Transgender ‘Study’ Accuses Normals of Being Bigots for Not Wanting to Date Trans People

-By Warner Todd Huston

Now the left is saying that if you are a man attracted to women, but you don’t find a man pretending to be a woman attractive, you are a bigot.

You read that right, the left has finally found a “love” it doesn’t love.

What do I mean by that? Well, what is the first thing that radical gays tell you when they are trying to justify their push for gay marriage, for instance? They say “we should be allowed to love who ever we want,” and they also say “We have a right to be ‘who we are.'”

Ah, but wait. Now, if you are heterosexual and only want to love a natural-born member of the opposite sex — and not one created in a doctor’s office — well, THAT love is now to be deemed “bigotry.”

So, apparently “love” is not the justification for the left’s deviancy, after all.

All of this becomes clear with the latest “study” that was aimed at justifying the mental illness of transgenderism.

In June, left-winger Zhana Vrangalova wrote a piece attacking straight people for their bigotry on the gay website Vrangalova touted the “work” from a couple of researchers who found that the majority of so-called cisgender people (that would be normal people) would never consider dating a transgender person.

I know, let’s al put on our shocked face.
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Transgender ‘Study’ Accuses Normals of Being Bigots for Not Wanting to Date Trans People”

Everyone On Every Side is Lying About the GOP Health Care Bill

-By Warner Todd Huston

It really is the most amazing thing, this Republican Health Care Bill. Usually, as a partisan, you can point to the lies from one corner of the political world and screech about how unfair it all is. But in the case of this latest Republican-sponsored health care bill, the sad fact is that all four of the most interested parties in this debate are simply lying outright about what this bill does.

When the GOP leadership of the House of Representatives finally passed its latest attempt to address the problems of Obamacare, the American Health Care Act (AHCA), the White House and the Republican Party celebrated that they finally set in motion the repealing of Obamacare. Unfortunately, the AHCA does not do that at all.

President Trump led the cheerleading with tweets and press conferences about the House plan.

The truth is, the AHCA neither repeals nor replaces Obamacare. All it does is nibble around the edges of Obama’s disastrous takeover of the nation’s healthcare system.

The House of Representatives is also trying to pull the wool over the eyes of the country by trying to make it seem as if they just repealed Obamacare. Republicans, of course, are desperate to make it appear as they have fulfilled a campaign promise. Since Obamacare was passed Republicans from coast to coast, have been promising to rid the country of Obamacare if only the voters will give them the White House and majorities in both houses. With the 2017 election they now have it, yet they have spent the fist 100 and some odd days of Trump’s presidency failing to do the one major thing they said they’d do once put in full power: eliminate Obamacare.

So, by characterizing the AHCA as a “repeal and replacement” of Obamacare, House Republicans are hoping voters take that at face value and imagine that they have fulfilled a campaign promise.
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Everyone On Every Side is Lying About the GOP Health Care Bill”

Florida Looms Large in the Ongoing Health Care Debate

Originally published at “The Shark Tank”, Florida’s political feeding frenzy.

-By Warner Todd Huston

As the State of Florida continues to be one of the nation’s key bellwether states it has also become a major swing state with Democrats seeming to have increased their presence in a state that has until recently seemed a bit more solidly red. This means that by 2020, Florida could become one of the most important states in the county.

Florida is still a growing state and by the coming 2020 census there is little doubt it will be found to have grown even more. With this growth the state will likely increase its current 29 votes in the Electoral College — the third most votes in the country — making the Sunshine State one of the most influential states in the Union.

Some feel this makes Florida a lock for the Republicans. But we must not forget that Donald Trump only took Florida away from Democrat nominee Hillary Clinton by a scant margin of one percent. So, all eyes will be on this important state in the coming election cycles. Truly what happens in Florida has national implications.

The state boasts several high profile Republicans, of course. Former Gov. and presidential candidate Jeb Bush hails from Florida, as does Marco Rubio who has become nearly household name. But the state is also home to Rep. Ron DeSantis, a congressman and legislative leader that does much of the heavy lifting in Congress for the state.

A key battle for the next few years will be the fight to reign in Obamacare and to fix America’s health care system and Rep. DeSantis has a far better record on the issue than most in Washington. Health care is critical to both Florida and the nation economically, demographically and politically and DeSantis has been a leading voice on the issue.
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Florida Looms Large in the Ongoing Health Care Debate”

Texas Lawmakers Falling for Fake News Predictions of Financial Disaster with New Bathroom Bill

-By Warner Todd Huston

As the Texas legislature debates its own version of North Carolina’s bill to protect vulnerable women and children in public restrooms, some Lone Star lawmakers have fallen for a false report issued by the president of the Texas Association of Business (TAB) who has floated debunked claims predicting dire economic repercussions if the state passes the bill into law.

The state has been debating the merits of Senate Bill 6, also known as the Texas “bathroom bill,” meant to protect the privacy of women and children and maintaining that people must use facilities based only on their birth gender.

The measure is similar to North Carolina’s year-old HB2 which brought attacks from liberals across the country and sparked boycotts by entertainers and sports leagues.

North Carolina was hit with a series of boycotts by entertainers and sports leagues after it passed its own bathroom bill early in 2016. The threat of boycotts is what TAB President Chris Wallace warned about in his debunked report insisting that Texas would loose billions if it were to pass its own bathroom bill. Wallace warned Texas legislators that passing SB 6 would cost the state up to 185,000 jobs and as much as $8.5 billion in lost revenues, according to Breitbart News.

But even the purported “successful” boycotts launched against North Carolina were a dismal failure.
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Texas Lawmakers Falling for Fake News Predictions of Financial Disaster with New Bathroom Bill”

The Stupid Party: Republicans Will Destroy Both Trump AND Their Party if They do Nothing About Obamacare

-By Warner Todd Huston

Donald J. Trump was swept into office on several key issues, one of which was to put a merciful end to the odious Obamacare. So far the Republican Party has thoroughly failed to move on any of Trump’s issues and in the case of Obamacare in particular, if they do nothing or only tinker around the edges, it will sink both Trump and the Party.

Trump was made president of the United States on several fronts. He was against illegal aliens infesting the U.S.A. and for building a wall on the southern border, he was in favor of lowering taxes and re-building the economy, he was pro-U.S.A. (i.e. “make America great again”), and he was going to end Obamacare.

On the latter issue, the Republican Party stood fully behind Trump and have for several years now said they, too, want to put an end to one of the worst, most destructive laws ever to ooze out of D.C. But, now, only a month into the era of Trump, now that they are fully in charge and have a president ready to join the effort to quash the socialist take over of one sixth of the nation’s economy, we have already seen they are losing their spine on the matter.

Despite so many who are crowing that the Democrat Party is dead — and, yes, they are in the worst shape they’ve ever been in — and despite those who assume Democrats are now in the permanent wilderness, it is idiotic to assume the Dems are down and out. The fact is, right this minute the GOP has more power than it has had in generations and now is the time to act on Obamacare. We can’t expect the GOP to ever be in a better place to put an end to President Obama’s signature nightmare.
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The Stupid Party: Republicans Will Destroy Both Trump AND Their Party if They do Nothing About Obamacare”

Liberal Illogic: A Fetus Isn’t Human… Unless It’s a ‘Transgender’ Fetus

-By Warner Todd Huston

Showing once again that it is impossible to be a logical, thinking human AND be a liberal at the same time, Katie “Fake News” Couric recently noted that a fetus in the womb can “feel” transgender and to “think” it has gender issues while still in the womb.

Normally any talk of a baby in the womb is treated as a laughable concept by a liberal. You see, up until birth any baby in the womb is considered a disease that can be killed at will. Heck, as far as some liberals are concerned, even a child as old as six months after birth can be killed if it is considered an inconvenience.

Yes, we know that liberals consider human life “unviable,” or just some random “collection of cells” until a mother decides she “wants” said baby. Human life has no value at all to a liberal unless they “feel” like assigning worth to its life. It’s all just a random, illogical decision, not a fact and certainly not scientific.

Except… if that fetus “feels” like a different gender? Well THAT is a different story, apparently.

That’s right, now liberals are saying we need to save a fetus if it “feels” like it is a different gender than it is.
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Liberal Illogic: A Fetus Isn’t Human… Unless It’s a ‘Transgender’ Fetus”

Romney Has NO Principles: Trump made an error offering Mitt Romney anything

-By Warner Todd Huston

The rumor mill is churning this weekend that President Elect Donald Trump is about to offer former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney the role of Secretary of State in his new administration. Certainly, it would be a mistake to offer Romney anything. But, worse, if Romney accepts the offer it will show he truly has no principles at all.

During the recently concluded campaign for president, former GOP nominee Romney said some of the harshest things possible about Donald Trump. The fact is Romney worked as hard as he could with his limited abilities to destroy Donald Trump. He called him a “phony and fraud.” He also attacked Trump for his personality, called him a “con man,” and said he is “dishonest.”

After his constant rants on how evil Trump is, I’ll lose even that last tiny bit of respect I had for loser Romney if he accepts any role in the Trump White House.
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Romney Has NO Principles: Trump made an error offering Mitt Romney anything”

In Transgender Argument, a Perfect Example of Liberal Hypocrisy

-By Warner Todd Huston

An article in The New York Times extolling the virtues of pushing transgenderism on high school teens featured a paragraph that perfectly illustrates the hypocrisy of the liberal argument, not just on this issue, but writ large.

According to The New York Times, some students at Green Mountain Union High School in Chester, Vermont, were incensed that school administrators had implemented a transgender policy to allow a single female student who claims to be a boy to use the boys bathrooms and locker rooms at the school.

The school has broken down into two camps, according to the paper’s article, one side in favor of the so-called transgender student and the other against her right to claim to be a male.

Now, the chief argument that leftists make to legitimize forcing all schools in America to implement pro-transgender policies is that we can’t discriminate against kids who feeeel they should be a different sex than what they were born as simply because they feeeel they are right. We are to take their word for their feeeeeelings because if we don’t we are discriminating against them.

This, they say, is *just like* implementing civil rights for blacks. Because, you see, we can’t penalize kids for being transgender because if we do we are punishing them for *what they are* just like we did when African Americans had their rights quashed. Further, we can’t take away these kids’ “freedom” to decide to be the opposite sex nor can we oppose their right to free speech.

But buried in the Times story was a telling paragraph (my bold):
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In Transgender Argument, a Perfect Example of Liberal Hypocrisy”

‘King v Burwell’ Marks the Official End of the American Republic

-By Warner Todd Huston

As he exited the Constitutional Convention, Benjamin Franklin was supposed to have told a bystander that the founders had given us a Republic, “if we could keep it.” Well this week’s latest Obamacare decision by the U.S. Supreme Court proves that we ultimately couldn’t keep it, Mr. Franklin. America is now a dead letter.

Of course, what Franklin’s possibly apocryphal reply meant was that we only had a United States system if informed citizens kept the government’s feet to the republican fires. We could only keep the system the founders gave us if we made sure the government stayed true to the system as handed down to us.

That system was one of a constitutional republic built on a rule of law, built on generations of tradition as evinced in the Common Law, and laid out with a system that had set parameters that were expected to remain virtually unchanged (though not unchangeable).

That system has been slowly eroded by parties and presidents who have had no fealty to our American way of life. Destroyers such as the Democrat Party, Woodrow Wilson, Franklin Roosevelt, and the mewling fellow travelers of the GOP who have quietly supported the destruction, all have taken their toll on our republic. But it wasn’t until the advent of our most anti-American president yet in Barack Hussein Obama that the nation finally died a death not from revolution, but from neglect.

Thoday’s action by the opportunist Chief Justice John Roberts has thrown the last spade full of dirt over the grave of the American Republic.
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‘King v Burwell’ Marks the Official End of the American Republic”

Islam Is The REAL War on Women: 92% of Women in Egypt Forced to Undergo Genital Mutilation

-By Warner Todd Huston

As putrid Democrats continue to promulgate their lie-filled “Republican war on women” campaign theme, they sit by ignoring that the real war on women is perpetrated by Islam. Another reminder of where the real hate for women emanates is in a survey showing that fully 92 percent of married women in Egypt are forced to undergo genital mutilation.

If you are unaware of what Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) is, be prepared to be horrified. Euphemistically called “female circumcision” by liberals who want to obviate what it really is, it is in fact the utter destruction of the female pleasure centers in the vagina so that a woman can never gain pleasure or have an orgasm from sexual intercourse.

Many Muslims from Africa to the Middle East think that women are disgusting beasts who should not be allowed to enjoy sex. So, to keep girls pure in the eyes of The “Prophet” Muhammad, in their pre-teen stage, these inhuman Muslims rip out a girls’ clitoris and sew herr vagina shut leaving but a small hole for urination.
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Islam Is The REAL War on Women: 92% of Women in Egypt Forced to Undergo Genital Mutilation”

Physicians Want Dr. Oz Removed from Columbia University Board Over His Bad Medical Advice

-By Warner Todd Huston

On Friday, TVs “Dr. Oz,” Doctor Mehmet Oz, was once again forced to defend himself this time after a group of physicians at Columbia University demanded he be removed from the board over what they claim is his pushing of bad science and unsound medical advice.

Oz responded after the group of Doctors forwarded a letter to the university asking the school to dismiss the TV doc from its board.

The letter charges that Oz is a “fake and a charlatan.” The letter continues saying, “Dr. Oz has repeatedly shown disdain for science and for evidence-based medicine.”
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Physicians Want Dr. Oz Removed from Columbia University Board Over His Bad Medical Advice”

Media Bias: CNN Lies Saying GOP Wants to ‘End Health Care for Millions

-By Warner Todd Huston

Everyday the media lies to America about what conservatives and the Republican Party want to do with their policy ideas and CNN just uncorked a doosie of a lie about Obamacare.

Above is a screen shot of what appeared on CNN on March 5, 2015.

At noon on Thursday CNN was caught lying claiming that the GOP-led efforts to defeat Obamacare will “end health care for millions.” This is nothing but a blatant, scurrilous lie.

First of all, even Obamacare isn’t even offering anyone any health care. It is offering insurance polices for health care, not health care itself.
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Media Bias: CNN Lies Saying GOP Wants to ‘End Health Care for Millions”

Obama’s New Food Czar Wants Gov’t To Decide What You Are Allowed to Eat

-By Warner Todd Huston

Like all extreme socialists, Obama’s new food czar thinks that government should completely control all aspects of food from its production and is dissemination, even to what is allowed to be advertised and what you are allowed to eat.

Recently the Obama’s personal chef, Sam Kass, resigned his position and left the White House. Kass was not just a chef, though. He was also the White House’s senior adviser for nutrition policy. On top of that he the director of Mrs. Obama’s anti-childhood obesity campaign, “Let’s Move.”

So, Obama had several slots to fill at once with his new food czar. So, he and Michelle have picked one Debra Eschmeyer to take on the role of director of “Let’s Move.”

Eschmeyer, who founded the FoodCorps service program that was designed to teach school cafeteria workers about nutrition, calls herself a “food justice activist.” She recently explained what she means by that title.

“I was an editor of [the book] Food Justice so I spent several years thinking about the definition,” she said. “Food justice seeks to ensure that the benefits and risks of where, what, and how food is grown, produced, transported, distributed, accessed, and eaten are shared fairly.”
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Obama’s New Food Czar Wants Gov’t To Decide What You Are Allowed to Eat”

Yet Another Bad Surprise for Obamacare Users: Their Year-End Taxes Will Soar

-By Warner Todd Huston

So, you thought the Lord God Obama had given you some “free” healthcare, did you? You’ve happily applied for and used his subsidies all last year because that clunky, constantly crashing Obamacare website said you could, eh? Well, guess what? Come April 15 you’ll probably owe a whopping new tax bill to the IRS because, as it turns out, you didn’t really deserve the subsidy you got. Sucks, doesn’t it?

The government reports that nearly 7 million Americans took advantage of the subsidies they were offered on the Obamacare exchange websites, subsidies that helped them cut down on the costs of the newly mandated Obamacare healthcare policies.

But now, according to tax preparation company H&R Block, as many as 4 million subsidy users might discover that in fact they made too much money to have been allowed to get the subsidy and at tax time the IRS will demand that they pay the money back.
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Yet Another Bad Surprise for Obamacare Users: Their Year-End Taxes Will Soar”

Vivek Murthy: Obama’s New Anti-Gun Surgeon General

-By Warner Todd Huston

On Monday, the Senate has approved Vivek Murthy to be the next U.S. surgeon general. Murthy is many things, of course, he is a far, far left-wing activist, and a stolid liberal, but one thing he definitely is, is a major anti-gun nut, a man who hates the US Constitution.

Murthy has said that banning guns is part of “medicine” calling guns in America a “public health crisis.” He is the president and co-founder of Doctors for America, a group that pushes hard for massive gun confiscation laws.

Early this year the National Rifle Association warned the nation against allowing this hater of the US Constitution from being made America’s Surgeon General.
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Vivek Murthy: Obama’s New Anti-Gun Surgeon General”

To Aid Obama, Old Media Establishment Took a Pass on Gruber Videos

-By Warner Todd Huston

The man who was trying to shop the Gruber videos to the media was rebuffed by the Old Media Establishment repeatedly because they had no interest in highlighting the fact that Obama and his Obamacare cohorts were lying to the American people about the President’s signature healthcare law.

Howard Kurtz tracked down the man who was trying to get the media to notice the string of videos showing Obamacare architect Jonathan Gruber telling audiences that the American voters are “stupid” and saying that the administration lied repeatedly about what was in Obamacare and how it would work all in a desperate attempt to get the President’s take over of our national healthcare system passed into law.

Kurtz tracked down the man, Rich Weinstein, and found a man who doesn’t himself want to become the story. In fact, he wouldn’t even supply Kurtz with a photo of himself.
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To Aid Obama, Old Media Establishment Took a Pass on Gruber Videos”

Obamacare Architect Celebrates the Lack of Transparency in Obama’s Health Care Law: ‘Stupidity of American Voters’

-By Warner Todd Huston

In a revisited interview, the architect of Obamacare is seen saying that the lack of transparency in the President’s healthcare law is a feature not a problem. After all, if you rubes could figure it out, you’d really understand what an un-American mess Obamacare is. Obamacare is a total mess, a Gordian Knot that cannot be cut through by mortal men. And it was made that way on purpose.

The interview in question was of Romneycare and Obamacare architect Jonathan Gruber from October of last year. In the video taped interview, Gruber is seen noting that the lack of transparency in Obamacare is really a good thing.
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Obamacare Architect Celebrates the Lack of Transparency in Obama’s Health Care Law: ‘Stupidity of American Voters’”

Obamacare Voters & Gang of Eight Immigration Senators Saw Big Losses on Tuesday

-By Warner Todd Huston

If you are a US Senator that supported Obamacare and/or one who supported the vaunted “Gang of Eight” senators who were seeking immigration compromise you are preparing for a long retirement back home in most cases because voters threw you out on your ear.

All these Democrats have been sacrificed on the altar of Obama.

First of all, you’ll recall that back in 2013 a group of eight US Senators got together supposedly to buck the gridlock and come to a compromise on immigration. The media loved these guys and hailed them as all that is good about Washington.
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Obamacare Voters & Gang of Eight Immigration Senators Saw Big Losses on Tuesday”

UNPRECEDENTED: Obama Orders Insurance Industry to Withhold New Prices Until AFTER Midterm Elections

-By Warner Todd Huston

Barack Obama is again playing political games with our health insurance industry and has turned in another underhanded move against it by forcing insurance carriers, brokers and agents to withhold their 2015 prices until after the 2014 midterm elections are over all so that the news of higher prices won’t hurt Democrats on Election Day.

This means that customers looking to get new insurance or those wishing to scout new policies to see if they can get a better deal are not able to shop for insurance.

Before we get into that, though, millions of new cancellations will be hitting on January 1, 2015. Much of this news has gone under the radar as Democrats and their lapdog media are keeping this as quiet as possible.

There is also something different with these cancellations, something that has never happened before in the healthcare insurance industry. Past practice has always been that the next year’s new rates are released 60 days before the first day of the next year. But Obama has mandated that companies hold back on that normal practice so that he can shield Democrats at the polls.

Here is how insurance agent C. Steven Tucker explained it this weekend:

This year, for the first time in 20 years I can not even quote a replacement product because Barack Obama has issued a GAG ORDER to the health insurance industry instructing them not to disclose their January 2015 health insurance rates until after the mid-term elections. This is unprecedented. Normally health insurance premiums are released for public viewing 60 days before the January 1st effective date. Where are the reports on these cancellations and the gag order from NBC, ABC, CBS and CNN? The only news organization that I am aware of that has reported on any of this is the Fox News channel. I can guarantee you one thing, not one of my clients who received a cancellation notice is voting Democrat on Tuesday.

This is once again proof that healthcare is not about health for this most corrupt president in American history. It is politics all the way through for this man.

Your health doesn’t matter to Barack Obama. He cares only about what political benefit he can get from taking over our healthcare industry.

It is also proof that the health of Americans does not interest the news media, either. All they care about is how they can help Democrats.

But this is just a small example of what happens when you allow government to take over an industry like this. It stops being about what ever the industry is supposed to be about and becomes a mere political tool.

Finally, let us point out something else that is glaringly obvious. The GOP is in on this game. After all, you haven’t heard a word about this from any GOP candidate have you? They are clearly running interference for Obama on this by staying silent.
“The only end of writing is to enable the reader better to enjoy life, or better to endure it.”
–Samuel Johnson

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Warner Todd Huston is a Chicago based freelance writer. He has been writing opinion editorials and social criticism since early 2001 and before that he wrote articles on U.S. history for several small American magazines. His political columns are featured on many websites such as Andrew Breitbart’s,, and, as well as,,, among many, many others. Huston has also appeared on Fox News, Fox Business Network, CNN, and many local TV shows as well as numerous talk radio shows throughout the country.

For a full bio, please CLICK HERE.

Obamacare Funds Being Used to Push Amnesty for Illegals

-By Warner Todd Huston

Obamacare was supposed to be about getting healthcare for those Americans–I emphasize, Americans–who fell through the system and were un-insured. But, like all government programs, it has failed to do what it set out to do. Worse, now we find healthcare dollars being used to push amnesty for illegals.

Rep. Lamar Smith (R-TX) recently demanded to know why Obamacare money is going to a campaign to push amnesty. Smith wrote a letter to House Appropriations Chair Harold Rogers (R-KY) and demanded that the program be defunded.

Smith points to a $15 million grant hidden in Obamacare’s Prevention and Public Health Fund given to the California Endowment, a purported healthcare agency in the Golden State.
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Obamacare Funds Being Used to Push Amnesty for Illegals”

Congress Mulling Mandatory Isolation for Returning Ebola Doctors

-By Warner Todd Huston

After a doctor returning from treating patients in West Africa was diagnosed with the deadly Ebola virus, some in Congress are proposing that any healthcare worker returning from overseas after treating Ebola patients must be placed in isolation to make sure they are free of the disease.

Doctor Craig Spencer was diagnosed with Ebola upon returning to the US after taking care of Ebola patients in Guinea but when he first came home he was not exhibiting any symptoms. But only days after his return Spencer checked into Bellevue Hospital in New York and in short order was diagnosed with the virus.

The doctor is now in isolation and being treated for Ebola.

Before he began showing symptoms, Dr. Spencer was carrying on his life as normal, riding city mass transit, eating out, even going bowling. This is something that has alarmed lawmakers sparking a motion to make isolation mandatory.
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Congress Mulling Mandatory Isolation for Returning Ebola Doctors”

Ebola Ranks in the Top Ten Most Engrossing Stories Since 2010

-By Warner Todd Huston

The Ebola story has broken into the top ten most watched stories in America since 2010, a poll shows. And the story is not yet ended, so it may climb higher still.

According to a new Pew Research Poll, 49 percent of Americans are following the Ebola story “very closely.” This was, according to the pollsters, “a far greater share than interest in news about ISIS airstrikes (29%), U.S. economic news (26%) and the upcoming congressional elections (16%).”

Americans are clearly worried over Obama’s failed response to the Ebola health crisis.
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Ebola Ranks in the Top Ten Most Engrossing Stories Since 2010″

Politico Claims it’s ‘Unclear’ if Colorado Healthcare Plan Cancellations are Fault of Obamacare

-By Warner Todd Huston

The Senate race in Colorado has begun to turn in favor of the Republicans over the last few months but that favor may grow as this week it was learned that some 22,000 citizens are losing their healthcare plans. But Politico claims it is “unclear” if those cancellations are a result of Obamacare.

On Friday, only weeks before voters go to the polls, the Colorado Division of Insurance announced that 22,000 Coloradoans were losing their insurance plans this year and another 200,000 will likely lose theirs in 2015.

The announcement could not have come at a worse time for incumbent Democrat Senator Mark Udall whose campaign has recently begun to flounder in the face of a surging Republican opponent.

Surprising many in the Centennial State, Congressman Cory Gardner has jumped ahead of the long-time Senator and this massive wave of healthcare insurance policy cancellations could drive even more Republicans and independents to the polls next month.
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Politico Claims it’s ‘Unclear’ if Colorado Healthcare Plan Cancellations are Fault of Obamacare”

Criticism Mounts for CDC Director Thomas Frieden

-By Warner Todd Huston

As the Ebola crises worsens and it becomes clear that the Obama administration and the Centers for Disease Control are operating on incomplete or even false information, Obama’s appointed CDC director is finding mounting criticism of his handling of the crisis.

CDC director Dr. Thomas Frieden was appointed to his position by President Obama in 2009 and now, as the face of the Obama administration’s flawed response to this developing Ebola situation, he faces the toughest task in his long, administrative career.

It is a career that began in New York City in 2002 when Frieden was appointed as the City Health Commissioner. There Frieden was responsible for the political attack on “trans fats,” a campaign that opened the door for mayor Bloomberg’s failed attempt to ban the sale of large sodas and other such nanny state “health” policies.
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Criticism Mounts for CDC Director Thomas Frieden”

Obama Sent Illegals All Across The County, Forcing States to Pay for Schooling

-By Warner Todd Huston

President Obama secretly sent tens of thousands of illegals all across the country and into every state without bothering to inform governors that he was doing it and now the states are stuck footing the bill for healthcare and education.

On September 29, the AP reported that “Unaccompanied minors… have moved to communities of all sizes, in nearly every state.”
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Obama Sent Illegals All Across The County, Forcing States to Pay for Schooling”

Obama Suddenly Realizes Ebola is a ‘Growing Threat’ to the World

-By Warner Todd Huston

Five months late, President Obama is all of a sudden saying that the Ebola virus poses a “growing threat to regional and global security.” This is after over two thousand Africans have died from the virus. Talk about a day late and a dollar short!

Appearing before African leaders at the United Nations in New York on Thursday, the President said, “There’s still a significant gap between where we are and where we need to be.”

“Stopping Ebola is a priority for the United States,” Obama continued. “We will continue to lead and do our part. But this must also be a priority for the world.”

Last week Obama ordered 3,000 troops to Africa to help fight Ebola as experts began warning that up to five million Africans could die from the virus.
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Obama Suddenly Realizes Ebola is a ‘Growing Threat’ to the World”

One in Ten California Workers are Illegal Immigrants

-By Warner Todd Huston

A new report released last week revealed the alarming statistic that nearly one in ten workers in California is an illegal immigrant.

The report released by researchers at USC found that nearly ten percent of the Golden State’s workforce is made up of illegal aliens. It was also estimated that at least 2.6 million illegals live in the state. This number is likely far higher, though.

As the LA Times reports, illegals have taken 38 percent of jobs in agriculture, 14 percent in construction, and half have been in the US for at least 10 years.

Pro-amnesty activists point to the study as proof that these illegals “contribute” to the state.
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One in Ten California Workers are Illegal Immigrants”

Prostate Cancer Foundation Rejects Donations Spurred by Celebrity Nude Photo Scandal

-By Warner Todd Huston

In the wake of the theft of nude photos of several Hollywood stars, users of the social media website Reddit launched a campaign to donate to the Prostate Cancer Foundation in the name of the nude photo scandal and actress Jennifer Lawrence. But as soon as the Foundation realized the main reason for the donations they rejected the money.

Reddit has hundreds of pages where users gather to discuss specific topics. One of those sections is called “the Frapping.” This page is dedicated to the discussion of nude photos of Hollywood celebrities–photos that are usually fakes. But this week the page was abuzz sharing the nude photos stolen from various Hollywood actresses.

Early this week one anonymous user came up with the idea of donating money to the cancer charity the Prostate Cancer Foundation (PCF) in the name of the stolen nude photos of the “Hunger Games” actress.
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Prostate Cancer Foundation Rejects Donations Spurred by Celebrity Nude Photo Scandal”

‘Ethicist’ Richard Dawkins Says it’s ‘Immoral’ Not to Abort Down Syndrome Babies

-Warner Todd Huston

So-called ethicist Richard Dawkins, famed as the world’s most active militant atheist, has now decided that all babies that don’t fit his definition of worthy should be aborted and that it is actually “immoral” if they are allowed to be born. Thus he feels that babies with Down Syndrome must be aborted and it is “immoral” not to do so.

The famed atheist recently took to Twitter to reply to a follower who said it would be an “ethical dilemma” to be pregnant with a baby diagnosed with Down Syndrome. In reply, Dawkins wrote, “Abort it and try again. It would be immoral to bring it into the world if you have the choice.”

So, as far as Dawkins is concerned a person with Down Syndrome is living a life not worth living.
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‘Ethicist’ Richard Dawkins Says it’s ‘Immoral’ Not to Abort Down Syndrome Babies”