Unions Scold School For Not Celebrating Cop Killer

-By Warner Todd Huston

A group of unions in California have gotten together to criticize the Oakland Unified School District for refusing to allow a lesson plan to appear on its website that compares murderer Mumia Abu-Jamal to civil rights icon Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

The “Urban Dreams” lesson plan tells students to “critically examine a possible parallel between Martin Luther King, Jr., and someone else many believe is currently targeted by the U.S. government, Mumia Abu-Jamal.”

The Oakland school district decided to jettison the lesson plan because it lionized a cop killer and criticized the police. Its comparison of the murderer to King was especially galling.

But the unions had an opposing opinion on the efficacy of a lesson plan that celebrates a murderer as someone “just like” beloved civil rights leader Martin Luther King, Jr.
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Unions Scold School For Not Celebrating Cop Killer”

Muslims in Philly Try to Carry Out Sharia Sentence to Chop Man’s Hand Off

-By Warner Todd Huston

This is what happens when you allow Muslims to think they can impose their own laws on members of their community. In Philadelphia a local Muslim leader tried to carry out Sharia law and chop off a man’s hand after he was accused of stealing money from the Mosque.

As Reuters reports, ” Two men described as leaders of a Philadelphia mosque were accused of trying to cut off the hand of a suspected thief, whose wrist was sliced so deeply it required hospital treatment, police said on Friday.”

This is what happens when you allow these primitive, backwards people to imagine they can do whatever they want when they come here. This is what happens when you make them feel they don’t have to follow our laws.
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Muslims in Philly Try to Carry Out Sharia Sentence to Chop Man’s Hand Off”

Clinton In-Law Loses Election BIG

-By Warner Todd Huston

A Clinton extended family member, Marjorie Margolies–the mother of Chelsea Clinton’s husband–was running for Congress in a safe Democrat district in Pennsylvania. Everyone expected her to just waltz into Congress but shockingly she got crushed by a lesser known primary challenger.

Margolies had a lot of things going for her, all of which seemed to assure that she was a shoo in. She was once a Congresswoman, she is Chelsea Clinton’s mother-in-law and she had both Bill and Hillary fly in to her district and campaign for her. She is also a “she,” and was being challenged in the Democrat primary by a white man. That alone would have seemed to put her over the edge, war on women wise.

But it was the Clinton connection that everyone thought would be the number one winning point. Bill and Hillary held campaign fundraisers for Margolies and Bill sent out a robo call on her behalf.
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Clinton In-Law Loses Election BIG”

Allowing Unions to Organize Volkswagen is Like ‘Injecting Cancer’ Into US Auto Industry

-By Warner Todd Huston

It seems like a foolish move by Volkswagen for allowing the United Auto Workers (UAW) to organize its American plants. Not only did the UAW screw Volkswagen in the past, but even now the union admits that it is raising union dues solely to replenish its strike fund so unionistas can walk out. It’s like Volkswagen is buying its own rope for its execution.

Or, as Steve Moore of The Wall Street Journal says, “it’s like inserting a cancer cell into a body.”

That is how Journal editorial board member Moore characterized the act of allowing the UAW to organize Volkswagen’s American auto plants. “That one cancer cell is going to multiply and kill the body. It’s a disruptive influence,” he continued.

Worse, the UAW wants to raise dues for members for the expressed reason of filling strike fund coffers, this according to UAW Boss Bob King.

So, if Volkswagen gives in to the UAW’s demands it will only be helping the union to walk out at the earliest opportunity.
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Allowing Unions to Organize Volkswagen is Like ‘Injecting Cancer’ Into US Auto Industry”

Zero Tolerance Stupidity: Little Boy Suspended for Using Fingers Like Bow and Arrow

-By Warner Todd Huston

The stupidity of our so-called schools seems never ending. Now we have a ten-year-old boy being suspended because he used his fingers and made motions like they were a bow and arrow. So, now the boy is branded as a weapons-using criminal over an imaginary bow and arrow.

This is just more of the stupidity that is the fetid “zero tolerance” policy, a rule that gives school administrators the opportunity to act like good little automatons and not be required to use their brains like adults should.

This case happened on October 14 in Fawn Grove, Pennsylvania. A ten-year-old named Johnny Jones was suspended from school for shooting an imaginary bow and arrow at another kid. Apparently the school’s idiotic “no weapons” policy was evoked to get the kid thrown out of school.
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Zero Tolerance Stupidity: Little Boy Suspended for Using Fingers Like Bow and Arrow”

White House Says Obama Too Busy For 150th Celebration of Gettysburg Address

-By Warner Todd Huston

While Obama likes to pretend he is somehow “just like” President Abraham Lincoln, on this 150th anniversary of the delivery of Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address the President was no where to be found as the Address was celebrated in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. Why not? He was “busy” with that “whole website thing,” the White House said.

Journalist Ron Fournier was curious why Obama was a no show in Gettysburg for the anniversary celebration and took to Twitter to ask the White House why he didn’t show up.

“Curious,” Fournier Tweeted White House spokesman Dan Pfeiffer on Nov. 19, “why not honor Gettysburg with a presidential visit?”

An actor portrays Abe Lincoln in Gettysburg.

Presidential spokesman Pfeiffer replied that the visit didn’t fit into the President’s schedule and that prompted Fournier to ask what was more important than the “Gettysburg anniversary.”
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White House Says Obama Too Busy For 150th Celebration of Gettysburg Address”

Anti-Gun Penn. Mayor Ousted From Office by Pro-Gun Voters

-By Warner Todd Huston

Let this be a warning to all arrogant politicians who think they don’t have to listen to their constituents. An anti-gun mayor in Chambersburg, Pennsylvania was fired by pro-gun voters this month after he enraged hundreds of voters by joining New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s discredited anti-gun group, Mayors Against Gun Violence.

In the Nov. 5 election, voters in Chambersburg ousted incumbent mayor Democrat Pete Lagiovane in a region steeped in gun culture and hunting traditions.

Mayor-elect Darren Brown, a tea party Republican, was gratified but noted that he was a little worried about how close the election ended up being. “The results are a little closer than I thought they’d be,” Brown said after winning with 52 percent of the vote.

The NRA used its powerful voice in support of Brown, “The only pro-gun candidate in this race,” as the legislative arm of the NRA said in advertisements.
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Anti-Gun Penn. Mayor Ousted From Office by Pro-Gun Voters”

After 93 Years Church Throws Out Boy Scouts for Now Favoring Gays

-By Warner Todd Huston

After being associated with the Boy Scouts of America for 93 years, a church in Pennsylvania has ended its relationship because the venerable kids organization bent to left-wing pressure and is now allowing gays into the group.

The Aldan Union Church in Aldan, Pa. has told the Boy Scouts to take a hike because they’d rather not support gays.

“As a church, we have a responsibility to our convictions,” Rev. Paul Thompson told KYW radio.

This is exactly the point, too. The Bible is very clear that homosexuality is a sin. If the Scouts are now sponsoring members who are openly homosexual, that would absolutely violate Biblical principles. The church really had no choice.
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After 93 Years Church Throws Out Boy Scouts for Now Favoring Gays”

School Cancels ‘Religious’ Halloween, Says Constitution Forbids It

-By Warner Todd Huston

I hate to even use the word “school” for this sort of brainless stupidity, but here we go again having a school attempting to destroy our American traditions and character this time by banning Halloween. Why? Because it is a “religious” holiday and the Constitution forbids religion in schools, of course.

Now you and I both know that the American holiday of Halloween has absolutely no religious connotations whatsoever. But this fool of a school principal has decreed that Halloween is all shot through with that monstrous “religious” stuff and so, because all our founders were 100% against religion–despite that this country was formed on freedom of religion–why we need to dump Halloween, too.

Now, it is true that Halloween has religious roots. It stems from the Christian celebration of All Hallows Eve, a holiday many think was derived from pagan practices. But that original origin does not have its roots in America’s celebration of the holiday.

In fact, Halloween was not much celebrated in the USA before the 20th century, though some immigrants did celebrate it here and there beforehand. It just wasn’t a nationalized holiday until it became a merchandising holiday pushed by Hollywood and the business sector in the 20th century. Halloween in the USA was never much associated with the ancient Christian and/or pagan celebrations. The way we do it is quite specifically American.
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School Cancels ‘Religious’ Halloween, Says Constitution Forbids It”

Tyranny: City Telling Residents They Can’t Park in Their Own Driveways

-By Warner Todd Huston

In yet another example of how our governments, whether city, county, state or federal, have become tyrants instead of servants, residents in Pittsburgh have discovered that they are being fined–some up to thousands of dollars–for “illegally” parking their cars in their own driveways.

You read that correctly. The city passed an ordinance that essentially makes it illegal for homeowners to park their own cars in their own driveways on their own, privately held property. And now city officials are randomly cruising through the city and handing out fines to homeowners for violating that “law.”

The city ordinance, being enforced by the Bureau of Building Inspection, states that no one can park a car within 30 feet of a building. This, of course, would make nearly every driveway in the city an illegal parking space.
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Tyranny: City Telling Residents They Can’t Park in Their Own Driveways”

Two Hero Teens Save Kidnapped Girl

-By Warner Todd Huston

Temar Boggs and his friend Chris Garcia deserve to be recognized for saving a five-year-old girl from a kidnapper in Lancaster, Pennsylvania.

Boggs and Garcia mounted their bicycles and began to look for a little girl that had turned up missing in their Lancaster neighborhood.

After riding around for an hour or so, the two boys saw a suspicious car and began to follow it. Boggs caught up with the car and saw a little girl in the car with an unknown man. The driver then got scared and pushed the girl out of the car.

The little girl turned out to be the missing 5-year-old Jocelyn Rojas.

Police are still looking for the suspect described as:

Police are still looking for the alleged kidnapper. Cops described him as a white man, between 50 and 70 years old, who walks with a limp. The car was described as a red or maroon-purple Chevy.

Boggs and Garcia certainly saved this little girl from a grisly fate.
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Two Hero Teens Save Kidnapped Girl”

Gosnell Defense Attny Blamed ‘Baby Factor’ In Part For Guilty Verdict

-By Warner Todd Huston

Attorney Jack McMahon had an interesting excuse for why he lost the case to a guilty verdict for his client, abortion mill operator Kermit Gosnell. It was because of the “baby factor” he said to reporters right after the court adjourned. McMahon called this “a big problem.”

Just what the lawyer meant by “the baby factor” is open to question, but in context it seems that he was saying that the jurors were influenced by the common human emotion of love for babies and that emotional response led the jurors to convict his client.

Oddly, McMahon also blamed the media saying, “The media has been overwhelmingly against him [Gosnell].” This is odd since the media barely mentioned the trial during its entire run. Further, jurors reported that they had not seen much of the media’s coverage anyway.

McMahon did applaud the jury for taking its job seriously, though.
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Gosnell Defense Attny Blamed ‘Baby Factor’ In Part For Guilty Verdict”

New York Times Defends Non-Coverage of Gosnell Trial, Says Trial is Meaningless

-By Warner Todd Huston

For The New York Times, editorial page editor Andrew Rosenthal penned an apologia for the Old Media establishment’s disinterest in covering the abortion trial of Kermit Gosnell and essentially claimed that the trial is a meaningless incident when all things are considered, especially when it comes to the overall abortion debate.

“What does the trial of a Philadelphia doctor who is accused of performing illegal late-term abortions by inducing labor and then killing viable fetuses have to do with the debate over legal abortion,” Rosenthal writes.

Rosenthal excuses his paper’s lack of coverage of the Gosnell trial saying that the NYT has written “six articles” already so this, he believes, means they’ve adequately covered the story. He also maintains that there is “no rule” that a newspaper “has to run one piece about a bad clinic for every piece celebrating a good one.”

But a mere six articles seems rather lacking. As LifeNews.com’s Rob Schwarzwalder pointedly recalls, “I wonder why the Times, as it did with the trial of Tiller murderer George Roeder, did not cover such things as jury selection or pronounce endlessly on the assorted issues involved in the Gosnell case.”

Speaking of Tiller, Rosenthal also invokes the murdered abortionist and finds space to mourn his death and celebrates the reopening of his clinic.
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New York Times Defends Non-Coverage of Gosnell Trial, Says Trial is Meaningless”

AP: Gosnell’s Gruesome Assistants ‘Only Following Orders’

-By Warner Todd Huston

In shades of the Nuremberg Trials, an April 12 article from the Associated Press seems to excuse away the actions of the assistants of accused criminal abortionist Kermit Gosnell as “only following orders.”

For the AP, Maryclaire Dale begins her piece with that very sentiment saying, “They say they were just doing what the boss trained them to do.”

Incredibly, throughout the article, Dale seems to absolve these assistants for the horrible things they did, softening the guilt of nearly every person accused of crimes with excuses.

In some cases, Dale claims that these accused assistants had a hard time finding jobs before Gosnell gave them a shot at killing babies born alive. According to Dale, one had to work for Gosnell because she had “post-traumatic stress syndrome.” Dale excuses others because they were somehow related tangentially to fiendish Doctor Gosnell.
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AP: Gosnell’s Gruesome Assistants ‘Only Following Orders’”

CNN Celebrates Springsteen Rally For Obama, Ignores Larger Romney Rally

-By Warner Todd Huston

CNN’s 1600 Report blog is currently featuring a photo of aging rocker Bruce Springsteen at a rally for Obama in Wisconsin today. The headline reads, “Springsteen energizes Obama’s final sprint.”

One might think it would be interesting, though, to compare and contrast the size of the crowd at Obama’s Springsteen rally with Romney’s rally from the same day. But, CNN avoids that comparison, perhaps for good reason.

The Springsteen rally was held in Wisconsin, of all states. Wisconsin is supposed to be a solid Obama win, yet here was the President and his personal rock star in the last hours of the campaign desperately touring the very state he is supposed to have a lock on. Worse for Obama, only about 18,000 turned up at the rally.

On the other hand, Mitt Romney was in Pennsylvania, a state he is supposed to have no chance to win. Even more amazing, Romney pulled in over 30,000 people to his rally.

Yeah, I suppose one can understand why CNN didn’t want to make that comparison.
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CNN Celebrates Springsteen Rally For Obama, Ignores Larger Romney Rally”

Benedict Arlen Spector, Dead at 82

-By Warner Todd Huston

Well, I don’t have anything nice to say about one-time Senator Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania. He was a terrible RINO, never did the GOP much good, and ultimately ended up acting the traitor by jumping parties to become a Democrat at the end of his career. He’s dead at 82.

I have to admit that the sole reason I am even posting about it is so that one last time I can use the above photoshop image I made. That is all he was worth to me, anyway.

Rep. Mike Kelly’s Fantastic Speech on House Floor

-By Warner Todd Huston

“So, do you want know the price of regulations? You want to talk about creating jobs in America? …Take the heavy boot off the throat of America’s jobs creators and let them breathe!” — Mike Kelly, Representative of Pennsylvania’s 3rd Congressional District

On Friday, July 27, Rep. Mike Kelly (R, Penn.) took to the floor of the House of Representatives to slam Washington’s business as usual, red tape attacks on the American business sector.

Obama’s regulations are killing this country.

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Rep. Mike Kelly’s Fantastic Speech on House Floor”

Our Socialist School Teachers

-By Warner Todd Huston

I am beginning to feel that there is no hope for many of our school teachers. They’ve become so infused with leftism that any semblance of Americanism is beyond their grasp. Even history is viewed from within a socialist prism as a recent editorial from a teacher from Pennsylvania proves.

In his editorial, teacher Robert J. Fisher of Upper Saucon Township sought to debunk what he called the “extreme right-wing elements” of today’s America. He did this by claiming that nearly every conflict in our history is some sort of example of Marxist class warfare.

For teacher Fisher, all of American history is one giant example of Marxist principles proven right. It doesn’t matter that the ideas of class as Marx described them really didn’t exist during all of American history, of course.

Fisher claims that “primitive Native Americans” and “subsistent frontiersmen from the Piedmont” were all engaged in class warfare with the “wealthier urban merchants and plantation owners.”

He goes on to claim that the Regulators in 1771 North Carolina, Shay’s rebellion (1787), and the earlier Bacon’s rebellion (1675) were all “class warfare.”

Then he says that the “powerful federal government” that Washington and his compatriots created was an attempt to “deal more effectively with such class-based rebellions.” His proof? The 1791 Whiskey Rebellion.

Fisher bounced to the Jacksonian era, saying that the President Andrew Jackson’s goal was “reform” America to allow “the common man” to become vested in the system then touted the Civil War as the biggest “class struggle” of them all.

And who else was a hero? Of course it was the rise of the labor union coupled with Franklin Roosevelt’s “New Deal” policies. These, he claims “helped create a vibrant middle class.”

All of this is skewed nonsense. The history of the United States cannot be so simplistically distilled as one of mere class warfare and it’s sad that this person who has been allowed to influence the minds of our children is so blinded by his Marxist theology that this is all he can see.

In fact, in nearly every case Fisher cites the Americans involved were not trying to tear down another class in order to “equalize” society. They did not consider themselves class warriors but people that aimed to advance to a better life themselves.
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Our Socialist School Teachers”

Polls Show Ohio and Penn. Voters Say Obama Doesn’t Deserve Reelection

-By Warner Todd Huston

CNN is reporting that Obama “has his work cut out for him” if he wants to get reelected in 2012 and a poll of Ohio and Pennsylvania is the evidence.

There has been a lot of speculation on how bad things are looking for The Obammessiah these days. Even Democrats are afraid that it is looking bad for Obama winning a second term…

Read the rest at RightPundits.com.

What Guns Were Made For: Homeowner in Philly Attacked By Mob

-By Warner Todd Huston

A homeowner in Philly was attacked by a mob of racist black “youths” that broke into his home apparently looking to kill white people. This is exactly the situation that the Second Amendment was made for.

The Philly Inquirer reports that “dozens of youths” marauded into a sleepy Philly neighborhood to find white teens to beat up or kill reportedly because an African-American was attacked on a playground nearby.

Don’t you love how the newspaper reports the makeup of the crowd? It’s just “dozens of youths” instead of what it really was, an army of black criminals intent on mayhem and murder. Police even said that it wasn’t just “youths,” either, but people into the thirties at least.

Mark LaVelle was standing outside near his home when two 13 or 14-year-old white boys ran up to him fearful that the mob would come after them. Once the crowd saw LaVelle with the two boys, they did, indeed, turn their attention to the three.
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What Guns Were Made For: Homeowner in Philly Attacked By Mob”

State Of Inebriation: PA Tries to Hold its Liquor

-By Daniel Clark

Eccentric Russian politician Vladimir Zhirinovsky once tried to win his country’s presidency by promising cheap vodka, “at every corner, around the clock.” Despite the populist appeal of that platform, he was not elected. Perhaps he should have been running for office in Pennsylvania, instead.

Here in the Keystone State, the sale of liquor has been the function of “state stores,” controlled by the Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board, ever since the end of prohibition. It’s an arrangement Zhirinovsky might have designed himself, resembling as it does the punch line to a Yakov Smirnoff joke: “In Russia, government drive you to get drunk; in Pennsylvania, you drive to government to get drunk.” Over the past several decades, governors from both parties have repeatedly tried to get the state out of the booze business, but have been consistently thwarted.

The latest effort is being led in the state legislature by Allegheny County Republican Mike Turzai. The PLCB and the United Food and Commercial Workers oppose his plan, contending that privatizing the liquor business would result in alcoholic beverages becoming more expensive and less accessible to consumers.
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State Of Inebriation: PA Tries to Hold its Liquor”

Union Thug Puts Own Teen Daughter In Front of Moving Truck as Protest

-By Warner Todd Huston

With the current strike against Verizon we once again find that union thugs see no reason to obey the law. But it gets even worse. One union thug has even placed his unionism above fatherhood by placing his own teenaged daughter in front of a moving truck in order to protest Verizon.

This Verizon strike has been going on for a little while and has already resulted in lawbreaking, intimidation, and now endangering a minor. Check out this video of a foul-mouthed union thug putting his own teenaged daughter in danger just so he can pay fealty to his unionism…

Read the rest at RightPundits.com.

Union Thugs Protest The Wrong Place!

-By Warner Todd Huston

I guess that getting the correct information when arranging a smear campaign and protest is not necessary when you are the Service Employees International Union (SEIU). Who needs to be in the right when you are an important, powerful, politically connected union, eh? The seriousness of the charge and the effort to “raise awareness” is far more important than targeting the right people to smear, right?

It seems that the SEIU decided to picket against Marcellus Shale drilling, sometimes called hydrofracking, and the severance tax associated with it. So the government employee union picked a site in Hastings, Pennsylvania to highlight this subject and to shame the company that owns the property into siding with them.

Only one tiny, little problem. There is no Marcellus Shale drilling going on at the site they descended upon with their protests. And there never has been. It turns out the SEIU got the wrong place.
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Union Thugs Protest The Wrong Place!”

Democrat New Tone: Penn. Pol. Asks if She Can Kill a Colleague, ‘Blow His Brains Out’

-By Warner Todd Huston

Yes, it’s that new age of Democrat political civility rearing its ugly head yet again. During an April 12 debate on gun control Pennsylvania State Representative Margo Davidson of Philadelphia wondered aloud on the House floor if it might be OK for her to blow the brains out of one of Pennsylvania’s Republican Representatives.

Before we even go on with this story, imagine if a white, male, and Republican politician had asked during a debate on policy if it would be OK if he blew the brains out of a black, female, Democrat. Just imagine what would be happening to such a man should he have done this. Certainly his name would be on the lips of every TV newscaster for at least a week after he said such an outrageous thing. Movements would be born to oust him from his elected position. Colleagues would be condemning him. Race-baiters would be flocking to the state for vigils. Further his own party would be denouncing him in no uncertain terms.

But what we have here is a black female, a Democrat from a big city, and no one is paying any attention at all. Obviously it is not a big deal. Apparently we are expected to just move on as if there is nothing wrong with a black woman expressing the desire to kill her political opponent.

Double standard is the nicest thing I can say about it.
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Democrat New Tone: Penn. Pol. Asks if She Can Kill a Colleague, ‘Blow His Brains Out’”

Pennsylvania Governor Places Communal Glory Over Individual Worth

-By Frederick Meekins

In his comments regarding the cancellation of a football game, Pennsylvania Governor Ed Rendell actually let slip the contempt he feels towards the citizens of the United States in general and the people of the Keystone State in particular.

In one remark especially, Rendell posited that the Chinese are to be extolled for the hypothetical situation that they would likely attend a scheduled athletic event despite dangerous weather conditions and march down to the arena on foot in the process.
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Pennsylvania Governor Places Communal Glory Over Individual Worth”

Left Decries Palin’s Stalker… Or Not

-By Warner Todd Huston

Last month a stalker of Sarah Palin was discovered only 50 miles from her home in Alaska. He has been talking about “tracking her down” at book signings, falsely claimed he’s had a sexual relationship with her, and has sent the Palin’s receipts of gun purchases. So, now I am waiting for the leftists that immediately began to blame the shooting on Gabrielle Giffords on “violent right-wing rhetoric” to point to the violent left-wing rhetoric that would cause a teenager to buy guns (and send the receipt to Palin), send threatening emails, make threatening phone calls, call himself Palin’s “magic enemy,” and ultimately set out to threaten her at her home, until caught by the FBI.

Like Verum Serum I’m waiting for that sincere national dialog from the left. Waaaaaiting….

Naturally, we have to turn to foreign press to hear the story as the US press didn’t make much noise about the stalker Shawn Christy, 19, from Pennsylvania.
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Left Decries Palin’s Stalker… Or Not”

Truth in Accounting Issues: Pennsylvania’s ‘Financial State of the State’ – True Tax Burden $52 Billion

From the Institute for Truth in Accounting…

Chicago (November 29, 2010) Today, the Institute for Truth in Accounting released Pennsylvania’s “Financial State of the State.” After an intensive review of the State’s 2010 audited financial report the Institute determined the State is in a precarious financial position because it does not have the funds available to pay more than $52 billion of the State’s commitments as they come due. Each taxpayer’s share of this financial burden equals $12,200.

Pennsylvania state law requires a balanced budget. “If governors and legislatures had truly balanced the state’s budget, no taxpayer’s financial burden would exist,” said Sheila Weinberg, founder and CEO of the Institute for Truth in Accounting (IFTA). She continued, “A state budget is not balanced if past costs, including those for employees’ retirement benefits, are pushed into the future.”
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Truth in Accounting Issues: Pennsylvania’s ‘Financial State of the State’ – True Tax Burden $52 Billion”

The 11 Republicans on the Powerful House Ways and Means Committee

-By Warner Todd Huston

Veteran fiscal conservative Congressman Peter Roskam (R, IL) has announced the names of the 10 Republicans that are joining him on the House Ways and Means Committee, the powerful committee that has jurisdiction over taxes, trade, and programs such as Social Security and Medicare.

Peter Roskam is the Representative for the 6th Illinois Congressional District which is situated just west of Chicago. He is about to begin his third term in Congress and will advance to the position of Chief Deputy Whip in the 112th Congress. Roskam ranks fourth in the House GOP leadership. His American Conservative Union (ACU) ranking is 97.33 percent.

Two freshmen Representatives will be taking their place on this powerful committee.
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The 11 Republicans on the Powerful House Ways and Means Committee”

We Need More of This: County May Break Union Picket Line

-By Warner Todd Huston

Officials of Northumberland County, Pennsylvania may be about to indulge some union busting. A proposed strike by American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) Council 86, Local 2016, prompted officials to seek bids from private companies to replace the recalcitrant public employees union members threatening a walkout.

County Chief Commissioner Vinny Clausi is unrepentant about pushing the plan to bust the union.

“If they go on strike, we want to make sure we have service,” he said. “The union will not put the government out of business.”

AFSCME union members recently rejected the County’s contract offer of a three-year contract. Naturally, the reason these greedy union thugs wanted to strike is because the county offered a smaller package rather than all the perks and raises the unionistas wanted.
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We Need More of This: County May Break Union Picket Line”

Flight 93 on 9/11: Ride to Stop the Crescent Mosque

Anyone live within driving distance of Somerset Pennsylvania? It’s a beautiful place to visit and a group of motorcyclists from Indianapolis is already going.

Tom Burnett Senior and Alec Rawls are buying full page color ads in the Somerset Daily American for both Friday the 10th and Saturday the 11th, so anyone who makes the trip will have a ready made protest sign waiting for them. Just buy a newspaper, tape the ad to a piece of cardboard, and let the massed national media know what side you are on.

That’s right. With Barbara Bush and Michelle Obama both attending, it’s going to be a media circus, and a rare opportunity to force coverage of our issue. Just self-organize. Ad-holders will show a core of united opposition (and the media might even be forced to read our brief expose).
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Flight 93 on 9/11: Ride to Stop the Crescent Mosque”