-By Warner Todd Huston
As the nation shakes its collective head with the full understanding that the law does not apply to Bill and Hillary Clinton and that their corruption knows no bounds, another story slipped under the radar that proves that from the highest federal office to the lowest, local state official no Democrat cares a whit about law and all have simply decided to do anything and everything they want regardless of what the law says.
The fact that the FBI Director James Comey sold his integrity to the Clinton crime family machine aside, another story proved that Democrats just don’t care what the law says or how it has been adjudicated in the past, nor what the intent of the law even is.
The revealing incident occurred in Pennsylvania where Democrats had been ignoring a state law that maintains that local gun laws cannot be any more strict than the state’s provisions. In other words, the state law says no local city or township may pass an anti-gun ordinance that is more strict than the state’s rules.
But quite despite this law, local Democrats were passing harsher anti-gun laws that surpass state rules anyway. Local Democrats did so in full knowledge that they were breaking the state law but they just didn’t care. Their attitude was to tell Pennsylvania gun owners that they can bend over and take it or they can take whatever local polity to court and sue to get the restrictions overturned.
In other words, Democrats knew they were breaking the law and made rules forcing citizens to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars in legal fees to get the rules vacated, as HotAir.com noted.
This is nothing else but intimidation by government officials. Period.
Not only were these Democrats purposefully breaking the law, they have fully admitted to their actions. Recently a local mayor hailed a new ruling in the state’s court system that will facilitate “the ability of local governments to adopt common sense gun regulations without fear of financially crippling litigation.”
So, while most Americans imagine that politicians should care about about the rule of law as well as its intent — and if they don’t like it should use the legal means to change it — Democrats at every level are proving that they simply don’t care about the law. They will do what ever they feel like doing in the face of the law and will dare we, the people, to take them to court at our own expense to drag them back into compliance with the law.
All Democrats are lawless, un-American, arrogant powermad, monsters. And if you vote for a Democrat, you, too, are anti-American.
“The only end of writing is to enable the reader better to enjoy life, or better to endure it.”
–Samuel Johnson
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Warner Todd Huston is a Chicago based freelance writer. He has been writing news, opinion editorials and social criticism since early 2001 and before that wrote articles on U.S. history for several American history magazines. Huston is a featured writer for Andrew Breitbart’s Breitbart News, and he appears on such sites as RightWingNews.com, CanadaFreePress.com, BizPac Review, and many, many others. Huston has also appeared on Fox News, Fox Business Network, CNN, and many local TV shows as well as numerous talk radio shows throughout the country.
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