Liberal Media Invented ‘Fake News’ LONG Before the Conservative Media Was Born

-By Warner Todd Huston

The watch words of the day seems to be “fake news” with liberals using the concept as a weapon to shut down all center right news and opinion outlets on both the Internet and TV. But the fact is, the liberal media invented “fake news” many decades before those on the right finally had enough of media bias and started their own news outlets.

Liberals have spent the entire month after Election Day proclaiming every non-liberal website or TV network to be purveyors of “fake news” even going so far as creating a list of sites they claim are all lies and publishing wildly biased “studies” of said sites to “prove” they are filled with “fake news.”

Losing Democrat presidential candidate, Hillary Clinton, came out of mourning to blast the right’s “fake news” even as she was one of its biggest purveyors. After all, who can forget her story that she was shot at by snipers during a visit to Bosnia in 1996 when, in fact, she was met with no violence at all. Not only did Hillary face no security threat when she landed in Bosnia that day, she was met by a little girl who gave her a bouquet of flowers. Those must have been some scary flowers, indeed.

Aside from political figures, far left, clickbait website BuzzFeed made the most noise with an October 20 piece entitled, “Hyperpartisan Facebook Pages Are Publishing False And Misleading Information At An Alarming Rate,” a story that essentially relied on a liberal “professor’s” list of “fake news” websites heavy on right leaning sites and almost empty of left leaning sites.

Without question, even as BuzzFeed set itself up to be the arbiter of what is or sin’t fake news, it has itself been a constant and steady supplier of fake news.
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Liberal Media Invented ‘Fake News’ LONG Before the Conservative Media Was Born”

Gays Immediately Blame Christians for Muslim Terror Attack on Florida Gay Bar

-By Warner Todd Huston

As the news broke that there had been a mass shooting at a gay bar in Florida, the gay community instantly erupted in accusations that Christians were responsible for the murderous act.

Only minutes after she learned of the shooting, political activist Suzanna H Porter jumped to her Twitter account to tweet that the man who shot up the Pulse gay bar in Orlando was an anti-LGBT white guy.

Hours later, once she was proven to be an alarmist liar, Porter deleted her entire Twitter account in shame.

But Porter wasn’t alone.

A tweet from Hoosiers for Hillary posted that the terror attack was directed at Gay Pride month when we now know it was not.

Further, a commenter on the gay news Twitter feed “Pink News” insisted “Christians planned this.”

There were many more like this, of course. These are just the few I highlight here.

The idiotic lies these people were spouting were reflected in early media accounts of this story, too. Early on Sunday morning MSNBC had Jim Cavanaugh, a so-called “law enforcement expert” for the network, on TV and he said the shooting was likely a white guy who hated gays.

In the end, we all now know that this act of terror was committed by an ISIS-connected Muslim from Florida who is a registered Democrat voter.
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Gays Immediately Blame Christians for Muslim Terror Attack on Florida Gay Bar”

After Paris Terror, Liberals Attack Conservatives, Cry for Muslims, Worry Focus Taken Off Global Warming, Mizzou, Anti-Gun Agenda

-By Warner Todd Huston

The Old Media and the liberal left’s reaction to the terror attacks in Paris last night really do prove that in and of itself leftists occupy just another niche of enemies to modernity and western civilization.

Certainly leftists are not themselves terrorists–though this is quite unlike the charge leftists make against anyone who is center right. But their ideas, ideals, and their reaction to Islamist terrorism makes of leftists haters of the west with a hate just as deep, just as white hot as any ISIS murderer’s hatred.

This we can see in the left’s reaction to what happened in Paris on November 13, 2015.

As a writer for Breitbart News one of my charges has always been to keep an eye on the outrageous nonsense that goes on in the left-wing media both in the U.S. and Eurdope, and in my piece today I trace several of the key reactions to the Paris attacks that reveals the media’s hatred for our own.

But the tone was set to absolve Islam by the president himself who reused to say Islam or Muslim in his short address to the nation on Friday evening (see a transcript of his comments at the end of this article).

In any case, the media worked hard to absolve Muslims and Islam only to blame conservatives and the west for the attacks.

Before the dust had settled and before even the extent of the damage and number of dead had been tallied from a string of terror attacks in Paris, France, liberals in the old media establishment were already writing pieces blaming conservatives, bemoaning that the attacks had taken the focus off pet liberal issues like Mizzou and global warming, and wringing hands for the safety of Muslims.

To name just a few of these liberals handwringing and blaming everything except Islam, was early out of the gate with a story twisting the terror attacks into a weapon to use against conservatives.
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After Paris Terror, Liberals Attack Conservatives, Cry for Muslims, Worry Focus Taken Off Global Warming, Mizzou, Anti-Gun Agenda”

VIDEO: NBC Talking Head Says FCC Should Fine Media That Refuse to Use the Correct ‘Transgender’ Label

-By Warner Todd Huston

Revealing her inner fascist, another far left-wing NBC talking head went on TV today to say that if you don’t use the proper “transgender” term being bandied about this week you should be fined by the government and charged with “misgendering” people.

This is the perfect example of how the well-worn phrase “scratch a liberal and you’ll find a fascist underneath.” It is evidence that all liberals are fascist authoritarians. They claim they love “freedom” but their love of YOUR freedom stops as soon as you do something they don’t like.

The wacko in question this time is one Danielle Moodie-Mills who was identified as an “NBC Black Contributor” on MSNBC’s Melissa Harris-Perry Show this morning.
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VIDEO: NBC Talking Head Says FCC Should Fine Media That Refuse to Use the Correct ‘Transgender’ Label”

MSNBC’s Mitchell Claims TN Terrorist Killed Because He’s a Southern Gun Nut, Not Because He’s Muslim

-By Warner Todd Huston

MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell was so desperate to absolve Islam as a motive for yesterday’s terror attack by a Tennessee Muslim she tried to get a classmate of the murderer to say that the killer liked southern culture, guns, and hunting like other southerners do. Because, you know, conservative southerners are more prone to terror than Muslims are, right?

Mitchell was interviewing one of id’d murderer Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez’ classmates about what other kids thought of him when he was at Red Bank High School in Red Bank, Tennessee–a city just across the river from Chattanooga.

Mitchell launched into an odd line of questioning about Abdulazeez, a line of questioning that confused the killer’s classmate. Mitchell wanted to know if the killer was “part of small-town Tennessee activity” like shooting and gun culture.

“Were guns a big part of activities—social or other activities?” Mitchell asked the young woman who went to high school with the killer..
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MSNBC’s Mitchell Claims TN Terrorist Killed Because He’s a Southern Gun Nut, Not Because He’s Muslim”

Report: Last Year Obama Attended Wedding With Unrepentant Domestic Terrorist Bill Ayers

-By Warner Todd Huston

MSNBC personality Alex Wagner’s wedding occurred back in August of 2014, but news has just emerged that at least two of her guests were old Chicago pals: President Barack Obama and unrepentant domestic Terrorist Bill Ayers. There Obama goes again, palling around with terrorists.

The President and First Lady attended the nuptials of White House chef Sam Kass and MSNBC anchor Wagner in August along with a who’s who of the far left in America today. But two of the other guests were particularly interesting. 1960’s era domestic terrorists Bill Ayers and wife Bernadine Dohrn were also at the Pocantico Hills, New York ceremony.

Ayers and Dorhn are notorious as un-indicted terrorists who were once part of the 1960s radical terror outfit the Weather Underground. The pair were involved in bombings that took lives in 1970 and somehow escaped prosecution for their crimes. Now both are leading cushy lives as professors at the University of Illinois at Chicago.
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Report: Last Year Obama Attended Wedding With Unrepentant Domestic Terrorist Bill Ayers”

How Al Sharpton Rakes in Millions Not to Call Corporations ‘Racist’

-By Warner Todd Huston

According to a new investigative article, Al Sharpton has spent years shaking down corporations essentially for protection money supplied to him so that he would avoid calling them “racists,” or setting up boycotts, and creating uncomfortable public relations nightmares.

An extensive piece in the New York Post on Sunday traced Sharpton’s practice of taking money in exchange for his silence. The MSNBC host, the Post said, has taken millions not to attack corporations for their purported racism.

“Al Sharpton has enriched himself and NAN for years by threatening companies with bad publicity if they didn’t come to terms with him,” Ken Boehm, chairman of the National Legal Policy Center (NLPC) told the paper. “Put simply, Sharpton specializes in shakedowns.”

Only a few weeks ago, the National Legal & Policy Center published an open letter to Walmart asking the nation’s largest retailer to stop funding Sharpton’s National Action Network.
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How Al Sharpton Rakes in Millions Not to Call Corporations ‘Racist’”

Time to Pressure the Corporations That Donate to Cop-Murdering Al Sharpton’s National Action Network

-By Warner Todd Huston

Al Sharpton is able to fly around the country advocating for violent protests and the murder of cops because many of the nation’s top corporations have fallen for his shakedown efforts and give him millions to fund his activities. It is time to pressure these corporations to stop finding this charlatan’s efforts.

Did you know that Walmart gives Sharpton’s National Action Network (NAN) millions every year? So does beer giant Anheuser-Busch. And so do Macy’s and drug company Pfizer. And it’s time they all stop doing so.

These companies have all been afraid of seeming like “racists” for any refusal to donate millions to NAN, but now that Sharpton has become a part of the murder of several cops, isn’t it time that these same corporations fear being linked to a pusher of violence?

A recent article in The New York Post listed a series of large national companies that donate money to Sharpton’s NAN.
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Time to Pressure the Corporations That Donate to Cop-Murdering Al Sharpton’s National Action Network”

To Aid Obama, Old Media Establishment Took a Pass on Gruber Videos

-By Warner Todd Huston

The man who was trying to shop the Gruber videos to the media was rebuffed by the Old Media Establishment repeatedly because they had no interest in highlighting the fact that Obama and his Obamacare cohorts were lying to the American people about the President’s signature healthcare law.

Howard Kurtz tracked down the man who was trying to get the media to notice the string of videos showing Obamacare architect Jonathan Gruber telling audiences that the American voters are “stupid” and saying that the administration lied repeatedly about what was in Obamacare and how it would work all in a desperate attempt to get the President’s take over of our national healthcare system passed into law.

Kurtz tracked down the man, Rich Weinstein, and found a man who doesn’t himself want to become the story. In fact, he wouldn’t even supply Kurtz with a photo of himself.
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To Aid Obama, Old Media Establishment Took a Pass on Gruber Videos”

Despite Rabble-Rousers Urging Ferguson Citizens to Vote, Few Bothered

-By Warner Todd Huston

After months of rioting, one of the main themes that many left-wing rabble-rousers have been pushing on residents of Ferguson is to register to vote so that they can “change” their local government. But despite all the rhetoric, few Ferguson residents bothered to vote last Tuesday.

A big criticism of Ferguson, Missouri’s government is that there are “too many white people” in it. Activists have maintained that only a slate full of black candidates can properly govern the largely black population of the city. So, to throw out the few whites on the council, activists have urged citizens to register to vote and usher in a utopian black government.

But despite all the caterwauling of activists, it appears that Ferguson residents still weren’t motivated very much to go register and vote.
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Despite Rabble-Rousers Urging Ferguson Citizens to Vote, Few Bothered”

‘Meet The Press’ Update: Top Ten Most Left-Biased American Journalists – #4: Chuck Todd, NBC

-By Warner Todd Huston

With NBC’s Chuck Todd on the verge of replacing Dave Gregory as the next host for NBC’s Meet The Press, I am beginning to get hits on my old post on him. This info is all quite true, so read on about just how biased this guy is.

Back in 2010 I created a list of the top ten most left-biased journalists (see the full list at the bottom of this post). Chuck Todd was then the fourth most biased in my list. He is still just as biased and with the rumors that he is about to take over the Sunday show, I thought I’d repost this entry.

Original post…

All week we’ve been exploring America’s ten most left-biased working journalists and now we come to spot number four on the list. And so, for his close attention to pushing the spin and as one of the most active members of the Old Media’s Obama Butt Covering squad, we are pleased to award the number four spot to NBC Political Director Chuck Todd.

Todd is one of those journos that came from Democrat political circles — having worked for Iowa Democrat Senator Tom Harkin’s 1992 presidential run — and then crossed over into the world of “journalism.” With that you just know that he can be as unbiased as the best of them in his reporting. Well, if he can we’ll never know it because so far he has not been. Just the opposite, really.

Todd has done a bang-up job for the left in his journalism career. Likely Todd’s loyalty to the Democrat Party is probably why he felt the need to slam Senator Joe Lieberman last year, for instance. Proving his blindness to real political analysis, Todd claimed that Joe Lieberman was the “polar opposite” of the Senate’s lone socialist Senator Bernie Sanders (officially an “independent”).
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‘Meet The Press’ Update: Top Ten Most Left-Biased American Journalists – #4: Chuck Todd, NBC”

MSNBC’s Hard Hitting Reporter, Krystal Ball, a Noted ‘Dumb Ass’

-By Warner Todd Huston

In its hard hitting, action packed, information filled coverage of the downing of the Malaysian jet over Ukraine today, MSNBC found time to speak to a highly placed military source who noted… live on the air…. that the plane was downed by a blast of wind “from Howard Stern’s ass.”

In response to that, MSNBC’s Krystal Ball, a vision of journalistic integrity and veracity, went on to ask this important military source what sort of missile was used on the jet.

Then she was told, “boy you’re a dumb ass, aren’t cha?”

Now THAT is journalism… well, what passes for it on the left, anyway.
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MSNBC’s Hard Hitting Reporter, Krystal Ball, a Noted ‘Dumb Ass’”

No Coverage: MSNBC Ignores Growing Veterans Admin Scandal

-By Warner Todd Huston

MSNBC doesn’t appear to care about our nation’s beleaguered veterans in this mounting medical care scandal. Only one of the left-wing cable network’s prime-time hosts have covered the scandalous treatment of our sick vets and then only once.

The developing scandal has revealed that thousands of veterans have been put on secret wait lists and denied healthcare while VA hospital administrators lie about having done so in order for doctors and administrators to get government bonuses. Many veterans have died while awaiting medical treatment and these months-long wait times only foreshadow what will happen to all of us as Obamacare’s horrid tentacles force its way into our national healthcare system.

But MSNBC doesn’t seem at all interested in news that doesn’t fit its extreme, blindly left-wing bias. The network is completely ignoring the story, even though one administration official has already “resigned” because of the whole thing.
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No Coverage: MSNBC Ignores Growing Veterans Admin Scandal”

MSNBC’s Schultz Says Gays ‘Really The Ones Persecuted’ in Nazi Holocaust

-By Warner Todd Huston

Sometimes a celebrity will Tweet something, so blatantly a-historical, something so totally outrageous and insensible, that even they realize how bad it is and will try to delete it right away. But someone will always be there to preserve the evidence.

Well, MSNBC’s Ed Schultz just found out that Twitter is forever when he Tweeted that gays were “really” the ones persecuted during Hitler’s holocaust. Seriously. A guy with a German surname just said that. In public.

The MSNBC host Goodwined himself before anyone else even said a word with a Tweet where he informed the world of who was the “real” target of Hitler’s Final Solution.

“Gay people were really the ones being persecuted in Hitler’s Germany,” Schultz blurted out on his EdShow Twitter feed at ten to 5 PM on May 12.

Schultz accompanied his Tweet with an image of a webpage that reported on the thousands of gays that the Nazis reportedly put to death or otherwise interned in their odious death camps.
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MSNBC’s Schultz Says Gays ‘Really The Ones Persecuted’ in Nazi Holocaust”

MSNBC’s Racist Cinco de Mayo: White Guy Pretends to Get Drunk on Tequila While Wearing Sombrero

-By Warner Todd Huston

Now, imagine if Fox News had “celebrated” Cinco de Mayo by having a white guy wearing a dime store, straw sombrero and wandering across the screen pretending he’s drunk on tequila. The media wagging tongues would have made it into the worst example of racism since… well, last week’s Sterling incident.

MSNBC’s Racist Cinco de Mayo Celebration

But that it happened on MSNBC, no one will likely throw the race card at the extremist, left-wing cable network.

Still, that is what happened on MSNBC when network’s morning show, Way too Early, made the switch to its low-rated Morning Joe.

As Way too Early was coming to a close on May 5, a show producer named Louis Burgdorf–obviously a white guy–paraded across the screen in front of the host’s station wearing a cheap Mexican sombrero and pretending to be drinking tequila.

The banner across the bottom of the screen proclaimed “Mexican Heritage Celebration.”

So, a sombrero-wearing white guy pretending at being drunk was the way MSNBC decided to “celebrate” Cinco de Mayo? And no one wants to scream “rraaaaaacism” at that?
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MSNBC’s Racist Cinco de Mayo: White Guy Pretends to Get Drunk on Tequila While Wearing Sombrero”

MSNBC Tweets That Conservatives Will Hate Bi-Racial Family on Cheerios Super Bowl Ad

-By Warner Todd Huston

Liberals have nothing but hate in their souls… if they have souls, that is. This story is yet one more example of this truism. Take for proof a Tweet on the official MSNBC Twitter account that claimed that conservatives will hate the new Cheerios Super Bowl ad because it features a bi-racial family.

Here is a screen shot of the Tweet:

A screen shot was necessary because MSNBC deleted the Tweet later in the evening. A Tweet explaining the deletion said, “We are deleting the earlier offensive tweet. It does not reflect msnbc’s position and we apologize.”

Yeah, Riiiight. Sure it doesn’t.
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MSNBC Tweets That Conservatives Will Hate Bi-Racial Family on Cheerios Super Bowl Ad”

‘Shark Tank’ Repeats Get More Ratings Than All of CNN’s Programming

-By Warner Todd Huston

Despite the much ballyhooed tinkering by chief Jeff Zucker to halt CNN’s ratings decline, the cable news network racked up its third-lowest month on record for January. Things were so bad that even repeats of the reality show Shark Tank airing on CNBC beat CNN in the ratings.

This January, on Tuesday and Wednesday nights, the nation’s oldest financial cable news network, began airing repeats of the ABC reality show Shark Tank, where applicants vie for funding from a panel of venture capitalists. CNBC’s reruns topped every show on CNN as well as every show but The Rachel Maddow Show on MSNBC.

The reruns of the reality/game show came in at number 6 in the ratings race behind four Fox News shows, The O’Reilly Factor, The Five, The Kelly File and Special Report With Bret Baier, with Maddow’s show on MSNBC coming it at fifth place. But Shark Tank swamped every single CNN show on the schedule.
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‘Shark Tank’ Repeats Get More Ratings Than All of CNN’s Programming”

Politico Reporter Picks Up ‘Bridge-ghazi’ Term

-By Warner Todd Huston

In order to appeal to an extremist MSNBC audience, Politico’s Glenn Thrush shamelessly pumped up the partisanship by giving Governor Chris Christie’s bridge lane closing controversy a “funny” name: “bridge-ghazi.”

During a discussion of Christie’s troubles on the January 13 Alex Wagner show, Thrush jumped in mirthfully using the term “bridge-ghazi,” much to Wagner’s amusement.

It should be remembered that the terrorist attacks on our facilities in Benghazi, Libya resulted in the deaths of four Americans, one of whom was Chris Stevens, our ambassador to Libya. To add “ghazi” to the far more trivial bridge controversy makes a mockery of their deaths.
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Politico Reporter Picks Up ‘Bridge-ghazi’ Term”

MSNBC Ridicules Mitt Romney for Having a Black Grandson

-By Warner Todd Huston

Remember, leftists such as those on cable “news” network MSNBC, are more loving and tolerant than you jerky conservatives. So, that is why the talking heads on MSNBC thought it would be fun to ridicule Mitt Romney for having an adopted grandson who is black. Because: tolerance.

On Sunday, December 29, extremist, hate-filled liberal Melissa Harris-Perry tok a few minutes with her panel of ignoramuses to talk about the most recent family photo of Mitt and Ann Romney and all their grandchildren.

There on Mitt’s knee, Harris-Perry informed us, was a little black child and she and her panel exploded in an amazing round of thinly veiled hatred over the adoption.

“Everybody loves a baby picture,” Harris-Perry belched out, “and this was one that really, a lot of people had emotions about this baby picture this year. This is the Romney family. And, of course, there on Governor Romney’s knee is his adopted grandson, who is an African-American, adopted African-American child, Kieran Romney.”
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MSNBC Ridicules Mitt Romney for Having a Black Grandson”

MSNBC: ‘Duck Dynasty’s’ Robertsons Are ‘White Supremacists’

-By Warner Todd Huston

Ever the wild-eyed, anti-American, leftist ranters, MSNBC is now saying that the Robertson family of TV’s Duck Dynasty are little else but part of that sheet-wearing, white supremacist culture.

Today, of course, we found out that A&E has relented and reinstated Phil Robertson to his Duck Dynasty TV show, but earlier in the day MSNBC’s Michael Eric Dyson said that the Robertson family is just “part of a majority white supremacist culture.”

What isn’t “racism” to these people?

So, I suppose the Bible is just a racist screed, now? After all, that is what Phil Robertson was paraphrasing with his comments to GQ. If so, Michael Eric Dyson, why do so many African Americans believe in the Bible and go to churches that base their teaching on that ancient book?

Anyway, here is what Dyson said…
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MSNBC: ‘Duck Dynasty’s’ Robertsons Are ‘White Supremacists’”

VIDEO: MSNBC Racist Gets Her Nonsense Slammed Right Back in Her Face

-By Warner Todd Huston

Republican consultant Ron Christie and Leftist goon Angela Rye.

MSNBC had another one of those now prosaic racebaiting panels on its second rate show hosted by blatant racist Melissa Harris-Perry where panelists sit around claiming everyone but they are racists. But this time another panelist slammed it right back in their face.

Angela Rye, the former Executive Director and General Counsel to the Congressional Black Caucus, amusingly insisted that the GOP is “racist.” Now, let’s remember what the Black Congressional Caucus is. It is a race-based (meaning racist) organization that famously refused to allow a white man to join. And this ignorant whelp has the gall to say that other people are racists?

Anyway, on the show this liar claimed that all Republicans are racists, that all tea partiers are racists, and also spouted the lie that white tea partiers spat upon Representative John Lewis in 2010 as he and several Democrats were walking into Congress.

After these lies, another panelist, Republican strategist Ron Christie–also an African American–rightfully blasted this lying racist for her calumnies.
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VIDEO: MSNBC Racist Gets Her Nonsense Slammed Right Back in Her Face”

Sportscaster Stephen A. Smith: It ‘Makes Absolutely NO Sense’ Why Conservatives are Attacked by Blacks

-By Warner Todd Huston

ESPN sportscaster Stephen A. Smith doesn’t understand why the African American community is so dead set against the Republican Party and conservatives. He finds it absurd that blacks don’t even give the GOP a fair hearing.

The conversation arose as Smith, who says he is a registered independent, was asked to respond to former Cleveland Browns player Jim Brown’s comments that Lakers player Kobe Bryant couldn’t understand the American black community because Bryant spent a large portion of his youth living in Italy.

Smith called Brown’s comments “inappropriate” and went on to say:
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Sportscaster Stephen A. Smith: It ‘Makes Absolutely NO Sense’ Why Conservatives are Attacked by Blacks”

MSNBC Guest Says Obama Administration Most Hostile to the Press in US History

-By Warner Todd Huston

When you’re a liberal and you’ve lost the talking heads on MSNBC, you know you’re in trouble and here we see left-wing Barack Obama being called the worst President in US history for his antagonistic attitude about freedom of the press.

MSNBC invited former CNN reporter Bob Franken onto the November 30 broadcast of MSNBC Live to talk about the Obama administration, but he wasn’t as complimentary as most MSNBCers are. Franken disparaged the administration as indulging in propaganda because they continue to use their own photographers and their own “writers” in certain instances, eschewing the real press and denying them access.

In fact, Franken said that this administration has been bad for freedom of the press and the most “hostile” to the media in US history.

“The reason I say most hostile is because of the Justice Department moves that they’ve made against the press,” Franken said. “Obviously, they have a contempt for the journalistic process.”
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MSNBC Guest Says Obama Administration Most Hostile to the Press in US History”

Even Lefty Howard Dean Thinks Obama Has No Authority to Fix Obamacare

-By Warner Todd Huston

Today Barack Obama claimed that he was going to “fix” Obamacare by making insurance companies continue to offer those polices belonging to millions of Americans that have been cancelled because of Obamacare. But does he have the legal ability to do this?

On Thursday morning Obama held a press conference again apologizing for the mess that has been the Obamacare rollout and for his four-year-long lie that we could keep our insurance “if we like it.”

So, Obama made the proclamation that instead of losing our insurance, we can keep it for another year. How generous of him, eh?

This is something one-time candidate for the Democrat nomination for President, Howard Dean, thinks that Obama probably cannot do.

“I wonder if he has the legal authority to do this, since this was a congressional bill that set this up,” Dean said on MSNBC after the President’s address.

Already authorities from Washington State have said that they cannot allow the President to reverse his destruction of millions of insurance policies and simply reinstate them just on his say so.
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Even Lefty Howard Dean Thinks Obama Has No Authority to Fix Obamacare”

GOP’s Huelskamp Schools Al Sharpton: If Obamacare is so Great How Come Congress is Exempting Itself?

-By Warner Todd Huston

President Obama and his comrades on the American left continue daily to say how great Obamacare is. But Republican Representative Tim Huelskamp of Kansas has a simple question. If it’s so great why did Obama give Congress an exemption?

Rep. Huelskamp was on MSNBC on Sept. 26 with host Al Sharpton ostensibly to talk about the abuse of food stamps, or the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP).

Sharpton ran straight toward the typical, left-wing attack that Huelskamp wanted to starve kids and kill old people. But Huelskamp calmly informed the wild-eyed, MSNBC host that the idea was to wean able-bodied people off the system so that they can go get jobs and be productive members of society instead of leeches…. OK, I said “leeches,” Huelskamp didn’t.

His reforms, the Congressman said, “won’t take a single calorie off the plates of kids.”
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GOP’s Huelskamp Schools Al Sharpton: If Obamacare is so Great How Come Congress is Exempting Itself?”

GOP’s Priebus, Spicer Congratulate MSNBC Host for Gay Wedding

-By Warner Todd Huston

MSNBC host Thomas Roberts, an openly gay man, appeared on the network to express his confusion on how GOP National Chairman Reince Priebus and RNC Communications Director Sean Spicer could congratulate him for his recent gay wedding yet preside over a party that stands against same sex marriage.

Appearing on MSNBC’s Morning Joe on August 16, Roberts mentioned that the two GOP chiefs congratulated him on his impending marriage.

“Reince Priebus, when I got engaged, congratulated me at the White House Correspondents’ weekend,” Roberts said. “Last year, Sean Spicer congratulated me on getting married to my husband. Yet they incorporate into the platform of the RNC their stance against marriage equality.”

Roberts found these well wishes “odd.”
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GOP’s Priebus, Spicer Congratulate MSNBC Host for Gay Wedding”

CNN & NBC’s Close Ties to Obama, Anita Dunn, Bob Bauer and IRS Intimidation

-By Warner Todd Huston

The ongoing revelations of the intimidation of conservatives executed by Obama’s IRS and FEC agencies are still coming to light but an interesting wrinkle to the story is the close relationship between CNN and NBC/MSNBC and those inside the administration perpetrating that intimidation.

NBC/MSNBC had recently hired former White House Communications Director Anita Dunn as an on-air analyst to comment on what is going on in Washington today. CNN has also featured Dunn as a panelist from time to time. Both did so ostensibly because Dunn is one of those most involved in the Washington scene and is a major player as a K Street lobbyist.

Dunn is a key operative at the well connected SKD Knickerbocker, a DC-based campaign communications group, and is also intimately connected to many other firms and lobbying efforts.

In fact, Dunn raised eyebrows during the 2012 presidential election when it was discovered how integral she was as a consultant for firms lobbying the administration even as President Obama was then claiming, as he has claimed for years, that he was eliminating lobbyists in his administration and “changing business as usual” in DC.
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CNN & NBC’s Close Ties to Obama, Anita Dunn, Bob Bauer and IRS Intimidation”

Big Government-Loving Joe Scarborough Slams GOP for Defunding Obamacare Plan

-By Warner Todd Huston

MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough, once a fairly conservative Republican, is railing against the plan for defunding Obamacare being pushed by Republicans like Senators Mike Lee and Ted Cruz, calling the plan “stupidity,” and saying that conservatives are “too angry” to “win elections.”

On his little watched MSNBC show, Scarborough beat up on Republicans for wanting to “shut down the government.” Of course, this is the left wing’s misconstruction of what Cruz and Lee are saying. There is no “shut down” being proposed, exactly. And it is no surprise that Scarborough is touting the left-wing line since he sold his soul to the left to be on the extremist, left-wing MSNBC network.

In fact, Cruz himself has said shutting down government won’t stop Obamacare, so it is absurd for Scarborough and his left wing comrades to make that leap.

The idea is to pass a budget that funds all of government except Obamacare. That isn’t “shutting down government.”
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Big Government-Loving Joe Scarborough Slams GOP for Defunding Obamacare Plan”

Shock: MSNBC Aired Photo of Trayvon Martin Lying Dead

-By Warner Todd Huston

MSNBC is drawing fire for having aired a still photograph of Florida youth Trayvon Martin lying dead on the grass in the aftermath of his altercation with accused killer George Zimmerman in February of last year.

During MSNBC’s Thursday afternoon, July 11 wall-to-wall coverage of the George Zimmerman trial, during Tamron Hall’s News Nation show, an image of Martin lying dead on the grass aired for about one second included as a slide show of photos from the trial feed.

Hall Tweeted that it was an “awful mistake.”
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Shock: MSNBC Aired Photo of Trayvon Martin Lying Dead”