Everyone On Every Side is Lying About the GOP Health Care Bill

-By Warner Todd Huston

It really is the most amazing thing, this Republican Health Care Bill. Usually, as a partisan, you can point to the lies from one corner of the political world and screech about how unfair it all is. But in the case of this latest Republican-sponsored health care bill, the sad fact is that all four of the most interested parties in this debate are simply lying outright about what this bill does.

When the GOP leadership of the House of Representatives finally passed its latest attempt to address the problems of Obamacare, the American Health Care Act (AHCA), the White House and the Republican Party celebrated that they finally set in motion the repealing of Obamacare. Unfortunately, the AHCA does not do that at all.

President Trump led the cheerleading with tweets and press conferences about the House plan.

The truth is, the AHCA neither repeals nor replaces Obamacare. All it does is nibble around the edges of Obama’s disastrous takeover of the nation’s healthcare system.

The House of Representatives is also trying to pull the wool over the eyes of the country by trying to make it seem as if they just repealed Obamacare. Republicans, of course, are desperate to make it appear as they have fulfilled a campaign promise. Since Obamacare was passed Republicans from coast to coast, have been promising to rid the country of Obamacare if only the voters will give them the White House and majorities in both houses. With the 2017 election they now have it, yet they have spent the fist 100 and some odd days of Trump’s presidency failing to do the one major thing they said they’d do once put in full power: eliminate Obamacare.

So, by characterizing the AHCA as a “repeal and replacement” of Obamacare, House Republicans are hoping voters take that at face value and imagine that they have fulfilled a campaign promise.
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Everyone On Every Side is Lying About the GOP Health Care Bill”

Florida Looms Large in the Ongoing Health Care Debate

Originally published at “The Shark Tank”, Florida’s political feeding frenzy.

-By Warner Todd Huston

As the State of Florida continues to be one of the nation’s key bellwether states it has also become a major swing state with Democrats seeming to have increased their presence in a state that has until recently seemed a bit more solidly red. This means that by 2020, Florida could become one of the most important states in the county.

Florida is still a growing state and by the coming 2020 census there is little doubt it will be found to have grown even more. With this growth the state will likely increase its current 29 votes in the Electoral College — the third most votes in the country — making the Sunshine State one of the most influential states in the Union.

Some feel this makes Florida a lock for the Republicans. But we must not forget that Donald Trump only took Florida away from Democrat nominee Hillary Clinton by a scant margin of one percent. So, all eyes will be on this important state in the coming election cycles. Truly what happens in Florida has national implications.

The state boasts several high profile Republicans, of course. Former Gov. and presidential candidate Jeb Bush hails from Florida, as does Marco Rubio who has become nearly household name. But the state is also home to Rep. Ron DeSantis, a congressman and legislative leader that does much of the heavy lifting in Congress for the state.

A key battle for the next few years will be the fight to reign in Obamacare and to fix America’s health care system and Rep. DeSantis has a far better record on the issue than most in Washington. Health care is critical to both Florida and the nation economically, demographically and politically and DeSantis has been a leading voice on the issue.
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Florida Looms Large in the Ongoing Health Care Debate”

The Stupid Party: Republicans Will Destroy Both Trump AND Their Party if They do Nothing About Obamacare

-By Warner Todd Huston

Donald J. Trump was swept into office on several key issues, one of which was to put a merciful end to the odious Obamacare. So far the Republican Party has thoroughly failed to move on any of Trump’s issues and in the case of Obamacare in particular, if they do nothing or only tinker around the edges, it will sink both Trump and the Party.

Trump was made president of the United States on several fronts. He was against illegal aliens infesting the U.S.A. and for building a wall on the southern border, he was in favor of lowering taxes and re-building the economy, he was pro-U.S.A. (i.e. “make America great again”), and he was going to end Obamacare.

On the latter issue, the Republican Party stood fully behind Trump and have for several years now said they, too, want to put an end to one of the worst, most destructive laws ever to ooze out of D.C. But, now, only a month into the era of Trump, now that they are fully in charge and have a president ready to join the effort to quash the socialist take over of one sixth of the nation’s economy, we have already seen they are losing their spine on the matter.

Despite so many who are crowing that the Democrat Party is dead — and, yes, they are in the worst shape they’ve ever been in — and despite those who assume Democrats are now in the permanent wilderness, it is idiotic to assume the Dems are down and out. The fact is, right this minute the GOP has more power than it has had in generations and now is the time to act on Obamacare. We can’t expect the GOP to ever be in a better place to put an end to President Obama’s signature nightmare.
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The Stupid Party: Republicans Will Destroy Both Trump AND Their Party if They do Nothing About Obamacare”

Romney Has NO Principles: Trump made an error offering Mitt Romney anything

-By Warner Todd Huston

The rumor mill is churning this weekend that President Elect Donald Trump is about to offer former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney the role of Secretary of State in his new administration. Certainly, it would be a mistake to offer Romney anything. But, worse, if Romney accepts the offer it will show he truly has no principles at all.

During the recently concluded campaign for president, former GOP nominee Romney said some of the harshest things possible about Donald Trump. The fact is Romney worked as hard as he could with his limited abilities to destroy Donald Trump. He called him a “phony and fraud.” He also attacked Trump for his personality, called him a “con man,” and said he is “dishonest.”

After his constant rants on how evil Trump is, I’ll lose even that last tiny bit of respect I had for loser Romney if he accepts any role in the Trump White House.
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Romney Has NO Principles: Trump made an error offering Mitt Romney anything”

‘King v Burwell’ Marks the Official End of the American Republic

-By Warner Todd Huston

As he exited the Constitutional Convention, Benjamin Franklin was supposed to have told a bystander that the founders had given us a Republic, “if we could keep it.” Well this week’s latest Obamacare decision by the U.S. Supreme Court proves that we ultimately couldn’t keep it, Mr. Franklin. America is now a dead letter.

Of course, what Franklin’s possibly apocryphal reply meant was that we only had a United States system if informed citizens kept the government’s feet to the republican fires. We could only keep the system the founders gave us if we made sure the government stayed true to the system as handed down to us.

That system was one of a constitutional republic built on a rule of law, built on generations of tradition as evinced in the Common Law, and laid out with a system that had set parameters that were expected to remain virtually unchanged (though not unchangeable).

That system has been slowly eroded by parties and presidents who have had no fealty to our American way of life. Destroyers such as the Democrat Party, Woodrow Wilson, Franklin Roosevelt, and the mewling fellow travelers of the GOP who have quietly supported the destruction, all have taken their toll on our republic. But it wasn’t until the advent of our most anti-American president yet in Barack Hussein Obama that the nation finally died a death not from revolution, but from neglect.

Thoday’s action by the opportunist Chief Justice John Roberts has thrown the last spade full of dirt over the grave of the American Republic.
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‘King v Burwell’ Marks the Official End of the American Republic”

Media Bias: CNN Lies Saying GOP Wants to ‘End Health Care for Millions

-By Warner Todd Huston

Everyday the media lies to America about what conservatives and the Republican Party want to do with their policy ideas and CNN just uncorked a doosie of a lie about Obamacare.

Above is a screen shot of what appeared on CNN on March 5, 2015.

At noon on Thursday CNN was caught lying claiming that the GOP-led efforts to defeat Obamacare will “end health care for millions.” This is nothing but a blatant, scurrilous lie.

First of all, even Obamacare isn’t even offering anyone any health care. It is offering insurance polices for health care, not health care itself.
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Media Bias: CNN Lies Saying GOP Wants to ‘End Health Care for Millions”

Yet Another Bad Surprise for Obamacare Users: Their Year-End Taxes Will Soar

-By Warner Todd Huston

So, you thought the Lord God Obama had given you some “free” healthcare, did you? You’ve happily applied for and used his subsidies all last year because that clunky, constantly crashing Obamacare website said you could, eh? Well, guess what? Come April 15 you’ll probably owe a whopping new tax bill to the IRS because, as it turns out, you didn’t really deserve the subsidy you got. Sucks, doesn’t it?

The government reports that nearly 7 million Americans took advantage of the subsidies they were offered on the Obamacare exchange websites, subsidies that helped them cut down on the costs of the newly mandated Obamacare healthcare policies.

But now, according to tax preparation company H&R Block, as many as 4 million subsidy users might discover that in fact they made too much money to have been allowed to get the subsidy and at tax time the IRS will demand that they pay the money back.
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Yet Another Bad Surprise for Obamacare Users: Their Year-End Taxes Will Soar”

To Aid Obama, Old Media Establishment Took a Pass on Gruber Videos

-By Warner Todd Huston

The man who was trying to shop the Gruber videos to the media was rebuffed by the Old Media Establishment repeatedly because they had no interest in highlighting the fact that Obama and his Obamacare cohorts were lying to the American people about the President’s signature healthcare law.

Howard Kurtz tracked down the man who was trying to get the media to notice the string of videos showing Obamacare architect Jonathan Gruber telling audiences that the American voters are “stupid” and saying that the administration lied repeatedly about what was in Obamacare and how it would work all in a desperate attempt to get the President’s take over of our national healthcare system passed into law.

Kurtz tracked down the man, Rich Weinstein, and found a man who doesn’t himself want to become the story. In fact, he wouldn’t even supply Kurtz with a photo of himself.
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To Aid Obama, Old Media Establishment Took a Pass on Gruber Videos”

Obamacare Architect Celebrates the Lack of Transparency in Obama’s Health Care Law: ‘Stupidity of American Voters’

-By Warner Todd Huston

In a revisited interview, the architect of Obamacare is seen saying that the lack of transparency in the President’s healthcare law is a feature not a problem. After all, if you rubes could figure it out, you’d really understand what an un-American mess Obamacare is. Obamacare is a total mess, a Gordian Knot that cannot be cut through by mortal men. And it was made that way on purpose.

The interview in question was of Romneycare and Obamacare architect Jonathan Gruber from October of last year. In the video taped interview, Gruber is seen noting that the lack of transparency in Obamacare is really a good thing.
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Obamacare Architect Celebrates the Lack of Transparency in Obama’s Health Care Law: ‘Stupidity of American Voters’”

Obamacare Voters & Gang of Eight Immigration Senators Saw Big Losses on Tuesday

-By Warner Todd Huston

If you are a US Senator that supported Obamacare and/or one who supported the vaunted “Gang of Eight” senators who were seeking immigration compromise you are preparing for a long retirement back home in most cases because voters threw you out on your ear.

All these Democrats have been sacrificed on the altar of Obama.

First of all, you’ll recall that back in 2013 a group of eight US Senators got together supposedly to buck the gridlock and come to a compromise on immigration. The media loved these guys and hailed them as all that is good about Washington.
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Obamacare Voters & Gang of Eight Immigration Senators Saw Big Losses on Tuesday”

UNPRECEDENTED: Obama Orders Insurance Industry to Withhold New Prices Until AFTER Midterm Elections

-By Warner Todd Huston

Barack Obama is again playing political games with our health insurance industry and has turned in another underhanded move against it by forcing insurance carriers, brokers and agents to withhold their 2015 prices until after the 2014 midterm elections are over all so that the news of higher prices won’t hurt Democrats on Election Day.

This means that customers looking to get new insurance or those wishing to scout new policies to see if they can get a better deal are not able to shop for insurance.

Before we get into that, though, millions of new cancellations will be hitting on January 1, 2015. Much of this news has gone under the radar as Democrats and their lapdog media are keeping this as quiet as possible.

There is also something different with these cancellations, something that has never happened before in the healthcare insurance industry. Past practice has always been that the next year’s new rates are released 60 days before the first day of the next year. But Obama has mandated that companies hold back on that normal practice so that he can shield Democrats at the polls.

Here is how insurance agent C. Steven Tucker explained it this weekend:

This year, for the first time in 20 years I can not even quote a replacement product because Barack Obama has issued a GAG ORDER to the health insurance industry instructing them not to disclose their January 2015 health insurance rates until after the mid-term elections. This is unprecedented. Normally health insurance premiums are released for public viewing 60 days before the January 1st effective date. Where are the reports on these cancellations and the gag order from NBC, ABC, CBS and CNN? The only news organization that I am aware of that has reported on any of this is the Fox News channel. I can guarantee you one thing, not one of my clients who received a cancellation notice is voting Democrat on Tuesday.

This is once again proof that healthcare is not about health for this most corrupt president in American history. It is politics all the way through for this man.

Your health doesn’t matter to Barack Obama. He cares only about what political benefit he can get from taking over our healthcare industry.

It is also proof that the health of Americans does not interest the news media, either. All they care about is how they can help Democrats.

But this is just a small example of what happens when you allow government to take over an industry like this. It stops being about what ever the industry is supposed to be about and becomes a mere political tool.

Finally, let us point out something else that is glaringly obvious. The GOP is in on this game. After all, you haven’t heard a word about this from any GOP candidate have you? They are clearly running interference for Obama on this by staying silent.
“The only end of writing is to enable the reader better to enjoy life, or better to endure it.”
–Samuel Johnson

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Warner Todd Huston is a Chicago based freelance writer. He has been writing opinion editorials and social criticism since early 2001 and before that he wrote articles on U.S. history for several small American magazines. His political columns are featured on many websites such as Andrew Breitbart’s BigGovernment.com, BigHollywood.com, and BigJournalism.com, as well as RightWingNews.com, CanadaFreePress.com, Wizbang.com, among many, many others. Huston has also appeared on Fox News, Fox Business Network, CNN, and many local TV shows as well as numerous talk radio shows throughout the country.

For a full bio, please CLICK HERE.

Obamacare Funds Being Used to Push Amnesty for Illegals

-By Warner Todd Huston

Obamacare was supposed to be about getting healthcare for those Americans–I emphasize, Americans–who fell through the system and were un-insured. But, like all government programs, it has failed to do what it set out to do. Worse, now we find healthcare dollars being used to push amnesty for illegals.

Rep. Lamar Smith (R-TX) recently demanded to know why Obamacare money is going to a campaign to push amnesty. Smith wrote a letter to House Appropriations Chair Harold Rogers (R-KY) and demanded that the program be defunded.

Smith points to a $15 million grant hidden in Obamacare’s Prevention and Public Health Fund given to the California Endowment, a purported healthcare agency in the Golden State.
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Obamacare Funds Being Used to Push Amnesty for Illegals”

Politico Claims it’s ‘Unclear’ if Colorado Healthcare Plan Cancellations are Fault of Obamacare

-By Warner Todd Huston

The Senate race in Colorado has begun to turn in favor of the Republicans over the last few months but that favor may grow as this week it was learned that some 22,000 citizens are losing their healthcare plans. But Politico claims it is “unclear” if those cancellations are a result of Obamacare.

On Friday, only weeks before voters go to the polls, the Colorado Division of Insurance announced that 22,000 Coloradoans were losing their insurance plans this year and another 200,000 will likely lose theirs in 2015.

The announcement could not have come at a worse time for incumbent Democrat Senator Mark Udall whose campaign has recently begun to flounder in the face of a surging Republican opponent.

Surprising many in the Centennial State, Congressman Cory Gardner has jumped ahead of the long-time Senator and this massive wave of healthcare insurance policy cancellations could drive even more Republicans and independents to the polls next month.
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Politico Claims it’s ‘Unclear’ if Colorado Healthcare Plan Cancellations are Fault of Obamacare”

Obama Sent Illegals All Across The County, Forcing States to Pay for Schooling

-By Warner Todd Huston

President Obama secretly sent tens of thousands of illegals all across the country and into every state without bothering to inform governors that he was doing it and now the states are stuck footing the bill for healthcare and education.

On September 29, the AP reported that “Unaccompanied minors… have moved to communities of all sizes, in nearly every state.”
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Obama Sent Illegals All Across The County, Forcing States to Pay for Schooling”

One in Ten California Workers are Illegal Immigrants

-By Warner Todd Huston

A new report released last week revealed the alarming statistic that nearly one in ten workers in California is an illegal immigrant.

The report released by researchers at USC found that nearly ten percent of the Golden State’s workforce is made up of illegal aliens. It was also estimated that at least 2.6 million illegals live in the state. This number is likely far higher, though.

As the LA Times reports, illegals have taken 38 percent of jobs in agriculture, 14 percent in construction, and half have been in the US for at least 10 years.

Pro-amnesty activists point to the study as proof that these illegals “contribute” to the state.
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One in Ten California Workers are Illegal Immigrants”

Obama Cancels Obamacare in the US Territories and Protectorates

-By Warner Todd Huston

Obamacare is the best thing for everybody. Right? I mean, isn’t that what Democrats keep saying? So, why did Obama just take Obamacare away from all our protectorates and territories? Well, the answer to that is because Obamacare doesn’t work, that’s why.

When Obama first strongarmed his law through Congress in the dead of night with not a single supporting vote from the minority party (the first time this ever happened with a major piece of legislation) he said it was the answer to all our healthcare woes. Obamacare is what is best for everyone, he and his cohorts proclaimed.

Originally, when Obamacare was passed it was imposed on all the US territories and protectorates, too. But now the territories–Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, American Samoa, Guam, and the Northern Mariana Islands–have gotten one of Obama’s famous (and quiet) waivers.
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Obama Cancels Obamacare in the US Territories and Protectorates”

Obama Admits Government is a Failure? VA Allows Vets to Get Private Care!

-By Warner Todd Huston

After several weeks of scandalous failure to provide timely healthcare to our military veterans, some dying waiting for care that would never come, the Veteran’s Administration has now decided to allow veterans to pursue more private healthcare options to improve their treatment. But isn’t government turning to the private sector in stark contrast to the theme of the age of Obama, one that holds that private business “didn’t build that” and that we need to further empower government?

On May 24, the Associated Press reported that VA chief Eric Shinseki has announced a new plan for VA hospitals and healthcare providers to work more with private doctors. Shinseki told the press that the VA is “increasing the care we acquire in the community through non-VA care.”

Shinseki makes this concession as 26 VA facilities thus far have come under investigation for forcing sick veterans to wait for months to receive medical care. Up to 40 or more veterans died waiting for care on these lists.
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Obama Admits Government is a Failure? VA Allows Vets to Get Private Care!”

New IRS Obamacare Rule Guarantees Massive Job Loss

-By Warner Todd Huston

For the last two years many businesses have been warning that because Obamacare will hurt them so badly they will cease offering employees healthcare and dump employees onto the Obamacare exchanges. But now the IRS has ruled that business will not be allowed to do this and this move guarantees that companies will begin a massive wave of layoffs to make up the costs.

An article in The New York Times relays the bad news to employers that no matter what they thought they were going to do, they are stuck with the massive new costs of Obamacare and they won’t be able to escape that massive tax increase by just closing out their healthcare benefits.

“Many employers,” the Times reported on May 25,”had concluded that it would be cheaper to provide each employee with a lump sum of money to buy insurance on an exchange, instead of providing coverage directly.”
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New IRS Obamacare Rule Guarantees Massive Job Loss”

No Coverage: MSNBC Ignores Growing Veterans Admin Scandal

-By Warner Todd Huston

MSNBC doesn’t appear to care about our nation’s beleaguered veterans in this mounting medical care scandal. Only one of the left-wing cable network’s prime-time hosts have covered the scandalous treatment of our sick vets and then only once.

The developing scandal has revealed that thousands of veterans have been put on secret wait lists and denied healthcare while VA hospital administrators lie about having done so in order for doctors and administrators to get government bonuses. Many veterans have died while awaiting medical treatment and these months-long wait times only foreshadow what will happen to all of us as Obamacare’s horrid tentacles force its way into our national healthcare system.

But MSNBC doesn’t seem at all interested in news that doesn’t fit its extreme, blindly left-wing bias. The network is completely ignoring the story, even though one administration official has already “resigned” because of the whole thing.
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No Coverage: MSNBC Ignores Growing Veterans Admin Scandal”

Bankrupt Illinois Spent $12 Million on Medicaid for Dead People

-By Warner Todd Huston

Illinois is constantly at the bottom in every metric that measures our most successful states. It is perennially either the 48th, 49th, or 50th worst state in every category. And now we learn that the state is spending up to $12 million a year that it doesn’t have on Medicaid for people who are dead! Can this state become more of a joke?

The Associated Press recently filed a Freedom of Information Act request and uncovered a disturbing memo from the Illinois state auditor.

“State auditors identified overpayments for services to roughly 2,900 people after the date of their deaths,” the AP wrote.

This was more evidence that Obama’s claims that Democrats are fixing the Medicaid enrollment system is a failure.
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Bankrupt Illinois Spent $12 Million on Medicaid for Dead People”

Vet. Admin Outrage is Harbinger of Obamacare

-By Warner Todd Huston

The scandal at the Veteran’s Administration (VA) is growing every week. As each new VA hospital is revealed to have made sick veterans wait so long for care that many died while waiting, and then subsequently covered up the truth, we all must come to grips with the fact that this is Obamacare writ large.

If you hadn’t been paying attention to how badly Obama’s government healthcare system is treating our elderly and sick veterans, you should. Because with Obamacare this sort of criminal behavior is coming to you and your sick relatives whether you served in the military or not.

Essentially what has been happening is that employees, doctors, nurses, and other healthcare pros at the VA have been allowing themselves to have grueling four-hour work days while wait times for their services have naturally been growing exponentially–after all there are fewer hours in a day that patients can be served if the docs and nurses only work four hours a day!

The cover up is the secondary part of this scandal. The newest report at CBS has only the latest example of this disgusting state of affairs.
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Vet. Admin Outrage is Harbinger of Obamacare”

CA Candidate That Lobbied For Obamacare Running as… a Republican?

-By Warner Todd Huston

Politics might make strange bedfellows, but this one really takes the cake. In California Elizabeth Emken is running for the 7th District U.S. House seat in an attempt to unseat Democrat Ami Bera. But even though Emken was a lobbyist for Obamacare, she is strangely running as a Republican and using Bera’s support for Obamacare as a weapon against him.

A recent fundraising email that Emken sent out, for instance, states: “As you pay your federal taxes today, I thought you’d like to know how much more Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, and Ami Bera have signed you up to pay over the next 10 years. Obamacare alone will cost the federal government $1.4 trillion to expand and subsidize health insurance coverage.”

“And to add insult to injury, the IRS is in charge of enforcing it,” her email continues. It ends saying, “I don’t know about you, but I believe we are taxed enough already. We need leaders who are willing to stand up for the taxpayers and help create a tax environment that encourages growth and productivity, not a government that punishes you for success.”

This is all good stuff and the standard GOP line against Obamacare. So, why is this so odd coming from Emken?
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CA Candidate That Lobbied For Obamacare Running as… a Republican?”

Under Obamacare, Healthcare Costs Soar & Obama’s $40 Million Vacation Tab

-By Warner Todd Huston

Remember how our liar in chief said that under his all powerful Obamacare law medical costs would go down? That apparently was the next lie of the year after his lie that we could all keep our doctors and insurance if we liked it as spending on healthcare exploded in the first Obamacare quarter and it’s now higher than ever.

The Bureau of Economic Analysis has released a new report that shows that healthcare spending grew 9.9 percent as Obamacare takes effect.

“It’s the biggest percent change in health-care spending since 1980, when health-care spending jumped 10% in the third quarter,” Business Insider reports. “Analysts said it’s primarily due to a consumption boost from the implementation of the Affordable Care Act. Adjusted for inflation, America is spending more on health care than ever before.”

Meanwhile the price of fixing the catastrophically failed Obamacare website has passed $121 million tax dollars.

“There doesn’t seem to be a light at the end of the tunnel for Obamacare website expenses,” said Rep. Darrell E. Issa (R, CA), House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman.
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Under Obamacare, Healthcare Costs Soar & Obama’s $40 Million Vacation Tab”

Obama Gives IRS, Obamacare Employees BIG Raises While Americans Lose Jobs

-By Warner Todd Huston

So, if you work for a federal agency that engages in illicit attacks on political opponents in obvious violation of the spirit of the U.S. Constitution or you work for the agency responsible for the disastrous rollout of the President’s take over of our national healthcare system, what do you get? Fired? A cut in pay? A stern letter of rebuke, even? Nope in Obamaland you get BIG raises!

Employees at both the IRS and the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) have been awarded huge raises driving up the payroll costs to the two departments by multiple millions of dollars. This despite the massive failures and crimes committed by these people.

In the case of the Obamacare workers, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services is the department directly responsible for implementing the failed Obamacare system. Yet, despite months of failures and despite that the website still doesn’t work right, Obama was happy to give all his CMS folks big raises.
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Obama Gives IRS, Obamacare Employees BIG Raises While Americans Lose Jobs”

What the Heck… Karl Rove Warns Republicans to Stop Attacking Obamacare?

-By Warner Todd Huston

By nearly every metric, Democrats are finding that Obamacare is a millstone around their necks for the upcoming 2014 midterm elections. Yet so-called Republican Karl Rove is telling the GOP to stop attacking Obamacare? What is he thinking?

Yet, even as Rove says Republicans shouldn’t Attack Obamacare, elections statistician Larry Sabato Says Obamacare is killing Democrats. What is Karl Rove thinking by telling Republicans not to attack Obamacare very hard while Larry Sabato is saying the Dems are extremely vulnerable on Obamacare?

Rove made his comments in a new Wall Street Journal piece.
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What the Heck… Karl Rove Warns Republicans to Stop Attacking Obamacare?”

Here’s Those Obamacare-Voting Democrats That ‘Had Obama’s Back’

In a recent email fundraising campaign Obama was pleading with his voters asking if they still “have his back.” Well, here are the Democrats who had his back when they voted to pass Obamacare…

These are the folks you need to send home, America.
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Here’s Those Obamacare-Voting Democrats That ‘Had Obama’s Back’”

[VIDEOS] Obamacare Promises (i.e. Lies), Then vs. Now

And this:

This video is public. A Montage of Obama’s “If You Like Your Plan Keep It” Lies

Now today Obama admits, why, gosh, maybe you CAN’T keep your doctor. Imagine that.
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[VIDEOS] Obamacare Promises (i.e. Lies), Then vs. Now”

Obama Tells Us to Cancel Cell Phone and Cable to Pay for Obamacare

-By Warner Todd Huston

So, if you make less that $40,000 a year and find the high cost of Obamacare to be overwhelming, President Obama has a message for you: cancel your stupid cable TV and you dang iPhone service you ingrates. THEN you will be able to afford his mandated-by-law take over of our national healthcare system.

This is what Obama told a Latino audience at a townhall held on March 6 by several Spanish language media networks.

Obama was presented with a question about a family that makes $36,000 a year and found that the cheapest Obamacare plan they could find would cost them $315 a month. This, the family felt, was too expensive and something they could not afford.

The President’s response was chilling. Obama said, “if you looked at their cable bill, their telephone, their cell phone bill… it may turn out that, it’s just they haven’t prioritized health care.”
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Obama Tells Us to Cancel Cell Phone and Cable to Pay for Obamacare”

The Convicted Terrorist Obama Hired as Navigator in Illinois

-By Warner Todd Huston

A woman convicted of being involved in a deadly terrorist bombing was hired by Obama to be an Obamacare “navigator” in Illinois.

Rasmieh Yousef Odeh, a terrorist from Jordan, was convicted in Israel for her part in several bombings including one from way back in 1969 that killed two students in a grocery store.

Despite her murderous past, the Illinois Department of Insurance hired this killer Muslim as an Obamacare “navigator” to push the President’s odious healthcare take over onto citizens in that state.

So, Obama had a terrorist pushing his Obamacare law on citizens in his own home state.

Great work if you can get it.
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The Convicted Terrorist Obama Hired as Navigator in Illinois”

Congressman Gary Peters Lawyers Up to Silence Julie Boonstra

LANSING, MICH – Yesterday, Rep. Gary Peters released his Washington DC legal attack dogs out to intimidate and silence Julie Boonstra, a Michigan mother battling leukemia who had the courage to speak up after the insurance plan she liked was cancelled due to the Affordable Care Act.

Instead of listening to Julie’s concerns, Peters took steps to strong-arm Michigan television stations to simply pull “Julie’s Story” from the airwaves. These are desperate political tactics from someone who is increasingly incapable of defending his support for Obamacare.

AFP-Michigan State Director Scott Hagerstrom issued the following statement:

“The fact that Representative Peters would sic his legal team on a Michigan mother battling cancer to muzzle her tells you everything you need to know about his record of putting politics over people.”

“Julie Boonstra was brave enough to tell her story about how Obamacare is making her life worse and instead of offering compassion and solutions, Rep. Peters responded with intimidation.”

“Rep. Peters is an unwavering supporter of Obamacare and now he won’t take responsibility for the devastating impact it’s having on millions of Americans just like Julie.”

“This attack on her credibility is disgusting, unwarranted, and inexcusable. Congressman Peters and his indecent campaign team should be ashamed of themselves.”

Click here to read the legal letter from the Peters Campaign: http://americansforprosperity.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/Peters_letter.pdf
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Congressman Gary Peters Lawyers Up to Silence Julie Boonstra”