Fake News: ‘New York Times’ Again Caught Lying About Radical Muslim Terrorism and Trump’s New Travel Order

-By Warner Todd Huston

After President Donald Trump released his revised travel order, the left once again went wild with false claims about what it all meant. In particular, The New York Times jumped on the order and justified its criticism by making false claims. Typical liberal fake news.

In it’s story about Trump’s newest travel order, Glenn Thrush insisted that no terrorist has attacked the U.S. from any of the nations that are mentioned in the president’s temporary moratorium on travel. He went even further to claim that few Americans have been killed by terrorists inside the U.S.A. since 2001.

Here is how Thrush put it in his March 7 piece:

Since 2001, 18 of the 36 Muslim extremists who have engaged in attacks inside the United States were born in the United States, while 14 migrated here as children and would not have been stopped by the new vetting process, according to an analysis by Charles Kurzman, a professor at the University of North Carolina.

None came from the banned nations; Muslim extremists have accounted for 16 out of 240,000 murders in the United States since the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001.

First of all that last bit is 100% wrong. Thrush insisted that only 16 people have been murdered in the U.S. by Muslim extremists since 2001. But he is way, way off on his math.
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Fake News: ‘New York Times’ Again Caught Lying About Radical Muslim Terrorism and Trump’s New Travel Order”

Liberal Media Invented ‘Fake News’ LONG Before the Conservative Media Was Born

-By Warner Todd Huston

The watch words of the day seems to be “fake news” with liberals using the concept as a weapon to shut down all center right news and opinion outlets on both the Internet and TV. But the fact is, the liberal media invented “fake news” many decades before those on the right finally had enough of media bias and started their own news outlets.

Liberals have spent the entire month after Election Day proclaiming every non-liberal website or TV network to be purveyors of “fake news” even going so far as creating a list of sites they claim are all lies and publishing wildly biased “studies” of said sites to “prove” they are filled with “fake news.”

Losing Democrat presidential candidate, Hillary Clinton, came out of mourning to blast the right’s “fake news” even as she was one of its biggest purveyors. After all, who can forget her story that she was shot at by snipers during a visit to Bosnia in 1996 when, in fact, she was met with no violence at all. Not only did Hillary face no security threat when she landed in Bosnia that day, she was met by a little girl who gave her a bouquet of flowers. Those must have been some scary flowers, indeed.

Aside from political figures, far left, clickbait website BuzzFeed made the most noise with an October 20 piece entitled, “Hyperpartisan Facebook Pages Are Publishing False And Misleading Information At An Alarming Rate,” a story that essentially relied on a liberal “professor’s” list of “fake news” websites heavy on right leaning sites and almost empty of left leaning sites.

Without question, even as BuzzFeed set itself up to be the arbiter of what is or sin’t fake news, it has itself been a constant and steady supplier of fake news.
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Liberal Media Invented ‘Fake News’ LONG Before the Conservative Media Was Born”

In Transgender Argument, a Perfect Example of Liberal Hypocrisy

-By Warner Todd Huston

An article in The New York Times extolling the virtues of pushing transgenderism on high school teens featured a paragraph that perfectly illustrates the hypocrisy of the liberal argument, not just on this issue, but writ large.

According to The New York Times, some students at Green Mountain Union High School in Chester, Vermont, were incensed that school administrators had implemented a transgender policy to allow a single female student who claims to be a boy to use the boys bathrooms and locker rooms at the school.

The school has broken down into two camps, according to the paper’s article, one side in favor of the so-called transgender student and the other against her right to claim to be a male.

Now, the chief argument that leftists make to legitimize forcing all schools in America to implement pro-transgender policies is that we can’t discriminate against kids who feeeel they should be a different sex than what they were born as simply because they feeeel they are right. We are to take their word for their feeeeeelings because if we don’t we are discriminating against them.

This, they say, is *just like* implementing civil rights for blacks. Because, you see, we can’t penalize kids for being transgender because if we do we are punishing them for *what they are* just like we did when African Americans had their rights quashed. Further, we can’t take away these kids’ “freedom” to decide to be the opposite sex nor can we oppose their right to free speech.

But buried in the Times story was a telling paragraph (my bold):
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In Transgender Argument, a Perfect Example of Liberal Hypocrisy”

An Example of How the Media is Lying About the Confederate Flag

-By Warner Todd Huston

The current flap over the Confederate flag has two very interesting features. One is that the debate over the flag is completely divorced from the incident that supposedly spawned it–the nine murdered in a Charleston church. And two, it is notable for the fact that the media is lying about the flag’s history by making the Confederacy out to be a “Republican problem” instead of more properly a Democrat one.

While Democrats and their media lapdogs run around attacking the Confederate flag in support of the nine murder victims of the AME church in Charleston, the fact is the flag has nothing at all to do with the attack. Many have noted that the whole debate is a total distraction, certainly, but it is a distraction with a point and that point is in my second reason for this debate. Clearly the goal is to drum up a fake issue with which to attack Republicans.

One of the more fitting example of this effort to paint Republicans as the Party of the Confederacy is in a Monday piece by The New York Times’s Michael Barabaro and co-author Jonathan Martin.

The Monday piece is entitled, “5 Days That Left a Confederate Flag Wavering, and Likely to Fall,” and the entire article is a skewing of history in order to foist the controversy of the Confederacy upon the Republican Party–yes, the very party that fought against the Confederacy.

The most revealing paragraph is the article’s fifth.
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An Example of How the Media is Lying About the Confederate Flag”

‘New York Times’ Attacking Marco Rubio’s Wife for Traffic Tickets

-By Warner Todd Huston

Liberals love to say that family members of their candidates should be “off limits” for attacks in an election. Despite this claim, The New York Times set its sights on Florida Senator and GOP candidate for President Marco Rubio and his wife because they have a few traffic infractions.

In a bizarre Friday expose, the Times breathlessly reported that Marco and his wife have a combined “17 traffic infractions” and said that the Senator and his wife have “shown a tendency to be in a rush on the road.”

In light of the blockbuster book “Clinton Cash,” we have a Democrat presidential candidate who is under suspicion of giving favors to foreign countries–some of them enemies to the USA–in exchange for hundreds of millions in donations to her “charity.” Now, according to the “paper of record,” we have a GOP candidate in Marco Rubio who has a worrisome driving record. Quite a contrast, that.
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‘New York Times’ Attacking Marco Rubio’s Wife for Traffic Tickets”

Shameful Media Bias: ‘New York Times’ Crops George W. Bush Out of Selma Celebration Photo

-By Warner Todd Huston

The New York Times apparently loves history… except when it doesn’t comport to its liberal ideals. And so, in a Soviet-like act of revisionism, the so-called paper of record decided to crop an image of Sunday’s march in order to eliminate former President George W. Bush so its fans won’t realize that Bush attended the 50th Anniversary celebration of the Selma Civil Rights march.

Here is a screen cap of the Tweet The Times posted on Sunday:

Notice that on the left of the Times image the woman with the teal jacket is the last one shown.

Now check out the same march and nearly the same view as photographed and Tweeted by Alabama’s WSB TV:

You’ll notice that the former First Lady, Laura Bush, and President George W. Bush appear one person farther to the left of the woman in the teal jacket.

Here is a bigger shot for more clarity:
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Shameful Media Bias: ‘New York Times’ Crops George W. Bush Out of Selma Celebration Photo”

Even NYT Notes That Voter ID Laws DO NOT ‘Suppress’ Minority Voters

-By Warner Todd Huston

The left is all balled up in knots over the false claim that voter ID laws are meant specifically to “suppress” the vote of minorities and to swing elections to the GOP. This is a lie. And even The New York Times essentially agrees that this is a lie.

Firstly, the point of voter ID laws is not to “suppress” anything other than illegal votes. If a white guy is not properly registered and goes to the polling place without a valid ID, he shouldn’t vote any more than an African American or an Hispanic.

Now, the argument the loony left makes to “prove” that voter ID laws affect only minorities is that, according to these loons, liberal minorities are too stupid to figure out how to get an approved ID so that they can vote and will therefore be denied the right to vote.

They claim that they have “studies” that prove that many states have hundreds of thousands of minorities who lack the proper ID and so are being disenfranchised by voter ID laws.

But now even Nate Cohn from The New York Times proves that this claim is bunkum.
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Even NYT Notes That Voter ID Laws DO NOT ‘Suppress’ Minority Voters”

IRS Impounds Bank Accounts With No Warrant, No Cause, No Crime And It’s Legal!

-By Warner Todd Huston

In Obama’s America all the IRS needs to take all your money, freeze your accounts, and arrest you is their opinion that your assets might be suspicious. No warrants are needed, no proof of any actual crime is required. All the IRS needs is its say so and your life can be turned upside down.

A story in The New York Times reports on how the abusive, overly powerful IRS destroys lives with impunity. One woman who runs a small restaurant had all her assets stolen by the IRS and never returned even though she has never been charged with any violations of the tax code or breaking any laws.

And this woman will not likely get her money back because the forfeitures are not held until the government finally figures out if there is any guilt involved, either. No, that money is immediately doled out to the various law enforcement agencies involved in the theft and is immediately spent.
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IRS Impounds Bank Accounts With No Warrant, No Cause, No Crime And It’s Legal!”

New York Times’ Egan Shows Vast Ignorance of Religion, the Founders and the Constitution

-By Warner Todd Huston

In the pages of The New York Times columnist Timothy Egan unleashed an attack on religion that was at once wholly uninformed about both religion and American history yet entirely typical of how uninformed liberals typically are about both religion and history. Egan’s anti-religious rant was also quite hysterical by saying that there is little difference between business owners who don’t want to pay for abortion drugs and radical Islamic terrorists, another opinion increasingly gaining cachet on the left.

Egan began his screed seemingly assigning acts of evil–or at least acts of bias–to God himself. Then he somehow made the World Cup into a religious battle between Popes, found room to slam Texas Governor Rick Perry, and concluded that “God is on a rampage” in 2014.

Now, let us first understand that God is in no way associated with the evil man does in his name. Egan’s claim that God is at fault is a childish exercise that is akin to blaming J. D. Salinger for the murder of John Lennon because shooter Mark David Chapman was a reader.
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New York Times’ Egan Shows Vast Ignorance of Religion, the Founders and the Constitution”

Obama is Asked About His ‘Lie of the Year’… Ignores the Question

-By Warner Todd Huston

President Obama was the lucky, lucky recipient of Politifact’s “lie of the year” award for his much repeated claim–and outright lie–that you can “keep your healthcare plan if you like it” and in his year-end press conference he was asked about that fact. Naturally he avoided the question.

Obama was asked to respond to his lie of the year award by no less than a reporter from The New York Times, a paper that was mocked mercilessly for claiming that Obama had merely “misspoken” when he lied three dozen times telling us we could keep our healthcare plans and doctors when he knew full well we most Americans would end up losing them.

NYT reporter Jacki Calmes wound up a long-winded question on Obama’s lie of the year close to the end of the press conference. When he responded, of course, he ignored the question and went rambling on about things unconnected to Politifact’s finding.
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Obama is Asked About His ‘Lie of the Year’… Ignores the Question”

Reporter: ‘Obama a Disaster as President,’ NYTimes D.C. Bureau is ‘Wimpy’

-By Warner Todd Huston

In a new recorded interview, Gay Talese, a longtime Washington reporter, was refreshingly forthcoming about the failures of the media to properly report on the Obama administration and had some very unkind things to say about both the “disaster” that President Obama has become and the “wimpy” New York Times D.C. bureau that is reporting on him.

Talese, a reporter since the 1960s for such outlets as The New York Times and Esquire, did mention in the podcast interview at Longform.org that the Old Gray Lady is a “better paper” than when he worked for it. But it goes downhill from there.

The Times, Talese says, “doesn’t have the antigovernment tone that I want.”

He had much more to say after that.
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Reporter: ‘Obama a Disaster as President,’ NYTimes D.C. Bureau is ‘Wimpy’”

‘New York Times’: Nixon Tapes Prove That Conservatives Should Give Up Principles

-By Warner Todd Huston

If you want a perfect example of how the left works, not to mention another example of how the Old Media establishment is thoroughly sold out to the far left, we have but to look to an August 23 piece in The New York Times by Francis X. Clines where we are told that the Nixon tapes show that Republicans should give up their principles and accept the left’s concepts and political policies.

Clines spends most of her piece talking about the release of the last batch of tape recordings made by Richard Nixon in the White House. Nixon’s tapes are, of course, a never ending source of fascination for liberals and from time to time also reveal an interesting window into the man’s soul, so the release of this last batch nearly 40 years after the President ignominiously resigned from office–the first (and only) president to do so—is of interest.

But buried at the end of her piece, Clines also unwittingly give us a window not into Nixon’s soul but into both hers and the leftist media’s souls.
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‘New York Times’: Nixon Tapes Prove That Conservatives Should Give Up Principles”

Statistician Nate Silver to Leave New York Times for ESPN

-By Warner Todd Huston

For the last six years Nate Silver made himself a household name among political wonks for correctly predicting the 2008 and 2012 election cycles in The New York Times, but now Silver is reportedly preparing to leave the Times for ESPN to pursue more sports-related work.

A July 19 report in the paper reveals that insider information indicates that Silver will be announcing a switch to the sports cable TV network maybe as soon as next week.

The Times speculates that Silver will be a recurring commentator on the new sports show that Keith Olbermann will host on Disney-owned ESPN2. Silver is also expected to have an on-air role during upcoming election cycles on ABC News, also owned by Disney.

Neither ESPN nor Mr. Silver have commented on the possible move but insiders requesting anonymity told the Times that Silver’s new arrangement could be announced as early as July 22.

The move would not be surprising. After the 2012 election cycle, Silver was blessed with a multitude job offers and his three-year contract with the paper expires in August.
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Statistician Nate Silver to Leave New York Times for ESPN”

New York Times Attacking Messenger Over Anti-Obamacare Ads

-By Warner Todd Huston

All the mud-slinging that’s fit to print is apparently The New York Times’ revised motto if a recent editorial attacking a pair of video ads that raise questions about Obamacare is any indication as the Times decides to spend half its editorial attacking the character of some donors to the group that put out the ads instead of sticking to the issues.

The ads were put out by Americans for Prosperity, a group that counts as donors a pair of famous conservative brothers that serve as the left’s biggest boogiemen: the Koch brothers.

The Times spends its first four paragraphs attacking the Kochs on a personal level. Calling them liars, employing class warfare against them, and saying–get out your tinfoil hat, here–they hide their real agenda because it is just soooo evil.

In fact, I almost feel compelled to spell Koch Brothers with a capital “B” in brothers as the phrase has become a noun to the left in their effort to demonize the pair. And, interestingly, as the Times spends so much energy on excoriating the conservative philanthropists it must be noted that the pair are not in control of the ads or their content. The ads were put out by Americans for Prosperity, a group to which the Kochs are but donors–major donors, sure, but not wholly controlling donors.

Oh, the paper does finally get to refuting some of the points in the two AFP ads, but even there they unleash liberal trope instead of cogent analysis.

But as the “paper of record” falls all over itself to take Obamacare’s promises at face value without spending much effort to really looking at the facts, even President Obama’s own administration has lost confidence in the federal takeover of our healthcare system.
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New York Times Attacking Messenger Over Anti-Obamacare Ads”

Public Trust in Newspapers Falls to New Lows

-By Warner Todd Huston

A new poll on newspapers and television news shows that Americans’ confidence in the news industry continues to erode in this era of mass communications, reaching a low not seen since 2007.

The Gallup polling firm finds that trust in newspapers has fallen to 23 percent. This is down from 25 percent in 2012 and 28 percent in 2011.

The previous low was recorded in 2007 when trust in newspapers reached 22 percent.

Trust in newspapers has undergone steady erosion since its 1979 high of 51 percent, Gallup reports.

Television news fares no better in the estimation of those polled by Gallup. Trust in TV news tied that of newspapers with 23 percent saying they trust TV news sources. This is down from a 1993 high of 46 percent–when Gallup first began asking about it.
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Public Trust in Newspapers Falls to New Lows”

Paul Krugman: ‘We Are Kind of an Authoritarian Surveillance State’

-By Warner Todd Huston

Liberal economist and leading modern Keynesian, Paul Krugman of The New York Times, has been one of Barack Obama’s biggest cheerleaders, but suddenly he is a bit down on the Obama administration saying that he is afraid that the country is becoming an “authoritarian surveillance state.”

With a mounting list of scandals from government-sponsored intimidation of the President’s political enemies, to surveillance of reporters, to a growing list of communications companies allowing government intelligence agencies access to all of our personal phone calls, Internet searches, and text messages, this must be a confusing time for the President’s most ardent supporters. Krugman’s reaction here is an example of that turning of the head.

For Krugman, with latest news about the massive collection of data on everyday Americans he sees the United States of America drifting toward authoritarianism.

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Paul Krugman: ‘We Are Kind of an Authoritarian Surveillance State’”

NYT Changes Editorial to Soften Its Own Criticism of Obama

-By Warner Todd Huston

On the afternoon of June 6, Breitbart correspondent Ben Shapiro marveled at how harshly President Obama was treated in an editorial by The New York Times, but as the day wore on, the paper went back and altered its editorial to soften its own criticism of the President.

As Shapiro noted,

“Mr. Obama is proving the truism that the executive will use any power it is given and very likely abuse it,” writes the Times editorial board. “There is every reason to believe the federal government has been collecting every bit of information about every American’s phone calls except the words actually exchanged in those calls …. Essentially, the administration is saying that without any individual suspicion of wrongdoing, the government is allowed to know who Americans are calling every time they make a phone call, for how long they talk and from where.”

The Times editorial board noted, “The administration has now lost all credibility.”

But later, after publication, the Times quietly changed that criticism.
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NYT Changes Editorial to Soften Its Own Criticism of Obama”

NYTimes Weeps for the Obamacare Lobbyists

-By Warner Todd Huston

The New York Times is exasperated with the lack of progress in Congress of “fixes” to the massive and far reaching Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare. This exasperation has evinced itself in an odd way as the Times seems to be expressing sympathy for lobbyists and businesses trying to make changes to the law.

In a May 26 piece by Jonathan Weisman, the Times complains of gridlock, scolds Republicans for wanting to repeal the massively intrusive law, and highlights the hard work ahead of the lobbyists campaigning for changes.

Interestingly, the paper admits that Obamacare is both deeply flawed and was passed in 2010 without due diligence by Democrats.

The paper, though, dismisses those flaws as important and points out that most laws of this size go through bouts of revisions and “technical corrections” after passage. In short order the paper goes on to express its heartfelt sympathy with lobbyists seeking those changes.

“But as they prowl Capitol Hill,” Weisman writes, “business lobbyists like Mr. DeFife, health care providers and others seeking changes are finding, to their dismay, that in a polarized Congress, accomplishing them has become all but impossible.”
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NYTimes Weeps for the Obamacare Lobbyists”

Washington Bridge Collapse Being Used to Push Big Government

-By Warner Todd Huston

By all accounts the Interstate 5 bridge collapse in Washington State was a result of an over sized truck load as opposed to “failing infrastructure.” But a plea for greater federal spending figured prominently in many reports on the accident nonetheless.

Naturally, many on the left stampeded immediately to decrying “austerity,” or accused the Republicans of “endangering lives” by opposing big government, while still others blamed the sequester as news of the collapse spread.

In the progressive media, infrastructure also featured prominently in coverage.

CNN, for instance, injected Obama’s call for higher spending in its piece. USA Today also claimed that the bridge collapse would “raise questions about the nation’s infrastructure.” Reuters focused on a call for “public officials to invest in infrastructure and upgrade bridges.” The Associated Press joined Reuters in that focus. And, not to be outdone, Bloomberg said, “The bridge’s collapse put a new focus on the nation’s failing infrastructure, an issue that President Barack Obama has highlighted in his second-term agenda.”

Sadly, the Voice of America also used the collapse as a means to talk about Obama’s spending wants.
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Washington Bridge Collapse Being Used to Push Big Government”

New York Times: IRS Scandal Ignored Because of Rush Limbaugh

-By Warner Todd Huston

There has been much speculation in the media on why Obama’s current scandal of the IRS targeting conservative groups for attack didn’t come out last year when the initial flurry of reportage on the incident was seen. Well, The New York Times thinks it has the answer: it was Rush Limbaugh’s fault.

When the IRS finally admitted these last few weeks that it had, indeed, unfairly targeted conservative groups–most especially during the 2012 election cycle–many pointed out that this targeting was being complained about for some time. But why did the scandal just break big now, in May of 2013, when stories about it go back several years?

The paper of record pondered this very question in a May 21 piece by Michael D. Shear that places the blame on Limbaugh. It’s all because of “slutgate,” Shear claims.

The Times points out that in March of 2012, Representative Charles Boustany, Jr. (R, LA) held a hearing on the IRS targeting but the story got little traction. Shear quotes several parties to the effect that it was a “dog-bites-man story” in that the media wasn’t interested in talking about Tea Party groups complaining about the IRS.

So, what stories did hold the media’s attention during Boustany’s 2012 hearing? Rush Limbaugh’s media manufactured “slutgate.”

It was during the first week of March that Rush Limbaugh ridiculed abortion mill supporter Sandra Fluke for being a “slut” because she wanted the U.S. government to pay for her contraception.

The media, of course, went into a feeding frenzy on “slutgate” to the point that Rush eventually apologized for his over-the-top characterization of the abortionist. It was all the media could talk about at the time.
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New York Times: IRS Scandal Ignored Because of Rush Limbaugh”

Conan O’Brien Slams Republicans, Democrats, the Press at WHCD

-By Warner Todd Huston

Typical of when a Democrat is president, during a keynote monologue at the White House Correspondents Dinner (WHCD), the President is spared from too many mean spirited barbs. In keeping with that tradition, TBS’ Conan O’Brien poked a lot of fun at Republicans and conservatives with a bit sharper stick than he used to poke Democrats.

This year’s WHCD started with a slew of media outlets discussing the now annual slam on the event as delivered by long-time Washington reporter Tom Brokaw. The semi-retired NBC anchor has lamented for some time that the whole party atmosphere, replete with musicians and Hollywood celebrities–fittingly, this year the Duck Dynasty folks attended–makes a mockery of the seriousness of the media’s work.

After the President delivered his spiel on Saturday night, late night comedian Conan O’Brien took the stage to deliver the keynote address.

Unsurprisingly, Republicans showed up early as the comedian’s targets and naturally, even though he hasn’t been in office for over four years, now, an obligatory slam of George W. Bush as “stupid” had to be delivered.

Near the top of his address Conan mentioned the opening of the George W. Bush Presidential Library joking that the library had “Millions of books, articles and documents and if you go you can be the first to read them.”
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Conan O’Brien Slams Republicans, Democrats, the Press at WHCD”

Race Card: New York Times Distorts NYPD Commander’s Words

-By Warner Todd Huston

In a front page story, The New York Times intimated that race was a deciding factor in how the New York Police Department determines who to stop in it’s proactive stop and frisk policy that has helped drive crime down to its lowest rate in many decades. The Times reports the words of a police commander secretly recorded during an evaluation with a patrolman but “the paper of record” distorts his words and leaves key parts of the recording out of its analysis making the commander seem to be basing his criteria solely on race.

In the March 21 piece, the Times sonorously informs readers that, “a recording suggests that, in at least one precinct, a person’s skin color can be a deciding factor in who is stopped,” and goes on to selectively report what is on that recording leading readers to think the policy is all about race.

This recording was played during a class action lawsuit questioning the NYPD’s stop-and-frisk policy, a tactic that NYC officials in both the police department and city government credit for the huge drop in crime across the Big Apple. The suit also alleges that there are racial quotas in the policy that “encourage officers to stop people unlawfully.”

The Gray Lady, reports that the police commander, Deputy Inspector Christopher McCormack, urged the officer, Patrolman Pedro Serrano, to stop and frisk “the right people at the right time, the right location.”

The criteria for this policy, the Times leads readers to believe, is race-based.
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Race Card: New York Times Distorts NYPD Commander’s Words”

The Next Attack on Pope Francis

-By Warner Todd Huston

The Old Media has been looking for ways to attack the new Pope, Francis I, since he was introduced to the world. Initially, the media attempted the needle the new Pontiff into “reforming” the Church or face failure, but this week it seems that there is a new line of attack: he is an advocate for dictators.

Of course, by “reform,” the Old Media means that they want the new Pope to change Church doctrine on such things as ordination of women, support of gay marriage, and other liberal shibboleths. But discussion of what the Old Media thinks is “reform” is yesterday’s snipe.

This week the Pope is being portrayed as a supporter of the so-called “Dirty War” waged between political factions in Argentina and The New York Times is the chief proponent of the idea that Pope Francis faces “entanglements” in that War.

In a piece headlined, “Starting a Papacy, Amid Echoes of a ‘Dirty War’,” the Times associates Pope Francis with several priests who unfortunately supported government officials guilty of oppression and violations of civil liberties in the Dirty War and notes he has “never apologized” for the fact that the Argentine Church never came out vociferously against the military Junta between 1976 and 1983.
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The Next Attack on Pope Francis”

NYT Hails Obama’s ‘Signal’ That Era of ‘Single-Minded Deficit-Cutting Should End’

-By Warner Todd Huston

The paltry spending cuts coming out of Congress are no where near enough to balance Washington’s budget, but in his analysis of the President’s State of the Union speech, New York Times writer Mark Landler happily went to pains to note that Obama signaled the end of “the era of single-minded deficit-cutting.”

One has to wonder what “single-minded deficit-cutting” the Times writer and the President are seeing?

Employing a lot of emotionally tinged rhetoric to favor Obama’s speech, Landler included several subtle tricks to push Obama’s ideas as “tangible” and “helping.” Landler also repeatedly poked Republicans as “still smarting” from the past election and claimed that picking Sen. Marco Rubio for the GOP reply was “implicitly acknowledging” that they had been “damaged.”
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NYT Hails Obama’s ‘Signal’ That Era of ‘Single-Minded Deficit-Cutting Should End’”

Donald Trump Looking to Buy The New York Times?

-By Warner Todd Huston

There are reports that Donald Trump is looking at a new way of influencing the media, this time by trying to buy The New York Times. If he pulls it off it’ll be huuuuge.

Trump has spent years getting media attention for one thing or another. From multiple marriages, to hit TV shows, to rumors of running for President, “The Donald” has been an expert at insinuating himself into the news cycle. But now it seems he wants to write the news instead of just being written about.

Rumors abound that Trump’s making an effort to buy the paper. But he isn’t the only high profile millionaire around whom such rumors swill. New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg is also rumored to be looking into buying the paper.

Trump’s office has refused comment on the rumors of his interest buying in the “paper of record” and so is The New York Times. But one can’t imagine that the Sulzberger family, owners of the Times, would find it a cozy fit with Donald Trump!
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Donald Trump Looking to Buy The New York Times?”

Herman Cain: The New York Times is Racist

-By Warner Todd Huston

Herman Cain has had about enough of The New York Times and its racist columnists. The latest is the hate that The Times and guest columnist Adolph Reed, Jr. offered for South Carolina’s newest Senator, Tim Scott.

In an editorial Cain posted to CainTV.com, the one-time GOP candidate for President was incensed that Reed and The Times were so presumptuous as to imagine that no black conservative is smart enough to understand conservatism or even believe in what they claim to believe.

Reed, a professor of political science at the University of Pennsylvania, called all blacks in the GOP “tokens” and dismissed the “milestone” status that is Tim Scott’s advancement to the U.S. Senate saying it is no advancement for African Americans.

This is, of course, the ultimate insult. Reed is indulging the ages old epithet of saying that any black that doesn’t toe his extremist, liberal line of thinking is an Uncle Tom. It is the sort of dismissive attitude that assumes that black conservatives just aren’t smart enough to understand what conservatism really is. It is a way to dismiss the very intelligence of black conservatives not to mention their humanity.

As Cain noted, “Professor Reed makes it clear that he considers black Republicans to be little more than Stepin Fetchits, soulless black people who are willing to serve the white master at the expense of their true brethren”
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Herman Cain: The New York Times is Racist”

The Many Sandy Hook Mistakes of The New York Times

-By Warner Todd Huston

As we mentioned early on December 15, the Old Media have done a poor job relating the facts about the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary in Newton, Connecticut. Finally, some four days after the crime occurred, The New York Times is issuing corrections on a multitude of garbled reports.

Some of the corrections are updating the sort of “facts” that most of Old Media establishment got wrong; such as who the shooter actually was and whether or not the killer’s mother worked at the school. But many of the “facts” that The Times had to correct don’t even stand the test of logic.

For instance, The Times originally reported that the guns being used were .10 and a .9 millimeter guns. This would be about the size of a pencil lead! Of course what the paper of record really meant to say is that 10 and 9 millimeter sized bullets were used, not a .10 and .9.

In another case The Times misquoted New York Governor Michael Bloomberg. And so, the correction reads,
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The Many Sandy Hook Mistakes of The New York Times”

Silver: Pundits Are ‘Fundamentally Useless’

-By Warner Todd Huston

Nate Silver, who shot to political media stardom for successfully parsing the election polls, has been on a bit of a tour of various media outlets since his successful prediction of November’s election results. One of his recurring themes is that “journalism” is important but “punditry is fundamentally useless.”

Silver’s latest appearance was at the Wednesday, December 12 D.C. Talks event sponsored by Google where he discussed media and media bias.

Silver told the crowd that he felt that the term “momentum” in reporting electoral politics was necessarily a biased term because it was essentially meaningless. When reporters use the word, Silver said, they aren’t really describing anything real. “They’re talking about some tangible concept to assert that more is happening than really is happening,” he said.
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Silver: Pundits Are ‘Fundamentally Useless’”

500 Victims: Shocking BBC Sex Abuse Scandal Ensnares New York Times Chief

-By Warner Todd Huston

In a shocking tally, up to 500 people have come forward claiming to be victims of former British Broadcasting Corp. TV and radio star Jimmy Savile, British police have reported. The scandal has reached from the 1960s to today but has also reached across the ocean to the newly hired CEO of The New York Times, himself a former BBC executive.

New Times executive Mark Thompson was the most recent top man at the BBC of any long standing having served for eight years ending his tenure only this past September. Thompson resigned from the Beeb to come to America to take the helm of The New York Times just as the Jimmy Savile sex abuse scandal was developing.

In his pre-employment interviews, Thompson swore he had no knowledge at all about the decades of sexual abuse cases perpetrated by BBC TV star Jimmy Savile, many of which the BBC aided in covering up and hiding from both the police and the license-paying public.

But the latest news from the investigation into the Savile scandal raises questions about what Thompson knew and when he knew it and that timeline brings suspicion that he knew about the mounting scandal long before he told The New York Times that he did.
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500 Victims: Shocking BBC Sex Abuse Scandal Ensnares New York Times Chief”

Celebration: The NYTimes Finally Admitted Reaganomics Worked

-By Warner Todd Huston

Will wonders never cease? American Enterprise Institute columnist James Pethokoukis saw something he never thought he’d see. After 30 years, The New York Times admitted that Reaganomics worked!

Pethokoukis was astounded by a Times article chronicling the steadily falling tax burden Americans have experienced since the 1980s.

The AEI money writer notes that the heart of The Times’ article is that in 2010 Americans “paid far less in total taxes — federal, state and local — than they would have paid 30 years ago.”

Pethokoukis points out that some tax hike advocates think this means that America’s tax burden is too low and time has come for a hike. But Pethokoukis disagrees.
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Celebration: The NYTimes Finally Admitted Reaganomics Worked”