The Kwanzaa Scam: A Fake Holiday Created by A Racist Con Man, Rapist And Torturer

-By Warner Todd Huston

Every year I post a piece about the shocking truth about Kwanzaa. That it is a racist holiday created by a rapist and torturer who poses as a “professor.” This year will be no exception.

Kwanzaa, the purported “African” holiday celebrated only in the United States, is the ultimate politically correct holiday. It is little observed, even by our own African American community, of course, but those that do celebrate it are wholly unaware that this faux holiday was created in 1965 by a man with a very troubled past. For Kwanzaa’s creator, Maulana Karenga, has a violent, racist criminal record, and is even a rapist who was convicted of torturing his victims.

Each year, with the onset of Christmas, we are treated to another gauzy, fluff piece about how great Kwanzaa is by yet another PC spewing columnist. In one article this year the world was treated to aggrandizement such as that in The Wave newspaper from Los Angeles, California with its titled, “As it nears its 50th year, Kwanzaa strives for relevance,” or another LA-based paper exited to tell us about the, “Symbols and Insights of Kwanzaa: Deep Meanings and Expansive Message,” and then there was last year’s Dallas Morning News piece titled,”Look forward to Kwanzaa celebrations with storytelling, music and more.” We even find such helpful sites as’s, “Kwanzaa Resources for Teachers.” And this year we got the happy talk from Illinois with City Plans Kwanzaa Celebration December 26. Yes, the world is filled with celebratory lionization of Kwanzaa.

But about a half dozen years ago, the Houston Chronicle got in the act with a piece by Leslie Casimir titled “Learning about Kwanzaa from the holiday’s creator.” This one, though, was a bit different than the usual how-great-is-Kwanzaa theme because this particular piece celebrated the inventor of the faux holiday, Maulana Karenga, himself. So, instead of merely celebrating the manufactured holiday, Casimir amazingly made a hero of the rapist, race monger and violent thug who created it! To Casimir, Kwanzaa creator “Maulana Karenga” was a hero.
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The Kwanzaa Scam: A Fake Holiday Created by A Racist Con Man, Rapist And Torturer”

Suicide as Western Nations Allow Themselves to be Taken Over by Muslim Invaders

-By Warner Todd Huston

Many radical Muslims have forewarned the west that they intend to enter western nations and then use liberal western laws against their hosts to destroy them from the inside. Sadly, it is nearly impossible to deny that they have been succeeding admirably at their goal.

This destruction from within is occurring in nearly every nation in Europe as well as Australia, Canada, and the United States of America. Every single western nation exhibits multiple examples of Muslims gathering en masse and then daring western authorities to stop them from overwhelming and destroying western systems from within.

Two recent examples perfectly show this tactic, one in Germany and another in Bosnia-Herzegovina.

In Bosnia-Herzegovina, for instance, a large group of Muslims have taken over a town and essentially banished native citizens from entering the area. And they are now daring authorities to do something about it.

The town in the eastern European nation was essentially conceived from the beginning as an affront to Bosnians, the UK Express reported.

“Investors from the Middle East built the 160-home luxury estate near Tarcin, which is close to the Bosnian capital of Sarajevo,” the paper noted.

The town was then marketed in Kuwait as a Muslim-only community in a country “gifted with beautiful nature by Allah.”
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Suicide as Western Nations Allow Themselves to be Taken Over by Muslim Invaders”

THIS Is Why You Should Hate All Leftists…

-By Warner Todd Huston

There has been a lot of ink spilled about the stupidity of being politically correct (also known as “PC”) and while it is without question many leftist purveyors of this concept imagine they are doing Gia’s work by pushing PCism, the plain fact is it is dangerous thinking and, even worse, illogical and stupid. And Canada’s left-wing Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, gives us the umpteenth reason why you should hate liberals and their idiocy.

The problem with PCism, of course, is that the process becomes the goal. Instead of doing actual good, what you end up with is people more worried about the process and verbiage of PCism than in what being PC will actually do in a real world situation. It leads to mindlessness, not solutions.

Nt long ago the Canadian PM gave us a perfect example of supplanting process with real world solutions when he said Muslim “honor killings” aren’t barbaric. His intentions were to be fair to Muslims, but his actual words ended up excusing the murder of women for daring to love someone other than whom their parents chose.

Trudeau’s stupidity came after a Canadian agency wrote a citizenship guide that said the government doesn’t condone cultural practices that are “barbaric.” The barbarism in question included “spousal abuse, ‘honor killings,’ female genital mutilation, forced marriage or other gender-based violence.”

Now, no western society… in fact, no sane human… should condone any of those things and, yes, they are all barbaric.
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THIS Is Why You Should Hate All Leftists…”

Few Other Retailers Joining Target With Pro-Transgender Bathroom Policy

-By Warner Todd Huston

Target’s unpopular decision to force its customer base of mothers and children into mixed-sex bathrooms and changing rooms is creating a huge economic opportunity for other firms — but none have announced plans to exploit the opportunity, according to a survey of press aides and marketing experts.

Still, as retail giant Target continues to stand behind its transgender-friendly bathroom policy allowing shoppers and employees who claim to be transgender choose whatever bathroom they want to use at any given time, few other large retailers are standing with Target and announcing their own such policies.

Some few have announced their own transgender bathroom policies if perhaps informally, including Barnes & Noble booksellers, Hudson’s Bay Co. department stores (owner of Lord & Taylor and Saks Fifth Avenue), and perhaps unsurprisingly the liberal Starbucks coffee company.

As USA Today reported, Starbucks spokeswoman Jaime Riley said the coffee giant is “looking into additional opportunities to have more gender-neutral signage in our restrooms where jurisdictions allow it.”
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Few Other Retailers Joining Target With Pro-Transgender Bathroom Policy”

Dear Baby New Year, THIS is What Liberals Have in Store For You

-By Warner Todd Huston

The year 2015 is now in the rear view mirror and Baby New Year has waddled in, diaper and all. But baby, you are still young and naive and I hate to say it but you and the generation you are ushering in will have an awful time once you find out what liberals have in store for you.

First of all, you are lucky, Baby New Year, lucky that you even got a chance to see 2016. Were it up to any common liberal you’d have been aborted back in 2015 when you were still gestating. Granted there’s a chance you’d have seen 2016 only to have your body diced up and sold for its lucrative parts. In any case, thank your lucky stars that you escaped the liberals’ beloved slice and dice.

But don’t think you are too lucky. After all, the bleak world that liberals have already set in motion for you is not one you’re likely to enjoy.

Because, dear Baby New Year, liberals have already set the rules for your world as you grow up and it ain’t gonna be pretty.

You may think that you are waddling into the United States, the land of freedom, liberty and self-determination. But the liberals have already killed that hoary old ideal. And don’t speak too loudly because liberals have taken away your free speech. Say the wrong thing and you’ll be thrown out of your school, you’ll lose you job, and you’ll become an outcast to society… such as it is.
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Dear Baby New Year, THIS is What Liberals Have in Store For You”

Now Obama Wants to Bring Back Deported People Who are Mentally Ill

-By Warner Todd Huston

Apparently getting rid of dangerous, mentally ill illegal immigrants wasn’t good enough for the U.S. government because now a federal judge has decreed that every mentally ill illegal sent back to where they belonged should be brought back to the U.S. And guess who this idiot judge wants to pay for all this re-importing of dangerous, mentally ill illegals? Yeah, you guessed it on the first try.

A judge in (where else but) California has decreed that hundreds of mentally ill illegals who “represented themselves” at their deportation hearings were illicitly deported because they weren’t mentally competent to do so and now deserve to be brought back to the US–at our expense–for yet another trial with a lawyer provided–yes, again at our expense–so that they can have another shot to stay in the US and get free mental help–aaaaand, yes, all at our expense.

As the Associated Press reported late last week:

Federal Judge Dolly M. Gee’s ruling will let immigrants with serious mental disabilities request to have their cases reopened in hopes of returning to the U.S. The ruling covers immigrants deported from California, Arizona and Washington between Nov. 21, 2011 and Jan. 27 this year.

Naturally the ACLU loves this idiotic ruling.
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Now Obama Wants to Bring Back Deported People Who are Mentally Ill”

Harvard Prof Excuses ISIS Sex Slavery and Terrorism Because USA Had Slavery 150 Years Ago

-By Warner Todd Huston

I thought liberals were always congratulating themselves on how they are so mentally superior that they see “nuances” everywhere? Now a halfwit liberal is making the lie to that by equating U.S. slavery to ISIS rape culture thereby proving he is an utter simpleton.

A pinheaded Harvard professor is now out there insisting that we shouldn’t get too upset over the fact that ISIS terrorists are using rape and sexual slavery as a weapon of war because, gosh darn it, the U.S.A. had slavery 150 years ago, too. You heard that right, that is exactly what Bloomberg columnist and Harvard professor Noah Feldman is saying. He is saying that U.S. slavery is exactly the same as ISIS using rape as a tool.

Feldman starts his facile piece with a lie on his lips right at the outset.

It’s been 150 years since U.S. law allowed masters to rape enslaved girls and women. Almost all modern Muslim societies banned slavery in the last century. So why is Islamic State turning back the clock, actively embracing and promoting enslavement of Yazidi women, thereby enabling them to be raped under one interpretation of classical Islamic law?

The first half of that is essentially a lie. U.S. law did not excuse rape of slave women in direct terms in the same way that ISIS is using rape as a tool of war and religious supremacy.

Yes, it was true that negro slave women had no standing in American law during that time period, sure, but it is not true that rape was actually ensconced in that law in certain terms. On the other hand, ISIS is making rape and sexual slavery a directly espoused practice that they are trying to back up via sharia law and interpretations of the Koran. So, the case of early 1800s American law turning a blind eye to the ravaging of slave women and ISIS directly entering sexual slavery into its political and legal codes are not at all the same thing.

There is that “nuance” of which the left claims to have sole ownership. If this nitwit “professor” can’t see the truth I just stated, the “nuance” between then and now, then he truly is a simpleton.
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Harvard Prof Excuses ISIS Sex Slavery and Terrorism Because USA Had Slavery 150 Years Ago”

Donald Trump is Jeb Bush’s Fault (Along with the REST Of the GOP Establishment)

-By Warner Todd Huston

Let’s face it, Donald Trump has tapped into a very serious concern that most Americans have and that is illegal immigration. But the fact that he’s become a rising star in this GOP primary race at this time isn’t because he’s so great. It’s because the GOP is so damn bad on the issue. For Trump’s current success, the whole thing is Jeb Bush, John Boehner, and Mitch McConnell’s fault.

First off, let’s be frank. Donald Trump is not a conservative. He is a recent supporter of single payer healthcare, has claimed in the past that he supports blanket amnesty, and has been all over the map on such important topics as guns and abortion. So, please let’s stop pretending he is a conservative. He absolutely has no such track record.

But his denunciation of Obama’s failed–in fact dangerous–immigration policy is exactly what angers and frightens GOP voters along with a fair portion of Democrats.

Likely without doing the requisite research for statistics to prove the matter, Trump innately understands that what we have going on in immigration is a dangerous and wrong headed policy, one that seems to have a twin purpose: to destroy this country and to set up a permanent Democrat majority through creating automatic Democrat voters after a presidential amnesty.

Trump has been absolutely fearless in speaking out against this dangerous policy that is turning America into a third world nation. He has taken the fight straight to Obama on numerous occasions and that is exactly what Republican voters want to see.
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Donald Trump is Jeb Bush’s Fault (Along with the REST Of the GOP Establishment)”

Islam Is The REAL War on Women: 92% of Women in Egypt Forced to Undergo Genital Mutilation

-By Warner Todd Huston

As putrid Democrats continue to promulgate their lie-filled “Republican war on women” campaign theme, they sit by ignoring that the real war on women is perpetrated by Islam. Another reminder of where the real hate for women emanates is in a survey showing that fully 92 percent of married women in Egypt are forced to undergo genital mutilation.

If you are unaware of what Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) is, be prepared to be horrified. Euphemistically called “female circumcision” by liberals who want to obviate what it really is, it is in fact the utter destruction of the female pleasure centers in the vagina so that a woman can never gain pleasure or have an orgasm from sexual intercourse.

Many Muslims from Africa to the Middle East think that women are disgusting beasts who should not be allowed to enjoy sex. So, to keep girls pure in the eyes of The “Prophet” Muhammad, in their pre-teen stage, these inhuman Muslims rip out a girls’ clitoris and sew herr vagina shut leaving but a small hole for urination.
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Islam Is The REAL War on Women: 92% of Women in Egypt Forced to Undergo Genital Mutilation”

It’s Time So Much of This ‘Free Speech’ is Shut Down for Inciting Violence

-By Warner Todd Huston

The First Amendment of the United States is one of the keystone principles in our founding, certainly. And it is about time that as a nation we put an end to its abuse. Not only does this key amendment give us free speech but it also assures freedom of the press, so it’s time for government to step in and stop people from abusing it.

Over the last two days we’ve seen such abuses of the First Amendment that should infuriate every true American. We have seen, for instance, a group in Texas holding an event that was meant as a means to incite Muslims to kill people. The Federal government should have stepped in to prevent this event.

After all, what happened when they held an event soliciting graven images of the Prophet Mohammad, peace be upon him? That’s right, good and true Muslims came out to kill the infidel, just as they are instructed to do by the Quran.

The simple fact is that these Muslims would not have taken up arms if not for this event.

The guardian of a free press and the First Amendment, Rukmini Callimachi of The New York Times, had it right when she Tweeted, “Free speech aside, why would anyone do something as provocative as hosting a ‘Muhammad drawing contest’?”

Callimachi is exactly right. Free speech must be put aside if it attacks the Prophet.
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It’s Time So Much of This ‘Free Speech’ is Shut Down for Inciting Violence”

Obama Lies About How Many Women Have Been Raped in America

-By Warner Todd Huston

Obama has now decided that almost 40 million women in America have been raped. This quite despite the fact that the government’s own national crime statistics report less than 2 million rapes in the last 20 years.

Once again we see Obama boldly lying to push his agenda understanding fully that the press and his left-wing, anti-American allies will uncritically regurgitate his claims to help him.

Obama disgorged his rape stat lie during the Grammys last weekend where he said, “Right now, nearly 1 in 5 women in America has been a victim of rape or attempted rape. And more than 1 in 4 women has experienced some form of domestic violence.”

This outrageous number simply cannot be true.
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Obama Lies About How Many Women Have Been Raped in America”

Trans Community Slams Batgirl Comic as ‘Transphobic’

-By Warner Todd Huston

Last month the trans community attacked the DC Comics series Batgirl for supposedly ruining its year and a half-long effort to foster a “trans positive momentum.” The charge by the trans community was that the Batgirl character acted in a “transmisogynistic” manner by not identifying as a woman a male tans character who presented as a woman. Instead, Batgirl called the character a man despite that the character identifies as a woman.

For those unaware, for much of the last two years DC Comics has been retooling the Batgirl character as a gay friendly, trans friendly, and Muslim friendly comic book. Early in 2013, for instance, Batgirl’s alter ego Barbara Gordon moved in with a bisexual character named Alysia Yeoh.

Yeoh was presented as an Occupy Wall Street-styled female activist, bartender and fine artist. She was of Singaporean descent and sported an undisclosed secret that she later revealed. Ultimately this character told Gordon that she is really a he and bisexual as well.

Barbara Gordon also became friendly with a Muslim girl named Nadimah who along with her brother Qadir work in the robotics department of the school that Gordon attends.

DC has been selling this re-tolled Batgirl as a book that should appeal to “young female readers.” In other words, they want to inculcate support for gays, transvestites, and Muslims in young, female readers.
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Trans Community Slams Batgirl Comic as ‘Transphobic’”

So, Let Me Get This Straight, Liberals: All Men are Rapists, But NOT All Muslims are Responsible for Terrorism?

-By Warner Todd Huston

Liberals love to speak in absolutes, except when they don’t. Take the so-called “rape culture” discussion that the left has indulged over the last five months or so. In that discussion, all men are assumed rapists whether they’ve committed such a crime–or even dreamed of it–or not. Yet now, after two Muslim terrorists have killed a dozen newspaper staffers in France, these same liberals are warning against anyone saying that “all Muslims” are terrorists.

For the better part of the last year the left has been all weweed up about the supposed “epidemic” of rape on the campuses of our colleges and universities. The left’s desire to make this false charge a “fact” grew to such a fever pitch that they swooned when music magazine Rolling Stone told the blockbuster story of a female student who was brutally raped by members of a fraternity.

Of course, like much of the left’s claims about rape on campus, the Rolling Stone story turned out to be a complete fabrication, false from start to finish. There was no rape. On top of that, the claims that women are more likely to be raped at colleges than outside them is also false.

And yet, we get this base assumption from the left that all men are rapists. In fact, the meme has become so entrenched that liberals and feminists have been fighting back hard against the backlash narrative that “men are rapists, but not all men are rapists.” They want people to stop saying “not all men.”
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So, Let Me Get This Straight, Liberals: All Men are Rapists, But NOT All Muslims are Responsible for Terrorism?”

NPR-Celebrated Muslim Reporter in Ferguson Has Record as Child Molester

-By Warner Todd Huston

A new report shows that a man who has become celebrated by National Public Radio and others for his reporting during the recent unrest in Ferguson, Missouri also has a record as a child molester.

Mustafa Hussein is a Muslim convert and a volunteer reporter for ArgusNews, a Saint Louis-based activist website that has lately dedicated itself almost wholly to reporting on the Ferguson riots.

Hussein reportedly received 1.3 million views of his coverage in just one night earlier this year.
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NPR-Celebrated Muslim Reporter in Ferguson Has Record as Child Molester”

Obama Covered Up Truth and Illegally Hampered Investigation Into White House Staffer’s Prostitution Charges

-By Warner Todd Huston

Back in 2012 you might recall that the Secret Service got caught up in a prostitution scandal during a Presidential visit to Cartagena, Colombia. Now we find out an even greater truth about the scandal. A White House aide and the son of an influential Democrat was also caught up in the pros scandal but Obama covered it up and pressured the Inspector General to ignore the facts.

The White House aide is named Jonathan Dach. He had the Secret Service deliver prostitutes to his hotel room during the visit. White House Counsel Kathryn Ruemmler “investigated” Dach but her entire “investigation” amounted to “asking” Dach if he was guilty. He said no and they left it at that despite that the Secret Service had presented a mound of evidence to the contrary.

Ruemmler has even been quoted as saying that she wanted to stop any investigation cold.

One senior administration official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss sensitive information, said Ruemmler believed it would be a “real scandal” if she had sent “a team of people to Colombia to investigate a volunteer over something that’s not a criminal act…. That would be insane.”

Then, when members of the Inspector General’s investigative team balked at this characterization of Dach’s involvement by White House staffers and when the IG bristled at the White House demands that the investigation be delayed until after the 2012 elections, Obama had members of the team put on administrative leave as punishment.
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Obama Covered Up Truth and Illegally Hampered Investigation Into White House Staffer’s Prostitution Charges”

The REAL War on Women: Islamists in Iraq Order All Women to Undergo Female Genital Mutilation

-By Warner Todd Huston

While the liars on the American left prattle on about the non-existent “Republican war on woman,” there is a real and true war on women going on in the areas of Iraq now under control of the ISIS Muslim terrorist forces. These inhuman Muslim monsters just announced that they will force every woman to undergo ritual female genital mutilation. It is an action that the hypocrites on the American left is ignoring.

If you are unaware of what Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) is, it is euphemistically called “female circumcision” but is in fact the utter destruction of the female pleasure centers in the vagina so that a woman can never gain pleasure or have an orgasm from sexual intercourse.

Many Muslims from Africa to the Middle East think that women are disgusting beasts who should not be allowed to enjoy sex. So, to keep them demure in the eyes of The Prophet Muhammad, *spit*, in their pre-teen stage, these inhuman Muslims rip out a girls’ clitoris and sew her vagina shut leaving but a small hole for urination.
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The REAL War on Women: Islamists in Iraq Order All Women to Undergo Female Genital Mutilation”

Fox News to Explore the Mysterious Disappearance of Jennifer Kesse

-By Warner Todd Huston

FOX News Channel will present a one-hour special, GRETA INVESTIGATES: The Mysterious Disappearance of Jennifer Kesse on Friday, April 18th at 7PM/ET.

24-year-old Floridian Jennifer Kesse disappeared without a trace in January of 2006. Authorities were involved after she didn’t show up for work on Tuesday morning and then could not be found. She was last heard from Monday evening in several normal phone conversations with friends and family.

Hours after she was reported missing, Jennifer’s car was found abandoned in the parking lot of a condominium complex about a mile and a half away from her home driven there by an unknown male according to video surveillance.

During the Fox program, Greta Van Susteren will investigate the disappearance of the 24-year-old woman. Van Susteren will go deep inside a mystery that has yet to be solved.

Tune in on your cable Fox New2s channel:
Where: FOX News Channel (FNC)
When: Friday, April 18th at 7PM/ET

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Fox News to Explore the Mysterious Disappearance of Jennifer Kesse”

Reporter Confronts Union Chief Supporting a Child Molesting Teacher

-By Warner Todd Huston

Fox News correspondent Jesse Watters recently traveled to Michigan to find out why the teachers union there is fighting so hard to force the taxpayers to give a big cash payment to a teacher convicted of molesting a child.

Watters confronted Steven Cook, the head of the Michigan Education Association–the teachers union there–over why the MEA would fight so hard to force the taxpayers to give this child molester a $10,000 payout even after he was convicted for his crime?
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Reporter Confronts Union Chief Supporting a Child Molesting Teacher”

Virginia Senator Wants to Make Oral Sex Between Teens a Felony

-By Warner Todd Huston

A Virginia State legislator is continuing to work on plans to pass a law to make oral sex between teenagers a felony.

Conservative state Senator Thomas Garrett has submitted a law that calls oral sex among teens a “crime against nature.”

Garrett’s law would make it illegal to have carnal knowledge of “any male or female person by the anus or by or with the mouth” who is of a certain age. The bill stipulates that his bill would not pertain to adults.
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Virginia Senator Wants to Make Oral Sex Between Teens a Felony”

Evil Internet Voyeur Hacks Baby Monitor, Says Explicit Things to Her

-By Warner Todd Huston

A Houston, Texas couple with a disabled child was shocked when an Internet hacker got into their Internet-supported baby monitor video camera and began to say nasty things to the child over the loudspeaker in the device.

Marc Gilbert and his wife were sent scrambling to disconnect the camera when the hacker began to tell their child, Allyson, “Wake up, you little s**t,” and went on to yell out sexually explicit things over the device in the girl’s bedroom.

“As a father, I’m supposed to protect her against people like this. So it’s a little embarrassing to say the least but it’s not going to happen again,” Gilbert told KTRK TV in Houston.
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Evil Internet Voyeur Hacks Baby Monitor, Says Explicit Things to Her”

[VIDEO] TV’s Nancy Grace: Sheriff Joe Arpaio Saved My Life

-By Warner Todd Huston

The left loves to hate Maricopa County, Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio, but one usually left-leaning TV host just announced her gratitude to the country’s toughest sheriff. Arpaio, Nancy Grace says, saved her life.

Grace hosts a little seen crime-themed show on the Headline News Network but during her August 5 broadcast she formally thanked Arpaio for arresting a stalker who was on his way to Georgia to do God knows what to Grace and her family.

“I want to personally thank Sheriff Joe Arpaio of Arizona,” Grace said gravely. “I was apparently followed for four years by a bad New York man. He then repeatedly threatened my life. He was apprehended en route after quitting his job and selling all of his belongings. He was stopped thanks to Arpaio–stopped with a car loaded with guns, knives, handcuffs, zip ties, a police band radio and more. He could have ended my life. But more important, he could have harmed my children. Sheriff Arpaio, Detective Mackowitz, and New York officials, I want to thank you especially on behalf of my children.”
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[VIDEO] TV’s Nancy Grace: Sheriff Joe Arpaio Saved My Life”

Dominique Strauss-Kahn’s Long History of Accusations of Violent Sex Attacks

-By Warner Todd Huston

In 2011 when French socialist Dominique Strauss-Kahn was swept up in accusations that he’d raped a hotel maid in the United States, many on the left immediately came to his aid claiming that he was being framed. But the left’s continued support for him is odd in that, regardless of the facts of that particular incident, Strauss-Kahn has a very long, well-known history of accusations that he has indulged violent sexual acts of a non-consensual nature–something upon which the left usually frowns.

Strauss-Kahn is again in the news for yet another sexual imbroglio, this time being charged with aiding and abetting prostitution; or as it is being reported, “aggravated pimping,” a crime in France.

Prostitution itself is not illegal in France, but arranging for prostitutes to service others and paying them to do so (i.e. “pimping”) does happen to be a crime. Strauss-Kahn is being accused of attending multiple parties over the last few years where prostitutes were arranged for and supplied to him and others. The full charge is “proxénétisme aggravé en bande organisée” or “aggravated procuring in organized group.”

Strauss-Kahn’s excuse is novel. He’s saying that it is hard to tell a naked woman from a naked prostitute, so he shouldn’t be held accountable. Of course, one wonders how he imagined that, if they weren’t prostitutes, why so many nubile, young girls were hanging out in hotels with his group of old, overweight, white friends and offering sex to them.
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Dominique Strauss-Kahn’s Long History of Accusations of Violent Sex Attacks”

Two Hero Teens Save Kidnapped Girl

-By Warner Todd Huston

Temar Boggs and his friend Chris Garcia deserve to be recognized for saving a five-year-old girl from a kidnapper in Lancaster, Pennsylvania.

Boggs and Garcia mounted their bicycles and began to look for a little girl that had turned up missing in their Lancaster neighborhood.

After riding around for an hour or so, the two boys saw a suspicious car and began to follow it. Boggs caught up with the car and saw a little girl in the car with an unknown man. The driver then got scared and pushed the girl out of the car.

The little girl turned out to be the missing 5-year-old Jocelyn Rojas.

Police are still looking for the suspect described as:

Police are still looking for the alleged kidnapper. Cops described him as a white man, between 50 and 70 years old, who walks with a limp. The car was described as a red or maroon-purple Chevy.

Boggs and Garcia certainly saved this little girl from a grisly fate.
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Two Hero Teens Save Kidnapped Girl”

NBC’s Deceptive Editing Makes Rabbi Appear to be Covering Up Sex Abuse

-By Warner Todd Huston

In a June 24 report for NBC’s Rock Center, video for a story was deceptively edited and misleading voice overs added to quotes from an Hasidic Rabbi that made it seem as if the Rabbi was insisting that allegations of sex abuse should only be handled internally, within the community, and should not be taken to police. But in fact Rabbi Avraham Berkowitz did not say that at all.

After a series of emails from Rabbi Berkowitz complaining of the deceptive edits the web entry of the Rock Center story has an update and the video was pulled, but even that update does not really address the extremely unfair treatment that Berkowitz received at the hands of NBC’s editors

The story was ostensibly to have been an “inside look” at the Hasidic community in New York and in a segment near the end of the report the piece turned to recent sex abuse charges leveled at Nechamya Weberman, a once respected member of the community who acted as a “therapist” for the other members of his community.
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NBC’s Deceptive Editing Makes Rabbi Appear to be Covering Up Sex Abuse”

152 New Sex Abuse Allegations in BBC Jimmy Savile Scandal

-By Warner Todd Huston

152 new sex abuse allegations have been made against dozens of BBC employees as well as its most famous TV presenter. The new allegations have been brought in the Jimmy Savile sex scandal that erupted last year. About 40 of the accused BBC employees still work for the broadcasting giant.

Early in 2013, four years after he died at age 84, hundreds of allegations of sexual abuse of teens and young people were lodged against one of the BBC’s most famous and long-standing TV and radio presenters, Jimmy Savile. The scandal rocked the British Isles, as Savile was a popular entertainer, radio disc jockey, charity representative, and TV personality from the 1960s up until his death in 2009.

The scandal roiled for months as steady stream of new people came forward claiming that Savile and his cohorts at the British Broadcasting Corporation had abused them when they were young.
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152 New Sex Abuse Allegations in BBC Jimmy Savile Scandal”

Judge Goes Easy on Teacher Who Claims ‘Hypersexuality’ For Sleeping With Students

-By Warner Todd Huston

A Virginia judge slashed the sentence of a high school teacher because she claimed she’d been diagnosed with a “hypersexuality” disorder.

On May 23, Campbell County Circuit Court Judge John T. Cook sentenced William Campbell High School teacher Kathleen Cawthorne, 32, to 11 years in jail. However, in a turnabout Judge Cook suspended all but four months of the sentence because he agreed that Cawthorne had a “debilitating” condition.

Judge Cook said that he felt Cawthorne could not control the “sudden sexual urges” that overcame her.

During sentencing, Cawthorne came before the court to apologize for her actions. The teacher was arrested in April of 2012 for engaging in a relationship of a sexual nature with a student. She also participated in “sexting” with the young man.
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Judge Goes Easy on Teacher Who Claims ‘Hypersexuality’ For Sleeping With Students”

L.A. School District Knew of Sexual Misconduct Claims, Did Nothing

-By Warner Todd Huston

Earlier this year L.A. teacher Robert Pimentel, 57, was arrested accused by several students and one other teacher of sexual misconduct, but now documents seem to prove that L.A. Unified School District officials knew of allegations of sexual misconduct involving Pimentel going as far back as 2009 but took no real action.

One person accusing the school district of not taking action sooner is Luis Carrillo, the lawyer representing the families of the three students from De La Torre Elementary School who allege that Pimentel sexually abused their children.

Carrillo says the proof is in a document that appears to be from the school district and details a complaint about Pimentel made by parents in October of 2009.

“Parents stated that there is a male teacher named [Robert] Pimentel who has been known to touch female students inappropriately,” the document says. “The parents reported that he caresses the girls, gives them candy and photographs them without parent permission.”
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L.A. School District Knew of Sexual Misconduct Claims, Did Nothing”

Fmr Pres of Local Chapter of Ohio NAACP: Steubenville Rape Victim Was ‘Drunk and Willing’

-By Warner Todd Huston

In a new interview, the former president of the Steubenville chapter of the NAACP places the blame for the infamous Steubenville, Ohio rape case on the victim claiming that because she was drunk and freely attended the party at which she was assaulted, she was essentially willing to allow the attack.

The controversial comments were made in an interview with Royal Mayo conducted by the International Business Times. Until late 2010, Mayo was the president of the local chapter of the NAACP and is now a member of that chapter’s executive committee. Mayo is also a lifelong resident of the Steubenville area.

The Steubenville rape case made national news when a video of students perpetrating the crime on the drunk and unconscious victim was spread via social media. The video and still photos taken by other kids at the parties became central in a trial that resulted in the conviction of two students, football players Trent Mays and Ma’lik Richmond.
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Fmr Pres of Local Chapter of Ohio NAACP: Steubenville Rape Victim Was ‘Drunk and Willing’”

Report: BBC’s Doctor Who Staffers Used Show to Sexually Exploit Young Male Fans

-By Warner Todd Huston

In the wake of the Jimmy Savile sex abuse scandal, the British Broadcasting Service (BBC) is being hit with new allegations that behind the camera staffers–this time from the Doctor Who kiddy sci-fi show–sexually abused youngsters who visited the famed broadcasting studios.

First airing in the early 1960s, Doctor Who is Britain’s longest running science fiction TV series and was until recently was considered a kid’s show. The allegations are over events that took place in the 1980s.

In a new book on the life of Doctor Who producer John Nathan-Turner, fan writer Richard Marson claims that he was propositioned and assaulted by the producer when he was a teenaged visitor to the Doctor Who studios in 1984.
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Report: BBC’s Doctor Who Staffers Used Show to Sexually Exploit Young Male Fans”

Law & Order: SVU’s ‘Legitimate Rape’ Episode

-By Warner Todd Huston

The next episode of NBC’s Law & Order: SVU will feature another story “ripped from the headlines.” This time, the show that mines controversy will tackle “legitimate rape” ala former Missouri Senate candidate Todd Akin.

The promo for the episode clearly gives the gist of the show.

A woman (The Walking Dead’s Lauren Cohan) is raped by a co-worker (David Marciano, Homeland) but she decides to keep the child. The episode features the rapist being tried for the crime. An “expert” witness is then seen uttering the Akinesque line.

The voice over says: “Ripped from the headlines. Words that set off a national controversy.”

A character sitting in the witness box then says, “It’s nearly impossible for a victim of legitimate rape to become pregnant.” This is followed by looks of disgust by the two female lead detective characters sitting in the courtroom gallery.

Clearly the jury accepts the expert’s testimony hence all the grimacing by the show’s stars,
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Law & Order: SVU’s ‘Legitimate Rape’ Episode”