In June John McCain Defeated a Move to Arm Our Solders at Recruiting Centers and Bases

-By Warner Todd Huston

In June, Nevada’s Republican Sen. Dean Heller tried to get the Pentagon to change its practice of banning arms from our soldiers on bases and in recruiting centers here in America. Unfortunately for our soldiers, John McCain was the principle foe of the move and helped to defeat the arming of our soldiers, a decision that recently had deadly consequences in Tennessee.

Last week Nebraska Senator Dean Heller appeared spoke to radio host Kevin Wall on KKFT AM in Carson City, NV, to talk about his amendment and noted that John McCain himself defeated the move to arm our soldiers.

Here is the audio of Heller’s visit to KKFT:
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In June John McCain Defeated a Move to Arm Our Solders at Recruiting Centers and Bases”

Obama’s Answer to Terrorism Against Our Troops: Have Them Remove Their Uniforms

-By Warner Todd Huston

On the heels of a terrorist attack on two military recruiting offices in Tennessee by a Muslim immigrant, the Obama administration announced a policy change to help prevent future attacks. Was it to finally arm our soldiers? Nope. It was to have them take off their uniforms. No really!

According to the Military Times, Obama’s weak-kneed Defense Secretary Ash Cater approved the decree that recruiters should take off their uniforms while performing their recruitment duties from now on.

So, now recruiters will be wearing…. what, shots and a t-shirt? Or better yet, maybe a burkah or maybe some turban-styled head covering. All in order to cringe in front of Islamic terrorists while pleading, “oh, please, please, Mr. terrorist, don’t kill us.”
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Obama’s Answer to Terrorism Against Our Troops: Have Them Remove Their Uniforms”

MSNBC’s Mitchell Claims TN Terrorist Killed Because He’s a Southern Gun Nut, Not Because He’s Muslim

-By Warner Todd Huston

MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell was so desperate to absolve Islam as a motive for yesterday’s terror attack by a Tennessee Muslim she tried to get a classmate of the murderer to say that the killer liked southern culture, guns, and hunting like other southerners do. Because, you know, conservative southerners are more prone to terror than Muslims are, right?

Mitchell was interviewing one of id’d murderer Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez’ classmates about what other kids thought of him when he was at Red Bank High School in Red Bank, Tennessee–a city just across the river from Chattanooga.

Mitchell launched into an odd line of questioning about Abdulazeez, a line of questioning that confused the killer’s classmate. Mitchell wanted to know if the killer was “part of small-town Tennessee activity” like shooting and gun culture.

“Were guns a big part of activities—social or other activities?” Mitchell asked the young woman who went to high school with the killer..
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MSNBC’s Mitchell Claims TN Terrorist Killed Because He’s a Southern Gun Nut, Not Because He’s Muslim”

Chattanooga Shooter Identified as ISIS Terrorist and Not ‘A White Guy’

-By Warner Todd Huston

As the media rushed to report this morning’s attack on two military offices in Chattanooga, Tennessee some reported that the shooter was “a white guy.” But now we know that the shooter not only isn’t “a white guy” but he is a Middle Easterner likely caught up with the ISIS terror outfit.

Still, some of the earlier reporting on the shootings at two Tennessee military centers identified the shooter as “a white guy.” Many outlets rushed to report what a Muslim man in Chattanooga told the press–likely hoping that it really was a white guy who did the shooting.

The bad witness, one Mohamed Elbardissy–co-owner of the local Toscano Italian Grill–told the media that he saw the shooter and, “He was driving a silver, convertible Mustang” and was “a white guy.”

But it turns out it wasn’t “a white guy” at all. We now know it was a Muslim acting on behalf of the terror group ISIS or at the very least acting out his own little jihad.
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Chattanooga Shooter Identified as ISIS Terrorist and Not ‘A White Guy’”

Girl Suspended from School For Saying ‘Bless You’ after a Sneeze

-By Warner Todd Huston

A religion hating Tennessee High School teacher gave one of her students a suspension for daring to say “bless you” to a fellow student who sneezed even after the teacher banned the use of “God talk” in her classroom.

For most Americans saying “bless you” after someone sneezes is an automatic reaction. It is rarely connected with religion and is generally just a social custom. But a teacher from Dyer County High School in west Tennessee so hates the phrase that she banned its use in her classroom.

The thus far unnamed teacher put a list of banned words on a white board in the classroom. “Bless you” was on the list.
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Girl Suspended from School For Saying ‘Bless You’ after a Sneeze”

Unbelievable: Despite Employee Rejection, Germans Still Pushing Unions in Volkswagen Plant

-By Warner Todd Huston

It is a cultural difference that could end up backfiring, but Volkswagen officials at the Tennessee auto plant are still pledging that they will try to help unions invade the plant even though workers voted not to join a union.

Last week American workers at Volkswagen’s Chattanooga, Tennessee auto plant voted not to join the United Auto Workers (UAW) union–the one group most responsible for the utter destruction of Detroit.

But Volkswagen, a German company, simply can’t understand why its American workers wouldn’t want to join a union and are still pushing employees to give the UAW a chance.
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Unbelievable: Despite Employee Rejection, Germans Still Pushing Unions in Volkswagen Plant”

Allowing Unions to Organize Volkswagen is Like ‘Injecting Cancer’ Into US Auto Industry

-By Warner Todd Huston

It seems like a foolish move by Volkswagen for allowing the United Auto Workers (UAW) to organize its American plants. Not only did the UAW screw Volkswagen in the past, but even now the union admits that it is raising union dues solely to replenish its strike fund so unionistas can walk out. It’s like Volkswagen is buying its own rope for its execution.

Or, as Steve Moore of The Wall Street Journal says, “it’s like inserting a cancer cell into a body.”

That is how Journal editorial board member Moore characterized the act of allowing the UAW to organize Volkswagen’s American auto plants. “That one cancer cell is going to multiply and kill the body. It’s a disruptive influence,” he continued.

Worse, the UAW wants to raise dues for members for the expressed reason of filling strike fund coffers, this according to UAW Boss Bob King.

So, if Volkswagen gives in to the UAW’s demands it will only be helping the union to walk out at the earliest opportunity.
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Allowing Unions to Organize Volkswagen is Like ‘Injecting Cancer’ Into US Auto Industry”

TN Student Speaks Out About Common Core, Teacher Evaluations, and Educational Data

-By Warner Todd Huston

The lies that is Common Core as elucidated by a high school kid in Tennessee…

“We teach to free minds, we teach to inspire,” not to train for jobs.

This dissertation was brought to you by student Ethan Young and was recorded at the Knox County School Board Regular Meeting
November 6, 2013.

For a list of Anti-Common Core Facebook groups arranged by state CLICK HERE .
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TN Student Speaks Out About Common Core, Teacher Evaluations, and Educational Data”

Obama Administration Says Anti-Muslim ‘Hate Speech’ Can be Punished

-By Warner Todd Huston

In May one of Obama’s U.S. attorneys in Tennessee said that Americans who spoke against Islam could be prosecuted.

Bill Killian, U.S. attorney for the Eastern District of Tennessee, said that inflammatory material against Islam might be a violation of federal civil rights laws. Such a violation could bring the federal government down on those opposing Islam here in the US.

As reported by The Tullahoma News, Killian and the FBI’s Kenneth Moore hosted a “Public Disclosure in a Diverse Society” to “help” the community learn how anti-Islam speech could land an American before authorities.

“This is an educational effort with civil rights laws as they play into freedom of religion and exercising freedom of religion,” Killian told the paper. “This is also to inform the public what federal laws are in effect and what the consequences are.”

Killian talked of how some Muslims are innocent of terror and that terrorism is committed by only a small number of Muslims. Then he illegitimately invoked the 1995 bombing of the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City.
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Obama Administration Says Anti-Muslim ‘Hate Speech’ Can be Punished”

School Tells Little Girl She Can’t Write About God

-By Warner Todd Huston

Remember this: liberal education policy maintains that Christians are evil. We must also remember that our system of miseducation enforces that position every day. We see it this time in Tennessee where a school has told a little girl that she isn’t allowed to write about God.

Todd Starnes of Fox News Radio reports this latest outrage against freedom OF religion in our schools where we find little 10-year-old Erin Shead who was attacked by her teachers for writing about god for an assignment about someone she idolized at Lucy Elementary School in Millington, Tennessee.

“I look up to God,” she wrote. “I love him and Jesus, and Jesus is His earthly son. I also love Jesus.”

God would “always be the #1 person I look up to,” the little tyke wrote.
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School Tells Little Girl She Can’t Write About God”

TN Newspaper Editor Fired for ‘Take Your Jobs Plan and Shove it, Mr. President’ Headline

-By Warner Todd Huston

Newspaper editor Drew Johnson was fired by the Times Free Press of Chattanooga, Tennessee for posting a headline that told President Obama to take his jobs plan and “shove it.”

On a July 30th editorial board piece (one without a writer’s byline) about the President’s visit to a Chatanooga shipping center, editor Johnson titled the piece “Take Your Jobs Plan and Shove it, Mr. President.” Apparently his bosses weren’t amused.

The editorial is now titled “President Obama’s Policies Have Harmed Chatanooga Enough,” but before the title change the editorial weighed in as the paper’s most visited pages on its website. But success wasn’t enough for the paper’s publishers. [Note, the original headline can still be seen contained in the web address of the page. Look to your web browser address field to see it.]

Drew Johnson was fired, the paper said, for not following the newspaper’s guidelines.

Of Johnson’s firing, the paper said in a statement:
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TN Newspaper Editor Fired for ‘Take Your Jobs Plan and Shove it, Mr. President’ Headline”

Senator Corker: 11 Million ‘Citizens’ Are ‘in the Shadows’ Today

-By Warner Todd Huston

During further debate of the Senate’s immigration bill on the floor of the Senate in the late afternoon of June 25, Tennessee’s Republican Senator, Bob Corker, claimed that 11 million “citizens” are “in the shadows today” and proclaimed himself “thrilled” to vote for the amnesty bill under discussion.

The Senator is a big supporter of the current amnesty bill and spoke in its favor saying, “We have the opportunity to immediately affect, in a positive way, 11 million citizens who are in the shadows today–in many ways already a part of our society–and can come out and be even more productive for the United States of America. I am thrilled to have that opportunity…”

According to this statement, in Corker’s estimation the 11 million illegal immigrants being talked about in the current debate in the Senate are already “citizens.”

Senator Corker has also been critical of conservative news coverage of the immigration debate saying that reports have been misleading.
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Senator Corker: 11 Million ‘Citizens’ Are ‘in the Shadows’ Today”

TN Lawmakers Demand UofT Dump Sex Week or Face Defunding

-By Warner Todd Huston

The University of Tennessee-Knoxville agreed to fund its first “Sex Week” to the tune of $20,000 of university funds but a group of Tennessee lawmakers demanded that the school put an end to the event or face losing state funding.

The event is scheduled for April 7 through 12, and sponsors even set up a Facebook page to urge on UofT students to join the event.

“Sex is big. Sex is everything. Sex is coming to UTK in 2013 for a WHOLE WEEK! Sex, Sexuality, Relationships, Gender!,” the hosts said of their event.

But State Sen. Stacey Campfield was not amused by the carnal carnival. He told Fox News, “We should be teaching these children what is important to learn so they can get jobs.”
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TN Lawmakers Demand UofT Dump Sex Week or Face Defunding”

Black School Kids Take Bat to Piñata Shaped Like White Woman, Media Yawns

-By Warner Todd Huston

Todd Starnes reports that the University of Memphis recently hastened to express its deep regret that it sponsored an event for grade school kids featuring the opportunity to have a grad ol’ time using a stick to smack around a piñata shaped like a white woman. No “racial or gender animosity was intended,” the University plaintively said.

In this day and age when the TV News goes crazy over every example of racism, real or perceived — and mostly just perceived — one cannot help but imagine that were this piñata shaped like a black woman, the media would have lost its tiny mind to report on this incident.

Still, local TV got into the act and noted that some locals were looking askance at the whole situation.
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Black School Kids Take Bat to Piñata Shaped Like White Woman, Media Yawns”

The Town Government With More Cars Than Employees

-By Warner Todd Huston

There is a town in Tennessee whose government owns more cars than they even have employees to drive them. This is the sort of excess that every anti-big government activist points to in order to show the bacchanalia of spending to which governments in our fair country are prone.

The Times Free Press of Chattanooga, Tennessee reports that the city of East Ridge made a startling discovery. Town fathers realized the town government owns 149 vehicles. Turns out they only 119 employees. They do indeed have more cars than employees.

Two months ago City Councilman Jim Bethune noted that the city seemed to have an awful lot of cars sitting around that are never used. So, they decided to sell a few to help make up for budget shortfalls and to get rid of the needless vehicles.

City officials made the surprising discover when they finally rounded up all the city’s vehicles. Then they got another surprise. The town had been so slipshod in records keeping that they couldn’t even locate the titles for 11 of those cars. The city had to pay the state $121 to file for each missing title.
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The Town Government With More Cars Than Employees”

Defunding of Planned Parenthood Upended With Secret Amendment in Tennessee Budget Work

-By Warner Todd Huston

One of the Things Wrong With Our Legislative System Appears in Tennessee

One of the things wrong with our system of creating legislation and passing it into law in America today has appeared in Tennessee. The Volunteer State is not the only place things like this happen, either.

Recently the Tennessee legislature passed a bill to remove state funding from the abortion mill operator Planned Parenthood. The bill was a hard fought victory for the Tennessee GOP and finds favor with the voters as well. As it happens, while the budget was winding its way through the Tennessee legislature a thus far unnamed state senator slipped in an amendment that no one saw, no one voted on, and no one knew anything about. This surreptitious amendment completely upends the defunding of Planned Parenthood quite despite the open legislative process that eliminated the funding in the first place.
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Defunding of Planned Parenthood Upended With Secret Amendment in Tennessee Budget Work”

Tenn. Voters To Get Chance to Say Abortion Not A ‘Protected Right’

-By Warner Todd Huston

This could shape up as a major battle between supporters of infanticide and pro-lifers in 2014. Pro-abortion forces will likely flood the Volunteer State with out-of-state money to defeat a referendum that may appear on the 2014 ballot allowing citizens to decide whether or not their state constitution really does have a special right protecting abortion.

This referendum is aimed at over turning a 2000 state court decision that read all sorts of “rights” into the Tennessee Constitution that had for 200 years never appeared there. The decision erased several state laws restricting abortion under the assumption that the state constitution had even stronger protections for abortion that does the U.S. Constitution.

The referendum will read as follows:
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Tenn. Voters To Get Chance to Say Abortion Not A ‘Protected Right’”

Tennessee County School Board Fires Teachers Union

-By Warner Todd Huston

Now this is more like it. Back in October of 2010 the Summer County, Tennessee School Board decertified the Sumner County Education Association (SCEA), the union for county teachers, because it no longer satisfied the law by counting as members fifty percent plus one of the total number of employees requiring a teaching certificate. This, school board officials said, means that the SCEA can no longer engage in collective bargaining for teachers.

The school board has used this opportunity to immediately begin rewriting the relationship between teachers and schools.

Naturally, the union is running straight to what is usually the last bastion of mindless obeisance to union obstructionism, the courts, and is suing to force the school board to accede to union demands regardless of the law.
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Tennessee County School Board Fires Teachers Union”

The 11 Republicans on the Powerful House Ways and Means Committee

-By Warner Todd Huston

Veteran fiscal conservative Congressman Peter Roskam (R, IL) has announced the names of the 10 Republicans that are joining him on the House Ways and Means Committee, the powerful committee that has jurisdiction over taxes, trade, and programs such as Social Security and Medicare.

Peter Roskam is the Representative for the 6th Illinois Congressional District which is situated just west of Chicago. He is about to begin his third term in Congress and will advance to the position of Chief Deputy Whip in the 112th Congress. Roskam ranks fourth in the House GOP leadership. His American Conservative Union (ACU) ranking is 97.33 percent.

Two freshmen Representatives will be taking their place on this powerful committee.
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The 11 Republicans on the Powerful House Ways and Means Committee”

In 2004 Illegal Alien Votes Illegally, in 2010 Feds Making Him A Citizen

-By Warner Todd Huston

In Cookeville, Tennessee we see a perfect example of all that is wrong in both our immigration and electoral systems.

In 2004, an illegal immigrant voted illegally in Tennessee’s Putnam County. He showed false identification and a stolen Soc. Sec. number. But in 2010 the federal government is asking Tennessee officials to help smooth this illegal’s way to citizenship by ignoring past crimes.

Putnam County administrator of elections Debbie Steidl seems pretty annoyed by the whole situation. This illegal immigrant even went to her and signed an affidavit admitting that he voted illegally but he also presented the election official with a letter from the Department of Homeland Security demanding that she purge his name from the 2004 voting records.

You see, unless his name is purged he cannot seek legal citizenship because he has this illegal act on his record.

The frustrated County official said this illegal immigrant, “is being enabled. And that’s what bothered me more than anything!”
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In 2004 Illegal Alien Votes Illegally, in 2010 Feds Making Him A Citizen”

Free Web Broadcast of Ann Coulter LIVE, Tonight at 5:30 Central

-By Warner Todd Huston has now gone live and to celebrate its inauguration on the Web as THE place to go for conservative information and content, is presenting “An Evening With Ann Coulter” streaming live from Nashville this evening, May 29 at 5:30 PM central time.

The broadcast will begin with interviews and news about primary candidates in Tennessee, as the Volunteer State is hosting the Coulter event, followed by a salute honoring our men and women in our armed forces past and present. Then comes Ann Coulter, the always lively and loquacious speaker whose biting humor and straight talk is sure to please.

But after the Coulter program be sure and bookmark because much, much more will be happening at the site over the ensuing weeks. This is an ambitious project instituted in the hopes of establishing an online network that is visitor sourced and powered. YOU are the content, YOUR local tea party information is welcome and encouraged.‘s slogans are “Real News. Real Raw. Real Time” and “Your Voice. Your Values. Your Vote,” so they want this site to reflect your needs, desires, and goals.
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Free Web Broadcast of Ann Coulter LIVE, Tonight at 5:30 Central”

Tenn. Newspaper: Being Pro- US Constitution and Anti-Obamacare is Raaaaacist

-By Warner Todd Huston

Did you know that if you cared about the U.S. Constitution you are a racist? Oh, and did you also know that being against big government and being against Obamacare also makes you a racist? Well if you didn’t know that the Nashville Tennessean wants you to realize that if you love the Constitution but hate intrusive, overarching Obamacare… well, you, sir, are a big fat racist. The paper also resurrects the lawmaker-spate-upon lie and lays the blame for all this on the Tea Partiers.

That’s right, for the Gannet-owned Tennessean reporter Nate Rau wants you to know that loving the U.S. Constitution is an evil thing to do and if you don’t accept Obamacare like a fish after a baited hook, then you hate black people, too.

Rau starts his slanted piece off claiming that the current states’ rights debate “raises” the “specter of slavery and segregation.” Of course, it does nothing of the kind except for those looking to use that issue to push their race-baiting schemes. There isn’t a single contemporary states’ rights advocate that has brought slavery and segregation into the argument. Nowhere have states’ rights advocates said that relying on the original American principle of local control is an avenue for somehow bringing back slavery! In fact, it is slanderous and patently stupid to say it does. But this is the sort of race baiting that the 30-some-year-old reporter Nate Rau is trying to enflame. I’d say he is the one raising “specters” not the states’ righters.
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Tenn. Newspaper: Being Pro- US Constitution and Anti-Obamacare is Raaaaacist”

Not Just In Germany

-By Thomas E. Brewton

In Germany and California the secular, socialist political state is attempting to crush parents who teach Judeo-Christian moral principles to their children.

Shades of Bismarck’s kulturkampf and Hitler’s pogrom to impose Aryan purity.

Germany has criminalized home schooling, demanding that parents place their children in state schools, where they will be suitably indoctrinated in the religion of socialism.
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Not Just In Germany”