Feminist Criminal Decides to Abort Her Son Solely Because He is Male

-By Warner Todd Huston

A revelatory posting by a hate-filled, radical feminist calling herself “Lana” recently appeared on the extremist website called “Injustice Stories.” The story ostensibly tells the tale of how “Lana” aborted her baby because she found out that the child was a boy. “Lana” says she killed her baby because she didn’t want to bring another male “monster” into the world. And she is proud of her decision.

The posting detailing Lana’s story on what led her to abort her baby is disgusting, certainly, but it does nicely describe the logical end game of feminism: the genocide of the male of the species.

The story appears on a site where “hatred is not allowed” but this is obviously a convenient lie because “Lana’s” post is entirely based on abject hate for men. Of course, we know why the story was allowed. It’s because “Lana” claims to be an oppressed female who is fighting “injustice” when in reality all she is, is a proto Nazi advocating a form of eugenics.

In any case, what we have here is the story of a mentally ill woman who murdered her baby for the sole reason that he is male. Sadly, her reasoning is poof that feminism has nothing at all to do with “equality” and ultimately simply breeds unthinking hatred for men.
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Feminist Criminal Decides to Abort Her Son Solely Because He is Male”

Obama’s New Food Czar Wants Gov’t To Decide What You Are Allowed to Eat

-By Warner Todd Huston

Like all extreme socialists, Obama’s new food czar thinks that government should completely control all aspects of food from its production and is dissemination, even to what is allowed to be advertised and what you are allowed to eat.

Recently the Obama’s personal chef, Sam Kass, resigned his position and left the White House. Kass was not just a chef, though. He was also the White House’s senior adviser for nutrition policy. On top of that he the director of Mrs. Obama’s anti-childhood obesity campaign, “Let’s Move.”

So, Obama had several slots to fill at once with his new food czar. So, he and Michelle have picked one Debra Eschmeyer to take on the role of director of “Let’s Move.”

Eschmeyer, who founded the FoodCorps service program that was designed to teach school cafeteria workers about nutrition, calls herself a “food justice activist.” She recently explained what she means by that title.

“I was an editor of [the book] Food Justice so I spent several years thinking about the definition,” she said. “Food justice seeks to ensure that the benefits and risks of where, what, and how food is grown, produced, transported, distributed, accessed, and eaten are shared fairly.”
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Obama’s New Food Czar Wants Gov’t To Decide What You Are Allowed to Eat”

Obama Helping to Ban Historical Reenactments of 1889 Land Rush in Oklahoma Because it’s ‘Racist’

-By Warner Todd Huston

Once again the far, far leftists that infest our schools are making to destroy the teaching of American history. This time it is in Oklahoma, home to the 1889 “Land Rush” that helped settle the great western region of the country. The un-American leftists that run Oklahoma’s schools now want to excise the teaching of the Land Rush history in schools because it’s “racist.” And the Obama administration is also behind it.

The 1889 Land Rush is a key part of Oklahoma history and is one of the things it is most known for. If you are a little shaky on the history, in 1889 Oklahoma was still thought of as “Indian Territory” and few white settlements existed there. But in 1889 the government opened a few large sections of the soon-to-be state and after setting a day when those areas would be open for purchase, a race of sorts began to fill the territory with new settlers seeking land for homes, businesses and towns. It was quite a national spectacle at the time and is an important part of the state’s history.
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Obama Helping to Ban Historical Reenactments of 1889 Land Rush in Oklahoma Because it’s ‘Racist’”

Case Dismissed Against Father Arrested for Questioning Daughter’s School Assignment

-By Warner Todd Huston

Back in May a father upset that his 14-year-old daughter was given a sexually explicit reading assignment at school was arrested for daring to confront the school board over the book. Now, the father’s case has been dismissed by a judge who was shocked at the arrest and said it was a “chilling” example of the unconstitutional quashing of the father’s right of free speech.

On May 6, parent William Baer attended a school board meeting in Gilford, New Hampshire where he expressed his unhappiness that his 14-year-old daughter was assigned the book “Nineteen Minutes,” a book that contains sexually explicit and violent content.

In one part of the book, for example, a teenaged girl is raped by a drunken boy. The violence and the explicit nature of the passage made the father question the assignment.
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Case Dismissed Against Father Arrested for Questioning Daughter’s School Assignment”

Whiney Harvard #Ferguson Protesters Mad They Were Ignored By Primal Scream Streakers

-By Warner Todd Huston

I think this has to be the funniest recent story highlighting the foolishness on the campuses of our universities. On Thursday a group of “silent” protesters got in a war of words with naked-run “primal scream” participants at Harvard. The Ferguson protesters were upset that the primal screamers were ignoring them and refusing to join in with their “moment of silence” so they began to scold and whine to the primal screamers, all to no avail.

Firstly, the so-called primal scream run has become an annual event where naked and half naked students streak about the campus in a raucous display of frivolousness that passes for “fun” at Harvard. It is a wild event that has no sense of decorum or maturity.

This is the event that Ferguson protesters foolishly thought they could tame. This is the sort of craziness that Harvard’s myriad of white folks protesting Ferguson thought they could interrupt with a moment of silence.
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Whiney Harvard #Ferguson Protesters Mad They Were Ignored By Primal Scream Streakers”

Cosmo Magazine Sponsors Shirtless Male Models and Party Bus to Bring Students to the Polls

-By Warner Todd Huston

Cosmopolitan magazine has been heavily pushing Obama’s agenda during this year’s election but the magazine isn’t satisfied with mere editorials and advertisements. Instead, the fashion magazine is going the extra mile by sponsoring a series of party busses featuring shirtless male models, free gifts, and snacks all aimed at carting college students to the polls next month.

N.C. State University’s Technician, the school’s campus newspaper, reported that the fashion magazine will sponsor the party bus after the associate director of publicity and communications for Student Government entered to win the magazine’s #CosmoVotes election bus contest.
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Cosmo Magazine Sponsors Shirtless Male Models and Party Bus to Bring Students to the Polls”

NPR-Celebrated Muslim Reporter in Ferguson Has Record as Child Molester

-By Warner Todd Huston

A new report shows that a man who has become celebrated by National Public Radio and others for his reporting during the recent unrest in Ferguson, Missouri also has a record as a child molester.

Mustafa Hussein is a Muslim convert and a volunteer reporter for ArgusNews, a Saint Louis-based activist website that has lately dedicated itself almost wholly to reporting on the Ferguson riots.

Hussein reportedly received 1.3 million views of his coverage in just one night earlier this year.
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NPR-Celebrated Muslim Reporter in Ferguson Has Record as Child Molester”

Crony Union Members Get Million Dollar Pensions for One Day of Teaching

-By Warner Todd Huston

In another example of why government unions should all be eliminated, two union operatives in the Illinois school system have been the happy recipients of million-dollar pensions–courtesy of the taxpayers–for teaching classes for only a single day.

Back in 2011 I wrote of union operatives Steven Preckwinkle and David Piccioli at the Illinois teachers union who both “taught” only one day in the Illinois school system and then went on to be union operatives for the rest of their careers that were supposedly in “education.” Yet despite their lack of actually educating anyone, both were still demanding to get huge, generous pensions for being “teachers.”
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Crony Union Members Get Million Dollar Pensions for One Day of Teaching”

Mother Upset Over Islam-Promoting School Assignment

-By Warner Todd Huston

The mother of a Michigan high school student was shocked to learn that her daughter was assigned a class project that was clearly deigned to promote Islam. Worse, it was a project meant to promote Islam to 3rd graders.

The Michigan parent found that her 10th-grade daughter was assigned the task of designing a brochure that could explain the wonders of Islam in terms that a 3rd grader could understand. The woman’s daughter was told that the purpose of the brochure would be to “introduce Islam to 3rd graders.”

This parent jumped to Facebook to tell her friends and family how shocked she was over the assignment. (Not long afterward she deleted her posts at the request of the school’s principal.)

“This assignment upset me because they are presenting Allah as the same God of the Christians and Jews. This paper, in my opinion, is promoting Islam by describing Allah’s names as ‘beautiful’. To me this is not simply factual like it should be,” Mother Jennette Hall said.
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Mother Upset Over Islam-Promoting School Assignment”

Obama Sent Illegals All Across The County, Forcing States to Pay for Schooling

-By Warner Todd Huston

President Obama secretly sent tens of thousands of illegals all across the country and into every state without bothering to inform governors that he was doing it and now the states are stuck footing the bill for healthcare and education.

On September 29, the AP reported that “Unaccompanied minors… have moved to communities of all sizes, in nearly every state.”
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Obama Sent Illegals All Across The County, Forcing States to Pay for Schooling”

Silly Parents Mad Everyone Uses Their Daughter’s Name for ISIS Terrorists

-By Warner Todd Huston

A couple in Australia are demanding that people stop using their daughter’s name as the label to identify the terrorist group ISIS. If this isn’t the perfect story showing the idiocy, arrogance, and foolishness of some westerners, there isn’t one.

Frank and Sheridan Leskien of Sydney, Australia are quite upset that people keep calling those darned ol’ terrorists in Syria the ISIS group. Why, darn it, everyone just knows that Isis is their beautiful, 8-year-old daughter’s name! So, all you big poopy heads better stop using their daughter’s name for those stinky ol’ terrorists. Or else!

These idiots actually appeared on Australian TV to whine about this coincidence as woeful as it is.

“This is hurting my little family and we’ve lost family because they’re scared and don’t want anything to do with us… it’s soul-destroying,” Frank recently said.

Right. So, everyone in the world has to stop using ISIS to denote this terror group because some suburban Sydney family happened to give their daughter the same name?
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Silly Parents Mad Everyone Uses Their Daughter’s Name for ISIS Terrorists”

Coach ‘Breaks The Law,’ Suspended for Praying With Team

-By Warner Todd Huston

A coach for a prep school in Arizona has been suspended for praying with his team during last week’s homecoming game. He was told it was “against the law.”

Tom Brittain, the head varsity coach for Tempe Preparatory Academy–a state-funded charter school–found himself suspended after the “offensive” praying.

The coach was told to keep the praying off the field, but apparently he didn’t feel disposed to have his constitutional right trod upon by school administrators.

His boss, headmaster David Baum told the media, “He is a man who likes to pray and I don’t object to that. Just, he can’t do that with our students. That’s the only prohibition.”

Then Baum claimed it was he, rather than the coach, who was trying to “protect” the Constitution.
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Coach ‘Breaks The Law,’ Suspended for Praying With Team”

NY School Bans National Guard T-Shirt Because: GUNS!

-By Warner Todd Huston

A New York school took quick action to ban t-shirts being handed out by a New York National Guard recruiter because the shirt “promoted violence” since it had an drawing of a U.S. soldier in battledress on it. And, *gasp*, the drawing of the soldier was holding an evil, evil GUN!

Ravena-Coeymans-Selkirk High School in Ravena, New York, said that the Guard recruiter’s t-shirts were “inappropriate” and violated the school’s dress code because of the gun image.

“They’re not allowed to wear anything that would have a weapon on it,” district Interim Superintendent Alan McCartney told the Times Union. “Our main purpose is education. Wearing pictures of weapons brings to mind those things in our society that are not pertinent to education.”

So, even mentioning America’s fighting forces is “not pertinent to education”? This man is an idiot who should be fired just because he is plainly too stupid to be in “education.”
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NY School Bans National Guard T-Shirt Because: GUNS!”

WalMart Can’t Please Feminist Comic Book Fans

-By Warner Todd Huston

Here is a story that perfectly encapsulates the impossibility of satisfying a feminist showing that they care about being outrageously outraged than they do about curing any real ills. It concerns the uproar over the 3D printing kiosk that puts a child’s face on a superhero toy–either Captain America of Iron Man. The chicks are mad that WalMart didn’t include a female superhero. But…

A company named 3DPlussMe has crated a self-serve machine that will take a photo of a child’s face and then, using plastic 3D printing technology, will create a toy figurine of either Captain America or Iron Man with that child’s face on it.

The kiosks are being rolled out in select WalMarts across the country and they seem like a great idea for kids to get a personalized toy.

But female comics fans are mad that only two male comic book heroes are being offered. Why no female characters, they ask?
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WalMart Can’t Please Feminist Comic Book Fans”

‘Harry Potter’ Actress Urges Men to End Gender Inequality

-By Warner Todd Huston

In a recent speech, actress Emma Watson urged men to help end gender inequality in the world. But is anything she said consequential? It’s certainly easy to roll one’s eyes at this sort of fluff. But some think the speech was a “game changer.”

Filling her role as a UN Women Goodwill ambassador, the 24-year-old Watson spoke in New York last week insisted that if only women listened to her entireties, gender inequality would continue.

Watson claimed that as she studied the problem of gender inequality she became aware that “that fighting for women’s rights has too often become synonymous with man-hating.” This, she said, would have to stop if progress was to be made.

The speech is part of the UN campaign dubbed the “HeForShe” campaign.
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‘Harry Potter’ Actress Urges Men to End Gender Inequality”

Calif. Court Makes Wearing American Flag to School a Crime

-By Warner Todd Huston

Witness the end of the USA: An appeals court in California has now let stand a lower court’s ruling that white kids aren’t allowed to wear t-shirts with the American flag on them to school when illegals are celebrating the faux Mexican holiday of Cinco de Mayo.

That’s right, natural born American citizens are now considered criminals by the US court system should they dare to wear Old Glory on a t-shirt when law breakers are celebrating a holiday that isn’t even a holiday in the backwards country of their birth.

Lawbreakers, criminals from other countries, people who are here to steal our benefits, our jobs, and our property are given more rights than natural born citizens.
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Calif. Court Makes Wearing American Flag to School a Crime”

Obama’s Nanny-State, Government-Sponsored Instructions For ‘How To Roast Marshmallows’

-By Warner Todd Huston

Are you a stupid American? Obama’s government thinks you are. So stupid, in fact, that his US Forest Service felt it necessary to give us all a 700-word article on how to roast marshmallows. Because, you know, you are all too stupid to know how to do it safely, and all.

Pete Kasperowicz found this gem of government nannyism at our nation’s oh, so helpful website of the US Department of Agriculture. It is entitled, “US Forest Service Asks: How Does Your Marshmallow Roast?.”

The nanny-state-styled instructions takes its cue from National Roasted Marshmallow Day (it was August 30, if you care even a little) and takes the time to give us all the safety procedures we’ll need to roast marshmallows without doing egregious harm to our stupid, dumbass selves.

Here is the third paragraph of the Forest Service how-to guide:
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Obama’s Nanny-State, Government-Sponsored Instructions For ‘How To Roast Marshmallows’”

Ferguson Fallout: School Lesson Teaches Kids To Agree With the Black Panthers’ Demands

-By Warner Todd Huston

A new school lesson plan hopes to capitalize on the unrest in Ferguson, Missouri that erupted after a police officer shot a black youth early in August. The plan urges kids to agree with the Black Panthers, a racist, hate group that urges segregation, and accept the demands they issued in the past.

An activist group that calls itself Teaching for Change, one that works with schools to push the hard-core, left-wing agenda branded “social justice” rushed out its lesson plan to capitalize on the death of teenager Michael Brown.

“As the new school year begins, first and foremost on our minds and in our hearts will be the killing of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri,” said program architect Julian Hipkins.
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Ferguson Fallout: School Lesson Teaches Kids To Agree With the Black Panthers’ Demands”

Girl Suspended from School For Saying ‘Bless You’ after a Sneeze

-By Warner Todd Huston

A religion hating Tennessee High School teacher gave one of her students a suspension for daring to say “bless you” to a fellow student who sneezed even after the teacher banned the use of “God talk” in her classroom.

For most Americans saying “bless you” after someone sneezes is an automatic reaction. It is rarely connected with religion and is generally just a social custom. But a teacher from Dyer County High School in west Tennessee so hates the phrase that she banned its use in her classroom.

The thus far unnamed teacher put a list of banned words on a white board in the classroom. “Bless you” was on the list.
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Girl Suspended from School For Saying ‘Bless You’ after a Sneeze”

‘Ethicist’ Richard Dawkins Says it’s ‘Immoral’ Not to Abort Down Syndrome Babies

-Warner Todd Huston

So-called ethicist Richard Dawkins, famed as the world’s most active militant atheist, has now decided that all babies that don’t fit his definition of worthy should be aborted and that it is actually “immoral” if they are allowed to be born. Thus he feels that babies with Down Syndrome must be aborted and it is “immoral” not to do so.

The famed atheist recently took to Twitter to reply to a follower who said it would be an “ethical dilemma” to be pregnant with a baby diagnosed with Down Syndrome. In reply, Dawkins wrote, “Abort it and try again. It would be immoral to bring it into the world if you have the choice.”

So, as far as Dawkins is concerned a person with Down Syndrome is living a life not worth living.
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‘Ethicist’ Richard Dawkins Says it’s ‘Immoral’ Not to Abort Down Syndrome Babies”

Illegal Immigrant Who Killed 2 Girls Released, Protected by Obama’s DREAM-Styled Act

-Warner Todd Huston

One of Barack Obama’s illegal aliens upon whom one of his illegal alien protection acts was bestowed has been found guilty of killing two little girls in a car accident but has been released from jail because she is protected by Obama.

Mexican citizen Cinthya Garcia-Cisneros, who came into the US illegally, was shielded from deportation by Obama’s illegal alien protection act after she hit and killed two little Oregon children in October.
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Illegal Immigrant Who Killed 2 Girls Released, Protected by Obama’s DREAM-Styled Act”

Black ‘Professor’ Who Attacked Teen Anti-Abortion Protester Blames ‘Slavery’

-by Warner Todd Huston

So-called professor Mireille Miller-Young of the University of California at Santa Barbara says she has a legitimate reason for physically attacking a 16-year-old anti-abortion protester in march of this year. She was pregnant, so anti-abortion protests are a “trigger” that makes the disease of pregnancy cause her to go wild. On top of that, “Slavery” made the black “Queer Studies” professor do it, you see?

In March this crazed “professor” attacked the teen and her 21-year-old sister when they took advantage of the school’s “free speech zone” where the pair set up a display to protest abortion.

The “professor” swooped in, physically assaulted the kids and stole their display running away with it to her office where she locked the display away.
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Black ‘Professor’ Who Attacked Teen Anti-Abortion Protester Blames ‘Slavery’”

Man Buys Every Burger King Pie to Get Even With Mom and Her Out of Control Brat

-By Warner Todd Huston

On the lighter side for a Sunday… How many times have you been in a store and been annoyed by a parent refusing to control their wild, screaming, out of control child? Well one man got even for us all at a Burger King recently and how he did it is pretty funny.

A man was waiting in a long line at Burger King to order his lunch. A woman with a brat of a child walks up behind him in line. The kid is screaming, running, cursing that “I want a fu**ing pie,” kicking people and other wise acting like a monster.

The man asks the woman to control her brat. She tells him to “f” off. She intends to get her brat a pie and that is that.

So this is what he did
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Man Buys Every Burger King Pie to Get Even With Mom and Her Out of Control Brat”

New Nationalized History Curriculum Eliminate Founding Fathers, Teaches Country Built on Hate

-By Warner Todd Huston

Looks like the Obamaites are once again attempting to tech our children that the U.S. is an evil country with new nationalized “history” standards for our schools that eliminate the founding fathers and focuses only on a relentlessly negative interpretation of the birth of the country.

I am late to this story, I know (it is impossible to cover everything, certainly), but this one is egregious, so I just had to hit it. Still, it is of a piece with the way the left is attempting to destroy this country by tearing it down in the eyes of our youth so that they grow up with the left’s preconceived notion that this country is evil.

Late last moth documents were uncovered that reveals they way that College Board authors have redesigned the AP U.S. History (APUSH) Framework from a previous five-page, cursory outline that leaves a lot of what is to be taught to teachers and school districts to a massive 98-page document describing in minute detail what is to be taught and more importantly what isn’t to be taught.

The College Board, the administers of advanced placement (AP) courses and tests, is unveiling the new scheme for AP U.S. history which is to be given to 450,000 students who take these history classes across the nation.
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New Nationalized History Curriculum Eliminate Founding Fathers, Teaches Country Built on Hate”

Pelosi Breaks Decorum, Chases Republican Around House Chamber

-By Warner Todd Huston

After Congressman Tom Marino (R, PA) made the assertion that the Democrats did nothing about the immigration mess when they controlled both houses of Congress, former Speaker Nancy Pelosi broke House decorum by running after the Pennsylvanian to berate him for his address.

Marino appeared on the floor on Friday, August 1, to voice his support for the passage of the Republican effort to deal with this immigration crisis and noted that Democrats are full of complaining, but are culpable, at least in part, for the situation getting as bad as it has gotten.

“We don’t have law and order,” Marino said of the border crisis. “My colleagues on the other side don’t want to do anything about it.”
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Pelosi Breaks Decorum, Chases Republican Around House Chamber”

Failing Grade: CA School Drops Geography For ‘Diversity Training’

-By Warner Todd Huston

One school in California is taking away a useful class and replacing it with PC garbage by eliminating geography in favor of “diversity” training.

Naturally it is California, right? The Corner has the story:

El Rancho Verde Unified School District will stop requiring its high-school students to take geography and instead require them to take a class on diversity and inclusion.

ERUSD president Aurora Villon said the class is necessary because minority students “need to feel validated.”

“When you negate their culture, they feel less than other students,” she said in an e-mail to Whittier Daily News.

98 percent of the district’s students are Hispanic.

What a complete joke. No wonder our schools are nothing but a laughing stock.
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Failing Grade: CA School Drops Geography For ‘Diversity Training’”

Unions Scold School For Not Celebrating Cop Killer

-By Warner Todd Huston

A group of unions in California have gotten together to criticize the Oakland Unified School District for refusing to allow a lesson plan to appear on its website that compares murderer Mumia Abu-Jamal to civil rights icon Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

The “Urban Dreams” lesson plan tells students to “critically examine a possible parallel between Martin Luther King, Jr., and someone else many believe is currently targeted by the U.S. government, Mumia Abu-Jamal.”

The Oakland school district decided to jettison the lesson plan because it lionized a cop killer and criticized the police. Its comparison of the murderer to King was especially galling.

But the unions had an opposing opinion on the efficacy of a lesson plan that celebrates a murderer as someone “just like” beloved civil rights leader Martin Luther King, Jr.
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Unions Scold School For Not Celebrating Cop Killer”

Worst American Governor Pat Quinn Urges Obama to Bring all Illegals to Illinois

-By Warner Todd Huston

Illinois Governor Pat Quinn has a great idea. He wants Obama to bring all the illegals to Illinois! In a state that sits at the bottom of every metric that makes a successful state–rampant unemployment, lowest job creation, highest debt, biggest pension crisis, worst business climate–Pat Quinn wants to import thousands of people who have no jobs and no prospects for one, people with no education, and people possibly full of diseases right here to the Land of Lincoln.

On Friday evening after the news day was done, Quinn announced that he is prepared to give as many illegals as Obama can spare a place to stay in Illinois.

During the announcement, Quinn spokesman Grant Klintzman said, “If a location is needed we are prepared to aid the federal government in finding a suitable one.”
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Worst American Governor Pat Quinn Urges Obama to Bring all Illegals to Illinois”

The REAL War on Women: Islamists in Iraq Order All Women to Undergo Female Genital Mutilation

-By Warner Todd Huston

While the liars on the American left prattle on about the non-existent “Republican war on woman,” there is a real and true war on women going on in the areas of Iraq now under control of the ISIS Muslim terrorist forces. These inhuman Muslim monsters just announced that they will force every woman to undergo ritual female genital mutilation. It is an action that the hypocrites on the American left is ignoring.

If you are unaware of what Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) is, it is euphemistically called “female circumcision” but is in fact the utter destruction of the female pleasure centers in the vagina so that a woman can never gain pleasure or have an orgasm from sexual intercourse.

Many Muslims from Africa to the Middle East think that women are disgusting beasts who should not be allowed to enjoy sex. So, to keep them demure in the eyes of The Prophet Muhammad, *spit*, in their pre-teen stage, these inhuman Muslims rip out a girls’ clitoris and sew her vagina shut leaving but a small hole for urination.
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The REAL War on Women: Islamists in Iraq Order All Women to Undergo Female Genital Mutilation”