Liberal Lunatics Now Want to Give ‘Human Rights’ to Rivers and Streams

-By Warner Todd Huston

Liberalism can no longer be treated as a serious ideology. Nor can it be thought of in any way at all as an American one. It also isn’t sane and as proof, the left’s latest gambit is to force its way on the nation via the courts by giving “human rights” to lakes, rivers, and streams so liberals can force “the law” to their radical environazi agenda.

The latest idiocy was revealed in an article entitled, “Can Rivers Be People Too?,” published on May 9 by the risible left-wing rag, The New Republic.

The long answer to that question is “no.”

This crazy idea started last year when a group of environazis filed a nuisance lawsuit claiming that the state of Colorado had violated the Colorado River’s “right to flourish and regenerate.”

“Environmental law has failed to protect the natural environment because it accepts the status of nature and ecosystems as property,” said the suit filed by the deranged envirowacko group Deep Green Resistance. DGR added that current law is inadequate because it only “regulates the rate at which the natural environment is exploited.”
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Liberal Lunatics Now Want to Give ‘Human Rights’ to Rivers and Streams”

Obama’s Promise to Destroy the Coal Industry Has Been Kept

-By Warner Todd Huston

Back in 2008 Barack Obama was given little notice when he told the editorial board of the San Francisco Chronicle that if he became president he’d work to destroy the coal industry, both for miners and power providers. Now, as his presidency comes to an end we see he has kept that promise.

This month, despite that coal is still one of the world’s leading sources of energy, America’s biggest coal company, Peabody Energy, filed for bankruptcy. Peabody joins a growing list of bankruptcies of other American coal concerns including Alpha Natural Resources, Arch Coal, and Patriot Coal.

Granted the industry had problems before Obama came along, but those problems became but a small part of the insurmountable obstacles put in their way by Obama’s policy to “bankrupt” the coal industry.

And before you think we here at Publius Forum are just being hyperbolic, no, “bankrupt” is exactly the term Obama used in his interview in 2008.

Here it is in Obama’s own voice
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Obama’s Promise to Destroy the Coal Industry Has Been Kept”

‘Christian’ Group Lies About Christianity to Urge Sen. Kirk to Sign Onto Obama’s EPA Powergrab

-By Warner Todd Huston

A new radio spot being played on Chicago talk radio by a purportedly “Christian” environmentalist group is using a pack of lies about Christianity and the environment in order to push left-wing Senator Mark Kirk into signing onto the President’s global warming policies.

A faux Christian group calling itself the “Evangelical Environmental Network” launched its radio blitz on November 12 with the sales line “It’s up to us to care for the earth that God left us.” But the ad is quite a pack of lies especially considering that it is coming from a group of so-called Christians.

First of all the ad misleads by presenting soundbytes from “Christian voices” urging Kirk to vote “yes” on Obama’s pro-global warming initiatives. The presentation to the radio audience listening to the ad makes it seem as if these “regular people” were callers to a radio show–as that is the timber of the audio, the sound is mixed in such a way as to leave the impression you are listening to a talk show caller as opposed to hearing someone speaking directly into a microphone like a narrator might.

With the announcer sonorously starting the ad saying “The voices of Christians,” here is what these faux “regular people” say on the ad:

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‘Christian’ Group Lies About Christianity to Urge Sen. Kirk to Sign Onto Obama’s EPA Powergrab”

5 GOP Governors May Refuse to Obey Obama’s Global Warming Rules

-By Warner Todd Huston

Five Republican Governors are cooperating in a 10th Amendment-styled, states rights bid to defeat Obama’s un-Constitutional global warming power grab. The five are saying that they may simply ignore his edicts and refuse to implement his rules. Is your governor joining them? If not, why not?

Two of the GOP governors rattling their sabers are presidential hopefuls, so this issue just might become a national issue during the upcoming primary season.

The five governors who are warning Obama that they will simply ignore his power grab are Mary Fallin of OK, Greg Abbott of TX, Mike Pence of IN, and presidential candidates Bobby Jindal of LA, and Scott Walker of WS are also part of the group.
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5 GOP Governors May Refuse to Obey Obama’s Global Warming Rules”

It is Now Indisputable That Pope Francis is a Risible Communist

-By Warner Todd Huston

From now on, Pope Francis should be utterly dismissed as an important leader of the world. His latest global warming “encyclical” has proven he subscribes to a risible, anti-western and anti-capitalist theology and is less a Catholic than a communist.

I have been saying that this disastrous pope is a commie since his first few public addresses, but Catholic apologists who can’t get past their fealty to their “god on earth” have always found little outs, ways to dismiss the criticism of their pope by claiming that Francis is really just badly stating longstanding Catholic doctrine.

But with Francis’ new encyclical On Care For Our Common Home, the pope’s latest paean to the religion of global warming leaves no doubt that he stands against western values in most cases.

In this message–which lays out this terrible pope’s absurd ideas on his new religion of global warming–says that we need to stop buying things and turn the world back several thousand years to a time when life was brutal, uncomfortable, and short. He is essentially calling for an end to capitalism in this rambling paper.

Pope Francis goes on to claim that wealthy countries need to stop being wealthy and give away everything to the supposedly poorer nations but he doesn’t spend a second coming to term with why they are poor. He just assumes that rich nations are greedy and evil and must stop being so wealthy. This is quite a communistic theme.

Francis rails about all sorts of things in this jumble of nonsense. In paragraph 55 Francis even rails about the evils of air conditioning, of all things.
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It is Now Indisputable That Pope Francis is a Risible Communist”

Bill Nye the Liar Guy Claims ‘Science Funding’ Is In The US Constitution

-By Warner Todd Huston

Why, didn’t you know, America, that the Founders were so far reaching that they put global warming funding right in the U.S. Constitution? Well, that is what Bill Nye the not-so-sciencey guy is claiming, anyway.

The guy who plays a scientist on TV, but actually has no science degrees at all, told that the U.S. Constitution makes provisions to fund science, so being anti-global warming means you hate the founders… or something.

Here is what Bill Nye the actor guy told Vox:

When you have people denying this basic process, and how we all got here, it’s offensive to me intellectually. And I happen to think it’s unpatriotic. Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution says the government shall “promote the progress of science and useful arts.” So if you’re a politician looking to derail the progress of science, I think you’re not doing your job.

I want voters and taxpayers to recognize this. Do you really want to vote for somebody who doesn’t believe in the scientific method — and doesn’t believe that we defeated smallpox? Do you really want that person running your government?

Of course, this is all built on a lie. The U.S. Constitution says no such thing.
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Bill Nye the Liar Guy Claims ‘Science Funding’ Is In The US Constitution”

Obama Plans to Include Provisions for ‘Rising Sea Levels’ In Every Federal Project

-By Warner Todd Huston

Going forward, Barack Obama has announced that every federal project will now include provisions to acknowledge the claim that sea levels will rise due to global warming.

Obama issued one of his many, many Executive Orders on Friday directing federal agencies to include plans for rising sea levels in every new project for the remaining years of his reign in the White House.
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Obama Plans to Include Provisions for ‘Rising Sea Levels’ In Every Federal Project”

Communists at ‘Climate March’ Have NO Idea What They Want

-By Warner Todd Huston went to the silly “climate march” in New York City last weekend and took some revealing video of halfwits that attended showing that most of them don’t have the first real, solid idea what they want to happen to address the problem they claimed they were marching for. But there did seem to be a consensus that capitalists need to be put in jail and the rest of us need to “do without” modern conveniences like cell phones, and the air conditioning, heating, and powering of our homes.

The sad fact is that the (mostly) aging hippies that appeared at the rally didn’t seem to have any real grasp of what sort of solutions they wanted to solve “climate change.” Instead, most just fell into rote, anti-capitalist yammering.

It seems pretty obvious that the saying “green is the new red” is perfectly apropos to these numbskulls.

One goofball even noted that he and his leftist cohorts would raise a “resistance” and mount an “actual revolution” against capitalism. I think this goof may find that other might love to inject a little lead poisoning into his campaign.

All in all, this video shows what sort of wackos, misfits, throwbacks, and fools people the climate change movement.

Naturally, when they left, the place was a total pig sty mess. These so-called environmentally conscious protesters left garbage feet deep and everywhere.
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Communists at ‘Climate March’ Have NO Idea What They Want”

Illinois Has Coolest July on Record, Cool Summer Leaves New Yorkers With ‘Disorders’

-By Warner Todd Huston

The Illinois state climatologist reported on Friday that the preliminary assessment of last month’s temperatures tied the record for the coolest July in recorded history but that as the data is further quantified it will likely break the record.

State Climatologist Jim Angel reported that the statewide average temperature in July was 70.3 degrees which tied the record low set in 2009.

July started with temperatures between 4 and 8 degrees below normal throughout the Midwest
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Illinois Has Coolest July on Record, Cool Summer Leaves New Yorkers With ‘Disorders’”

Professor Jedediah Purdy Wants You Forced to Follow His Religion

-By Warner Todd Huston

Professor Jedediah Purdy of Duke University Law School feels that you are not thinking right and therefore he wants you forced through “conflict” to accept his religion.

I assure you that this wouldn’t be his interpretation of the under girding of the essay he disgorged at Politico last week, but that is exactly what he is advocating nonetheless because his entire recipe for fixing our political culture is built on a religious-like belief in shadowy crises that he feels are besetting the country.

In fact, even as he pretended to be offering a “fix” for our political gridlock, he offered no proof whatsoever that the problems he thinks we face are based in fact. His entire piece was based on bald-faced assumption, all are forces taken as a given with not a single word to actually prove that his perceptions were real problems, the sort we should engage in “real” conflict to resolve.

Sadly, the essential lie-stiffened backbone upon which he hung the skeleton of his argument is what passes for “deep thought” at our fetid universities these days.
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Professor Jedediah Purdy Wants You Forced to Follow His Religion”

Globaloney: NOAA Quietly Changes Warmest Year Back to 1936 Without Comment

-By Warner Todd Huston

Attempting to promulgate the theory of global warming, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) claimed that the year 2012 was the “hottest” year on record. This toppled the previous records set in 1936. But after being called on the false statistics, without saying a word about the change, NOAA very quietly returned 1936 to leader status.

Weather blogger Anthony Watts has a very detailed report on all the changes, re-changes, and alterations on the NOAA data, changes that keep the “hottest” year floating around from era to era. One wonders how if this is “science” that data can keep changing for years that are in the past, sometimes decades past?
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Globaloney: NOAA Quietly Changes Warmest Year Back to 1936 Without Comment”

Environmental Shakedown Through Bastardized Application of Science, Policy and Education

-By Marita Noon

Over a three-year period, 2009-2012, Department of Justice data shows American taxpayers footed the bill for more than $53 million in so-called environmental groups’ legal fees–and the actual number could be much higher. The real motivation behind the Endangered Species Act (ESA) litigation, perhaps, could have more to do with vengeance and penance than with a real desire to protect flora and fauna.

On May 7, I spoke at the Four Corners Oil and Gas Conference in Farmington, New Mexico. During the two-day event, I sat in on many of the other sessions and had conversations with dozens of attendees. I left the event with the distinct impression that the current implementation of the ESA is a major impediment to the economic growth, tax revenue, and job creation that comes with oil-and-gas development. I have written on ESA issues many times, most recently I wrote about the lesser prairie chicken’s proposed “threatened” listing (which the Fish and Wildlife Service [FWS] listed on March 27) and the Oklahoma Attorney General’s lawsuit against the federal government over the “sue and settle” tactics of FWS and the Department of the Interior.

While at the conference, I received an email announcing that FWS has asked a federal court for a six-month delay in making a final determination on whether to list the Gunnison sage grouse as an endangered species–moving the decision past the November elections. Up for re-election, Senator Mark Udall (D-CO) “cheered” the extension request. The E & E report states: Colorado elected leaders “fear the listing could have significant economic impacts.”
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Environmental Shakedown Through Bastardized Application of Science, Policy and Education”

Transparency a Must to Protect Our Ecosystem

-By Warner Todd Huston

April brought us Earth Day and with it at focus on both our ecosystem and those that claim it is their highest interest to protect the same. With reflection, though, we have to wonder if these self-appointed guardians of our environment are really just foxes guarding the henhouse succumbing to the temptation of power and money, even as they demonize those “greedy” corporate interests, they oppose. In many cases we may discover that these supposed “non-profits” are anything but.

A recent article–one of many on this theme–shows that even the so-called mainstream environmental groups like the Sierra Club are becoming targets of ridicule and derision from a brash new breed of environmental activist. It brings to mind the old adage that there is no honor among thieves.

Armed with money from deep-pocketed, left-wing donors have loosed an army of idealistic shock troops. With social media marketing skills and lawyers on staff, these organizations have perfected the art of adeptly (and legally, I might add) picking the public’s pocket while bragging about it. It is, as Forbes magazine says, a costly game of “sue and settle.” Worse, there is collusion going on between these environmental groups and the federal government.
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Transparency a Must to Protect Our Ecosystem”

Green Stormtroopers to Invade Private Homes to Ensure Green Compliance

-By Warner Todd Huston

Greenism is not only a religious principle it is also a fascist, authoritarian ideal and greenies in Germany are finally revealing the black soul of greenism by proposing a law that would give the state the power to forcibly enter a person’s home to ensure they are in compliance with green rules.

The city of Bremen, in northern Germany near the North Sea just west of Hamburg, is so keyed up to push its left-wing envrio-Nazi regulations that it has outlawed residents from having electric heaters. But the jackbooted enviros aren’t going to stop at a mere banning of the heaters. To make sure the lowly people have complied with the ban, greenists in Bremen want to give police the power to enter a home without a warrant to make sure that home owners or apartment dwellers have abided by the rule and gotten rid of their evil, evil electric space heaters.

As the Germany website Liberal Magazine reports, “The proposed law by Environment Senator Joachim Lohse foresees a system of monitoring that allows for detection of violations and punishment. According to the Weser-Kurier daily, officials would ‘in carrying out the duties of their office, tread upon private property and enter private buildings.’ Here Lohse is creating nothing less than an environment police.”

Now, this whole idea runs contrary to Article 13 of the German Constitution which holds that the people have an “inviolability” of their homes and that the state cannot just come stormtrooping through private property whenever they get a hankering to get its thug on.
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Green Stormtroopers to Invade Private Homes to Ensure Green Compliance”

Lunacy: Liberal Hates Valentines Day an ‘Environmental Travesty’

-By Warner Todd Huston

There always has to be one goofball out there hatin’ on our national holidays, doesn’t there? This time it is hate for Valentines Day and on the flimsiest, most ridiculous reasoning: it is an “environmental travesty.”

For the left-wing New Republic, columnist Jeffrey Ball was first out of the chute to slam Valentines Day with a Valentines Day eve piece uproariously entitled, “Valentine’s Day Is an Environmental Travesty The carbon costs of greeting cards.”

That’s right, if you buy a greeting card you are a destroyer of the planet. Talk about ridiculous hyperbole. In fact, with that logic, one can do nothing but live in a cave eating bugs and leaves in order to satisfy this green nazi.

The magazine also took to Twitter to scold anyone who falls for this evil, Earth destroying holiday saying, “If your other half bought you a Valentine’s card, be sure to say thanks for the 18.5 grams of CO2 it created.”

As tedious as his argument is, it is typical of the sort of Luddite nonsense we hear from the extremist greenies.
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Lunacy: Liberal Hates Valentines Day an ‘Environmental Travesty’”

Global Warming ‘Experts’ Admit: We Lied

-By Warner Todd Huston

A leaked copy of a UN report on global warming says that scientist’s claims that global warming was going to destroy us were drastically wrong.

The Daily Mail reports that in 2007 the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) claimed that the planet was going to rise 0.2 Celsius every decade, a claim that governments and scientists all across the world have relied on to make their own determinations.

But now the new report says that the climate only warmed at .12 C per decades since 1951, a rate far, far below what everyone was told.

The new report also notes that scientists had to admit that their forecasts were wildly out of sync with the truth.
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Global Warming ‘Experts’ Admit: We Lied”

Sen. Inhofe: MSNBC Conspiring With Obama White House, EPA, & Organizing for Action on Global Warming

-By Warner Todd Huston

Senator Jim Inhofe (R, OK) is looking into what he thinks my be the illegal collusion on a climate change campaign possibly involving Obama’s White House, his former campaign organization now dubbed Organizing for Action (OFA), and the left-wing cable network MSNBC.

On August 14 Inhofe sent letters to the Environmental Protection Agency and the White House Council on Environmental Quality asking for any information the agencies have on OFA’s effort to push Obama’s climate change policies, especially OFA’s effort to attack certain Republicans as “climate change deniers.”

Inhofe wants to know if the federal agencies are working with OFA’s campaign. If they are coordinating their efforts, it would be a violation of the law.

“According to the Hatch Act,” Inhofe’s press release notes, “federal employees in the executive branch, except certain designated officials such as the President or Vice President, are prohibited from engaging in political campaign activities.”

Inhofe goes on to say,
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Sen. Inhofe: MSNBC Conspiring With Obama White House, EPA, & Organizing for Action on Global Warming”

LA Times: Global Warming Will Cause Violence to Rise

-By Warner Todd Huston

The Los Angeles Times has seen the future and it is filled with a rising tide of violence all due to climate change.

In a piece on the results of a study by several UC Berkeley researchers, the Times warns that if we don’t “get our act together” and address climate change, then we will see an “alarming” rise in war and “interpersonal violence” due to climbing global temperatures.

For the newspaper, science writer Monte Morin kicked off his report quoting crime novel author Raymond Chandler who helpfully noted in a 1938 crime novel that summer heat brings out the worst in people.

From that bit of pop culture, Morin claimed that “social commentators” have “long suggested” that high temperatures cause men’s temper to flare and then moved on to the Berkeley researchers who found “strong causal evidence” to suggest that global warming will have us all at each other’s throats by the year 2050.
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LA Times: Global Warming Will Cause Violence to Rise”

Networks Do 92 New Global Warming Stories, Don’t Mention Lull in Temp Trends Once

-By Warner Todd Huston

The news departments at the Big Three TV networks have done 92 new stories on the global warming debate recently, but, curiously, not one of those stories informed viewers that there has been decade-long lull in rising temperatures.

A new Media Research Center review of network news coverage shows that ABC, CBS, and NBC have each completely ignored the 10-year “mystery plateau” in global temperatures in favor of alarmism about rising sea levels, allergies, and extreme weather.

The MRC review found that no network climate change story thus far for 2013 has reported the slowdown in global warming. It also discovered that “experts” that promote alarmism were quoted or featured in network coverage eight times as often as those critical of global warming. It also found that links between extreme weather and global warming were made nearly one-fourth of the time despite that scientists disagree with that notion.
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Networks Do 92 New Global Warming Stories, Don’t Mention Lull in Temp Trends Once”

Politico’s Thrush Politicizes Oklahoma Tornado

-By Warner Todd Huston

The destructive tornado that destroyed the quiet town of Moore, Oklahoma on the afternoon of May 20 was only a few hours gone, the devastation had yet to be measured, and the dead barely counted much less mourned and laid to rest before Politico’s Glenn Thrush felt it was already time to politicize the event and by scolding Oklahoma’s Senators because they are against global warming and big government spending, no less

Only hours after the monster storm ended, Thrush took to his Twitter account to slam Oklahoma’s Senators.

So, because a tornado hit in an area that has a long history of getting hit by tornados, if that area’s senators were global warming believers…. then, what, Glenn? If Oklahoma’s senators were to be global warming aficionados, would that somehow have warded off a tornado?

Or, perhaps if said senators were believers in big government spending would that somehow have been a bulwark to stop natural disasters?

Or is it, Mr. Thrush, that you are always in a rush to find any reason to attack someone because they don’t believe in your love of big government and your zealous belief in global warming? Regardless of whether a town is destroyed and children are killed it all still serves as fodder for your desire to advance your political objectives?

Is that it, Mr. Thrush?

Related: Liberal Laughing that ‘Conservatives’ Were Targeted by Oklahoma Tornado Today.
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Politico’s Thrush Politicizes Oklahoma Tornado”

Greens Fret Over Obama Admin Keystone Report

-By Warner Todd Huston

The State Department has released its much-anticipated report on the environmental impact of the Keystone Pipeline and, to the alarm of the green lobby, it seems to leave President Obama with little reason to continue delaying construction.

The 2,000-page report makes no final recommendation on whether or not to approve construction of the energy project, but does definitively say that the pipeline would have “no significant impacts to most resources along the proposed Project route.”

This runs contrary to the fears of environmental groups that have said the pipeline would be “essentially game over for the climate.”
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Greens Fret Over Obama Admin Keystone Report”

Koch Industries Responds to ‘Misleading’ UK Articles

-By Warner Todd Huston

Koch Industries recently published a response to the work of UK Independent journalist Steve Connor whose work, Koch says, “misled readers.” The two articles accused Koch Industries of secretly funding attacks on climate change.

The articles written by Connor “got many facts about Koch wrong,” according to the open letter published on the company’s website.

Koch was also unhappy that the British newspaper edited down its letter to the paper without their knowledge “censoring key information and important context.”
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Koch Industries Responds to ‘Misleading’ UK Articles”

Video: Obama Supporters on Climate Bill Costs Say ‘No Thanks!’

While Peter was out of the country, his producer, Tom Elliott, hit up the inauguration to speak with Obama’s most die-hard fans about the big-ticket item the president outlined for his second term: climate change. While everyone likes the idea of “fixing” the climate, how many would support actually paying the legislative cost? Keep in mind, these inaugural attendees traveled from all over the country; if Obama can count on anyone, surely he can count on their support — right?

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Leonardo DiCaprio to Fly Jet Around World To Save the Environment

-By Warner Todd Huston

Actor Leonardo DiCaprio is taking a break from acting to help save the environment by pursuing his environmental activism but maybe someone needs to tell him how “saving the environment” might work.

DiCaprio told members of the entertainment media that after doing so many movies in a row he’s tired and needs a break from acting. And what better way to recharge his batteries than to jump hip-deep into his enviro-activism?

Said the diminutive actor, “I would like to improve the world a bit. I will fly around the world doing good for the environment.”

Wait. He’s going to use a private jet and fly around the world creating global warming in order to “save the environment”? Isn’t that a bit of a contradiction? Don’t enviro-nuts say that modern transportation adds to global warming?

Me thinks that ol’ Leo is a bit confused on how to save the environment.

But, I suppose, like most liberals, he feels he can exempt himself from causing environmental damage because he means well. Shades of Al Jazeera Gore.
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Leonardo DiCaprio to Fly Jet Around World To Save the Environment”

Medium Protest Over XL Pipeline

-By CJ Ciaramella

[Ed. Note: These are the self-destructive lunatics we are facing with these enviro-Nazis, folks. They are highly organized and well funded and they win because the rest of us just sit on the sidelines and do nothing.]

Between 1,000 and 1,500 protesters streamed past the White House Sunday to demand President Barack Obama reject the Keystone XL Pipeline, the latest in a series of vocal demonstrations against the project.

“Hey Obama, we don’t want no climate drama,” the protesters chanted as they hoisted an inflatable mock pipeline above their heads in front of the executive mansion.

The pipeline project would stretch across eight states, running from the Athabasca Tar Sands in Alberta, Canada, to the Gulf of Mexico in Texas.

“This is the first fight in a long time that got the environmentalists out in the street and we’re gonna stay there,” author Bill McKibben told the crowd at a post-march rally.

Environmentalists say the pipeline would be a “game over” moment in their fight against climate change should it be approved…

Read the rest at The Washington Free Beacon.

CBS ‘The Good Wife’ Pushes Global Warming, Anti-Tea Party Themes

-By Warner Todd Huston

TV’s The Good Wife, an episodic drama on CBS, wears its left-wing politics on its sleeve and this week’s episode was no exception as a TV courtroom judge was depicted pushing global warming from the bench. This isn’t the first time as the same character has in the past pushed anti-conservative themes.

As the courtroom scenes opened, the character portraying the judge in a sexual harassment case entered spouting global warming tropes. “I hope you’re staying cool today on this unusually hot November day.” He then joked, “I hope you don’t mind me saying: Global warming 1, skeptics 0.”

The court case in the episode had nothing at all to do with science or global warming but centered on a male soldier sexually harassing a female army officer.

Admittedly, it was sort of amusing how the show depicted the courtroom’s reception of the judge’s global warming “joke.” After he delivered it, the scene was a dead silent, stonefaced crowd. Immediately after his global warming line, the “judge” went on to slam the U.S. government essentially for misusing America’s armed forces.

“I have great respect for all those in uniform, no matter how our government sees fit to employ them,” the character said.
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CBS ‘The Good Wife’ Pushes Global Warming, Anti-Tea Party Themes”

Obama Unhappy Global Warming Was Missed at Debates

-By Warner Todd Huston

Obama has for the most part stayed away from the subject of global warming during his campaign for re-election. The President has only infrequently broached the subject on the campaign trail, but on Friday, October 26, in an interview with MTV, Obama delved into climate change more than at any other time to date during the campaign.

The President told MTV that he was “surprised” that global warming didn’t come up during the debates and warned that “we’re not moving as fast as we need to” in order to head off the problems he perceives will soon befall the planet.

Obama said global warming is a “critical issue” and that the subject presents a “huge contrast” between himself and GOP nominee Mitt Romney. “I am surprised it didn’t come up in one of the debates,” the President said.

As The Hill notes, however, even as the President assured the MTV audience that he felt the issue was important and that he wanted to talk about the subject during the debates, he never took the time to mention the issue himself during his encounters with Romney.
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Obama Unhappy Global Warming Was Missed at Debates”

Conservatives Beating Bill Nye the Global Warming Guy, But Obama to the Rescue

-By Warner Todd Huston

Bill Nye “the Science Guy” and CNN are a bit miffed at all those global warming scoffers. They are winning the public debate, beating the “consensus” opinion that global warming — or globaloney — is poised to destroy the planet.

Nye and CNN host Carol Costello both dismissed any climate change skeptics with Costello claiming that “politicization” and a willful disbelief in global warming consensus was helping to ruin that cherished science. Costello also worried that skeptics were “winning.”

In a July 2 appearance on CNN’s Newsroom, host Carol Costello warmed Nye up driving straight for the idea that “the weather” has become “incredibly politicized” and asked Bill Nye to respond to charges that he was just a “kooky guy who doesn’t know what he’s talking about.”

Nye defended himself saying, “I can read graphs” and went on to claim that the left’s beloved consensus was true because, well, that is “just how it is.”

It is interesting to note that neither Costello nor Nye seemed to think that left-wing, global warming supporters were engaging in any “politicizing” of the issue. Curiously, neither mentioned Climategate, the now infamous series of emails released by whistleblowers that proved that global warming supporters were engaging in a monumental political campaign in order to keep the money flowing to their research projects, a campaign that made the lie to the “science” of global warming.
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Conservatives Beating Bill Nye the Global Warming Guy, But Obama to the Rescue”

Climate Nazis

-By Alan Caruba

What is it with the “warmists”, Al Gore and his clones who keep insisting the Earth is warming, that too much carbon dioxide (CO2) will be the death of us, and that we have to immediately stop burning “fossil fuels” if we are to save the planet? They are the most relentless liars on the face of the planet.

They want us to cover the surface of the U.S. with solar panels and the mountains with wind turbines to generate the energy needed for everything we do. These Green energy alternatives are so wonderful they are producing a mere three percent of our current needs, require government subsidies and loan guarantees to exist, and tend not to be all that great when the sun isn’t shining and the wind isn’t blowing.

So why are we still hearing from this discredited and disgraced bunch of charlatans and buffoons? In early May, The New York Times published “Game Over for the Climate” by a major offender of the truth, Dr. James Hansen, who for some reason is still the director of the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS), despite having pocketed big bucks beyond his humble government salary. In 2007 he split a million dollar Dan Davis Prize with someone else and in 2001, received a $250,000 Heinz Award. Former GISS employees want him fired.
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Climate Nazis”

Space Aliens Would Think We Are Insane!

-By Don Boys, Ph.D.

Recently a global warming fanatic (who now uses the term, “climate change” since there is no proof of man-caused global warming) made a shocking statement: “Any rational being coming to our planet from outer space would say ‘There is a species here that has gone insane.'”

Like most fanatics, he makes some gargantuan leaps in his thinking especially when he makes an assumption of space aliens even existing; then he presumes they are rational! After all, if humans are not rational, why would we expect make-believe aliens to be? Humans are not rational and I agree that any close look at our society would tend to indicate that we are also insane!

I seldom agree with environmental fanatics but am inclined to think he may be correct. So what evidence suggests that space aliens might think we are a planet of insane people?
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Space Aliens Would Think We Are Insane!”