Texas Lawmakers Falling for Fake News Predictions of Financial Disaster with New Bathroom Bill

-By Warner Todd Huston

As the Texas legislature debates its own version of North Carolina’s bill to protect vulnerable women and children in public restrooms, some Lone Star lawmakers have fallen for a false report issued by the president of the Texas Association of Business (TAB) who has floated debunked claims predicting dire economic repercussions if the state passes the bill into law.

The state has been debating the merits of Senate Bill 6, also known as the Texas “bathroom bill,” meant to protect the privacy of women and children and maintaining that people must use facilities based only on their birth gender.

The measure is similar to North Carolina’s year-old HB2 which brought attacks from liberals across the country and sparked boycotts by entertainers and sports leagues.

North Carolina was hit with a series of boycotts by entertainers and sports leagues after it passed its own bathroom bill early in 2016. The threat of boycotts is what TAB President Chris Wallace warned about in his debunked report insisting that Texas would loose billions if it were to pass its own bathroom bill. Wallace warned Texas legislators that passing SB 6 would cost the state up to 185,000 jobs and as much as $8.5 billion in lost revenues, according to Breitbart News.

But even the purported “successful” boycotts launched against North Carolina were a dismal failure.
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Texas Lawmakers Falling for Fake News Predictions of Financial Disaster with New Bathroom Bill”

Shots Fired at Donald Trump Campaign Sign Outside North Carolina Man’s Home

-By Warner Todd Huston

A man in Cary, North Carolina, was shocked, frightened, and angered when someone opened fire on the Donald Trump campaign sign which was affixed to the front porch of his home last weekend. It’s just another example of the extreme violence perpetrated by liberals during this election cycle.

The fact is, nearly every single incident of violence and property destruction committed during this 2016 election has been perpetrated by the left. This is just another example.

Cary resident James Powers reported the incident to police on November 6 when upwards to 20 shots were fired through the sign late on the evening of November 5. Many of the projectiles went through the sign and struck Powers’ home.
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Shots Fired at Donald Trump Campaign Sign Outside North Carolina Man’s Home”

Yes That Black Panther Party Historical Marker in North Carolina MUST Come Down

-By Warner Todd Huston

Did you know that there is a historical marker in Winston-Salem, North Carolina celebrating the founding of a chapter of domestic terrorists and hate group the Black Panther Party? Now there is a petition demanding that the city remove the marker celebrating the hate group.

The marker, situated at the corner of Fifth Street and Martin Luther King Boulevard in Winston-Salem, N.C., was erected in 2012 and celebrates the fact that the state’s fist chapter of the racist group formed on that spot in 1969.

This photo by Bruce Chapman depicts the 2012 unveiling of the historic marker.

The marker hasn’t caused much fuss, really, but after racist black groups have spent the last few months defacing decades old Confederate monuments all across the country and have been demanding that all Confederate history be erased from existence, now there is a move to do the same to this marker celebrating the founding of the city’s racist Black Panther Party chapter.
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Yes That Black Panther Party Historical Marker in North Carolina MUST Come Down”

Atheists Threaten to Sue Restaurant for Giving Discounts to Patrons Who Pray Before Meals

-By Warner Todd Huston

Apparently if you go to Mary’s Gourmet Diner in Winston-Salem, North Carolina and you pray before your meal you get a discount for “public prayer.” Now atheists are suing to stop this private business from indulging this business practice.

Of course, like in nearly every case, the atheists have no real legitimate beef. But that doesn’t stop them from using the law as a weapon to destroy religion.
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Atheists Threaten to Sue Restaurant for Giving Discounts to Patrons Who Pray Before Meals”

Church Wastes $22K On Metal ‘Homeless Jesus’ Statue Instead of Homeless

-By Warner Todd Huston

According to the Bible Jesus was always very concerned with the homeless, the destitute, the poor, the least cared for, wasn’t he? So, shouldn’t his churches echo that worry? OK, so let’s take that as a given as we discuss the actions of an Episcopal Church in North Carolina that wasted $22,000 on a metal statue of a “homeless Jesus” to make a political statement instead of spending that money on, well, you know, the homeless.

St. Alban’s Episcopal Church in Davidson, North Carolina, installed a stature it is calling a “homeless Jesus” on its property. It is a figure huddled in a blanket and laying sideways on a bench outside the church. The figure is almost entirely wrapped in its bronze blanket and the only way one can tell it is Jesus is a close inspection of the hands and feet where one can see signs of the holes from his crucifixion nails.

The so-called “Homeless Jesus” statue.

The leftist rector of St. Alban’s, Reverend David Buck, essentially admitted that the whole thing is a political stunt meant to further his and his flock’s left wing ideas.
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Church Wastes $22K On Metal ‘Homeless Jesus’ Statue Instead of Homeless”

Flu Epidemic Kills at Least 6 Children in USA This Year

-By Warner Todd Huston

Influenza cases were reported in every corner of the United States last year, killing at least 6 children. Some of the cases have been linked to the dreaded H1N1 strain of the flu, a strain that has killed 284,000 people across the world since 2009.

Thus far in this current flu season, Texas has been hardest hit. 25 Texans have died so far. North Carolina has also seen a large outbreak with 13 deaths.

Symptoms of the flu can be mild or severe and hit the youngest and oldest citizens the hardest. Take a sore throat, weakness, headache and aches and pains seriously. Other symptoms include joint and muscle pain and itchiness of the eyes.
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Flu Epidemic Kills at Least 6 Children in USA This Year”

Union-Loving School Official Says School Vouchers Would ‘Train Terrorists’

-By Warner Todd Huston

WECT TV6-WECT.com:News, weather

One of the biggest solutions reformers have to fix our failing schools is to give parents vouchers that can be used to send kids to the parent’s choice of schools. But one union-backing school superintendent in North Carolina is so against any solutions outside those offered by unions that she is going to the absurd extreme of saying that vouchers would be used to “train terrorists.”

That’s right. If you support giving parents a better choice for their children’s education, then you are a supporter of terrorism.

North Carolina Superintendent of Public Instruction June Atkinson says of the voucher legislation, “There is nothing in the legislation that would prevent someone from establishing a school of terror.”

Really? That is her concern? Where did this come from, you might wonder? Why, she’s attacking Christian schools, of course.
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Union-Loving School Official Says School Vouchers Would ‘Train Terrorists’”

Militant Atheists Force U.S. Air Force to Remove Christmas Nativity Scene

-By Warner Todd Huston

An “offensive” nativity scene at Shaw Air Force base in North Carolina.

An anti-religious and anti-Christmas atheist group has forced the U.S. Air Force to remove a nativity scene off base property at Shaw Air Force base in Sumter, South Carolina, saying it “violates the Constitution.”

The militant atheist group called Military Religious Freedom Foundation sent a letter to the Pentagon whining about the nativity scene early this month. After receiving the letter, Pentagon lawyers became afraid that the plastic Jesus in the Nativity scene would spark lawsuits.

Air Force crews removing the scene.

So, the Pentagon had the traditional religious scene removed out of fear.
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Militant Atheists Force U.S. Air Force to Remove Christmas Nativity Scene”

US University Bars Conservative Women from Speaking

-By Warner Todd Huston

Our “tolerant” Universities strike again. This time its the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill barring two conservative women from speaking on campus.

See, folks, even in red states the university system is corrupted and anti-American and here is yet another example of this truism.

(Left) Katie Pavlich and (Right) Ann McElhinney

The U of NC uninvited two well known conservative investigative reporters, Katie Pavlich and Ann McElhinney, after they were scheduled by the college Republican club to speak on campus.

Just in case you don’t know the two women in question…

Pavlich is news editor for the popular conservative website Townhall.com, as well as the award-winning author of the New York Times bestseller “Fast and Furious: Barack Obama’s Bloodiest Scandal and Its Shameless Cover-Up.” As a reporter, she broke the so-called fast and furious scandal, and has also covered the White House, the 2012 presidential election, and Second Amendment and border issues.

McElhinney, co-producer of the feature documentary “FrackNation,” is well-known as a debunker of extreme environmentalist claims. As a filmmaker and investigative journalist, she has produced documentaries for BBC and written for various newspapers covering countries including Indonesia, Romania, Vietnam, Cambodia, Uganda, Madagascar and Uzbekistan. She has appeared on an array of international media organizations including ABC, BBC, CBC (Canada), ABC (Australia), RTE (Ireland) and Fox News, and is a regular guest on talk radio shows and at conferences across America.

So what was the “reason” given for denying these speakers? It was, according to the left-wing student government that is responsible for doling out the speaker fees, because the two women were “unimpressive nonacademics whose speaking honorariums are too high and credentials too unremarkable to pay to have them give talks at the University.”
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US University Bars Conservative Women from Speaking”

North Carolina’s Mike McIntyre Is No Conservative Democrat

-By Warner Todd Huston

Mike McIntyre is the 8-term, incumbent Democrat Congressman from North Carolina’s 7th Congressional District. He sells himself to the folks back home as a true “Blue Dog Democrat,” a conservative who doesn’t fall for the far left’s nonsense. But a look at his voting record does not substantiate this conclusion, as he’s voted the left’s party line far more than he lets on.

A look at his voting record between 2007 and 2010, for instance, shows that McIntyre sided with ultra left-wing Nancy Pelosi 90 percent of the time. That isn’t such an independent record, is it?

One of McIntyre’s favorite anti-lefty votes is his vote against Obamacare. Again and again McIntyre points to this vote to prove his independent streak. Of course, the truth is then Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi did not need the votes of the few Blue Dogs that opted out of a yea vote to protect their status back home. It was even reported at the time that Speaker Pelosi gave these Blue Dogs dispensation to make their anti-Obamacare vote.
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North Carolina’s Mike McIntyre Is No Conservative Democrat”

No. Car. Finds 2,214 Registered Voters 110 Years of Age & Older

-By Warner Todd Huston

Forget hunting for the Fountain of Youth. Apparently all one need do to live forever is to register to vote Democrat in North Carolina because for the 2012 General Election, the voters roll shows that the Tar Heel State has 2,214 voters that are 110-years-old! Would you wonder if there is some voter fraud going on?

And wouldn’t you know it, most of them are Democrats, too. Not only that, but they seem to live mostly in four Democrat-controlled counties. Unsurprisingly, some of these aged voters have already voted absentee.

Further, many are even older than 110. In fact, it seems that NC has an awful lot of voters that are 112, too. The Carolina Transparency project did a review of the voter rolls this year and found that there are 631 Democrats who are 112 or older. By contrast the poor Republicans can only find 229 over 112 voters in the state (and “unaffiliated” found 39).
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No. Car. Finds 2,214 Registered Voters 110 Years of Age & Older”

Another Democrat Slams Bloggers

-By Warner Todd Huston

Ron Hewitt ran for the Lee County School Board back in 2002. He ran as a progressive liberal but claimed fiscally conservative ideas. He won but quit not long after to pursue his own business interests outside the state of North Carolina. The assessment of his tenure was that he offered promise and delivered on nothing.

Now he’s back claiming to be an “independent” and running for a spot on the Lee County Board of Commissioners. He also appears to fear bloggers.

In the Sunday Herald on October 14, Hewett published the following ad…

Now the blogger that Mr. Hewett is so afraid of is Sheila Barber of Fresh Brewed Conservatism.

Sheila points out that Mr. Hewett isn’t even in office yet and he’s attempting to intimidate, discount, and ridicule a private citizen.

Can you trust someone who basically is trying to shut up the voice of a citizen before he’s even elected? What exactly will he do IF HE IS ELECTED? Don’t we get enough of trampling on our free speech from the Obama Administration?

She goes on to note that, “The last thing Lee County needs is someone who thinks the citizen’s voice is a blight to society! We are tired of being treated like 2nd class citizens. Mr. Hewett just did this.”

Not a good way to make a political comeback, is it, Mr. Hewett?
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Another Democrat Slams Bloggers”

Snoopy’s Tells Obama to Shove his Marxist Reductionism

-By Warner Todd Huston

THIS is America, not Obama’s reductionist version were the only way anyone can get ahead in life is to have his big brother government push them along.

Business owner Steve Webb of Snoopy’s hot dog stand in Raleigh, North Carolina, is pleased to tell customers that Obama had nothing to do with their business succeeding.

Take that you Marxist, moron.

Folks, we have two choices for this election: Romney’s marketism or Obama’s Marxism.
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Snoopy’s Tells Obama to Shove his Marxist Reductionism”

GOP HQ in NC Vandalized… Again… Where’s Media?

-By Warner Todd Huston

My good friend Katy Benningfield has yet another report of the Guilford County, North Carolina GOP headquarters being vandalized and it occurs to me that if this had been a Democrat campaign office the Old Media would have reported this from coast to coast as evidence of those vile, evil, dangerous, violent Tea Partiers. But since it was just a Republican office being defaced the media just yawned .

Benningfield reports that the GOP HQ had the letters “KKK” spray painted on the brick siding and various windows of the building. The county sheriff’s office has been contacted and an investigation is underway…

Read the rest at RightPundits.com.

South Carolina Worker Sues Federal Gov’t Over Possible Loss of His Job

-By Warner Todd Huston

Barack Obama’s interference in the business operations of Boeing new Dreamliner manufacturing project will likely cause thousands of workers in South Carolina to lose their jobs. Because of this, one Palmetto State worker is suing the federal government for its part in his probable future job loss.

This is a story about Obama’s status as the top bought-and-paid-for union hack in the country and how he is attempting to use his powers to wield regulations as a tool to punish an American business for wanting to open a new manufacturing plant in South Carolina all because the president feels that a union will be hurt in the process of the creation of thousands of new jobs.

As it happens, airplane manufacturer Boeing wants to open a new manufacturing plant in South Carolina for its new Dreamliner plane because the manufacturer had been having so many union-caused troubles in its Washington State plant.
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South Carolina Worker Sues Federal Gov’t Over Possible Loss of His Job”

Hypocrisy: Obama’s Stock And Trade

-By Warner Todd Huston

Obama’s National Labor Relations Board made itself infamous not long ago by attempting to tell Boeing in what state it was allowed to build a new manufacturing plant. Indulging his penchant toward anti-business, anti-capitalist sentiment Obama decided that he was the final arbiter on where companies were allowed to move and set up shop. Boeing was evil, you see because they wanted to get out from under the business-destroying grip of unions.

The monsters at Boeing were “retaliating” against the unions said Obama and his NLRB. Boeing was moving its plant from Washington State to North Carolina because in NC the unions have less power. So, it’s the unionista in chief to the rescue of the jobs-killing unions. Boeing needs to be slapped down for it’s evilness, don’t you know?

But, here is where Obama’s ever present hypocrisy rears its ugly head once again.
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Hypocrisy: Obama’s Stock And Trade”

Greenpeace Admits Coal Power a Job Creator

-By Warner Todd Huston

Recently the enviro-centric group Greenpeace issued an extensive report scolding the “dirty” energy choices made by tech giants like Apple, Google, and Facebook. Greenpeace is all exercised over the fact that many of these companies have moved to North Carolina to take advantage of the coal-produced energy there because the costs are cheaper than the power in other regions. Amusingly, Greenpeace seemed to have completely missed the fact that coal obviously creates jobs or all these companies wouldn’t be moving to North Carolina in the first place.

Greenpeace has its nose out of joint because Google, Facebook, and Apple have moved data centers to NC to take advantage of “low-cost energy” that it claims produces a “corresponding lack of commitment to clean energy.” The eco group is aghast that “misplaced tax incentives” bring jobs and economic success to rural North Carolina.

All that capitalism is horrible, I suppose.
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Greenpeace Admits Coal Power a Job Creator”

Truth in Accounting Issues: North Carolina’s ‘Financial State of the State’

From the Institute for Truth in Accounting…

Chicago (November 29, 2010) Today, the Institute for Truth in Accounting released North Carolina’s “Financial State of the State.” After an intensive review of the State’s 2010 audited financial report the Institute determined the State is in a precarious financial position because it does not have the funds available to pay $43.4 billion of the State’s commitments as they come due. Each taxpayer’s share of this financial burden equals $16,300.

North Carolina state law requires a balanced budget. “If governors and legislatures had truly balanced the state’s budget, no taxpayer’s financial burden would exist,” said Sheila Weinberg, founder and CEO of the Institute for Truth in Accounting (IFTA). She continued, “A state budget is not balanced if past costs, including those for employees’ retirement benefits, are pushed into the future.”
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Truth in Accounting Issues: North Carolina’s ‘Financial State of the State’”

North Carolina Governor’s Gun Ban

-By Warner Todd Huston

It appears that North Carolina Governor Beverly Perdue went to the Rahm Emanuel school of governing because hurricane Earl was a “crisis” that was “too good to waste.” Perdue used hurricane Earl as an excuse to claim that the North Carolina was in a “state of emergency” and this proclamation opens the door for an “emergency” gun ban.

On Sept. 1 as Earl was bearing down on the coast, Perdue signed Executive Order 62 in which she claimed that the state was officially in a state of emergency and that EO sets in motion statute 14-288.7 — titled “Transporting dangerous weapon or substance during emergency; possessing off premises; exceptions.” (N.C. definition of “state of emergency” can be seen in 14-288.1 definitions)
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North Carolina Governor’s Gun Ban”

The $5,000 Pancake

-By John Armor

Saturday a week ago I had a $5,000 blueberry pancake. Actually, I had two of them. They were just as delicious as the ones I had last fall. All of them were courtesy of the Scaly Mountain Women’s Club.

Scaly Mountain is an unincorporated community just down the Dillard Road from us, about ten miles from the intersection of the North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia borders. In the summer, Scaly Mountain swells to several thousand people. In the winter, it shrinks to a few hundred. But, there is never a shortage of fine people who willingly give their time, efforts and treasure for the benefit of others.

A lady whom we’ve met before, Kay Steele, was kind enough to tell us the history of the Women’s Club. It began 22 years ago with just 14 members. Now, it has grown to about 80 women. This is the seventh year they have run their Pancake Breakfast at the Community Center (which used to be a church, and before that was a one-room school, but more about that later).
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The $5,000 Pancake”

New NC Union-Based Political Party Fails to Get Enough Petition Signatures

-By Warner Todd Huston

Back in April we reported that unions in North Carolina banded together to try and start their own political party (as if the Democrats weren’t in thrall to them anyway). Well we are happy to report that the new North Carolina Families First Party failed to get the required number of petition signatures to authorize the effort.

This is not stopping the SEIU-based group from trying to punish North Carolina Democrats that aren’t sufficiently left-wing enough to suit them, however.

The Washington Post is reporting that the Service Employees International Union has recruited a candidate to run against first term Democrat Rep. Larry Kissell. Kissell was a “no” vote on Obamacare earlier this year.
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New NC Union-Based Political Party Fails to Get Enough Petition Signatures”

As We Suffer, Gov’t Salaries/Jobs/Union Pyoffs Grow

-By Warner Todd Huston

The City of Charlotte, North Carolina is still suffering an unemployment rate hovering around 12 percent. Jobs are hard to come by if you are a resident of the region, unless, of course, you work for the city government. Despite the hard times fatcats in government are still partying like it’s 1999! In fact, city salaries are likely to grow finds the Charlotte Observer.

For a whole year Charlotte City workers suffered under a pay hike freeze, but now the hard times are over as the City has announced that not only will the luxurious raises return, but more and more workers will be added to the rolls.

Let the celebration continue.
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As We Suffer, Gov’t Salaries/Jobs/Union Pyoffs Grow”

Unions Now Starting Their Own Political Party

-By Warner Todd Huston

Apparently the Democrats in North Carolina aren’t sufficiently leftist enough for the Service Employees International Union (SEIU). It appears that the SEIU, one of the largest and most powerful public employees unions in the nation, don’t have their hand deep enough in the taxpayer’s pockets so it is starting its own political party in the Tar Heel State, by passing the Democrats altogether.

The party is being called North Carolina First, by which they actually mean North Carolina’s Taxes to the SEIU First. Here is what the union says about their new party:

For too long parties and politicians in Washington have worked more for their own political self interest, or worse, corporate special interests, instead of the hard working families of North Carolina.

That’s why members of progressive groups across North Carolina, including the State Employees Association of North Carolina (SEANC) and the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) began work to form North Carolina First to ensure that politicians put middle class families first and not their own special interests.

I mean imagine what this faux political party means, here. It means that we could have an elected official whose first loyalty is to the members of a union that makes its living off the backs of the taxpayers!
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Unions Now Starting Their Own Political Party”