Liberals Again Reveal Their Inner Fascist With Anti-Free Speech Riots in Berkeley

-By Warner Todd Huston

On Wednesday evening officials of the University of California at Berkeley decided to cancel a talk scheduled to be given by iconoclast gay conservative and free speech activist Milo Yiannopoulos. Officials feared unrest over the event. But it came to that anyway as the fascist left kicked into high gear with rioting and destruction in the violent, un-American way we’ve all became so woefully used from the left in America.

Many on the left have been crowing that their constant penchant to riot is an example of their advocacy for “freedom.” But in fact, it is the opposite. Indeed what we are seeing is a clash between the advocates of free speech on the right and the violent attempts to suppress free speech by liberals.

You should notice, dear readers, how there are never any riots by conservatives or Republicans. Only fascist liberals riot. Heck, conservatives don’t even leave any trash behind when they rally!
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Liberals Again Reveal Their Inner Fascist With Anti-Free Speech Riots in Berkeley”

Another Reason to Reject Muslim Immigrants: They Come Here for Free Stuff, NOT to ‘Better Their Lives’

-By Warner Todd Huston

Liberals have taken to belching out the false claim that “immigration made America great” as an excuse to allow unending waves of Muslim “refugees” into the U.S. They say these Muslims only want to come to the U.S. and join our country and to “better their lives.” However, economic statistics clearly show that this is a lie. There “refugees” aren’t coming here to join the great American experiment. They are merely coming here for free stuff courtesy of the American taxpayer.

The most recent data on the economic status of these tens of thousands of “refugees” shows that they have not come here to join our system, to get an education, or to get a job to better themselves. Indeed, few get jobs and the great bulk of them simply live off government handouts paid for by the rest of us who are working for a living.

The data shows that these “refugees” languish on welfare and don’t make any effort to better themselves. Fully 91.4 percent are on food stamps and 68.3 percent on cash assistance.

Welfare statistics, double click to enlarge.

The information comes from the website of Alabama Senator Jeff Sessions who warns, “The Census projects that another 14 million immigrants will arrive in the United States between now and 2025, easily eclipsing the highest previous historical watermark for foreign-born population share.”
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Another Reason to Reject Muslim Immigrants: They Come Here for Free Stuff, NOT to ‘Better Their Lives’”

Liberals Poison Lady Liberty Depicted As Black Woman on New U.S. Coin

-By Warner Todd Huston

The recent issuing of a new U.S. coin featuring Lady Liberty depicted as a black woman has been poisoned by liberalism and PCism.

The coin being released by the U.S. Mint this year is a 24-Karat gold coin worth $100 and is to be unveiled to mark the U.S. Mint and Treasury’s 225th anniversary (The Mint was founded in 1792).

The new coin has a beautiful black woman with braided hair, wearing a crown of large, five-pointed stars. The figure’s upper bodice is a classic draped-style dress with a broach clip at the shoulder. Over the bust is the word “Liberty,” beneath is “In God We Trust,” and the coin’s edge is marked “225th Anniversary” bookended by a star on each side. It is a bold, but tasteful design.

I want to say straight out that this coin is totally fantastic. There is NOTHING at all wrong with depicting Lady Liberty as a black woman. And if you think there is because of your distaste for PCism, you need to rethink your opposition and change your mind immediately.

Sadly, all too many are denouncing the release of this new coin as just another craven act of liberalism or just another example of politically correct nonsense. Worse, thanks to our failed educational system so thoroughly destroyed by liberals, many more are attacking it as making a race-based alteration to the “Statue of Liberty.”

Let’s take this misinformed “Statue of Liberty” claim, first, shall we?
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Liberals Poison Lady Liberty Depicted As Black Woman on New U.S. Coin”

THIS Is Why You Should Hate All Leftists…

-By Warner Todd Huston

There has been a lot of ink spilled about the stupidity of being politically correct (also known as “PC”) and while it is without question many leftist purveyors of this concept imagine they are doing Gia’s work by pushing PCism, the plain fact is it is dangerous thinking and, even worse, illogical and stupid. And Canada’s left-wing Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, gives us the umpteenth reason why you should hate liberals and their idiocy.

The problem with PCism, of course, is that the process becomes the goal. Instead of doing actual good, what you end up with is people more worried about the process and verbiage of PCism than in what being PC will actually do in a real world situation. It leads to mindlessness, not solutions.

Nt long ago the Canadian PM gave us a perfect example of supplanting process with real world solutions when he said Muslim “honor killings” aren’t barbaric. His intentions were to be fair to Muslims, but his actual words ended up excusing the murder of women for daring to love someone other than whom their parents chose.

Trudeau’s stupidity came after a Canadian agency wrote a citizenship guide that said the government doesn’t condone cultural practices that are “barbaric.” The barbarism in question included “spousal abuse, ‘honor killings,’ female genital mutilation, forced marriage or other gender-based violence.”

Now, no western society… in fact, no sane human… should condone any of those things and, yes, they are all barbaric.
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THIS Is Why You Should Hate All Leftists…”

Unapologetic Millennial Conservative Has a TOUGH Message for Her Generation

-By Warner Todd Huston

Young journalist Alexis Bloomer has a message for her fellow millennials and it’s one many won’t want to hear. Alexis wants her fellow 20 somethings to “pull their pants up” and start actually contributing to society instead of lazing around and posting social media updates as if that was activism.

Bloomer also has a message to the older generations: “I’m Sorry,” she says. Sorry for the many failings of her arrogant generation.

The journalist said she decided to assess her generation. “As a millennial, I decided to take it upon myself to try to evaluate what’s so wrong with our generation and why they’re so mad at us,” she said on her video posted to Youtube.

But as she looked over her generation she realized that some of the harshest criticism of millennials probably has a lot of validity to it.

“We’re just existing, we’re not really contributing anything to society,” she insisted and then went on to lay out all the accusations against her generation.

“Our generation doesn’t have the basic manners that include no ma’am and yes ma’am,” Bloomer said. “We don’t even hold the door open for ladies much less our elders anymore.”
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Unapologetic Millennial Conservative Has a TOUGH Message for Her Generation”

Hillary Clinton Hints She’ll Back Gun Confiscation as President

-By Warner Todd Huston

At a recent campaign event on so-called “gun violence,” Hillary Clinton said Americans own too many guns and then said she’d do something about this “problem” when she becomes president. What else could this mean but confiscation?

Clinton was speaking at round-table-like forum on guns held at St. Paul’s Baptist Church in Philadelphia, where she insisted we have too many guns.

“When it comes to guns? We have just too many guns,” Hillary said to the applause of those in attendance. “On the streets, in our homes, in our neighborhoods.”

She went on to say America must address the “epidemic” of guns and hinted that if she were to become president she would do something about it all. But what would that “doing something” look like?

Well, it must be remembered that last year Clinton spoke positively about the gun confiscation policy imposed on the people of Australia. Clinton said the Australian policy is one “worth considering” and said it could be imposed using the Obama program “Cash for Clunkers” as a model.
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Hillary Clinton Hints She’ll Back Gun Confiscation as President”

Obama’s Promise to Destroy the Coal Industry Has Been Kept

-By Warner Todd Huston

Back in 2008 Barack Obama was given little notice when he told the editorial board of the San Francisco Chronicle that if he became president he’d work to destroy the coal industry, both for miners and power providers. Now, as his presidency comes to an end we see he has kept that promise.

This month, despite that coal is still one of the world’s leading sources of energy, America’s biggest coal company, Peabody Energy, filed for bankruptcy. Peabody joins a growing list of bankruptcies of other American coal concerns including Alpha Natural Resources, Arch Coal, and Patriot Coal.

Granted the industry had problems before Obama came along, but those problems became but a small part of the insurmountable obstacles put in their way by Obama’s policy to “bankrupt” the coal industry.

And before you think we here at Publius Forum are just being hyperbolic, no, “bankrupt” is exactly the term Obama used in his interview in 2008.

Here it is in Obama’s own voice
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Obama’s Promise to Destroy the Coal Industry Has Been Kept”

John Kasich and His Big Government Education Disconnect

-By Warner Todd Huston

Ohio Governor John Kasich talked about education at the GOP debate in Detroit, but what he said essentially reveals the disconnect between apparent conservative rhetoric and a less conservative love of big government.

Talking about how the schools in Cleveland, one of the largest cities in his home state of Ohio, have been turning around lately due to new policies, the Governor tried to wrench that into federal policy.

Those local policies may be all well and good, but one sentence he unleashed that night revealed a dichotomy between conservative boilerplate and the usual, big government nonsense we see from establishment and Washington Republicans.

“And, frankly, look, if I were president,” Kashich said, “I’d take 104 federal programs, bundle them into four buckets, and send it to the states, because fixing schools rests at the state and the local level, and particularly at the school board level.”

Notice the disconnect? He began talking about those “buckets” of federal money he’d “send to the states” for education. And why would he send all those buckets loaded with tax dollars? Because “fixing schools rests at the state and the local level, and particularly at the school board level.”

So, what is the disconnect?
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John Kasich and His Big Government Education Disconnect”

New Bill Set to Give Illegals Voting Rights in New York City

-By Warner Todd Huston

Activists are pushing a new a new bill that would give illegal migrants living in New York City the right to vote in city elections starting in 2017.

According to the New York Post, Bertha Lewis, head of the Black Institute, said the bill is meant to allow all people to vote. “We want to expand the right to vote for everybody, not suppress the vote. What a radical idea,” she said.

The bill would give an estimated 1.3 million illegals in the Big Apple the right to vote for mayor, city comptroller, borough president, and city council members.

Saying, “People want to come out of the shadows,” Lewis insisted the new right would be a logical next step after Mayor de Blasio’s new program of issuing municipal I.D. cards to illegals was enacted.
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New Bill Set to Give Illegals Voting Rights in New York City”

‘Chicago Tribune’ Critic Slams America’s Love of Entertaining Super Bowl Ads

-By Warner Todd Huston

A Chicago Tribune TV critic was aghast that Americans often enjoy the commercials during the Super Bowl. Apparently he was upset about all that capitalism going on and mad that Americans don’t rise up and throw their shoes at their TVs in revolt. Corporations are apparently all venal and wasteful, he alleges, and we shouldn’t stand for it.

In his February 5 critique, Trib’s TV scribe Phil Rosenthal got his dander up several days before the Super Bowl as the nation had already begun talking about the commercials everyone was looking forward to seeing. The prospects of capitalism seemed to have put Rosenthal in a foul mood.

The columnist’s first assumption about why we enjoy many of the commercials was one literally no one believes.

“It’s as if the fact that some marketer spent $5 million per half minute — up about 11 percent from $4.5 million last year — to pitch more than 100 million of us in the Super Bowl 50 audience obliges us to actually pay attention,” he wrote.

No one watches Super Bowl commercials imagining they are obligated to do so because they are so expensive to air. No one.

But from this argument so early in his piece, one can begin to note the anti-corporate and anti-capitalist bent of the rest of the article.
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‘Chicago Tribune’ Critic Slams America’s Love of Entertaining Super Bowl Ads”

Liberalism Drips From ‘X-files’ Reboot, Slams Fox News and the Second Amendment

-By Warner Todd Huston

On Sunday evening after football the eagerly awaited first installment of the six-part “X-Files” reboot aired on Fox. Unfortunately, the writers let their liberalism interfere with common sense story telling as the first half of the show featured slams n Fox News host Bill O’Reilly and an attack on America’s right to keep and bear arms.

The mini-series begins with the ostensibly conservative host of an internet-based TV show seeking out our intrepid FBI agents Fox Mulder (David Duchovny) and Dana Scully (Gillian Anderson). The character’s name is a not-so-subtle allusion to Bill O’Reilly and the connection is made all the more tangible when O’Reilly is even cited as another crazy, conservative, conspiracy theorist.

The web TV host character is unsubtly named “Tad O’Malley” (Joel McHale) and the first words we hear from him are when Mulder brings his show up on a laptop computer.

Mulder opens his lap top to reveal an appearance of Barack Obama on the Jimmy Kimmel show playing across the screen. The FBI agent switches his screen to the “Tad O’Malley” show and we hear the host saying, “…it comes down to this: It’s the mainstream liberal media lying to you about life, liberty, and your god given right to bear arms.”

Immediately Mulder asks, “Why would I watch this jackass, Scully?”
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Liberalism Drips From ‘X-files’ Reboot, Slams Fox News and the Second Amendment”

Lincoln Quote That Can Be Used for Freedom of Religion

-By Warner Todd Huston

On August 24 of 1855, Abe Lincoln made another one of his arguments against slavery. But I’d dare say that the logic of his point works to defeat the left’s efforts to destroy freedom of religion today, too.

By 1855 Illinoisan Abraham Lincoln had firmly joined the anti-slave element of the Whig Party and he was already developing a reputation as an eloquent speaker against the “Peculiar Institution.”

In August he made the argument that having slavery in a nation that is supposed to believe in the freedom and equality of men is a contradiction that makes the belief in equality essentially a lie.

Here is how he once described the dichotomy between a nation that claims to value equality and a nation that supports slavery:
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Lincoln Quote That Can Be Used for Freedom of Religion”

New York Values? With Anthony Weiner, the Cuomos, Client Number 9, and Rampant Corruption, Cruz is RIGHT!

-By Warner Todd Huston

With New Yorkers wringing their hands and crying like babies over Ted Cruz’ “New York values” comment, one has to laugh at the state whose denizens usually prides themselves on being so tough acting like two-year-old whiners. But, despite their stomping of feet, the fact is, Ted Cruz is right. New York values are corrupt, generally un-American and the perfect example of how not to be as an American. Sadly, there is very little good to say about the Empire State.

Yes, we all felt for New York during the attacks on 9/11. Yes, we stood with New York on that terrible day. But let’s face it, that would be about the only time in the last 50 years that the rest of the country had any sympathy for that corrupt den of thieves. Further, the attack on the World Trade Center was not an attack strictly on “New York.” It was an attack on the whole of the country. Remember, they also planned to hit the White House and did hit the Pentagon that same day. If the World Trade Center happened to be in Philly, it would have been Philly they targeted.

The truth is, New York is generally the worst of what the nation has to offer. It’s taxes are too high, it is extremely liberal, it is pro-abortion, anti-Second Amendment, anti-business, it’s politicians stand against American freedoms and liberties, and they are lovers of the nanny state.

Before we get farther into this, let’s dispense with this silly “yeah, but some people there are great” argument. If you are going to employ that line of pap, you are a liberal because only liberals are so broad minded that everything falls through the cracks–especially truth.

Yes, yes, yes, there are “some people” who live in New York who are great. And they are a tiny, meaningless and powerless minority and because they don’t actually control what the majority of the state does they are dismissed (and absolved) from the accusations against their fellows.

You see, you can’t make a moral point unless you talk in generalities. If you didn’t use what is a mean average for something, then nothing is ever “wrong.” After all, something good can be found in just about anything and if you are going to use “something good” as your criteria, then nothing could ever be “bad” or “wrong.” And in that case, you cannot have morals because that “something good” would always over power the moral truth.

Now, that being said, back to “New York Values”: The “values” that prevail in New York–both the city and the state–are mostly horrendous, un-American, un-Constitutional, irreligious, and immoral. In short, New York “values” is a sarcastic remark because New York has no values, at least not any good ones.
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New York Values? With Anthony Weiner, the Cuomos, Client Number 9, and Rampant Corruption, Cruz is RIGHT!”

Video From Oregon Activist: ‘We’re Breaking NO Laws’ But Warns They Are Armed—NO RUBY RIDGE

-By Warner Todd Huston

As patriots gather outside the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge near Burns, Oregon, all eyes are on the activists gathered there to protest what they feel is a government gone wild. Many of the activists are armed raising some fears that bloodshed could result if Obama’s government sends armed officials to clear them out. But one activist has a warning and a promise for officials.

In a video posted to Facebook, activist Jon Ritzheimer told those watching his video that he and his fellows have gathered to defend their Constitutional rights.

Close to the end of the video the activist explains one of the reasons that he and his fellows are protesting. He says that the refuge is “swallowing up ranches.”

On the video Ritzheimer continues saying, “this refuge here we found out is also the largest and it’s getting bigger and bigger. It’s swallowing up ranchers. It’s already kicked off over 100 ranchers from this land.”

Still, Ritzheimer goes to pains to point out that the land they are camping on is public land and that they aren’t breaking any laws. He further points out that there has been no vandalism of the park. He insists, “there’s nothing illegal taking place here.”

“This land belongs to ‘we the people.’ It’s outlined right here in the Constitution,” Ritzheimer says.
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Video From Oregon Activist: ‘We’re Breaking NO Laws’ But Warns They Are Armed—NO RUBY RIDGE”

Hysterical Atheists Lose: Maryland Judge Tosses Lawsuit Against WWI Memorial Cross

-By Warner Todd Huston

It’s about time one of these baseless, nuisance lawsuits against some decades-old display of the Christian faith was given the heave-ho out of court, as all of them should. And that is just what happened to a lawsuit demanding the removal of a cross memorial to the fallen of WWI that was erected nearly 100 years ago.

In a judge’s decision on Monday, Maryland federal judge Deborah Chasanow threw out a lawsuit that was demanding the removal of a cross monument standing in mute tribute to The Great War that was erected at the intersection of State Route 450 and U.S. Route 1 in Bladensburg, Maryland. The display was built by members of the American Legion in 1925.

The monument is part of a park built to Maryland veterans and also contains memorials to soldiers who died in WWII, Pearl Harbor, the Korean War, Vietnam and other wars and battles.
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Hysterical Atheists Lose: Maryland Judge Tosses Lawsuit Against WWI Memorial Cross”

New York Police Allow Muslims to Openly Attack Journalists, No Arrests Made

-By Warner Todd Huston

New York police stood by and did nothing as a pack of raving Islamists physically and verbally attacked several Egyptian journalists right out in the open, on the streets, and right in front of police.

Members of the terror group the Muslim Brotherhood accosted the journalists who were in New York as part of the Egyptian media covering Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi as he attends the 70th annual session of the United Nations General Assembly.

You may recall that back in 2013 the terrorist group the Muslim Brotherhood had control over Egypt when their man, Mohamed Morsi was president of the ancient country. Morsi was in power with the backing Barack Obama, but the people of the country rose up to eliminate the terror-connected candidate and paved the way for el-Sisi to take the office.
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New York Police Allow Muslims to Openly Attack Journalists, No Arrests Made”

Ben Carson Under Fire for Saying Islam Not Compatible With USA, But He’s 100% Right

-By Warner Todd Huston

Dr. Ben Carson sparked controversy by saying that he doesn’t think Americans should vote for a Muslim to become president of the United States and that Islam is incompatible with the American ethos. Naturally he was called an “Islamopphobe,” but in the end Carson is 100% right. Islam is simply not compatible with the American system of government and our democratic freedoms. After all, Islam is inherently against freedom.

During Sunday’s “Meet the Press,” Carson told host Chuck Todd that he would be against a Muslim president saying that he “would not advocate that we put a Muslim in charge of this nation.”

Later, in an interview with the Washington-based newspaper The Hill, Carson went even further.

“I do not believe Sharia is consistent with the Constitution of this country. Muslims feel that their religion is very much a part of your public life and what you do as a public official, and that’s inconsistent with our principles and our Constitution,” he said.

Carson’s reference to Muslim Sharia law is, of course, spot on. Sharia is the “law” that maintains that women can be beaten at will, that gays can be thrown off of tall buildings or hanged just because they are gay, that fathers can kill their daughters with “honor killings” if said daughter is dating the wrong sort of boy, that… well, let’s face it, Sharia is a backwards, disgusting, hateful, barbaric way to run things.

If this stuff isn’t “inconsistent” with the American way of life, what is?

I have to say that I was not very informed about Islam when back in 2001 George W. Bush was proclaiming that the great majority of Iraqis were “just like you and me and yearning to be free.”

That made sense to me. After all, we’ve spent our lives understanding that American government is the one most interested in human rights and that everyone loves to have their rights assured. Further liberals have told us all that people are the same everywhere you go. So, if that were true, then the second the great masses of Iraq and Afghanistan got a taste of true democratic freedom, wouldn’t they flock to it, wouldn’t they thrill to it?

But they didn’t. In fact, they used their freedom to vote to kill, oppress, dominate, and implement barbaric Sharia laws that simply exchanged one tyranny for another. Then millions of Muslims began to converge on other countries to force those countries into the same sort of barbarism.
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Ben Carson Under Fire for Saying Islam Not Compatible With USA, But He’s 100% Right”

Frightening Poll: Large Number of American Muslims Believe Sharia Better Than US Constitution

-By Warner Todd Huston

A new poll finds that a very large number of American Muslims feel that sharia law is better than US law. And most consider themselves to be a member of the Democrat Party–a party that not surprisingly also has little interest in the US Constitution.

The poll of American Muslims was taken this June for The Center for Security Policy and here are some of the Poll’s findings:

When asked how they define “sharia,” 71 percent essentially see sharia as a guide for all aspects of a Muslim’s life, one more important than the US way of life or US law.

When asked if sharia should replace the Constitution only 43 percent said no and an astounding 33 percent said yes. So, when asked straight on a small majority shied from saying the want the Constitution replaced with sharia.

But American Muslims came closer to how they really feel when they were asked if they thought Muslims in the USA should be judged under US law. Only 30 percent said that US courts should be first and foremost as the place for adjudicating legal matters while 51 percent said that they should be allowed to ignore US law and be free to use their own sharia courts instead.
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Frightening Poll: Large Number of American Muslims Believe Sharia Better Than US Constitution”

Hypocrite Liberals Silent on Muslims Murder of Gays While Christian Cakes Raise Their Fury

-By Warner Todd Huston

Here is a fact: liberals and militant gays hate Christians more than they hate actual, real oppression of gays. This isn’t hyperbole, it is a foregone conclusion in light of the jihad that gays have launched for Christian bakeries while at the same time utterly ignoring the near daily murdering of gays in the Muslim world.

Take the newest outrage, for instance. In ISIS controlled territories Islamists are going undercover as gays in order to identify gays to be murdered later. The story from International Business Times

“ISIS is carrying out sting operations,” the news read, “in which jihadists pose as gay men. There have been instances, where families have even paid ransoms to prevent ISIS from stoning the arrested gay men, said Abu Mohammad of RBSS.”

This isn’t the first news of gays being slaughtered in Muslim countries, of course. ISIS has also been apprehending what they claim are gay men and throwing them to their deaths from tall buildings.
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Hypocrite Liberals Silent on Muslims Murder of Gays While Christian Cakes Raise Their Fury”

New Mexico Just moved Toward Restoring Private Property Rights Crimping Seizure Laws

-By Warner Todd Huston

Decades ago when civil asset forfeiture laws were first proposed they seemed like a good idea. But at this point they’ve become a corrupting influence and just an excuse to steal from citizens. Now New Mexico has made a move to reverse the damage.

The corrupt law in question, here, is the civil asset forfeiture law, a rule that was created to give cops the ability to quickly seize property and assets so that drug dealers won’t have the cash on hand–or the ability to liquidate assets–to help them get away with drug dealing.

With this law cops can seize your property and assets even if they never charge you with a crime. Worse, they often never return the money and property even if you are eventually proven innocent in a court of law.

Unfortunately, once these laws spread across the country what ended up happening in practice is that cops simply started stealing the money and property of nearly everyone they came in contact with making a mockery of both the Constitution and the whole purpose the law was created for in the first place.

In essence, forfeiture laws ended up turning police into outright criminals.
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New Mexico Just moved Toward Restoring Private Property Rights Crimping Seizure Laws”

Those Against Indiana’s Religious Freedom Law are Either Ignorant or Liars

-By Warner Todd Huston

I have to be straight forward right at the outset on this faux controversy over the new Indiana Religious Freedom Restoration Act. Those losing their tiny minds about it are either wholly ignorant of what is in the law, or know full well what is in it and are lying about the law in order to push their anti-Christian, gay-supporting agenda. There can be no other choice, here.

Firstly, before we even get to the case in Indiana, to act as if this whole idea is “new” is specious. Religious Freedom Restoration Acts (RFRA) have been around since President Bill Clinton signed one in the 1990s.

The first such law was signed in 1993 by Bill Clinton and was passed unanimously by the House of Representatives where it was sponsored by no less than New York’s Chuck Schumer, now one of the farthest left Senators in Washington D.C.

Furthermore, 30 other states have RFRA laws just like Indiana’s or other laws that offer RFRA-like protections–including liberal states like Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Washington state, and Illinois.
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Those Against Indiana’s Religious Freedom Law are Either Ignorant or Liars”

So, Let Me Get This Straight, Liberals: All Men are Rapists, But NOT All Muslims are Responsible for Terrorism?

-By Warner Todd Huston

Liberals love to speak in absolutes, except when they don’t. Take the so-called “rape culture” discussion that the left has indulged over the last five months or so. In that discussion, all men are assumed rapists whether they’ve committed such a crime–or even dreamed of it–or not. Yet now, after two Muslim terrorists have killed a dozen newspaper staffers in France, these same liberals are warning against anyone saying that “all Muslims” are terrorists.

For the better part of the last year the left has been all weweed up about the supposed “epidemic” of rape on the campuses of our colleges and universities. The left’s desire to make this false charge a “fact” grew to such a fever pitch that they swooned when music magazine Rolling Stone told the blockbuster story of a female student who was brutally raped by members of a fraternity.

Of course, like much of the left’s claims about rape on campus, the Rolling Stone story turned out to be a complete fabrication, false from start to finish. There was no rape. On top of that, the claims that women are more likely to be raped at colleges than outside them is also false.

And yet, we get this base assumption from the left that all men are rapists. In fact, the meme has become so entrenched that liberals and feminists have been fighting back hard against the backlash narrative that “men are rapists, but not all men are rapists.” They want people to stop saying “not all men.”
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So, Let Me Get This Straight, Liberals: All Men are Rapists, But NOT All Muslims are Responsible for Terrorism?”

Illegal Alien Activists in California One Step Away from French Newspaper Terrorists

-By Warner Todd Huston

With their vandalism of offices of the Santa Barbara News-Press this week, activists for illegal immigrants in California have proven themselves to be but a single step away from being just like the terrorists who killed 12 members of a French newspaper.

The media has been filled with news of the attack by Muslim terrorists on the offices of the left-wing French satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo in which 12 staffers of the paper were killed. The Muslims attacked the paper and murdered the publication’s staffers because the Muslims felt that the paper had committed blasphemy against Islam.

Now, a newspaper in California has been attacked by illegal alien activists because it dares to use the word “illegal” to describe the criminals who have broken our laws to come into the United States.
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Illegal Alien Activists in California One Step Away from French Newspaper Terrorists”

How Al Sharpton Rakes in Millions Not to Call Corporations ‘Racist’

-By Warner Todd Huston

According to a new investigative article, Al Sharpton has spent years shaking down corporations essentially for protection money supplied to him so that he would avoid calling them “racists,” or setting up boycotts, and creating uncomfortable public relations nightmares.

An extensive piece in the New York Post on Sunday traced Sharpton’s practice of taking money in exchange for his silence. The MSNBC host, the Post said, has taken millions not to attack corporations for their purported racism.

“Al Sharpton has enriched himself and NAN for years by threatening companies with bad publicity if they didn’t come to terms with him,” Ken Boehm, chairman of the National Legal Policy Center (NLPC) told the paper. “Put simply, Sharpton specializes in shakedowns.”

Only a few weeks ago, the National Legal & Policy Center published an open letter to Walmart asking the nation’s largest retailer to stop funding Sharpton’s National Action Network.
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How Al Sharpton Rakes in Millions Not to Call Corporations ‘Racist’”

Differences Between Civil Rights Movement of 1963 and Today’s Illicit Nonsense is Stark

-By Warner Todd Huston

Comparing the wholly American and sensible demands issued by the real civil rights movement during the event that saw Martin Luther King deliver his “Dream” speech in August of 1963 to the mishmash of self aggrandizing nonsense belched forth by today’s “BlackLivesMatter “movement” reveals a startling difference and exposes today’s protesters to be disjointed, illogical, filled and with race-hate not to mention insensate and childish.

When King mounted the steps of the Lincoln Memorial in that great American moment to begin to change forever how Americans treated its black citizens he didn’t do so alone. He stepped out to give his soaring “I Have a Dream” speech backed by hundreds of key members of the burgeoning civil rights movement, organizers who themselves were backed by hundreds of thousands of Americans, black and white, spread all across the country.

Before that great rally in Washington in 1963, the civil rights movement had already coalesced into a concerted effort replete with demands that they hoped would bring relief to millions of Americans yearning to be as free as the rest of the country.
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Differences Between Civil Rights Movement of 1963 and Today’s Illicit Nonsense is Stark”

BANNED: Obama to Save You From Evil Donut Sprinkles!

-By Warner Todd Huston

All hail President Obama, our most benevolent dictator on high. He is so wonderful to we lowly, stupid citizens that next year his FDA is going to save us all from the evils of donut sprinkles with a ban on transfats that will have an effect the nefarious product.

Yes, our great half white father in Washington is really only concerned about our wellbeing, isn’t he?

As Mike Flynn reported last week, early next year Obama’s Food and Drug Administration is set to firm up its new rules governing the evil, monstrous, highly dangerous sprinkles. And to save us from our own too-stupid selves, Obama is planning to ban the tiny, multicolored decorations.
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BANNED: Obama to Save You From Evil Donut Sprinkles!”

Liberals Lose: FCC Rules That ‘Redskins’ Isn’t Profanity

-By Warner Todd Huston

Left-wing pushers of political correctness have been trying to find any legal thread to force the NFL’s Washington DC-based football team to stop using the name “Redskins,” a word that activists claim is “racist.” The left’s most recent attempt was to get the FCC to rule that “Redskins” was “profane” and so cannot be used on the air because it breaks profanity rules. But the FCC just ruled against the liberal’s effort to redefine the team name as a profanity.

Last week the FCC ruled against the liberal activist’s claims that “Redskins” was a profanity or was obscene saying that obscenity must “depict or describe sexual conduct.” The agency said that its definition of profanity is limited to “words that are sexual or excretory in nature.”
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Liberals Lose: FCC Rules That ‘Redskins’ Isn’t Profanity”

Ferguson Protests From Coast to Coast, Will They Effect ‘Change’?

-By Warner Todd Huston

On Saturday, Nov. 29, some five days after a grand jury decided not to indict a Ferguson policeman for murder, a group of 100 people gathered to walk from Ferguson, Missouri to the state capital in Jefferson City to protest the grand jury decision. In the last week protests across the nation echoed the discontent seen in Ferguson. But as these protests now seem to be winding down, what did they accomplish?

Early in August when a white police officer shot an unarmed black teenager after the teen had committed a strong-arm robbery of a local convenience store, many activists thought they had the perfect cause for protest. But protests quickly devolved into riots and police responded with force giving protesters even more to gripe about.

Months later a grand jury meeting to decide if that police officer had acted in a criminal manner decided not to indict him sparking further riots and protests in Ferguson.

Ferguson wasn’t the only place that sponsored protests in support of Michael Brown, the teen shot in early August. Protests occurred all across the country from California, Indiana, and Texas, to Illinois, Boston, and New York.
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Ferguson Protests From Coast to Coast, Will They Effect ‘Change’?”

IRS Impounds Bank Accounts With No Warrant, No Cause, No Crime And It’s Legal!

-By Warner Todd Huston

In Obama’s America all the IRS needs to take all your money, freeze your accounts, and arrest you is their opinion that your assets might be suspicious. No warrants are needed, no proof of any actual crime is required. All the IRS needs is its say so and your life can be turned upside down.

A story in The New York Times reports on how the abusive, overly powerful IRS destroys lives with impunity. One woman who runs a small restaurant had all her assets stolen by the IRS and never returned even though she has never been charged with any violations of the tax code or breaking any laws.

And this woman will not likely get her money back because the forfeitures are not held until the government finally figures out if there is any guilt involved, either. No, that money is immediately doled out to the various law enforcement agencies involved in the theft and is immediately spent.
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IRS Impounds Bank Accounts With No Warrant, No Cause, No Crime And It’s Legal!”

Houston, TX: City Officials Demand Local Ministers Turn Over Sermons to Screen for ‘Hate Speech’

-By Warner Todd Huston

In Houston, Texas, liberals are again at the forefront of violating the Constitution to aide their special interest groups by oppressing both freedom of speech and freedom of religion.

City officials of the left-wing city have obtained a subpoena demanding that local ministers and pastors supply their sermons to the city ahead of time so that officials can screen them for “hate speech” against gays and most especially words against the openly gay mayor of Houston, Annise Parker.

The city also says that those ministers who refuse to turn in their sermons for approval by city officials, they will be held in contempt of court.

So much for all those silly Constitutional rights, and stuff, eh?

But the city council is getting push back and rightfully so.

“Political and social commentary is not a crime,” Christina Holcomb, attorney for the pastors, said. “It is protected by the First Amendment.”
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Houston, TX: City Officials Demand Local Ministers Turn Over Sermons to Screen for ‘Hate Speech’”