Ben Carson Under Fire for Saying Islam Not Compatible With USA, But He’s 100% Right

-By Warner Todd Huston

Dr. Ben Carson sparked controversy by saying that he doesn’t think Americans should vote for a Muslim to become president of the United States and that Islam is incompatible with the American ethos. Naturally he was called an “Islamopphobe,” but in the end Carson is 100% right. Islam is simply not compatible with the American system of government and our democratic freedoms. After all, Islam is inherently against freedom.

During Sunday’s “Meet the Press,” Carson told host Chuck Todd that he would be against a Muslim president saying that he “would not advocate that we put a Muslim in charge of this nation.”

Later, in an interview with the Washington-based newspaper The Hill, Carson went even further.

“I do not believe Sharia is consistent with the Constitution of this country. Muslims feel that their religion is very much a part of your public life and what you do as a public official, and that’s inconsistent with our principles and our Constitution,” he said.

Carson’s reference to Muslim Sharia law is, of course, spot on. Sharia is the “law” that maintains that women can be beaten at will, that gays can be thrown off of tall buildings or hanged just because they are gay, that fathers can kill their daughters with “honor killings” if said daughter is dating the wrong sort of boy, that… well, let’s face it, Sharia is a backwards, disgusting, hateful, barbaric way to run things.

If this stuff isn’t “inconsistent” with the American way of life, what is?

I have to say that I was not very informed about Islam when back in 2001 George W. Bush was proclaiming that the great majority of Iraqis were “just like you and me and yearning to be free.”

That made sense to me. After all, we’ve spent our lives understanding that American government is the one most interested in human rights and that everyone loves to have their rights assured. Further liberals have told us all that people are the same everywhere you go. So, if that were true, then the second the great masses of Iraq and Afghanistan got a taste of true democratic freedom, wouldn’t they flock to it, wouldn’t they thrill to it?

But they didn’t. In fact, they used their freedom to vote to kill, oppress, dominate, and implement barbaric Sharia laws that simply exchanged one tyranny for another. Then millions of Muslims began to converge on other countries to force those countries into the same sort of barbarism.
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Ben Carson Under Fire for Saying Islam Not Compatible With USA, But He’s 100% Right”

Bernie Sanders Went To A Christian Conservative University And Claimed the USA is Racist

-By Warner Todd Huston

Democrat candidate for President and self proclaimed socialist Senator from Vermont Bernie Sanders visited a Christian university on Monday and told students that our founders were racists and that the USA is inherently a racist nation.

It is a bit unusual that a Democrat would even accept the invitation to speak to a Christian university, of course, but with his claims that the USA is hopelessly racist, Sanders didn’t disappoint from offering the typical anti-American rhetoric that other Democrats indulge.

On Monday Sanders accepted the invitation to speak to a large audience at Liberty University, the college founded in Virginia by Moral Majority leader Jerry Falwell, and during the questions and answer segment of the program, the Vermont Senator insisted that it was a “fact” that America was founded by racists and upon racist principles.

Sanders was asked by the moderator what he’d do about the deteriorating race relations in our country if he became president. His reply was typically liberal in its contempt for our founding.
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Bernie Sanders Went To A Christian Conservative University And Claimed the USA is Racist”

The Present State and Need of Civil Rights in the United States, Part One

By William M. Hart
How to Commit Bankruptcy Fraud and Get Away With It Scot-Free

By any objective standards, the federal judiciary is so wholly corrupt that, even when a person who personally planned a crime that was committed comes forward to say, “This is the crime, and this is how it was done— I know, because I personally planned it,” they remain obstinately resistant to acknowledging any manner of wrong-doing, even when presented with concrete evidence of it.

I say this not as a matter of subjective opinion, but as a verifiable fact.

You see, I’m the guy who planned it.  It was my baby.


I met a woman on the internet, a blogger, a Ms. Salois, who seemed to be all I could ever dream for.  She was an English teacher with aspirations of publication, having several chapters already written for a novel, and I, already a published author and journalist, agreed to edit some of her work, a sample of which you may find here.  She was in an abusive relationship with her husband (hint: plot complication here), an ex-Marine ex-cop (and also a former student from her English class, I was to find out later), and the two were in the process of a separation at the time we met.

She had knowledge of my background, as she assisted me in writing an updated resume.  She knew that I had a background in taxes, and that I was looking at opening a tax preparation office as a franchisee.

She began asking me about how a person might go about committing bankruptcy fraud, were one so inclined, a series of question and answer sessions spanning some four weeks through late April to mid-May of 2007.  I was uncomfortable with how she would return to the subject repeatedly, and asked if this was some sort of plot device for a story, which she assured me it was.  I believed because I wanted to believe— I did not want to consider the alternative at length.
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The Present State and Need of Civil Rights in the United States, Part One”

Islam Is The REAL War on Women: 92% of Women in Egypt Forced to Undergo Genital Mutilation

-By Warner Todd Huston

As putrid Democrats continue to promulgate their lie-filled “Republican war on women” campaign theme, they sit by ignoring that the real war on women is perpetrated by Islam. Another reminder of where the real hate for women emanates is in a survey showing that fully 92 percent of married women in Egypt are forced to undergo genital mutilation.

If you are unaware of what Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) is, be prepared to be horrified. Euphemistically called “female circumcision” by liberals who want to obviate what it really is, it is in fact the utter destruction of the female pleasure centers in the vagina so that a woman can never gain pleasure or have an orgasm from sexual intercourse.

Many Muslims from Africa to the Middle East think that women are disgusting beasts who should not be allowed to enjoy sex. So, to keep girls pure in the eyes of The “Prophet” Muhammad, in their pre-teen stage, these inhuman Muslims rip out a girls’ clitoris and sew herr vagina shut leaving but a small hole for urination.
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Islam Is The REAL War on Women: 92% of Women in Egypt Forced to Undergo Genital Mutilation”

58% of US Muslims Want Free Speech to be Illegal, So Can you Be Muslim AND American?

-By Warner Todd Huston

A recent poll seems to suggest that Muslims living in the USA want to outlaw our god-given right to free speech and a large number even agree that blasphemers of the Muslim god should be executed… not “over there,” but HERE in the USA! It makes one wonder if it is possible to be both a Muslim and a true American?

For years during the invasion of Iraq under George W. Bush some doubters of Bush’s tactics said that Muslims cannot be made to understand western freedoms and constitutional government. In those heady days of nation building in the 1990s, many warned that Islam is incompatible with freedom and modernity.

For his part, President Bush insisted that Iraqis and other Muslims were “just like everyone else” and yearned to be free. Bush moved forward with his foreign policy based on the idea that this normal human yearning would make them understand and welcome our efforts there to help them throw off Islamist tyranny and begin to self govern.

While we’ve certainly had mixed and usually disappointing results from our efforts in Iraq, Afghanistan, and elsewhere in the Middle East, we have certainly seen that Islam is often a stumbling block to our idea of freedom and self government.

But what about American Muslims? We care constantly told that they are “just like every other American” and are peaceful, loyal Americans who love our system.

But, do they?
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58% of US Muslims Want Free Speech to be Illegal, So Can you Be Muslim AND American?”

Hypocrite Liberals Silent on Muslims Murder of Gays While Christian Cakes Raise Their Fury

-By Warner Todd Huston

Here is a fact: liberals and militant gays hate Christians more than they hate actual, real oppression of gays. This isn’t hyperbole, it is a foregone conclusion in light of the jihad that gays have launched for Christian bakeries while at the same time utterly ignoring the near daily murdering of gays in the Muslim world.

Take the newest outrage, for instance. In ISIS controlled territories Islamists are going undercover as gays in order to identify gays to be murdered later. The story from International Business Times

“ISIS is carrying out sting operations,” the news read, “in which jihadists pose as gay men. There have been instances, where families have even paid ransoms to prevent ISIS from stoning the arrested gay men, said Abu Mohammad of RBSS.”

This isn’t the first news of gays being slaughtered in Muslim countries, of course. ISIS has also been apprehending what they claim are gay men and throwing them to their deaths from tall buildings.
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Hypocrite Liberals Silent on Muslims Murder of Gays While Christian Cakes Raise Their Fury”

IRS Impounds Bank Accounts With No Warrant, No Cause, No Crime And It’s Legal!

-By Warner Todd Huston

In Obama’s America all the IRS needs to take all your money, freeze your accounts, and arrest you is their opinion that your assets might be suspicious. No warrants are needed, no proof of any actual crime is required. All the IRS needs is its say so and your life can be turned upside down.

A story in The New York Times reports on how the abusive, overly powerful IRS destroys lives with impunity. One woman who runs a small restaurant had all her assets stolen by the IRS and never returned even though she has never been charged with any violations of the tax code or breaking any laws.

And this woman will not likely get her money back because the forfeitures are not held until the government finally figures out if there is any guilt involved, either. No, that money is immediately doled out to the various law enforcement agencies involved in the theft and is immediately spent.
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IRS Impounds Bank Accounts With No Warrant, No Cause, No Crime And It’s Legal!”

238 Independence Days and Counting, But What Does it all Mean?

-By Warner Todd Huston

Today America enjoys the celebration of 238 years of existence as a nation by noting the day we declared our independence from our Mother nation, England. Sadly, that celebration has, for too many, become the “July Fourth” holiday, a day of picnics, rote parades, “white sales,” and for some a day off work. Of course, we should not and don’t celebrate any “July Fourth.” We celebrate Independence Day, the day we formally separated from our parent nation and took those first unsteady steps into the world as a nation of our own.

So, what is this Independence Day all about? Well, for one thing we celebrate the gifts that our Creator has given us. That’s right, our Founding Fathers started this nation celebrating the gifts of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness and those natural rights given to us by God, rights that no man can take away from us, rights no man can legitimately prevent us from observing.

Contrary to the God averse America we have devolved into, the Declaration mentions God, the Creator, or the divine multiple times and the Founders rested their entire claim of liberty and freedom on the claim that no government can legitimately take away the natural rights that mankind should and must enjoy.
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238 Independence Days and Counting, But What Does it all Mean?”

Stern Looks From Sean Penn, That Ought to Free 250 Kidnapped Nigerian Girls!

-By Warner Todd Huston

They’ve ignored the violent region for a decade, they’ve never spoken out about the Islamist radical terrorists who have killed thousands, but now that over 250 girls have been kidnapped by the Islamist terror group Boko Haram, suddenly a handful of Hollywooders have deigned to notice… and weeks late at that.

In April, the terror group Boko Haram went on a mass kidnapping spree imprisoning hundreds of Nigerian girls who were trying to attend school. The Islamists are against girls going to school, naturally. That and they want to money from selling the girls into sexual slavery. Hundreds of grief stricken Nigerian parents have been trying to get the world to notice for weeks.

President Obama has been ignoring the mass kidnapping for almost a month already. But now he is finally starting to pay attention. On May 7 First Lady Michelle Obama Tweeted out a photo of herself holding a piece of paper that sways “#Bring Back Out Girls.”

For his part, the President has begun to offer some help, though no one is quite sure what that amounts to yet.

That is all well and good, but what is galling is the idiots in Hollywood. Suddenly being all worried about the Nigerian girls is all the rage among the hipsters. To express their newfound concern a handful of Hollyidiots Tweeted photos of themselves with stern faces holding signs that say “real men don’t buy girls.”
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Stern Looks From Sean Penn, That Ought to Free 250 Kidnapped Nigerian Girls!”

Obama’s Jackbooted Thugs Withdrawing From Bundy Ranch in Nevada?

-By Warner Todd Huston

It is possible that Obama’s oppressive, jackbooted thugs are withdrawing from their attack on a Nevada rancher after stealing over 500 of his cattle. Government officials are saying that the situation has become “too dangerous” for its operatives and the situation is spiraling out of the government’s control, so they are quitting their efforts to destroy an American citizen’s livelihood… at least for now.

The situation had exploded into extreme measures by Obama’s Bureau of Land Management, a bureaucracy that wanted to destroy the livelihood of 67 year-old rancher Cliven Bundy whose family have been cattle ranching in that same area of Nevada bordering with Utah since the late 1800s.

BLM has been slowly destroying the cattle industry in that area for quite some time and Bundy is the last rancher left. But Bundy refuses to acquiesce to the government’s lies and jackbooted tactics. He and his family have been there for over one hundred years and he refuses to leave.

Why is the government trying to get him to quit the land? Because the government claims that with his cattle Bundy is harming the environment for the purportedly “endangered” desert tortoise.

This is an animal so “endangered” that the U.S. government itself has been euthanizing hundreds of them because there are too many for the land to support.

But the BML is indulging the lie that this tortoise is “endangered” and using that as an excuse to send hundreds of para military agents armed to the teeth and ready to kill anyone in their way to “save” an animal of which they themselves are killing hundreds.

In fact, the double lie about this turtle is that its population has exploded while living alongside Bundy’s cows the entire time. So it is clear that the cattle aren’t bothering the turtles at all.

The real nub of this matter is that Obama and his thuggish government has indulged a bacchanalia of land theft that has made other president’s land seizures pale in comparison. Bundy’s hundred-year-old ranch is in the way of Obama’s land theft and thus he was set up for destruction.
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Obama’s Jackbooted Thugs Withdrawing From Bundy Ranch in Nevada?”

Danny Glover’s Revisionist History: 2nd Amendment Was for Protecting Slavery

-By Warner Todd Huston

Actor and hardcore progressive Danny Glover should add revisionist historian to his growing resume of left-wing activism after a recent visit to Texas A&M University where he told students that the Second Amendment was mainly meant to keep African Americans in slavery and to kill Native American peoples.

During his January 17 appearance at the university, Glover thought to teach the students attending about the real purpose of the Second Amendment.

I don’t know if people know the genesis of the right to bear arms. The Second Amendment comes from the right to protect, for settlers to protect themselves from slave revolts and from uprisings by Native Americans. So, a revolt from people who were stolen from their lands or revolts from people whose land was stolen from. That was the genesis of the Second Amendment.

This is simple historical revisionism. Slave revolts had yet to become the constant, nagging fear it was later to become for southern slaveholders. There was no such preoccupation in the late 1780s during the debate over the Constitution or in the decades previous to that and it certainly wasn’t a cause for northerners to worry.

Glover is completely wrong in every respect.
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Danny Glover’s Revisionist History: 2nd Amendment Was for Protecting Slavery”

NYTimes Looks for ‘Golden Lining’… in Genocide?

-By Warner Todd Huston

By some accounts, since the coming to power of Zimbabwe’s terror-inducing Robert Mugabe, up to 480,000 people have lost their lives. Of those not killed outright or starved to death, tens of thousands of people had their property stolen and their livelihoods ended, they were beaten, raped, and left for dead. As these outrages were occurring the nation’s economy was devastated, a one-time economic bright spot in Africa reduced to ruins. And in all this violation of human rights the New York Times sees a “golden lining”?

How could there be a “golden lining” in all this murder — even genocide — and destruction? Well, apparently out of the ashes of a country, the genocide of hundreds of thousands, and the human rights violations of millions more, the fact that a few thousand small farmers have risen up to some modest success raising tobacco is somehow a great success.

In a Friday, July 20 piece, Lydia Polgreen is all excited over this year’s tobacco crop haul of 330 million pounds of the golden leaf (hence the “golden” lining).

Of course, this is down from the 522 million pounds that was realized in the year 2000, but it’s better than nothing, one supposes.

Polgreen goes on to laud all the progress that this handful of black small farmers have had this year and that success, she and other Mugabe apologists think, might signal that Mugabe’s genocidal “land reforms” might be a howling success. But even her own announcement of success is prefaced by the horrors.
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NYTimes Looks for ‘Golden Lining’… in Genocide?”

NY City Council Speaker Stands Up Against Freedom of Speech

-By Warner Todd Huston

Judging by this whole Chick-Fil-A oppression program liberals are engaging in, it’s no wonder Jonah Goldberg had a hit with his recent book, Liberal Fascism.

This time it is City Council Speaker Christine Quinn who is proud to stand against our Constitutional rights of freedom of speech and freedom of religion, not to mention the right to do legal business anywhere without fearing the iron boot heel of government coming down upon us for having upset some haughty government official somewhere.

Quinn has condemned Chick-Fil-A for having dared to break no laws in the exercise of its daily business and is sponsoring one of those wondrous Internet petitions saying so.

If a petition were to be where her ire ended, well, that would be her right as a private citizen, as far as that goes. But she’s taken that step farther which makes her actions illegal. Quinn’s invoked her powers as an elected official and sent a letter to New York University’s president demanding that the Chick-Fil-A outlet on his campus be shut down.
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NY City Council Speaker Stands Up Against Freedom of Speech”

Muslims in Michigan Attack Christians With Bottles, Stones — Cops Turn Blind Eye

-By Warner Todd Huston

This is one of the most disgusting and alarming videos made in America I’ve seen in quite some time. In it you will see scores of teenaged Muslims surrounding a small group of less than a dozen Christians in Dearborn, Michigan. You will see these Muslim thugs taunting the Christians, cursing them, throwing bottles, and even chunks of concrete at them. One scumbag, punk even throws a plastic milk carton at the Christians.

You will also see Dearborn police ignoring these crimes. Why? Because Dearborn police don’t care about enforcing the law. They care about placating their Muslim citizens. It is easier for Dearborn cops to allow these Muslims to attack Christians and then to blame it all on the Christians than to uphold the law much less the U.S. Constitution.

This is truly disgusting…

Why are these Muslim creeps doing this? Because these few Christians wanted to stage a little march sporting their banners and touting their cause. And what could be more American than wanting to have a little march, protest or otherwise?
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Muslims in Michigan Attack Christians With Bottles, Stones — Cops Turn Blind Eye”

Aborting Born Babies: Are Only Liberals Truly ‘Human’?

-By Warner Todd Huston

In February of 2012, a pair of left-wing “philosophers” wrote a paper that claimed that babies aren’t human until they can become cognizant of themselves, aware that if they were to be “aborted” or killed they’d be losing something valuable, their lives. This, they claimed, justified abortion as well as post birth infanticide. Naturally they had elaborate justifications for their stance and what they wrote is chilling indeed, for it essentially states that only people that think like them are really worth the status of “human,” worth having their lives considered sacrosanct.

The pair, Alberto Giubilini of Milan, Italy, and Francesca Minerva of Australia, held as a central thesis that since abortion is so commonly accepted there had to be a more expansive use for it. That use, the pair decided, should be to cover killing babies born with developmental problems. After all, they said, neither fetuses or newborns “have the same moral status as actual persons,” so this certainly must mean that newborns with catastrophic birth defects could be killed without any moral reservations.

Here is how they justified the non-human status of both a fetus and a born baby.
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Aborting Born Babies: Are Only Liberals Truly ‘Human’?”

K. Carl Smith, the Conservative Messenger

-By Warner Todd Huston

With phrases like, “reigniting American’s passion for liberty,” and “saving our party will save our country,” what’s not to like?

K Carl Smith, The Conservative Messenger from Wetumpka Tea Party on Vimeo.

You can see Mr. Smith’s website at:

One of his interesting contentions is that the federal government is the modern day slave master. He also contends that Frederick Douglas is the father of the Republican Party.
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K. Carl Smith, the Conservative Messenger”

UN Ripe for US Budget Cutting

-By Kevin Roeten

Reducing the US budget over $5 billion/year sounds too good to be true. Actually 1.2 billion is the US share (22% in 2010). But the ‘peacekeeping budget’ is a whopping $7.8 billion/yr, of which the US is responsible for over 27%, or $2.1 billion. The offending party—the UN. The place—Manhattan. The damage—at least $3.3 billion/year.

In the 2/3/10 column by Brett Schaeffer, Time to Rein in the U.N.’s Budget | The Heritage Foundation, he explains the details included in the 2010-2011 2-yr UN budget. [9] If one includes the US voluntary contributions to the UN, the US exceeds $5 billion annually. [13]
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UN Ripe for US Budget Cutting”

Red China Turns U.S. Human Rights Molehills Into Mountains

-By Frederick Meekins

The United States and China discussed human rights at a round of high-level talks. One might be surprised that the meeting did not so much focus on the egregious atrocities that have gone on under this Communist tyranny from the time of its founding to this very day. Rather, Obama administration officials allowed America to be berated on issues such as homelessness and the new Arizona immigration law.

Before America as a nation takes this criticism seriously, perhaps we should consider what the law entails and how this compares with what goes on in Red China.

The Arizona law will permit police to ascertain an individual’s identity and thus legality after initial contact. Essentially, this isn’t anything that isn’t already authorized by law and is perhaps an even better guarantor of individual liberty and dignity than what is already permitted.
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Red China Turns U.S. Human Rights Molehills Into Mountains”