New Mexico Just moved Toward Restoring Private Property Rights Crimping Seizure Laws

-By Warner Todd Huston

Decades ago when civil asset forfeiture laws were first proposed they seemed like a good idea. But at this point they’ve become a corrupting influence and just an excuse to steal from citizens. Now New Mexico has made a move to reverse the damage.

The corrupt law in question, here, is the civil asset forfeiture law, a rule that was created to give cops the ability to quickly seize property and assets so that drug dealers won’t have the cash on hand–or the ability to liquidate assets–to help them get away with drug dealing.

With this law cops can seize your property and assets even if they never charge you with a crime. Worse, they often never return the money and property even if you are eventually proven innocent in a court of law.

Unfortunately, once these laws spread across the country what ended up happening in practice is that cops simply started stealing the money and property of nearly everyone they came in contact with making a mockery of both the Constitution and the whole purpose the law was created for in the first place.

In essence, forfeiture laws ended up turning police into outright criminals.
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New Mexico Just moved Toward Restoring Private Property Rights Crimping Seizure Laws”

City Being Forced to ‘Negotiate’ With Union Despite That No Employees Belong

-By Warner Todd Huston

Here we have yet another example of why unions should never, ever be allowed for government workers. A union that claims to represent police officers in Moriarty, New Mexico, is attempting to force the city to negotiate raises for officers quite despite the fact that the union doesn’t count a single member of the force as a member.

You read that right. A union with no members is claiming that it has the power to force a city to give police officers raises courtesy of the taxpayer.

Back in 2010 the city’s officers did vote to invite a union to represent them but when all was said and done only two officers joined the union. The majority refused. And since 2010 the two officers that did belong to the union have since left the force leaving the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) without even a single member on the force.

Yet, AFSCME is insisting that they have the right to negotiate raises despite not having a single member for which to negotiate.
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City Being Forced to ‘Negotiate’ With Union Despite That No Employees Belong”

New Mexico Police Chief Fired Likely Because He Attended Constitutional Rights Gathering

-By Warner Todd Huston

New Mexico police chief Shane Harger recently attended an event in Las Vegas held by a group that urges police officials to be mindful of the U.S. Constitution in the execution of their duties. But upon returning home from the convention, Harger was suddenly fired from his job as the chief of Jemez Springs, New Mexico because, he says, he has been called a “terrorist” for believing in the Constitution.

Chief Harger attended the Las Vegas gathering of the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association (CSPOA) to hear what the group had to say about its goals. Harger says he’d never attended such an event in the past and until the Vegas event was not a member of the group.

On the way to the CSPOA event, though, the chief suddenly found that his name had been placed on some sort of watchlist by the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) and he was harassed by TSA agents as he tried to board his plane.

Harger reported that when he got to the airport a man who briefly flashed a badge and claimed to be a “federal agent” (from what agency he would not say) informed the police chief that he was a “person of interest” and that he had to be detained.
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New Mexico Police Chief Fired Likely Because He Attended Constitutional Rights Gathering”

Being a Democrat Means Never Having to Say ‘Sorry for That Racial Slur’

-By Warner Todd Huston

Well, maybe you might have to apologize, but you certainly don’t have to pay any political price for your racial slur… if you’re a Democrat, that is. Witness the incident in New Mexico where a Democrat called her Hispanic descended, Republican Governor “the Mexican” on the floor of the House of Representatives and paid no price for it.

As it happens, New Mexico Democratic state Rep. Sheryl Williams Stapleton was a tad upset over an investigation into her salary by KRQE-TV at the end of October. Apparently Stapleton was continuing to accept her salary as an administrator of an Albuquerque public school while at the same time serving as a State Rep, a no-no according to the rules.

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New Mexico Officials Arrested, Likely Part of Obama’s Gun Running to Mexican Narco-Terrorists

-By Warner Todd Huston

Recently the town Mayor, the Police Chief and a Town Trustee of Columbus, New Mexico pleaded guilty to running guns to the Juarez drug cartel using city vehicles and police cars to do so. But now it looks like some of those guns illegally transferred to Mexico by these lawless city officials were connected to Obama’s gun running operation, Operation Fast and Furious.

In March, federal agents arrested former Columbus Mayor Eddie Espinoza, 51, for supplying guns to drug dealers in Mexico. In July he pleaded guilty to three counts of making false statements and three counts of smuggling firearms across the border…

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Truth in Accounting Issues: New Mexico’s ‘Financial State of the State’ – True Tax Burden $7.1 Billion

From the Institute for Truth in Accounting…

Chicago (November 29, 2010) Today, the Institute for Truth in Accounting released New Mexico’s “Financial State of the State.” After an intensive review of the State’s 2009 audited financial report the Institute determined the State is in a precarious financial position because it does not have the funds available to pay more than $7.1 billion of the State’s commitments as they come due. Each taxpayer’s share of this financial burden equals $12,500.

New Mexico state law requires a balanced budget. “If governors and legislatures had truly balanced the state’s budget, no taxpayer’s financial burden would exist,” said Sheila Weinberg, founder and CEO of the Institute for Truth in Accounting (IFTA). She continued, “A state budget is not balanced if past costs, including those for employees’ retirement benefits, are pushed into the future.”
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Truth in Accounting Issues: New Mexico’s ‘Financial State of the State’ – True Tax Burden $7.1 Billion”