Liberals Destroy Language: New ‘Dr. Who’ Jodie Whittaker Already Being Called a ‘Role Model’

-By Warner Todd Huston

The SyFy channel recently tweeted out that Britain’s new Dr. Who, actress Jodie Whittaker, is a “role model.” With this nonsense we can only note that liberals have destroyed achievement not to mention even the mere definition of words.

On July 20, American science fiction cable channel SyFy tweeted out a message to capitalize on the imminent debut of the new Dr. Who series that will star Yorkshire actress Jodie Whittaker as the first female Dr. in the decades-old British kid’s sci fi show.

“Role models come in all shapes, sizes, and genders. #DoctorWho #SDCC,” SyFy tweeted.

What hyperbolic nonsense. Role model?How?
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Liberals Destroy Language: New ‘Dr. Who’ Jodie Whittaker Already Being Called a ‘Role Model’”

Video Shows CNN’s Becky Anderson Appearing to Stage a Muslim ‘Protest’ Against London Terror Attacks

-By Warner Todd Huston

A new video seems to show a CNN camera crew preparing to film a standup with reporter Becky Anderson and carefully staging a group of Muslims holding signs protesting the London terror attacks to make it look as if London’s Muslims were standing against terrorism.

The video shows CNN crew members carefully placing Muslim-looking people holding pre-printed signs with slogans such as #ForLondon, #TurnToLove, and #ISIS=EnemiesToHumanity. The bearded and scarf-wearing group are urged into a tight grouping after being placed one-by-one on the street to the rear of CNN’s Becky Anderson who is clearly waiting for staffers to finish placing the “protesters,”

As the video begins, it even appears that Anderson herself is motioning to crew members on where the ersatz peace protesters should stand. She then patiently stands by and watches as the placement is carried out.

The resulting staged photos and video then appeared on the BBC and the Associated Press.

A reporter for the Associated Press, Raphael Satter, went even farther saying in a Tweet that, “A group of London Muslims have come bearing flowers and posters saying ‘ISIS will lose’ and ‘Love will win’ across a photo of Tower Bridge.” Nowhere did Satter tell his readers that the “flower bearers” were staged by CNN’s camera crews.

The video was first posted by Mark Antro in London. Antro also noticed that CNN moved the white police officers out of the camera shot and replaced them with Asian officers.

The video of the CNN crew carefully placing the “protesters for peace” smacks of fake news and raises questions about the veracity of everything CNN reports about terrorism, Islam, and the role of peaceful Muslims in today’s overheated climate. Continue reading

Video Shows CNN’s Becky Anderson Appearing to Stage a Muslim ‘Protest’ Against London Terror Attacks”

Left-Wing Media LIES: Donald Trump Did NOT Remove Bust of Martin Luther King from Oval Office

-By Warner Todd Huston

On the day Donald J. Trump took the oath of office he took time out to sign a few early Executive Orders in the Oval Office. Members of the media, though were fixated on their claim that Trump took out the statuette bust of Martin Luther King, Jr., and replaced it with Winston Churchill. But their reports which went viral among liberals is built on lies. Trump didn’t remove the King bust at all. It’s just more liberal fake news.

One of the early Tweets about the matter was from Breitbart News London’s Raheem Kassam who tweeted out a photo revealing that Trump had returned the Churchill bust originally put in the Oval Office by George W. Bush, a statuette that Obama had removed when he first took office.

In its place Obama put a bust of civil rights leader Martin Luther King, Jr. Banishing the Churchill bust from the Oval Office was one of the earliest things Obama did when he took office. But now hat the Oval Office is Trump’s domain for the next four years he decide to return the Churchill bust that Obama eliminated.

But as far as the Old Media establishment was concerned the “real” story was how Trump got rid of the King bust and they began a tweetstorm getting left-wingers all riled up over the claim.
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Left-Wing Media LIES: Donald Trump Did NOT Remove Bust of Martin Luther King from Oval Office”

Liberals Poison Lady Liberty Depicted As Black Woman on New U.S. Coin

-By Warner Todd Huston

The recent issuing of a new U.S. coin featuring Lady Liberty depicted as a black woman has been poisoned by liberalism and PCism.

The coin being released by the U.S. Mint this year is a 24-Karat gold coin worth $100 and is to be unveiled to mark the U.S. Mint and Treasury’s 225th anniversary (The Mint was founded in 1792).

The new coin has a beautiful black woman with braided hair, wearing a crown of large, five-pointed stars. The figure’s upper bodice is a classic draped-style dress with a broach clip at the shoulder. Over the bust is the word “Liberty,” beneath is “In God We Trust,” and the coin’s edge is marked “225th Anniversary” bookended by a star on each side. It is a bold, but tasteful design.

I want to say straight out that this coin is totally fantastic. There is NOTHING at all wrong with depicting Lady Liberty as a black woman. And if you think there is because of your distaste for PCism, you need to rethink your opposition and change your mind immediately.

Sadly, all too many are denouncing the release of this new coin as just another craven act of liberalism or just another example of politically correct nonsense. Worse, thanks to our failed educational system so thoroughly destroyed by liberals, many more are attacking it as making a race-based alteration to the “Statue of Liberty.”

Let’s take this misinformed “Statue of Liberty” claim, first, shall we?
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Liberals Poison Lady Liberty Depicted As Black Woman on New U.S. Coin”

One of the Most Biased Anti-Gun ‘News’ Articles I’ve Seen in Some Time

-By Warner Todd Huston

It’s obvious that most articles about guns in the media are biased against our Second Amendment rights, certainly. Many are at least biased in that their facts and terminology are so badly garbled that incorrect analysis results. But a recent piece in a British newspaper is the most blatantly biased I’ve seen in some time.

For the British Express, hack writer Oli Smith uncorked a piece on the controversial proposal to allow a mosque to be built in Newton County, Georgia, that is so filled with lies, scare words, and hyperbole that it is impossible to believe it is being presented as a “news” story instead of left-wing, invective-filled opinion piece.

The lies begins right in the headline: “Armed militia storm council meeting after right-wing anger over Muslim plan for mosque.”
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One of the Most Biased Anti-Gun ‘News’ Articles I’ve Seen in Some Time”

Time to Remember The Many Americans Buried in U.S. Military Cemeteries Across the World

-By Warner Todd Huston

“From these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion.”–Abraham Lincoln, Gettysburg Address

As we prepare to celebrate Memorial Day to pause in thanks for the sacrifices made by millions of Americans who died while fighting to preserve freedom, a documentary called “These Hallowed Grounds” reminds us that our war dead are not just interred here at home, but are spread across the world on battlefields almost lost to the memory of far too many of us.

When we think of our military cemeteries, those final resting places of so many American heroes, we usually think of Arlington National Cemetery, certainly. But do we think of the hundreds of American military cemeteries in such places as France, the Philippines, and other nations across the world? Sadly, not many of us do.

If you are like many of us, you may not be very well informed about all the many American cemeteries erected to memorialize our legions of war dead. To correct that deficit the PBS documentary “These Hallowed Grounds” is an excellent way to learn about these bucolic and solemn memorials.

Most Americans know of the World War Two cemetery at Omaha Beach, Normandy, site of one of the 1944 D-Day landings. But there are some twenty-one other cemeteries in eight other countries memorializing our dead from World Wars One and Two and the documentary tells the powerful tale of many of them.

Our many war cemeteries are maintained by the U.S. government’s American Battle Monuments Commission and contain monuments to some 125,000 American war dead. The names of another 94,000 missing soldiers are inscribed into the Walls Of The Missing at these locations and this film takes viewers on an important journey across the world to see and learn about them.
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Time to Remember The Many Americans Buried in U.S. Military Cemeteries Across the World”

Jude Law is Proof Once Again That Actors Should be Ignored Off the Screen

-By Warner Todd Huston

Actor Jude Law seems to fancy himself some sort of intellectual philanthropist but his trip to the illegal Muslim migrant camp in Calais, France nicknamed “The Jungle” proves once again that actors should be ignored when they are off the screen because they are generally too stupid to be worth anyone’s time.

Actor Law visited “The Jungle” just ahead of its being shut down and demolished. He went there to highlight the “plight” of these illegal migrants and to plead for his own nation of Britain to allow even more of these lawbreaking, rapists and thieves into his country.

Full of faux compassion, Law traipsed around with a coterie of other actors and British celebrities– all of whom were surrounded by a security squad. They filmed some silly special meant to fool Brits into feeling sorry for the migrants but the criminal nature of these people was too much for them to subdue for long because after the cameras stopped rolling these so-called “refugees” turned on Law’s security team and robbed them of their wallets and cell phones.

If it wasn’t so affirming it would be funny — neigh hilarious — that these British do-gooders went to Calais to “help” these illegal migrants only to be attacked and robbed for their troubles.

So, how did Law and his foolish fellows characterize the incident?
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Jude Law is Proof Once Again That Actors Should be Ignored Off the Screen”

Muslims Think They Should Be Allowed to Ban ‘Others’ From Public Cemetery

-By Warner Todd Huston

Over the weekend the family of a Muslim man buried in a British cemetery demanded that a man of Gypsy descent be dug up and moved away after his burial near their loved one. The Muslims claimed that in their “religion of peace” it wasn’t permitted to have a Gypsy buried near a Muslim and so demanded the right to control who is allowed to be buried in a public, non-denominational cemetery.

The controversy arose in Lychgate Lane cemetery in the town of Brubage in central England after Shadrack Smith, a man of Romany Gypsy descent, was buried on Friday.

Smith’s family bought three plots in the cemetery but as soon as the Muslims found out they began demanding that the cemetery force the Gypsy family move to another section of the cemetery. The Smiths purposefully chose their plots, though, and refused to acquiesce to the move.

The cemetery is run by the Brubage city council which, for some idiotic reason, is taking responsibility for a “cock up.”
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Muslims Think They Should Be Allowed to Ban ‘Others’ From Public Cemetery”

Listen to Freddie Mercury and David Bowie’s Isolated Vocal Track the 1981 Hit ‘Under Pressure’

-By Warner Todd Huston

If you are a fan of Queen’s Freddie Mercury and/or David Bowie, the isolated vocal track from Queen’s hit song “Under Pressure” is pretty amazing.

Isolated vocals are not always pretty. Linda McCartney singing “Hey Jude” is one of the worst examples, but “>David Lee Roth doing “Running With the Devil” isn’t much better.

But the isolated vocals from “Under Pressure” reveals two singers at the top of their game and on target vocally.
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Listen to Freddie Mercury and David Bowie’s Isolated Vocal Track the 1981 Hit ‘Under Pressure’”

Former British Spy Chief Says Security Policies Jeopardize Free Speech

-By Warner Todd Huston

The former head of one of Britain’s two main security services has admitted that some of her nation’s security polices are jeopardizing free speech in Britain.

Baroness Eliza Manningham-Buller, former head of Britain’s spy agency MI5 has come out to say that she does not support new anti-terror measures which will force universities to restrict the speech and actions of radical Muslims on campus.

Lady Manningham-Buller, director general of the Security Service until her retirement eight years ago, said the government’s proposals could “jeopardise” the Government’s anti-terror programme, known as Prevent.

The former spy chief said: “This is potentially in conflict with the university’s existing obligations to protect free speech, something we are all concerned about.

“My instincts are very often in support of the Government on these sort of subjects, knowing that countering terrorism is not straightforward.

“However, the doubts that I expressed … about putting Prevent, whatever its importance, on a statutory footing, in particular with regard to universities, have not been assuaged by anything that I have heard.”

Under Mrs May’s plans universities will have a statutory duty to prevent extremism taking place on their property.

It is a fine line between security and free speech, for sure, one that western nations need to come to grips with to stay in keeping with having a free and open society.
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Former British Spy Chief Says Security Policies Jeopardize Free Speech”

Oxford University Press Bows to Radical Muslims, Bans Mention of Pork and Pigs in Books

-By Warner Todd Huston

In yet another example of the west fecklessly abandoning its own principles to placate murderous Muslim extremists, England’s Oxford University Press, one of the largest publishers of educational material in the world, has decided to force writers to stop mentioning pigs and pork in their work to “avoid offending Muslims.”

The publisher recently sent a memo to its authors warning them to avoid mentioning pigs or “anything else which could be perceived as pork” to avoid offending Muslims. They also threw in “Jews” to make it look like they are trying to be sensitive to Jews, too. But since Jews have no history of murdering 12 newspaper employees for “offending” them, this is clearly just an attempt to squirm out of being tarred as Muslim apologists.

The news of this idiotic move was revealed on BBC’s Radio 4 earlier this week. The International Business Times’ Ewan Palmer reported the segment.

Presenter Jim Naughtie said: “I’ve got a letter here that was sent out by OUP to an author doing something for young people.
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Oxford University Press Bows to Radical Muslims, Bans Mention of Pork and Pigs in Books”

Foolish Brits Bow to Muslims, May Stop Teaching ‘British Values’

-By Warner Todd Huston

Britain’s Deputy Prime Minister, Nick Clegg, recently said that teaching British values to kids in British schools is bad because it might upset the Muslims that have been invading the Isles. This, folks, is how you commit suicide.

As the UK Independent reported on Thursday:

Mr Clegg is worried that some Muslims are offended because their religion is often singled out when ministers talk about “British values”. He believes that David Cameron and Michael Gove, the Education Secretary, may unwittingly anger Muslim community leaders the Government needs to tackle extremism and could fuel Islampohobia among the British public.

This is just insensible… unless it is being said by someone that hates–truly, viscerally hates–his own country and culture.
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Foolish Brits Bow to Muslims, May Stop Teaching ‘British Values’”

FDR Invented The ‘Liar-In-Chief’ And Tore Down the Democrat Party And The Country

-By Warner Todd Huston

PBS and documentary maker Ken Burns have done it again with a wonderful look at the political lives of Teddy and Franklin Roosevelt. But if the series did anything it revealed to a discerning viewer how Franklin rebuilt the presidency on a pillar of hate and lies and remade the Democrat Party into a party driven by purposeful misdirection and deceit.

Certainly the series approaches these two consequential presidents as good for the country. Neither were as salubrious for the country as popular opinion holds and both did a lot of damage. To Burns’ credit he does allow conservative commentator George Will to slip in a few digs at how both Teddy and Franklin tore down the presidency and turned our country from a constitutional republic built on a pretty straightforward explication of the political raison d’être of any particular party, candidate or era and into a nation run by sneaky politicians who lie straight-faced to the people and don’t care about the Constitution at all.

Teddy Roosevelt did his bit to end our Constitutional republic, granted, and was followed by Woodrow Wilson who pounded a few more nails into that coffin. But it was Franklin Delano Roosevelt who really destroyed the country.

The truth is, Franklin was an utterly failed president in everything but his leadership in WWII. It has to be acknowledged that his stewardship of the war was great and maybe a lesser president would have left the US more vulnerable. But there is no doubt that he materially hurt this country in every other arena.

His domestic policy was a disaster, his economic policies utterly failed, and his disregard of the rule of law and the US Constitution was a disgusting display of arrogance and hubris. By forcing the world into war, Hitler ended the Great depression, not Franklin Roosevelt.
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FDR Invented The ‘Liar-In-Chief’ And Tore Down the Democrat Party And The Country”

Socialism Doesn’t Pay: Britain is Poorer Than Any US State But Mississippi

-By Warner Todd Huston

Fraser Nelson of The Spectator did some number crunching recently and found a shocking fact: Britain is poorer than every State in the USA but one.

As Nelson wrote on August 22, “if Britain were to somehow leave the EU and join the US … we’d be the 2nd-poorest state in the union, poorer than Missouri. Poorer than the much-maligned Kansas and Alabama. Poorer than any state other than Mississippi, and if you take out the south east we’d be poorer than that too.”

This is both shocking and disheartening, especially to American liberals. The liberals all assume that Great Britain is still the jewel of Europe pointing to its nearly 100 percent socialist-styled government as a model of perfection. But it turns out that decades of socialism has laid Britain low making it worse off than every state in the USA but Mississippi…. and with Britain’s jihadi problem, one would think it would be better to be a bit poorer in Mississippi than be forced to live in Britain!
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Socialism Doesn’t Pay: Britain is Poorer Than Any US State But Mississippi”

Archbishop of Canterbury Opposes UK Welfare Cuts

-By Warner Todd Huston

America isn’t the only country having trouble with out of control government spending, nor is it the only place with leftists trying to stop any sensible limits on that spending. Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby is joining the chorus against the British government’s attempts to get its budget under control by backing the 27 bishops who signed a letter protesting recent cuts in welfare programs.

Welby wrote to the Daily Mirror and insisted, “I’m entirely with them.”

The Archbishop is responding to the open letter signed by 27 of Britain’s 59 Anglican bishops who claimed that hunger is a “national crisis” and that the welfare cuts damage the “safety net” for the nation’s poor.
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Archbishop of Canterbury Opposes UK Welfare Cuts”

B-List Actor Calls LA Gov. Jindal ‘Dickbrain’ For Supporting ‘Duck Dynasty’ Star

-By Warner Todd Huston

Gay British actor Alan Cumming, was not very happy with Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal for coming to the support of Duck Dynasty star Phil Robertson. In fact, Cumming called Jindal a “dickbrain” for coming to Robertson’s support.

Cumming, who starred in such massive, important cinematic hits as Spy Kids and Smurfs 2 and is now a bit player in the TV show The Good Wife, also noted that he wants to institute a “socialist utopia” in the USA.

The homosexual British actor made these comments on his Twitter feed after he belatedly found out that Bobby Jindal came to Robertson’s support.

On his Twitter account, Cumming noted that Jindal said that the “left may control Hollywood, but not the hearts and minds of a majority of Americans.” Then the actor added, “Yet US voted left. Twice.” The actor added the hashtag “#dickbrain.”
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B-List Actor Calls LA Gov. Jindal ‘Dickbrain’ For Supporting ‘Duck Dynasty’ Star”

Arrogance: Obama Unveils New Portrait that is Dozens of Times Larger Than Washington’s & Lincoln’s

-By Warner Todd Huston

The U.S. Embassy in London has debuted a new portrait of President Obama that will now hang in one of the big halls in that facility. Strangely Obama’s arrogant head is hundreds of times larger than presidents George Washington and Abraham Lincoln.

In fact, the photo is rather spooky. Sort of like a Big Brother head looking out into the room. Certainly the arrogance factor is there as Obama’s gigantic Big Brother head is there spying on the room!

I don’t know about you, but I think if I were to go to this US embassy, the giant Obama face would scare the crap outta me!
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Arrogance: Obama Unveils New Portrait that is Dozens of Times Larger Than Washington’s & Lincoln’s”

British School Threatens to Label Students ‘Racists’ Unless They Attend Islam Field Trip

-By Warner Todd Huston

England’s Staffordshire University.

British citizens are up in arms at a British primary school that has threatened to label kids as “racists” for years on their public school record if they refuse to attend a field trip meant to push Islam on kids. This is a sick example of multiculturalism by force, apparently.

Lynn Small, headmistress at Littleton Green Community School in Huntington, Staffordshire UK, sent a letter home with kids informing parents that if their kids were withheld from a special workshop meant to push Islam a “racial discrimination note” would be attached to their permanent school record and they’d be branded racists for years to come.

Letter sent home to parents. (Click to see larger)

The kids are in what we would call a grade school here in the USA in a school that serves kids from 8-years to 11.

The headmistress’ letter says the field trip is part of a “statutory requirement” for kids “to learn about different cultures.”
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British School Threatens to Label Students ‘Racists’ Unless They Attend Islam Field Trip”

Scientists: Babies With Three Parents on the Horizon

-By Warner Todd Huston

Science is always pushing the envelope to see what it can create, but babies with three parents? That is what a recent report out of Britain claims. Soon babies born of DNA of one man and the donor eggs of two women might be on the horizon.

A report at the Daily Mail says that a baby with three parents could be born as early as 2105 after a “landmark decision” by British authorities to allow a “controversial genetic treatment.”

While the genetic experiments are quite controversial and raises fears of “designer babies,” others feel that many ailments, diseases, and hereditary genetic disorders could be cured and that babies could be born with a level of assurances that they would be healthy.

The techniques, the Daily Mail reports, would take the egg from one mother, inject it with DNA from a second woman and fertilize it with a man’s sperm. “The resulting healthy child,” the Mail reports “would effectively have two mothers and a father.”

The British Government’s chief medical officer, Professor Dame Sally Davies, claims that the procedure does not materially alter the genetic traits that would be passed on from the original donor egg and likened the introduction of genetic material from the second female egg to a changing of a “battery pack” in some electronic gadget.
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Scientists: Babies With Three Parents on the Horizon”

Angelina Jolie’s Stunt Double Sues News Corp for Phone Hacking

-By Warner Todd Huston

In the first lawsuit filed in the U.S. over the British phone hacking scandal involving Rupert Murdoch’s News Corp media empire, a stuntwoman for actress Angelina Jolie has filed suit alleging that the media company hacked her telephone.

The suit was filed on June 13 by professional stunt double Eunice Huthart who claims that News Corp’s tabloids The Sun and News of the World spied on her phone while she worked on location as Jolie’s stunt double.

The stuntwoman says the hacking occurred over the years 2004 and 2005 as she worked on the movie Mr. and Mrs. Smith.

The suit (Western Division, L.A. case No. 13-04253) alleges that Huthart began to miss messages on her phone, messages that later ended up in stories about the budding relationship between Jolie and actor Brad Pitt, co-stars on the action movie on which the stuntwoman was working.
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Angelina Jolie’s Stunt Double Sues News Corp for Phone Hacking”

152 New Sex Abuse Allegations in BBC Jimmy Savile Scandal

-By Warner Todd Huston

152 new sex abuse allegations have been made against dozens of BBC employees as well as its most famous TV presenter. The new allegations have been brought in the Jimmy Savile sex scandal that erupted last year. About 40 of the accused BBC employees still work for the broadcasting giant.

Early in 2013, four years after he died at age 84, hundreds of allegations of sexual abuse of teens and young people were lodged against one of the BBC’s most famous and long-standing TV and radio presenters, Jimmy Savile. The scandal rocked the British Isles, as Savile was a popular entertainer, radio disc jockey, charity representative, and TV personality from the 1960s up until his death in 2009.

The scandal roiled for months as steady stream of new people came forward claiming that Savile and his cohorts at the British Broadcasting Corporation had abused them when they were young.
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152 New Sex Abuse Allegations in BBC Jimmy Savile Scandal”

BBC Sends Reporters to North Korea Using Fake Student Credentials

-By Warner Todd Huston

One of the newest conservative news sites in Britain, The Commentator, has learned that the British Broadcasting Service (BBC) may have endangered a group of British students during a trip into North Korea by slipping several reporters into the group using student visas as cover for their activities.

The trip was arranged by the London School of Economics’ (LSE) “Grimshaw Club” and took place from March 23 to 30 of this year.

Professor Craig Calhoun, the director of the LSE confirmed that the BBC used its student trip as cover to slip reporter John Sweeney and his crew into the closed nation at the end of March.

Calhoun says that the school had no idea what the BBC was up to. “The School authorities had no advance knowledge of the trip or of its planning,” he said in a letter.
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BBC Sends Reporters to North Korea Using Fake Student Credentials”

CNN To Import Liberal Talker From Canada

-By Warner Todd Huston

As CNN continues to search for new talent to spark its revival, new President Jeff Zucker is looking to Canadian talk show host George Stroumboulopoulos to come down from the Great White North on a mission to make it big in the states. Yes, CNN is importing a liberal from Canada because importing that liberal from Britain worked out so well.

Stroumboulopoulos, who mercifully goes by the nickname “Strombo,” hosts a TV show on Canada’s CBC where he cozies up to rock stars, talks art and movies, and ruminates about pop culture.

In its announcement of the move, CNN pledges that Strombo will bring to America his “fresh, thought-provoking style fuses big ideas, with art, pop culture, politics, news, sports, and celebrity.”

“We’re really pleased to bring this special series to CNN,” said Amy Entelis, senior VP for talent and content development for CNN Worldwide. “It is a good example of the expansion of the CNN strategy to bring new kinds of relevant and engaging programming to a broad audience.”
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CNN To Import Liberal Talker From Canada”

Quit Laughing, Hillary Really is Just LIke Margaret Thatcher

-By Warner Todd Huston

With the passing of Margaret Thatcher, one of the greatest, most powerful women in recent political history, the American Old Media establishment is all abuzz about… Hillary Clinton. To their minds, talk of the powerful and brilliant Thatcher naturally brings to mind the wife of one of their favorite presidents and Hillary, as far as they are concerned, is somehow “just like” Margaret Thatcher.

I know, I know. Stop your laughing. Hillary really is just lIke Margaret Thatcher.

Or maybe not.

But, of course you should laugh. The idea that Hillary Clinton is anywhere near at the level of a Margaret Thatcher is laughable, indeed. The fact is, there is no comparison. Hillary is an influence peddling, lightweight compared to the great Margaret Thatcher, and I am not even talking about ideology.

The difference between Maggie Thatcher’s accomplishments and Hillary’s couldn’t be more stark–and not in Hillary’s favor, either.
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Quit Laughing, Hillary Really is Just LIke Margaret Thatcher”

Celebrating Margaret Thatcher Upon Her Passing

-By Warner Todd Huston

Margaret Thatcher, known as the Iron Lady–and for a reason–has passed away. Thatcher was one of the trinity of world leaders that changed the world in the 1970s and 80s.

She, along with U.S. President Ronald Reagan and Pope John Paul II, brought conservative principles into world renown and rescued her nation from the hell of a socialist downward trend.

Sadly, both her country and ours have slid right back into the anti-modern, anti-liberty socialism Thatcher and Reagan laid low thanks to idiots like UK PM Tony Blair and our own communist, Barack Obama.

But for a few brief, shining decades, the team of Reagan/Thatcher brought the world back from the brink of socialist financial ruin as well as the brink of war from, cold to hot, as the pair beat the evil juggernaut of the Soviet Union.

To know what Margaret Thatcher was made of, just view one of her last raucous moments on the floor of the House of Commons where she utterly blows away a communist twit in a battle of wits that proves her opponent came to the fight unarmed.


Lady Margaret Thatcher, 87, former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, RIP, April 8, 2013.
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Celebrating Margaret Thatcher Upon Her Passing”

New Gov’t Testing Proves Britain Has at LEAST 900,000 Liars

-By Warner Todd Huston

This story from Britain is hilarious on several levels. It really shows the worst of government waste, helps prove how pernicious government welfare programs are, not to mention that people can’t be trusted.

So, after the British government decided to institute a test to prove that disability applicants really have medical problems that would lead them to need the benefit, 900,000 Brits mysteriously stopped applying for their free government checks.

The new requirements force applicants to have actual, real, medical excuses to apply for the “sickness benefits” and went into force at the end of March. As soon as they had to actually prove they had real medical problems, some 900,000 Brits that were sponging off the system suddenly found they weren’t as sick as they thought… or pretended.
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New Gov’t Testing Proves Britain Has at LEAST 900,000 Liars”

Report: BBC’s Doctor Who Staffers Used Show to Sexually Exploit Young Male Fans

-By Warner Todd Huston

In the wake of the Jimmy Savile sex abuse scandal, the British Broadcasting Service (BBC) is being hit with new allegations that behind the camera staffers–this time from the Doctor Who kiddy sci-fi show–sexually abused youngsters who visited the famed broadcasting studios.

First airing in the early 1960s, Doctor Who is Britain’s longest running science fiction TV series and was until recently was considered a kid’s show. The allegations are over events that took place in the 1980s.

In a new book on the life of Doctor Who producer John Nathan-Turner, fan writer Richard Marson claims that he was propositioned and assaulted by the producer when he was a teenaged visitor to the Doctor Who studios in 1984.
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Report: BBC’s Doctor Who Staffers Used Show to Sexually Exploit Young Male Fans”

Piers Morgan: We All ‘Need The Nanny State Occasionally’

-By Warner Todd Huston

CNN’s Piers Morgan sees no reason why America shouldn’t turn into a nanny state. During his March 11 broadcast, Morgan insisted that, “people need the nanny state occasionally.”

With guest Christine Quinn, on his late evening CNN talk show Morgan lamented what he felt was a bad decision by a New York judge who shut down Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s soda ban. Morgan was all in for a politician deciding for all of us what we are and what we aren’t allowed to eat.

During the discussion, Quinn said she disagreed with banning foods saying that the focus should be on expanding choice for healthy foods not just having government “say no” to the supposed bad choices. Interestingly, Quinn is a Bloomberg ally, a Democrat, and the President of the New York City Council, yet was still arguing against this particular nanny state action.

Regardless, Morgan, a British citizen, disagreed with his guest.

“This is where I disagree with you. I think people need the nanny state occasionally. Particularly on issues like smoking, drinking, guzzling sodas that are too big for them, you know, eating sixteen Big Macs a day, whatever it may be, the reality is we all need a bit of nannying about that that’s why so many people are on diets. That’s a form of nanny state,” Morgan said.

The CNN talker also took to Twitter to ask why Mayor Bloomberg’s nannyism is such a bad thing.

“If a Mayor can’t do things to make his city’s populace healthier – what’s the point of his job? Bloomberg’s 100% right on supersized soda,” he Tweeted on March 11.

Just as the soda ban was to kick in, New York state Supreme Court Judge Milton Tingling put a halt to the rule saying Bloomberg’s new ban was illicit because he went around the City Council to implement it.

The ban, Judge Tingling said, would “not only violate the separation of powers doctrine, it would eviscerate it.”

This is why so many Americans look askance at immigrants like Morgan. They come here and bring their socialist ideas with them from their armpit countries instead of coming here to learn how to be an American. Go back to Britain, Piers. Your socialist, nanny-state nonsense is not wanted here.

“The only end of writing is to enable the reader better to enjoy life, or better to endure it.”
–Samuel Johnson

Warner Todd Huston is a Chicago based freelance writer. He has been writing opinion editorials and social criticism since early 2001 and before that he wrote articles on U.S. history for several small American magazines. His political columns are featured on many websites such as Andrew Breitbart’s,, and, as well as,,,,, among many, many others. Mr. Huston is also endlessly amused that one of his articles formed the basis of an article in Germany’s Der Spiegel Magazine in 2008.

For a full bio, please CLICK HERE.

Koch Industries Responds to ‘Misleading’ UK Articles

-By Warner Todd Huston

Koch Industries recently published a response to the work of UK Independent journalist Steve Connor whose work, Koch says, “misled readers.” The two articles accused Koch Industries of secretly funding attacks on climate change.

The articles written by Connor “got many facts about Koch wrong,” according to the open letter published on the company’s website.

Koch was also unhappy that the British newspaper edited down its letter to the paper without their knowledge “censoring key information and important context.”
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Koch Industries Responds to ‘Misleading’ UK Articles”

Green Movement Founder Opposes Wind Turbines in His Backyard

-By Warner Todd Huston

One of the world’s premiere environmentalists, credited as a founder of the green movement, is fighting plans to erect wind turbines in his own village.

Professor James Lovelock, 93, is renowned for having created the “Gaia Theory” and becoming one of the World’s earliest and most active modern environmentalists. He is also known for predicting global warming and saying that by the year 2100 warming would kill off four fifths of the world’s population.

Lovelock has, however, has lately come at odds to the movement he helped foster angering the environmental movement by becoming a recent advocate of nuclear power and for opposing wind energy.
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Green Movement Founder Opposes Wind Turbines in His Backyard”