Media Still Pushing Fake News Lie George H.W. Bush Did Not Know What a Grocery Scanner Was

-By Warner Todd Huston

Even in death the fake news media pushes this lie: George H.W. Bush was so “out of touch” that he didn’t know what a common grocery price scanner was.

This has been a particular, pernicious lie about President George H.W. Bush that the liberal media has been pushing since the 1990s. It is a lie that has been debunked over and over. And yet, with his death today at 94, the media is once again trotting out this lie.

The fake news story goes that George H.W. Bush was “amazed” at one of those grocery store price scanners that we all see used every day to scan a price tag and ring the items up for sale. Back in the 90s, the media widely proclaimed this story as evidence that Bush was a “rich white guy” who was “so out of touch” with America that he had never been into a grocery store to see such a device in action.

The liberal media used this lie to pound Bush as unsuitable for re-election in 1992. He was out of touch, they said, because the scanning devices first started hitting stores in 1974 and if Bush was still being “amazed” by it as late as 1992, then he must live a cloistered, privileged life. It was a way for the media to tell the country that “George Bush isn’t for you, America” without directly saying that.

The story became all the rage for the liberal media. George Bush, so out of touch that he had never seen a price scanner before. But it just wasn’t true.
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Media Still Pushing Fake News Lie George H.W. Bush Did Not Know What a Grocery Scanner Was”

‘Abolish ICE’ Story in ‘Roll Call’ A Perfect Example of Liberal Bias in the Media

-By Warner Todd Huston

Would you like to see how the left-wing media spins stories to make Republicans look like the bad guys? You need look no farther than the spin Roll Call put on a story about Vice President Mike Pence replying to liberal demands that the Department of Immigration and Customs Enforcement be abolished.

For several weeks, now, a growing list of left-wing Democrats have lighted upon a new campaign issue and have begun braying to “abolish ICE.” This week the Trump administration has finally begun to push back against the outrageous demand. President Trump mentioned the left’s push to eliminate one of our chief immigration enforcement agencies at a rally in Montana. But VP Pence also spoke about it from Washington on Friday.

Pretending to report on Pence’s comments, the DC-based newspaper Roll Call jumped to the story with a Friday piece entitled, “Pence to Democrats: Stop ‘Spurious Attacks on ICE.”

The very first paragraph of this laughable excuse for news is a master class in left-wing spin all aimed at making Pence look like the bad guy.

Here it is:
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‘Abolish ICE’ Story in ‘Roll Call’ A Perfect Example of Liberal Bias in the Media”

Another Blatant Case: This is How Liberals Lie About This Immigration Debate

-By Warner Todd Huston

On Thursday another story about detained immigrant minors broke, this time about a group alleging that they were abused while being held. But the way the story was reported was a perfect example of how the media lies about this immigration debate because while the leftist media has blamed Trump for it, they neglected to mention the incident happened during the Obama years.

The liberal media has continued its hourly assault on President Donald Trump with its constant stream of lies about America’s immigration policy. But Thursday also saw this new wrinkle in the news of the day. It appears that a few illegal aliens filed a lawsuit alleging that they were abused when they were in detention as minors.

The story came from the Associated Press and some of the allegations are shocking:

Multiple detainees say the guards stripped them of their clothes and strapped them to chairs with bags placed over their heads.

“Whenever they used to restrain me and put me in the chair, they would handcuff me,” said a Honduran immigrant who was sent to the facility when he was 15 years old. “Strapped me down all the way, from your feet all the way to your chest, you couldn’t really move. … They have total control over you. They also put a bag over your head. It has little holes; you can see through it. But you feel suffocated with the bag on.”

In addition to the children’s first-hand, translated accounts in court filings, a former child-development specialist who worked inside the facility independently told The Associated Press this week that she saw kids there with bruises and broken bones they blamed on guards. She spoke on condition of anonymity because she was not authorized to publicly discuss the children’s cases.

According to the AP, these illegal alien kids had been sent to the facilities in question because authorities suspected them of being members of the criminal gang MS-13.
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Another Blatant Case: This is How Liberals Lie About This Immigration Debate”

Top Liberal Media Fake News Stories of the Trump Era

-By Warner Todd Huston

A few years ago I wrote a piece chronicling the “top 50” examples of liberal media bias with examples stretching back some sixty years. But in this hyperfast age of Trump with the media working overtime to destroy our president, examples of bias and “fake news” are coming at us so thick and fast that it is hard to keep up with them all. But in this article, I will present some of the leading examples of fake news perpetrated as real information by the left-wing media in the age of Trump.

In the 1930s, 40s, and 50s the media landscape was without a doubt a more ideologically balanced part of our culture. Each city used to have several newspapers and radio stations; some leaned Democrat, some Republican and others more independent. But starting in the 1960s, the media began to consolidate around liberalism as more and more “journalists” graduated J-schools as liberals and thence began infecting the media landscape with a singular, left-wing ideology. This drift to the left in journalism schools reflected the wider veer leftward of the university scene as a whole.

Then came Watergate which spawned a new wave of “journalists” who felt that their job was to attack the power structure — whatever it might be — as opposed to reporting the why, who, when, and where of any particular story. Instead of normal reporting, these new “journalists” felt that their job was to destroy the right and to use their stories to push leftism. Gone was the just-the-facts-style of journalism, replaced by agenda journalism.

This skewed, fake style of “journalism” became ubiquitous by 2000 when the media worked to cancel George W. Bush’s Electoral College win and then as it attacked Bush daily. It grew apace as it rose to deify Barack Obama, one of the most anti-American presidents in U.S. history, and has since become a fever swamp in its desire to destroy Donald J. Trump today.

Liberals coined the term “fake news” in order to use it as a weapon to undermine any of the few conservative sources of news out there. But the tables were turned when President Trump turned that term back on the liberal media when he first began calling CNN “very fake news” during the 2016 campaign for president.
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Top Liberal Media Fake News Stories of the Trump Era”

VIDEO: Facebook’s Zuckerberg Says His Team Made a Mistake on Diamond and Silk, Essentially Admits Obscene Bias

-By Warner Todd Huston

Without a doubt, Facebook has become one of the biggest online forums for Americans — if not the world — to talk to each other. Sadly, CEO Mark Zuckerberg and his management team have chosen sides and decided to bat for team Democrat and then lie about it all. Still, he almost admitted his perfidy during his testimony before Congress this week.

Facebook has been engaging in the systematic silencing of conservatives who have tried to use the social media network just like everyone else, to debate the day’s news and reach out to others who may be of like mind.

Over the last few months, conservative groups have found that their traffic has cratered and many of their contacts can no longer see their posts. Already one prominent conservative website has essentially given up its business because Facebook has throttled its reach.

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg continues to insist that he is only trying to stop “fake news” and to make Facebook more user friendly. However, it seems only conservative sites qualify as “fake news” to the biased administrators at Facebook. That’s because they have chosen sides, not because conservatives have more so-called fake news.

The latest conservative squelched by Facebook is the hilarious and energetic duo of Diamond and Silk, the pair of pro-Trump, African American women who became famous on Youtube for their support of Trump’s policies.
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VIDEO: Facebook’s Zuckerberg Says His Team Made a Mistake on Diamond and Silk, Essentially Admits Obscene Bias”

The Corrupt FBI Leadership, McCabe, Comey, Obama — These are the Russia Collaborators

-By Warner Todd Huston

It is becoming clear to anyone who cares about truth that Trump is the least of America’s worries where it comes to government corruption and collusion with the Russians.

Sadly, it is also clear that the national media is in cahoots with the left (and their pals the Russians, apparently). Because instead of telling the truth about corrupt FBI agent Andrew McCabe, the media is telling the nation lies and pretending that this is all Trump’s fault.

There has been no better summation about this situation than what nationally syndicated conservative radio host Mark Levin gave in a recent visit to the Sean Hannity show on Fox News.

Levin had it all exactly right when he appeared on Sean’s show when he was invited on to speak about the firing of the disgraceful FBI agent. Levin correctly noted that McCabe is not in the least bit a put upon civil servant like the media wants us to believe and if anyone wants to see collusion with the Russians, all they have to do is look at Barrack Obama and his corrupt regime.

Levin also blasted Lindsey Graham and Marco Rubio for crying about the McCabe losing his pension when he isn’t going to lose much of anything. The best selling author also scorched Comey, McCabe, Samantha Power, Clapper, Brennan and Susan Rice during his visit to Fox News.

After Sean introduced him, Levin didn’t need anything else to wind him up on the topic.

You have to watch this rant because Levin has important info to impart:

But, if you can’t watch the video, this is what he said…
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The Corrupt FBI Leadership, McCabe, Comey, Obama — These are the Russia Collaborators”

Just How Much Did Russia ‘Influence’ The Election? Seems Like Not Much At All

-By Warner Todd Huston

The liberal media and the “witch hunt” Mueller investigation are still braying that President Donald Trump “colluded” with the Russians to affect the outcome of the 2016 election. But notice how the left keeps using vague words like “collusion” and “interference” to describe their charge, yet they never give us any details about what the “interference” looks like. That’s because the actual details seem to show that the Russians had hardly any substantive effect at all on the election.

We have been told by the liberal media that “the Russians” interfered in the election. Again, they just use this catchall accusation and give no details. What Russians are they talking about? They don’t ever really say.

Then they insist that “the Russians” used their deep pockets to buy “lots” of ads to fool America into voting for… maybe Trump… or something. The left also claims “the Russians” used Facebook and social media to do this. They aren’t very specific on this, either. Just a bunch of general claims.

But, OK, let’s take this at face value for now. Let’s say the Russians did spend “lots” of money on social media. What did the reality of this spending look like?

Well, according to Byron York, who looked deep into the recent Mueller indictment of 13 Russians, it amounted to about nothing.

Here is what the Washington Examiner journalist recently found.
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Just How Much Did Russia ‘Influence’ The Election? Seems Like Not Much At All”

Liberal Media Pushes Fake News That Florida Killer Was a Member of a ‘White Supremacist Group’

-By Warner Todd Huston

The media spent all day Thursday knocking itself out to “report” that Parkland school shooter Nicholas Cruz was part of a “white supremacist” group. But it turns out that the media was punk’d and the whole claim was a hoax.

We all know that the left-wing, old media establishment is the first sector of Americam society to warn us all not to “jump to conclusions” over religion when a killer who is suspected of being a Muslim gets in the news. The media gravely warns us not to call him a Muslim terrorist until “all the facts are in.” But in the case of this Parkland, Florida, school killer the media took the word of one un-vetted “white supremacist” who made the unsubstantiated claim that teenaged killer Nicholas Cruz was part of a white separatist group without doing one bit of checking on the claim.

On Thursday morning, February 15, the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) hastily published a story claiming that the leader of a Tallahassee-based group calling itself the Republic of Florida (ROF) had “admitted” that Parkland killer Nicholas Cruz was a member of his group.

This person, one Jordan Jereb, insisted that Cruz had been “training” with them and that an ROF member even bought Cruz a WWII-era bolt action rifle.

The ROF is a white supremacist/white separatist group that claims it is fighting for “white Identitarian politics.”

“Republic Of Florida is a white civil rights organization fighting for white Identitarian politics,” the group says on its website. “And the ultimate creation of a white ethnostate so we can be free from anti-white policies and have policies that reflect our values as white westerners. The ROF Militia is the armed forces of the Republic Of Florida.”

As soon as the ADL posted this tall tale, the media went wild to pick it up and proclaim it to be 100% fact.
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Liberal Media Pushes Fake News That Florida Killer Was a Member of a ‘White Supremacist Group’”

Dead Not Counted Before Liberals Start Lying About Florida School Shooting

-By Warner Todd Huston

Sadly the country suffered another mass shooting in a primary school, this time in a high school in Florida. Unfortunately, the blood was still flowing, the victims had not even been identified, and the suspect had yet to be caught before liberals were purposefully misreporting on the incident and flat out lying in order to sell their anti-gun, anti-America, left-wing agenda.

One lie in particular made the rounds among many of the leftist media’s “real” journalists. As the crime in Florida unfolded, these “journalists” began Tweeting out that the attack at a high school in Parkland, Florida, is the “18th school shooting this year.”

This lie and ones like it appeared on several Twitter feed. Here are a few examples:
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Dead Not Counted Before Liberals Start Lying About Florida School Shooting”

Illinois Senator Dick Durbin is the PERFECT Example for Repeal of the 17th Amendment

-By Warner Todd Huston

As Washingtonians continue to angle for position over immigration policy, senators like Illinois’ Dick Durbin and New York’s Chuck Schumer have come to insist that their chief concern is to work on behalf of illegal aliens instead of American citizens. But this situation does prove definitively that the founders were right about how to elect senators and that the 17th Amendment has been one of America’ greatest mistakes. It should be repealed.

The current immigration debate centers on two policies. One is the fate of the so-called DREAMERs — those who were brought into the country illegally by their lawbreaking parents. The second is the idea of “chain migration” — a policy maintaining that once a single illegal is given status he should be allowed to bring dozens of relatives here. Washington is in an uproar over these issues with one side saying that we should only allow immigrants with merit to enter the U.S. while the other side thinks we shouldn’t have any immigration laws at all and we should let everyone who wants to come here do so whether they are useful to our society or not.

One thing is certain, the Democrats simply do not care even a tiny bit what the American people think about immigration. Indeed, a recent Harvard-Harris poll (no right leaning group, for sure) found that 80 percent of Americans are against chain migration and want it ended. Indeed, it is even higher among their own voters. Fully 85 percent of African Americans want merit-based immigration and are against chain migration.
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Illinois Senator Dick Durbin is the PERFECT Example for Repeal of the 17th Amendment”

Pandering? Megyn Kelly Suddenly Says She Left Fox News Because of Trump

-By Warner Todd Huston

Megyn Kelly left Fox News this year with visions of NBC stardom in her eyes. But now, all of a sudden, she is saying she left Fox because of Donald Trump. Is this just pandering, of do you believe her?

Kelly appeared on the Ellen DeGeneres Show this week to pump her new NBC efforts, but she also made this “admission,” The Daily Beast reported.

Kelly told DeGeneres what made her decide to leave her prominent gig at Fox News after 12 years and join NBC. She said that it wasn’t until she got her own primetime show that she was asked to do “all political” coverage. “I was never a political person,” Kelly said, adding that, “It became clear to me that it wasn’t what I wanted to do.”

She added…
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Pandering? Megyn Kelly Suddenly Says She Left Fox News Because of Trump”

ESPN Pulls Asian University of Virginia Announcer Because His Name is Robert Lee

-By Warner Todd Huston

If this isn’t the dumbest thing in the news today… According to reports, ESPN pulled an Asian American announcer off the William and Mary at University of Virginia college football game afraid he would enflame racial tensions because, like the famed Confederate General, his name is Robert Lee.

The story was first reported by Clay Travis of the popular sports website

“To avoid offending left wing idiots,” Travis wrote on August 22, “Robert Lee, the Asian college football announcer, not the Confederate General who died in 1870 and shares a name with him, was switched,” with another announcer.

Travis cited “multiple Outkick fans inside ESPN,” as his source for the story of announcer Lee’s reassignment.

“Is there anything more pathetic than ESPN believing people would be offended by an Asian guy named Robert Lee sharing a name with Robert E. Lee and calling a football game?” Travis wrote.
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ESPN Pulls Asian University of Virginia Announcer Because His Name is Robert Lee”

Atlantic Writer Claims Solar Eclipse is ‘Racist’

-By Warner Todd Huston

Just ahead of this week’s solar eclipse, a writer for The Atlantic implied that the solar system was “racist” because the path of the eclipse fell across areas of the country filled mostly with white people.

The August 18 piece entitled, “American Blackout,” seems to have been presented without satiric intent and is tagged “science” — not humor — on the left-wing news magazine’s website.

The piece, written by Brooklyn Law School professor Alive Ristroph, began saying that the path of the eclipse falls on white areas of the country, a fact that “presumably” doesn’t prove that the solar system is racist.

On August 21, 2017, a total solar eclipse will arrive mid-morning on the coast of Oregon. It has been dubbed the Great American Eclipse, and along most of its path, there live almost no black people… Presumably, this is not explained by the implicit bias of the solar system.

Presumably? Is there doubt that “the solar system” does not have any sort of racial animus?

Still, proving that literally everything is “racism” to liberals, the author then brusquely brushes aside the obvious truth that the solar system is indifferent to human racial bias and claimed, “Still, an eclipse chaser is always tempted to believe that the skies are relaying a message.”

Are they?
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Atlantic Writer Claims Solar Eclipse is ‘Racist’”

Sorry, Liberals, You Don’t Get to Have Moral Outrage Over Charlottesville Murder

-By Warner Todd Huston

A monster went to Charlottesville, Virginia, over the weekend and used his car to kill a pedestrian standing on the street. This criminal deserves the worst the law can do to him not to mention that his name should become a black mark in history. But, liberals don’t deserve to use this creep as their focus for moral outrage or to use him as a weapon to attack “the right” because liberals wasted their moral authority by ignoring the many deaths and other outrages perpetrated by members of the Black Lives Matter and Occupy Wall Street movements.

After literally years, now, of liberals claiming people from “the right” are “dangerous,” “bloodthirsty,” “murderous,” “violent,” and any other label they care to use, the left finally got their monster. But on the way to this ONE guy “from the right” who committed murder, they’ve time and again ignored murderers when they came from within their own ranks.

Before we get to the left’s wasted moral authority, though, we need to clear up so definitions.

There is factually no difference between Nazi-styled racists and the Black Lives Matter movement. Both are racist groups bent on separating their favored races from society and creating a segregated section for themselves. Both constantly spout hate against every race but their own. Both have been responsible for riots, property destruction, and deaths. In fact, BLM is guiltier of such things than any Nazi, Alt-Right, or white supremacist group. But they should be loathed equally, and both denounced as domestic terrorist groups.

Yet, the left will use this James Alex Fields, Jr., as a rallying point to claim that “the right” is dangerous and deserves to have their free speech curtailed.

First, we need to clear up this “the right,” nonsense.
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Sorry, Liberals, You Don’t Get to Have Moral Outrage Over Charlottesville Murder”

Left-Wing ‘Esquire’ Hit Piece on Curt Schilling Amazing for its Myopia

-By Warner Todd Huston

A hit piece on the conservative former Red Sox star Curt Schilling in Esquire magazine last month is amazing for its myopic liberalism. The piece conflates the opinion of left-wing sports writers to how “everyone” feels about Schilling, is incredible for its tone deafness, and exhibits a complete lack of introspection by the liberal writer about his own and the sports media’s liberalism.

Written by former Al Jazeera America producer Timothy Bella, the long screed against Schilling is made up of paragraph after paragraph demeaning the star pitcher and sports commentator and seems utterly oblivious to the fact that what it says about its subject’s demeanor can be said, only with reverse political ideology, about every foaming at the mouth liberal sports commentator working today. Introspection seems to be missing from Bella’s repertoire.

There is certainly no mistaking how liberal, Al Jazeera employee Bella feels abut Schilling. He is “racist,” “transphobic,” “unrealistic,” “right-wing,” “offensive,” “bitter,” and maybe even a “Nazi.” And that is just in the first few paragraphs.

Bella also writes the entire article as if his brand of extreme leftism is a middle of the road ideology.
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Left-Wing ‘Esquire’ Hit Piece on Curt Schilling Amazing for its Myopia”

THIS is How UN-American CNN Is: Anchor Mistakes Amer. Nat’l Anthem for French Nat’l Anthem

-By Warner Todd Huston

Showing how un-American CNN truly is, as President Trump wrapped up his visit to Europe on Thursday, he stood with French President Emmanuel Macron to hear each country’s national anthems. But as the American anthem rang out, CNN’s Poppy Harlow thought she heard the strains of the French anthem instead of the “Star Spangled Banner.”

That’s right CNN’s anchor didn’t even recognize our nation anthem.

As she blathered about other things she has no real knowledge about, the band struck up the American anthem and Harlow said, “Let’s just listen in to the French national anthem for just a moment.”

Trump put his hand over his heart — a visual cue to Harlow, at least, if she doesn’t know what our national anthem sounds like.

Someone in the newsroom likely told her in her ear piece that it was the “Star Spangled Banner” playing, not the French “La Marseillaise.”

Then she blurted out, that it was our anthem, not France’s.

But the fact that CNN’s anchor had no idea what the national anthem of her own country sounded like is telling.
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THIS is How UN-American CNN Is: Anchor Mistakes Amer. Nat’l Anthem for French Nat’l Anthem”

No, Fake News Media, Thomas Jefferson is NOT the ‘First President to Have a Muslim Iftar Dinner’

-By Warner Todd Huston

The media is upset this weekend that President Donald Trump canceled the “White House Muslim Iftar Dinner tradition started by Thomas Jefferson.” But the media is wrong in every respect. Thomas Jefferson never held any Iftar dinner and only three out of 45 presidents ever hosted one, so there is no such “tradition” to cancel.

Amy B. Wang of the Washington Post led the pack with this nonsense that Thomas Jefferson held the “first Iftar dinner” with a June 24 piece entitled, “Trump just ended a long tradition of celebrating Ramadan at the White House.” (If you can’t see the article at the Washington Post, it can be seen at the Greensboro News & Record.)

Once again the claim that Thomas Jefferson held the first Iftar dinner at the White House was trotted out by the Post’s Wang. She recounted the time when the diplomatic envoy from the Bey of Tunis, Sidi Soliman Melli Melli, visited Washington during Ramadan in 1805.

Jefferson invited the envoy to the White House for dinner at 3:30 PM — the time most Washingtonians had dinner in those days. But after he sent the invitation he was told that Melli Melli could not partake of a meal until after sunset because of Ramadan. Thomas Jefferson was faced with two choices: cancel the dinner entirely or simply have the meal later in the evening at a time when his guest could attend. Being a good host and a decent person, Jefferson chose the latter.

But in fact, all Jefferson did was change the time of his meal. He had no intention of honoring Islam. Jefferson simply was not honoring the religion of “the Musselmen” — as he termed Muslims at the time — when he changed the time of the meal. Also, there is no evidence that Jefferson asked Melli Melli what sort of food a “Musselman” would eat, so no special food was prepared to suit a Muslim’s religious needs. Jefferson neither inquired about religious accommodations nor was any made. All he did was move the time of the meal as a courtesy.

Further, Jefferson sent no letters containing proclamations about the meal being an Iftar dinner nor mentioning Islam, he never mentioned such honors in his private papers, and there is no record that he spoke to anyone about his intentions to honor the Muslim practice of an Iftar dinner.

But to the Post’s Wang, that Jefferson had a dinner at all was somehow proof positive that he invented a “tradition” of some sort. And what was the “proof” she presented that it was in Iftar dinner? She quoted the words of liberal historian John Ragosta who gave the scintillating argument, “Yeah, it sounds to me like an Iftar dinner.”

Wang went on to insist there has been a “modern tradition” of having an Iftar dinner at the White House. But in truth, only three presidents in all of American history ever held an Iftar dinner.

Bill Clinton held the first one. His dinner was politically motivated because at the time the growing Muslim-American community was leaning toward becoming a Republican constituency and Clinton was looking to peel Muslim voters away from the GOP.

George W. Bush followed Clinton’s practice of holding Iftar dinners because he wanted to prove that the U.S. wasn’t looking to go to war with all of Islam in the wake of the attacks on 9/11/2001 and the subsequent implementation of the war on terror. His celebration of Iftar was a diplomatic effort.

And, naturally, Barack Obama held them because he had a personal connection to Islam through his childhood growing up in Indonesia and being raised during that time as a Muslim.

But three presidents out of 45 does not make a “tradition.”
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No, Fake News Media, Thomas Jefferson is NOT the ‘First President to Have a Muslim Iftar Dinner’”

Video Shows CNN’s Becky Anderson Appearing to Stage a Muslim ‘Protest’ Against London Terror Attacks

-By Warner Todd Huston

A new video seems to show a CNN camera crew preparing to film a standup with reporter Becky Anderson and carefully staging a group of Muslims holding signs protesting the London terror attacks to make it look as if London’s Muslims were standing against terrorism.

The video shows CNN crew members carefully placing Muslim-looking people holding pre-printed signs with slogans such as #ForLondon, #TurnToLove, and #ISIS=EnemiesToHumanity. The bearded and scarf-wearing group are urged into a tight grouping after being placed one-by-one on the street to the rear of CNN’s Becky Anderson who is clearly waiting for staffers to finish placing the “protesters,”

As the video begins, it even appears that Anderson herself is motioning to crew members on where the ersatz peace protesters should stand. She then patiently stands by and watches as the placement is carried out.

The resulting staged photos and video then appeared on the BBC and the Associated Press.

A reporter for the Associated Press, Raphael Satter, went even farther saying in a Tweet that, “A group of London Muslims have come bearing flowers and posters saying ‘ISIS will lose’ and ‘Love will win’ across a photo of Tower Bridge.” Nowhere did Satter tell his readers that the “flower bearers” were staged by CNN’s camera crews.

The video was first posted by Mark Antro in London. Antro also noticed that CNN moved the white police officers out of the camera shot and replaced them with Asian officers.

The video of the CNN crew carefully placing the “protesters for peace” smacks of fake news and raises questions about the veracity of everything CNN reports about terrorism, Islam, and the role of peaceful Muslims in today’s overheated climate. Continue reading

Video Shows CNN’s Becky Anderson Appearing to Stage a Muslim ‘Protest’ Against London Terror Attacks”

Montana, Hell, Let’s Talk of the Democrat’s LONG History of Political Violence

-By Warner Todd Huston

The fake news media went mad last week when a Republican candidate from Montana got in a tussle with a pajama-boy-like journalist on the eve of Election Day. Across the fake news establishment the media whined about the “violence” inherent in the Republican Party in the era of Trump. But this narrative totally ignores the history of political violence perpetrated by Democrats that goes back well before the Civil War.

The latest incident that got the fake news establishment feeling their oats was when Montana’s Republican candidate for Congress, Greg Gianforte, pushed around a reporter for the UK paper The Guardian on the day before Election Day.

The Guardian’s pajama boy apparently pushed his way into a room with the candidate which sent the latter over the edge. As audio seems to prove, the Republican then initiated a physical altercation that, as pajama boy is wont to tell over and over again, broke the reporter’s glasses.

Gianforte apologized profusely the next day. But despite the cacophony of media condemnation for his actions meant to drive Democrats to the polls to defeat him, Gianforte won his election to Congress with a comfortable margin.

After his election, nearly every single report on the event started something like this report by tax dollar whore NPR (my bold). Continue reading

Montana, Hell, Let’s Talk of the Democrat’s LONG History of Political Violence”

Everyone On Every Side is Lying About the GOP Health Care Bill

-By Warner Todd Huston

It really is the most amazing thing, this Republican Health Care Bill. Usually, as a partisan, you can point to the lies from one corner of the political world and screech about how unfair it all is. But in the case of this latest Republican-sponsored health care bill, the sad fact is that all four of the most interested parties in this debate are simply lying outright about what this bill does.

When the GOP leadership of the House of Representatives finally passed its latest attempt to address the problems of Obamacare, the American Health Care Act (AHCA), the White House and the Republican Party celebrated that they finally set in motion the repealing of Obamacare. Unfortunately, the AHCA does not do that at all.

President Trump led the cheerleading with tweets and press conferences about the House plan.

The truth is, the AHCA neither repeals nor replaces Obamacare. All it does is nibble around the edges of Obama’s disastrous takeover of the nation’s healthcare system.

The House of Representatives is also trying to pull the wool over the eyes of the country by trying to make it seem as if they just repealed Obamacare. Republicans, of course, are desperate to make it appear as they have fulfilled a campaign promise. Since Obamacare was passed Republicans from coast to coast, have been promising to rid the country of Obamacare if only the voters will give them the White House and majorities in both houses. With the 2017 election they now have it, yet they have spent the fist 100 and some odd days of Trump’s presidency failing to do the one major thing they said they’d do once put in full power: eliminate Obamacare.

So, by characterizing the AHCA as a “repeal and replacement” of Obamacare, House Republicans are hoping voters take that at face value and imagine that they have fulfilled a campaign promise.
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Everyone On Every Side is Lying About the GOP Health Care Bill”

Daniel W. Drezner: How Liberals Lie to Thousands to Smear Conservatives, Then ‘Apologize’ to Dozens

-By Warner Todd Huston

The Washington Post’s Daniel W. Drezner gave us all a perfect example of a typical left-wing media trick meant to slam conservatives with outright lies only to “apologize” later when no one will pay attention.

Drezner, who is a purported “professor” at The Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy in Medford, Massachusetts, and a writer for the Post’s Spoiler Alerts blog, jumped to his Twitter feed to slam U.S. Attorney General for calling immigrants “filth.”

The “professor’s” tweet from April 11 raged, “Filth. He described illegal immigrants as ‘filth.’ Whatever your views on immigration that’s f**king embarrassing for a US official to say..”

This tweet got over 5,000 retweets and 6,000 likes as his left-wing, anti-American “fans” went wild pushing the claim that Jeff Sessions called all immigrants “filth.”

Later in the day, though, Drezner finally got around to actually investigating what Sessions actually said to see if he really did call all immigrants “filth.”
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Daniel W. Drezner: How Liberals Lie to Thousands to Smear Conservatives, Then ‘Apologize’ to Dozens”

Media Bias: North Carolina Newspaper Illustrates Democrat Vote Fraud Story with Trump-Pence Sign

-By Warner Todd Huston

Last week a newspaper in North Carolina gave its readers a perfect example of underhanded, media bias in its reporting about a woman who was arrested for voter fraud. The bias was revealed in two parts of the story. First the suspect’s party was never once mentioned — naturally she was a Democrat. And even more absurd, the story of a Democrat arrested for vote fraud was illustrated with a giant Trump-Pence campaign sign as if the criminal was a Republican Trump supporter.

The story in question was published in the Raleigh News & Observer on April 5 and told the news of a Granville County election worker who was arrested for altering records to allow convicted criminals to vote Democrat in the 2016 election.
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Media Bias: North Carolina Newspaper Illustrates Democrat Vote Fraud Story with Trump-Pence Sign”

Obama’s IRS ‘Finds’ Over 6,000 Pages of Docs in Corruption Investigation It Never Gave Congress

-By Warner Todd Huston

Even as the Democrats are desperately trying to gin up stories about ties between Donald Trump and the Russians, it is fitting that we get a reminder about real presidential scandals with the sudden admission from what is essentially still Obama’s Internal Revenue Service that they suddenly “found” over 6,000 documents in its corruption case from 2013. Worse, it appears the IRS did not include these 6,000 documents in its submission to Congress in 2015.

With this new revelation, we are reminded of the scandal of Obama’s IRS using its power in an attempt to destroy the conservative groups that were Obama’s political opponents. If you’ll recall, the IRS was caught forcing conservative groups to jump through a multitude of hoops to win a tax status costing those groups tens of thousands in attorney fees and all the while liberals groups were given near immediate clearance saving them thousands and allowing them to get on with their political activism in short order.

The new documents were revealed to conservative Washington watchdog group Judicial Watch. The documents are part of the group’s continuing effort, started back in 2013, to ferret out all of the illegal actions perpetrated by Obama’s taxing agency.
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Obama’s IRS ‘Finds’ Over 6,000 Pages of Docs in Corruption Investigation It Never Gave Congress”

The Democrats Lies of Ties Between Russia and Trump Continue to Unravel

-By Warner Todd Huston

Since before Donald Trump won last year’s presidential election, Democrats have been desperately trying to fool the American people into thinking that Trump somehow worked hand-in-hand with the Russians to steal away the White House from Hillary Clinton. But thus far, after months of pseudo investigations, not a scintilla of proof has been revealed. And this weekend, Democrat Adam Schiff once again showed that Democrats have nothing but lies and innuendo against Trump.

Before we go on, I must address this 100 percent truth as straight as I can: There WAS NO hacking of the U.S. election. Not one vote was hacked. There was no electronic interference with the U.S. election. Period. So, whenever you hear someone say “hacked the election” just know that they are lying to you. Lying. They are not just misinformed. They are purposefully lying to mislead you into thinking the 2016 election was illegitimate.

Now, California Democrat Schiff has been at the forefront of attempting to fool America into thinking Trump is all mixed up with Vladimir Putin’s corrupt Russian government. Over last weekend, Schiff appeared on CNN’s State of the Union with host Jake Tapper to continue pushing his false claims against the president. But when Tapper asked Schiff about actual proof, the congressman’s reply was telling for its evasiveness and lack of specificity.

When Tapper asked Schiff to get more specific during the April 2 broadcast, Schiff mumbled that he “can’t say” if the evidence against any ties to Russia are correct. He also softened his previous criticism of House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes (R, CA) for having visited the White House before he made his revelations that the Obama administration had, indeed, been surveilling Trump and his campaign before the election. Schiff dissembled further by backing off his previous claim that evidence of collusion between Trump and Russia was “more than circumstantial.”
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The Democrats Lies of Ties Between Russia and Trump Continue to Unravel”

Top Eight Fake News Lies Against Trump by Democrats and their Media Lapdogs Since Inauguration Day

-By Warner Todd Huston

At least since the middle of the last century after it had aligned itself with the Democrat Party, the media establishment has been an automatic enemy to any Republican in the White House. But no president has been the victim of media bias and hostility as quickly and completely as Donald J. Trump. Whereas some presidents may have only engendered from the media a few major lies only two months into his term, the lies against Trump have already reached into the dozens. Here are the top lies the media has thus far used to try and destroy Donald Trump.

(In no particular order…)

The Russians Hacked the Election to Get Trump Elected President

Spurred by lies from Hillary Clinton and the Democrat Party, the media has been claiming that the Russians “hacked the 2016 election” to “get Trump elected.” But despite the constant claims by the media, there is not a single shred of evidence to prove this claim.

Hillary helped get the ball rolling by claiming that the Russians hacked the election, but this claim was a 180 degree turnaround from only weeks previous when Obama and his media handmaidens were insisting that the the 2016 elections were not hacked.

Concurrent with this “hacked” lie, the liberal media has been happy to conflate the leaking of the Democrat Party and the Hillary Clinton campaign emails to a hacking. It was not a hacking. The DNC and the Hillary campaign were just run by idiots who lacked the common sense needed for electronic security.
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Top Eight Fake News Lies Against Trump by Democrats and their Media Lapdogs Since Inauguration Day”

18-Year-Old Illegals Allowed into the 9th Grade Brutally Rape a 14-Year-Old Girl Right in a School Bathroom

-By Warner Todd Huston

Two dangerous and violent Obama “DREAMERs,” one illegals from Guatemala and the other El Salvador, were arrested for brutally raping a 14-year-old girl right in a Maryland high school bathroom last week. The two males are both nearly past high school age but were put into the 9th grade with 14 and 15 year old American children even as they should never have been allowed into government funded schools at all.

The two monsters, Henry E. Sanchez, 18, and Jose O. Montano, 17, were allowed to enter the ninth grade due to their relative ill-educated ignorance. This is typical with the people who streamed into our country during Obama’s reign of terror on this nation. They have no education, often cannot speak English, and usually can’t even write in their own language, much less English.

Yet these lawbreakers come here, and what is the first thing our left-wing lawmakers allow? That’s right, they let them enter school on our dime. It is also very common for these illegal aliens to be put in grades with children several years younger than they. This is because they are so poorly educated that they simply can’t keep up with kids their own age so lawmakers allow 18-year-olds who should by rights not be allowed into high school at all to be put in with kids four and five years younger than they.

So, these two criminals who raped a 14-year-old girl, who were arrested and are being held without bond should never have been allowed into this country in the first place, much less catered to and given the opportunity of a free education courtesy of the taxpayers of the State of Maryland.
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18-Year-Old Illegals Allowed into the 9th Grade Brutally Rape a 14-Year-Old Girl Right in a School Bathroom”

Newest Trump Travel Order Block by Hawaii Judge/Obama Pal Proves ‘Law’ Means Nothing to Liberals

-By Warner Todd Huston

On Wednesday an extremist, left-wing “judge” in Hawaii — who turns out to be Obama’s law school classmate — proved that the law doesn’t mean anything at all to a liberal by issuing an illicit order to halt President Trump’s latest travel order only hours before it was to take effect.

Hawaii District Judge Derrick Watson issued a hold on Trump’s March 6 Executive Order 13780 which was aimed at putting a temporary moratorium on travel from several terror-torn nations. Trump’s order was predicated on a careful review of legal and constitutional rulings, plus national security reasons, to put a temporary halt immigration from six terrorism-prone Muslim countries, all formerly identified as countries of concern by the Obama administration last year. The order to halt the influx of so-called “refugees” from these nations was ordered pending the creation of new screening procedures to exclude those who may in fact be terrorists posing as immigrants or “refugees.”

With his order, this leftist “judge” specifically mentioned two sections of EO 13,780; sections 2 and 6.
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Newest Trump Travel Order Block by Hawaii Judge/Obama Pal Proves ‘Law’ Means Nothing to Liberals”

Fake News: ‘New York Times’ Again Caught Lying About Radical Muslim Terrorism and Trump’s New Travel Order

-By Warner Todd Huston

After President Donald Trump released his revised travel order, the left once again went wild with false claims about what it all meant. In particular, The New York Times jumped on the order and justified its criticism by making false claims. Typical liberal fake news.

In it’s story about Trump’s newest travel order, Glenn Thrush insisted that no terrorist has attacked the U.S. from any of the nations that are mentioned in the president’s temporary moratorium on travel. He went even further to claim that few Americans have been killed by terrorists inside the U.S.A. since 2001.

Here is how Thrush put it in his March 7 piece:

Since 2001, 18 of the 36 Muslim extremists who have engaged in attacks inside the United States were born in the United States, while 14 migrated here as children and would not have been stopped by the new vetting process, according to an analysis by Charles Kurzman, a professor at the University of North Carolina.

None came from the banned nations; Muslim extremists have accounted for 16 out of 240,000 murders in the United States since the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001.

First of all that last bit is 100% wrong. Thrush insisted that only 16 people have been murdered in the U.S. by Muslim extremists since 2001. But he is way, way off on his math.
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Fake News: ‘New York Times’ Again Caught Lying About Radical Muslim Terrorism and Trump’s New Travel Order”

Evidence Says Obama DID Wire Tap Trump’s Campaign

-By Warner Todd Huston

On Saturday morning President Donald J. Trump put a bee in the media’s bonnet by tweeting how shameful it was that Obama tapped his phones during the late campaign for president. It set off two full days of liberals acting shocked and outraged that Trump could say such a thing, got the media to covering for Barack Obama, and spurred weak kneed RINO Republicans siding with the left in attacking Trump. So, what of all this? Thus far, anyway, it seems completely true that Trump is right. Obama did spy on candidate Trump.

The media went into a feeding frenzy on Saturday morning when President Trump tweeted out his accusation.

He followed that up with several more on the issue.

…. and the media went wild. I won’t bother to outline the left’s foolishness. Anyone can see it with a quick Google search, so no need to waste the time here.

Trump’s round of tweets may have been kicked off by conservative radio talker Mark Levin who laid out the case of Obama’s illicit actions on his Thursday radio broadcast. Levin laid out a forceful case that Congress should investigate the “silent coup” that the Obama administration has been perpetrating against the still nascent Trump administration.

Levin also appeared on “Fox & Friends” on Sunday with more…
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Evidence Says Obama DID Wire Tap Trump’s Campaign”

Pakistani Computer Techs Now Under Criminal Investigation Hired By Democrats Took $100,000 From Iraqi Operatives

-By Warner Todd Huston

The scandal over a group of computer technicians hired by a long list of Congressional Democrats — including the former head of the Democrat National Committee — is growing deeper by the week. The latest is that the three Pakistani immigrants hired to maintain the Congressmen’s computers were the recipients of a mysterious $100,000 pay off from an Iraqi politician. And through it all the Old Media complex is ignoring the whole story.

Early this month news broke that Congressional Information Technology (IT) staffers Imran Awan, and his brothers, Jamal and Abid — all from Pakistan — had been working for a list of highly placed Democrat Congressmen. The team held top clearance status with administrator level access to the computer network of the House of Representatives.

The three are now the subject of a criminal investigation after it was discovered that congressional information was being copied to a server outside of the House computer system. The three are suspected of improperly accessing information and stealing congressional property.

The brothers were hired by the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence minority members Jackie Speier (D-CA), Andre Carson (D-IN), and Joaquín Castro (D-TX). Castro, who sits on the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, hired Jamal Moiz Awan. Speier and Carson’s offices utilized Imran Awan.

Abid Awan worked for Illinois Democrat Tammy Duckworth even though he has a prior criminal record and a bankruptcy. Abid also worked for Florida Democrat Lois Frankel.
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Pakistani Computer Techs Now Under Criminal Investigation Hired By Democrats Took $100,000 From Iraqi Operatives”