As Election Day Nears, Obama Works Overtime to Bring in As Many Illegals as He Can

-By Warner Todd Huston

In the first few years of his presidency Barack Obama deported millions of illegals. But as his second term approached, the president soon reversed that policy and not only began to release the ones already taken into custody, but launched several programs to bring in as many illegals — both Hispanic and Muslim — as he could. And now he is welcoming in hundreds of thousands as the 2016 election nears.

When Barack Obama took office, his first two years saw a cascading number of illegal alien activists complaining that he was deporting too many illegals. In fact, in 2012 surrogates for Mitt Romney was airing TV ads claiming that Obama had deported more illegals than any other president. This was an effort to get the illegal alien advocates mad enough at him not to vote for his reelection.

While this claim wasn’t exactly true it does reflect the fact that in the first few years of his first term he was deporting a lot of illegals.

This policy, though, was soon reversed, perhaps in response to outrage from activists for illegals and their partners in the U.S. Hispanic community.

By 2013 Obama was making major changes in policy, seriously reversing his deportations. Year after year he began to lower the number of deportations and by 2015 Obama put into place new rules for his immigration services that would give 87 percent of the illegal population a degree of protection from deportation. That is an increase from the 74 percent who were given such “protection” with Obama’s earlier policy changes.

The president also informed DHS, border police, and his other immigration departments to pick up fewer illegals. Earlier this year, the small number of illegals rounded up in the January sweeps amounted to less than one in 1,000 of the total number of parents and children who surged across the border, starting in 2014. And even of these gathered up, few were set for deportation.
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As Election Day Nears, Obama Works Overtime to Bring in As Many Illegals as He Can”

Study: Immigrants Use 41% More in Welfare Benefits Than U.S. Born Recipients

-By Warner Todd Huston

A new study on the use of welfare benefits by illegal and legal immigrants in the U.S. finds that households headed by immigrants use an average of $6,200 in benefits annually, fully 41 percent higher than the rate used by native born welfare recipients.

This study comes on the heels of another study finding that 51 percent of immigrant households are signed up for at least one welfare program.

“Immigrants are such heavy users of welfare not because they don’t work, but because, on average, they have little education and thus earn low wages,” said Mark Krikorian, executive director of the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS). “If we continue to permit large numbers of less-educated people to move here from abroad, we have to accept that there will be huge and ongoing costs to taxpayers.”

The study, based on the Census Bureau’s 2012 Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP), notes that the higher use of welfare benefits because by and large the current wave of immigrants are less educated and have fewer needed job skills and are therefore more apt to apply for welfare benefits.
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Study: Immigrants Use 41% More in Welfare Benefits Than U.S. Born Recipients”

Obama Sent Illegals All Across The County, Forcing States to Pay for Schooling

-By Warner Todd Huston

President Obama secretly sent tens of thousands of illegals all across the country and into every state without bothering to inform governors that he was doing it and now the states are stuck footing the bill for healthcare and education.

On September 29, the AP reported that “Unaccompanied minors… have moved to communities of all sizes, in nearly every state.”
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Obama Sent Illegals All Across The County, Forcing States to Pay for Schooling”

Thanks Democrats: Future US Workforce to be LESS Literate

-By Warner Todd Huston

In conjunction with allowing the poorest, least educated foreigners to flood into this country by the millions, our failed education system is creating a permanent underclass that every year is giving the USA a less educated work force. Add to that a culture in at least one segment of our society that devalues education in the first place and we have a recipe for the downfall of our country.

Dave Frum, the purported “conservative” columnist at The Atlantic brought up a report from 2007 that I had not seen before, a survey that is quite alarming for the health of this country.

As Frum put it:
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Thanks Democrats: Future US Workforce to be LESS Literate”

Pelosi Breaks Decorum, Chases Republican Around House Chamber

-By Warner Todd Huston

After Congressman Tom Marino (R, PA) made the assertion that the Democrats did nothing about the immigration mess when they controlled both houses of Congress, former Speaker Nancy Pelosi broke House decorum by running after the Pennsylvanian to berate him for his address.

Marino appeared on the floor on Friday, August 1, to voice his support for the passage of the Republican effort to deal with this immigration crisis and noted that Democrats are full of complaining, but are culpable, at least in part, for the situation getting as bad as it has gotten.

“We don’t have law and order,” Marino said of the border crisis. “My colleagues on the other side don’t want to do anything about it.”
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Pelosi Breaks Decorum, Chases Republican Around House Chamber”

Border Patrol Attacking Americans, Letting Illegals Go

-By Warner Todd Huston

Obama lining up Mexican gangbangers to become US “citizens”

Fox Business Network’s John Stossel released a very disturbing report on the abuses of Americans at the hands of Border Patrol agents who are stopping cars 100 miles inland from our borders all across the nation–not just in the southwest. They are breaking into cars, tazing Americans, detaining them, and then releasing them with no charges after this violent encounter. Meanwhile they are letting Illegals run across the border free as you please !

Stossel found that the U.S. border Patrol is allowed to set up roadblock for 100 miles inland from the outer border of our entire country. But, as it happens, the largest portion of the country’s population lives within 100 miles from a border.
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Border Patrol Attacking Americans, Letting Illegals Go”

Worst American Governor Pat Quinn Urges Obama to Bring all Illegals to Illinois

-By Warner Todd Huston

Illinois Governor Pat Quinn has a great idea. He wants Obama to bring all the illegals to Illinois! In a state that sits at the bottom of every metric that makes a successful state–rampant unemployment, lowest job creation, highest debt, biggest pension crisis, worst business climate–Pat Quinn wants to import thousands of people who have no jobs and no prospects for one, people with no education, and people possibly full of diseases right here to the Land of Lincoln.

On Friday evening after the news day was done, Quinn announced that he is prepared to give as many illegals as Obama can spare a place to stay in Illinois.

During the announcement, Quinn spokesman Grant Klintzman said, “If a location is needed we are prepared to aid the federal government in finding a suitable one.”
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Worst American Governor Pat Quinn Urges Obama to Bring all Illegals to Illinois”

Just Who is Paying the $10K Coyote Fees for Illegals to Get Here?

-By Warner Todd Huston

A recent interview with the human traffickers known as “coyotes” reveals that they charge from between $5,000 to $10,000 US per individual to be guided from Central America to our border only leave the illegal immigrants to their own devices to stream across the border to take advantage of Obama’s amnesty policies. But, are we expected to believe that the dirt poor–and often pre-teen children–are paying these fees? And if they aren’t, who is?

The interview initially published in Spanish by the Associated Press reports that the coyotes use some of the money to bribe various government officials along the way as well as to payoff members of the vicious drug cartels to allow passage. But the report also notes that most of the price tag is profit. (Here is the same article in English)
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Just Who is Paying the $10K Coyote Fees for Illegals to Get Here?”

Obama Administration Apologizing for ‘Miscues’ Over Immigrant Kids

-By Warner Todd Huston

At a town hall-styled meeting held at St Paul’s College in Lawrenceville, Virginia, members of the Obama administration were forced to apologize for not informing local residents that they intended to warehouse hundreds of illegal immigrants in the community.

Officials at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services had made plans to ship hundreds of illegal immigrants to the small farming community from facilities overflowing with illegal aliens in the south and southwest. But officials made no effort to discuss the issue with local residents ahead of time.

The town hall was called when residents found out about the government’s plans.
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Obama Administration Apologizing for ‘Miscues’ Over Immigrant Kids”

Let’s Get Serious About Immigration, Conservatives

-By Warner Todd Huston

Immigration is a difficult issue for conservatives these days. It is fraught with emotions and passionate feelings. Whenever someone tries to discuss the issue dispassionately, the old canard of “no true Scotsman” is employed against them. But conservatives need to continue to have this discussion and get their ducks in a row on the issue because the other side has a successful call to arms that we need to prove wrong. It is too easy for the left to claim that it has “compassion” for immigrants and we don’t. We need to pull the debate away from faux “compassion” and toward the facts.

On the right we have at least two main ideas about immigration. Some want open borders and easy employment for immigrants so that business has a quick and constant source of low-priced labor. These business-oriented conservatives (some might call them country club Republicans) are less interested in social issues and more interested in money and economic growth. Opposing the open borders folks are those that might be called nativists, those that feel America should not have a wide open border and that America is for Americans. The extremes of these positions are on one hand not following our immigration laws and on the other making race-based, cultural-warfare arguments. But there is a path to reconcile the two extremes.
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Let’s Get Serious About Immigration, Conservatives”