Memorial Day Special: What American Troops Are Made Of…

-By Warner Todd Huston

To honor our troops for this year, I am going to share this story about their mettle. What follows are excerpts from remarks by Marine Lt. Gen. John F. Kelly made to the Semper Fi Society of St. Louis on November 13, 2010. While leading his platoon on a combat patrol, Kelly’s son, Marine 1st Lt. Robert Michael Kelly, had been killed in action four days earlier in Sangin, in southern Afghanistan. Lt. Kelly was only 29-years-old.

Giving Thanks for Our Warriors

“Those with less of a sense of service to the nation never understand it when men and women of character step forward to look danger and adversity straight in the eye, refusing to blink, or give ground, even to their own deaths… No, they are not victims but are warriors, your warriors, and warriors are never victims regardless of how and where they fall. Death, or fear of death, has no power over them. Their paths are paved by sacrifice, sacrifices they gladly make… for you….

“Two years ago when I was the commander of all U.S. and Iraqi forces, in fact, the 22nd of April 2008, two Marine infantry battalions, 1/9 ‘The Walking Dead,’ and 2/8 were switching out in Ramadi… Two Marines, Corporal Jonathan Yale and Lance Corporal Jordan Haerter, 22 and 20 years old respectively, one from each battalion, were assuming the watch together at the entrance gate of an outpost that contained a makeshift barracks housing 50 Marines… Yale was a dirt poor mixed-race kid from Virginia with a wife and daughter, and a mother and sister who lived with him and he supported as well. He did this on a yearly salary of less than $23,000. Haerter, on the other hand, was a middle-class white kid from Long Island. They were from two completely different worlds… But they were Marines, combat Marines, forged in the same crucible of Marine training, and because of this bond they were brothers as close, or closer, than if they were born of the same woman.
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Memorial Day Special: What American Troops Are Made Of…”

Fake News: ‘New York Times’ Again Caught Lying About Radical Muslim Terrorism and Trump’s New Travel Order

-By Warner Todd Huston

After President Donald Trump released his revised travel order, the left once again went wild with false claims about what it all meant. In particular, The New York Times jumped on the order and justified its criticism by making false claims. Typical liberal fake news.

In it’s story about Trump’s newest travel order, Glenn Thrush insisted that no terrorist has attacked the U.S. from any of the nations that are mentioned in the president’s temporary moratorium on travel. He went even further to claim that few Americans have been killed by terrorists inside the U.S.A. since 2001.

Here is how Thrush put it in his March 7 piece:

Since 2001, 18 of the 36 Muslim extremists who have engaged in attacks inside the United States were born in the United States, while 14 migrated here as children and would not have been stopped by the new vetting process, according to an analysis by Charles Kurzman, a professor at the University of North Carolina.

None came from the banned nations; Muslim extremists have accounted for 16 out of 240,000 murders in the United States since the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001.

First of all that last bit is 100% wrong. Thrush insisted that only 16 people have been murdered in the U.S. by Muslim extremists since 2001. But he is way, way off on his math.
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Fake News: ‘New York Times’ Again Caught Lying About Radical Muslim Terrorism and Trump’s New Travel Order”

Pakistani Computer Techs Now Under Criminal Investigation Hired By Democrats Took $100,000 From Iraqi Operatives

-By Warner Todd Huston

The scandal over a group of computer technicians hired by a long list of Congressional Democrats — including the former head of the Democrat National Committee — is growing deeper by the week. The latest is that the three Pakistani immigrants hired to maintain the Congressmen’s computers were the recipients of a mysterious $100,000 pay off from an Iraqi politician. And through it all the Old Media complex is ignoring the whole story.

Early this month news broke that Congressional Information Technology (IT) staffers Imran Awan, and his brothers, Jamal and Abid — all from Pakistan — had been working for a list of highly placed Democrat Congressmen. The team held top clearance status with administrator level access to the computer network of the House of Representatives.

The three are now the subject of a criminal investigation after it was discovered that congressional information was being copied to a server outside of the House computer system. The three are suspected of improperly accessing information and stealing congressional property.

The brothers were hired by the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence minority members Jackie Speier (D-CA), Andre Carson (D-IN), and Joaquín Castro (D-TX). Castro, who sits on the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, hired Jamal Moiz Awan. Speier and Carson’s offices utilized Imran Awan.

Abid Awan worked for Illinois Democrat Tammy Duckworth even though he has a prior criminal record and a bankruptcy. Abid also worked for Florida Democrat Lois Frankel.
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Pakistani Computer Techs Now Under Criminal Investigation Hired By Democrats Took $100,000 From Iraqi Operatives”

After Scolding Trump, Now It’s Khizr Khan Making a Mockery of His Son’s Sacrifice

-By Warner Todd Huston

The father of a slain U.S. soldier who happened to be a Muslim made himself a temporary icon for liberals when he went on stage at the Democrat convention and attacked Donald Trump. But now that father, Khizr Khan, is going on the Sunday shows and making a mockery of his own son’s sacrifice by claiming Islam has “nothing to do” with terrorism.

Mr. Kahn lost his son, Captain Humayun Kahn, in Iraq in 2004 and in an attempt to shore up their military bonafides, the Democrats pushed him up on stage during their convention in Philadelphia to wag his finger in GOP nominee Donald Trump’s face.

With a wife who befitting of the second class status of women in Islam was standing at his side and not allowed to say a word, Mr. Kahn insisted that he and Muslims like him are “loyal” to the United States and as proof offered the story of his son who fell in service to the country in Iraq.

Waving a booklet of the U.S. Constitution, Kahn attacked Trump saying, “If it was up to Donald Trump, [Kahn’s son] never would have been in America. Donald Trump consistently smears the character of Muslims. He disrespects other minorities, women, judges, even his own party leadership. He vows to build walls and ban us from this country.”

Kahn ended his attack on Trump yelling, “You have sacrificed nothing. And no one.”

As he waved the Constitution, the bereaved father also yelled at Trump to look in the document to find the words “liberty” and “equal protection under the law,” the latter in a nod to religious liberty apparently.

But, here is the thing… potential immigrants do not have a right to expect that the U.S. is not allowed to screen them out because of their religion, their nationality, or any other factor. The U.S. Constitution does not force the federal government to apply Constitutional rights to foreigners waiting at our door to enter the country.
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After Scolding Trump, Now It’s Khizr Khan Making a Mockery of His Son’s Sacrifice”

Shift in U.S. Against WWII A-Bombing of Japan is a VERY Bad Sign

-By Warner Todd Huston

On the even of Memorial Day when we take a moment in our busy lives to remember the sacrifice made by millions of soldiers who lost their lives in war since our nation was founded, President Obama went on another apology tour, this time to grovel in front of the Japanese in abject despair for dropping the atomic bomb on them during WWII. Sadly, too many Americans are just as foolish as he if the results of a new poll are any indication. It is all proof that the U.S. is losing its grip on reality.

Before I get too much farther into this business, let me just say to Japan that I am not sorry we destroyed two of your major cities with the A-Bomb. I don’t have even a tiny bit of sympathy for Japan’s loss. They started the war, they murdered and enslaved millions (not hyperbole), they attacked us, and even as their forces were clearly beaten they refused to surrender which would have necessitated perhaps a million more casualties should the U.S. have had to invade to pacify them. They even refused to surrender after we wiped out Hiroshima with a single bomb forcing us to do it again at Nagasaki.

Actions have consequences and Japan’s actions led to what they deserved. Period.

Unfortunately, today too many Americans are starting to regret the A-Bombing of Japan, the bombing that saved the lives of so many Americans and Japanese both. A new poll finds a bare one percent more Americans now disapprove of the bombing than approve.

A new CBS News poll found only 43 percent of Americans still approve of the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki while 44 percent disapprove. This year’s result compares to 53 percent approving of the bombing in 1990 with 41 percent disapproving.

This is a travesty created by our failed miseducation system.
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Shift in U.S. Against WWII A-Bombing of Japan is a VERY Bad Sign”

Ben Carson Under Fire for Saying Islam Not Compatible With USA, But He’s 100% Right

-By Warner Todd Huston

Dr. Ben Carson sparked controversy by saying that he doesn’t think Americans should vote for a Muslim to become president of the United States and that Islam is incompatible with the American ethos. Naturally he was called an “Islamopphobe,” but in the end Carson is 100% right. Islam is simply not compatible with the American system of government and our democratic freedoms. After all, Islam is inherently against freedom.

During Sunday’s “Meet the Press,” Carson told host Chuck Todd that he would be against a Muslim president saying that he “would not advocate that we put a Muslim in charge of this nation.”

Later, in an interview with the Washington-based newspaper The Hill, Carson went even further.

“I do not believe Sharia is consistent with the Constitution of this country. Muslims feel that their religion is very much a part of your public life and what you do as a public official, and that’s inconsistent with our principles and our Constitution,” he said.

Carson’s reference to Muslim Sharia law is, of course, spot on. Sharia is the “law” that maintains that women can be beaten at will, that gays can be thrown off of tall buildings or hanged just because they are gay, that fathers can kill their daughters with “honor killings” if said daughter is dating the wrong sort of boy, that… well, let’s face it, Sharia is a backwards, disgusting, hateful, barbaric way to run things.

If this stuff isn’t “inconsistent” with the American way of life, what is?

I have to say that I was not very informed about Islam when back in 2001 George W. Bush was proclaiming that the great majority of Iraqis were “just like you and me and yearning to be free.”

That made sense to me. After all, we’ve spent our lives understanding that American government is the one most interested in human rights and that everyone loves to have their rights assured. Further liberals have told us all that people are the same everywhere you go. So, if that were true, then the second the great masses of Iraq and Afghanistan got a taste of true democratic freedom, wouldn’t they flock to it, wouldn’t they thrill to it?

But they didn’t. In fact, they used their freedom to vote to kill, oppress, dominate, and implement barbaric Sharia laws that simply exchanged one tyranny for another. Then millions of Muslims began to converge on other countries to force those countries into the same sort of barbarism.
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Ben Carson Under Fire for Saying Islam Not Compatible With USA, But He’s 100% Right”

Some May Want to Forget 9/11–But We Must NEVER Forget!

-By Warner Todd Huston

It has been 13 years since that horrible day in 2001 when terrorism hit America with a vengeance. But many want to forget and pretend it never happened and we already have a generation of kinds just about to, or soon to enter into their teen years who can’t remember what happened on September 11, 2001. It is up to us to keep the memory of that day alive lest we allow it to be repeated.

But how do we approach that remembrance? But looking at an empty word document sitting ready to be filled with my 9/11 remembrance finds words coming slowly and I find it so hard to start this piece.

But I realized why it is so hard for me to start this piece. I am still furious, feelings are still too raw, I still well up when I see video of the towers falling, my heart still stops when I see that heart-wrenching image of bodies falling from windows hundreds of feet in the air. I still get that dark feeling in the pit of my stomach, the same one I felt that morning in 2001.

It’s all still too emotional to write a mere memorial. Words fail me.
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Some May Want to Forget 9/11–But We Must NEVER Forget!”

Hugh Hewitt Absolutely Meant to Throw a ‘Gotcha Question’ At Donald Trump

-By Warner Todd Huston

Last week right of center radio talk show host Hugh Hewitt had Donald Trump on his radio show and during the interview began throwing a long string of terrorists’ names and organizations at Trump and needled him to say who he knew, what groups they were with, when they started, and all manner of ultra specific answers. Of course, even during the interview Hewitt claimed that he wasn’t trying to throw “gotcha questions” at Trump, but in fact that is precisely what he was doing, his disingenuous protests aside.

Yes, it is pretty disingenuous for Hugh Hewitt to claim he wasn’t trying gotcha questions with Trump. Throwing out a long list of names is not asking about foreign policy.

Asking “What would you do about Hamas” or directly asking about any other foreign policy issue is totally legitimate, of course. But to say, “do you know” this name, that name, these names, and his name, is not “foreign policy,” it is gotcha stuff. They tried this with Bush, they tried it with Reagan, but never once were questions like these asked of Democrats.
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Hugh Hewitt Absolutely Meant to Throw a ‘Gotcha Question’ At Donald Trump”

Harvard Prof Excuses ISIS Sex Slavery and Terrorism Because USA Had Slavery 150 Years Ago

-By Warner Todd Huston

I thought liberals were always congratulating themselves on how they are so mentally superior that they see “nuances” everywhere? Now a halfwit liberal is making the lie to that by equating U.S. slavery to ISIS rape culture thereby proving he is an utter simpleton.

A pinheaded Harvard professor is now out there insisting that we shouldn’t get too upset over the fact that ISIS terrorists are using rape and sexual slavery as a weapon of war because, gosh darn it, the U.S.A. had slavery 150 years ago, too. You heard that right, that is exactly what Bloomberg columnist and Harvard professor Noah Feldman is saying. He is saying that U.S. slavery is exactly the same as ISIS using rape as a tool.

Feldman starts his facile piece with a lie on his lips right at the outset.

It’s been 150 years since U.S. law allowed masters to rape enslaved girls and women. Almost all modern Muslim societies banned slavery in the last century. So why is Islamic State turning back the clock, actively embracing and promoting enslavement of Yazidi women, thereby enabling them to be raped under one interpretation of classical Islamic law?

The first half of that is essentially a lie. U.S. law did not excuse rape of slave women in direct terms in the same way that ISIS is using rape as a tool of war and religious supremacy.

Yes, it was true that negro slave women had no standing in American law during that time period, sure, but it is not true that rape was actually ensconced in that law in certain terms. On the other hand, ISIS is making rape and sexual slavery a directly espoused practice that they are trying to back up via sharia law and interpretations of the Koran. So, the case of early 1800s American law turning a blind eye to the ravaging of slave women and ISIS directly entering sexual slavery into its political and legal codes are not at all the same thing.

There is that “nuance” of which the left claims to have sole ownership. If this nitwit “professor” can’t see the truth I just stated, the “nuance” between then and now, then he truly is a simpleton.
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Harvard Prof Excuses ISIS Sex Slavery and Terrorism Because USA Had Slavery 150 Years Ago”

Obama Preventing Our Air Force from Firing on ISIS Forces With Absurd ‘Rules’ of Engagement’

-By Warner Todd Huston

Our Air Force jet pilots are beginning to gripe about Obama’s ISIS-supporting “rules of engagement” and saying that Obama is telling them they aren’t allowed to fire on ISIS targets. That is right, Obama is preventing our military from killing ISIS terrorists.

Apparently ISIS has their own leader in Washington and it’s Barack Obama who seems to be making sure that ISIS fighters are protected from American power.
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Obama Preventing Our Air Force from Firing on ISIS Forces With Absurd ‘Rules’ of Engagement’”

Miscreant Liberals Don’t Believe ‘Death to America’ Means Death to America

-By Warner Todd Huston

A sensible person would believe someone who says to their face that they hate them. Liberals aren’t sensible. Especially in the case of an Iran whose people shout “death to America” on a weekly basis. Insensibly, liberals refuse to believe in the words Iranians constantly fling at us all.

Examples abound, especially this week as Barack Hussein Obama continues to work on Iran’s behalf in talks over the Persian nation’s nuclear ambitions. In an act impossible to explain logically, both the news media and the Obama administration (but I repeat myself) have said multiple times that they don’t believe Iranians who chant “death to America.” Liberals believe that the continuing rallies filled with Iranians chanting “death to America” and the numerous examples of Iranian officials saying the same don’t mean what they say.

Late in March the White House dismissed Iran’s constant “death to America” chants in rallies and in official government statements as merely “rhetoric” meant for “a domestic political audience.”

Only a few days later Obama spokesperson Jen Psaki couldn’t respond with a logical answer when she was asked why Obama says that he thinks Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu can’t be trusted, but Iran’s Mullahs who chant death to American can be trusted.
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Miscreant Liberals Don’t Believe ‘Death to America’ Means Death to America”

Liberals Should Celebrate ISIS as Most Perfect Non-Profit Ever Begun

-By Warner Todd Huston

The left should be celebrating the ISIS terrorists as the perfect example of the sort of non-profit enterprise the virtues of which they constantly extol. In fact, led by the Obviator In Chief in Washington, since leftists are refusing to call ISIS what they are, maybe they are celebrating them after all?

Remember back in 2008 when Michelle Obama said that young people should not be so greedy as to get jobs in corporate America? Instead she instead America’s youngsters should find work at a non-profit. At a speech in Zanesville, Ohio, Michelle urged young people to make the choice “to move out of the money-making industry into the helping industry,” and darn it if ISIS didn’t take up on her challenge.

President Obama even once called his job working for a company as “working for the enemy” because of all that icky money and profits.
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Liberals Should Celebrate ISIS as Most Perfect Non-Profit Ever Begun”

NBC’s Brian Williams Lied for 12 Years About Claims of Being in Downed Helicopter in a War Zone

-By Warner Todd Huston

For 12 years NBC News anchor Brian Williams has claimed that in 2003 he was in a helicopter in Iraq that was downed by an RPG. He has repeatedly claimed that he feared for his life during the incident. New we find out he lied about the whole thing.

Williams didn’t just make this wild claim once and let it go at that. He’s been repeating this faux adventure for years. In fact, he did it again just last week during NBC’s coverage of a public tribute at a New York Rangers hockey game on January 30.

Here is another one of the many times he tried to sell this lie to the American people. It was on the David Letterman show in 2013…

But now, after all these years and repeated tellings of the lie, Williams is suddenly saying he “misremembered” the story and has apologized for the lies.
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NBC’s Brian Williams Lied for 12 Years About Claims of Being in Downed Helicopter in a War Zone”

President Obama Says Christians More Responsible for Beheadings Than Muslims

-By Warner Todd Huston

After the murder of American hostage and aide worker Peter Kassig by members of the Islamist terror group ISIS, Obama claimed that Christians were more responsible for terrorism than Muslims are.

After he returned from his trip to Asia, Obama deigned to comment on the murder of the aide worker by claiming that the actions of ISIS “represent no faith.”

“ISIL’s actions represent no faith, least of all the Muslim faith which Abdul-Rahman adopted as his own,” Obama claimed.

Obama also claimed that the act was one of “pure evil.”

But my friend, Chicago’s Joe Walsh, noted on Monday evening, this means that Obama just said that Christians, Jews, Hindus, even Mormons are more responsible for terror than Muslims.

Before you get incredulous just look at what he wrote.
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President Obama Says Christians More Responsible for Beheadings Than Muslims”

US Sec of State John Kerry Says America Caused all the World’s Problems

-By Warner Todd Huston

Well, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry is proving that he is a good anti-American liberal. In a recent comment he noted that all the world’s problems were cause by the USA.

Kerry was speaking at the Washington Ideas Forum on October 30 and said that the world was “complicated” and made worse by the “worst stereotypes” perpetrated by the United States.

At one point, Kerry noted that the US wanted a less sectarian government in Iraq in order to help defeat ISIS. But this goal has been hard to achieve because of the USA itself.
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US Sec of State John Kerry Says America Caused all the World’s Problems”

Sec. of State John Kerry: Climate Change Causes Islamic Extremism

-By Warner Todd Huston

In an address at the State Department on Thursday, Secretary of State John Kerry wanted to make sure that everyone understood that Islam does not cause extremism, but deprivation and “climate change” do.

Kerry appeared at a reception at the State Department in honor of the Islamic holiday of Eid al-Adha and thought it was important to set the record straight that groups like ISIS aren’t really driven by Islam but by poverty, youthful populations, and climate change.
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Sec. of State John Kerry: Climate Change Causes Islamic Extremism”

Oklahoma Beheading Shows Authorities Are Putting Us In Danger

-By Warner Todd Huston

After a Muslim convert in Oklahoma murdered a fellow co-worker at a food processing plant by beheading her, authorities there rushed to TV to claim that it was *just* workplace violence and that the Muslim murderer is not a terrorist. Since then we’ve seen every example of how this monster was a committed radical Islamist which makes him a terrorist whether he’s connected to a particular group or not yet our leaders are burying their heads in the sand and refusing to admit the truth.

On September 26, a man whom the police keep calling Alton Nolan entered Vaughn Foods, his place of employment, and beheaded Colleen Hufford, 54, a woman that works there, a woman he knew. He also tried to kill another employee, Traci Johnson, 43.

As soon as the incident hit the media authorities in Oklahoma rushed to the TV to insist that Nolan was not a terrorist, that he had no ties to any terror group, and that the attack was only a run-of-the-mill, average, boring ol’ case of “workplace anger.”

This is all a pack of lies.
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Oklahoma Beheading Shows Authorities Are Putting Us In Danger”

A Growing Number of Teen Girls in West Volunteering for Islamist Terror Group ISIS

-By Warner Todd Huston

Officials in Austria have gone public with fears that the terror group ISIS may be finding a new wave of recruits among its teenaged girls after a number of girls have run away from home intending to join ISIS forces in Iraq or Syria. Unfortunately, Austria isn’t alone teens are fleeing countries all across the west to join jihadis.

Earlier this year, two teenaged Austrian girls ran off to Syria and soon began posting photos of themselves on their social media accounts toting AK47s, wearing burkas and sporting ISIS regalia. Others have since attempted to run away and join these girls sparking fears among officials that the girls are fostering a sickening trend of wannabe terrorist runaways.

Thanks to their social media updates, Samra Kesinovic, 16 and her friend Sabina Selimovic, 15, have become minor celebrities among many teens in Austria’s Muslim minority community after the two ran away from their homes in Austria and ended up hanging around ISIS in Syria.

This month authorities announced that they apprehended two more teen girls who were trying to find passage through Turkey and into Syria to join the ISIS jihad movement.
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A Growing Number of Teen Girls in West Volunteering for Islamist Terror Group ISIS”

Still a Slavish Flack: Carney Blames TV Networks for Fewer Obama Speeches

-By Warner Todd Huston

By joining CNN as an on-air commentator, former Obama Press Secretary Jay Carney has passed through the revolving door between the Obama administration and the media, but he is still Obama’s man and in an interview with his new employer he noted that the TV networks are to blame for Obama not being allowed to make more TV speeches. It is lain that Carney will continue to be a bind flack for Obama even on CNN.

Carney stepped down from his post as White House press secretary in June and by September it was announced he was joining CNN as a news commentator. But Carney rose up as an Obama flack one more time in a new interview released on the eve of his debut on the cable network.

In the Wednesday interview Carney explained away Obama’s inability to understand the “optics” of the presidency, said he was serious about putting a halt to the terrorism of ISIS, and said that Twitter was a helpful tool for the White House.
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Still a Slavish Flack: Carney Blames TV Networks for Fewer Obama Speeches”

Islam’s Next Victim: ISIS Beheads Another American Journalist

-By Warner Todd Huston

Islam has claimed yet another victim as the same British ISIS jihadist has just released a video showing him beheading Steven Sotloff, another western journalist, and there is a third one waiting his turn.

The new video begins with the scumbag Muslim directly addressing the weakling President, Obama, saying, “I’m back, Obama, and I’m back because of your arrogant foreign policy towards the Islamic State.”

ISIS, the Islamic terror army that has taken large portions of Iraq and Syria and threatens the entire region as well as areas elsewhere in the world, killed western journalist James Foley last month in a video that brought ISIS terrorism to America.

At the end of August Sotlof’s mother recorded a video pleading with the ISIS Muslims to release her son. Many idiots who pretend to be foreign policy and terror experts called her video “brilliant.”

These foolish nabobs imagined that Mrs. Sotlof made some valid points and cut those darn Muslim’s to the quick leaving them no logical choice but to fall to her proper reading of the Quran.
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Islam’s Next Victim: ISIS Beheads Another American Journalist”

New Tone: Illinois Democrat Leader Says Republicans Would Hire ISIS Terrorists

-By Warner Todd Huston

Last weekend Illinois GOP candidate for Governor Bruce Rauner took the ALS “ice bucket challenge.” When he did he urged Illinois Democrat leaders to join him in the challenge. In reply, the state’s Democrat House leader outrageously found a way to link the charitable challenge to a claim that Republicans are like the ISIS terrorists in Iraq!

Instead of picking a long-time politician, Republican voters in the Land of Lincoln chose businessman Rauner as their candidate for Governor and he has been quite a different kind of candidate. I suppose he felt that the ALS challenge was a feels good way to lighten politics up a bit in Illinois–a place where calling politics a “blood sport” is an understatement.

Well, to show that even charities aren’t beyond being used for mean spirited political jabs, the office of Democrat House Speaker Michael Madiagn responded to the ALS challenge by claiming that Rauner would like to hire ISIS terrorists for his campaign.
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New Tone: Illinois Democrat Leader Says Republicans Would Hire ISIS Terrorists”

Liar In Chief Now Claiming Pulling US Troops Out of Iraq Not His Idea

-By Warner Todd Huston

Obama is now claiming that pulling our forces out of Iraq wasn’t his idea, even though he spent nearly every waking hour pushing a pull out during the years he first ran for president not to mention all his actions and public speeches on the issue he made after he won.

This weekend he said that the fact that we have no American troops in Iraq that can help defeat the Islamist ISIS terrorists is not his fault. In fact, he doesn’t know why everyone keeps blaming him for the lack of troops.

Attempting to avoid blame once again, Obama said with his best, bald faced, faux shocked face, “This issue keeps on coming up as if this was my decision.”
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Liar In Chief Now Claiming Pulling US Troops Out of Iraq Not His Idea”

The REAL War on Women: Islamists in Iraq Order All Women to Undergo Female Genital Mutilation

-By Warner Todd Huston

While the liars on the American left prattle on about the non-existent “Republican war on woman,” there is a real and true war on women going on in the areas of Iraq now under control of the ISIS Muslim terrorist forces. These inhuman Muslim monsters just announced that they will force every woman to undergo ritual female genital mutilation. It is an action that the hypocrites on the American left is ignoring.

If you are unaware of what Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) is, it is euphemistically called “female circumcision” but is in fact the utter destruction of the female pleasure centers in the vagina so that a woman can never gain pleasure or have an orgasm from sexual intercourse.

Many Muslims from Africa to the Middle East think that women are disgusting beasts who should not be allowed to enjoy sex. So, to keep them demure in the eyes of The Prophet Muhammad, *spit*, in their pre-teen stage, these inhuman Muslims rip out a girls’ clitoris and sew her vagina shut leaving but a small hole for urination.
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The REAL War on Women: Islamists in Iraq Order All Women to Undergo Female Genital Mutilation”

Hey, Wasn’t Joe Biden Supposed to be Obama’s Foreign Policy Expert?

-By Warner Todd Huston

When President Barack Hussein Obama picked Joe Biden to be his number two man, we were all told that it was because good ol’ Joe was the U.S. Senate’s “expert” on foreign policy. He was supposed to act as Obama’s right hand man in an area that Obama had no experience whatsoever. So, with disaster after disaster in foreign policy, it behooves us to ask, where is Joe Biden?

Of course, we all know that Biden has been wrong on every stance he’s ever taken on foreign policy both as a Senator and as Vice President. He has been so consistently wrong that even a member of Obama’s own administration has said Biden is an utter failure on reading foreign policy.

In his recent book, former Secretary of Defense Robert Gates said that Biden has been wrong about “nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades.”

It was a stark description that even the left-leaning PolitiFact said was “mostly true.”
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Hey, Wasn’t Joe Biden Supposed to be Obama’s Foreign Policy Expert?”

Triple Amputee US Veteran Destroys Obama in Open Letter

-By Warner Todd Huston

Senior Airman, Brian Kolfage Jr., is the most severely wounded Airman in US history–a triple amputee. Now the Veterans Admin is trying to force him to “pay back” $4,825 it claims he was “over paid” in benefits.

As reported by John DeMayo of Freedom Outpost, the Veterans Administration Debt Management Center informed Kolfage that he would be back charged for the $4,825. According to the VA, they had been overpaying Airman Kolfage for several years and now they want their money back.

DeMayor has the whole story of this cockup, but needless to say, Senior Airman Brian Kolfage is an American hero. He is a triple-amputee veteran of the War in Iraq who has surpassed all odds and made the most incredible recovery of any veteran to ever survive his injuries. He is a patriot–the kind of man you want your son to grow up to be.

But he seems to have had quite enough of this Obama character! Kolfage recently wrote an open letter to Obama that just puts this whelp of a President in his place.

So, here it is courtesy of Joe the Plumber:

Dear Mr. President,

I nearly died in a war that you and most of your colleagues supported overwhelmingly, including the two presidents who came before you. Many citizens may not agree with waging war in Iraq to free the oppressed Iraqi citizens, but it’s something that warriors like myself have zero control over. I joined to serve my country and to better my life. I’ve seen things that you could never imagine, and they have made me the person I am today.

Mr. Obama, even though we share extreme opposite views, we have one thing in common, we both attended school in Hawaii. However, that’s where the similarities end. You see, as you attended your exclusive, private school, I would ride my bike to Kaimuki High school in one of the roughest areas in Hawaii every morning and would ride past Punahou, the exclusive private school you attended. I would notice the Bentleys, Maserati’s, and fancy foreign cars that all the kids were dropped off in; wow it must have been extremely rough in Hawaii living that life, right? I could only imagine what it was like to have that kind of money. Fortunately for you, not many people are aware of the school and the upper class citizens who attended it. The tuition to attend your exclusive, private school was more than it cost me to obtain a Bachelor’s degree in Architecture from the University of Arizona. You talk a big game when it comes to financial inequality, yet I’m quite sure you have no idea what it’s truly like to have sacrifice. You were one of the elitist children in Hawaii.
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Triple Amputee US Veteran Destroys Obama in Open Letter”

Obama Fails: Al Qaeda Controls More Territory Than Ever

-By Warner Todd Huston

Despite his oft times indiscriminate death from-the-skies drone program, Obama seems to have failed to put a stop to our worst enemy, al Qaeda. It seems that the infamous terror group now controls more territory than ever.

Obama has pretended that his occasional drone strike and the fact that he was in the White House when our military killed Osama bin Laden means that we’ve essentially won the war on terror and destroyed al Qaeda. But this seems to be a total lie. Al Qaeda is alive and well.

The National Review took the time in its morning email, The Morning Jolt, to note that the terrorists are expanding, not contracting.
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Obama Fails: Al Qaeda Controls More Territory Than Ever”

The World’s Ten Worst Places to Be a Christian

-By Warner Todd Huston

The 2014 World Watch List of the 50 worst places in the world to be a Christian has been released showing all the usual suspect nations where Christians face daily persecution.

Since the American invasion of Iraq and later as the so-called Arab Spring has grown, persecution of Christians has exploded across the world–most especially in the middle east and Africa.
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The World’s Ten Worst Places to Be a Christian”

Your Taxes Going to Pay for Hotel Rooms for Illegal Aliens

-By Warner Todd Huston

Fox News just found out that the Department of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) is spending thousands of your tax dollars a day on hotel rooms for illegal aliens. One official said this “shouldn’t be happening,” but it is.

Fox found that millions of illegals a year are given temporary status for asylum in the USA and are often given free hotel stays while they wait for a hearing before an immigration judge. Worse, some 600,000 to 800,000 a year don’t bother to show up for their hearings. That means they are wandering about the USA with no accounting for their whereabouts or their legal status.

There are so many, sometimes hundreds per day, that ICE hasn’t anywhere to keep them so they just foot the bill for hotel rooms while they wait. This wait can be weeks and months away from being given their cozy, free hotel rooms paid for by you and me.

Fox found that the numbers of asylum seekers has grown exponentially of late and that these illegals are using “special key words” when they apply for asylum, words the Obama administration has set up as safe words used to give these illegals immediate protected status.
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Your Taxes Going to Pay for Hotel Rooms for Illegal Aliens”

Fox Business Network Video: Henry Kissinger on the Unrest in Syria

-By Warner Todd Huston

Things are still bad in Syria (and all across the Middle East, for that matter). Despite Obama’s claims of great Mid East foreign policy successes, there is still uncertainty and unrest there and Obama is failing to do anything about it all. Former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger appeared on Fox Business Network with host Lou Dobbs to discuss the unrest in Syria and its impact on U.S. and Russia.

Video courtesy of Fox Business Network.