Scott Walker CPAC 2016: We Have Had Much Success in the States

-By Warner Todd Huston

Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker, the most anticipated entrant into the 2016 GOP primary, and it’s first victim, was the opening speaker for Wednesday’s Conservative Action Political Conference convention and reminded the audience that the Republican Party is stronger than ever in state houses across the nation.

Walker, who led a Republican revolution in the generally liberal state of Wisconsin, noted that we have more Republican governors than ever before and more GOP-led state legislatures than ever.

If national politics is a mess for the center right, the states are a hotbed of conservatism.

It should be remembered that Wisconsin was one of the nation’s birthplaces of progressivism (California being another) and when Walker took the governorship there it was a shock to liberals in general and Democrat unionists in particular.

Walker was a prohibitive favorite of conservatives across the country and man eagerly awaited his entrant into the 2016 GOP primary election cycle, but his campaign flagged early, had internal trouble, and Walker himself couldn’t seem to get his message to resonate. He was one of the first high profile candidates to end his race for the White House.

I am here at National Harbor, Maryland for CPAC 2016 and will be occasionally sharing updates about the event.
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Scott Walker CPAC 2016: We Have Had Much Success in the States”

Hysterical Atheists Lose: Maryland Judge Tosses Lawsuit Against WWI Memorial Cross

-By Warner Todd Huston

It’s about time one of these baseless, nuisance lawsuits against some decades-old display of the Christian faith was given the heave-ho out of court, as all of them should. And that is just what happened to a lawsuit demanding the removal of a cross memorial to the fallen of WWI that was erected nearly 100 years ago.

In a judge’s decision on Monday, Maryland federal judge Deborah Chasanow threw out a lawsuit that was demanding the removal of a cross monument standing in mute tribute to The Great War that was erected at the intersection of State Route 450 and U.S. Route 1 in Bladensburg, Maryland. The display was built by members of the American Legion in 1925.

The monument is part of a park built to Maryland veterans and also contains memorials to soldiers who died in WWII, Pearl Harbor, the Korean War, Vietnam and other wars and battles.
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Hysterical Atheists Lose: Maryland Judge Tosses Lawsuit Against WWI Memorial Cross”

Congressman Cummings Hated the IRS Before Obama, Suddenly He Loves It

-By Warner Todd Huston

In a perfect example of the partisan lies uttered by Democrats, back in 1998 and ’99, Congressman Elijah Cummings (D, MD) was quoted ripping the IRS every way but Sunday. He hated the agency and thought it a corrupt mess. But now that Obama is in charge and his IRS is under suspicion of criminality, suddenly Cummings is singing the IRS’ praises.

Back in the 90s, Cummings was caught by the IRS with tens of thousands of dollars in unpaid taxes. He was also mired in major financial improprieties.

Back in 1997, Cummings was telling the media that the agency was a threat to the people and said that the IRS was a “horror story” to the rest of us..
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Congressman Cummings Hated the IRS Before Obama, Suddenly He Loves It”

Eric Holder Tells Graduates to Forget Sterling, Voter ID a Bigger Threat

-By Warner Todd Huston

U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder told graduates in Maryland that they should ignore “hateful rants” like that from Clippers owner Donald Sterling. Holder said that voter ID and “zero tolerance” policies in schools are worse on minorities than anything Sterling could have done.

Speaking before 850 graduates at Baltimore’s Morgan State University on Saturday, May 17, Holder warned students not to get caught up in the hype of “intolerant public statements,” but to be more worried about the racism inherent in the U.S.A.

“…policies that disenfranchise specific groups are more pernicious than hateful rants,” Holder told the students.

Holder’s commencement address comes amid a flurry of cancellations by other speakers who were protested by students across the country. Actions that one New Republic writer saidis an example of how “The rise of liberal intolerance [that] is ruining debate on college campuses.”
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Eric Holder Tells Graduates to Forget Sterling, Voter ID a Bigger Threat”

Second Gun Shop Reverses, Now Won’t Sell Smart Gun

-By Warner Todd Huston

Earlier this year a gun shop in California began to gear up to sell a “smart gun,” but gun enthusiasts raised such a stink about the sale that the store backed off and even claimed they never intended to sell the gun. Now a shop in Maryland has had the same experience with similar results.

The gun in question is the Armatrix iP1, a so-called “smart” pistol that cannot be made to fire unless the shooter is also wearing a wrist watch that emits an electronic signal unlocking the gun’s firing mechanism.

Pro-Second Amendment advocates are vociferously against this gun. The chief reason is that several state legislatures (California and New Jersey, for instance) have laws that once “smart gun” technology is on the market, all guns but smart guns will be banned.

So, when a California gun shop let slip it was looking to market the iP1, gun fans slammed the shop with attacks on the Internet and in person. The hate for the shop was so high that proprietors quickly claimed that they never intended to sell the smart gun and would not do so in the future.
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Second Gun Shop Reverses, Now Won’t Sell Smart Gun”

Extremist Professor: Trayvon Martin Case Proves it’s Legal to ‘Hunt Down & Kill’ Black Kids

-By Warner Todd Huston

Another day, another extremist, anti-American “professor” caught lying to our kids and pushing a far left agenda, this time at the University of Maryland where a so-called professor is saying that the Trayvon Martin case somehow proves that it is now legal to hunt down and kill black kids in America today.

UMD “Professor” and Honors College Executive Director, William Dorlund, recently sent an email to his students that said in part, “This year, we learned that it is legal to hunt down and kill American children in Florida.”

He is, of course a blatant liar. The Trayvon Martin case was a simple matter of self-protection. George Zimmerman was being beaten up by a bigger, tougher, younger person and he reacted in self defense. It was a pretty clear case of self-defense as the jury unanimously agreed.
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Extremist Professor: Trayvon Martin Case Proves it’s Legal to ‘Hunt Down & Kill’ Black Kids”

Muslims Campaigning to Force Maryland Schools to Close on Islamic Holidays

-By Warner Todd Huston

Muslims in the Montgomery County schools in Rockville, Maryland are campaigning for public schools to take Islamic holidays off along with Christian and Jewish holidays. So, this week, the terror-tied Muslim group CAIR sponsored a rally to help push the issue.

High school senior Anhar Karim is one complaining about having to choose between school and his Muslim holiday.

“We are forcing our students into an unreasonable decision,” he said.

At the rally held outside the Rockville Montgomery County Council Office Building, Muslims said they want Montgomery County Public Schools to close annually for two Islamic religious holidays, Eid Al-Fitr and Eid Al-Adha.
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Muslims Campaigning to Force Maryland Schools to Close on Islamic Holidays”

Parent Forcibly Removed From Town Hall For Questioning Govt’s School Policy

-By Warner Todd Huston

It isn’t America any more when a parent can’t even ask a civil question at a town hall without having the jackbooted thugs that claim to “serve” the people forcibly ejecting him from the room. But that is what happened in the People’s Republic of Maryland this month when a parent was asking how the school curriculum would prepare kids for college.

The man, a voter and father of a child in the school district, stood to ask a very civil question. But before he could get it all out the school superintendent sent a thug “police” officer over to grab the man and physically push him out of the room even as other citizens yelled in protest.

Fascist cop quashing free speech of taxpayer

Concerned father Robert Small attended the public meeting held by Baltimore County Schools Superintendent Dallas Dance (pictured above). Smalls stood to ask a question but was immediately confronted by Superintendent Dance’s fascist palace guard that made to prevent him from asking a simple, civil question.
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Parent Forcibly Removed From Town Hall For Questioning Govt’s School Policy”

Boy Suspended Just for SAYING the Word Gun

-By Warner Todd Huston

Now we get to the height of idiocy with a school “no tolerance” policy with a boy who was suspended just for saying the word gun.

A 11-year-old boy from Northern Middle School in Owings, Maryland has told his mom and dad that he wants to be a Navy SEAL one day, but getting pout of grade school may be a problem for him if Northern authorities have anything to say about it. You see, the sixth-grader was suspended last December just because he used the word “gun” at school.

Todd Starnes reports that the boy’s father, Bruce Henkelman, found out that his son had been talking with other kids on the school bus when the incident happened.

“He said, ‘I wish I had a gun to protect everyone from the bad guys. He wanted to be the hero,” the father said of his son.

The boy’s father is himself a retired Navy veteran.

It gets worse.
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Boy Suspended Just for SAYING the Word Gun”

Maryland Gov. Abusing Email Privacy to Push Gun Control Agenda

-By Warner Todd Huston

Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley seems to have used his power as Governor to utilize the personal emails of hundreds of Marylanders holding hunting licenses in order to push his anti-gun agenda.

Patrick Shomo, the president of the pro-gun rights organization Maryland Shall Issue, told The Washington Times that Governor O’Malley is “tapping the state’s Department of Natural Resources database for hunting licenses” in order to gain access to the addresses.

Marylanders that hold state hunting licenses received an email from Gov. O’Malley on February 7 that was ostensibly informing them about the state’s hunting news. At the end of the message, though, O’Malley suddenly pivoted to an anti-gun message.

“I also want to take this opportunity to address you directly about the proposal we recently introduced to reduce gun violence,” O’Malley wrote. “Our goal is to enact common sense proposals to keep guns out of the hands of dangerous criminals, and to try to reduce the risk of a mass shooting like the one that occurred in Newtown. Let me be clear: We are committed to protecting hunters and their traditions. That’s why we specifically carved out shotguns and rifles from the licensing requirements of our bill.”

Of course, O’Malley’s bill is based on banning guns on cosmetic appearances, not actual mechanical factors. In fact, many guns currently used for hunting and target shooting can be altered to look like the sort of weapons that O’Malley thinks should be banned. The line is blurrier than O’Malley claimed in his email.

Shomo felt that the purpose of the Governor’s email was to cleave Maryland’s gun owners into two camps.

“They are not fooled. They know that he is trying to split the herd for now, and hunters know better than any others what happens to those split from the herd,” Shomo said.

As Emily Miller points out, Gov. O’Malley has an uphill battle to enact his gun grab. Marylanders are supporters of their Second Amendment rights. 83 percent believe in their right to self-protection and citizens are against the idea of government deciding which guns are allowed and which aren’t by a 50-39 margin.
“The only end of writing is to enable the reader better to enjoy life, or better to endure it.”
–Samuel Johnson

Warner Todd Huston is a Chicago based freelance writer. He has been writing opinion editorials and social criticism since early 2001 and before that he wrote articles on U.S. history for several small American magazines. His political columns are featured on many websites such as Andrew Breitbart’s,, and, as well as,,,,, among many, many others. Mr. Huston is also endlessly amused that one of his articles formed the basis of an article in Germany’s Der Spiegel Magazine in 2008.

For a full bio, please CLICK HERE.

Baltimore Sun, Pitying Man Who Passed AIDS to Teen

-By Warner Todd Huston

The Baltimore Sun published a story this month revealing sympathy for a man being prosecuted for having passed the AIDS virus to a 13-year-old Maryland boy. Not sympathy for having done this horrid deed, of course, but sympathy for, in the Sun’s opinion, his being “over charged” by state prosecutors for the separate crime of knowingly passing the virus to the child, a felony under state law.

The 36-year-old man, one Steven Douglas Podles, contacted the boy through a gay hook-up phone ap called “Grindr.” He blithely claimed that all users of the ap are “supposed” to be 18, so he assumed the boy was of age. Regardless the state has charged him with a series of sex crimes including a little-used law that criminalizes the passing of the AIDS virus to unaware victims.

33 states, including Maryland, have made transmission of the HIV virus a crime and some defendants have been charged with attempted murder based on such statutes.

The Sun’s piece is mostly an excoriation of the whole idea of making it a crime to purposefully pass the HIV virus to unsuspecting partners.
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Baltimore Sun, Pitying Man Who Passed AIDS to Teen”

Maryland State Dems Claim Fundraising on 9/11 Is ‘Patriotic’

-By Warner Todd Huston

Here on the 11th Anniversary of the attacks that took some 3,000 American lives on September 11th, 2001, a pair of Maryland State Democrats are throwing fundraisers. If that isn’t bad enough, one of them even said it is “patriotic” to hold a fundraiser on the anniversary of the day we were so brutally attacked.

Jon Cardin, a member of the Maryland House of Delegates (like the House of Representatives), was defiant upon claims that holding a fundraiser on 9/11 was at least a bit gauche. He replied to critics saying it was actually a patriotic thing to do.

“I don’t think it’s inappropriate, and we have a lot of patriotic things that we do, and one of them is getting involved in political action in the political world, and it’s an opportunity to really get together and also have sort of a very important conversation about improving our country and our state. Sept. 11 should be a day that we do that like every other day.”

So, the anniversary of 9/11 should be “like every other day.”
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Maryland State Dems Claim Fundraising on 9/11 Is ‘Patriotic’”

No, We DON’T Need More Gun Laws Over Maryland Teen Suicide

-By Warner Todd Huston

A young Maryland boy named Joshua Eisner, 14, committed suicide early in June. He used a reproduction civil war era black powder rifle to do it. Now his father is launching an ill-advised and unnecessary drive to force more gun laws on Marylanders, pushing an idea he wants called “Joshua’s law.”

According to his obituary, young Joshua was interested in music and history, the latter being why he owned the old-style firearm. News reports say that he left no note explaining his actions, but that authorities classified his death as a suicide.
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No, We DON’T Need More Gun Laws Over Maryland Teen Suicide”

Video: Glenn Morton for Maryland’s 5th CD

-By Warner Todd Huston

One of the last in my Challenger Series of interviews with congressional candidates is Glenn Morton who is running for the 5th CD in Maryland.

Mr. Morton is passionate, especially about how bad Obamacare is. In fact, Morton says he wasn’t all that political until Obamacare came about. Being an insurance man he came to realize just how bad this law was. The more he looked into it the worse it got.

In any case, here was our conversation at CPAC this year…

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Video: Glenn Morton for Maryland’s 5th CD”

VIDEO: Dan Bongino for U.S. Senate, Maryland

-By Warner Todd Huston

More in my Challenger Series of videos taken at this year’s CPAC. Today we have Dan Bongino who is running for the U.S. Senate for Maryland.

Bongino is a former Secret Service agent with two graduate degrees and a firm grounding in conservative ideals. When we spoke he seemed an eloquent spokesman for conservative principle.

Apparently the ignorati of the left have something to fear in Bongino as last November when he and his campaign staff were attending the Maryland GOP convention he found that his car and the cars of his staffers were vandalized with their tires flattened.

Bongino is most activated by the spiraling debt that Democrats have dragged this country into, but he also deftly addressed some of my foreign policy questions.

Dan Bongino is another solid new comer for the GOP.
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VIDEO: Dan Bongino for U.S. Senate, Maryland”

Freedom of Speech Wins: Baltimore Politician Drops Lawsuit Against Blogger

-By Warner Todd Huston

Examiner blogger Adam Meister was doing what bloggers do, namely posting the info that “journalists” refuse to write about. In this case, back in March, Meister found that a Baltimore Councilwoman was living in a different district than she claimed she was living in. As a result, the politician tried to sue the blogger for his posts.

City Councilwoman Belinda Conaway filed a lawsuit demanding an idiotic $21 million in damages for Meister’s expose of her true primary residence. But this week Conaway abruptly dropped her suit against the blogger.

Through public records, blogger Meister discovered that Conaway lives in Randallstown and not Baltimore, the city she was elected to represent. Conaway has, though, claimed she lives in an extended-family household in Baltimore.

Meister disputed Councilwoman Conaway’s claim and he posted tax information where Conaway claimed for tax purposes that Randallstown, not Baltimore, was her primary residence.
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Freedom of Speech Wins: Baltimore Politician Drops Lawsuit Against Blogger”

Vote Fraud Paradise in Maryland

-By Warner Todd Huston

Thanks to SB167/HB470, Maryland is yet another U.S. State attempting to reward illegal immigrants with free or cut rate in-state university educations all at the detriment to the real citizens of the state — and all without the direct vote of the people. But this state version of the DREAM Act has resulted in some other attempted skullduggery, mainly violations of the state’s voting laws.

Here is what happened. Two Maryland legislators, Senator Victor Ramirez and Delegate Sheila Hixson of St. George’s County, introduced the bill in question that gave illegals in-state tuition to the state’s colleges – in other words, illegals will be taking the place of actual citizens at the state’s colleges. Even as the bill became law, the people of Maryland were not too happy with the whole thing. So, in time-honored fashion, the people of Maryland took up petitions to try and have a voice about being rid of this rewarding of illegals.

As it happens the citizens against this Maryland version of the DREAM Act didn’t just collect the requisite 18,579 (or so) petition signatures, they collected 40,000! This made the supporters of illegal immigrants suddenly all upset, as you can imagine, and here is where the lawbreaking came in.
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Vote Fraud Paradise in Maryland”

Two More Stories on Stupid Liberal Schools

-By Warner Todd Huston

PCism is for idiots. It really is just that simple. It’s bad enough when you find it in the private sector with silliness such as sensitivity training. But at least there, adults can just ignore the stupidity and carry on. When it comes to PC indoctrination of our impressionable kids, well that is another matter and one not so easy to just laugh off.

Unfortunately, the disease of liberal PCism is so pervasive in our schools that we could do a story every single day on the newest outrageous display of liberal lunacy masquerading as education. Today, I’ll relate two of them.

Story One: Old Glory Not so Glorious
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Two More Stories on Stupid Liberal Schools”

Maryland’s Chance to Elect Republicans is NOW!

-By James Simpson

Maryland has long been considered one of the bluest of blue states. But with anti-Democrat fever running red hot, that is rapidly changing. There are competitive races everywhere. Thirty-year incumbent House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer is facing a stiff challenge from Republican Charles Lollar in Maryland’s 5th District. In Maryland’s 3rd, veteran Marine fighter pilot, Republican Jim Wilhelm, is challenging legacy Democratic Congressman John Sarbanes, son of longtime Senator Paul Sarbanes and former Republican Governor Bob Ehrlich is giving corrupt, pathologically dishonest Governor Martin O’Malley—the Boy Blunder—a run for his money.

But another race has flown completely under the radar up to now. Conservative businessman Frank Mirabile has mounted a powerful challenge to radical liberal 7th District incumbent, Elijah Cummings. Maryland’s 7th encompasses largely rural Howard County, part of suburban Baltimore County and western Baltimore City.

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Maryland’s Chance to Elect Republicans is NOW!”

AP Says Dem Early Voters Big Turnout in MD, But MD Early Voting Hasn’t Started

-By Warner Todd Huston

(This post read on-air by Rush Limbaugh on Oct. 22, 2010)

Here is an interesting question that I have for the Associated Press. The AP has a story from October 21 that features the news that Democrats in Maryland are turning out in bigger numbers for early voting than Republicans. But according to the Maryland State Board of Elections, early voting in the Old Line State isn’t supposed to start until October 22.

Of the early voting stats in its Oct. 21 report AP says (my bold):

While it’s impossible to tell for whom people are voting, so far more Democrats than Republicans are casting ballots in Iowa, Maryland, North Carolina, Louisiana and Nevada’s heavily Democratic Clark County, which supplied two-thirds of the state’s voters in 2008.

But according to the Maryland State Board of Elections (my bold again):

For the general election, early voting centers will be open starting Friday October 22, 2010 through Thursday, October 28, 2010, except for Sunday, October 24th when early voting centers are closed.

So, what gives? How is it that AP knows the future and is reporting on early voting in Maryland, saying it is high for Democrats, when early voting isn’t even supposed to start until the day after the report came out?

Could someone explain to me what I’m missing?
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AP Says Dem Early Voters Big Turnout in MD, But MD Early Voting Hasn’t Started”

Maryland’s Toxic Teachers Union

-By Warner Todd Huston

We all know the drill, right? Unions curry favor with compliant politicians, the unions then donate campaign cash to them hoping for political favors later down the line. Yes, that’s the drill… unless you are the Montgomery County, Maryland teachers union. See, in that case candidates are expected to pay the union for its favors, not the other way ’round, apparently.

As the Washington Post says, this upside down relationship “distorts and perverts the political process.” Folks, if even the left-wing Washington Post understands that unions are bad for our democracy, you have to know things have gotten horribly out of hand.

In some unusually harsh language, the WP takes after these union thugs big time:
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Maryland’s Toxic Teachers Union”