-By Warner Todd Huston
A revelatory posting by a hate-filled, radical feminist calling herself “Lana” recently appeared on the extremist website called “Injustice Stories.” The story ostensibly tells the tale of how “Lana” aborted her baby because she found out that the child was a boy. “Lana” says she killed her baby because she didn’t want to bring another male “monster” into the world. And she is proud of her decision.
The posting detailing Lana’s story on what led her to abort her baby is disgusting, certainly, but it does nicely describe the logical end game of feminism: the genocide of the male of the species.
The story appears on a site where “hatred is not allowed” but this is obviously a convenient lie because “Lana’s” post is entirely based on abject hate for men. Of course, we know why the story was allowed. It’s because “Lana” claims to be an oppressed female who is fighting “injustice” when in reality all she is, is a proto Nazi advocating a form of eugenics.
In any case, what we have here is the story of a mentally ill woman who murdered her baby for the sole reason that he is male. Sadly, her reasoning is poof that feminism has nothing at all to do with “equality” and ultimately simply breeds unthinking hatred for men.
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Feminist Criminal Decides to Abort Her Son Solely Because He is Male”