Another Blatant Case: This is How Liberals Lie About This Immigration Debate

-By Warner Todd Huston

On Thursday another story about detained immigrant minors broke, this time about a group alleging that they were abused while being held. But the way the story was reported was a perfect example of how the media lies about this immigration debate because while the leftist media has blamed Trump for it, they neglected to mention the incident happened during the Obama years.

The liberal media has continued its hourly assault on President Donald Trump with its constant stream of lies about America’s immigration policy. But Thursday also saw this new wrinkle in the news of the day. It appears that a few illegal aliens filed a lawsuit alleging that they were abused when they were in detention as minors.

The story came from the Associated Press and some of the allegations are shocking:

Multiple detainees say the guards stripped them of their clothes and strapped them to chairs with bags placed over their heads.

“Whenever they used to restrain me and put me in the chair, they would handcuff me,” said a Honduran immigrant who was sent to the facility when he was 15 years old. “Strapped me down all the way, from your feet all the way to your chest, you couldn’t really move. … They have total control over you. They also put a bag over your head. It has little holes; you can see through it. But you feel suffocated with the bag on.”

In addition to the children’s first-hand, translated accounts in court filings, a former child-development specialist who worked inside the facility independently told The Associated Press this week that she saw kids there with bruises and broken bones they blamed on guards. She spoke on condition of anonymity because she was not authorized to publicly discuss the children’s cases.

According to the AP, these illegal alien kids had been sent to the facilities in question because authorities suspected them of being members of the criminal gang MS-13.
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Another Blatant Case: This is How Liberals Lie About This Immigration Debate”

Trump Is Already Controlling The Story on Jobs, The Economy and His Opponents are Furious

-By Warner Todd Huston

In only a week President-Elect Donald Trump has taken complete control of the media, especially with his two big jobs deals, and his detractors — both left and right — are furious over all of it.

As November ended, President-Elect Trump announced that he had brokered a deal with the Carrier air conditioning manufacturing company to keep about 1,000 jobs in Indiana, jobs that the company had announced were to be moved to Mexico. Trump decided to make an effort to put a monkey wrench in those plans.

Trump’s focus on Carrier is not sudden. On the campaign trail Donald J. Trump often targeted Carrier for its February announcement that it was closing its Indiana-based manufacturing lines and moving several thousand jobs to a new plant in Mexico leaving thousands of Indiana residents without a livelihood.

So, Carrier became one of Trump’s first targets before he even took the oath of office. The President-Elect announced the deal to much coverage in the media and while there were many naysayers, in the days following his announcement polls have shown that Trump’s deal is wildly popular with the American people.

A new poll sponsored by Trump-hating Politico finds that the President-Elect’s Carrier deal is a big deal as far as voters are concerned. Fully 60 percent of combined voters in the poll said that the Carrier deal caused them to view Trump more favorably.
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Trump Is Already Controlling The Story on Jobs, The Economy and His Opponents are Furious”

In Murder City U.S.A., Chicago’s Mayor Says Illegals are ‘Safe’ in His ‘Sanctuary City’

-By Warner Todd Huston

This November the city of Chicago racked up its 700th murder with well over 600 of them killed by gunfire. And yet, Chicago’s Mayor, former Obama chief of staff Rahm Emanuel, held a big press conference to insist that his city will remain a law-breaking “sanctuary city” and that illegals will be “safe” there.

Chicago is infamous as the city in the U.S. least friendly to the Constitution and its citizens’ Second Amendment rights. But despite the strict, anti-gun rules sponsored by the city council and backed by the state legislature, between January one and November 14 there have been 3,871 shootings. Of that number nearly 700 were shot and killed.

In August of this year the city suffered its deadliest month in 20 years with 472 shootings in just that one month alone. That number included 90 fatalities.

The number of shootings equates to a shocking 12 victims every day thus far this year.

But even as the bloodshed continues in the Windy City, quite despite the mayor’s efforts to quash the rights of average, everyday citizens, Mayor Emanuel put on his best far left, PC veneer in order to pander to the illegal alien community and proclaim his city “safe” for law-breaking illegals.
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In Murder City U.S.A., Chicago’s Mayor Says Illegals are ‘Safe’ in His ‘Sanctuary City’”

As Election Day Nears, Obama Works Overtime to Bring in As Many Illegals as He Can

-By Warner Todd Huston

In the first few years of his presidency Barack Obama deported millions of illegals. But as his second term approached, the president soon reversed that policy and not only began to release the ones already taken into custody, but launched several programs to bring in as many illegals — both Hispanic and Muslim — as he could. And now he is welcoming in hundreds of thousands as the 2016 election nears.

When Barack Obama took office, his first two years saw a cascading number of illegal alien activists complaining that he was deporting too many illegals. In fact, in 2012 surrogates for Mitt Romney was airing TV ads claiming that Obama had deported more illegals than any other president. This was an effort to get the illegal alien advocates mad enough at him not to vote for his reelection.

While this claim wasn’t exactly true it does reflect the fact that in the first few years of his first term he was deporting a lot of illegals.

This policy, though, was soon reversed, perhaps in response to outrage from activists for illegals and their partners in the U.S. Hispanic community.

By 2013 Obama was making major changes in policy, seriously reversing his deportations. Year after year he began to lower the number of deportations and by 2015 Obama put into place new rules for his immigration services that would give 87 percent of the illegal population a degree of protection from deportation. That is an increase from the 74 percent who were given such “protection” with Obama’s earlier policy changes.

The president also informed DHS, border police, and his other immigration departments to pick up fewer illegals. Earlier this year, the small number of illegals rounded up in the January sweeps amounted to less than one in 1,000 of the total number of parents and children who surged across the border, starting in 2014. And even of these gathered up, few were set for deportation.
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As Election Day Nears, Obama Works Overtime to Bring in As Many Illegals as He Can”

(In Memoriam of Phyllis Schlafly) Schlafly On the GOP Establishment, Karl Rove, Mitt Romney and Other ‘Losers’

-By Warner Todd Huston

Today the redoubtable Phyllis Schlafly passed away at the age of 92 years young. Schlafly was a major voice for the conservative cause and will be dearly missed.

In her honor, I am reposting my last meeting with her….

This year at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), I was fortunate enough to get some time to interview one of the most redoubtable conservative activists in the nation, Phyllis Schlafly. In this eighteen minute video you will encounter a woman that is extremely vital and at 89-years-of-age still sharp as a tack.

As is her wont, Schlafly eschewed kid gloves with her frank discussion of the GOP establishment and how those effete, east coast, country clubbers are at war with the conservative, Midwestern grassroots.

Take Schlafly’s description of “the establishment,” for instance:
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(In Memoriam of Phyllis Schlafly) Schlafly On the GOP Establishment, Karl Rove, Mitt Romney and Other ‘Losers’”

Study: Immigrants Use 41% More in Welfare Benefits Than U.S. Born Recipients

-By Warner Todd Huston

A new study on the use of welfare benefits by illegal and legal immigrants in the U.S. finds that households headed by immigrants use an average of $6,200 in benefits annually, fully 41 percent higher than the rate used by native born welfare recipients.

This study comes on the heels of another study finding that 51 percent of immigrant households are signed up for at least one welfare program.

“Immigrants are such heavy users of welfare not because they don’t work, but because, on average, they have little education and thus earn low wages,” said Mark Krikorian, executive director of the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS). “If we continue to permit large numbers of less-educated people to move here from abroad, we have to accept that there will be huge and ongoing costs to taxpayers.”

The study, based on the Census Bureau’s 2012 Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP), notes that the higher use of welfare benefits because by and large the current wave of immigrants are less educated and have fewer needed job skills and are therefore more apt to apply for welfare benefits.
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Study: Immigrants Use 41% More in Welfare Benefits Than U.S. Born Recipients”

Illegal Alien Arrested for Serial Murder Spree

-By Warner Todd Huston

Another one of Obama’s “DREAMERS” has been nabbed after a state-wide manhunt. This week the Missouri State Patrol arrested an illegal migrant who was suspected of going on a murder spree after being “accidentally” released by federal immigration officials.

Police apprehended Pablo Antonio Serrano-Vitorino around midnight on Wednesday as he fled authorities in central Missouri nearly 175 miles away from the scene of the murder of four people in Kansas City.

Witnesses told Kansas City police that Serrano-Vitorino, a Mexican national, was seen running from the scene of the crime carrying an AK-47 rifle.

Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials (ICE) said Serrano-Vitorino had already been deported from the U.S. 12 years ago but had illegally re-entered the U.S. sometime before his fingerprints were flagged in the system last September when police in Overland Park, Kansas arrested him for a traffic violation.

ICE officials, though, apologized saying they “regret the error” for sending a retainer order to the wrong police agency resulting in Serrano-Vitorino’s release back into the public.

From there, police say that Serrano-Vitorino eventually killed four men in a home in Kansas City. During the manhunt, Missouri police came across a fifth victim shot as Serrano-Vitorino attempted to evade police. This fifth murder is also being attributed to the suspect.

Serrano-Vitorino was taken into custody as he tried to hide in a ditch after abandoning his vehicle.

Police have not yet determined a motive for Serrano-Vitorino’s murder spree but the investigation continues.
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Illegal Alien Arrested for Serial Murder Spree”

Here is How Democrats Are Using Immigrants to Destroy This Country

-By Warner Todd Huston

It is a well worn adage that America is “made up of immigrants.” But the “making” occurred in an era when people moved to the United States in order to become Americans. Democrats, though, have taken that original intent and upended it to create a means to destroy the country instead of growing it. And there is no better example of this than the words of a Mexican immigrant who was asked to remark on the candidacy of Marco Rubio.

Before we get to this immigrant’s statements about the young Florida Senator vying for the GOP nomination for president, we must address this “made up of immigrants” claim. In truth we are not made up of “immigrants,” but of citizens.

Immigrants don’t “make” a country. Citizens do. Yes, immigrants coming here are important to our republic, but immigrants become a nation’s citizens and it is its citizens that make a country work.

Since immigrants become most useful to the country when they do, indeed, become citizens, it is so disheartening to read the statements of Las Vegas resident Maria Herrera, the rather un-American “citizen” interviewed by The Washington Post on January 10.

This woman was asked by the Post what she thinks about Florida Senator Marco Rubio, a man whose family originally hailed from Cuba.
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Here is How Democrats Are Using Immigrants to Destroy This Country”

This Anti-American Pope Strikes Again, Slamming America Over Immigration

-By Warner Todd Huston

The red Pope is at it again. This time, in order to scold the U.S.A. over its already too generous immigration policies, Francis is purposefully giving a Mass in Spanish despite that less than 15 percent of the United States even speaks the language. On top of that, he went out of his way to praise an activist nun who has decided to specialize in giving aid to illegals in the U.S.

This pope has the temerity to attack the U.S.A. over immigration despite the fact that this country has allowed more people to come here than any other nation of earth. And today he praised an activist nun in an act the media is pretending was spontaneous!

During a broadcast hosted by ABC News, Pope Francis went out of his way to praise Sister Norma Pimentel, an activist nun from Texas who is making a name for herself working on behalf of people who break our laws.

During a “townhall” styled meeting the pope singled the nun out before the crowd.
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This Anti-American Pope Strikes Again, Slamming America Over Immigration”

Spanish Language Media Calling Donald Trump ‘Hitler’

-By Warner Todd Huston

As the Trump campaign rolls onward, Spanish language media in the U.S. are turning increasingly hostile with the real estate mogul being called everything from Hitler to a monkey.

Tempers flared at a recent Trump press conference when activist Univision TV personality Jorge Ramos leapt to his feet to interrupt the questions from other reporters and threw out a series of rapid fire statements and but no questions.

Trump had Ramos removed for the disruption, but then relented letting the activist TV star to engage him in a debate on some of the candidate’s immigration ideas.

Ramos has admitted that he isn’t really covering Trump as a reporter because Trump’s comments are “personal” to him.
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Spanish Language Media Calling Donald Trump ‘Hitler’”

We Should End Birthright Citizenship Whether Trump Wins Election or Not

-By Warner Todd Huston

One of the key aspects of the new immigration policy that Donald Trump proposed this weekend was to end birthright citizenship, the one rule that has served to create the “anchor baby” phenomenon drawing pregnant mothers to the U.S. from every corner of the world. This would be the right move for any president to make and it would be in keeping with the original intent of the Constitution and its requisite amendments.

Donald Trump came out with his plan to fix immigration on Sunday written with the aid of Alabama Senator Jeff Sessions. Along with appearances on the Sunday political talk show, Trump issued a new policy paper to codify his plan. If elected he says he would work to streamline the immigration process, triple the number of Immigration and Customs officers, require companies to hire only American citizens or legal immigrants by implementing the e-verify program, and he would end birthright citizenship.

Of the latter, Trump said that birthright citizenship (BC) “remains the biggest magnet for illegal immigration.”

Millions of immigrant women, pregnant or not, come here in order to have their child born on U.S. soil so that they can then claim citizenship for the child. This action has the benefit of giving cover for family members of that sudden “new citizen” to stay in the U.S. and to give those family members free benefits courtesy of the U.S. taxpayer.

Americans rally against “birth tourism.”

Unfortunately, what we have now is a situation where the law considers someone a “natural born citizen” based solely on the physical location of their birth. If a child is born anywhere inside U.S. territory, that child is an automatic citizen. This might seem logical, but is actually a perversion of the ideas of the 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. It has also become a loophole by which millions of greedy foreigners have grabbed hold of U.S. benefits they do not deserve.

Birthright citizenship should absolutely be eliminated regardless of who becomes president.
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We Should End Birthright Citizenship Whether Trump Wins Election or Not”

Donald Trump is Jeb Bush’s Fault (Along with the REST Of the GOP Establishment)

-By Warner Todd Huston

Let’s face it, Donald Trump has tapped into a very serious concern that most Americans have and that is illegal immigration. But the fact that he’s become a rising star in this GOP primary race at this time isn’t because he’s so great. It’s because the GOP is so damn bad on the issue. For Trump’s current success, the whole thing is Jeb Bush, John Boehner, and Mitch McConnell’s fault.

First off, let’s be frank. Donald Trump is not a conservative. He is a recent supporter of single payer healthcare, has claimed in the past that he supports blanket amnesty, and has been all over the map on such important topics as guns and abortion. So, please let’s stop pretending he is a conservative. He absolutely has no such track record.

But his denunciation of Obama’s failed–in fact dangerous–immigration policy is exactly what angers and frightens GOP voters along with a fair portion of Democrats.

Likely without doing the requisite research for statistics to prove the matter, Trump innately understands that what we have going on in immigration is a dangerous and wrong headed policy, one that seems to have a twin purpose: to destroy this country and to set up a permanent Democrat majority through creating automatic Democrat voters after a presidential amnesty.

Trump has been absolutely fearless in speaking out against this dangerous policy that is turning America into a third world nation. He has taken the fight straight to Obama on numerous occasions and that is exactly what Republican voters want to see.
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Donald Trump is Jeb Bush’s Fault (Along with the REST Of the GOP Establishment)”

Another Obama ‘Dreamer’ Commits Murder

-By Warner Todd Huston

Obama has done his best to fill up our nation with criminal illegals, certainly. But he has also been doing his best to make sure those illegals are also criminals of the more conventional–and dangerous–kind. Obama has been protecting rapists, thieves, drunk drivers and murderers with his amnesty plans. And now, another one of his murderous illegals has killed more Americans.

This time one of Obama’s “Dreamers” has murdered four Americans, citizens who are now dead because Obama wants to flood the country with illegals so that he can get more Democrat voters signed up.
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Another Obama ‘Dreamer’ Commits Murder”

Obama’s Wave of Illegals Also Bring a Wave of Violent and Petty Crimes

-By Warner Todd Huston

When Obama threw open the southern border and advertised is South and Central American countries to tell foreigners that anyone who came to the US illegally would be given amnesty, he also threw open our back door to a wave of your conventional criminals such as rapists, murderers, thieves, and drug dealers.

That is exactly what has happened, too. According to new reports crime by illegals has exploded all across the country (as especially in the south west). A list compiled by the federal government reveals criminal convictions that were won against 1,000 of the 36,007 foreign criminals who were released out into our country by officials in 2013.

“The 1,000 criminals’ convictions,” The Daily Caller wrote, “included 196 drunk-driving charges and 57 other driving offenses, 88 theft, 69 burglary and 24 larceny charges, 26 assault charges and 35 charges of battery, 178 drug charges, two rape charges and at least four auto thefts.”
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Obama’s Wave of Illegals Also Bring a Wave of Violent and Petty Crimes”

Illegals Don’t Want to be Americans, So Keep Them Out

-By Warner Todd Huston

One of the things that the far left always says to excuse lawbreaking illegal immigrants is that they just want to be “like Americans” and attain the American dream just like immigrants to the US always have. This, however, is a lie. Many immigrants no longer have any desire to become Americans and just want our money so they can send it back home.

The old American dream was the promise that a “foreigner” could immigrant to the US, become a citizen, get a job, save their money, and make a life for them and more especially for their children.

For many of these people it was a special mark of pride to learn English and then learn enough about American history and its system of government to pass the citizenship test in order to become an official naturalized American.

This is what Democrats are invoking when they try to excuse lawbreaking illegals today. They claim that immigrants today are exactly the same as those of all our yesteryears.

But even the former president of Mexico is here to disabuse Democrats of this lie.
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Illegals Don’t Want to be Americans, So Keep Them Out”

Obamacare Voters & Gang of Eight Immigration Senators Saw Big Losses on Tuesday

-By Warner Todd Huston

If you are a US Senator that supported Obamacare and/or one who supported the vaunted “Gang of Eight” senators who were seeking immigration compromise you are preparing for a long retirement back home in most cases because voters threw you out on your ear.

All these Democrats have been sacrificed on the altar of Obama.

First of all, you’ll recall that back in 2013 a group of eight US Senators got together supposedly to buck the gridlock and come to a compromise on immigration. The media loved these guys and hailed them as all that is good about Washington.
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Obamacare Voters & Gang of Eight Immigration Senators Saw Big Losses on Tuesday”

Obamacare Funds Being Used to Push Amnesty for Illegals

-By Warner Todd Huston

Obamacare was supposed to be about getting healthcare for those Americans–I emphasize, Americans–who fell through the system and were un-insured. But, like all government programs, it has failed to do what it set out to do. Worse, now we find healthcare dollars being used to push amnesty for illegals.

Rep. Lamar Smith (R-TX) recently demanded to know why Obamacare money is going to a campaign to push amnesty. Smith wrote a letter to House Appropriations Chair Harold Rogers (R-KY) and demanded that the program be defunded.

Smith points to a $15 million grant hidden in Obamacare’s Prevention and Public Health Fund given to the California Endowment, a purported healthcare agency in the Golden State.
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Obamacare Funds Being Used to Push Amnesty for Illegals”

Obama Sent Illegals All Across The County, Forcing States to Pay for Schooling

-By Warner Todd Huston

President Obama secretly sent tens of thousands of illegals all across the country and into every state without bothering to inform governors that he was doing it and now the states are stuck footing the bill for healthcare and education.

On September 29, the AP reported that “Unaccompanied minors… have moved to communities of all sizes, in nearly every state.”
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Obama Sent Illegals All Across The County, Forcing States to Pay for Schooling”

Calif. Court Makes Wearing American Flag to School a Crime

-By Warner Todd Huston

Witness the end of the USA: An appeals court in California has now let stand a lower court’s ruling that white kids aren’t allowed to wear t-shirts with the American flag on them to school when illegals are celebrating the faux Mexican holiday of Cinco de Mayo.

That’s right, natural born American citizens are now considered criminals by the US court system should they dare to wear Old Glory on a t-shirt when law breakers are celebrating a holiday that isn’t even a holiday in the backwards country of their birth.

Lawbreakers, criminals from other countries, people who are here to steal our benefits, our jobs, and our property are given more rights than natural born citizens.
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Calif. Court Makes Wearing American Flag to School a Crime”

Obama Admin FINALLY Has A Major Border Security Plan… But For Nigeria?

-By Warner Todd Huston

As millions of illegal aliens stream across our southern border bringing poverty, disease, and the destruction of our country, President Obama has finally decided to launch a program to lock down a border… but it isn’t ours. His billion-dollar plan is to help the Nigerians shut down their borders.

After all this time of Americans pleading for the government to lock our border down, apparently Obama suddenly thinks that border security is important, only not for us and in this case to stop terrorism.

Last Thursday the State Department announced that it is launching a border security plan in cooperation with officials from Nigeria and several other nearby African nations such as Cameroon.
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Obama Admin FINALLY Has A Major Border Security Plan… But For Nigeria?”

Thanks Democrats: Future US Workforce to be LESS Literate

-By Warner Todd Huston

In conjunction with allowing the poorest, least educated foreigners to flood into this country by the millions, our failed education system is creating a permanent underclass that every year is giving the USA a less educated work force. Add to that a culture in at least one segment of our society that devalues education in the first place and we have a recipe for the downfall of our country.

Dave Frum, the purported “conservative” columnist at The Atlantic brought up a report from 2007 that I had not seen before, a survey that is quite alarming for the health of this country.

As Frum put it:
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Thanks Democrats: Future US Workforce to be LESS Literate”

Illegal Immigrant Who Killed 2 Girls Released, Protected by Obama’s DREAM-Styled Act

-Warner Todd Huston

One of Barack Obama’s illegal aliens upon whom one of his illegal alien protection acts was bestowed has been found guilty of killing two little girls in a car accident but has been released from jail because she is protected by Obama.

Mexican citizen Cinthya Garcia-Cisneros, who came into the US illegally, was shielded from deportation by Obama’s illegal alien protection act after she hit and killed two little Oregon children in October.
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Illegal Immigrant Who Killed 2 Girls Released, Protected by Obama’s DREAM-Styled Act”

Pelosi Breaks Decorum, Chases Republican Around House Chamber

-By Warner Todd Huston

After Congressman Tom Marino (R, PA) made the assertion that the Democrats did nothing about the immigration mess when they controlled both houses of Congress, former Speaker Nancy Pelosi broke House decorum by running after the Pennsylvanian to berate him for his address.

Marino appeared on the floor on Friday, August 1, to voice his support for the passage of the Republican effort to deal with this immigration crisis and noted that Democrats are full of complaining, but are culpable, at least in part, for the situation getting as bad as it has gotten.

“We don’t have law and order,” Marino said of the border crisis. “My colleagues on the other side don’t want to do anything about it.”
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Pelosi Breaks Decorum, Chases Republican Around House Chamber”

In ‘Frontera,’ Once Again Hollywood Makes Criminal Illegal a Hero and White Americans the Devil

-By Warner Todd Huston

Isn’t this just like Hollywood. At a time when tens of thousands of illegals, some of whom are gang members, some criminals, and all who are breaking our laws by crashing across our southern border like a tidal wave, Hollywood gives us the tale of an innocent illegal who is framed for murder by minute-men type white men trying to shoot Mexicans down in the desert with sniper rifles because, why, they hate them, of course. Yes, Hollywood gives us a movie where the Mexicans are being put upon and white Americans are the evil bad guys.

Welcome to the theme for the new Ed Harris vehicle, “Frontera.”

Once again Hollywood makes white America the criminal, presents our border security as a crime against humanity, mocks our laws and our sovereignty, and sides with criminal aliens against the rest of us.

We should also point out that in real life these Mexican lawbreakers are not being shot down by white people in the deserts, so the whole premise of this piece of… celluloid… is built on a lie.

Please, America, avoid this movie like the plague. We can’t reward Hollywood for this anti-American crap.
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In ‘Frontera,’ Once Again Hollywood Makes Criminal Illegal a Hero and White Americans the Devil”

Border Patrol Attacking Americans, Letting Illegals Go

-By Warner Todd Huston

Obama lining up Mexican gangbangers to become US “citizens”

Fox Business Network’s John Stossel released a very disturbing report on the abuses of Americans at the hands of Border Patrol agents who are stopping cars 100 miles inland from our borders all across the nation–not just in the southwest. They are breaking into cars, tazing Americans, detaining them, and then releasing them with no charges after this violent encounter. Meanwhile they are letting Illegals run across the border free as you please !

Stossel found that the U.S. border Patrol is allowed to set up roadblock for 100 miles inland from the outer border of our entire country. But, as it happens, the largest portion of the country’s population lives within 100 miles from a border.
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Border Patrol Attacking Americans, Letting Illegals Go”

Worst American Governor Pat Quinn Urges Obama to Bring all Illegals to Illinois

-By Warner Todd Huston

Illinois Governor Pat Quinn has a great idea. He wants Obama to bring all the illegals to Illinois! In a state that sits at the bottom of every metric that makes a successful state–rampant unemployment, lowest job creation, highest debt, biggest pension crisis, worst business climate–Pat Quinn wants to import thousands of people who have no jobs and no prospects for one, people with no education, and people possibly full of diseases right here to the Land of Lincoln.

On Friday evening after the news day was done, Quinn announced that he is prepared to give as many illegals as Obama can spare a place to stay in Illinois.

During the announcement, Quinn spokesman Grant Klintzman said, “If a location is needed we are prepared to aid the federal government in finding a suitable one.”
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Worst American Governor Pat Quinn Urges Obama to Bring all Illegals to Illinois”

Just Who is Paying the $10K Coyote Fees for Illegals to Get Here?

-By Warner Todd Huston

A recent interview with the human traffickers known as “coyotes” reveals that they charge from between $5,000 to $10,000 US per individual to be guided from Central America to our border only leave the illegal immigrants to their own devices to stream across the border to take advantage of Obama’s amnesty policies. But, are we expected to believe that the dirt poor–and often pre-teen children–are paying these fees? And if they aren’t, who is?

The interview initially published in Spanish by the Associated Press reports that the coyotes use some of the money to bribe various government officials along the way as well as to payoff members of the vicious drug cartels to allow passage. But the report also notes that most of the price tag is profit. (Here is the same article in English)
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Just Who is Paying the $10K Coyote Fees for Illegals to Get Here?”

Obama Administration Apologizing for ‘Miscues’ Over Immigrant Kids

-By Warner Todd Huston

At a town hall-styled meeting held at St Paul’s College in Lawrenceville, Virginia, members of the Obama administration were forced to apologize for not informing local residents that they intended to warehouse hundreds of illegal immigrants in the community.

Officials at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services had made plans to ship hundreds of illegal immigrants to the small farming community from facilities overflowing with illegal aliens in the south and southwest. But officials made no effort to discuss the issue with local residents ahead of time.

The town hall was called when residents found out about the government’s plans.
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Obama Administration Apologizing for ‘Miscues’ Over Immigrant Kids”

MSNBC’s Racist Cinco de Mayo: White Guy Pretends to Get Drunk on Tequila While Wearing Sombrero

-By Warner Todd Huston

Now, imagine if Fox News had “celebrated” Cinco de Mayo by having a white guy wearing a dime store, straw sombrero and wandering across the screen pretending he’s drunk on tequila. The media wagging tongues would have made it into the worst example of racism since… well, last week’s Sterling incident.

MSNBC’s Racist Cinco de Mayo Celebration

But that it happened on MSNBC, no one will likely throw the race card at the extremist, left-wing cable network.

Still, that is what happened on MSNBC when network’s morning show, Way too Early, made the switch to its low-rated Morning Joe.

As Way too Early was coming to a close on May 5, a show producer named Louis Burgdorf–obviously a white guy–paraded across the screen in front of the host’s station wearing a cheap Mexican sombrero and pretending to be drinking tequila.

The banner across the bottom of the screen proclaimed “Mexican Heritage Celebration.”

So, a sombrero-wearing white guy pretending at being drunk was the way MSNBC decided to “celebrate” Cinco de Mayo? And no one wants to scream “rraaaaaacism” at that?
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MSNBC’s Racist Cinco de Mayo: White Guy Pretends to Get Drunk on Tequila While Wearing Sombrero”

Left-Wingers Push Immigration Reform to Create Permanent Voting Block & ‘Boost Black Power’

-By Warner Todd Huston

Many in the media and the left claim that it is absurd when people say that the only reason Democrats care about amnesty is so that they can get millions of instant Democrat voters, but not every leftist tries to hide behind that lie. Some leftists, Like ACORN’s Bertha Lewis, are telling the truth.

Lewis spoke to last week’s Congressional Black Caucus conference and noted that immigration reform should be used to “boost black power.”

Lewis, the former head of the criminal group ACORN, told her audience that all the new minorities that will be sudden citizens with amnesty will become a new, permanent governing majority that she and the black power structure can control.
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Left-Wingers Push Immigration Reform to Create Permanent Voting Block & ‘Boost Black Power’”