Liberal Virginia Governor Vetoes Bill Allowing Abused Women the Right to Protect Themselves

-By Warner Todd Huston

Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe (D, Clintoista) just vetoed a bill that would have allowed victims of domestic violence and abuse carry a concealed firearm without first going through the normal, time consuming permit process, especially if they have already filed for a protective order. And you thought Democrats for women’s safety, didn’t you?

McAuliffe, a long time Clinton operative, vetoed House Bill 1852 which would have authorized Virginians over the age of 21 and who are not otherwise prohibited to carry a firearm, to carry a concealed firearm for 45 days after an order of protection is filed against a purported abuser. The bill would have covered the waiting period that Virginians generally experience after applying for a concealed carry permit. Meaning that the bill would have allowed a vulnerable person (usually an abused woman) to get her right to carry a concealed handgun right away instead of having to remain unarmed for well over a month leaving her vulnerable to her abuser during that period.

The bill was passed with lopsided margins in both houses of the Virginia legislature. It passed 63-31 in the state’s House of Delegates and 26-14 in the Senate.
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Liberal Virginia Governor Vetoes Bill Allowing Abused Women the Right to Protect Themselves”

Hillary Clinton Hints She’ll Back Gun Confiscation as President

-By Warner Todd Huston

At a recent campaign event on so-called “gun violence,” Hillary Clinton said Americans own too many guns and then said she’d do something about this “problem” when she becomes president. What else could this mean but confiscation?

Clinton was speaking at round-table-like forum on guns held at St. Paul’s Baptist Church in Philadelphia, where she insisted we have too many guns.

“When it comes to guns? We have just too many guns,” Hillary said to the applause of those in attendance. “On the streets, in our homes, in our neighborhoods.”

She went on to say America must address the “epidemic” of guns and hinted that if she were to become president she would do something about it all. But what would that “doing something” look like?

Well, it must be remembered that last year Clinton spoke positively about the gun confiscation policy imposed on the people of Australia. Clinton said the Australian policy is one “worth considering” and said it could be imposed using the Obama program “Cash for Clunkers” as a model.
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Hillary Clinton Hints She’ll Back Gun Confiscation as President”

Panera Restaurants Asks Patrons to Leave Guns Behind

-By Warner Todd Huston

The most recent national restaurant chain to demand that customers refrain from carrying their legal firearms into their establishments is Panera Bread, a restaurant with 1,818 locations in 45 states. But is Panera ready to take responsibility for the murders its policy might cause?

The stores known for bread baked fresh daily and gourmet sandwiches has bowed to the liberal, anti-gun group Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America after it had “months of discussion” with the chain.

In a statement Monday the chain claimed that it was only trying to make all customers “feel comfortable and welcome.”

“To this end, we ask that guns not be brought into this environment unless carried by an authorized law enforcement officer,” the statement read. “Panera respects the rights of gun owners, but asks our customers to help preserve the environment we are working to create for our guests and associates.”

In an interview with CNBC, Panera CEO Ron Shaich insisted, “we recognize everyone’s rights, but we also recognize that we are building communities in our cafes and are where people come to catch a breath.”

While Shaich said he is “respectfully requesting” that holders of legal concealed carry permits refrain from carrying inside his stores, he also claimed he would still follow all state and local laws on the matter.
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Panera Restaurants Asks Patrons to Leave Guns Behind”

Hey, Criminals, Didja Know Sonic, Chipotle, & Chilli’s Won’t Allow Guns? So, Open Season, Right?

-By Warner Todd Huston

It’s all the rage, all of a sudden, for national restaurant chains to start posting little, powerless stickers on their doors in the attempt to tell law-abiding, legal gun owners that their business is not welcome there. But it is also a new rage for criminals to repeatedly rob those same stores because they now know that no one inside will be armed. Imagine that.

Lately several restaurants have made news by claiming to have banned guns inside their stories. Buffalo Wild Wings, Chipotle, Sonic, Chilli’s and Starbucks are all claiming they have banned legal gun owners form doing business with them.

Take the Sonic fast food chain, for instance. This month the Sonic corporate heads got their tiny little minds together and announced that all Sonic customers will henceforth be unarmed. Consequently, the very day the company made this grand announcement, one of its locations was robbed.

The attack happened in Topeka, Kansas, only a few hours after Sonic made its cute little announcement that firearms were banned within and around their restaurants.
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Hey, Criminals, Didja Know Sonic, Chipotle, & Chilli’s Won’t Allow Guns? So, Open Season, Right?”

Why CC Holders Should Ignore Anti-Gun Signs Posted in Stores

-By Warner Todd Huston

They are popping up all across the country, little stickers on the front doors of businesses, restaurants and retail outlets informing concealed carry holders that they are not welcome to carry their legal firearm inside. But if you are a concealed carry holder you should ignore these attempts to curtail your rights. If you are legally armed, feel absolutely free to enter and patronize those stores with your firearm no matter what these anti-Constitution store owners want.

First of all, these stores have no right whatever to tell you that you aren’t allowed to observe your Second Amendment rights inside their establishments. No mere shop owner has the capability or the right to prevent Americans from enjoying their Constitutionally guaranteed rights.

This may sound like a contradiction for many conservatives. After all, most conservatives and gun owners are very supportive of rights in general and the right of private property owners to do what they want on their own property is no less important than our Second Amendment rights. So, how can conservatives and gun owners on one hand claim to support private property rights yet on the other feel it perfectly OK to tell the owner of that property that they cannot ban a CC carrier’s gun inside?
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Why CC Holders Should Ignore Anti-Gun Signs Posted in Stores”

Guns And Abortion: States Starting to Rebel Against Federal Control

-By Warner Todd Huston

As a conservative it is easy to look at Washington and find nothing but despair. Socialism is once again on the march with autocratic Democrats and left leaning “Republicans” all seeking to raise taxes, spend more, destroy the integrity of our borders, eviscerate our military, spy on us all, and impose a one-size-fits-all education scheme. In DC, the Democrats are practically indistinguishable from the Republicans. But a bright spot is seen in those states who are rebelling over this top down control by liberalizing gun laws, restricting abortion, and otherwise beginning to look for ways to assert their long dormant powers.

When the founders created this country they imagined that they had practically eliminated the chance for tyranny by creating a governing plan that featured a segmented system. The founders expected each segment to zealously look to protect their rightful powers.

The founders thought that Senators would fight for their states, Congressmen would fight for that segment of voters who elected them, Presidents would guard their own enumerated powers, states would strenuously reject any expansion of federal powers, counties would reject state interference and cities would vigorously enforce their own authority.

There was a time when states’ rights weren’t just some false call used to protect slavery!

Unfortunately, this country lost its once proud obstinacy and everyone began to fall to a socialist-styled assumption that the federal government should control everything from Washington D.C.

It is easy to imagine that the founders would have already started shooting at and/or tar and feathering government officials by now, but the tide of this un-American control from the top is starting to show some signs of collapse. A bloodless revolution seems to be forming.
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Guns And Abortion: States Starting to Rebel Against Federal Control”

Illinois School: Gun Rights Only What Government Allows Them to Be

-By Warner Todd Huston

The U.S. Constitution says that our Second Amendment rights shall not be infringed. That’s pretty straightforward. But a middle school in Illinois has decided that shall not really means that you have no rights unless government says you are allowed to have them.

According to a workbook handout from Grant Middle School in Springfield, Illinois–that happens to be the capital city of the most corrupt state in America–Americans only have Second Amendment rights if they go and “register” with government and if government has decided they are worthy of being allowed those rights. (See image below.)

Click to enlarge

Here is the full text of that worksheet:
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Illinois School: Gun Rights Only What Government Allows Them to Be”

Another Black Racist Whines About Whites ‘Murdering’ Blacks

-By Warner Todd Huston

As the nation’s African American community continues to wallow in an epidemic of black-on-black murder each and every day, we get the likes of “CrunkFeminist” Brittney Cooper claiming that the real problem in the black community is “an onslaught of white murder,” a badly formulated phrase for which she offers no evidence but one case.

In a hyperbolic piece in Salon, Brittney Cooper desperately tries to make the case that no black person is safe in America today apparently because there are marauding bands of elderly white folks killing blacks by the buckets full–a mythic group in which she casts Hispanic man, George Zimmerman.

What is her proof of this absurd claim that whites are killing blacks? Only a single example. Cooper’s ire is directed at the fact that a white man was not convicted of murdering a black teen in Florida. Yes, one white man’s crime is enough for Cooper to imagine a nation where no black is safe as she gives only a single example to “prove” her hyperbolic claim.
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Another Black Racist Whines About Whites ‘Murdering’ Blacks”

New York Anti-Gun Zealot Arrested for Taking Gun to School, Wants Absolution

-By Warner Todd Huston

Dwayne Ferguson an African American community activist and vehement anti-gun campaigner who worked tirelessly for New York’s gun grabbing SAFE Act was arrested last week for carrying a concealed weapon into a grade school. He said he “forgot” he had the gun on him and wants to be given a pass on the violation.

Last week, Ferguson, the leader of the extremist anti-gun group MAD DADS, was the cause of a lockdown of Harvey Austin Elementary, in Buffalo, New York. Police responded to a call about a man with a gun on school grounds with their search ending when they found Ferguson’s handgun.

The activist, who helps run an after-school program, was arrested and charged with two counts of criminal possession of a weapon, including having a loaded weapon on school grounds–charges now enhanced by the anti-gun SAFE Act. He could be sentenced to up to four years in prison for the violation.

He pleaded not guilty to the crime saying he should be given a pass because he merely “forgot” that he had his pistol on him and since he has a legal concealed carry permit he thinks he should be let off the hook.
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New York Anti-Gun Zealot Arrested for Taking Gun to School, Wants Absolution”

TSA Claims It Took 5 Guns A Day From Passengers, But Are We Safer?

-By Warner Todd Huston

The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) thinks it has a great selling point with its announcement that it took 5 firearms a day from passengers trying to board planes in 2013. But are our airports and planes safer because of this?

The TSA made the announcement on its January 24 “year in review” blog post where officials bemoan that their work “being on the frontline also comes with a great risk.” This because after patting down over 600 million passengers one TSA Agent was killed in a criminal action at LA International Airport.

Certainly no TSA Agents should be killed in the line of duty and the loss of TSA officer Gerardo Hernandez is unacceptable, but for the TSA to act as if their job is fraught with constant life threatening dangers is a bit much.

But the more interesting note is the number of firearms confiscated by TSA officials.
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TSA Claims It Took 5 Guns A Day From Passengers, But Are We Safer?”

VIDEO: Michigan Cops Harass Citizen Legally Carrying a Gun

-By Warner Todd Huston

A Michigan man legally carrying a pistol openly in a holster was illegally stopped and harassed by Grand Rapids police in March of 2013 in an incident that sparked a federal lawsuit. Now the full video of the encounter has been released to the public.

Last March, Grand Rapids citizen Johann Deffert was peacefully walking on the sidewalk in his own neighborhood when police illegally detained him, cuffed him, threw him on the ground and then into a squad car, a federal lawsuit alleges.

In Michigan it is fully legal to open carry a pistol with the proper license.

Deffert is suing for $600,000 alleging he was physically assaulted by cops.
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VIDEO: Michigan Cops Harass Citizen Legally Carrying a Gun”

Liberals Outraged: Kansas Allowing Concealed Carry Guns in Public Buildings

-By Warner Todd Huston

One state, at least, is beginning to understand what the “right to bear arms” really means. Kansas is now allowing citizens with legal, concealed carry firearms licenses to carry their arms inside public buildings. And liberals are screaming bloody murder.

Logically thinking Kansans note that the new law will likely make many public buildings safer as crooks and mass murderers may find themselves a tad more reluctant to try shooting up a building if they can’t be sure how many others are armed inside.

The new law did give cities that wanted to further explore their options a way to temporarily opt out of the law allowing concealed carry (CC) in public spaces. Claiming a four-year exemption, some city and county governments are still denying CC license holders to carry in some public buildings.

The law also gives governments the option to completely bar CC guns inside, but they are required to install metal detectors and other security devices to facilitate this permanent exemption.

This is where liberals are losing it. They claim that requiring governments to pay for these security devices is somehow an “unfair burden” on the government.
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Liberals Outraged: Kansas Allowing Concealed Carry Guns in Public Buildings”

Mother of Grade Schooler Banned from Kid’s School Over Concealed Carry License

-By Warner Todd Huston

This is how the liberals destroy our rights, folks. A mother in Georgia has now been told she isn’t allowed to go to her own child’s taxpayer funded grade school because she has a concealed carry permit.

Parent Tanya Mount says that she was a volunteer at her disabled daughter’s school, McBean Elementary in Hepzibah, Georgia, but as soon as she posted a Facebook photo of herself after she received her concealed carry license, the school banned her from going there.

She is sure of this because not long after she posted the photo she got a visit from police telling her she was banned.

“I feel like a criminal. I want I want to be heard. I want a public apology,” Mount told WRDW TV, Augusta.
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Mother of Grade Schooler Banned from Kid’s School Over Concealed Carry License”