Liberals Again Reveal Their Inner Fascist With Anti-Free Speech Riots in Berkeley

-By Warner Todd Huston

On Wednesday evening officials of the University of California at Berkeley decided to cancel a talk scheduled to be given by iconoclast gay conservative and free speech activist Milo Yiannopoulos. Officials feared unrest over the event. But it came to that anyway as the fascist left kicked into high gear with rioting and destruction in the violent, un-American way we’ve all became so woefully used from the left in America.

Many on the left have been crowing that their constant penchant to riot is an example of their advocacy for “freedom.” But in fact, it is the opposite. Indeed what we are seeing is a clash between the advocates of free speech on the right and the violent attempts to suppress free speech by liberals.

You should notice, dear readers, how there are never any riots by conservatives or Republicans. Only fascist liberals riot. Heck, conservatives don’t even leave any trash behind when they rally!
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Liberals Again Reveal Their Inner Fascist With Anti-Free Speech Riots in Berkeley”

Trump Needs to Take Responsibility For His Rhetoric

-By Warner Todd Huston

There is a big argument being waged between Trumpeters who say he is utterly innocent for the violence constantly occurring at his rallies and those who say it is all his fault because of his bellicose rhetoric. The truth is, Ted Cruz is right. It isn’t an either or, it’s a little of both.

To start out, I don’t want to say that the violence being whipped up by your Move-On, George Soros, Occupy-type leftists are justified. Nor is it dismissible. The protests we are seeing over the last month at Trump rallies are not spontaneous bands of local citizens upset about Donald Trump. They are organized, anti-American agitators who are using Trump to foster anarchy.

These people have been around for decades. They are the same people who peopled the failed Occupy Wall Street “movement,” the same type of people who helped organize the 1968 Chicago convention riots, the same who have organized unrest, destruction, race hatred, and attacks all across the country since the anarchist craze started at the turn of the last century. They are all of a piece, all un-American, all hateful of our system and history.

Further, none of this violence would be happening at Trump rallies if they were not organizing ahead of time and making efforts to invade Trump rallies in order to try and foster violence.

And before I go on I should say that the leftists perpetrating violence at these rallies are not to be excused for what they are doing. They are wrong. Their actions–even if expected–are wrong.

However, there is a reason these people aren’t targeting Cruz or Rubio or Kasich or any of the other candidates before them. It is because Trump has invited them with his own bellicose rhetoric.
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Trump Needs to Take Responsibility For His Rhetoric”

With Ben Affleck Flap, PBS Again Proves it is a Left Wing Shill

-By Warner Todd Huston

PBS is not fair or balanced and nothing it does can be trusted. We see this claim fully validated with how the network bent over for actor Ben Affleck’s demand that his slave-owning ancestry be eliminated from a recent program tracing the actor’s family.

PBS had Affleck on its show “Finding Your Roots” to trace his family history and learn of his lineage. But during the process, PBS discovered that the actor had slave owners in his family tree. Affleck was not having any of that, though, and demanded that the show edit out any of that reality. Affleck didn’t want his slave history known by the public.

Instead of retaining its integrity, PBS kowtowed to Affleck’s demands and agreed to excise all mentions from the show of the truth of his family tree.

We know all this because of an email hacker, not because PBS reported the truth to the country that pays its bills with tax dollars.
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With Ben Affleck Flap, PBS Again Proves it is a Left Wing Shill”

Oxford University Press Bows to Radical Muslims, Bans Mention of Pork and Pigs in Books

-By Warner Todd Huston

In yet another example of the west fecklessly abandoning its own principles to placate murderous Muslim extremists, England’s Oxford University Press, one of the largest publishers of educational material in the world, has decided to force writers to stop mentioning pigs and pork in their work to “avoid offending Muslims.”

The publisher recently sent a memo to its authors warning them to avoid mentioning pigs or “anything else which could be perceived as pork” to avoid offending Muslims. They also threw in “Jews” to make it look like they are trying to be sensitive to Jews, too. But since Jews have no history of murdering 12 newspaper employees for “offending” them, this is clearly just an attempt to squirm out of being tarred as Muslim apologists.

The news of this idiotic move was revealed on BBC’s Radio 4 earlier this week. The International Business Times’ Ewan Palmer reported the segment.

Presenter Jim Naughtie said: “I’ve got a letter here that was sent out by OUP to an author doing something for young people.
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Oxford University Press Bows to Radical Muslims, Bans Mention of Pork and Pigs in Books”

Illegal Alien Activists in California One Step Away from French Newspaper Terrorists

-By Warner Todd Huston

With their vandalism of offices of the Santa Barbara News-Press this week, activists for illegal immigrants in California have proven themselves to be but a single step away from being just like the terrorists who killed 12 members of a French newspaper.

The media has been filled with news of the attack by Muslim terrorists on the offices of the left-wing French satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo in which 12 staffers of the paper were killed. The Muslims attacked the paper and murdered the publication’s staffers because the Muslims felt that the paper had committed blasphemy against Islam.

Now, a newspaper in California has been attacked by illegal alien activists because it dares to use the word “illegal” to describe the criminals who have broken our laws to come into the United States.
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Illegal Alien Activists in California One Step Away from French Newspaper Terrorists”

Case Dismissed Against Father Arrested for Questioning Daughter’s School Assignment

-By Warner Todd Huston

Back in May a father upset that his 14-year-old daughter was given a sexually explicit reading assignment at school was arrested for daring to confront the school board over the book. Now, the father’s case has been dismissed by a judge who was shocked at the arrest and said it was a “chilling” example of the unconstitutional quashing of the father’s right of free speech.

On May 6, parent William Baer attended a school board meeting in Gilford, New Hampshire where he expressed his unhappiness that his 14-year-old daughter was assigned the book “Nineteen Minutes,” a book that contains sexually explicit and violent content.

In one part of the book, for example, a teenaged girl is raped by a drunken boy. The violence and the explicit nature of the passage made the father question the assignment.
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Case Dismissed Against Father Arrested for Questioning Daughter’s School Assignment”

Another Government Making it Harder for Citizens to Get Public Records

-By Warner Todd Huston

Transparency, shmansparency. Once again we see a government doing its level best to keep you, the people, from being able to find out what it is that government is doing to you. This time it is in failing Illinois where lawmakers are trying to make it much, much harder to fulfill a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request.

Yes, your representatives in the Illinois legislature–Republican and Democrat alike–don’t want you to be able to find out what they are doing in Springfield. Imagine that.

The bill (HB 3796) would make it extremely costly to file for an FOI request allowing the government to charge up to $100 per request and would also give the government even more time to fulfill requests for information.
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Another Government Making it Harder for Citizens to Get Public Records”

Houston, TX: City Officials Demand Local Ministers Turn Over Sermons to Screen for ‘Hate Speech’

-By Warner Todd Huston

In Houston, Texas, liberals are again at the forefront of violating the Constitution to aide their special interest groups by oppressing both freedom of speech and freedom of religion.

City officials of the left-wing city have obtained a subpoena demanding that local ministers and pastors supply their sermons to the city ahead of time so that officials can screen them for “hate speech” against gays and most especially words against the openly gay mayor of Houston, Annise Parker.

The city also says that those ministers who refuse to turn in their sermons for approval by city officials, they will be held in contempt of court.

So much for all those silly Constitutional rights, and stuff, eh?

But the city council is getting push back and rightfully so.

“Political and social commentary is not a crime,” Christina Holcomb, attorney for the pastors, said. “It is protected by the First Amendment.”
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Houston, TX: City Officials Demand Local Ministers Turn Over Sermons to Screen for ‘Hate Speech’”

Finally a Lib ‘Journalist’ With Guts to Say He Wants Conservatives Banned from TV

-By Warner Todd Huston

We already know that the fascist, authoritarian left wants to ban anyone and anything they don’t agree with. But usually they have the good sense not to say so out loud for fear that people will realize they are fascist authoritarians. But one “journalist” finally admitted the truth.

Left-winger Ed Kilgore, who blogs for Washington Monthly magazine, made to comment on the new ideas that NBC has for revamping Meet The Press when Chuck Todd takes over the venerable Sunday political show (Todd himself is an old Democrat operative, by the way).

In his August 25 post entitled, “Who Should Be Banned as Panelists For the New ‘Meet?’,” Kilgore notes that NBC president Deborah Turness is saying that she wants to have a panel of journalists question each guest as a sort of “coffeehouse conversation.”
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Finally a Lib ‘Journalist’ With Guts to Say He Wants Conservatives Banned from TV”

Black ‘Professor’ Who Attacked Teen Anti-Abortion Protester Blames ‘Slavery’

-by Warner Todd Huston

So-called professor Mireille Miller-Young of the University of California at Santa Barbara says she has a legitimate reason for physically attacking a 16-year-old anti-abortion protester in march of this year. She was pregnant, so anti-abortion protests are a “trigger” that makes the disease of pregnancy cause her to go wild. On top of that, “Slavery” made the black “Queer Studies” professor do it, you see?

In March this crazed “professor” attacked the teen and her 21-year-old sister when they took advantage of the school’s “free speech zone” where the pair set up a display to protest abortion.

The “professor” swooped in, physically assaulted the kids and stole their display running away with it to her office where she locked the display away.
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Black ‘Professor’ Who Attacked Teen Anti-Abortion Protester Blames ‘Slavery’”

Book Publishers Refused Bowe Bergdhal Book Because It Would Hurt Obama

-By Warner Todd Huston

Once again we get to see the how the powers that run our media establishment are sold out to the far left with this story of how some of Sgt. Bowe Bergdhal’s platoon mates were blocked from selling a book they’d written because it might make President Obama look bad.

We know the allegations about Sgt. Bergdahl, of course. We know that some of his fellow soldiers think he is a deserter, not a POW. We know that there were charges that he and his wacko father have been excusers of Islamist terrorism and critics of the United States. We hear that several American soldiers died trying to gain this guy’s freedom. And it appears that some of Bergdahl’s fellow platoon mates tried to write a book about their own experiences with Bergdahl.

A former team leader of Bergdahl’s platoon and one of those trying to shop the book said, “There was no way we were going to sit down and be quiet while Obama was calling him a war hero.”

The retired Sergeant, Evan Buetow, went on saying, “We’re just trying to tell the truth. It’s not my fault this would make Obama look bad.”
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Book Publishers Refused Bowe Bergdhal Book Because It Would Hurt Obama”

Michelle Obama Says Kids Should Monitor Parents for Racism

-By Warner Todd Huston

Taking a page out of the political handbook of every fascist society and dystopian Sci Fi novel, Michelle Obama is telling kids to monitor their parents for crimes against the state.

The woman who was never proud of her country until she and her husband were deposited in the White House spoke to a class in Topeka, Kansas last Friday where she told students to monitor their parents for racist speech because she and her hubby can only do so much without good little informants like them back home.

Obama told students that our laws “may no longer separate us” based on race. But she complained that the Constitution can’t force us to “eat together in the lunchroom, or live together in the same neighborhoods.” She then said, “There’s no court case against believing in stereotypes or thinking that certain kinds of hateful jokes or comments are funny.”
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Michelle Obama Says Kids Should Monitor Parents for Racism”

Mass. Democrat Says Gov’t Should Control Media

-By Warner Todd Huston

That darned old media is just out of control and filled with “hate crimes,” Senator Ed Markey (D, Mass.) says. So, he thinks the best solution is that government should control everything we see and hear. What could go wrong with that, Mr. Orwell?

Markey has proposed a tax dollar-wasting “study” to find ways to force broadcast media from showing “hate crimes” to we stupid, uneducated Americans. Markey is here to save us from ourselves, you see.

As to that whole First Amendment, freedom of speech thing? Markey doesn’t see any reason why that should be a problem. Why? Well, he doesn’t really say, but just take his word for it, won’t you? He should change his name from Markey to Malarkey.

Of course, not everyone is hailing Malarkey’s idea as such a great idea. Gene Policinski, who works at the First Amendment Center, says that this is something we’d better notice. “Anytime government in any form or level looks to study our speech–even something that we might all consider detestable speech–we need to pay attention.”
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Mass. Democrat Says Gov’t Should Control Media”

Obama Press Secretary’s Fake ‘Briefings’

-By Warner Todd Huston

It’s supposedly a long tradition. Reporters from the nation’s top news agencies gather together before the President’s Press Secretary and pepper him with questions on the issues of the day to get off the cuff answers so that we, the people, can take a measure of what the White House is doing. Only with Obama it’s all fake. Neither the questions nor the answers are “real.”

As it happens, a reporter from Arizona has revealed that all the questions and all the answers to those questions are hammered out between the “reporters” and Obama’s Press Sec. Jay Carney before any of them ever enter the White House briefing room.

It’s all a sham, a show, a false front as these so-called “reporters” bow to demands that their questions be submitted before the press “conference” and approved ahead of time.

According to the Arizona reporter, Jay Carney himself admitted the truth in an accidentally candid moment.
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Obama Press Secretary’s Fake ‘Briefings’”

The Most ‘Transparent’ President in History Has More Secrecy Than Ever

-By Warner Todd Huston

Once again we see an example of the essential falsehood upon which the Obama administration was built. When Obama ran for the White House and then won he did so claiming that his would be an open presidency unlike that evil, evil George Bush’s. But since he won it has become clear that Obama is actually more secretive than Bush was. Yet, liberals give him a pass on this major lie upon which he built his case for election.

During all six years of his presidency we’ve seen the truth come out. But this month we see yet another example. A new study finds that at an increasing rate every year Obama has been censoring government documents requested under the Freedom of Information Act or outright refusing to supply them quite despite his claims that he’d expedite the process and fulfill more requests.

The recent study shows that, “the government’s efforts to be more open about its activities last year were their worst since President Barack Obama took office.”

Despite Obama’s hoary claims that he was going to have the most open and ethical presidency ever, that he’d institute the strictest rules any president ever imposed on himself, reality has come knocking and revealed that the exact opposite has come to pass.

Among other things, the study found that, “five years after Obama directed agencies to less frequently invoke a ‘deliberative process’ exception to withhold materials describing decision-making behind the scenes, the government did it anyway, a record 81,752 times.”

It has all been one gigantic lie. And the liberals? They are paying no attention at all.

But this is only the latest example.
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The Most ‘Transparent’ President in History Has More Secrecy Than Ever”

Free At Last: Federal Court Hands Bloggers Legal First Amendment Protections

-By Warner Todd Huston

At long last we get a proper ruling on the First Amendment status of bloggers, one affording them the same legal status as “real” journalists; this from the Ninth Circuit Court in California, no less.

The Ninth Circuit is often derided as the “Ninth Circus” because its rulings are almost invariably left-wing and anti-American. But this time the court made a sensible ruling, for sure.

Lawyer Eugene Volokh reports that the ruling in Obsidian Finance Group v. Cox (9th Cir. Jan. 17, 2014) holds that, “all who speak to the public, whether or not they are members of the institutional press, are equally protected by the First Amendment.”

The relevant section in the ruling is as follows:
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Free At Last: Federal Court Hands Bloggers Legal First Amendment Protections”

Obama’s IRS Is Now Targeting Sarah Palin’s Father, Old Media Ignores

-By Warner Todd Huston

Sarah Palin’s Father Chuck Heath, Dr. (left) and brother Chuck Heath, Jr. (right).

Sarah Palin’s father, Chuck Heath, Sr., is being harassed by the IRS. And yet, the Old Media complex is not saying a word about this story. Imagine that.

On his Facebook page, Sarah’s brother, Chuck Heath, Jr., posted that his father is battling the IRS.

“Coincidence? You decide,” Mr. Heath writes.
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Obama’s IRS Is Now Targeting Sarah Palin’s Father, Old Media Ignores”

Reporter Who Leaked Joint Bloomberg/Chinese Censorship Suspended

-By Warner Todd Huston

Earlier in November it was revealed that Bloomberg News was self-censoring stories that angered Chinese authorities in order to keep access to government officials. Now the reporter who leaked that story to sources outside Bloomberg has been suspended.

On November 8, The New York Times reported that Bloomberg had spiked several stories that were thought to have been angering Chinese authorities.

Bloomberg editor Matthew Winkler was reported as having said in a company conference call that the self-censorship was akin to foreign news bureaus preserving their ability to report inside Nazi Germany during WWII.

Winkler strenuously denies the report.
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Reporter Who Leaked Joint Bloomberg/Chinese Censorship Suspended”

New York Bans in Schools Words Like: Gun, Dinosaur, War, Disease

-By Warner Todd Huston

Once again, the New York Department of Education is in the word-banning business and is telling schools to ban dozens of words from use in the class room and on tests. And why are they banning the words? Because they might make kids “feel” bad. But, worse, some of the banned words would actually prevent learning!

One of the banned words, for instance is “slavery.” OK, so how do we discuss all of American history before the close of the Civil War if we are not allowed to use the word “slavery” in front of school kids? Just as bad, the words “war” and “religion” are also banned. There goes the rest of human history.

But maybe even worse, the DOE has banned the word “terrorism.” So, how do we teach what happened on 9/11?… Ah, I know, we tell kids that George Bush did it and America is evil to those poor, poor Muslims, that’s how.

NY Schools Chancellor Dennis Walcott said the Dept. of Ed isn’t “an outlier” and not being PC in the banning of words and that schools all across America do it (as if that makes it right).

“So we’re not an outlier in being politically correct. This is just making sure that test makers are sensitive in the development of their tests,” Walcott said to the media in New York City.

A glance at the list below makes a liar of Mr. Walcott.
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New York Bans in Schools Words Like: Gun, Dinosaur, War, Disease”

Obama’s Maya Shankar, A 20-Something Hottie That Thinks She Knows How You Should Lead Your Life

-By Warner Todd Huston

What does a hottie in her late 20s who spent most of her life trying to be a violin virtuoso know about anything? Apparently everything as she has been put in charge of Obama’s “nudge squad” and will henceforth be telling you how to lead your life.

Watch out Michelle, here comes Maya Shankar to do some nudgin’

Maya Shankar has been appointed as chief nudge in Obama’s new “behavioral insights team,” another tax-wasting group whose task will be to figure out cunning ways to push Americans into doing what Obama and his big government playmates want them to do.

And dreams can come true if you are a violinist attending Yale. As it happens, Shankar was pronounced one of the Glamour magazine’s 2006 “top ten college women” and back then in the old days had gushed that her dream job would be to serve as one of Obama’s top science advisors.

But what does one do when one washes out of violin prodigy-ness? Why fulfill that standby dream by joining the Obama administration, of course.

So, viola… I mean voila… the little cutie shipped off to Washington to become the cutest little nudge you ever did see. And, as precious as it is, she’s already issued her first o-fish-i-al memo about her new multi-trillion dollar agency–because all federal agencies cost us trillions at this point, I’m pretty sure.
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Obama’s Maya Shankar, A 20-Something Hottie That Thinks She Knows How You Should Lead Your Life”

Facebook Removes GOP Texas Attorney General’s New Campaign Ad

-By Warner Todd Huston

Again showing how easy it is to have conservatives blocked or removed from Facebook, the new video campaign ad for Dan Branch, the Republican candidate for Texas Attorney General, was removed from the social media giant for “community standards” violations.

The ad, a fairly standard campaign ad, was removed and the candidate’s page blocked likely because Branch’s opponents flagged the Facebook posting.

The theme of the ad is “Come And Take It!,” and is filled with images of flags, pledges, hand holding, people in prayer, and talk of limited government, traditional marriage, and pro-life issues. It’s all pretty standard fare, especially for a Texas Republican.
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Facebook Removes GOP Texas Attorney General’s New Campaign Ad”

Again for 2013, Few Colleges Invite Conservative Commencement Speakers

-By Warner Todd Huston

The Young America’s Foundation conducted its annual review of the commencement speakers at the nation’s top universities and once again discovered that very few conservative speakers were invited to give graduates that traditional send off into the “real” word.

In what it called a “star-studded example of imbalance,” YAF found that of the nation’s top 25 colleges only two had decidedly conservative speakers taking the podium and out of the full list of 100, only 17 conservatives received speaking slots. On the other hand, 62 schools had invited decidedly liberal speakers to give commencement speeches.

Invited to speak are such liberals as Oprah Winfrey; Barack Obama and his second man Joe Biden; Nancy Pelosi; U.S. Rep. John Lewis; Clinton supporter and poet Toni Morrison; Newark, New Jersey Mayor Cory Booker; New York Times columnist Nick Kristof; former EPA head Lisa Jackson, and many more.

“While these liberals indoctrinate college students, conservative voices are being silenced,” the YAF website says. “Neurosurgeon Dr. Benjamin Carson, who has risen to national fame for his criticism of this administration’s leftist policies, was banned from speaking at Johns Hopkins University by an online petition from liberal students.”
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Again for 2013, Few Colleges Invite Conservative Commencement Speakers”

Pigford Across the Media

-By Warner Todd Huston

Coming years late to the story, The New York Times finally took a look at the Pigford scandal that Andrew Breitbart, Lee Stranahan and the Breitbart team exposed starting in 2010. At last the story is making an appearance across the media.

On Friday morning, April 26, the Times published a long piece titled, “U.S. Opens Spigot After Farmers Claim Discrimination” in which Andrew Breitbart and Congressman Steve King were credited for early criticism of the government’s corruption in the scandal.

It should be remembered that the left-wing Media Matters for America scoffed at Andrew Breitbart calling his interest in Pigford the “stupidest conspiracy theory” on the Internet. Now that MM’s precious New York Times has at last come to Andrew’s side on this issue, one wonders how long MM will keep its anti-Breitbart/Pigford posts up on its site.

A nice recap of the scandal penned by Joel Pollak can be seen on
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Pigford Across the Media”

VIDEO, Left Lies Exposed: Crime is Down 50%, So Why is There Suddenly a ‘Gun Crisis’?

-By Warner Todd Huston

Crime in the U.S. has fallen by fifty percent in the last 20 years. Fifty percent!

Yet we have gun-banners and liberal liars like Barack Obama running around the country trying to destroy the U.S. Constitution and they are using the air of a faux crisis to do this.

Don’t be a stupid person. Don’t fall for the left’s lies. Watch this video and get some ammunition to shoot down the left’s gun-lies.

Also, don’t bail on this video. It has a LOT of information, so stick with it until the end.

Good one, eh?

ACLU: Obama Has Quadrupled Warrantless Wiretaps

-By Warner Todd Huston

The ACLU released a report this week that shows that under Obama and his Attorney General Eric Holder, warrantless wiretapping and monitoring of American’s electronic communications is “sharply on the rise.”

After months of litigation and Freedom of Information Act requests, the ACLU obtained documents from the federal government proving that real-time monitoring of electronic communications inside the U.S. has climbed 60 percent since 2009 and far surpasses that under President Bush.

The ACLU reports that the Dept. of Justice used “pen register” and “trap and trace” techniques 23,535 times in 2009 and 37,616 times in 2011.
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ACLU: Obama Has Quadrupled Warrantless Wiretaps”

Why is the EPA Funding a Private Newspaper?

-By Warner Todd Huston

The Environmental Protection Agency has been indulging its inner propagandist by spending at least $3.5 million to float newspaper that is purportedly “reporting” on the EPA’s pet issues. Unfortunately for the readers of this newspaper, the fact that the EPA is its sugar daddy is never told the reading public.

So much for an independent press!

The newspaper in question is the Chesapeake Bay Journal, a free publication that appears monthly across the Mid-Atlantic states. Environmental themed articles from this paper have also appeared in such newspapers as The Baltimore Sun.

This is no partisan issue, either as this has been going on for at least two decades.
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Why is the EPA Funding a Private Newspaper?”

Obama Programming Media to His Favor

-By Warner Todd Huston

Obama threw the White House press corps a bone on Monday by appearing for 20 some minutes and taking a grand total of four questions from those members of the Old Media whose official job is to report from the White House.

This means that the President has taken about six serious questions from the press since June. But this doesn’t mean he’s taken no other questions from the press. Unfortunately, the questions he has taken have not been from a free and open press but have been pre-programmed by The One himself.

While ducking the supposed serious reporters in the clubby WH press corps Obama has been on a whirlwind tour of morning zoo radio shows, entertainment media like Entertainment Tonight, and has allowed puffball interviews from down-the-line, local media outlets where he is sure no serious questions will be asked.

Why is he sure he’ll face no serious questions? Because he has forced each and every one of these “interviewers” to stick to pre-approved questions that he wrote for them himself. Worse, those puffballers aren’t even trying to pretend that they are conducting serious interviews, fully admitting that the White House programmed their face time with the President.
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Obama Programming Media to His Favor”

Obama Labor Dept. Forces Journalists to Use Government Issued Computers?

-By Warner Todd Huston

Journalists are crying foul at a new Obama policy that will deny them the right to use their own computers to write stories from economic data issued inside the halls of the Department of Labor. Instead, the DoL says, journalists will have to use government owned computers, government selected software, and government owned Internet transmission lines to write their stories about the data issued by the department.

All news organizations have been ordered to remove their computers, tools, and other electronics from the Department of Labor by June 15 and will not be allowed to bring any of their own electronics into the place from that point forward.

Until this change, the practice had been that the economic data was released to journalists ahead of the official release date in a special “lock-up” room inside the DoL. Reporters then used their own computers and software to write their draft reports and create their graphics and tables on the data. Then, once the release time for the data was reached, the DoL allowed the journalists to transmit their stories from inside the special room over Internet lines that have been installed and paid for by news media outlets.
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Obama Labor Dept. Forces Journalists to Use Government Issued Computers?”

Berkeley Storm Troopers: Don’t Write What The Police Don’t Like or Else

-By Warner Todd Huston

If police chiefs send armed officers to a journalist’s door because he didn’t like what was written abut him, would you feel just a tad uncomfortable as an American at the audacity? This is no academic discussion because it really happened. Not in what liberals may claim is the dangerous, intolerant south but instead in the heart of liberal land itself, Berkeley, California.

Worse, one of the reasons this whole situation arose is because police were too distracted by an Occupy Berkeley protest to respond to an incident that ended up in the murder of a 67-year-old resident.

But first, on Friday, Feb. 9, Berkeley Police Chief Michael Meehan sent an armed officer to the door of Bay Area News Group reporter Doug Oakley at nearly one in the morning to demand that he publish a correction about something the reporter had written about the Berkeley police department.
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Berkeley Storm Troopers: Don’t Write What The Police Don’t Like or Else”

The Top 50 Examples of Liberal Media Bias

-By Warner Todd Huston

Let’s face it, liberal media bias has been around since there have been liberals to do the “reporting” of the news. But this fact should surprise no one. After all, the news media has always been filled with bias of one type or another. In fact, there was a time when American customers of the news knew exactly which newspapers sported which point of view. It was taken for granted that one newspaper supported one side and another newspaper a different side.

But in the late 1950s and early 1960s that all changed. Suddenly the folks in the news media began to present themselves as unbiased pursuers of “the truth.” Gone was the out-in-front bias and instead the media cloaked itself in a new air of detachment, a new just-the-facts mien.

This new era in media conceit coincided with the advent of a liberal mindset that took on the weight of the world, a new era in which liberals felt that their ideals rose above God, tradition and country….

Read the rest at The Western Center for Journalism.