New York Appeals Court Rules Murderer Not Guilty Because Six-Day-Old Baby ISN’T Really a Person

-By Warner Todd Huston

In 2008 a pregnant woman who severely injured her baby in utero by driving recklessly was charged with murder when the baby died six-days after being born. After years of court cases, a New York Appeals court ruled that the baby wasn’t a baby–yes, even though it was alive and outside the mother for six days–and the woman cannot be charged with murder.

Seven years ago Jennifer Jorgensen, who was in the third trimester of her pregnancy, swerved her car into oncoming traffic and ran head long into another car. She killed the two people in the other vehicle and was herself seriously injured. Since her baby was in distress from the wreck doctors birthed the child by cesarian section. The baby lived for only six days before succumbing from injuries received in the crash.

Since the child died from its mother’s actions behind the wheel, the state charged Jorgensen with the murder of the child. Prosecutors reasoned that since the child died after it was born alive and since it died from injuries received in the accident, then Jorgensen was guilty of murder.

After several years of court cases, in 2012 Jorgensen was convicted of killing her child and sentenced to nine years in prison. Naturally she appealed the decision with her attorneys offering a two pronged defense. First they say that she never intended to purposefully kill her baby (so premeditated murder is not the case) and secondly according to New York law her baby wasn’t really a “person” so she couldn’t be convicted of killing it. The reasoning on the latter is that the baby was not yet born during the accident so it didn’t matter that it was pulled out of her later and lived six days outside her before its death.
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New York Appeals Court Rules Murderer Not Guilty Because Six-Day-Old Baby ISN’T Really a Person”

Joe Biden Highlights Liberals’ Disgusting Hypocrisy on Life and Abortion

-By Warner Todd Huston

Vice President Joe Biden broke one of the left’s most closely held beliefs with his pronouncement on when life begins. But he also showed liberals for their disgusting, anti-human hypocrisy.

In a new interview with a Catholic magazine called America, Biden actually said he is pretty sure life begins at conception. This is something liberals never say.

After all, if life begins at conception, then abortion is necessarily killing a human being. This is usually a point that liberals refuse to concede and to avoid the discussion they pretend that any infant before birth isn’t really a human being.

During the interview, Biden said, “I’m prepared to accept that at the moment of conception there’s human life and being, but I’m not prepared to say that to other God­-fearing, non-­God­ fearing people that have a different view.”
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Joe Biden Highlights Liberals’ Disgusting Hypocrisy on Life and Abortion”

The Elimination of Christianity in the West Brings Disrespect for Life

-By Warner Todd Huston

Abortion activists are taking the next, logical step in their justification of abortion by agreeing that, yes, abortion kills a human baby, but… “so what?” It is just the next logical step in abortion apologia that results from the end of the Christian philosophical influence in society. But we don’t see that end affecting just abortion. We see it throughout society.

Whether leftists like the idea or not, the United States of America was conceived as a Christian nation. Not a Catholic one, not a Muslim one, not a Jewish one and not a secular one, but a Christian nation built solidly on the Christian ethos. Every state initially formed with a particular flavor of Protestantism as a state sanctioned religion and our entire culture was fueled by the twin influences of Christian philosophy and the Scottish Enlightenment.

It is certainly true that our form of government is essentially secular in that it is not guided or controlled by any particular religion, but the ethics underlying those governments where heavily informed by Christian ethics.

The left, though, has been angling to destroy the underlying Christian ethos since the turn of the last century as academia and the left became imbued with communist and socialist propaganda.
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The Elimination of Christianity in the West Brings Disrespect for Life”

Black ‘Professor’ Who Attacked Teen Anti-Abortion Protester Blames ‘Slavery’

-by Warner Todd Huston

So-called professor Mireille Miller-Young of the University of California at Santa Barbara says she has a legitimate reason for physically attacking a 16-year-old anti-abortion protester in march of this year. She was pregnant, so anti-abortion protests are a “trigger” that makes the disease of pregnancy cause her to go wild. On top of that, “Slavery” made the black “Queer Studies” professor do it, you see?

In March this crazed “professor” attacked the teen and her 21-year-old sister when they took advantage of the school’s “free speech zone” where the pair set up a display to protest abortion.

The “professor” swooped in, physically assaulted the kids and stole their display running away with it to her office where she locked the display away.
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Black ‘Professor’ Who Attacked Teen Anti-Abortion Protester Blames ‘Slavery’”

‘Queer Theory’ Professor Charged For Assaulting a Teenaged Pro-Life Demonstrator

-By Warner Todd Huston

This story updated HERE.

Yesterday I wrote about how Democrats in Cincinnati threw a big welcome home party for a criminal convicted of vote fraud. Even MSNBC’s Al Sharpton, a man guilty of inciting to murder, came on down to Cincy to celebrate this criminal. Well, now, with the tale of a “queer theory” professor from the U of California who has been charged of physically assaulting a teenaged girl who was protesting abortion, I have yet another story that shows that to be a Democrat/liberal/communist is to be a supporter and promulgator of crime.

To recap, the Cincy story was that of vote fraud criminal Melowese Richardson who was convicted of voting six times in the 2012 elections. Race agitators convinced the state to release this criminal after only a few months in jail because RAAAAAAAACISM. Upon release, local Democrats and national headliners threw a big party for her celebrating her criminality and urging everyone to be juuuuuust like her.

I was noting that even though Democrats are criminals as a matter of course, at least they had the decency in days past to be ashamed of being convicted of some crime or another and acted duly chastised. These days they have no shame whatsoever and actually celebrate their criminal behavior as is obvious by the gala celebration given the Cincy criminal.

Well, this week we se yet another example of this criminality celebrated as all things good and right.
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‘Queer Theory’ Professor Charged For Assaulting a Teenaged Pro-Life Demonstrator”

[VIDEO] How The Democrats are Lying About Huckabee’s ‘Women’s Libido’ Comment

-By Warner Todd Huston

Mike Huckabee did not say a single thing that was outrageous during his remarks to an RNC winter meeting on January 23. But that won’t stop the Old Media complex from lying about his comments and desperately trying to spin his comments as some sort of attack on women. It was, in fact, just the opposite.

Left-wing spin artists that pretend to be journalists, like CNN’s Wolf Blitzer and Dana Bash, immediately launched into an attack on Huckabee as if he was disparaging women or attacking their rights–because, you know, Republicans hate women, and all.

Bash most especially immediately lied about Huckabee’s comments, mischaracterizing them so badly that one would think she didn’t actually hear the comments and is only regurgitating the lies spread by extremists that she picked up on the Internet.

It’s bad enough that “reporter” Bash followed the left-wing attack machine’s lie-filled narrative but it’s worse because she was actually in the audience and heard Huckabee first hand.

This so-called reporter jumped to her Twitter account and wrote the following: “At Rnc meeting @MikeHuckabee just said fed govt shouldn’t help women w who can’t control their libido w birth control.”
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[VIDEO] How The Democrats are Lying About Huckabee’s ‘Women’s Libido’ Comment”

Nancy Pelosi Again Pushes ‘Republicans Hate Women’ Lie

-By Warner Todd Huston

Former House Speaker (I love to say that) Nancy Pelosi had an interview recently with MSNBC’s Alex Wagner where Pelosi decided to let us all know that Republicans hate women. Yeah, she really has nothing new or truthful to say, granted.

In the interview Pelosi loaded up with a long series of lies.

“I have told people that the Republicans in Congress are against family planning,” she blabbered. “It’s not just about terminating a pregnancy iIt’s about disrespect for women in terms of their decision making to about the sizing or timing of their having a family.”

This is, of course, a straight out lie. Republicans couldn’t care less if women want or don’t want a family and have no interest in getting involved in how women plan their lives. Being against infanticide is does not equate to being against women’s freedom to lead their lives.
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Nancy Pelosi Again Pushes ‘Republicans Hate Women’ Lie”

Obamacare Pays for Abortions for Lawmakers and Staffers

-By Warner Todd Huston

For decades it has been a practice in Congress to make sure that federal funds do not go to pay for abortions. But now it has been learned that Obamacare will be used to fund abortion coverage for lawmakers and their staffers.

The Washington Times recently reported that the Office of Personnel Management ruled that members of Congress and their staffs will be able to buy health care plans that pay for abortions even though most of the costs of the premiums are funded by federal subsidies (known as the Congressional exemption from Obamacare).

“Under the terms of Obamacare, lawmakers and their aides are required to ditch their government-sponsored plans and buy insurance on state-based health care exchanges,” the paper reports, “though unlike most people on the exchanges, the staffers and members will have most of the costs of their premiums paid by their employer–in this case, taxpayers.”
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Obamacare Pays for Abortions for Lawmakers and Staffers”

Scientists: Babies With Three Parents on the Horizon

-By Warner Todd Huston

Science is always pushing the envelope to see what it can create, but babies with three parents? That is what a recent report out of Britain claims. Soon babies born of DNA of one man and the donor eggs of two women might be on the horizon.

A report at the Daily Mail says that a baby with three parents could be born as early as 2105 after a “landmark decision” by British authorities to allow a “controversial genetic treatment.”

While the genetic experiments are quite controversial and raises fears of “designer babies,” others feel that many ailments, diseases, and hereditary genetic disorders could be cured and that babies could be born with a level of assurances that they would be healthy.

The techniques, the Daily Mail reports, would take the egg from one mother, inject it with DNA from a second woman and fertilize it with a man’s sperm. “The resulting healthy child,” the Mail reports “would effectively have two mothers and a father.”

The British Government’s chief medical officer, Professor Dame Sally Davies, claims that the procedure does not materially alter the genetic traits that would be passed on from the original donor egg and likened the introduction of genetic material from the second female egg to a changing of a “battery pack” in some electronic gadget.
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Scientists: Babies With Three Parents on the Horizon”

Texas’ Wendy Davis: Restricting Abortion is ‘Demonizing Women’

-By Warner Todd Huston

Texas State Senator Wendy Davis made a name for herself at the end of June by launching a filibuster on the floor of the state senate to stop new regulations on abortion in The Lone Star State, and now she is warning Governor Perry to “stop demonizing women” by pursuing such restrictions.

The bill Perry supports would place new requirements of cleanliness and safety on Texas abortion mills, rules that opponents of the bill say would shut down many abortionists. This, Davis claims is “demonizing women.”

On CNN with Wolf Blitzer Sen. Davis addressed Governor Perry directly. “Gov. Perry…let’s stop demonizing women who face very difficult choices in their life. Let’s make sure that we don’t close down 37 of the 42 clinics in Texas and leave women with nowhere to go and put them in a situation where there health will be at risk,” she said.
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Texas’ Wendy Davis: Restricting Abortion is ‘Demonizing Women’”

Will PA Dem. Candidate for Gov. Allyson Schwartz Answer to Gosnell Questions?

-By Warner Todd Huston

We are all well aware that the Old Media establishment has done its level best to ignore Kermit Gosnell’s “house of horrors” abortion trial. But one person has yet to answer as to her thoughts on this trial: Pennsylvania’s Democrat gubernatorial candidate Allyson Schwartz, herself a former abortion provider.

In his April 15 article on how the liberal media has bent over backwards to avoid reporting on this shocking trial, John Fund does a great job of reviewing the failures of the media on the trial of Kermit Gosnell currently underway in Philadelphia.

As Fund so ably points out Gosnell stands accused of killing patients, conducting thousands of illegal abortions, running a filthy “medical” establishment, employing untrained and unqualified assistants, illegally distributing powerful controlled substances among many other charges, and his trial has been replete with heartrending horror stories, yet the media has had little interest in the story.

But at the tail end of his article, Fund points out a very interesting aspect of this story that until now has gotten little attention.

After pointing out that this trial is as much about the evils of uncontrolled abortion as it is about the political motivation of Democrats that are so in thrall to abortion that they won’t even agree to pass laws and regulations that hold abortion clinics even to standards of safety and cleanliness—or agree to enforce any already on the books–Fund asks where Democrat Allyson Schwartz stands on all this.
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Will PA Dem. Candidate for Gov. Allyson Schwartz Answer to Gosnell Questions?”

AP: Gosnell’s Gruesome Assistants ‘Only Following Orders’

-By Warner Todd Huston

In shades of the Nuremberg Trials, an April 12 article from the Associated Press seems to excuse away the actions of the assistants of accused criminal abortionist Kermit Gosnell as “only following orders.”

For the AP, Maryclaire Dale begins her piece with that very sentiment saying, “They say they were just doing what the boss trained them to do.”

Incredibly, throughout the article, Dale seems to absolve these assistants for the horrible things they did, softening the guilt of nearly every person accused of crimes with excuses.

In some cases, Dale claims that these accused assistants had a hard time finding jobs before Gosnell gave them a shot at killing babies born alive. According to Dale, one had to work for Gosnell because she had “post-traumatic stress syndrome.” Dale excuses others because they were somehow related tangentially to fiendish Doctor Gosnell.
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AP: Gosnell’s Gruesome Assistants ‘Only Following Orders’”

Ohio State Student Stomps Pro-Life Signs in Race-Tinged Rant

-By Warner Todd Huston

The left claims to be the “tolerant” ones, we all know, but only when you agree with them and a student at Ohio State proved this to be a truism once again by destroying a pro-life student group’s signs right on the school’s campus and on video, yet. Worse, this student employed what the left calls “racist code words” to denounce the pro-lifers.

The thus far unidentified female student is seen on the video rampaging through the pro-life group’s displays screaming that she agrees with abortion to stop “drug addicts” from having unwanted kids.

Naturally this leftist–like all leftists–sees nothing wrong with destroying the public property of those with whom she disagrees. Rights are only for people show “deserve” them as far as the left is concerned.
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Ohio State Student Stomps Pro-Life Signs in Race-Tinged Rant”

Pro-Life Students Compared to White Supremacists at Johns Hopkins University

-By Warner Todd Huston

In March, the pro-life student group Voice For Live was denied the status of official student club by the Student Government Association at Johns Hopkins University. And even as VFL was compared to white supremacists, racists, and deemed undesirable, the SGA approved a new group called Students for Justice in Palestine despite that the latter group has a history of anti-Semitism and campus disruption.

The SGA (SGA) voted on March 12 to deny Voice For Life (VFL )the right to become an officially sanctioned club. The vote against VFL was later upheld by the SGA senate.

To explain its decision, the SGA claimed that the pro-life group’s national website is “offensive” because one of its links takes visitors to the website for Bio-Ethical Reform. The SGA also claimed that because the pro-life group engages in sidewalk counseling at a Baltimore abortion facility, that “clearly violates the JHU Harassment and Code of Conduct policies.”

President of Students for Life of America Kristen Hawkins told Fox News that they were shocked to be denied club status.

“We were pretty shocked when the students showed their bias toward the pro-life students,” Hawkins said.
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Pro-Life Students Compared to White Supremacists at Johns Hopkins University”

Sandra Fluke: Religious Employers Will Deny Contraception Coverage, Leukemia Treatments, Blood Transfusions

-By Warner Todd Huston

MSNBC is still scheduling Sandra Fluke as a guest and on Friday’s NewsNation with Tamron Hall she essentially claimed that leukemia treatments and contraception coverage is pretty much the same thing in the eyes of those “religious employers” that want to use religious objections to deny “healthcare” coverage to employees.

“I think what it is important to note is that some of the folks who are continuing to object to this policy are actually worried about employers who are private companies, not religiously affiliated employers in any way, but the boss has a particular religious concern and they want to be able deny their employees particular types of healthcare.

Now if you take a sep back and think about that, that’s, you know, you work at a restaurant, you work at a store and your boss is able to deny you leukemia coverage, or contraception coverage, or blood transfusions or any number of medical concerns that someone might have a religious objection to.

So the folks that are still objecting have some very extreme ideas about religious freedom and employee healthcare in this country.

There are many fallacies in this.
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Sandra Fluke: Religious Employers Will Deny Contraception Coverage, Leukemia Treatments, Blood Transfusions”