Day.

But before we get to the list, though, at least one American Muslim has spoken up to tell his fellow Americans to stop it with the fake hate crimes. Siraj Hashmi took to the pages of Red Alert Politics to tell his fellows to just cut it out.

Hashmi warned the fakers that they are only hurting themselves along with anyone who might suffer a real hate crime by turning all so-called hate crimes into mere cries of wolf in the eyes of the American peole. Hashmi said, “please don’t make up a hate crime, especially when these incidents are so politically charged. Faking a hate crime questions the credibility of anyone and everyone who suffers from real hate crimes.”

It is sound advice, indeed. But the only flaw in Hashmi’s point is that, thus far at least, it seems as if the only “hate crimes” we are seeing ARE the fake ones!

Anyway, starting on the day after the November 9 announcement that Donald Trump was to become our 45th U.S. president, here are the top 30 fake hate crimes:
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The Top 30 Fake Hate Crimes Busted Since Election Day”