Trump Continues to Deliver Blows to Greedy Government Unions

-By Warner Todd Huston

Some of the best “popcorn” moments in Washington have largely flown under the radar as not many have noticed the repeated body blows that President Donald Trump has Delivered to the greedy, un-American government unions and this week he did it again.

I say “popcorn moment” because Trump’s repeated attacks on the unions makes you want to break out the popcorn to watch the Democrats get angrier and angrier as Trump undermines their source of union money income.

I guess there is just so much going on that the media hasn’t spent much time on the story, but Trump’s work to force the collapse of the rapacious government unions has been epic and unprecedented. No other president has hurt the unions so badly.

The latest is the Trump administration’s effort to cancel the free office space that Barack Obama gave to the unions. You see, during the fetid Obama regime, government union officials were allowed to set up shop in government buildings without paying a red cent in rent.

So, what we had were thousands of union goons given free office space in buildings the U.S. taxpayers are funding.When Trump came to office, he apparently wondered why union officials were allowed to use tax-funded office space free of charge?

Well, it IS a good question, after all.
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Trump Continues to Deliver Blows to Greedy Government Unions”

OUTRAGE: Teachers Union Caught Using Tax Dollars to Fund Tax Hike Campaign

-By Warner Todd Huston

This is one of my preeminent examples of why there should never, ever be such a thing as a union for a government employee–ANY government employee. A teachers union in Colorado has been caught red handed using tax money to fund a campaign to urge lawmakers to raise taxes.

This is the single best reason to be rid of government employee unions. The fact is, they are entirely un-democratic and blatantly un-American.

The story comes to us form ColoradoPeakPolitics, but it is a tale that could just as easily come from New York, Illinois, or any other state bedeviled with grasping, anti-American public employee unions.

Here is now the website explains what the teachers union is doing in the Jeffco public school system in Jefferson County, CO.
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OUTRAGE: Teachers Union Caught Using Tax Dollars to Fund Tax Hike Campaign”

School Choice Finally on the Agenda in Illinois

-By Warner Todd Huston

The move for school choice is not only growing in Illinois in general but in Chicago in particular as politicians and parents both see the downward spiral of the public education system picking up speed.

With the costs of public education soaring but neither the rates of graduation nor proficiency growing accordingly, parents are desperate to find a way for their children to gain a better education.

The state is pumping millions upon millions into the bottomless pit of education and taxes are edging higher every year to support the spending habit. As an example, Illinois school district U46 (west of Chicago in the Elgin area) has $600 million in bond debt and this is just one of the nearly 700 school districts in Illinois.

So, as the system founders, many experiments have blossomed. We all know that charter schools have grown rapidly in the Chicago area, but there are other schools such as Leo Catholic High School in Chicago’s Auburn Gresham neighborhood that are serving as perfect examples of school choice. Leo is a prime example of a private high school that is a wildly successful example of education at its finest.

The school is not fully supported financially by the city’s Catholic system but has since 1926 served students as an independent high school operating in what is now one of the city’s most depressed neighborhoods. The school started back when Auburn Gresham was a heavily Irish-Catholic part of the city but now serves an entirely African American student body. (Edit to note: The Archdiocese of Chicago does support Leo and has provided over $2M in direct, financial operating support for the school between 2009 and 2015, but doesn’t pay all the school’s expenses as it does the schools it has direct control over.)

The school has been such a success that for the last six years 100% of its students have been accepted into a college or university and 96 percent have gone on to pursue higher education.
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School Choice Finally on the Agenda in Illinois”

City Being Forced to ‘Negotiate’ With Union Despite That No Employees Belong

-By Warner Todd Huston

Here we have yet another example of why unions should never, ever be allowed for government workers. A union that claims to represent police officers in Moriarty, New Mexico, is attempting to force the city to negotiate raises for officers quite despite the fact that the union doesn’t count a single member of the force as a member.

You read that right. A union with no members is claiming that it has the power to force a city to give police officers raises courtesy of the taxpayer.

Back in 2010 the city’s officers did vote to invite a union to represent them but when all was said and done only two officers joined the union. The majority refused. And since 2010 the two officers that did belong to the union have since left the force leaving the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) without even a single member on the force.

Yet, AFSCME is insisting that they have the right to negotiate raises despite not having a single member for which to negotiate.
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City Being Forced to ‘Negotiate’ With Union Despite That No Employees Belong”

Government Workers Should NEVER Be Allowed a Union

-By Warner Todd Huston

What are the best jobs on average in California? Apparently being a government worker. Infuriatingly, government workers live far better, have higher salaries, retire earlier and have better benefits than most in the private sector even though, like leeches, these same government workers live off the taxpayer.

The worst of all worlds for the taxpayer is a government union. Government unions do nothing whatever for the very people paying the bills. They do not improve services, they don’t professionalize workers, and they wildly grow the waste of tax dollars. Worse, government unions give public servants higher salaries, richer benefits, and earlier retirement dates than the taxpayers footing the bills.

Even the patron Saint of the liberal left, President Franklin D. Roosevelt, was adamant that government workers should never be allowed to unionize. FDR thought it was “unthinkable and intolerable” to have a government workers union.

It’s for good reason, too. Government workers do not create the profits that might help enrich benefits. Whenever government unions get raises it simply means that taxpayers have to pay more to make up the difference.
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Government Workers Should NEVER Be Allowed a Union”

15,000 Wisconsin Teachers Tell Union to Get Lost

-By Warner Todd Huston

Unions are having a tough time of it in Wisconsin of late. Since Governor Scott Walker saved the state budget with his new union rules and since he gave workers a choice, Wisconsin’s teachers unions have been in steep decline and this year’s certification vote was further proof that workers don’t want unions.

Under Act 10 in Wisconsin, it is now the law that teachers unions have to be re-certified each year and to be recognized as a bargaining unit the unions must get 51% support from members.

Since Act 10, unions have found that members are very, very unhappy to be part of their organization and thousands of teachers are opting out. This year, nearly 15,000 public employee union members refused to vote for their union, and 25 more unions were decertified by a vote. That is 100 fewer unions than last year even applied for re-certification.

This brings the number of Wisconsin teachers unions to 285 state wide, down from 408 last year.
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15,000 Wisconsin Teachers Tell Union to Get Lost”

Labor Unions For Dummies

By Gary Krasner

Let me describe one larger point regarding public employee unions. It relates to the anti-competitiveness of unions generally, the same idea that Richard Epstein often writes about. But I’ll greatly simplify it for you.

Companies are not in business to make jobs. They’re in business to make profits. (It’s no different than when you invest your money.) Jobs are necessary to make profits.

Hiring labor is part of the cost of doing business. The object is to keep that cost down, but not to the extent that it will affect the performance of the company.

That means people who are capable and perform well are what businesses need, and it is why they compete with other companies to get such workers.

Example: In my profession, prepress computer operators who were fast and accurate could negotiate for higher wages. Through that reputation, they were in demand. Poor workers were not.

Such workers do not need unions. Mediocre and poor workers need unions. Unions benefit those who are the worst at their job.
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Labor Unions For Dummies”

Crony Union Members Get Million Dollar Pensions for One Day of Teaching

-By Warner Todd Huston

In another example of why government unions should all be eliminated, two union operatives in the Illinois school system have been the happy recipients of million-dollar pensions–courtesy of the taxpayers–for teaching classes for only a single day.

Back in 2011 I wrote of union operatives Steven Preckwinkle and David Piccioli at the Illinois teachers union who both “taught” only one day in the Illinois school system and then went on to be union operatives for the rest of their careers that were supposedly in “education.” Yet despite their lack of actually educating anyone, both were still demanding to get huge, generous pensions for being “teachers.”
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Crony Union Members Get Million Dollar Pensions for One Day of Teaching”

Taxpayers Lose $23.5 Million to Pay IRS Union Members to Do Union Business On The Clock

-By Warner Todd Huston

Here is a perfect example of why unions should be outlawed for all government workers. And I do mean all government workers. A new study finds that we, the American taxpayer, are ripped off to the tune of $23.5 million a year in tax money that goes to pay IRS union members to do union work while they are on the clock and supposed to be working for we, the people.

That’s right, you the taxpayer are paying IRS workers not to do IRS work. You are paying IRS employees to do nothing productive.

This is called “official time” (sometimes it’s called “union time”) and it is paid to IRS employees who are officers in the government union. These union officers carry out union work on the clock, during the time they are supposed to be doing work for the IRS.

Some of the activities these thieves engage in are things such as organizing union meetings, talking to other union members about union matters, or going on union-sponsored training events that aren’t training for IRS work but is instead training for union issues. And you are paying them a salary to do all this.
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Taxpayers Lose $23.5 Million to Pay IRS Union Members to Do Union Business On The Clock”

Unions Scold School For Not Celebrating Cop Killer

-By Warner Todd Huston

A group of unions in California have gotten together to criticize the Oakland Unified School District for refusing to allow a lesson plan to appear on its website that compares murderer Mumia Abu-Jamal to civil rights icon Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

The “Urban Dreams” lesson plan tells students to “critically examine a possible parallel between Martin Luther King, Jr., and someone else many believe is currently targeted by the U.S. government, Mumia Abu-Jamal.”

The Oakland school district decided to jettison the lesson plan because it lionized a cop killer and criticized the police. Its comparison of the murderer to King was especially galling.

But the unions had an opposing opinion on the efficacy of a lesson plan that celebrates a murderer as someone “just like” beloved civil rights leader Martin Luther King, Jr.
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Unions Scold School For Not Celebrating Cop Killer”

If Chicago Would Vote for Commie Karen Lewis, They Shouldn’t Be Allowed to Vote at All

-By Warner Todd Huston

A new poll of likely Chicago voters seems to find that Mayor Rahm Emanuel is in bad shape for his re-election coming up next year. The poll shows that two other candidates are far and away more popular than the incumbent mayor. One of those two is Chicago Teachers Union President Karen Lewis, a woman who is nearly an out and proud communist. But, if Chicagoans would vote for Lewis, they don’t deserve the vote at all.

This new Chicago Sun-Times poll shows Emanuel losing–and badly–to two other possible mayoral candidates in next year’s election. The biggest disparity is that between the mayor and Current Cook County Board President Toni Preckwinkle. She really slams Emanuel beating him 55 percent to 31 percent in the poll.

Preckwinkle has made no moves at all to run against Emanuel and insists she won’t. Still, rumors abound that she will throw her hat in the ring, anyway.

To be honest, it really is no surprise that Emanuel is finding low favorables in polling this far out from the election. Mayor Emanuel has failed in many respects as Chicago’s mayor. He has done nothing at all to address the mounting pension crisis, spending is still skyrocketing, he’s solved none of the mess that previous mayor Richie Daley left him, and worse of all violence in the city has soared to never before seen rates of blood shed.
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If Chicago Would Vote for Commie Karen Lewis, They Shouldn’t Be Allowed to Vote at All”

Now Destroying Unions is the Same as Reforming Government

-By Warner Todd Huston

Years ago folks that stood against unions always had that one obstacle of “private” concerns in the way of urging people away from unionism. But today, with most unions being tied directly to government, now fighting unions is an act of beneficial government reform.

Once upon a time, the biggest hurdle for those arguing against unionism was the simple truth–and it was a truth–that unions and businesses were private concerns and if the two entities agreed to co-exist, who was an anti-union activist to say anything against the arrangement?

This is a simple, logical question that always made anti-union activists look like meddling outsiders. And the truth is, no matter how right they were that unionism is a bad idea for everyone, they were meddlers!

But today we have a far different situation for those who stand against unions. Since 1959 when unions were first allowed to organize government workers unions have slowly encroached into nearly every aspect of government causing spending to soar, bloating pensions beyond belief, and destroying the efficiency of government.
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Now Destroying Unions is the Same as Reforming Government”

Pat Quinn’s Major Loss Over Forced Healthcare Worker Unionization

-By Warner Todd Huston

Several years ago the Governor of Illinois decided with a fiat decision to hand his union buddies millions of free taxpayer dollars by suddenly forcing all private in-home healthcare workers to be unionized without their knowledge or approval. Today the U.S. Supreme Court said that Illinois was not allowed to do this.

The year was 2003 and Democrat Rod Blagojevich–who later went to jail for corruption–was the governor who decided that all Illinois citizens who get a stipend from the state to help them take care of their mentally and/or physically disabled family member must be unionized.
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Pat Quinn’s Major Loss Over Forced Healthcare Worker Unionization”

Just Desserts: Silly Facebook Billionaire Ripped Off by Teachers Unions, Democrats, & Consultants

-By Warner Todd Huston

Oh, he thought that just because he had billions of dollars, all he had to do was flit into a New Jersey school system, spread some of his cash around, and voila kids would get a “good” education. But reality was a different thing as when Mark Zuckerberg tried it, he found that the greedy teachers union stole all the cash and his millions didn’t help the kids at all.

Yes, Facebook Billionaire Mark Suckerberg–er, I mean Zuckerberg–was mugged by reality and found out exactly why Johnny can’t read. Because our system of mis-education is held prisoner to the anti-education, greedy, uncaring, left-wing teachers unions who don’t give a flying fig about the kids. It’s all about them stealing as much cash out of the system for their bloated pensions and high-salaried union bosses as humanely possible quite despite whether it hurts the kids or not.

In 2010 super rich Suckerberg gave $100 million big ones to help turn around Newark, New Jersey’s failing schools. He made a big show of the whole thing, too, even making his announcement on the Oprah show.
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Just Desserts: Silly Facebook Billionaire Ripped Off by Teachers Unions, Democrats, & Consultants”

Union Places Own Interests Above That of Members

-By Warner Todd Huston

When one thinks about unions, one usually assumes that it is an organization geared toward guarding the interests of its members, the average, every day worker. But in Michigan that notion seems almost quaint. No, in Michigan, the unions are guarding the interests of union bigwigs and actually dealing away the benefits of members to keep the unions toughs in clover.

Union thugs in the Wyoming Public Schools district near Grand Rapids, Michigan, has negotiated away up to $12,700 in annual salary and benefits for teachers just so it can try and keep a provision in the contract that allows the union to forcibly withhold dues money out of teachers paychecks as a mandatory condition of employment–a provision that now stands contrary to state law, by the way.
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Union Places Own Interests Above That of Members”

Breaking the Law: Pay Higher for Government Contractors Than Other Workers

-By Warner Todd Huston

Employees, whether unionized or not, who work for companies that have government contracts make far more per hour than employees who do similar jobs in the same area, a new study finds. This fact shows that government is essentially breaking its compensation own law.

The Service Contract Act of 1965 maintains that employees working for companies with government contracts must make the prevailing wage for their job in the area in which they work.

That means that if a carpet-layer in Peoria, Illinois makes $10.27 per hour, then any company that lays carpet for the government must pay their carpet-layers $10.27 per hour. Seems fair enough, right?

But the study shows that this isn’t happening. These government contractors aren’t making the prevailing wage. In fact, they are making far more than the prevailing wage! And all at the expense to the taxpayers, naturally.
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Breaking the Law: Pay Higher for Government Contractors Than Other Workers”

Chgo Teachers Union Chief Wants Math Corrupted With ‘Social Justice’ Propaganda

-By Warner Todd Huston

Did you think that math was a subject that is by its very nature free of political ideology? Did you think that math was just, well, math? Maybe it won’t surprise you that Chicago teachers union chief, Karen Lewis, disagrees with you and thinks that math isn’t just math but should also be a platform to push left-wing “social justice” propaganda on students.

The rotund Lewis made her pronouncements at an education conference called the Network for Public Education conference held on March 1, 2014 in Austin, Texas.

During her remarks Lewis praised the efforts of extremist left-winger Bob Peterson who is unfortunately in charge of the Milwaukee, Wisconsin teachers union. Peterson wrote a book that is used in the classroom to push left-wing ideology on kids and Lewis thinks everyone should emulate that.

“You want to talk about organizing? You want to talk about social justice?” Lewis bellowed.
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Chgo Teachers Union Chief Wants Math Corrupted With ‘Social Justice’ Propaganda”

University Professor Urges Unions to Use Violence Against Mom of Disabled Teen

-By Warner Todd Huston

Several years ago a mother who cares for a disabled teen was shocked to discover that the Gov. of Illinois was going to force her into a union because she gets state aid to care for her son. She protested this forced unionization and the forced paying of dues that goes with it. Now a union professor is saying that unions should use violence against this woman to silence her.

Dr. Alan Singer, a Professor of Secondary Education at Hofstra University, urged unions to take “aggressive, illegal actions” saying it was “the only way” to stop people like Pam Harris from hurting the union cause of extorting business and government.

Mrs. Harris is the woman behind the Illinois lawsuit fighting state imposed unionism (Harris v. Quinn) that has made it to the U.S. Supreme Court of the United States.
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University Professor Urges Unions to Use Violence Against Mom of Disabled Teen”

Union Thug Posts Names of Non-Union Workers at Workplace, Denies Intimidation

-By Warner Todd Huston

A union thug in Michigan was wide-eyed with faux shock when he was told that publicly posting the names of workers who opted out of the union was viewed as an intimidation tactic.

Union thug Lawrence Roehrig, international vice president of AFSCME and secretary treasurer of Michigan AFSCME Council 25 (that is a government worker’s union, folks) defended the practice of outing the workers who opted out of the union under Michigan’s new right to work rules saying that it was just a way to educate workers.

In the same way a business owner is paying for “protection” when a mobster demands payment to make sure nothing “happens” to them, thug Roehrig said, “You’re not harassing them. It gives you an indication of who’s paying and who isn’t.”
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Union Thug Posts Names of Non-Union Workers at Workplace, Denies Intimidation”

Sen. Dillard Criticized for Taking Teachers Union Endorsement

-By Warner Todd Huston

This morning, Senator Kirk Dillard was “especially proud” to accept the endorsement of the Illinois Education Association (IEA) for the GOP nomination for Illinois Governor.

According to IEA president Cinda Klickna Dillard has shown that he values the expertise and opinions of the IEA.

“Sen. Dillard supports our fight for adequate funding for public education and he stood up to tremendous pressure and voted against the unfair and unconstitutional pension bill, Senate Bill 1,” Klickna said during this morning’s press conference.

“Illinois needs a fighter who believes in public schools and that is why IEA is proud to recommend Senator Kirk Dillard for the Republican nomination for governor,” she added.

The IEA is the largest education union in the state with some 130,000 members.

Dillard focused his comments on “the teachers” and education in general, but steered clear of talking about the union itself or the political abuses perpetrated public employees unions in general.
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Sen. Dillard Criticized for Taking Teachers Union Endorsement”

In Bad Faith: The Milwaukee Public Schools Protection Racket

The waste in Milwaukee is a crime, with millions of the tax payers’ money going right out the window for no reason… or IS there a reason. It is being done as a teachers union protection racket, in reality.

Teachers unions need to be eliminated. Not just in Milwaukee. EVERYWHERE!

Reporter Confronts Union Chief Supporting a Child Molesting Teacher

-By Warner Todd Huston

Fox News correspondent Jesse Watters recently traveled to Michigan to find out why the teachers union there is fighting so hard to force the taxpayers to give a big cash payment to a teacher convicted of molesting a child.

Watters confronted Steven Cook, the head of the Michigan Education Association–the teachers union there–over why the MEA would fight so hard to force the taxpayers to give this child molester a $10,000 payout even after he was convicted for his crime?
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Reporter Confronts Union Chief Supporting a Child Molesting Teacher”

School Bus Drivers Punished For Praying for Deceased Child

-By Warner Todd Huston

Five Houston, Texas school bus drivers have been disciplined for supposedly “misusing school equipment” by using bus radios to pray for a co-worker whose daughter was killed by a car as she walked to school.

The five Houston Independent School District bus drivers had “disciplinary letters” placed in their employment files for using a back channel to pray together after another driver’s 12-year-old daughter was run down while walking home from school on December 16, the media reported.

In response to this unfair disciplinary action, several drivers, their union representatives, and local ministers gathered in front of the Houston schools administration building to publicly protest the move and also to publicly pray for a resolution to the situation.
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School Bus Drivers Punished For Praying for Deceased Child”

Union-Loving School Official Says School Vouchers Would ‘Train Terrorists’

-By Warner Todd Huston

WECT, weather

One of the biggest solutions reformers have to fix our failing schools is to give parents vouchers that can be used to send kids to the parent’s choice of schools. But one union-backing school superintendent in North Carolina is so against any solutions outside those offered by unions that she is going to the absurd extreme of saying that vouchers would be used to “train terrorists.”

That’s right. If you support giving parents a better choice for their children’s education, then you are a supporter of terrorism.

North Carolina Superintendent of Public Instruction June Atkinson says of the voucher legislation, “There is nothing in the legislation that would prevent someone from establishing a school of terror.”

Really? That is her concern? Where did this come from, you might wonder? Why, she’s attacking Christian schools, of course.
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Union-Loving School Official Says School Vouchers Would ‘Train Terrorists’”

Four More Years: Pat Quinn Wins 2014 Illinois Governor Race

The Illinois Democratic Machine would like to congratulate Governor Pat Quinn on his 2014 re-election!

And a special thanks goes to Illinois Republicans for making it possible! Their support of our pension plan helped the Governor seem like a reformer instead of just kicking the can.

You know, it’s a funny story… Democrats control Illinois, so we were getting hammered for not fixing the pension crisis.

To avoid getting blamed, we hatched a plan: repackage old ideas, call them “reform”, and the Republicans do the rest. They took the bait and let us off the hook. (No joke, it was really that easy.)

So here’s a toast to Illinois Republicans–for passing a a pension bill that does nothing but give us another four years.

Video courtesy of Da Machine.

BREAKING: Settlement on Anti-Tax Group’s Political Spending By California Authorities

-By Warner Todd Huston

In the run up to the 2012 election an out-of-state, conservative, anti-tax group put upwards to $11 million into the effort to fight tax hikes in California. Immediately left-leaning groups cried foul and state authorities filed all sorts of charges against the political spending trying to force the group to disclose donors. Now that case has been settled and on terms favorable to the conservative group.

The One million dollar fine settlement was agreed upon between authorities and Arizona-based non-profits, Americans for Responsible Leadership and the Center to Protect Patient Rights (CPPR). The group Americans for Job Security were also a part of the coalition.

CPPR entered the California elections to fight Governor Jerry Brown’s tax hike scheme as well as to advocate for a ballot measure to fight overarching union power. Once in the ring, though, the $11 million being spent was attacked.

At issue is a California law that forces donor disclosure of groups spending on state-centered issue advocacy. Federal law does not require Political action groups to disclose donors.
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BREAKING: Settlement on Anti-Tax Group’s Political Spending By California Authorities”

Chicago Teachers Union: ‘This City Belongs to Black People’

-By Warner Todd Huston

The Chicago Teachers Union (CTU) is pretty much run by communists and racebaiters. This month we get yet another example of that with a CTU organizer claiming that the city “belongs” to African Americans and not white people.

This sort of hate is typical of the CTU. As seen in the video above, CTU President Karen Lewis is very well known for saying that white people and anyone with a few dollars in their pockets should have no right to tell teachers what to do. The above video is from June of this year and shows CTU chief Lewis essentially saying the same thing as the organizer in the latest story.

For that latest story we go to the Chicago Tribune which tells us that CTU organizer Brandon Johnson dutifully echoed his boss, Lewis.
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Chicago Teachers Union: ‘This City Belongs to Black People’”

A Tale of Two States: Illinois vs. Wisconsin in the Public Pension Debate

-By Benjamin Yount and M.D. Kittle, cross posted from

SPRINGFIELD – The dividing line in the national debate over the future of public-sector unions can be found between the Land of Lincoln and its neighbor to the north.

The story of Illinois and Wisconsin is a tale of two very different states.

Wisconsin, led by Gov. Scott Walker and majority Republicans, took on public-sector unions and won in the pursuit of balancing a $3.6 billion state budget shortfall in 2011.


PENSION TENSION: A large crowd of union members and the professionally outraged (kids and older people bussed to the rally) demonstrate last month in downtown Chicago.

Illinois, led by Democrats with a veto-proof supermajority in the Legislature and Democrat Pat Quinn in the governor’s mansion (at least occasionally), have long coddled the public unions to which they and their campaign war chests are beholden. Consequently, the state faces billions of dollars in unpaid bills and unfunded pension liabilities for current public employees of about $130 billion.

Wisconsin’s economic prospects have vastly improved. The state’s public pension system, while not perfect, is nearly funded – at least based on much more liberal accounting standards than market-based measures. The Badger State budget now boasts a surplus of $741 million, the vast majority of that targeted for tax cuts over the next two years.

Illinois, meanwhile, continues to be buried under a mountain of debt, a broken fiscal house that has taken the state’s credit rating with it.

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A Tale of Two States: Illinois vs. Wisconsin in the Public Pension Debate”

Chicago Public School Teacher Attacks Capitalism, Says Violent Revolution Coming

-By Warner Todd Huston

The policy group called ALEC (the American Legislative Exchange Council) had its 40th anniversary meeting in Chicago on August 7, 8, and 9, but not everyone was celebrating. In front of the hotel at which the event was held, the unions gathered to attack and one Chicago school teacher took the occasion not only to say that capitalism has failed and that government should be for the redistribution of wealth, he also threatened “violent revolution” unless America acquiesces to union demands.

CPS Teacher Timothy Meegan, who teachers at Roosevelt High School in Chicago, had quite a bit of boilerplate to say about ALEC, but before long he edged toward some more startling rhetoric, the sort that makes one hope he isn’t teaching to Chicago’s school children.

At the end of his canned anti-ALEC speech he lapsed into the sort of rhetoric that would be at home in any speech from the worker’s paradise. In fact, it got downright red-lipped with talk of “violent revolution,” attacks on capitalism and the free market, as well as cries that government should “redistribute the wealth.”

And all this talk of violent revolution was Jesse Jackson approved. The very right reverend can be seen clapping Mr. Meegan on the back after his diatribe is over.
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Chicago Public School Teacher Attacks Capitalism, Says Violent Revolution Coming”

Teachers Unions Do NOT Care About Kids

-By Warner Todd Huston

Teacher’s unions are antithetical to a good education for our children and a teacher in Andover, Massachusetts is yet another horrendous example of how teachers unions are interested only in unionism and not education.

A teacher from Andover High School was fired from her teaching job in September of 2012 because of an email she sent during a union action. The email proved that the children were absolutely unimportant to this “teacher.”

The email was sent three weeks before a teacher’s contract was ratified and was sent to other teachers and union members. In the email, teacher Jennifer Meagher thought she had an excellent idea on how to hurry along the contract talks.

She told her fellow unionistas that harming the school is, “the only leverage we have left at the bargaining table. We can assure the (School Committee) and (McGrath) that reports will be passed and (reaccreditation) will continue if there is a contract signed this summer that maintains a 5-class load at AHS.”

What does that mean? It means that this “teacher” would rather hurt the school in order to get her union wants, that she’d rather see the school discredited and the kid’s education made less just so her unionistas would be happy. She was holding the kid’s education hostage for more money. Period.
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Teachers Unions Do NOT Care About Kids”