Abraham Lincoln’s 1863 Thanksgiving Proclamation

During the Civil War, both presidents, Lincoln and Jeff Davis, issued Thanksgiving Day proclamations and celebration of the holiday as we know it grew as a result.

We all know about the famed Pilgrims who feasted with the local Indians in 1621, but after that the holiday was only observed once in a while. When he was the general commanding the American forces during the Revolution, George Washington issued a Thanksgiving proclamation in December of 1777. After the war, in 1789, he did so once again. Then, as President, John Adams also issued proclamations for two of his four years in the highest office of the land. But after that it was more or less a forgotten idea.

It wasn’t until 1863, in the midst of a great war, that President Lincoln revived the tradition. The northern president wasn’t the only one to do this during the war, though. President Jefferson Davis had issued his Thanksgiving Day proclamation a year earlier, in 1862. Jefferson’s idea of Thanksgiving was a bit different than the one we think of today. The southern President had declared that the south’s observance would be a day of fasting and reflection, not feasting and revelry.

Of course, the holiday we are familiar with is connected to Lincoln’s proclamation. But, apparently the proclamation was not all Lincoln’s idea. It wasn’t just the war that spurred Lincoln to issue his proclamation, but a letter from a woman named Sarah Hale that convinced him to do so. Hale, the writer of the poem now called “Mary Had A Little Lamb,” had been trying to convince presidents to issue a Thanksgiving proclamation since 1846 and when Lincoln saw her letter he decided to follow her suggestion.

From there our formal national holiday was born.

President Abraham Lincoln’s 1863 Thanksgiving Proclamation:

The year that is drawing toward its close has been filled with the blessings of fruitful fields and healthful skies. To these bounties, which are so constantly enjoyed that we are prone to forget the source from which they come, others have been added which are of so extraordinary a nature that they can not fail to penetrate and soften even the heart which is habitually insensible to the ever-watchful providence of Almighty God.
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Abraham Lincoln’s 1863 Thanksgiving Proclamation”

Juneteenth: Today is the Anniversary When Republicans Outlawed the Democrat Run KKK Terror Group

-By Warner Todd Huston

It is indisputable that the Republican Party is really the party of civil rights, not the Democrats. And today we have one more example of that truism with the 145th anniversary of the Republican Party’s essential outlawing of the Ku Klux Klan, the Democrat Party’s domestic terror group.

The actions against the Klan stemmed from an outrageous massacre of nearly 300 blacks perpetrated by white, Democrat Klan members in Louisiana in 1868.

On September 28, 1868 — three years after the Confederate south lost the civil war — a mob of marauding whites rampaged through Opelousas, Louisiana and massacred nearly 300 blacks who were Republican voters.

The outrage began when white, Democrat KKK members attacked the white owner of a Republican-leaning newspaper. The newspaper editor, a former school teacher for black students, was defended by several black friends during the attack and this action enraged the mob further sending them on a day-long spree of murder and mayhem.

The attack was so outrageous that the Republican Party acted to essentially ban the KKK. By April 20, 1871, the GOP passed a law banning the oppression perpetrated by the KKK when President Ulysses Grant and Congress passed the Ku Klux Klan Act, also known as the third Enforcement Act. The law established penalties against anyone who tried to deprive any other citizen the benefit of equal protection under the laws of the United States. The law also gave the president the power to use the military to ensure that the rights of blacks were upheld.

This interest in civil rights carried all the way to the 1964 Civil Rights bill that was passed with the overwhelming support of Republicans.
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Juneteenth: Today is the Anniversary When Republicans Outlawed the Democrat Run KKK Terror Group”

Time to END This ‘President’s Day’ Foolishness

-By Warner Todd Huston

Monday, February 19 has been designated as “President’s Day,” another fake holiday seemingly meant to tear down American heroes and replace them with a meaningless day off of work (for some). But I urge you, America, reject this sham holiday.

I never celebrate this “President’s Day” business. I might celebrate the presidents individually, sure, but not the whole gaggle of them on the same day. I mean, it isn’t celebrating any of them if you are celebrating all of them. After all, we don’t celebrate the birthdays of all our siblings and parents on the same day, do we? Wouldn’t each feel slighted if none were given their special day?

Naturally, it isn’t about any particular president’s hurt feelings if we didn’t give them a special day. It’s about us. It’s about our feelings for the country.

Celebrating a particular president for all he has done is an important part of our civil “religion.” It is an important way to keep us all together as a society, a way to give us a collective history to celebrate.

The problem with “President’s Day” is that it homogenizes all the deeds done by individual presidents, great and not-so-great, into a meaningless mélange. By celebrating all the presidents at once, we are necessarily negating the important historical works of, say, the father of our country, George Washington (February 14), or the savior of the union and freer of slaves, Abe Lincoln (February 12).

We are also saying that the worst presidents, like Obama, Carter, and James Buchanan, or do-nothings like Franklin Pierce, are all equally deserving of the same amount of praise.

They are not.
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Time to END This ‘President’s Day’ Foolishness”

Abraham Lincoln’s 1863 Thanksgiving Proclamation

During the Civil War, both presidents, Lincoln and Jeff Davis, issued Thanksgiving Day proclamations and celebration of the holiday as we know it grew as a result.

We all know about the famed Pilgrims who feasted with the local Indians in 1621, but after that the holiday was only observed once in a while. When he was the general commanding the American forces during the Revolution, George Washington issued a Thanksgiving proclamation in December of 1777. After the war, in 1789, he did so once again. Then, as President, John Adams also issued proclamations for two of his four years in the highest office of the land. But after that it was more or less a forgotten idea.

It wasn’t until 1863, in the midst of a great war, that President Lincoln revived the tradition. The northern president wasn’t the only one to do this during the war, though. President Jefferson Davis had issued his Thanksgiving Day proclamation a year earlier, in 1862. Jefferson’s idea of Thanksgiving was a bit different than the one we think of today. The southern President had declared that the south’s observance would be a day of fasting and reflection, not feasting and revelry.

Of course, the holiday we are familiar with is connected to Lincoln’s proclamation. But, apparently the proclamation was not all Lincoln’s idea. It wasn’t just the war that spurred Lincoln to issue his proclamation, but a letter from a woman named Sarah Hale that convinced him to do so. Hale, the writer of the poem now called “Mary Had A Little Lamb,” had been trying to convince presidents to issue a Thanksgiving proclamation since 1846 and when Lincoln saw her letter he decided to follow her suggestion.

From there our formal national holiday was born.

President Abraham Lincoln’s 1863 Thanksgiving Proclamation:

The year that is drawing toward its close has been filled with the blessings of fruitful fields and healthful skies. To these bounties, which are so constantly enjoyed that we are prone to forget the source from which they come, others have been added which are of so extraordinary a nature that they can not fail to penetrate and soften even the heart which is habitually insensible to the ever-watchful providence of Almighty God.
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Abraham Lincoln’s 1863 Thanksgiving Proclamation”

Lincoln Quote That Can Be Used for Freedom of Religion

-By Warner Todd Huston

On August 24 of 1855, Abe Lincoln made another one of his arguments against slavery. But I’d dare say that the logic of his point works to defeat the left’s efforts to destroy freedom of religion today, too.

By 1855 Illinoisan Abraham Lincoln had firmly joined the anti-slave element of the Whig Party and he was already developing a reputation as an eloquent speaker against the “Peculiar Institution.”

In August he made the argument that having slavery in a nation that is supposed to believe in the freedom and equality of men is a contradiction that makes the belief in equality essentially a lie.

Here is how he once described the dichotomy between a nation that claims to value equality and a nation that supports slavery:
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Lincoln Quote That Can Be Used for Freedom of Religion”

What the Constitution Really Says About Race and Slavery

-By David Azerrad, Heritage Foundation, Daily Signal

One hundred and fifty years ago this month, the 13th Amendment officially was ratified, and with it, slavery finally was abolished in America. The New York World hailed it as “one of the most important reforms ever accomplished by voluntary human agency.”

The newspaper said the amendment “takes out of politics, and consigns to history, an institution incongruous to our political system, inconsistent with justice and repugnant to the humane sentiments fostered by Christian civilization.”

With the passage of the 13th Amendment—which states that “[n]either slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction”—the central contradiction at the heart of the Founding was resolved.

Eighty-nine years after the Declaration of Independence had proclaimed all men to be free and equal, race-based chattel slavery would be no more in the United States.

While all today recognize this momentous accomplishment, many remain confused about the status of slavery under the original Constitution. Textbooks and history books routinely dismiss the Constitution as racist and pro-slavery. The New York Times, among others, continues to casually assert that the Constitution affirmed African-Americans to be worth only three-fifths of a human being.

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What the Constitution Really Says About Race and Slavery”

Abraham Lincoln’s 1863 Thanksgiving Proclamation

During the Civil War, both presidents, Lincoln and Jeff Davis, issued Thanksgiving Day proclamations and celebration of the holiday as we know it grew as a result.

We all know about the famed Pilgrims who feasted with the local Indians in 1621, but after that the holiday was only observed once in a while. When he was the general commanding the American forces during the Revolution, George Washington issued a Thanksgiving proclamation in December of 1777. After the war, in 1789, he did so once again. Then, as President, John Adams also issued proclamations for two of his four years in the highest office of the land. But after that it was more or less a forgotten idea.

It wasn’t until 1863, in the midst of a great war, that President Lincoln revived the tradition. The northern president wasn’t the only one to do this during the war, though. President Jefferson Davis had issued his Thanksgiving Day proclamation a year earlier, in 1862. Jefferson’s idea of Thanksgiving was a bit different than the one we think of today. The southern President had declared that the south’s observance would be a day of fasting and reflection, not feasting and revelry.

Of course, the holiday we are familiar with is connected to Lincoln’s proclamation. But, apparently the proclamation was not all Lincoln’s idea. It wasn’t just the war that spurred Lincoln to issue his proclamation, but a letter from a woman named Sarah Hale that convinced him to do so. Hale, the writer of the poem now called “Mary Had A Little Lamb,” had been trying to convince presidents to issue a Thanksgiving proclamation since 1846 and when Lincoln saw her letter he decided to follow her suggestion.

From there our formal national holiday was born.

President Abraham Lincoln’s 1863 Thanksgiving Proclamation:

The year that is drawing toward its close has been filled with the blessings of fruitful fields and healthful skies. To these bounties, which are so constantly enjoyed that we are prone to forget the source from which they come, others have been added which are of so extraordinary a nature that they can not fail to penetrate and soften even the heart which is habitually insensible to the ever-watchful providence of Almighty God.
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Abraham Lincoln’s 1863 Thanksgiving Proclamation”

If You Are A Republican Who is All Balled Up About the Confederate Flag, You are a Traitor

-By Warner Todd Huston

This week the left has gone off on another one of its meaningless tangents in response to something wholly divorced from their newest crusade. This time they are suddenly all upset about the Confederate flag. Why? Because a killer is seen in a photo with one. So, OK, fine. The left has its wild eyed tangents, we all know. But what is most infuriating about this particular crusade is that morons who claim to be Republicans are also joining in with this silliness. Certainly those who have should be branded traitors to the center right coalition.

Now, let’s get a few historical things straight before we get any further into this slapping down of these useful idiots on the right for being so stupid as to allow the left to–once again–control the entire political narrative. The Confederate flag is no longer an effective symbol of racism. The CS flag is not any more a racist symbol than the US or the British flags.

Of course, while it is true that the CS flag is essentially an anti-US government flag, it isn’t an anti-American flag. It is true that it is a flag that opposed the government of the United States but it never was one that opposed the American ideal. It isn’t an anti-American flag because as far as the Confederates were concerned in 1860 they were being more true to the original intent of the American founders than the US government was. In fact, their CS Constitution is in most ways just a copy of the US Constitution.

With their claim to be giving more deference to the founder’s ideals, the civil war’s “rebels” shared a sentiment with the American patriots from the Revolutionary War. Our founders wanted to separate from Britain because they felt that Britain was no longer acting British and had instead become something inimical to Britishness. The founders felt they were being truer to Britishness than were the British back in the mother country. In like style the Confederates felt they were being more American than the federal government and the Yankees.

But it is also absolutely beyond doubt that the CS government’s flags (the Bonnie Blue flag, the proper Stars and Bars–which isn’t the Southern Cross–the Stainless Banner and the Third National flags) were all essentially racist banners because one of the central tenets upon which the CS government was built was the protection of slavery.

There were several other reasons for the war, mind you, but slavery was foremost. You can make that out as a fact because nearly every secession statement by the southern states issued to explain why they were leaving the union mentions slavery multiple times.
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If You Are A Republican Who is All Balled Up About the Confederate Flag, You are a Traitor”

Stop Saying the Civil War Ended 150 Years Ago Today, It DIDN’T

-By Warner Todd Huston

For some odd reason, everyone has been talking about how our civil war ended 150 years ago today, this day April 9, 2015. But this simply is not true, so stop saying it.

While it is true that General Robert E. Lee surrendered his Army of Northern Virginia to U.S. General Hiram Ulysses Grant (who most call Ulysses Simpson Grant) on April 9, 1865, that action didn’t fully end the war. It only ended the fighting right there in northern Virginia. It just plain didn’t signal the actual end of the war.

The day Lee surrendered there were several other major Confederate armies in other sections of the country still in the filed and that isn’t to even mention the dozens of small raiders, guerilla groups, and irregular outfits fighting nearly from coast to coast. Nor does it mention the many naval forces plying the world’s oceans.
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Stop Saying the Civil War Ended 150 Years Ago Today, It DIDN’T”

Abraham Lincoln’s Thanksgiving Proclamation, 1863

During the Civil War, both presidents, Lincoln and Jeff Davis, issued Thanksgiving Day proclamations and celebration of the holiday as we know it grew as a result.

We all know about the famed Pilgrims who feasted with the local Indians in 1621, but after that the holiday was only observed once in a while. When he was the general commanding the American forces during the Revolution, George Washington issued a Thanksgiving proclamation in December of 1777. After the war, in 1789, he did so once again. Then, as President, John Adams also issued proclamations for two of his four years in the highest office of the land. But after that it was more or less a forgotten idea.

It wasn’t until 1863, in the midst of a great war, that President Lincoln revived the tradition. The northern president wasn’t the only one to do this during the war, though. President Jefferson Davis had issued his Thanksgiving Day proclamation a year earlier, in 1862. Jefferson’s idea of Thanksgiving was a bit different than the one we think of today. The southern President had declared that the south’s observance would be a day of fasting and reflection, not feasting and revelry.

Of course, the holiday we are familiar with is connected to Lincoln’s proclamation. But, apparently the proclamation was not all Lincoln’s idea. It wasn’t just the war that spurred Lincoln to issue his proclamation, but a letter from a woman named Sarah Hale that convinced him to do so. Hale, the writer of the poem now called “Mary Had A Little Lamb,” had been trying to convince presidents to issue a Thanksgiving proclamation since 1846 and when Lincoln saw her letter he decided to follow her suggestion.

From there our formal national holiday was born.

President Abraham Lincoln’s 1863 Thanksgiving Proclamation:

The year that is drawing toward its close has been filled with the blessings of fruitful fields and healthful skies. To these bounties, which are so constantly enjoyed that we are prone to forget the source from which they come, others have been added which are of so extraordinary a nature that they can not fail to penetrate and soften even the heart which is habitually insensible to the ever-watchful providence of Almighty God.
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Abraham Lincoln’s Thanksgiving Proclamation, 1863″

Illinois Celebrates Loser Adlai Stevenson, Ignores Ronald Reagan

-By Warner Todd Huston

Leave it to leftist Illinois to use a museum dedicated to celebrating Abraham Lincoln, one of the greatest presidents in history, as a platform to celebrate a loser like Adlai Stevenson while at the same time ignoring Ronald Reagan, a native son, big winner, and another greatest president.

If you think this isn’t just another example of why Illinois is the single worst state in the union in nearly every metric that makes up a successful state, then you are immune to logic.

Illinois spent billions building the Lincoln Library near the state capital in Springfield. The place opened to mixed reviews, but in the modern age, at least Illinois finally recognized one of its greatest Republican Presidents.

That’s all well and good, but now the Lincoln Library is proposing that it dedicate some of its space to a display to celebrate the great Adlai Stevenson, II…. I know what you’re thinking: “Who?”
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Illinois Celebrates Loser Adlai Stevenson, Ignores Ronald Reagan”

Mmmmm History: Hillary Extols Abe Lincoln’s Senate Career (Hint He Was Never a Senator)

-By Warner Todd Huston

Hillary Clinton is an Illinois girl, right? Oh, and Hillary Clinton is the smartest woman in the world, isn’t she? Then how come she thinks Abraham Lincoln got elected to the Senate before he became President, when he never did?

Hillary was in Chicago for a meaningless, love-fest appearance with former Obama White House Chief of Staff and current Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel where both professed a deep love and respect for each other but otherwise offered nothing of substance to their audience. But during this schmaltzy blubber fest Clinton waxed historical for the crowd.
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Mmmmm History: Hillary Extols Abe Lincoln’s Senate Career (Hint He Was Never a Senator)”

Abraham Lincoln’s Thanksgiving Proclamation

President Abraham Lincoln’s 1863 Thanksgiving Proclamation:

The year that is drawing toward its close has been filled with the blessings of fruitful fields and healthful skies. To these bounties, which are so constantly enjoyed that we are prone to forget the source from which they come, others have been added which are of so extraordinary a nature that they can not fail to penetrate and soften even the heart which is habitually insensible to the ever-watchful providence of Almighty God.

In the midst of a civil war of unequaled magnitude and severity, which has sometimes seemed to foreign states to invite and to provoke their aggression, peace has been preserved with all nations, order has been maintained, the laws have been respected and obeyed, and harmony has prevailed everywhere, except in the theater of military conflict, while that theater has been greatly contracted by the advancing armies and navies of the Union.

Needful diversions of wealth and of strength from the fields of peaceful industry to the national defense have not arrested the plow, the shuttle, or the ship; the ax has enlarged the borders of our settlements, and the mines, as well as the iron and coal as of our precious metals, have yielded even more abundantly than heretofore. Population has steadily increased notwithstanding the waste that has been made in the camp, the siege, and the battlefield, and the country, rejoicing in the consciousness of augmented strength and vigor, is permitted to expect continuance of years with large increase of freedom.
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Abraham Lincoln’s Thanksgiving Proclamation”

INFO GRAPHIC: None of Our Historic Assassins Have Been Conservatives or Tea Party Types…

So, tell me, again, how conservatives or tea party type folks are the “dangerous” one?

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INFO GRAPHIC: None of Our Historic Assassins Have Been Conservatives or Tea Party Types…”

Obama, You’re No Abe Lincoln

Chuck Busch

This month, our country is remembering two famous Americans, Abraham Lincoln and John F. Kennedy. On November 19, 1863, Abraham Lincoln delivered his short (about 3 minutes) but inspiring speech at the dedication of the soldier’s cemetery in Gettysburg. November 22 marks the date when an assassin’s bullet ended the life of President Kennedy in Dallas, Texas exactly 50 years ago. Our current president has often sought to align or identify himself with either president at one time or another hoping that by association, some of their popularity might transfer to him. President Obama has characteristically had a way of inserting himself into every subject of historical note as the government’s historical website can attest to. The account of American’s remarkable achievements have been recently updated to reflect the current administration’s “contributions” to this country’s progress.

Though there have been many occasions where Obama has put on the Kennedy mantle, his keen interest appears to be the Lincoln one. In fact, he used the Lincoln bible for swearing in his oath of office at his two inaugurations. Here’s indisputable proof that greatness cannot be acquired by osmosis. He might have as well sworn in on a Marvel comic book because since he entered office he has deliberately and flagrantly circumvented the sacred oath to protect and preserve the Constitution.

A brief comparison of the two men and their respective visions for America however reveals how implausible it would be to interpose one for the other. This was glaringly apparent recently when Obama declined an invitation to speak at the Gettysburg ceremonies, explaining that he simply was too busy to attend. In other words, he had more important things to deal with (like repairing the DemolitionCare PR damage), then to pay homage to a man who in just a few eloquent and poetic words captured the essence of our Constitutional Republic and inspired the country to persevere. Lincoln managed to make it in the midst of conducting a enormous nationwide military campaign and running the government with just a very few aids, no massive security detail, no four speech writers and no teleprompter which had not been invented as yet.
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Obama, You’re No Abe Lincoln”

White House Says Obama Too Busy For 150th Celebration of Gettysburg Address

-By Warner Todd Huston

While Obama likes to pretend he is somehow “just like” President Abraham Lincoln, on this 150th anniversary of the delivery of Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address the President was no where to be found as the Address was celebrated in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. Why not? He was “busy” with that “whole website thing,” the White House said.

Journalist Ron Fournier was curious why Obama was a no show in Gettysburg for the anniversary celebration and took to Twitter to ask the White House why he didn’t show up.

“Curious,” Fournier Tweeted White House spokesman Dan Pfeiffer on Nov. 19, “why not honor Gettysburg with a presidential visit?”

An actor portrays Abe Lincoln in Gettysburg.

Presidential spokesman Pfeiffer replied that the visit didn’t fit into the President’s schedule and that prompted Fournier to ask what was more important than the “Gettysburg anniversary.”
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White House Says Obama Too Busy For 150th Celebration of Gettysburg Address”

VIDEO: Rich Lowry Talks About His New Book ‘Lincoln Unbound’

-By Warner Todd Huston

National Review editor Rich Lowry has a new book out entitled, Lincoln Unbound and I recently participated in a Google Hangout with him and a few others to talk about the new tome.

We talk of Lincoln’s education, the books he read, his work as a lawyer, and most especially about his stance on slavery and how he treated it during the war.

We also discuss Lincoln’s detractors, folks such as Thomas DiLorenzo.

You can get Lincoln Unbound: How an Ambitious Young Railsplitter Saved the American Dream–and How We Can Do It Again at Amazon.com or where ever great books are sold.
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VIDEO: Rich Lowry Talks About His New Book ‘Lincoln Unbound’”

Slavery Flap Shows Emory University Professors are Morons

-By Warner Todd Huston

Earlier this month the President of Emory University wrote a piece for the school magazine about the efficacy of compromise. By the 24th he was forced to apologize for the piece because he mentioned slavery fully in context in his piece. The faux outrage that his comments caused proved three things: that no one at Emory has any grasp of American history, that the professors at Emory University are morons, and that the student body are utterly unable to employ critical thinking.

The segment that upset everyone was utterly innocuous and cited properly in context by Wagner, without hate or racism. Unfortunately, logic and context isn’t what the race baiters of Emory University are interested in, sad to say.

President James Wagner’s piece was meant to extol the virtues of compromise and meant his piece to explain that this vaunted compromise was as American as Apple Pie, baseball, and the restl. Pursuant to that, Wagner wrote the following:

One instance of constitutional compromise was the agreement to count three-fifths of the slave population for purposes of state representation in Congress. Southern delegates wanted to count the whole slave population, which would have given the South greater influence over national policy. Northern delegates argued that slaves should not be counted at all, because they had no vote. As the price for achieving the ultimate aim of the Constitution—“to form a more perfect union”—the two sides compromised on this immediate issue of how to count slaves in the new nation. Pragmatic half-victories kept in view the higher aspiration of drawing the country more closely together.

Such as it is, this is correct, straight forward, pure fact. It has not a whiff of controversy to it. Well, it wouldn’t have a whiff of controversy if an intelligent, informed person were reading that excerpt, anyway.

Instead of intelligent people, however, we ended up with dolts like Emory history “professor” Leslie Harris, halfwits like “professor” Leroy Davis, and racebaiters like student Jovanna Jones.
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Slavery Flap Shows Emory University Professors are Morons”

In Lincoln’s Shadow: Obama’s Up Coming State of the Union Speech

-By Warner Todd Huston

President Obama will deliver the first State of the Union address for his second term on February 12 this year.

As is the custom, the President was invited to give the address by the Speaker of the House of Representatives. In his letter, Speaker John Boehner (R, OH) noted the “immense challenges” we face as a nation.

“Our nation continues to face immense challenges, and the American people expect us to work together in the new year to find meaningful solutions,” Boehner wrote. “This will require a willingness to seek common ground as well as presidential leadership. For that reason, the Congress and the Nation would welcome to an opportunity to hear your plan and specific solutions for addressing America’s great challenges. Therefore it is my privilege to invite you to speak before a Joint Session of Congress on February 12, 2013 in the House Chamber of the U.S. Capitol Building.”

Few expect Obama to use his upcoming State of the Union speech to offer any conciliatory gestures in order to work with the Republicans per Speaker Boehner. It is more likely that Obama will use his speech to outlay another series of demands to enlarge government and, since Sandy Hook, initiate new efforts to ban guns.
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In Lincoln’s Shadow: Obama’s Up Coming State of the Union Speech”

David Gregory Fawns Over Obama’s ‘Lincoln Moment’

-By Warner Todd Huston

NBC’s David Gregory hosted the President on Sunday’s Meet the Press but compared to his last notable interview, when he verbally attacked his guest at every turn, Gregory was virtually asleep this weekend. Unfortunately, Gregory’s mostly timid questions and Obama’s rambling answers gave us nothing new.

The only real pointed question that Gregory asked Obama was over Susan Rice. But even there he asked the question in the meekest manner possible.

Gregory asked, “Do you feel like you let your friend Susan Rice hang out there to dry a little bit?”

The equivocation of “A little bit” was far more consideration than the badgering Gregory offered Wayne LaPierre of the National Rifle Association last week.

But all of Obama’s answers were mere talking points. Take his line about what he thinks Republicans priority is.
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David Gregory Fawns Over Obama’s ‘Lincoln Moment’”

Abraham Lincoln’s Thanksgiving Proclamation

President Abraham Lincoln’s 1863 Thanksgiving Proclamation:

The year that is drawing toward its close has been filled with the blessings of fruitful fields and healthful skies. To these bounties, which are so constantly enjoyed that we are prone to forget the source from which they come, others have been added which are of so extraordinary a nature that they can not fail to penetrate and soften even the heart which is habitually insensible to the ever-watchful providence of Almighty God.

In the midst of a civil war of unequaled magnitude and severity, which has sometimes seemed to foreign states to invite and to provoke their aggression, peace has been preserved with all nations, order has been maintained, the laws have been respected and obeyed, and harmony has prevailed everywhere, except in the theater of military conflict, while that theater has been greatly contracted by the advancing armies and navies of the Union.

Needful diversions of wealth and of strength from the fields of peaceful industry to the national defense have not arrested the plow, the shuttle, or the ship; the ax has enlarged the borders of our settlements, and the mines, as well as the iron and coal as of our precious metals, have yielded even more abundantly than heretofore. Population has steadily increased notwithstanding the waste that has been made in the camp, the siege, and the battlefield, and the country, rejoicing in the consciousness of augmented strength and vigor, is permitted to expect continuance of years with large increase of freedom.
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Abraham Lincoln’s Thanksgiving Proclamation”

CBS and Another Obama is Lincoln Story

-By Warner Todd Huston

Sadly, the debut of Director Steven Spielberg’s epic film about our 16th President is being used by many Old Media outlets as propaganda to push the concept that Barack Obama is in the same league or, worse, is somehow just like Abraham Lincoln. On November 15 it was CBS This Morning’s turn to couple one of our most famous presidents to the current resident of the White House.

On the network morning show recently breaking in as the top rated morning program, CBS This Morning hosts Gayle King and Norah O’Donnell kicked off their Lincoln segment attempting to link Abe Lincoln and Obama by gravely wondering if there was a “lesson for Obama, now in his second term, with Lincoln?”

The pair were interviewing liberal historian Doris Kearns-Goodwin, whose book Team of Rivals was used as source material for Spielberg’s new movie.

In response, Kearns-Goodwin made the facile claim that Obama has done the same thing Lincoln did by filling his cabinet with rivals that he’d beaten for the nomination for president. This of course, is nonsense. While Obama did chose former rival Hillary Clinton as his Secretary of State, the rest of his cabinet were not serious Obama rivals. On the other hand, Lincoln appointed nearly all his most powerful rivals to his cabinet — all of whom were leading party powers of their day.
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CBS and Another Obama is Lincoln Story”

NBC: Hey That Lincoln Movie Reminds Us of How Great Obama Is

-By Warner Todd Huston

In yet another facile example of the Old Media equating President Obama’s presidency to the greatness of Abraham Lincoln’s, NBC News correspondent Kevin Tibbles used the occasion of the opening of the new Lincoln movie helmed by Director Steven Spielberg to do just that.

On Saturday’s NBC Nightly News, Tibbles reported on the opening of a movie that has widespread Oscar buzz, Spielberg’s Lincoln a project that was more than a decade in the making.

Tibbles goes to the director himself who gives us a line about why he wanted to do a movie about Abe Lincoln, our 16th President.

“Lincoln advocated things that we hold dear today. He advocated that government can be a positive force for the good of all people,” Spielberg said.

Then Kevin Tibbles kicks into high gear his facile equating of Lincoln and Obama.
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NBC: Hey That Lincoln Movie Reminds Us of How Great Obama Is”

Did Steven Spielberg Say the GOP is Just Like the Slave Holding South?

-By Warner Todd Huston

As he unveiled his epic new movie based on Abraham Lincoln’s civil war era presidency, Steven Spielberg said he doesn’t want his film to become a “political football” in today’s presidential election. But as he talked about it further, it seemed as if he went on to say that today’s Republican party is somehow just like the slave-holding Democrats of the antebellum south.

That’s right, Spielberg implied that today’s Republicans are just like the old south’s racist Confederates.

These comments were delivered during a Q & A at the New York Film Festival on Monday, October 8, after he debuted his new film starring Daniel Day Lewis as Lincoln, Sally Field as Mary Todd Lincoln, and Tommy Lee Jones as Pennsylvania Congressman Thaddeus Stevens, a zealous anti-slavery activist.

Mike Fleming reports that Spielberg delayed the release of his film until just after the election in order to keep his work out of the current presidential election.

“I just said, please don’t release this until the election is over. I didn’t want it to be this political football going back and forth,” Fleming reports Spielberg as saying.

Of course, it is admirable that director Spielberg wants to make sure that a film based on history is not abused as a “political football” in today’s political contest. Unfortunately, Spielberg, a big Obama supporter, went on himself to use history to make modern political points.

After pronouncing his disdain for abusing history for political points, he did just that, saying:
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Did Steven Spielberg Say the GOP is Just Like the Slave Holding South?”

News Flash: Noted Marx-Inspired President Hopes Opponents Learn From Lincoln?

-By Warner Todd Huston

Does President Obama have gall, or what? Obama, a man famed for being born to a Marxist from Kenya, trained by communist Frank Marshal Davis, and bathed in the destructive tactics of radical, anti-American leftist Saul Alinsky says the he hopes that Abraham Lincoln will “rub off” on the GOP candidates for president who were visiting Illinois.

All three of the major GOP candidates visited Illinois during this past week to flog their candidacies in the Land of Lincoln whose voters will go to their primary polls this coming Tuesday. Feeling left out, Obama also winged his way into the Windy City — on the taxpayer’s dime, of course — to attend a high-dollar fundraiser for his now six-year-old election campaign for the White House.

While there he uttered these amazing words:

I’m thinking maybe some Lincoln will rub off on them while they’re here.

Well, it never worked on him and he was here for over 20 years. There is just too much Marx/Davis/Alinsky in Obama for Lincoln to “rub off” on him, I guess.
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News Flash: Noted Marx-Inspired President Hopes Opponents Learn From Lincoln?”

Come On, People! Poor Men Do Not Become President

-By Warner Todd Huston

I have to say, I am getting a bit sick and tired of this nonsensical lament about how rotten it is that those running for president are “rich” people. Stop it right now, America. The fact is that we’ve never really had a poor man as president so talking about it as if it is news that rich people often seek the presidency is stupid. Not only that, but today it is impossible for a poor or even middle class man to run for president anyway, so get this populist silliness out of your minds right this instant.

The latest in this onslaught of populist foolishness is the New York Times (unsurprisingly) with an article full of serious tones on how hard it is going to be for two Harvard educated, Richie-Riches like Obama and Romney to win over those “blue collar Americans.”

“Both are Harvard-educated millionaires,” The Times begins sonorously. “Both have been criticized as elitist and technocratic. Both have struggled to handle the populist anger coursing through politics.”

Of course, much of that anger is fostered by the Old Media constantly harping on that “anger” by writing daily stories indulging themes of class warfare as if it is some sort of legitimate political discussion in this, a capitalist-based society.
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Come On, People! Poor Men Do Not Become President”

Atheists Lie And Do So On a Billboard!

-By Warner Todd Huston

Talk about making a mistake everyone can see! Atheists in California have done a disservice to their own crusade to spread atheism by launching a new billboard campaign that ascribes a false quote to Thomas Jefferson. That’s right, they’ve essentially become liars for atheism.

In Costa Mesa, California a group of atheists calling themselves Backyard Skeptics have unveiled a billboard to sell atheism to the general public that features a quote they claim came from Thomas Jefferson, the Third President of the United States.

“I do not find in Christianity one redeeming feature,” the billboard “quotes” the president as having said. “It is founded on fables and mythology,” this quote concludes.

That would be a stinging rebuke of Christianity, indeed… were it true. Unfortunately for this little atheist group it seems that their quote is a fake quote the group found on the Internet and assumed was real.
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Atheists Lie And Do So On a Billboard!”

Obama Calls Lincoln ‘Founder of Republican Party’?

-By Warner Todd Huston

During his faux “jobs” speech on Sept 8, President Obama went off script for a brief sojourn into history to reveal to one and all that he hasn’t a clue about the subject.

I say off script because these words are not in the prepared text…

Sorry, big guy, but Abe Lincoln was not the “founder of the Republican Party.” In fact, Lincoln wasn’t even a member of the GOP when it was founded. Lincoln stayed in the Whig Party for a while after the GOP was founded in 1854. Lincoln did not start coming the GOP’s way until 1856.
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Obama Calls Lincoln ‘Founder of Republican Party’?”

Obama’s Veritable Intercontinental FAILroad

-By Warner Todd Huston

Well, maybe John Sexton and I both gave Obama a little too much credit on this “intercontinental railroad” gaffe? When he and I wrote about this little gaffe we both assumed that it was no big deal, that it was juts a slip of the tongue — and an easy one to make at that — but that it was evidence of how the Old Media gave Obama a free pass on mistakes. But now it is starting to look like Obama really doesn’t know the difference between the words “intercontinental” and “transcontinental.”

The first incident that John found was posted at Verum Serum a few days ago. He found a video clip of Obama calling the famous American railroad line finished in 1869 an “intercontinental” railroad. Of course it was not intercontinental at all as it was fully contained inside but one country: ours. It was, of course, a transcontinental railroad as it ran across our own country from coast to coast, bringing our nation into one more easily traveled land mass for the first time.

Now, when John and I first saw this gaffe we imagined that it was less evidence of Obama’s stupidity and more evidence of the Old Media’s penchant for covering for any Obama mistake simply because the gaffe had never been reported by the national news. Obviously Obama’s verbal mistakes are not ballyhooed like those mistakes made by conservatives and this little incident was an example of that.
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Obama’s Veritable Intercontinental FAILroad”

When is a Gaffe Not a Gaffe? When Obama Repeats it Over and Over

-By John Sexton of Verum Serum

That silly gaffe that I discovered a few days ago turns out to have been one of as many as half-a-dozen occasions where the President told the same story and made the same error. Here he is giving a commencement speech at the University of Michigan on May 1, 2010:

Reuters reported on the speech including the bit about the “intercontinental railroad”, but apparently no one caught the gaffe. Of course it was a transcontinental railroad, not an intercontinental one.

Obama made the same mistake again at a March 2011 fundraiser for Sen. Nelson. Politico reported the quote but, like Reuters, somehow missed the gaffe:

“My favorite Republican, Abraham Lincoln, happened to be from my home state, but he was a good president,” Obama told the crowd of Democrats who had paid some big bucks for the pep rally. “He was a guy who invested in the intercontinental railroad, and land grant colleges, and the National Academy of Sciences,” he paused, “in the middle of the Civil War!”

The gaffe spread to other members of the administration. As I noted yesterday, David Axelrod repeated the same mistake last weekend. But it turns out VP Biden repeated it as well. As you can see here, Time magazine reported Biden saying it, but like Reuters and Politico, missed the gaffe:
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When is a Gaffe Not a Gaffe? When Obama Repeats it Over and Over”