The ‘Bechdel Test’ Proves How Feckless Liberalism and Radical Feminism Really Are

-By Warner Todd Huston

Conservatives like to scoff at the stuff and nonsense that is modern liberalism and its attack on traditional values and the so-called Bechdel Test is a perfect example of this foolishness of the liberal/feminist milieu. The very fact this “test” is even a thing shows how feckless and silly feminism and liberalism are.

For those blissfully unaware, the Bechdel Test is a way to ascertain if a TV show or movie pays enough fealty to feminism. The “test” measures how often two female characters talk to each other about men — whether it be a potential boy friend, a current boy friend, or a husband, or an object of desire or even a father figure. The purported goal of the test is to ascertain whether the characters are indulging the stereotype of women being fixated on pursuing men or otherwise showing they are somehow subservient to the male of the species.

The test may seem simple enough — are women in the film more worried about the men in the film or are they portrayed as more well rounded characters with a richer, deeper development? But in fact, it is meaningless box checking that ignores context and the actual story of the show.

But more significant is the fact that this whole “test” is based on a joke. No, really… an actual joke.
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The ‘Bechdel Test’ Proves How Feckless Liberalism and Radical Feminism Really Are”

Islam Is The REAL War on Women: 92% of Women in Egypt Forced to Undergo Genital Mutilation

-By Warner Todd Huston

As putrid Democrats continue to promulgate their lie-filled “Republican war on women” campaign theme, they sit by ignoring that the real war on women is perpetrated by Islam. Another reminder of where the real hate for women emanates is in a survey showing that fully 92 percent of married women in Egypt are forced to undergo genital mutilation.

If you are unaware of what Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) is, be prepared to be horrified. Euphemistically called “female circumcision” by liberals who want to obviate what it really is, it is in fact the utter destruction of the female pleasure centers in the vagina so that a woman can never gain pleasure or have an orgasm from sexual intercourse.

Many Muslims from Africa to the Middle East think that women are disgusting beasts who should not be allowed to enjoy sex. So, to keep girls pure in the eyes of The “Prophet” Muhammad, in their pre-teen stage, these inhuman Muslims rip out a girls’ clitoris and sew herr vagina shut leaving but a small hole for urination.
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Islam Is The REAL War on Women: 92% of Women in Egypt Forced to Undergo Genital Mutilation”

The Liberals and Feminists are Losing Their Tiny Little Minds Over My Tweet Today…

I sent this tweet today that is driving the liberals crazy mad…

BOY are they losing it.

Candidates for Woman on the $20 Bill Features Man hater, Mass Murderer and Advocate for Genocide of Blacks

-By Warner Todd Huston

There is a new campaign afoot that is tickling the interests of the mainstream media. It is an effort to kick President Andrew Jackson off the $20 bill and replace him with a woman. Sadly at least three of the candidates do not belong on the list. One is a famous hater of men, another can only be termed a mass murderer, and the third was an important supporter of the genocide of African Americans. How is it these three women deserve to be celebrated on the $20 bill is anyone’s guess.

The campaign called Women On The 20, is, the group says on its website, is an effort to “compel historic change by convincing President Obama that NOW is the time to put a woman’s face on our paper currency.”

The group hopes to have the change on the money made by the year 2020, which happens to be the 100th anniversary of the 19th Amendment, the one that gave women the right to vote.
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Candidates for Woman on the $20 Bill Features Man hater, Mass Murderer and Advocate for Genocide of Blacks”

Feminist Criminal Decides to Abort Her Son Solely Because He is Male

-By Warner Todd Huston

A revelatory posting by a hate-filled, radical feminist calling herself “Lana” recently appeared on the extremist website called “Injustice Stories.” The story ostensibly tells the tale of how “Lana” aborted her baby because she found out that the child was a boy. “Lana” says she killed her baby because she didn’t want to bring another male “monster” into the world. And she is proud of her decision.

The posting detailing Lana’s story on what led her to abort her baby is disgusting, certainly, but it does nicely describe the logical end game of feminism: the genocide of the male of the species.

The story appears on a site where “hatred is not allowed” but this is obviously a convenient lie because “Lana’s” post is entirely based on abject hate for men. Of course, we know why the story was allowed. It’s because “Lana” claims to be an oppressed female who is fighting “injustice” when in reality all she is, is a proto Nazi advocating a form of eugenics.

In any case, what we have here is the story of a mentally ill woman who murdered her baby for the sole reason that he is male. Sadly, her reasoning is poof that feminism has nothing at all to do with “equality” and ultimately simply breeds unthinking hatred for men.
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Feminist Criminal Decides to Abort Her Son Solely Because He is Male”

University Proves That Radical Feminists Are About the Fights, Not The Rights

-By Warner Todd Huston

Feminist extremists at the all female Mount Holyoke College in Massachusetts have forced the cancellation of the absurdist play “The Vagina Monologues” because it isn’t feminist enough. That’s right, the play once hailed as the height of feminist expression is now deemed not feminist enough.

The thing about a civil rights movement is that it often ends up being more interested in the perpetual fight than in the actual achievement of any rights. Such “movements” often end up devaluing actual achievements by acting as if nothing has changed even after they’ve achieved staggering success.

We see this in nearly every rights movement in America. Take black civil rights, for instance. This country has progressed from a country where blacks were held in bondage, to one where they were free but had few rights, to today where blacks are 100 percent equal in every way with the rest of civil society. And yet, despite the amazing positive changes for African Americans, today we have charlatans like Al $harpton and Je$$e Jack$on who traipse about the country stirring race hate and claiming that no progress has been made despite the blatantly obvious facts to the contrary.

This loathsome tendency to imagine that no progress has been made in spite of reality is also a chief feature of the feminist movement and this business at the all-female Mount Holyoke College is a perfect example of that.
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University Proves That Radical Feminists Are About the Fights, Not The Rights”

Trans Community Slams Batgirl Comic as ‘Transphobic’

-By Warner Todd Huston

Last month the trans community attacked the DC Comics series Batgirl for supposedly ruining its year and a half-long effort to foster a “trans positive momentum.” The charge by the trans community was that the Batgirl character acted in a “transmisogynistic” manner by not identifying as a woman a male tans character who presented as a woman. Instead, Batgirl called the character a man despite that the character identifies as a woman.

For those unaware, for much of the last two years DC Comics has been retooling the Batgirl character as a gay friendly, trans friendly, and Muslim friendly comic book. Early in 2013, for instance, Batgirl’s alter ego Barbara Gordon moved in with a bisexual character named Alysia Yeoh.

Yeoh was presented as an Occupy Wall Street-styled female activist, bartender and fine artist. She was of Singaporean descent and sported an undisclosed secret that she later revealed. Ultimately this character told Gordon that she is really a he and bisexual as well.

Barbara Gordon also became friendly with a Muslim girl named Nadimah who along with her brother Qadir work in the robotics department of the school that Gordon attends.

DC has been selling this re-tolled Batgirl as a book that should appeal to “young female readers.” In other words, they want to inculcate support for gays, transvestites, and Muslims in young, female readers.
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Trans Community Slams Batgirl Comic as ‘Transphobic’”

So, Let Me Get This Straight, Liberals: All Men are Rapists, But NOT All Muslims are Responsible for Terrorism?

-By Warner Todd Huston

Liberals love to speak in absolutes, except when they don’t. Take the so-called “rape culture” discussion that the left has indulged over the last five months or so. In that discussion, all men are assumed rapists whether they’ve committed such a crime–or even dreamed of it–or not. Yet now, after two Muslim terrorists have killed a dozen newspaper staffers in France, these same liberals are warning against anyone saying that “all Muslims” are terrorists.

For the better part of the last year the left has been all weweed up about the supposed “epidemic” of rape on the campuses of our colleges and universities. The left’s desire to make this false charge a “fact” grew to such a fever pitch that they swooned when music magazine Rolling Stone told the blockbuster story of a female student who was brutally raped by members of a fraternity.

Of course, like much of the left’s claims about rape on campus, the Rolling Stone story turned out to be a complete fabrication, false from start to finish. There was no rape. On top of that, the claims that women are more likely to be raped at colleges than outside them is also false.

And yet, we get this base assumption from the left that all men are rapists. In fact, the meme has become so entrenched that liberals and feminists have been fighting back hard against the backlash narrative that “men are rapists, but not all men are rapists.” They want people to stop saying “not all men.”
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So, Let Me Get This Straight, Liberals: All Men are Rapists, But NOT All Muslims are Responsible for Terrorism?”

Arrogant Joe Biden Lectures Victim of Islam About the ‘Religion of Peace’

-By Warner Todd Huston

This really takes the cake. In a new interview Ayaan Hirsi Ali, a woman who suffered under Islam until she was a young adult, reported that she was was lectured on how wonderful Islam is by Vice President Joe Biden. That’s right, Biden thought he knew more about how women are treated under Islam than a woman who actually lived under Islam.

This is the arrogance of a heartless liberal.

If you don’t know her, Ayaan Hirsi Ali lived as a slave under Islam all her childhood, had her genitals mutilated by Muslims, and eventually escaped Islam to the west where she has become an advocate for Muslim women around the world trying to help them defeat genital mutilation, rape, slavery, beatings, honor killings, and the other abuses that Muslim women suffer every single day in every corner of the world (including the USA).
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Arrogant Joe Biden Lectures Victim of Islam About the ‘Religion of Peace’”

HARASSMENT EXCLUSIVE: Ten Hours With Princess Leia Walking in NYC

Remember the whiny feminists who last week were all up in arms about the staged video of a woman walking in New York City supposedly being harassed by every man who she passed?

Well, from a galaxy far, far away, Princess Leia warped down into New York City to see what would happen if she walked down the street.

This shocking video is what happened to that poor, poor princess…

Yes, this is proof that no self-respecting Star Wars princess should ever visit New York City!

For SHAME Boba Fett!
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HARASSMENT EXCLUSIVE: Ten Hours With Princess Leia Walking in NYC”

WalMart Can’t Please Feminist Comic Book Fans

-By Warner Todd Huston

Here is a story that perfectly encapsulates the impossibility of satisfying a feminist showing that they care about being outrageously outraged than they do about curing any real ills. It concerns the uproar over the 3D printing kiosk that puts a child’s face on a superhero toy–either Captain America of Iron Man. The chicks are mad that WalMart didn’t include a female superhero. But…

A company named 3DPlussMe has crated a self-serve machine that will take a photo of a child’s face and then, using plastic 3D printing technology, will create a toy figurine of either Captain America or Iron Man with that child’s face on it.

The kiosks are being rolled out in select WalMarts across the country and they seem like a great idea for kids to get a personalized toy.

But female comics fans are mad that only two male comic book heroes are being offered. Why no female characters, they ask?
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WalMart Can’t Please Feminist Comic Book Fans”

‘Harry Potter’ Actress Urges Men to End Gender Inequality

-By Warner Todd Huston

In a recent speech, actress Emma Watson urged men to help end gender inequality in the world. But is anything she said consequential? It’s certainly easy to roll one’s eyes at this sort of fluff. But some think the speech was a “game changer.”

Filling her role as a UN Women Goodwill ambassador, the 24-year-old Watson spoke in New York last week insisted that if only women listened to her entireties, gender inequality would continue.

Watson claimed that as she studied the problem of gender inequality she became aware that “that fighting for women’s rights has too often become synonymous with man-hating.” This, she said, would have to stop if progress was to be made.

The speech is part of the UN campaign dubbed the “HeForShe” campaign.
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‘Harry Potter’ Actress Urges Men to End Gender Inequality”

What Sympathy is Deserved for the ‘Palestinians’?

What Sympathy is Deserved for the ‘Palestinians’?
-By Warner Todd Huston

What real sympathy does Hamas, and by extension the “Palestinians,” deserve in this latest conflict with the self-defense employing Israelis? A simple review of the facts may convince that the answer to that is “not much.”

Firstly we have to dismiss two of the Palestinians’ major claims; that they live in an “apartheid” state and that Gaza is “occupied territory. Both are lies.

Israel is a democratic society and has duly elected Muslims in its government. There is no Jewish-sponsored “apartheid,” not in Israel nor in Gaza.
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What Sympathy is Deserved for the ‘Palestinians’?”

The REAL War on Women: Islamists in Iraq Order All Women to Undergo Female Genital Mutilation

-By Warner Todd Huston

While the liars on the American left prattle on about the non-existent “Republican war on woman,” there is a real and true war on women going on in the areas of Iraq now under control of the ISIS Muslim terrorist forces. These inhuman Muslim monsters just announced that they will force every woman to undergo ritual female genital mutilation. It is an action that the hypocrites on the American left is ignoring.

If you are unaware of what Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) is, it is euphemistically called “female circumcision” but is in fact the utter destruction of the female pleasure centers in the vagina so that a woman can never gain pleasure or have an orgasm from sexual intercourse.

Many Muslims from Africa to the Middle East think that women are disgusting beasts who should not be allowed to enjoy sex. So, to keep them demure in the eyes of The Prophet Muhammad, *spit*, in their pre-teen stage, these inhuman Muslims rip out a girls’ clitoris and sew her vagina shut leaving but a small hole for urination.
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The REAL War on Women: Islamists in Iraq Order All Women to Undergo Female Genital Mutilation”

Black Economist Destroys Left’s Use of the Race Card and Blasts Feminism

-By Warner Todd Huston

It only took him five minutes, but economist Thomas Sowell, an African American, practically destroyed the left’s constant use of racism (today we call it the race card) as well as its reliance on the false theories of feminism.

Thomas Sowell is a free-market economist, social theorist, philosopher and author. In 1981, Sowell appeared on an episode of the TV show Firing Line, featuring renowned conservative William F. Buckley.

Dr. Sowell was questioned by Harriet Pilpel, a lawyer and feminist activist who asked him how he would bring about more equality in society for women and minorities. Citing the gender wage gap that was all the rage of leftists at that time, Pilpel asked Sowell how he might explain such pay discrepancies, and what the underlying causes might be. As you can see on the video above, in just under five minutes Professor Sowell totally deconstructed the equality myths that are still perpetuated in the media, academia and the halls of government to this very day.

Sowell just destroyed this woman’s whole world, didn’t he? Tell us in the comments section what you thought of this great video.
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Black Economist Destroys Left’s Use of the Race Card and Blasts Feminism”

Feminist ‘Professor’ Admits No Qualifications to Teach, Adultery, Mental Troubles

-By Warner Todd Huston

Hugo Schwyzer, a Pasadena City College professor who made a name for himself as a “male feminist,” went on a tear on Twitter admitting that he has no qualifications to be a teacher, that he’s had affairs an his wife with a 23-year-old woman, that he involved himself in inappropriate Internet exchanges à la Anthony Weiner and that he is a “p*ss poor feminist.”

Schwyzer obviously had some sort of breakdown on August 9 when he took to Twitter and went on an hour-long, self-deprecating tirade. All this came after it was revealed that he’d been involved in a sexting scandal with a porn star named Christiana Parriera.

After the Anthony Weiner-like mess was revealed, Schwyzer disappeared from social media, but on Friday he came back with a vengeance.

With near 100 Tweets, Schwyzer admitted that he is a fraud and a “hypocrite.”

He called himself as a “breathtakingly cocky fraud,” and announced that he wanted the truth to come out.
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Feminist ‘Professor’ Admits No Qualifications to Teach, Adultery, Mental Troubles”

Flashback: Candy Crowley Dismissed Oppression of Women By Taliban

-By Warner Todd Huston

With the focus on the horrible job of “moderating” perpetrated by CNN’s Candy Crowley at the latest 2012 presidential debate, it is instructive to take a look back at some of her past work for CNN. For instance, in a 2010 interview with former President George W. Bush, Crowley dismissed Bush’s correct assertion that women are horribly oppressed by the Taliban in Afghanistan and Pakistan.

It is interesting to contrast Crowley’s dismissive attitude about the Taliban’s oppression of women with the story of 14-year-old Malala Yousufazi, the Pakistani teen who stood up to the oppressive Taliban and was shot in the head for her bravery. This story is heartbreaking but let us hope that her example can spur others to activism against the evils of radical Islam.

But, it seemed in her interview with President Bush that Crowley didn’t think the oppression of women by the Taliban was any worse than that of any other nation!

(At 1:50 into the video)
George W. Bush:: I would say that, uh, put yourself in the position of a young girl in Afghanistan and realize that her life will be incredibly brutalized and or thwarted by people like the Taliban. And the fundamental question – Is it worth it? – that’s the question we’ve got to ask. Does it matter to our own national security, or does it matter to our conscience, that women will be mistreated? I argue it does.

And I understand it’s difficult…

Candy Crowley: It is. And women are mistreated in a lot of different parts of the world.

Bush: But nothing like they were during the Taliban.

Notice that Crowley felt it necessary to point out that women are mistreated “in a lot of different parts of the world”? That equivocation really had no bearing on the discussion of the oppression by the Taliban, certainly, but what was she trying to say, here? The impression is that the oppression women face at the hands of the Taliban is no big deal because women are mistreated elsewhere, too.
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Flashback: Candy Crowley Dismissed Oppression of Women By Taliban”

Obama’s Offensive Anti-Woman Campaign Ad (Now Disappeared Down Memory Hole)

-By Warner Todd Huston

Earlier today the Obama campaign’s “official Tumblr page” featured an offensive message:

This image was followed with a text tag that said, “because they kinda do.”

Uh, no, they kinda don’t, you supercilious liars.

And since when was a woman nothing but her p*ssy? I thought women wanted to be considered a whole person, a person with a mind and someone worth more than a mere sex organ?

Apparently all liberal women think is that they are a giant, walking vagina and absolutely nothing else.

Naturally, as soon as a light was shown on their lies, the Obama campaign removed the offensive page. All you get is an error page now. Now it’s down the memory hole as if it never happened.


Click on the image above to see a bigger version of a screen shot of the Tumblr page

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Obama’s Offensive Anti-Woman Campaign Ad (Now Disappeared Down Memory Hole)”

40th Anniversary Ms. Magazine Says Vote Obama or You’ll Die

-By Warner Todd Huston

Ms. Magazine is celebrating its 40th Anniversary this year and it has a very special message for its upcoming fall issue: Vote Obama or you’ll die.

Forty years ago Ms. Magazine featured DC Comic Book Super Heroine Wonder Woman on its cover. In 1972 the main worries for feminists was body hair, cash for performing housework, and Simone De Beauvoir. But 40 years ago it was also about “how women vote” and along with featuring Wonder Woman on the cover, just ahead of the 2012 presidential election, Ms. is repeating that theme.

Ms. Magazine’s 1972 Debut Cover

Only, this time instead of “peace and justice for ’72,” a reference to the Vietnam War, Ms. Magazine is all about another war. Unlike 1972, though, Ms. Magazine’s war for 2012 is not a real war. It is a faux war. It is a “war on women.”

And this war is so intense that Ms. is telling its readers that if they don’t vote the correct way, well, their very lives are in danger.

On the fall 2012 cover underneath a leaping Wonder Woman, we see pleas to “stop the war on women,” and “2012, Vote as if your life depends on it.”

Ms. Magazine’s Fall, 2012 Cover

So, you see, Wonder Woman isn’t the only fantasy element of Ms. for Fall of 2012.
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40th Anniversary Ms. Magazine Says Vote Obama or You’ll Die”

Just What We Need: More Lefty Magazines to Cover Elections

-By Warner Todd Huston

As if there wasn’t enough shilling going on for Obama in the entertainment/publishing/news industry, word is that a whole line up of Magazines are starting new efforts to cover the 2012 elections.

President Obama was criticized last month for avoiding traditional news outlets even while giving puffball interviews to the likes of Glamour magazine. But Glamour’s interview was an example of a magazine that usually doesn’t bother much with politics but that is now getting more involved for 2012.

For Glamour it’s all about pushing the left’s claim that the GOP is indulging a “war on women.” Said Glamour editor in chief Cindi Leive, “There’s a lot of meat there for us to cover.”

Another women’s magazine, Cosmopolitan, also jumped into politics this year to push the left’s favorite women’s issues.
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Just What We Need: More Lefty Magazines to Cover Elections”

Smart Girls On the Left’s Political Manipulation of Women

Smart Girl Politics Action says left has declared “war on women” and Administration is pandering

(Arlington, VA – April 3, 2012) – Today, Smart Girl Politics Action (SGPA) releases a new video to counter the left’s so-called “war on women”. SGPA asks why this Administration has been trying to distract women from the real issues of this election season, by instead focusing on things like contraception. At the same time, the White House laughably calls for a forum to laud the strength of the Administration’s economic policies, particularly their benefits to women.

“Women are smart enough to know that we have bigger issues in this country than paying for our birth control. Women, especially moms, are feeling the effects of this economy and rising gas and food prices every day,” says Stacy Mott, Founder and President of SGPA.

“Women are tired of the political manipulation of this White House. We know when we are being pandered and played to, and we will no longer allow this discussion to focus on the concerns of a small segment of the women in this country. Women are far more concerned with the lack of action from this Administration and a do-nothing Congress when it comes to jobs, rising energy prices, and our national security”, added the group’s co-founder, Teri Christoph.

This video can be found at:

Smart Girl Politics Action is the voice of the conservative woman. Formed after the 2008 Presidential election by a stay-at-home mom, SGPA is now a nationwide grassroots conservative movement dedicated to empowering, educating, and engaging women to be more involved in politics. Smart Girl Politics recently launched a new women’s voter outreach campaign in nineteen states focused on increasing the conservative women’s vote. The campaign also strives to bring women together to discuss solutions to today’s real problems.

About SGP: Smart Girl Politics Action (, a 501c(4), is a national grassroots conservative women’s organization of almost 50,000 members committed to reaching out to conservative women and encouraging them to get involved in the political process.

What (Conservative) Women Want

-By Nancy Morgan

In the news recently was a story about a workshop being held for guys, to show them how to release their inner child. Step one: learn how to cry. Reading that article made me cry, from sheer frustration.

Listen up, guys. Despite what you hear from feminists and other assorted do-gooders, the majority of women most assuredly don’t want to see you break down and cry.

As a longtime single gal, I claim a little expertise in this matter. Tears are not what women want from you. You’ve been rooked by all the touchy feely so-called “experts” who seem intent on turning a whole generation of men into metrosexuals – teaching you to be sensitive and let your inner child reign. Yuk and gag.

Women want from men what we’ve wanted since time began. A strong protector, or the illusion thereof. A man who will treat a gal like a delicate flower, even if she isn’t. A man who opens doors and brings flowers. A strong man.
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What (Conservative) Women Want”

Michelle Obama on ‘World’s Most Powerful Women’ List. Why?

-By Warner Todd Huston

Forbes has published its world’s most powerful women list and on that list, in the top slot no less, is Michelle Obama, the wife of the President of the United States of America. Along with Obama a few singers and entertainers made the list. It all goes to prove that apparently no one knows what “powerful” means anymore.

On the most powerful list – after Obama at number one — Lady Gaga comes in at seventh place, in ninth singer Beyonce Knowles appears, and bringing up the rear is entertainer Ellen DeGeneres. Oprah Winfrey makes it in as number three.

There is no reason that any of these women (well, I’ll give you Oprah) belong on a “most powerful women” list — or a most powerful anybody list, for that matter.
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Michelle Obama on ‘World’s Most Powerful Women’ List. Why?”

The Envious Feminist

-By Selwyn Duke

People are emotional beings, often governed more by feelings than reason. And this is never truer than with leftist people.

If you want to understand liberals, know that most of their ideology is simply a pseudo-intellectual justification for what feels right to them. As for these feelings, the one stereotypically associated with the left is compassion, which supposedly manifests itself in mercy, charity, forgiveness and temperance. In reality, though, a feeling that far better characterizes the left is envy.

I’m not the first to observe this. Winston Churchill called socialism “the gospel of envy,” and this Daily Mail piece cites research showing that leftists are in fact consumed by the fault. It is true, and it explains the real motivation behind their redistributionist tendencies: It’s not that they care so much that the poor have less. They simply can’t stand the fact that others have more — than they do, that is. But there is something they do want to share with their fellow man, a thing they have in abundance: misery.
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The Envious Feminist”

Babies Violate Labor Laws

-By Warner Todd Huston

Kim Grandy, the President of the National Organization for Women, has announced a new initiative to sue all babies born in the U.S. for violating labor laws by forcing mother’s into what Grandy calls “mommy slavery.”

NOW’s new program Freedom From Kids™ launched early this week and lays out a plan for the courts to take all children from beleaguered mothers at birth so that women can find their true potential in working for the government or university Wymin’s programs.

“For decades,” Grandy said, “Wymin have been chained to these ungrateful brats and have been held back from achieving their true potential. We believe that the this program will free wymin from the drudgery and hateful business of raising kids.”

Not to be outdone, the ACLU filed papers in federal court to require Federal Accredited Kid’s Entertainment (FAKE) services to supply every baby with the latest video games, the coolest clothes and only straight “A” grades in government schools in order to assure a comfortable lifestyle and raise levels of self esteem.

NOW’s plan to sue all babies will establish a fund by placing a lien against all future earnings of newborns to pay would-be un-mothers for the trouble of having birthed the burdensome children in the first place. Much of this fund will go to Planned Parenthood in order to spare other un-mothers the whole mess through abortion mills being set up across the country.

Grandy said that she is satisfied that this is the “best of all worlds.”

President Obama issued a press release praising the plan and apologizing to our European allies for not having thought this up decades ago. “If more American children were aborted or warehoused by government agencies to reduce the burden on wymin, perhaps WWII would never have been fought and peace would reign in every corner of the earth,” Obama said.
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Babies Violate Labor Laws”

Gosh Darn it… The Assoc. Press is all Mad at Me (Update on NJ School Cross-Dressing Day)

-By Warner Todd Huston

I hate it when the Old Media gets all mad at me, and stuff. But, here is the vaunted AP scolding me for “skewering” a grade school over the story of the canceled cross-dressing day that was to be held at the Maude Wilkins School in New Jersey.

On the morning of April 12 I came across a story posted on my FaceBook page by an incensed mother of a grade school boy from the Maude Wilkins grade school. She was upset that her school had planned an event for women’s history month wherein students would come to school dressed as a famous woman from history, or dressed in representative historical women’s fashion from American history… yes, they even expected the boys to dress as women.

Later that day I wrote my treatment of the event and off to the races we went. As it happened it wasn’t long before the pressure that the school felt over the ridiculous cross-dressing day caused Principal Beth F. Norica to cancel the event.
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Gosh Darn it… The Assoc. Press is all Mad at Me (Update on NJ School Cross-Dressing Day)”

NJ Grade Schools Makes Kids Dress as Women for Woman’s History Month — Yes Even Boys

-By Warner Todd Huston

To celebrate women’s history month this year, grade school boys are being forced to dress up like women at the Maple Shade School District in Burlington County, New Jersey and some parents are none too happy about it.

According to Beth F. Norcia, Principal of the Maude Wilkins Elementary School, the cross-dressing scheme was set up as a contest to celebrate women’s history month among the Burlington County schools.

The idea, says Principal Norcia, is for the kids to dress up as women through various periods of American history. When a nonplussed parent called the school to inquire about the dress-up day, the Principal seemed unperturbed by it all saying that women wear jeans, too, so boys didn’t have to wear a dress unless they wanted to.
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NJ Grade Schools Makes Kids Dress as Women for Woman’s History Month — Yes Even Boys”

Another Motherhood-Hating, Traditional Gender Role-Attacking, San Fran Liberal

-By Warner Todd Huston

Margot Magowan a blogger for the San Francisco Chronicle must have gone to college. I say that not because she seems so well educated, but because she seems to hate traditional gender roles. After all, the only place that women become radical feminists is in college because the real world does not teach such balderdash.

In a short April 7 blog post Magowan furiously attacked the magazine Good Housekeeping for its latest cover story on First Lady Michelle Obama. Magowan hated the photo, claims she hates “the media’s” supposed “abuse” of first ladies, and even more to the point hates the fact that a magazine named Good Housekeeping still even “lives on” in this day and age when all things connected with homemaking should have been destroyed by the triumph of feminism long ago… as far as she is concerned apparently.

This post is a liberal feminist’s rant extraordinary, for sure.
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Another Motherhood-Hating, Traditional Gender Role-Attacking, San Fran Liberal”

Madonna: Sex Selling Hypocrite

-By Warner Todd Huston

I guess as a youngster she was busy designing wacky, risque outfits when she should have been learning the definitions of words, but Madonna — the famed “Material Girl” — uttered a whopper recently misusing the word “irony” when she should have been using the word “hypocrite”… as in what she is.

Of course the first thought that anyone has of pop singer Madonna is sex, sex, sex. She has made her entire career on selling her sexuality. From the days of 1983’s hit “Holliday,” to photo spreads in Playboy and Penthouse, to crawling on stage like a cat in heat, to girl-on-girl kisses, and raunchy videos throughout, Madonna has made her bucks with her body with as much skin showing as possible at all times even today in her 50s.

But, suddenly mother Madonna is hopeful that her own 13-year-old daughter, Lourdes, will “dress more conservatively.” Sex is bad all of a sudden when Madonna is talking about her own child.
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Madonna: Sex Selling Hypocrite”