Liberals Should Celebrate ISIS as Most Perfect Non-Profit Ever Begun

-By Warner Todd Huston

The left should be celebrating the ISIS terrorists as the perfect example of the sort of non-profit enterprise the virtues of which they constantly extol. In fact, led by the Obviator In Chief in Washington, since leftists are refusing to call ISIS what they are, maybe they are celebrating them after all?

Remember back in 2008 when Michelle Obama said that young people should not be so greedy as to get jobs in corporate America? Instead she instead America’s youngsters should find work at a non-profit. At a speech in Zanesville, Ohio, Michelle urged young people to make the choice “to move out of the money-making industry into the helping industry,” and darn it if ISIS didn’t take up on her challenge.

President Obama even once called his job working for a company as “working for the enemy” because of all that icky money and profits.
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Liberals Should Celebrate ISIS as Most Perfect Non-Profit Ever Begun”

Obama’s New Food Czar Wants Gov’t To Decide What You Are Allowed to Eat

-By Warner Todd Huston

Like all extreme socialists, Obama’s new food czar thinks that government should completely control all aspects of food from its production and is dissemination, even to what is allowed to be advertised and what you are allowed to eat.

Recently the Obama’s personal chef, Sam Kass, resigned his position and left the White House. Kass was not just a chef, though. He was also the White House’s senior adviser for nutrition policy. On top of that he the director of Mrs. Obama’s anti-childhood obesity campaign, “Let’s Move.”

So, Obama had several slots to fill at once with his new food czar. So, he and Michelle have picked one Debra Eschmeyer to take on the role of director of “Let’s Move.”

Eschmeyer, who founded the FoodCorps service program that was designed to teach school cafeteria workers about nutrition, calls herself a “food justice activist.” She recently explained what she means by that title.

“I was an editor of [the book] Food Justice so I spent several years thinking about the definition,” she said. “Food justice seeks to ensure that the benefits and risks of where, what, and how food is grown, produced, transported, distributed, accessed, and eaten are shared fairly.”
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Obama’s New Food Czar Wants Gov’t To Decide What You Are Allowed to Eat”

Michelle Obama Out Right Lies About Illinois ‘Leading’ in Job Creation, Media Silent

-By Warner Todd Huston

A few days ago, First Lady Michelle Obama was in Southern Illinois and during her speech she noted that Illinois leads the nation in job creation. This is a flat out lie. Not just political spin, but based solely on statistics, a straight out lie. And where was the media? Practically silent.

Obama was in Illinois to stump for Democrat Congresswoman Cheri Bustos who we hope is beaten by Republican candidate Bobby Schilling in the Illinois 17th District.

According to the Quad City Times, Obama praised Illinois for being a job creator saying, “”And we are here to keep this state in the right direction. And this state is leading the nation in job creation.”
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Michelle Obama Out Right Lies About Illinois ‘Leading’ in Job Creation, Media Silent”

Michelle Obama: ‘The Blood of Africa Runs Through My Veins’ (Barack Silent)

-By Warner Todd Huston

Encouraging African women to buck tradition and get an education, First Lady Michelle Obama informed them that the “blood of Africa” runs through her veins.

Addressing the participants at this year’s Presidential Summit of the Mandela Washington Fellowship for Young African Leaders in Washington, the First Lady said that the “roots” of her “family tree are in Africa.”

“My husband’s father was born and raised in Kenya. Members of our extended family still live there. I have had the pleasure of traveling to Africa many times over the years, including four trips as first lady, and I have brought my mother and my daughters along whenever I can,” she told those gathered.
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Michelle Obama: ‘The Blood of Africa Runs Through My Veins’ (Barack Silent)”

Michelle Obama Says Kids Should Monitor Parents for Racism

-By Warner Todd Huston

Taking a page out of the political handbook of every fascist society and dystopian Sci Fi novel, Michelle Obama is telling kids to monitor their parents for crimes against the state.

The woman who was never proud of her country until she and her husband were deposited in the White House spoke to a class in Topeka, Kansas last Friday where she told students to monitor their parents for racist speech because she and her hubby can only do so much without good little informants like them back home.

Obama told students that our laws “may no longer separate us” based on race. But she complained that the Constitution can’t force us to “eat together in the lunchroom, or live together in the same neighborhoods.” She then said, “There’s no court case against believing in stereotypes or thinking that certain kinds of hateful jokes or comments are funny.”
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Michelle Obama Says Kids Should Monitor Parents for Racism”

Stern Looks From Sean Penn, That Ought to Free 250 Kidnapped Nigerian Girls!

-By Warner Todd Huston

They’ve ignored the violent region for a decade, they’ve never spoken out about the Islamist radical terrorists who have killed thousands, but now that over 250 girls have been kidnapped by the Islamist terror group Boko Haram, suddenly a handful of Hollywooders have deigned to notice… and weeks late at that.

In April, the terror group Boko Haram went on a mass kidnapping spree imprisoning hundreds of Nigerian girls who were trying to attend school. The Islamists are against girls going to school, naturally. That and they want to money from selling the girls into sexual slavery. Hundreds of grief stricken Nigerian parents have been trying to get the world to notice for weeks.

President Obama has been ignoring the mass kidnapping for almost a month already. But now he is finally starting to pay attention. On May 7 First Lady Michelle Obama Tweeted out a photo of herself holding a piece of paper that sways “#Bring Back Out Girls.”

For his part, the President has begun to offer some help, though no one is quite sure what that amounts to yet.

That is all well and good, but what is galling is the idiots in Hollywood. Suddenly being all worried about the Nigerian girls is all the rage among the hipsters. To express their newfound concern a handful of Hollyidiots Tweeted photos of themselves with stern faces holding signs that say “real men don’t buy girls.”
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Stern Looks From Sean Penn, That Ought to Free 250 Kidnapped Nigerian Girls!”

Will Michelle Obama Run for President in 2016?

-By Warner Todd Huston

Rumors are heating up that Michelle Obama will edge out Hillary Clinton for the Democrat nomination for president in the upcoming 2016 race for the White House. How’s that for scary, eh?

Rumors have been making the rounds that Barack expects to push his wife into the spotlight in order to finally destroy the Clinton machine and put himself 100% in charge of the American far left and its power base, the Democrat Party.

Right now, Barack is still in competition with Bill and Hillary. The Media still runs to the aging horndog that was once our president for his thoughts on the issues. This is galling to Barack who thinks the sun revolves around him in the political universe.

Note that President Obama has built an entire campaign edifice that has not turned its resources over to the Democrat Party.
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Will Michelle Obama Run for President in 2016?”

Prez Apologizes for Saying CA Attny Gen is Good-Looking While Michelle Said She’s a Single Mom?

-By Warner Todd Huston

What is going on in the President’s marriage? On one hand, President Obama raised a miniature firestorm Thursday, April 4, by being gauche enough to have called California Attorney General Kamala Harris the “best-looking attorney general” in the country. Of course, not long afterward, the President was forced to apologize for the “sexist” remark. And on the other his own wife is going around claiming she’s a “single mother.”

Obama made the comment at a luncheon event held at the home of Levi-Strauss heir John Goldman where he introduced AG Harris with a list of compliments before ending with “She also happens to be by far the best-looking attorney general in the country.”

As soon as the media reported the President’s comments the lefty outrage machine kicked into high gear. For one, Vanity Fair called Obama’s comments “Sexual Harris-ment?” And after others from the lefty blogosphere attacked the President, he sent out his spokesman, Press Secretary Jay Carney, to issue a hasty apology.
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Prez Apologizes for Saying CA Attny Gen is Good-Looking While Michelle Said She’s a Single Mom?”

Hurray for Washington!

-By Mary Theroux

But it’s OK. The Obamas make us feel good about ourselves, and, after all, that’s what Hollywood, er, Washington, is all about.

The culmination of last night’s Oscars broadcast with a Live! feed from the White House with Mrs. Obama (hangin’ with her military BFs) marks the official recognition of the Presidency as theater: like the old Western sets, no substance required.

From the very beginning, President Obama was elected based on his strong delivery of stirring words, “Hope and change,” with no serious vetting of his record or policies. Having been awarded the presidency, as the Oscars follow the Golden Globes, Mr. Obama was next awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, solely for his well-scripted promises for peace…

Read the rest at The Independent Institute.

NBC’s Brian Williams Gets Thrill Up His Leg for Michelle O

-By Warner Todd Huston

We all remember Chris Matthews getting that thrill up his leg for President Obama, right? Now Matthews’ NBC colleague, Brian Williams, is apparently ready to join that thrill seeker’s club by declaring that Michelle Obama is the most “fascinating” first lady since Jackie Kennedy.

Talking to NBC correspondent Michael Beschloss during their inauguration coverage on January 21, Brian Williams went into Chris Matthews mode saying, “We can say without hesitation there has not been this much fascination with a First Lady easily since Jackie Kennedy

Williams then made the odd claim that there was “about as much talk about her new haircut on her 49th birthday this past week as much as any other aspect of this inauguration.”

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NBC’s Brian Williams Gets Thrill Up His Leg for Michelle O”

Us Mag. Touts Expense of Ann Romney’s Dress, Buries Higher Cost of Michelle Obama’s

-By Warner Todd Huston

Us Magazine had a little tidbit of gossip to blather about when it discovered who made Ann Romney’s and Michelle Obama’s hot pink dresses that each wore to the recent presidential debate. In its headline Us blares that Ann Romney’s dress cost “$1,690.” But Michelle Obama’s ensemble was priced at $3,290 despite the silence of the headline.

Us gives the world the following headline: “Ann Romney Wears $1,690 Oscar de la Renta Dress to Presidential Debate.”

In the body of the piece Us reports this description of Ann Romney’s couture.

Romney, 63, selected a short-sleeved crimped cotton silk dress by Oscar de la Renta. The Spring 2013 design is not yet available in stores, but retails for $1,690.

I expect we are supposed to find it shocking, downright shocking, that a millionaire could afford to fork out nearly $1,700 for a frock.

And yet, “public servant” Michelle Obama’s outfit was almost twice as costly as Romney’s.
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Us Mag. Touts Expense of Ann Romney’s Dress, Buries Higher Cost of Michelle Obama’s”

Solutions: Michelle Obama Proposes Vegetable Offsets for School Lunch Detractors

-By Warner Todd Huston

First lady Michelle Obama has been under fire since interfering in school lunches, but through the power of her husband’s control over the Department of Education, she has come up with a solution. Kids who don’t want to eat the veggies in their school lunches can buy new “Vegetable Offsets” from the DOE.

Teens are supposed to be fed up to 2400 calories a day, and new government standards say that a lunch may not contain more than 850 calories. But the new school lunches stocked with vegetables and other “healthy” choices have been thoroughly hated by kids across the country and waste has become a problem as kids would rather throw away the bland, less-filling meals than eat them.

School authorities in Tavares, Florida are even threatening to put in “garbage cams” to take video of offending children throwing away the unwanted school meals. No word has been released on what punishments will be meted out to offending students caught throwing away their veggies.

In another case, kids in Kansas went so far as to create a video that went viral. The song’s refrain is “we are hungry.”

But in a ceremony in the Rose Garden Michelle Obama unveiled a new program to give kids a way to skip eating their veggies if they must. The First Lady calls her new program “Vegetable Offsets.”
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Solutions: Michelle Obama Proposes Vegetable Offsets for School Lunch Detractors”

BS Meter Special: Michelle Says We are ‘Blessed’ To Have Barrack

-By Warner Todd Huston

It is perfectly natural for a wife to be proud of her husband in those situations where such praise is warranted. In Michelle Obama’s case, well, we can certainly agree that his great success is something she can be proud of. But, pride does not excuse idiotic hyperbole and that is what she gave us on May first.

In fact, Michelle indulged not just hyperbole, but outright lies in that she tried to convince her audience that Barrack “knows” what its like to be poor.

Barack knows what it means when a family struggles. He knows what it means when someone doesn’t have the chance to fulfill their potential. And today as a father, he knows what it means to want something better for your kids.

You see, those are the experiences that have made him the man and the President he is today. And we are blessed to have him.

Praise the Lawd, we have her man as our blessing from on high.
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BS Meter Special: Michelle Says We are ‘Blessed’ To Have Barrack”

The First Lady’s Curious Theology

-By Rev Michael Bresciani‏

In America We Elect presidents, we don’t worship them. But the Weekly Standard blog offered a headline on April 17, 2012 that could be filed under ‘seeing it is still too hard to believe.’

In a short piece by Daniel Halper the headline was “Michelle Obama: ‘This President Has Brought Us Out of the Dark and Into the Light’ If it were not a direct quote taken from Michelle Obama’s rally speech at a campaign event in Nashville, Tennessee earlier the same day, we could only imagine that some virulent anti-Obama politico went too far and just made up a false and despiteful headline to hurt the Obama campaign. But the headline is quite true.

Here is what is apparent. The Weekly Standard is no religious website and Daniel Harper is no dialectical theological giant like Karl Barth or a great expositor of the scriptures like Charles Haddon Spurgeon, but it is also apparent that he wasn’t trying to be.
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The First Lady’s Curious Theology”

AP Says Michelle ‘O’ Just Happened to be Shopping at Target? Riiiiight!

-By Warner Todd Huston

AP photographer Charles Dharapak is ballyhooing a photo he claims to have just happened to snap of First Lady Michelle Obama shopping at an Alexandria, Virginia Target department store. But come on. Does anyone believe that an AP photographer just by chance happened to spot the First Lady shopping at Target and just happened to take photos of her in the act?

Does anyone believe that this isn’t an orchestrated effort by the “Office Of The First Lady” (™) to counter the idea that Michelle is an effete, waster of the tax payer’s money?

Even CBS is pushing the idea that this photo brings big spender Michelle into the ranks of us reg’lar folk.

Hushed reports have been raging for sometime that Michelle is an unhappy camper in the White House and has frequently lashed out at staffers over nothing. Some top Dems fear that Michelle is the biggest liability the President has and her reputation as spending like a potentate on her lavish trips and fancy clothing is beginning to have an effect with the American people.

Then, voila, here comes a photo of good ol’ Michelle just shoppin with the hoi polloi at Target. Just when she needed something to change her image. Convenient, no?

I’m glad the Associated Press could uses it’s power to help Queen Micelle spin her propaganda. Good going, Old Media!
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AP Says Michelle ‘O’ Just Happened to be Shopping at Target? Riiiiight!”

Michelle O Has Spent more than $10 Million of Our Tax $$ On Vacations

-By Warner Todd Huston

A few days ago I wrote a post on my own site saying that the Obamas travel like South American dictators. Well, here is more evidence of this. Recent reports find that Michelle Obama alone has spent over $10 million of “Obama’s stash” — or rather $10 million of our tax dollars — just on vacations for herself and her kiddos.

Rush Limbaugh calls her “Moochele Obama” and that is starting to look like an apt handle for the wife of the biggest spender in Washington. With her trips around the world, her stays at luxurious 5-star resorts and hotels, her many shopping trips, she is looking more and more like the biggest mooch in presidential history.

Yet, where is the press to lambaste Moochelle Obama? Scolding first ladies for their spending of the people’s tax dollars on baubles and trips is a long tradition in the American press corp. As far back as Dolly Madison the press has attacked presidential wives for spending. Mary Lincoln was mercilessly slammed for buying china, housewares, and dresses during the Civil War. As recent as Ronald Reagan’s era the press slammed FLOTUS Nancy for her spending. Yet, Moochelle gets a pass? Imagine that, the sold-out press not criticizing The One OR his wifeypoo…

Read the rest at

Michelle Obama: It’s Good To Be Queen

-By Ann “Babe” Huggett

One of the fun games I used to play at cocktail parties was theorizing what a current politician had been in a former lifetime. Snickering over Henry Kissinger being a reincarnation of Cardinal Woolsey or Benito Mussolini popping back as Janet Napolitano only shows how obscure things can get after a few tequila shooters. However, there is nothing obscure about the current comparison between First Lady Michelle “Let ‘em eat arugula” Obama and France’s 18th Century Queen, Marie “Let ‘em eat cake” Antoinette.

Unlike with Marie Antoinette, Michelle’s critics don’t have to go apocryphal when it comes to her living large on the taxpayers’ dime. In a nation where food stamps, unemployment benefits, mortgage foreclosures and a steadily declining standard of living are fast becoming the norm, Michelle Obama is on her eighth vacation this year, living la vida ultima maxima with 40 of her closest gal pals at the Hotel Villa Padierna, one of the poshest hotels in the world let alone Marbella, Spain.
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Michelle Obama: It’s Good To Be Queen”

First Lady to Waste Millions ‘Visiting’ The Gulf Oil Spill

-By Warner Todd Huston

When times were flush, I guess it didn’t seem so outrageous for the First Lady of the White House to fly about the country “visiting” places as if she were an important part of our national government.

I suppose it was nice to have a First Lady leading by example with her advocacy programs and helpful ideas. There were the anti-drug programs, the literacy programs, the this-n-that programs that taxpayers spent millions on. There’s the big staff and millions of dollars in office expenses. Maybe when we weren’t trillions in debt these boondoggles didn’t seem so outrageous?

That was back when millions were to be had at the drop of a hat. Today is a different era. Today a First Lady should be leading austerity programs, and cost-savings drives.

But not our Queen Michelle. She’s flying about the country on million dollar “date nights” with the prez, she’s flying off to Camp David every time you turn around and she’s taking whirlwind trips around the world all on the taxpayer’s dime.

No austerity for our little Miss Michelle, I’ll tell you what.
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First Lady to Waste Millions ‘Visiting’ The Gulf Oil Spill”