Black Males More Likely to Kill Police Than to be Killed By Police

-By Warner Todd Huston

The nation awoke to the murder of five police officers by sniper fire during a Black Lives Matter protest in Dallas, Texas, after President Obama spoke out on the earlier shootings of two black men by police in two different states. With these incidents in the news attention is once again turned to the strained relations between police and the community. But the evidence shows that police have far more to fear from African American males than the reverse.

In her new book, “The War On Cops,” author Heather MacDonald reveals FBI data showing that police officers are 18.5 times more likely to be killed by a black man than black men are of being killed by a cop. MacDonald also reports that 40 percent of all cop killers are black men. These statistics seem to prove that police have far more to fear from black males than black males have to fear at the hands of police.

To be sure MacDonald’s findings are at odds with the Black Lives Matter movement and even recent comments by President Obama.

In the afternoon of July 7 after news engulfed America that two young black men were killed by police, one in Louisiana and another in Minnesota, President Obama released a statement lamenting the shootings saying “all Americans should be troubled” by the two shootings.
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Black Males More Likely to Kill Police Than to be Killed By Police”

U.S. Appeals Court Rules Americans Have a Right to Buy and Sell Firearms

-By Warner Todd Huston

In a new ruling the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit maintained that Americans have a Constitutional right to acquire and sell arms.

The Ninth Circuit Court remanded the case of Teixeira v. County of Alameda back to a lower court informing it the court that the Second Amendment and its history protects the rights of Americans to self-defense including the “right to acquire weapons” as well as own them.

This puts a dent in the city of Alameda’s regulations that practically bans the opening of any gun store in the city.
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U.S. Appeals Court Rules Americans Have a Right to Buy and Sell Firearms”

Video From Oregon Activist: ‘We’re Breaking NO Laws’ But Warns They Are Armed—NO RUBY RIDGE

-By Warner Todd Huston

As patriots gather outside the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge near Burns, Oregon, all eyes are on the activists gathered there to protest what they feel is a government gone wild. Many of the activists are armed raising some fears that bloodshed could result if Obama’s government sends armed officials to clear them out. But one activist has a warning and a promise for officials.

In a video posted to Facebook, activist Jon Ritzheimer told those watching his video that he and his fellows have gathered to defend their Constitutional rights.

Close to the end of the video the activist explains one of the reasons that he and his fellows are protesting. He says that the refuge is “swallowing up ranches.”

On the video Ritzheimer continues saying, “this refuge here we found out is also the largest and it’s getting bigger and bigger. It’s swallowing up ranchers. It’s already kicked off over 100 ranchers from this land.”

Still, Ritzheimer goes to pains to point out that the land they are camping on is public land and that they aren’t breaking any laws. He further points out that there has been no vandalism of the park. He insists, “there’s nothing illegal taking place here.”

“This land belongs to ‘we the people.’ It’s outlined right here in the Constitution,” Ritzheimer says.
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Video From Oregon Activist: ‘We’re Breaking NO Laws’ But Warns They Are Armed—NO RUBY RIDGE”

Dear Baby New Year, THIS is What Liberals Have in Store For You

-By Warner Todd Huston

The year 2015 is now in the rear view mirror and Baby New Year has waddled in, diaper and all. But baby, you are still young and naive and I hate to say it but you and the generation you are ushering in will have an awful time once you find out what liberals have in store for you.

First of all, you are lucky, Baby New Year, lucky that you even got a chance to see 2016. Were it up to any common liberal you’d have been aborted back in 2015 when you were still gestating. Granted there’s a chance you’d have seen 2016 only to have your body diced up and sold for its lucrative parts. In any case, thank your lucky stars that you escaped the liberals’ beloved slice and dice.

But don’t think you are too lucky. After all, the bleak world that liberals have already set in motion for you is not one you’re likely to enjoy.

Because, dear Baby New Year, liberals have already set the rules for your world as you grow up and it ain’t gonna be pretty.

You may think that you are waddling into the United States, the land of freedom, liberty and self-determination. But the liberals have already killed that hoary old ideal. And don’t speak too loudly because liberals have taken away your free speech. Say the wrong thing and you’ll be thrown out of your school, you’ll lose you job, and you’ll become an outcast to society… such as it is.
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Dear Baby New Year, THIS is What Liberals Have in Store For You”

Advance Preview of Obama’s ‘Terrorism’ Address: ‘America, We Must Become a Nation of Sheep Led to the ISIL Slaughter’

-By Warner Todd Huston

We here at have been fortunate enough to be afforded a sneak peek at Obama’s “terror” address that he will be giving today. Without further ado, the president of the United States:

My fellow Americans, tonight I felt it was important to come before you so that you could hear what I think about these horrible attacks my country has suffered these last few weeks.

Certainly I grieve for those who fell victim to the gun violence my country is embroiled in. I am heart broken by the loss the victims’ families feel and understand their pain. Sadly, with their lives filled with the pain caused by the Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, they have little room in their minds to help me advance my ideas. Tonight I hope to put an end to that.

Many un-American people who don’t understand who we are as a people want to continue this wretched gun culture that has made me embarrassed to visit other countries. To them I say “no more.” No more will I sit idly by and allow them their Second Amendment rights. No more will I allow my people to stand armed against my policies. No more will I let my countrymen to have the last, best chance to answer back to terrorists by being armed with needless, dangerous, assault guns.

My country is suffering an occupation of sorts worse than any ISIL terrorist invasion. Republicans who cannot accept that I won are certainly more dangerous than any ISIL terrorist, especially since my policies have completely contained ISIL to a small and dwindling part of Iraq and portions of Syria.
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Advance Preview of Obama’s ‘Terrorism’ Address: ‘America, We Must Become a Nation of Sheep Led to the ISIL Slaughter’”

There Is No Reason The Environmental Protection Agency Needs Military Weaponry

-By Warner Todd Huston

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is a perfect example of an agency that needs to be cut back, defunded, and dis-empowered. A recent examination of its budget shows that it has spent tens of millions on assembling its own private army replete with aircraft, machine guns, body armor, and tanks not to mention money wasted helping foreigners push “global warming” and unnecessary “grants” given to partisan, left-wing groups to push so-called “environmental justice.”

Open the Books, a watchdog group out of Illinois run by Adam Andrzejewski, has released an oversight report showing the waste, fraud, and abuse endemic in the EPA and proves that this agency is ripe for reform.

“Our report discovered that when the EPA comes knocking they are armed with a thousand lawyers, arrest/criminal data, credit, business and property histories, plus a ‘Special Agent’ with the latest in weaponry and technology,” Open The Books notes.

Each of these so-called “special agents” cost the American Taxpayer $216,000 per year, the report finds.

Now, before we get further into the utter waste and illicit spending on itself, we need to also point out the money the EPA wastes by throwing it out at unworthy private entities in “grants.” Open The Books (OTB) discovered that the agency spent over $72 billion giving grants to outside groups and non-governmental organizations for their partisan, left-wing causes.
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There Is No Reason The Environmental Protection Agency Needs Military Weaponry”

Obama Admin Decides Not to Force FBI to Get Warrants for Email Data

-By Warner Todd Huston

Despite the pressure brought to bear by the public and efforts by Congress, the Obama White House has announced that it will not demand that the FBI get warrants to access email data.

The current law for electronic communications is an ill-fitting scheme that forces law enforcement to get a warrant for emails and other electronic communications that are up to six months old. But for any data older than that the Electronic Communications Privacy Act (ECPA) only requires a subpoena. But these rules don’t take into account the fact that data can be stored on line for far longer than six months.

The original rules written back in 1986 assumed that such data would be harder and/or expensive to store and might be erased sooner than data is today.

Many Americans want these old, outdated rules changed so it is a bit harder for law enforcement to access American’s electronic communications. Pursuant to that a petition demanding that law enforcement, particularly the FBI, get a warrant for any email data it wants had been turned in to the administration as far back as 2013. Last week the Obama administration finally responded to this petition saying that it won’t require the FBI to change its process for accessing electronic data.
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Obama Admin Decides Not to Force FBI to Get Warrants for Email Data”

New Mexico Just moved Toward Restoring Private Property Rights Crimping Seizure Laws

-By Warner Todd Huston

Decades ago when civil asset forfeiture laws were first proposed they seemed like a good idea. But at this point they’ve become a corrupting influence and just an excuse to steal from citizens. Now New Mexico has made a move to reverse the damage.

The corrupt law in question, here, is the civil asset forfeiture law, a rule that was created to give cops the ability to quickly seize property and assets so that drug dealers won’t have the cash on hand–or the ability to liquidate assets–to help them get away with drug dealing.

With this law cops can seize your property and assets even if they never charge you with a crime. Worse, they often never return the money and property even if you are eventually proven innocent in a court of law.

Unfortunately, once these laws spread across the country what ended up happening in practice is that cops simply started stealing the money and property of nearly everyone they came in contact with making a mockery of both the Constitution and the whole purpose the law was created for in the first place.

In essence, forfeiture laws ended up turning police into outright criminals.
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New Mexico Just moved Toward Restoring Private Property Rights Crimping Seizure Laws”

Despite Rabble-Rousers Urging Ferguson Citizens to Vote, Few Bothered

-By Warner Todd Huston

After months of rioting, one of the main themes that many left-wing rabble-rousers have been pushing on residents of Ferguson is to register to vote so that they can “change” their local government. But despite all the rhetoric, few Ferguson residents bothered to vote last Tuesday.

A big criticism of Ferguson, Missouri’s government is that there are “too many white people” in it. Activists have maintained that only a slate full of black candidates can properly govern the largely black population of the city. So, to throw out the few whites on the council, activists have urged citizens to register to vote and usher in a utopian black government.

But despite all the caterwauling of activists, it appears that Ferguson residents still weren’t motivated very much to go register and vote.
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Despite Rabble-Rousers Urging Ferguson Citizens to Vote, Few Bothered”

Cities That Have Used Military Equipment for Riot Control Might Owe Feds Millions

-By Warner Todd Huston

On Tuesday, Obama administration officials testified that local police who received surplus military equipment from a government program were never supposed to use that equipment for riot control and if the items were misused, cities may be forced to repay millions in grants given them by the government to purchase the equipment.

The testimony was delivered before Congress by members of the Defense and Homeland Security departments on Tuesday afternoon in a hearing that was spurred by shocking images from Ferguson, Missouri where police used a variety of military-styled equipment to quell rioting last month. Local police obtained some of that surplus military equipment through the Pentagon’s 1033 Program.

During the hearing Senators pointed out that many departments have been given equipment that they really have no legitimate need for. During the hearing it was revealed that one small Oklahoma county sheriff’s department for instance, received two 18-ton MRAP armored vehicles even though the department has only one full-time peace officer.

Several Senators questioned just why local police need military equipment at all. Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul noted that 12,000 bayonets have been given out to local police and he wondered why a weapon of war like that, one used solely for killing and not peacekeeping, needed to be placed in the hands of a police department.
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Cities That Have Used Military Equipment for Riot Control Might Owe Feds Millions”

Ferguson Fallout: School Lesson Teaches Kids To Agree With the Black Panthers’ Demands

-By Warner Todd Huston

A new school lesson plan hopes to capitalize on the unrest in Ferguson, Missouri that erupted after a police officer shot a black youth early in August. The plan urges kids to agree with the Black Panthers, a racist, hate group that urges segregation, and accept the demands they issued in the past.

An activist group that calls itself Teaching for Change, one that works with schools to push the hard-core, left-wing agenda branded “social justice” rushed out its lesson plan to capitalize on the death of teenager Michael Brown.

“As the new school year begins, first and foremost on our minds and in our hearts will be the killing of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri,” said program architect Julian Hipkins.
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Ferguson Fallout: School Lesson Teaches Kids To Agree With the Black Panthers’ Demands”

Pentagon Has ‘Everything Must Go Sale’–We Want YOUR Town to have a FREE TANK!

If your town has a Strawberry Festival… YOU NEED A TANK!

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Pentagon Has ‘Everything Must Go Sale’–We Want YOUR Town to have a FREE TANK!”

CNN Quietly Changes Story that DOJ Held Back Ferguson Robbery Video

-by Warner Todd Huston

Looks like CNN is trying to cover Obama’s rear end by quietly changing its story about how the DOJ’s Eric Holder told the Ferguson police to withhold the video showing slain teen Michael Brown robbing a local store. It now appears that Obama wanted riots to happen in Ferguson.

Early on Saturday a conflict between the local police in riot plagued Ferguson, Missouri and the federal government came to light over the release of the video of the store robbery that allegedly depicts slain teen Michael Brown robbing a local store only hours before he was killed by police. CNN reported that the feds delayed the release of the footage by telling the local cops not to release it to the public. The police eventually released it anyway, but only after nearly a week of rioting.

One of the reasons the police finally released the video was because the community was calling for more transparency from police. But CNN initially reported that Obama’s Department of Justice told them not to release the video.
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CNN Quietly Changes Story that DOJ Held Back Ferguson Robbery Video”

Dept. of Homeland Security Report: Patriotic Americans A Danger

-By Warner Todd Huston

Once again we get left-wingers advising government officials that fanatical Islamists and other foreign terrorists are just as bad as patriotic Americans.

A new report titled, “Understanding Law Enforcement Intelligence Processes,” was penned by a cadre of professors at the University of Maryland advising the Department of Homeland Security that foreign threats are just as bad as people who love the Constitution, people who want to observe their Second Amendment rights, and people who love the flag and think America is a great nation.

Yes, these so-called educators are paid with your tax dollars to spread alarm and hate for our own citizens.

The report is a guide for “law enforcement” officials on how to create new intelligence practices.
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Dept. of Homeland Security Report: Patriotic Americans A Danger”

Police State: Commencement Speaker Beaten By San Diego Police

-By Warner Todd Huston

A man who only hours before had served as the commencement speaker at San Jose State’s graduation ceremony was beaten by San Diego police after he questioned how they were treating a companion and the whole incident was caught on video.

Nathaniel Howard, a 23-year-old motivational speaker, confronted police who were issuing a citation to his friend who they caught urinating on the sidewalk.

As witnesses screamed in shock, police grabbed Howard throwing him to the ground beating him with batons.
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Police State: Commencement Speaker Beaten By San Diego Police”

Border Patrol Attacking Americans, Letting Illegals Go

-By Warner Todd Huston

Obama lining up Mexican gangbangers to become US “citizens”

Fox Business Network’s John Stossel released a very disturbing report on the abuses of Americans at the hands of Border Patrol agents who are stopping cars 100 miles inland from our borders all across the nation–not just in the southwest. They are breaking into cars, tazing Americans, detaining them, and then releasing them with no charges after this violent encounter. Meanwhile they are letting Illegals run across the border free as you please !

Stossel found that the U.S. border Patrol is allowed to set up roadblock for 100 miles inland from the outer border of our entire country. But, as it happens, the largest portion of the country’s population lives within 100 miles from a border.
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Border Patrol Attacking Americans, Letting Illegals Go”

Hey, Chicago: Detroit Police Chief Says More Guns is Good

-By Warner Todd Huston

Chicago, Illinois is losing at least 3 to 4 citizens every weekend to violence with upwards to 25 shot. EVERY weekend. Chicago pols, the city’s police superintendent, and state Democrats say we need to ban guns to “fix” the problem. But the Detroit Chief of Police says an armed citizenry is making HIS city safer. Chicago could learn a lesson, here.

According to the Detroit News, Chief James Craig credited the fall in crime in the Motor City to the fact that more citizens are armed these days.

Detroit has experienced 37 percent fewer robberies in 2014 than during the same period last year, 22 percent fewer break-ins of businesses and homes, and 30 percent fewer carjackings. Craig attributed the drop to better police work and criminals being reluctant to prey on citizens who may be carrying guns.

“Criminals are getting the message that good Detroiters are armed and will use that weapon,” said Craig, who has repeatedly said he believes armed citizens deter crime. “I don’t want to take away from the good work our investigators are doing, but I think part of the drop in crime, and robberies in particular, is because criminals are thinking twice that citizens could be armed.”

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Hey, Chicago: Detroit Police Chief Says More Guns is Good”

Liberal Mike Malloy’s Anti-Gun Hysteria: Says He’ll Make False Reports to Police, Advocates Murder

-by Warner Todd Huston

Like all liberals, radio host Mike Malloy thinks that “the law” is essentially a meaningless concept and that because he is pure of liberal heart he should be allowed to do whatever he wants even if it is to file false police reports, bear false witness against others, and scare people by causing an illicit panic over gun owners who are following Georgia’s new open carry law.

Malloy claims to be a gun owner himself–another bit of hypocrisy, that–but he truly despises Georgia’s new open carry law. Despite that the Georgians among whom he lives have voted for the open carry law and despite that his narrow minded, anti-Second Amendment mentality is accepted by only a tiny minority of Georgians, Malloy claims he is ready to battle the open carry law by breaking the law himself… because, you know, he should only have to follow those laws he likes.
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Liberal Mike Malloy’s Anti-Gun Hysteria: Says He’ll Make False Reports to Police, Advocates Murder”

Our Militarized Police Nearly Kill Baby With Flashbang Grenade

-By Warner Todd Huston

Once again we see a militarized police department acting like Fascist stormtroopers instead of “law enforcement” officers.

This time stormtroopers in Atlanta threw a flashbang grenade into the lap of a baby in her crib. The thing exploded and gave the baby third degree burns on its face, hands and chest. And who knows if the explosion damaged the child’s eyes and ears.

The cops’ excuse? Gosh we didn’t know that there were babies in the house. We didn’t see no toys er nuthin.

“There was no clothes, no toys, nothing to indicate that there was children present in the home. If there had been then we’d have done something different,” Cornelia police chief Rick Darby told the Atlanta media.

Oh, well, there general Darby, all is forgiven then. Thanks for playing.
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Our Militarized Police Nearly Kill Baby With Flashbang Grenade”

Woman Mailed Citation From Chicago Area Park District After Social Media Post

-By Warner Todd Huston

Apparently police are now cruising the web looking for people who make claims that leads one to believe they could or might or perhaps broke some jackbooted rule, regulation or law and then they are punishing them through the U.S. mails on this hearsay evidence.

The police department of a Chicago area forest preserve district used a local woman’s social media post as a basis to send her a citation in the mail after she made a Facebook post about a county park.

The woman says she wrote a Facebook post that was misinterpreted by Will County forest preserve police as an admission that she was violating park rules. It wasn’t long after she posted her comment that she received a notice of violation in the mail and told she owed the county a fine for illegal use of a park.
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Woman Mailed Citation From Chicago Area Park District After Social Media Post”

Fed. Judge Puts Halt to Abuse of Justice in Wisc. ‘John Doe’ Raids

-By Warner Todd Huston

For the last three years a Democrat affiliated Milwaukee County District Attorney has been engaged in a political jihad of sorts, using “secret subpoenas” and illegally invading homes and offices of a wide range of conservatives and Republicans in an “investigation” into collusion between activist groups and Wis. Gov. Scott Walker’s re-election campaign. At last, a federal judge has ordered that the illicit probe be halted on First Amendment grounds.

Milwaukee County District Attorney John Chisholm, two of his assistant DAs, and Special Prosecutor Francis Schmitz, launched a politically motivated investigation into whether or not Eric O’Keefe and his group the Wisconsin Club for Growth–a conservative activist group–illegally coordinated with Gov. Walker and other Republicans during the 2011 and 2012 recall election campaigns. The case was titled the “John Doe” investigation because all the accusations were made anonymously, many of the subpoenas were hidden behind a “secrecy rule”–meaning those accused could not even see them–and many of the proceedings were hidden from the public in secret court proceedings.

Also, as the wide-ranging search warrants were served, many of the accused were held and denied access to their lawyers. The raids were para-military styled, implemented in pre-dawn hours, and swept up not only business records, but personal records along with those of family members.

At last, a federal judge has ruled that this whole Democrat jihad amounts to a witch-hunt that is in violation of the rule of law. Worse, that it is drenched in violations of the rights of the accused not the least of which is their First Amendment rights.
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Fed. Judge Puts Halt to Abuse of Justice in Wisc. ‘John Doe’ Raids”

POLICE STATE: Feds Still Buying Tons of Ammunition

-By Warner Todd Huston

“Where the people fear the government you have tyranny. Where the government fears the people you have liberty.”–John Basil Barnhill, 1914

If liberals want to get rid of guns in society, apparently the first place they should start is the federal government. For some unexplainable reason, nearly every federal agency has its own armed, para-military police force. From the Post Office, to the Bureau of Land Management, to even the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration they are all armed to the teeth! Why do these agencies need their own police forces? They don’t… except for the fact that they want to force their will on the American people and it’s easier to do that when you can kill anyone in your way.

You read that right, above. The U.S. Post Office has it’s own armed police force (It has for decades, by the way). So does the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Seriously. NOAA has a SWAT team that claims it needs 46,000 rounds of ammunition! It is beyond insensible.

Last year the Post Office had announced that it was going to buy thousands of rounds of ammunition and not long ago the Social Security Administration ordered 174,000 rounds of “.357 Sig 125 grain bonded jacketed hollow-point” bullets.
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POLICE STATE: Feds Still Buying Tons of Ammunition”

New Mexico Police Chief Fired Likely Because He Attended Constitutional Rights Gathering

-By Warner Todd Huston

New Mexico police chief Shane Harger recently attended an event in Las Vegas held by a group that urges police officials to be mindful of the U.S. Constitution in the execution of their duties. But upon returning home from the convention, Harger was suddenly fired from his job as the chief of Jemez Springs, New Mexico because, he says, he has been called a “terrorist” for believing in the Constitution.

Chief Harger attended the Las Vegas gathering of the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association (CSPOA) to hear what the group had to say about its goals. Harger says he’d never attended such an event in the past and until the Vegas event was not a member of the group.

On the way to the CSPOA event, though, the chief suddenly found that his name had been placed on some sort of watchlist by the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) and he was harassed by TSA agents as he tried to board his plane.

Harger reported that when he got to the airport a man who briefly flashed a badge and claimed to be a “federal agent” (from what agency he would not say) informed the police chief that he was a “person of interest” and that he had to be detained.
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New Mexico Police Chief Fired Likely Because He Attended Constitutional Rights Gathering”

Police Hate This Wave of Americans Who Know Their Rights

-By Warner Todd Huston

All across America, people are asserting their Constitutional rights when confronted by police both on the streets and in those random traffic roadblock stops. It is being called “contempt of cop” and police hate this wave of libertarian-like insistence that they respect our Constitutional rights.

As police and government authorities increasingly step all over our rights, Americans are taking their Constitutional rights seriously these days taking their video cameras in hand and insisting that police respect us and stop treating us as guilty until proven innocent.
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Police Hate This Wave of Americans Who Know Their Rights”

VIDEO: Michigan Cops Harass Citizen Legally Carrying a Gun

-By Warner Todd Huston

A Michigan man legally carrying a pistol openly in a holster was illegally stopped and harassed by Grand Rapids police in March of 2013 in an incident that sparked a federal lawsuit. Now the full video of the encounter has been released to the public.

Last March, Grand Rapids citizen Johann Deffert was peacefully walking on the sidewalk in his own neighborhood when police illegally detained him, cuffed him, threw him on the ground and then into a squad car, a federal lawsuit alleges.

In Michigan it is fully legal to open carry a pistol with the proper license.

Deffert is suing for $600,000 alleging he was physically assaulted by cops.
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VIDEO: Michigan Cops Harass Citizen Legally Carrying a Gun”

VIDEO: A Canadian Warns America NOT To Register Our Guns

-By Warner Todd Huston

A Canadian newscaster has a warning for Americans: Do NOT register your firearms because if you do, the government WILL confiscate your guns and throw you in jail.

Brian Billey, a host on Sun News in Canada, hosted a commentary proving that if we Americans are stupid enough to register our firearms (I’m talking to YOU Connecticut) then we should expect to have our guns confiscated at some point in the future.

Billey isn’t just talking mere opinion, here. He has proof. It happened in his own country. Once certain guns were outlawed and the remaining ones were leveled with a must-register law, it wasn’t long before the government began confiscating guns for no legitimate reason.

The newscaster pointed out that critics of the Canadian gun registry program said that the registry would lead to confiscation, but supporters waved off those criticisms as absurd worries meant only to harm Canada’s “safety and security.”
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VIDEO: A Canadian Warns America NOT To Register Our Guns”

Police Union Criticized for Using Video of Cursing Black Toddler to Decry ‘Cycle of Violence’

-By Warner Todd Huston

*Warning* The video above is NSFW, it is filled with foul language*

The policemen’s union in Omaha, Nebraska, has come under fire for using the video of a cursing, middle finger-waving black toddler to highlight the “cycle of violence” and the “thug cycle” that officers have to deal with as children grow up.

The union is being called racist for using the video of a black three-year-old as an example of the “thug life” that some many teenagers grow up to emulate.

The diapered child who appears to be about three or so–just learning to talk–is seen giving his parents the middle finger, repeating curse words, and calling himself and others a “ho.”
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Police Union Criticized for Using Video of Cursing Black Toddler to Decry ‘Cycle of Violence’”

Rand Paul to Sue Obama Over NSA Spying

-By Warner Todd Huston

Tea Party favorite and libertarian-minded Senator Rand Paul (R, KY) is suing Barack Obama over his misuse of the National Security Agency (NSA).

Senator Paul has announced that he is joining a class action lawsuit being filed against Obama’s NSA. He also noted that he is joining the lawsuit as an average citizen, not as a US Senator.
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Rand Paul to Sue Obama Over NSA Spying”

VIDEO: New York Cops Threaten to Fine Man for Washing Car in His Own Driveway

-By Warner Todd Huston

The video of a police officer harassing a citizen for washing his own car on his own driveway is going viral proving once again that our governments have become arrogant and are acting as an enemy to freedom, liberty, and private property rights.

The video shows a Garden City police officer accosting a citizen for washing his car in his own driveway. The officer claims it is a crime in Garden City and reads from a copy of the statute that he brought to the homeowner to prove his claims. (Youtube page)

The 27-year-old owner of the car is obviously shocked that police had the temerity to tell him that he couldn’t wash his own car on his own, private property.
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VIDEO: New York Cops Threaten to Fine Man for Washing Car in His Own Driveway”

Texas Cops Illegally Stopping Drivers Demanding Blood, Saliva, Breath Tests

-By Warner Todd Huston

A report from North Texas reveals that the federal government is creating illegal roadblocks in 30 cities demanding that drivers give them blood samples, cheek swabs for DNA, and/or breathalyzer tests.

NBC TV in Dallas Fort Worth revealed a woman who told them that she was waved over to a parking lot by Fort Worth police. Once in the parking lot government workers demanded that she give them DNA or blood.

The drivers were told everything was voluntary and that no testing would be done without their consent but that turned out to be a lie as the consent form clearly shows that testing was done by a remote testing device as the drivers were approached and even before they were told why they were pulled over.

NBC had a civil liberties expert tell them that this was all quite illegal. Police cannot randomly pull people over without cause.
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Texas Cops Illegally Stopping Drivers Demanding Blood, Saliva, Breath Tests”