More Proof of California Being Destroyed by Homelessness, Illegals, and Liberals

-By Warner Todd Huston

Liberals are no longer destroying California bit-by-bit. They have sped their destruction up to a faster clip and conservative actor James Woods just showed some proof of the frenetic pace.

Usually, the left in California, especially the Hollywood elite, have succeeded in secluding themselves away from the troubles the average citizen faces every day, but Woods shows that even the liberal elites are starting to be forced to confront the troubles they have wrought with their foolhardy, self-destructive policies.

Liberals have allowed the once great state of California to devolve into the worst dystopian mess in the nation (though Illinois is desperately trying to beat the west coasters). But, now even the elites are finding their territory overrun with the homeless and illegals and conservative actor James Woods revealed a shocking video outside the famed studios of TV mogul Oprah Winfrey to show it.

“This is the sidewalk next to Oprah Winfrey’s studio in West Hollywood,” Woods tweeted on May 25. “She has done extensive, and truly beautiful renovations to The Lot. Brand new apartments were built across the street. The new resident families cannot walk their children on the sidewalk to the local school.”

Along with the tweet, Woods added a video showing row after row of tents used by illegals and homeless people living on the very sidewalk outside Oprah’s studios.

Conservative Tribune reported the major trouble that California is seeing with the growing number of homeless people in the state…
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More Proof of California Being Destroyed by Homelessness, Illegals, and Liberals”

The Stupid Party: Republicans Will Destroy Both Trump AND Their Party if They do Nothing About Obamacare

-By Warner Todd Huston

Donald J. Trump was swept into office on several key issues, one of which was to put a merciful end to the odious Obamacare. So far the Republican Party has thoroughly failed to move on any of Trump’s issues and in the case of Obamacare in particular, if they do nothing or only tinker around the edges, it will sink both Trump and the Party.

Trump was made president of the United States on several fronts. He was against illegal aliens infesting the U.S.A. and for building a wall on the southern border, he was in favor of lowering taxes and re-building the economy, he was pro-U.S.A. (i.e. “make America great again”), and he was going to end Obamacare.

On the latter issue, the Republican Party stood fully behind Trump and have for several years now said they, too, want to put an end to one of the worst, most destructive laws ever to ooze out of D.C. But, now, only a month into the era of Trump, now that they are fully in charge and have a president ready to join the effort to quash the socialist take over of one sixth of the nation’s economy, we have already seen they are losing their spine on the matter.

Despite so many who are crowing that the Democrat Party is dead — and, yes, they are in the worst shape they’ve ever been in — and despite those who assume Democrats are now in the permanent wilderness, it is idiotic to assume the Dems are down and out. The fact is, right this minute the GOP has more power than it has had in generations and now is the time to act on Obamacare. We can’t expect the GOP to ever be in a better place to put an end to President Obama’s signature nightmare.
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The Stupid Party: Republicans Will Destroy Both Trump AND Their Party if They do Nothing About Obamacare”

With Carrier Deal, Trump Already Kept a Campaign Promise, Made Obama Look Stupid, and Completed His Take Over of the Republican Party

-By Warner Todd Huston

On Wednesday the Indiana-based Carrier air conditioner manufacturing company announced a deal brokered by President-Elect Donald Trump to keep up to a thousand jobs in Indiana instead of moving them all to Mexico. The deal helped our new president fulfill one campaign promise, and before he even takes office at that. It was a move that not only made the feckless Barack Obama look very, very bad, but it also likely completed Trump’s take over of the Republican Party in the minds of the American people.

On the campaign trail Donald J. Trump was constantly pointed in his focus on Carrier for announcing in February of this year that it was closing its Indiana-based manufacturing lines and moving several thousand jobs to a new plant in Mexico leaving thousands of Indiana residents without a livelihood.

At that time a video went viral showing a company representative telling several hundred workers that their jobs were being eliminated.

Carrier wasn’t alone at that time, either. That same week in February United Technologies Electronic Controls of Huntington, Indiana, also announced it was shuttering its Indiana plant and moving to Mexico. The closing of UTEC affected the lives of some 700 workers.

That video of the crestfallen Carrier workers enraged many and from that point on Trump used Carrier as an example of what he would do to prevent lost jobs if he became president of the United States of America.

Just for one example, in April Trump held a campaign rally in Indianapolis, the Hoosier state capital and its largest city. During his hour-long speech at the Elements Financial Blue Ribbon Pavilion at the Indiana State Fairgrounds Trump mentioned Carrier by name several times.

“If I were in office right now, Carrier would not be leaving Indiana,” Trump said to a cheering crowd.

“Our jobs are being ripped out of our states, ripped out of our country,” he continued “They’re going to Mexico, they’re going all over.”
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With Carrier Deal, Trump Already Kept a Campaign Promise, Made Obama Look Stupid, and Completed His Take Over of the Republican Party”

Republicans Who Support Hillary Are Traitors to This Country

-By Warner Todd Huston

The news media has been all a twitter over the small group of ne’er-do-wells, government leeches, and has-beens who claim to have been Republicans in the past but who are now nonetheless supporting Hillary Clinton for President. But those who pretend at being Republican and support Hillary need to be ostracized and cast out of the center right coalition, not because they are traitors merely to the Republican Party but because they are traitors to the entire country.

These group of un-American traitors have joined together to push a fool-filled group going by the name Republicans for Clinton (or R4C16). They explain their disastrous support for this anti-American effort as one that will “defeat Donald Trump, restore GOP leadership and save the senate.”

But in truth, if people are stupid enough to join these halfwits and are successful in their goal of electing the criminal Clinton to the White House their group will achieve none of those things.

Now, I don’t say this as a big Trump guy. I supported Cruz and there is a ton I don’t like about Trump. But he is by leaps and bounds better than Hillary.

Here is how these government leeches explain their mission:
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Republicans Who Support Hillary Are Traitors to This Country”

Gun Banning Group Proposes Gov’t Use its Gun Buying ‘Power’ To End Run the Constitution

-By Warner Todd Huston

On Friday a group of left-wing “ministers” in some little-known “social justice” organization was given the platform of The New York Times to flog their ideas on how to ban guns. Their idea was to use the “buying power” the US government ostensibly has to force gun manufacturers to toe the gun banning line or face a reduction in federal guns and ammo purchases. Essentially, these purported ministers want to use the federal government’s buying status as a way to make an end run around the courts and the Constitution.

For the Metro Industrial Areas Foundation–a group that claims its goal is to “build power for social change”–authors the Rev. David K. Brawley, the Rev. Otis Moss III, the Rev. David Benke and Rabbi Joel Mosbacher had a novel if insidious idea on how to beat the courts, the Constitution, and force their ideas about guns on the country in a totally unaccountable manner.

They want their activist ideas implemented through the back door by having the US government force changes in the gun industry using its billions per year in guns and ammo purchases as a big stick to beat the industry into submission.

This would be no less than the federal government interfering in commerce on a massive scale.
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Gun Banning Group Proposes Gov’t Use its Gun Buying ‘Power’ To End Run the Constitution”

‘King v Burwell’ Marks the Official End of the American Republic

-By Warner Todd Huston

As he exited the Constitutional Convention, Benjamin Franklin was supposed to have told a bystander that the founders had given us a Republic, “if we could keep it.” Well this week’s latest Obamacare decision by the U.S. Supreme Court proves that we ultimately couldn’t keep it, Mr. Franklin. America is now a dead letter.

Of course, what Franklin’s possibly apocryphal reply meant was that we only had a United States system if informed citizens kept the government’s feet to the republican fires. We could only keep the system the founders gave us if we made sure the government stayed true to the system as handed down to us.

That system was one of a constitutional republic built on a rule of law, built on generations of tradition as evinced in the Common Law, and laid out with a system that had set parameters that were expected to remain virtually unchanged (though not unchangeable).

That system has been slowly eroded by parties and presidents who have had no fealty to our American way of life. Destroyers such as the Democrat Party, Woodrow Wilson, Franklin Roosevelt, and the mewling fellow travelers of the GOP who have quietly supported the destruction, all have taken their toll on our republic. But it wasn’t until the advent of our most anti-American president yet in Barack Hussein Obama that the nation finally died a death not from revolution, but from neglect.

Thoday’s action by the opportunist Chief Justice John Roberts has thrown the last spade full of dirt over the grave of the American Republic.
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‘King v Burwell’ Marks the Official End of the American Republic”

Politico Claims it’s ‘Unclear’ if Colorado Healthcare Plan Cancellations are Fault of Obamacare

-By Warner Todd Huston

The Senate race in Colorado has begun to turn in favor of the Republicans over the last few months but that favor may grow as this week it was learned that some 22,000 citizens are losing their healthcare plans. But Politico claims it is “unclear” if those cancellations are a result of Obamacare.

On Friday, only weeks before voters go to the polls, the Colorado Division of Insurance announced that 22,000 Coloradoans were losing their insurance plans this year and another 200,000 will likely lose theirs in 2015.

The announcement could not have come at a worse time for incumbent Democrat Senator Mark Udall whose campaign has recently begun to flounder in the face of a surging Republican opponent.

Surprising many in the Centennial State, Congressman Cory Gardner has jumped ahead of the long-time Senator and this massive wave of healthcare insurance policy cancellations could drive even more Republicans and independents to the polls next month.
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Politico Claims it’s ‘Unclear’ if Colorado Healthcare Plan Cancellations are Fault of Obamacare”

Sen. Durbin’s Wife A Lobbyist Who ‘Accidentally’ Got High Dollar Federal Contracts

-By Warner Todd Huston

Illinois Senior Senator, Democrat Dick Durbin was forced to respond to a Chicago Tribune story that revealed that his wife is a lobbyist who received high-dollar federal contracts. Durbin said it was purely coincidental… then offered to sell us the Brooklyn Bridge.

Durbin told the Tribune that his wife only lobbies with the State of Illinois, not the federal government, so the millions she rakes in from federal contracts is just a coincidence. Really. It was… a totally, unseen, completely accidental coincidence… that a Senator who is the third in line of power in the US Senate has a wife who just coincidentally got millions in federal contracts.
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Sen. Durbin’s Wife A Lobbyist Who ‘Accidentally’ Got High Dollar Federal Contracts”

[VIDEO] Hotonomics: Big Gov’t Vs Small Govt Knockout

In the battle between government models, small government is winning. Hotnomics is hosted by Emerald Robinson.

Video courtesy of the Center for Freedom and Prosperity.

Failure: ‘Cash For Clunkers’ Cost America $6 Billion in Wasted Money

-By Warner Todd Huston

Obama’s “Cash for Clunkers” program was his idea to save American auto buyers money and help “green” the roads at the same time. But the program was a monumental failure. It was so bad it has now been determined that it didn’t save anyone anything. In fact, it cost America 6 billion in wasted dollars!

Along with the obvious problems with the program that showed up right at the beginning, now that the long term effects are starting to be quantified, it has become clear that the program forced auto buyer to spend less on their autos tan they would have costing the auto industry some $3 billion in sales.

A new study written by Mark Hoekstra, Steven L. Puller and Jeremy West and published by the National Bureau of Economic Research has found that the program caused buyers to spend about $4,600 less per purchase. Totaled that is about a $3 billion loss in revenue to the auto industry.

Then you add the other 3 billion Obama lavished onto the auto industry and we get $6 in federal waste.
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Failure: ‘Cash For Clunkers’ Cost America $6 Billion in Wasted Money”

Taxpayers Lose $23.5 Million to Pay IRS Union Members to Do Union Business On The Clock

-By Warner Todd Huston

Here is a perfect example of why unions should be outlawed for all government workers. And I do mean all government workers. A new study finds that we, the American taxpayer, are ripped off to the tune of $23.5 million a year in tax money that goes to pay IRS union members to do union work while they are on the clock and supposed to be working for we, the people.

That’s right, you the taxpayer are paying IRS workers not to do IRS work. You are paying IRS employees to do nothing productive.

This is called “official time” (sometimes it’s called “union time”) and it is paid to IRS employees who are officers in the government union. These union officers carry out union work on the clock, during the time they are supposed to be doing work for the IRS.

Some of the activities these thieves engage in are things such as organizing union meetings, talking to other union members about union matters, or going on union-sponsored training events that aren’t training for IRS work but is instead training for union issues. And you are paying them a salary to do all this.
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Taxpayers Lose $23.5 Million to Pay IRS Union Members to Do Union Business On The Clock”

Dem Chair Says Obama ‘Doing His Job Less Often’ Than Any Prez Since Cleveland?

-By Warner Todd Huston

Once again we see how stupid Democrat Party Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz is with a clumsy comment filled with false implications and absurd assumptions not to mention unintentional hilarity as this fool proclaims that Obama has done his job “less often” than any president since Grover Cleveland.

In an appearance on the odious and bottom rated MSNBC, Wasserman Schultz made this messy verbal blunder which in itself is pretty amusing. But underlying her garbled, inarticulate point is a base assumption that proves the lies that Democrats promulgate of what constitutes a president’s job.

But first the video, courtesy of the NRCC:

If you don’t want to watch the video, here is what this nitwit said…
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Dem Chair Says Obama ‘Doing His Job Less Often’ Than Any Prez Since Cleveland?”

The University of Chicago Needs Some Occupy Wall Street

-By Warner Todd Huston

If you’ll recall, the brief but noisy Occupy Wall street movement was all about protesting the “One Percent,” those evil rich folks that apparently return nothing to the nation. Well a look at the compensation of those at the University of Chicago in President Obama’s home city shows that the Occupy folks were protesting the wrong people! It looks like the one percent reside at the UofC.

A very in depth article by David Francis Mihalyfy reveals what he calls a university mired in outsized compensation “hidden by a PR machine, funded by growing tuition and debt, and allocated despite questionable job performance”

Mihalyfy serves up this damning assessment of the university in Obama’s Chicago:
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The University of Chicago Needs Some Occupy Wall Street”

Eric Khon Slams Rich Miller as Anti-Capitalist

-By Warner Todd Huston

Eric Kohn over at Illinois Mirror has a great piece that highlights the main difference between real capitalism and the sort of crony capitalism (which isn’t capitalism at all) that the left so dearly loves.

Rich Miller is a liberal who runs a well-trafficked website on Illinois politics called Capitol Fax. While he is certainly a Democrat and fully linked into that sort of politics, his site isn’t always mere propaganda for the left–though it is filled with such. Once in a while, Miller also slams a Democrat and he has certainly reported on situations and incidents that Democrats would rather be kept quiet. So, by this I mean his site isn’t mere propaganda as once in a while he does do some actual, good, unbiased reporting, or as Rush Limbaugh calls it a “random act of journalism.”

Miller’s site is also his business. He makes a tidy living off his efforts and he deserves his success for having built a website from the ground up that has become one of the state’s biggest sources of political news. It is also notable for being a website that makes money. Thar ain’t many of them around, to be sure. So, congrats to Rich.
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Eric Khon Slams Rich Miller as Anti-Capitalist”

Chicago Math: Three is Only Two

-By Warner Todd Huston

On WLS AM 89 radio political reporter Bill Cameron featured an interview with Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel that shows just why math is soooooo darn hard for politicians.

The interview was about Rahm trying to get hundreds of millions of our tax dollars to be set aside and wasted–er, bestowed–on a presidential library for Barack Obama.

In the radio clip Rahm says the following:

“I have been to both the Lincoln library, the Carter library down in Atlanta, President Clinton’s library in Little Rock, and seen the economic and cultural energy that’s created.”

So, Rahm has been to “both” of all three locations?

No wonder it is so hard for our Chicago politicians to understand that hard math stuff. When three only equals two, I guess we can see why so much money mysteriously disappears in Chicago.
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Chicago Math: Three is Only Two”

Writer Huston: Long Road Ahead for GM, But Don’t Count It Out

-By Warner Todd Huston

So, I was on Newsmax TV on Tuesday…

From the Newsmax website:

It will take a long time for General Motors to regain its reputation as a trusted carmaker — but don’t count it out, says Warner Todd Huston, a writer for Wizbang and

“Thirteen people killed tied to this [ignition] faulty switch and GM people running for cover,” Huston told Ed Berliner, guest host of “The Steve Malzberg Show” on Newsmax TV.

“But . . . America loves to give people a second act. I wouldn’t count anybody down for the count. [The Rev.] Al Sharpton has been able to make a new living,” Huston said Tuesday.

Since February, GM has recalled 2.6 million vehicles with faulty ignition switches that could cause the engine to turn off and disable the power steering and airbags.

Asked whether the massive recall was a result of negligence on the part of GM, Huston said:

“There’s probably some [who were] saying, no, we’ll fix it later, others that are trying to avoid being held accountable, so, they try to push it off in the background,” he said.

“It’s a mixture of things. I don’t think it’s just . . . negligence, but it’s definitely negligence.”
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Writer Huston: Long Road Ahead for GM, But Don’t Count It Out”

Obama to Give Unions a Veto Over Where a Company Can Set Up Shop

-By Warner Todd Huston

If you own a company and want to relocate to another part of the country, Obama wants you to know that you have no right to decide where that location will be. Obama wants you to know that only a labor union can make that decision. You have no say in the matter.

At least, that is what Obama’s National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) wants to do with a new rule that would give unions veto power over where a company re-opens its doors.

The goal, of course, is to destroy the economies of right-to-work states and force them to allow destructive unions to hold sway over their business sector or risk economic ruin.

Currently it is perfectly legal (not to mention moral, I might add) for a company to decided it wants to close its facilities in one part of the country and move some or all of it’s business to another part of the country. We call it the free enterprise system.
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Obama to Give Unions a Veto Over Where a Company Can Set Up Shop”

Breaking the Law: Pay Higher for Government Contractors Than Other Workers

-By Warner Todd Huston

Employees, whether unionized or not, who work for companies that have government contracts make far more per hour than employees who do similar jobs in the same area, a new study finds. This fact shows that government is essentially breaking its compensation own law.

The Service Contract Act of 1965 maintains that employees working for companies with government contracts must make the prevailing wage for their job in the area in which they work.

That means that if a carpet-layer in Peoria, Illinois makes $10.27 per hour, then any company that lays carpet for the government must pay their carpet-layers $10.27 per hour. Seems fair enough, right?

But the study shows that this isn’t happening. These government contractors aren’t making the prevailing wage. In fact, they are making far more than the prevailing wage! And all at the expense to the taxpayers, naturally.
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Breaking the Law: Pay Higher for Government Contractors Than Other Workers”

Americans For Prosperity Protest Outside Blue Cross/Blue Shield’s Chicago HQ Over Obamacare

-By Warner Todd Huston

Some members of the Illinois chapter of Americans for Prosperity mounted a little community awareness protest over the crony capitalist role in Obamacare’s “enroll America” program being carried out by Blue Cross/Blue Shield. The protest was held outside the healthcare giant’s downtown headquarters, today.

In a past press release, Americans for Prosperity said, “Blue Cross and Blue Shield executives met with President Obama and Secretary (Kathleen) Sebelius as recently as April to discuss how they can work together to enroll as many people as possible in insurance policies through the exchange. This is the epitome of a Big Business-Big Government partnership designed to grow private business profits through government force, all under the guise of a non-profit.”

The following are a few images from the Chicago protest.

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Americans For Prosperity Protest Outside Blue Cross/Blue Shield’s Chicago HQ Over Obamacare”

Google Hires Obama’s Campaign E-Team

-By Warner Todd Huston

The hand-in-hand nature of this White House and some of the nation’s biggest corporations is seen in yet another incident as Barack Obama’s 2012 campaign data team is now moving from team Obama to team Google.

This week, Bloomberg reported that Obama’s data mining team, used to such great effect during his 2012 re-election for president, has been hired nearly wholesale to go work for Google.

This may not come as such a great surprise, however, as Google’s Executive Chairman, Eric Schmidt, helped organize and run Obama’s re-election e-team.

Schmidt “helped recruit talent, choose technology, and coach the campaign manager, Jim Messina, on the finer points of leading a large organization,” Bloomberg reports.

Since he came onto the national political scene, Barack Obama has campaigned like a veritable David vs Goliath with evil corporations standing in for Goliath while Obama presents himself as David loading his sling shot to do battle. But the reality is not quite that cut and dried and Google has been a big recipient of Obama’s largesse.
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Google Hires Obama’s Campaign E-Team”

56% Of Carmakers Who Asked For Government ‘Green’ Loans Are Dead

-By Patrick George Jalopnik

What do Carbon Motors’ BMW-powered police car, Aptera Motors’ electric three wheeler, and Fisker’s luxury sedan have in common? Two things: they asked the government for loans, and they’re dead, as are more than half of the car companies who sought loans, according to documents obtained via a Freedom of Information Act request by Jalopnik.P

Of the 18 existing or would-be carmakers we identified as having applied for loans under the U.S. Department of Energy’s Advanced Technology Vehicle Manufacturing program, 10 have since faded into bankruptcy or ceased operations.

Numerous car companies, startups and parts manufacturers have applied for the loans since the program was established during the Bush administration in 2008. However, most of them were turned down or simply did not receive the funds they requested. To date, about $8 billion has been doled out to just five carmakers: Tesla, Nissan, Ford, Fisker and the Vehicle Production Group. The last two have ceased production and appear headed toward bankruptcy.

The goal of the ATVM program was to use taxpayer loan money to fund the next generation of American fuel efficient vehicles, whether they came from small startups or large established automakers, all while adding thousands of new jobs.P

Unfortunately, no new loan money has been handed out since 2011, a decision critics have alleged was done in the wake of failed government-backed solar panel manufacturer Solyndra. About $16 billion remains undistributed….

Read the rest at Jalopnik.

NYTimes Weeps for the Obamacare Lobbyists

-By Warner Todd Huston

The New York Times is exasperated with the lack of progress in Congress of “fixes” to the massive and far reaching Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare. This exasperation has evinced itself in an odd way as the Times seems to be expressing sympathy for lobbyists and businesses trying to make changes to the law.

In a May 26 piece by Jonathan Weisman, the Times complains of gridlock, scolds Republicans for wanting to repeal the massively intrusive law, and highlights the hard work ahead of the lobbyists campaigning for changes.

Interestingly, the paper admits that Obamacare is both deeply flawed and was passed in 2010 without due diligence by Democrats.

The paper, though, dismisses those flaws as important and points out that most laws of this size go through bouts of revisions and “technical corrections” after passage. In short order the paper goes on to express its heartfelt sympathy with lobbyists seeking those changes.

“But as they prowl Capitol Hill,” Weisman writes, “business lobbyists like Mr. DeFife, health care providers and others seeking changes are finding, to their dismay, that in a polarized Congress, accomplishing them has become all but impossible.”
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NYTimes Weeps for the Obamacare Lobbyists”

Infographic: Obama’s Red Tape Rising

Kelsey Harris and Diane Katz, The Heritage Foundation

Regulatory costs skyrocketed in the first term of the Obama Administration, which added nearly $70 billion to the already excessive annual burden of government do’s and don’ts. Virtually every aspect of Americans’ lives is controlled to a varying extent by regulation, including how we light our homes, wash our clothes, fuel our cars, feed our families, and obtain our health care.

The consequences are dire: less investment and innovation, fewer jobs, and the erosion of fundamental freedoms.

In a new report, Red Tape Rising: Regulation in Obama’s First Term, our experts detail the number and cost of these many new rules. We put together this infographic to help understand how these costly regulations affect our lives—and pockets.

Obama’s Budget Would Use Tax $$ to Fund Lobbyists Pushing Tax Hikes

-By Warner Todd Huston

Remember when Obama took office and one of his biggest promises was that lobbyists would never gain a foothold in his Administration? Well, now that he doesn’t have to stand for election again he’s doing his level best to give lobbyists one of their biggest perks yet. He’s trying to make it legal to give them your tax dollars so they can lobby to increase your taxes. And in fact he’s already broken laws governing lobbyists several times since 2009.

A report by the government watchdog group Cause of Action found that Obama’s Department of Human Services (HHS) and the Center for Disease Control (CDC) gave federal money in the 2009 stimulus program to lobbyists and public relations agencies for them to use to advocate for “tax increases on tobacco and sugar sweetened products.” This is a violation of federal law.

Worse, even more money has been earmarked in Obamacare to do the same thing, again in violation of the law.

It gets even worse.
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Obama’s Budget Would Use Tax $$ to Fund Lobbyists Pushing Tax Hikes”

Deadbeats: Obama-Supported Fisker Motors Sued for Non-Payment of Bills

-By Warner Todd Huston

Through President Obama’s loan guarantees, the American people gave hybrid car-maker Fisker Automotive millions of tax dollars, but now Fisker is on the verge of bankruptcy and is facing lawsuits from at least three different groups for not paying its bills.

In the first week of April, lawyers for Fisker’s laid off employees filed suit saying that the government supported company had fired workers without due notice as required by state and federal laws.

The law firm, Outten & Golden, won a similar lawsuit against green energy company Solyndra, another Obama-supported company that went bankrupt.
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Deadbeats: Obama-Supported Fisker Motors Sued for Non-Payment of Bills”

Obama’s ‘Poverty Plagued’ America

-By Warner Todd Huston

In a stinging indictment of President Obama’s tenure in the White House, at The Daily Beast Stuart Stevens slams President Obama for the devastating “new normal” that his failed economic polices have brought to the country. Stevens also blames the Old Media complex for ignoring the pain inflicted on America by those same failed policies.

Stevens begins his April 9 piece relating the sort of economic facts that the rest of the media conveniently ignore. He points out that even as the administration claims that unemployment is only around 8 percent, so many people have dropped out of the work force that the unemployment stat is but a hollow representation of the true unemployment rate.

He also points out that 16 million Americans have been added to Obama’s food stamp rolls since 2008, “a 46 percent increase and greater than the population of Ohio,” Stevens says. “More than 50 million Americans now live in poverty. That’s one in six Americans, and one in five American children.”

This, Stevens says sharply, is the worst since LBJ was president and it was so bad then that the Texan launched a “war on poverty” to try and cure it.
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Obama’s ‘Poverty Plagued’ America”

Lawyers: Obama-Supported Fisker Motors Layoff Violated Law

-By Warner Todd Huston

Despite millions if federal loans, last week luxury hybrid car maker Fisker Automotive fired 80% of its employees at its California-based company. But now those employees hired the same law firm that sued “green energy” company Solyndra to charge that Fisker violated state and federal laws with the layoffs.

On April 5, Breitbart reported that Fisker Automotive, Inc. laid off up to 80% of its employees due to a cascade of major errors and bad business decisions even though President Obama pumped millions in federal tax dollars via loan guarantees into the company starting in 2011.

Fisker’s employees were already on a two week furlough when upon coming back to work were told they would be laid off. Employees reported they had received no severance package but did receive pay for vacation time earned.
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Lawyers: Obama-Supported Fisker Motors Layoff Violated Law”

Fisker Motors Meltdown, Fires 80% of Staff

-By Warner Todd Huston

Fisker Automotive, Inc., the much-celebrated maker of luxury electric cars, has announced that it is firing 80% of its employees after failing to finalize an investment deal.

The manufacturer of the rechargeable Karma auto informed 160 workers of the layoffs coming to the Anaheim, California-based company. Fisker was said to have employed 200 before this week’s announcement.

This is only the latest blow to the “green” auto company. Only last month the company’s name-sake, Henrik Fisker, resigned over “unspecified” disagreements with other executives and the company stopped production of its cars after its lithium-ion battery supplier declared bankruptcy.

The battery company, A123 Systems Inc., declared bankruptcy in October of last year despite the millions in in tax dollars pumped into the company by President Obama.

According to Bloomberg, Fisker has retained the services of Kirkland & Ellis LLP to explore a restructuring of the company.
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Fisker Motors Meltdown, Fires 80% of Staff”

Eagle-Killing, Investment-Wasting ‘Renewable’ Energy

-By Warner Todd Huston

The “Green Energy” sector has been hit with a series of setbacks over the last few years. From a wind farm being cited for killing an endangered eagle, to solar energy’s tumble from investor favor over dismal performance, to a growing list of companies gone bankrupt even after President Obama pumped millions of our tax dollars into them, the so-called Green Energy sector has certainly seen better, more hopeful days.

In the realm of farce, a wind farm in Nevada finds itself at an unfortunate crossroads of political correctness. Even as the wind farm in White Pine County, Nevada is a favored “Green Energy” nirvana, the company that runs it is under threat of sanctions by the federal government. Why? Because a protected Golden Eagle flew into one of the farm’s turbines killing itself.

Now, San Francisco-based Pattern Energy is awaiting a decision from the feds on whether or not they will have to pay a $3,000 fine for killing the endangered bird.

But as the President might say, that is but “a bump in the road.” Worse than the death of a protected eagle, a recent analysis reveals that the bottom has fallen out of solar energy investments.
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Eagle-Killing, Investment-Wasting ‘Renewable’ Energy”

Leaked DOE Emails Expose White House Cronyism

Internal emails leaked from the Department of Energy to conflict with the President’s claim to Kyle Clark of KUSA on October 26th decisions on failed green energy loans were insulated from politics and the influence of the White House.