Another Blatant Case: This is How Liberals Lie About This Immigration Debate

-By Warner Todd Huston

On Thursday another story about detained immigrant minors broke, this time about a group alleging that they were abused while being held. But the way the story was reported was a perfect example of how the media lies about this immigration debate because while the leftist media has blamed Trump for it, they neglected to mention the incident happened during the Obama years.

The liberal media has continued its hourly assault on President Donald Trump with its constant stream of lies about America’s immigration policy. But Thursday also saw this new wrinkle in the news of the day. It appears that a few illegal aliens filed a lawsuit alleging that they were abused when they were in detention as minors.

The story came from the Associated Press and some of the allegations are shocking:

Multiple detainees say the guards stripped them of their clothes and strapped them to chairs with bags placed over their heads.

“Whenever they used to restrain me and put me in the chair, they would handcuff me,” said a Honduran immigrant who was sent to the facility when he was 15 years old. “Strapped me down all the way, from your feet all the way to your chest, you couldn’t really move. … They have total control over you. They also put a bag over your head. It has little holes; you can see through it. But you feel suffocated with the bag on.”

In addition to the children’s first-hand, translated accounts in court filings, a former child-development specialist who worked inside the facility independently told The Associated Press this week that she saw kids there with bruises and broken bones they blamed on guards. She spoke on condition of anonymity because she was not authorized to publicly discuss the children’s cases.

According to the AP, these illegal alien kids had been sent to the facilities in question because authorities suspected them of being members of the criminal gang MS-13.
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Another Blatant Case: This is How Liberals Lie About This Immigration Debate”

Somali Muslim Immigrants Stealing MILLIONS in Welfare from Minnesota

-By Warner Todd Huston

They came to the U.S. as supposed “refugees,” but now it has been discovered that a number of Somali immigrants are stealing hundreds of millions in American welfare money that they are literally shipping back to Africa stuffed in suitcases. Worse, the cash is going to fund the various Islamist terror armies there.

Could you remind me why, exactly, is it a bad thing to put a temporary halt to immigration from Muslim countries, again?

It has come to light that these Somali terrorists living among us have a long list of tactics to steal America’s benefits, but one was revealed by Fox 9 in Minneapolis with an investigation that found that Somalis were using a sham daycare center system to bilk the American people out of welfare cash.

During its 5-month investigation into the story, Fox 9 KMS tracked the funding flowing into the daycare center and found it was being sent outside the U.S. Fox also found “dozens” of other fraudulent centers doing the same thing.
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Somali Muslim Immigrants Stealing MILLIONS in Welfare from Minnesota”

Liberal Lunatics Now Want to Give ‘Human Rights’ to Rivers and Streams

-By Warner Todd Huston

Liberalism can no longer be treated as a serious ideology. Nor can it be thought of in any way at all as an American one. It also isn’t sane and as proof, the left’s latest gambit is to force its way on the nation via the courts by giving “human rights” to lakes, rivers, and streams so liberals can force “the law” to their radical environazi agenda.

The latest idiocy was revealed in an article entitled, “Can Rivers Be People Too?,” published on May 9 by the risible left-wing rag, The New Republic.

The long answer to that question is “no.”

This crazy idea started last year when a group of environazis filed a nuisance lawsuit claiming that the state of Colorado had violated the Colorado River’s “right to flourish and regenerate.”

“Environmental law has failed to protect the natural environment because it accepts the status of nature and ecosystems as property,” said the suit filed by the deranged envirowacko group Deep Green Resistance. DGR added that current law is inadequate because it only “regulates the rate at which the natural environment is exploited.”
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Liberal Lunatics Now Want to Give ‘Human Rights’ to Rivers and Streams”

Memo ‘Reporting’ Proves the American Media are Part of the Democrat Party

-By Warner Todd Huston

The massive failure that is the liberal media’s reporting of Republican Devin Nunes’ FISA memo is a crashing mess for helping inform the American people of the news, but it is helpful for proving beyond a shadow of a doubt that the national “news” media is merely an adjunct of the Democrat Party and are not to be trusted on any level.

Outside of Fox News, nearly every talking head on TV has been proclaiming the memo released last Friday to be a nothing burger and they made this pronouncement even before seeing it. This means their proclamations of being “right” that the memo was meaningless are not evidence of being correct, but evidence that they are merely celebrating their uninformed and previously decided conclusion. In other words, they say they are right just because they felt they were going to BE right, regardless of anything actually in the memo.

Take the lunacy of extremist, left-wing “journalist” Nicolle Wallace, for instance. On Friday Wallace exclaimed that Trump’s “war on our law enforcement community” will cause the deaths of our agents. She insisted on MSNBC that the blood of any future law enforcement agent will be on Trump’s head. This same partisan liar, though, has repeatedly praised race rioters and the Black Lives Matter movement despite that BLM has openly called for the deaths of cops. Yet, to Nicolle Wallace, no blood would be on the hands of BLM activists if cops are killed. This dichotomy just shows her partisan lies for what they are.

This sort of left-wing activism was seen all across the media as the memo “reporting” played out.
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Memo ‘Reporting’ Proves the American Media are Part of the Democrat Party”

Feel Good, Conservatives, You Are 100% Vindicated For Voting for Donald Trump

-By Warner Todd Huston

Only a year into his presidency, the Democrats and their lapdogs in the leftist media have declared President Donald Trump to be the worst president in history. Of course, we all know that Barack Obama and Jimmy Carter (you can add James Buchanan) have already earned that title. Still, though, as the media pounds you every day with its Trump Derangement Syndrome, you may feel a bit depressed as a Trump voter. Well, here are four big reasons why you have been vindicated for voting for Trump and why even if he doesn’t do anything else he is already a great success.

Despite being in office only a year, President Donald J. Trump has had a string of important achievements, but it is the flavor of those successes that is remarkable. Considering that Trump always hovered around the political center — and sometimes the center-left — during his 50 years in the media spotlight, as president he has led a series of quite conservative campaigns. He’s eliminated hundreds of Obama’s destructive regulations, pumped up the economy, effected a directional change to the right in our court system, returned the country to a more U.S. focused foreign policy, and likely swung a tax cut (which appeared to be only days away at the writing of this article).

For conservatives, even if for the next four years Trump decides to just coast on his first year’s achievements, he has already justified his election and earned your vote. But, all signs point to him continuing these campaigns as his presidency rolls onward, so if you are a conservative, you are must realize that you have been vindicated if you voted for the president.

Reason One: Trump the Regulation Cutter

When Barack Obama came to office, he promised to cut regulations. It was one of his first major lies as president. Indeed, the cost of his avalanche of regulations cost the country over $300 billion in just the first two years of his regime. His plans to swamp the nation with regulations was so extreme that in 2012 he refused to even submit his regulatory plans to Congress as is required by law because he knew it would shock the nation. And that was only two years after Obama promised to have the “most ethical administration in history.”
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Feel Good, Conservatives, You Are 100% Vindicated For Voting for Donald Trump”

Everyone On Every Side is Lying About the GOP Health Care Bill

-By Warner Todd Huston

It really is the most amazing thing, this Republican Health Care Bill. Usually, as a partisan, you can point to the lies from one corner of the political world and screech about how unfair it all is. But in the case of this latest Republican-sponsored health care bill, the sad fact is that all four of the most interested parties in this debate are simply lying outright about what this bill does.

When the GOP leadership of the House of Representatives finally passed its latest attempt to address the problems of Obamacare, the American Health Care Act (AHCA), the White House and the Republican Party celebrated that they finally set in motion the repealing of Obamacare. Unfortunately, the AHCA does not do that at all.

President Trump led the cheerleading with tweets and press conferences about the House plan.

The truth is, the AHCA neither repeals nor replaces Obamacare. All it does is nibble around the edges of Obama’s disastrous takeover of the nation’s healthcare system.

The House of Representatives is also trying to pull the wool over the eyes of the country by trying to make it seem as if they just repealed Obamacare. Republicans, of course, are desperate to make it appear as they have fulfilled a campaign promise. Since Obamacare was passed Republicans from coast to coast, have been promising to rid the country of Obamacare if only the voters will give them the White House and majorities in both houses. With the 2017 election they now have it, yet they have spent the fist 100 and some odd days of Trump’s presidency failing to do the one major thing they said they’d do once put in full power: eliminate Obamacare.

So, by characterizing the AHCA as a “repeal and replacement” of Obamacare, House Republicans are hoping voters take that at face value and imagine that they have fulfilled a campaign promise.
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Everyone On Every Side is Lying About the GOP Health Care Bill”

Newest Trump Travel Order Block by Hawaii Judge/Obama Pal Proves ‘Law’ Means Nothing to Liberals

-By Warner Todd Huston

On Wednesday an extremist, left-wing “judge” in Hawaii — who turns out to be Obama’s law school classmate — proved that the law doesn’t mean anything at all to a liberal by issuing an illicit order to halt President Trump’s latest travel order only hours before it was to take effect.

Hawaii District Judge Derrick Watson issued a hold on Trump’s March 6 Executive Order 13780 which was aimed at putting a temporary moratorium on travel from several terror-torn nations. Trump’s order was predicated on a careful review of legal and constitutional rulings, plus national security reasons, to put a temporary halt immigration from six terrorism-prone Muslim countries, all formerly identified as countries of concern by the Obama administration last year. The order to halt the influx of so-called “refugees” from these nations was ordered pending the creation of new screening procedures to exclude those who may in fact be terrorists posing as immigrants or “refugees.”

With his order, this leftist “judge” specifically mentioned two sections of EO 13,780; sections 2 and 6.
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Newest Trump Travel Order Block by Hawaii Judge/Obama Pal Proves ‘Law’ Means Nothing to Liberals”

New York About to Eliminate Test Meant to See if Teachers Can Read Because RAAAACISM!

-By Warner Todd Huston

There would have been a day when a story saying that teachers were about to be excused from requirements that they be able to read just to avoid charges of racism would have been an entry in an issue of the National Lampoon or even on But today, in this day of truly insane liberalism, the idea that liberals don’t care if teachers can read just to avoid charges of racism in hiring is… well, sadly, it’s not even a little surprising.

New York’s Board of Regents is expected to adopt the new recommendation of an education standards task force espousing that the state dump a teacher candidate literacy exam known as the Academic Literacy Skills Test, according to ABC News.

Sadly, that is where we are in the extreme, left-wing state of New York where state education officials are actually contemplating eliminating a reading test to determine if applicants applying for teaching positions can read at sufficient levels.
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New York About to Eliminate Test Meant to See if Teachers Can Read Because RAAAACISM!”

Fake News: ‘New York Times’ Again Caught Lying About Radical Muslim Terrorism and Trump’s New Travel Order

-By Warner Todd Huston

After President Donald Trump released his revised travel order, the left once again went wild with false claims about what it all meant. In particular, The New York Times jumped on the order and justified its criticism by making false claims. Typical liberal fake news.

In it’s story about Trump’s newest travel order, Glenn Thrush insisted that no terrorist has attacked the U.S. from any of the nations that are mentioned in the president’s temporary moratorium on travel. He went even further to claim that few Americans have been killed by terrorists inside the U.S.A. since 2001.

Here is how Thrush put it in his March 7 piece:

Since 2001, 18 of the 36 Muslim extremists who have engaged in attacks inside the United States were born in the United States, while 14 migrated here as children and would not have been stopped by the new vetting process, according to an analysis by Charles Kurzman, a professor at the University of North Carolina.

None came from the banned nations; Muslim extremists have accounted for 16 out of 240,000 murders in the United States since the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001.

First of all that last bit is 100% wrong. Thrush insisted that only 16 people have been murdered in the U.S. by Muslim extremists since 2001. But he is way, way off on his math.
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Fake News: ‘New York Times’ Again Caught Lying About Radical Muslim Terrorism and Trump’s New Travel Order”

Trump Needs to Fire Thousands of Deep State Government Employees NOW!

-By Warner Todd Huston

One of Trump’s biggest problems is the thousands of Obama toadies still infesting the federal government both in Washington and in government offices elsewhere. Because of this, the real era of Trump can’t take effect. Until these nests of insurrection are cleaned out, Trump won’t be able to fully implement his agenda. What I am saying is that if you work for the federal government, you need to be fired.

Over the last two months we have seen more leaks coming out of the deep state, left-wing, money wasting federal government than we’ve ever seen in American history and it’s all aimed at destroying Trump and preventing him from cutting down the un-American administrative state. If it wasn’t clear before it is now; the federal government needs to be slashed to the bone.

Why are these deep state government employees doing this? For no other reason than to protect their undeserved jobs, their unelected power, and their rich pensions all at the expense of you and me, the U.S. taxpayer. Like thieves, they want to make sure they can continue their grift to our detriment.

As conservatives, we are used to advocating to “vote them all out of office.” We are also fond of saying we want that agency or this agency to be closed down. But in all the years that conservatives have been espousing this goal, there has never been any real movement in that direction. Until, that is, Donald J. Trump entered the White House.
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Trump Needs to Fire Thousands of Deep State Government Employees NOW!”

Chicago Reveals How Evil the Democrat Party Has Become

-By Warner Todd Huston

Two separate incidents concerning memorial street signs in Chicago encapsulates perfectly how warped, truly immoral, and evil the Democrat Party in the U.S.A. has become.

The City of Chicago is one of the most dangerous cities in America, there is simply no doubt. Last year there were a shocking 4,379 citizens shot and 716 shot and killed — and another 84 murdered by other means — in the city run by former Obama Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel. 2016 was the city’s bloodiest year in 60 years.

If that wasn’t bad enough, 2017 is already shaping up to be worse than last year. In the first two months of the year the city has already seen 512 total shootings with 98 killed plus an additional 5 murdered by other means. But according to the Chicago Sun-Times, February of 2016 ended with 187 shootings and only 43 murders.

Chicago isn’t just dangerous in the city’s worst areas, either. The Windy City’s trains are fraught with violence, there are roving gangs of teens attacking shoppers in the city’s shopping districts, attacks on joggers on the lake front, children being murdered, dismembered, and thrown in a city lagoon — all these incidents occurred outside the so-called “dangerous” areas of the city.
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Chicago Reveals How Evil the Democrat Party Has Become”

The Stupid Party: Republicans Will Destroy Both Trump AND Their Party if They do Nothing About Obamacare

-By Warner Todd Huston

Donald J. Trump was swept into office on several key issues, one of which was to put a merciful end to the odious Obamacare. So far the Republican Party has thoroughly failed to move on any of Trump’s issues and in the case of Obamacare in particular, if they do nothing or only tinker around the edges, it will sink both Trump and the Party.

Trump was made president of the United States on several fronts. He was against illegal aliens infesting the U.S.A. and for building a wall on the southern border, he was in favor of lowering taxes and re-building the economy, he was pro-U.S.A. (i.e. “make America great again”), and he was going to end Obamacare.

On the latter issue, the Republican Party stood fully behind Trump and have for several years now said they, too, want to put an end to one of the worst, most destructive laws ever to ooze out of D.C. But, now, only a month into the era of Trump, now that they are fully in charge and have a president ready to join the effort to quash the socialist take over of one sixth of the nation’s economy, we have already seen they are losing their spine on the matter.

Despite so many who are crowing that the Democrat Party is dead — and, yes, they are in the worst shape they’ve ever been in — and despite those who assume Democrats are now in the permanent wilderness, it is idiotic to assume the Dems are down and out. The fact is, right this minute the GOP has more power than it has had in generations and now is the time to act on Obamacare. We can’t expect the GOP to ever be in a better place to put an end to President Obama’s signature nightmare.
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The Stupid Party: Republicans Will Destroy Both Trump AND Their Party if They do Nothing About Obamacare”

Democrats Demanding that Immigration Officials Stop Deporting Illegals Convicted of Violent Crimes

-By Warner Todd Huston

Democrats are so in the tank for open borders and the importation of illegal aliens that they are even working themselves into a froth to protest the deportation of illegals convicted of violent crimes against Americans.

Left-wingers are furious this week over the recent increase in deportations initiated by the newly ensconced Donald J. Trump administration. They were mollified somewhat over the last four years by Obama’s increasingly lower number of deported illegal aliens, but now that Trump is in charge, more attention is being brought (properly so) to the job of deportation being ignored by the Immigration department through most of Obama’s 8-year reign of terror on the nation.

First some numbers. While it is difficult to get hard and fast numbers a CNN report from 2015 said there are nearly 75,000 people in U.S. prisons who are not legal citizens. Also at that time authorities had issued detainer requests for over a million illegals (these are requests issued to hold an illegal for deportation). And during Obama’s reign from 2010 to 2014 at least 121 illegals were released from immigration only to end up arrested for murdering a U.S. citizen. Ten years ago, another report found that 12 Americans are murdered by an illegal alien every day.

As you can see from these numbers, it would seem Americans are in far more danger from illegal aliens than from Muslim terrorists.
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Democrats Demanding that Immigration Officials Stop Deporting Illegals Convicted of Violent Crimes”

Replace White Working Class With Mexican Immigrants, Says ‘Weekly Standard’ Editor Bill Kristol

-By Warner Todd Huston

Weekly Standard editor Bill Kristol suggested Feb. 7 that the federal government should use immigration from Mexico to replace the American white working class.

“Look, to be totally honest, if things are so bad as you say with the white working class, don’t you want to get new Americans in?” Kristol said an event hosted by the American Enterprise Institute (AEI) in Washington D.C.

The event, titled “It Came Apart: What’s Next for a Fractured Culture?,” was held in Washington on February 7.

During the immigration discussion, AEI’s Charles Murray noted that the growing problems faced by the white working class in the United States had recently changed his opinion about immigration. Murray said that he now favors curbs on low-skill immigration.
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Replace White Working Class With Mexican Immigrants, Says ‘Weekly Standard’ Editor Bill Kristol”

As Election Day Nears, Obama Works Overtime to Bring in As Many Illegals as He Can

-By Warner Todd Huston

In the first few years of his presidency Barack Obama deported millions of illegals. But as his second term approached, the president soon reversed that policy and not only began to release the ones already taken into custody, but launched several programs to bring in as many illegals — both Hispanic and Muslim — as he could. And now he is welcoming in hundreds of thousands as the 2016 election nears.

When Barack Obama took office, his first two years saw a cascading number of illegal alien activists complaining that he was deporting too many illegals. In fact, in 2012 surrogates for Mitt Romney was airing TV ads claiming that Obama had deported more illegals than any other president. This was an effort to get the illegal alien advocates mad enough at him not to vote for his reelection.

While this claim wasn’t exactly true it does reflect the fact that in the first few years of his first term he was deporting a lot of illegals.

This policy, though, was soon reversed, perhaps in response to outrage from activists for illegals and their partners in the U.S. Hispanic community.

By 2013 Obama was making major changes in policy, seriously reversing his deportations. Year after year he began to lower the number of deportations and by 2015 Obama put into place new rules for his immigration services that would give 87 percent of the illegal population a degree of protection from deportation. That is an increase from the 74 percent who were given such “protection” with Obama’s earlier policy changes.

The president also informed DHS, border police, and his other immigration departments to pick up fewer illegals. Earlier this year, the small number of illegals rounded up in the January sweeps amounted to less than one in 1,000 of the total number of parents and children who surged across the border, starting in 2014. And even of these gathered up, few were set for deportation.
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As Election Day Nears, Obama Works Overtime to Bring in As Many Illegals as He Can”

Liberal, Black Rioter Mad Because ‘Rich People’ Don’t ‘Give Us None’ of Their Money

Liberal, Black Rioter Mad Because ‘Rich People’ Don’t ‘Give Us None’ of Their Money
-By Warner Todd Huston

THIS is what the left has wrought, folks. We have as the left would define it “a protester” — but who should really be termed “a criminal rioter” — telling the media exactly why he and his pals are setting Milwaukee on fire… it’s because, you see, “the rich people, they got all this money and they not like, you know, tryin’ to give us none.”

Milwaukee TV grabbed one of the rioters who had set about to destroy his own neighborhoods and asked him why they are all rampaging through the streets like lunatics. He said the riot occurred because “rich people” won’t “give him money.”

Here is what this uneducated young man said on live TV:

“It’s sad, because, you know, this is what happen because they not helping the black community, like, you know, the rich people, they got all this money and they not like, you know, tryin’ to give us none…”

And all this rioting in Milwaukee is being perpetrated in the name of a career criminal who confronted police with a semi-automatic firearm and has a long history of crimes including witness intimidation!

Folks, this is what the left has inculcated in our youth – not just in African Americans.
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Liberal, Black Rioter Mad Because ‘Rich People’ Don’t ‘Give Us None’ of Their Money”

U.S. Appeals Court Rules Americans Have a Right to Buy and Sell Firearms

-By Warner Todd Huston

In a new ruling the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit maintained that Americans have a Constitutional right to acquire and sell arms.

The Ninth Circuit Court remanded the case of Teixeira v. County of Alameda back to a lower court informing it the court that the Second Amendment and its history protects the rights of Americans to self-defense including the “right to acquire weapons” as well as own them.

This puts a dent in the city of Alameda’s regulations that practically bans the opening of any gun store in the city.
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U.S. Appeals Court Rules Americans Have a Right to Buy and Sell Firearms”

Watch: Dem Chair Gets Cornered On Fox News, Has To Admit Something BIG About Hillary She Didn’t Want To

-By Warner Todd Huston

Recently Democrat National Committee Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz, D, FL, was cornered on Fox News about the FBI investigation into Hillary Clinton’s violations of national security and Schultz slipped up big time in her reply giving an admission that Hillary won’t want to hear..

Schultz appeared on “Fox News Sunday” to defend Hillary Clinton but didn’t do a very good job. Other than sounding a bit halting and confused with her delivery, the core of her argument was that with her email use Hillary didn’t do anything differently than other high profile members of government. But Schultz defeated her own claims with one little line.

First off Schultz said it was “ludicrous” for the FBI to investigate Hillary’s breach of national security laws for sending classified information over a private email server housed in her own home and then deleting tens of thousands of them so they could never be seen.
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Watch: Dem Chair Gets Cornered On Fox News, Has To Admit Something BIG About Hillary She Didn’t Want To”

Today is the Anniversary of When Republicans Outlawed the Democrat Run KKK Terror Group

-By Warner Todd Huston

It is indisputable that the Republican Party is really the party of civil rights, not the Democrats. And today we have one more example of that truism with the 145th anniversary of the Republican Party’s essential outlawing of the Ku Klux Klan, the Democrat Party’s domestic terror group.

The actions against the Klan stemmed from an outrageous massacre of nearly 300 blacks perpetrated by white, Democrat Klan members in Louisiana in 1868.

On September 28, 1868 — three years after the Confederate south lost the civil war — a mob of marauding whites rampaged through Opelousas, Louisiana and massacred nearly 300 blacks who were Republican voters.

The outrage began when white, Democrat KKK members attacked the white owner of a Republican-leaning newspaper. The newspaper editor, a former school teacher for black students, was defended by several black friends during the attack and this action enraged the mob further sending them on a day-long spree of murder and mayhem.

The attack was so outrageous that the Republican Party acted to essentially ban the KKK. By April 20, 1871, the GOP passed a law banning the oppression perpetrated by the KKK when President Ulysses Grant and Congress passed the Ku Klux Klan Act, also known as the third Enforcement Act. The law established penalties against anyone who tried to deprive any other citizen the benefit of equal protection under the laws of the United States. The law also gave the president the power to use the military to ensure that the rights of blacks were upheld.

This interest in civil rights carried all the way to the 1964 Civil Rights bill that was passed with the overwhelming support of Republicans.
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Today is the Anniversary of When Republicans Outlawed the Democrat Run KKK Terror Group”

Let’s Clear Something Up About a ‘Contested’ GOP Convention, Voters DON’T Count and NEVER DID!

-By Warner Todd Huston

There is a lot of valid angst about who will become the nominee for both the Republican and the Democrat Parties this year. We are in a day when the voters are clearly pulling in a multitude of ways and not giving any candidate an overwhelming nod. But there is also a lot of BS about how “the will of the voters” is being thwarted by the party system and much of this is misinformed.

I am not saying that none of this should make you mad. Just get the facts before you get mad. Don’t shy from getting mad, just be informed while you do it!

Let’s just get one fact out of the way at the outset: your vote in a primary is not and never was the only or even the final say on who the party picks for its nominee. The will of the voter does matter in a general election where the nation picks the president, but not as much in a primary when the parties are picking who they will offer up as a candidate for the forthcoming general election. The fact is, primaries are not “the election.”

It is the party that picks the nominee, not the voter. Yes, the votes in the primary are a key guide for the party and yes, if the vote is overwhelming for a particular candidate both parties generally chose that candidate. But, the fact is the parties — any party — can pick who ever the heck they want quite regardless of the vote totals.

After all, that is what a party is for, to control its destiny and policies.
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Let’s Clear Something Up About a ‘Contested’ GOP Convention, Voters DON’T Count and NEVER DID!”

Trump Needs to Take Responsibility For His Rhetoric

-By Warner Todd Huston

There is a big argument being waged between Trumpeters who say he is utterly innocent for the violence constantly occurring at his rallies and those who say it is all his fault because of his bellicose rhetoric. The truth is, Ted Cruz is right. It isn’t an either or, it’s a little of both.

To start out, I don’t want to say that the violence being whipped up by your Move-On, George Soros, Occupy-type leftists are justified. Nor is it dismissible. The protests we are seeing over the last month at Trump rallies are not spontaneous bands of local citizens upset about Donald Trump. They are organized, anti-American agitators who are using Trump to foster anarchy.

These people have been around for decades. They are the same people who peopled the failed Occupy Wall Street “movement,” the same type of people who helped organize the 1968 Chicago convention riots, the same who have organized unrest, destruction, race hatred, and attacks all across the country since the anarchist craze started at the turn of the last century. They are all of a piece, all un-American, all hateful of our system and history.

Further, none of this violence would be happening at Trump rallies if they were not organizing ahead of time and making efforts to invade Trump rallies in order to try and foster violence.

And before I go on I should say that the leftists perpetrating violence at these rallies are not to be excused for what they are doing. They are wrong. Their actions–even if expected–are wrong.

However, there is a reason these people aren’t targeting Cruz or Rubio or Kasich or any of the other candidates before them. It is because Trump has invited them with his own bellicose rhetoric.
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Trump Needs to Take Responsibility For His Rhetoric”

Can You Be a Conservative and Also a Trump Voter?

-By Warner Todd Huston

A few weeks ago I wrote a piece saying you can’t be a conscientious conservative and refuse to vote for Donald Trump if he faces Hillary Clinton in a general election. But can you also be such a conservative and vote for Trump in a primary?

Before I go on, here, I have to note that I am not a Trump supporter. Even though I wrote you have to vote Trump if the choice is between him and Hilary in a general election contest, I’d rather see any general election for Trump avoided from the start.

So, the straight answer to the question posited in the headline above is “no.” No you can’t be a committed conservative and vote for Trump in a primary. If you are voting Trump you are one of three types of voter and none of the three can be a committed conservative.

Three Types of Trump Supporters
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Can You Be a Conservative and Also a Trump Voter?”

Video From Oregon Activist: ‘We’re Breaking NO Laws’ But Warns They Are Armed—NO RUBY RIDGE

-By Warner Todd Huston

As patriots gather outside the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge near Burns, Oregon, all eyes are on the activists gathered there to protest what they feel is a government gone wild. Many of the activists are armed raising some fears that bloodshed could result if Obama’s government sends armed officials to clear them out. But one activist has a warning and a promise for officials.

In a video posted to Facebook, activist Jon Ritzheimer told those watching his video that he and his fellows have gathered to defend their Constitutional rights.

Close to the end of the video the activist explains one of the reasons that he and his fellows are protesting. He says that the refuge is “swallowing up ranches.”

On the video Ritzheimer continues saying, “this refuge here we found out is also the largest and it’s getting bigger and bigger. It’s swallowing up ranchers. It’s already kicked off over 100 ranchers from this land.”

Still, Ritzheimer goes to pains to point out that the land they are camping on is public land and that they aren’t breaking any laws. He further points out that there has been no vandalism of the park. He insists, “there’s nothing illegal taking place here.”

“This land belongs to ‘we the people.’ It’s outlined right here in the Constitution,” Ritzheimer says.
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Video From Oregon Activist: ‘We’re Breaking NO Laws’ But Warns They Are Armed—NO RUBY RIDGE”

Obama Again Refuses to Properly Blame Islam for Terrorism

-By Warner Todd Huston

Before the last act of terror was over in Paris, President Obama rushed out to make a short address to the nation to give America’s response to the outrage. But the President somehow forgot to mention anything about just what caused these attacks: Islamic terrorism.

Obama began his short address saying, “We stand prepared and ready to provide whatever assistance that the government and the people of France need to respond.”

The President told the nation and the people of France, “It’s an attack not just on Paris, not just on the people of France, but on all of humanity. He added that “the bonds of liberté, egalité, and fraternité are not only values that the French people care so deeply about but they are values we share.”

“Those who think that they can terrorize the people of France or the values that they stand for are wrong,” Obama insisted.
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Obama Again Refuses to Properly Blame Islam for Terrorism”

‘Christian’ Group Lies About Christianity to Urge Sen. Kirk to Sign Onto Obama’s EPA Powergrab

-By Warner Todd Huston

A new radio spot being played on Chicago talk radio by a purportedly “Christian” environmentalist group is using a pack of lies about Christianity and the environment in order to push left-wing Senator Mark Kirk into signing onto the President’s global warming policies.

A faux Christian group calling itself the “Evangelical Environmental Network” launched its radio blitz on November 12 with the sales line “It’s up to us to care for the earth that God left us.” But the ad is quite a pack of lies especially considering that it is coming from a group of so-called Christians.

First of all the ad misleads by presenting soundbytes from “Christian voices” urging Kirk to vote “yes” on Obama’s pro-global warming initiatives. The presentation to the radio audience listening to the ad makes it seem as if these “regular people” were callers to a radio show–as that is the timber of the audio, the sound is mixed in such a way as to leave the impression you are listening to a talk show caller as opposed to hearing someone speaking directly into a microphone like a narrator might.

With the announcer sonorously starting the ad saying “The voices of Christians,” here is what these faux “regular people” say on the ad:

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‘Christian’ Group Lies About Christianity to Urge Sen. Kirk to Sign Onto Obama’s EPA Powergrab”

Obama Just Handed the U.N. Power Over Our Response to Terrorism

-By Warner Todd Huston

Our Constitution is supposed to take precedence over all foreign laws or any arrogant edicts from the fetid U.N. But now Obama has made a move that would put the mechanics of the response to terrorism in some of our biggest cities in the hands of foreigners. President Obama has essentially just signed away U.S. sovereignty.

In August U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch announced that the Obama administration signed onto what is essentially a new international police operation with an initiative called Strong Cities Network (SCN). Lynch reported that this new organization would be operating out of some of the country’s largest cities.

Naturally, despite that this new policing initiative is essentially a U.N. treaty, Obama never presented the plan to Congress for approval. Bypassing our elected officials, Obama singed onto the U.N. effort on his own hook.

The new effort was announced in a press release last week with a statement headlined, “Launch of Strong Cities Network to Strengthen Community Resilience Against Violent Extremism.”
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Obama Just Handed the U.N. Power Over Our Response to Terrorism”

New York Police Allow Muslims to Openly Attack Journalists, No Arrests Made

-By Warner Todd Huston

New York police stood by and did nothing as a pack of raving Islamists physically and verbally attacked several Egyptian journalists right out in the open, on the streets, and right in front of police.

Members of the terror group the Muslim Brotherhood accosted the journalists who were in New York as part of the Egyptian media covering Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi as he attends the 70th annual session of the United Nations General Assembly.

You may recall that back in 2013 the terrorist group the Muslim Brotherhood had control over Egypt when their man, Mohamed Morsi was president of the ancient country. Morsi was in power with the backing Barack Obama, but the people of the country rose up to eliminate the terror-connected candidate and paved the way for el-Sisi to take the office.
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New York Police Allow Muslims to Openly Attack Journalists, No Arrests Made”

Now Obama Wants to Bring Back Deported People Who are Mentally Ill

-By Warner Todd Huston

Apparently getting rid of dangerous, mentally ill illegal immigrants wasn’t good enough for the U.S. government because now a federal judge has decreed that every mentally ill illegal sent back to where they belonged should be brought back to the U.S. And guess who this idiot judge wants to pay for all this re-importing of dangerous, mentally ill illegals? Yeah, you guessed it on the first try.

A judge in (where else but) California has decreed that hundreds of mentally ill illegals who “represented themselves” at their deportation hearings were illicitly deported because they weren’t mentally competent to do so and now deserve to be brought back to the US–at our expense–for yet another trial with a lawyer provided–yes, again at our expense–so that they can have another shot to stay in the US and get free mental help–aaaaand, yes, all at our expense.

As the Associated Press reported late last week:

Federal Judge Dolly M. Gee’s ruling will let immigrants with serious mental disabilities request to have their cases reopened in hopes of returning to the U.S. The ruling covers immigrants deported from California, Arizona and Washington between Nov. 21, 2011 and Jan. 27 this year.

Naturally the ACLU loves this idiotic ruling.
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Now Obama Wants to Bring Back Deported People Who are Mentally Ill”

Gun Banning Group Proposes Gov’t Use its Gun Buying ‘Power’ To End Run the Constitution

-By Warner Todd Huston

On Friday a group of left-wing “ministers” in some little-known “social justice” organization was given the platform of The New York Times to flog their ideas on how to ban guns. Their idea was to use the “buying power” the US government ostensibly has to force gun manufacturers to toe the gun banning line or face a reduction in federal guns and ammo purchases. Essentially, these purported ministers want to use the federal government’s buying status as a way to make an end run around the courts and the Constitution.

For the Metro Industrial Areas Foundation–a group that claims its goal is to “build power for social change”–authors the Rev. David K. Brawley, the Rev. Otis Moss III, the Rev. David Benke and Rabbi Joel Mosbacher had a novel if insidious idea on how to beat the courts, the Constitution, and force their ideas about guns on the country in a totally unaccountable manner.

They want their activist ideas implemented through the back door by having the US government force changes in the gun industry using its billions per year in guns and ammo purchases as a big stick to beat the industry into submission.

This would be no less than the federal government interfering in commerce on a massive scale.
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Gun Banning Group Proposes Gov’t Use its Gun Buying ‘Power’ To End Run the Constitution”

Donald Trump is Jeb Bush’s Fault (Along with the REST Of the GOP Establishment)

-By Warner Todd Huston

Let’s face it, Donald Trump has tapped into a very serious concern that most Americans have and that is illegal immigration. But the fact that he’s become a rising star in this GOP primary race at this time isn’t because he’s so great. It’s because the GOP is so damn bad on the issue. For Trump’s current success, the whole thing is Jeb Bush, John Boehner, and Mitch McConnell’s fault.

First off, let’s be frank. Donald Trump is not a conservative. He is a recent supporter of single payer healthcare, has claimed in the past that he supports blanket amnesty, and has been all over the map on such important topics as guns and abortion. So, please let’s stop pretending he is a conservative. He absolutely has no such track record.

But his denunciation of Obama’s failed–in fact dangerous–immigration policy is exactly what angers and frightens GOP voters along with a fair portion of Democrats.

Likely without doing the requisite research for statistics to prove the matter, Trump innately understands that what we have going on in immigration is a dangerous and wrong headed policy, one that seems to have a twin purpose: to destroy this country and to set up a permanent Democrat majority through creating automatic Democrat voters after a presidential amnesty.

Trump has been absolutely fearless in speaking out against this dangerous policy that is turning America into a third world nation. He has taken the fight straight to Obama on numerous occasions and that is exactly what Republican voters want to see.
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Donald Trump is Jeb Bush’s Fault (Along with the REST Of the GOP Establishment)”