30th Anniversary of the Massacre at Tiananmen Square

“We salute the heroes of the Chinese people who bravely stood up 30 yrs ago in Tiananmen Square…and urge the Chinese government to make a full, public accounting of those killed/missing to give comfort to the victims of this dark chapter of history.” –Secretary of State Mike Pompeo

The U.S. on Monday saluted “the heroes of the Chinese people who bravely stood up” against their government’s deadly crackdown on dissent at the Tiananmen Square massacre 30 years ago.

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said in a statement that the protesters, hundreds of whom were killed by soldiers and tanks in the June 4, 1989, protest, “served as an inspiration to future generations calling for freedom and democracy around the world, beginning with the fall of the Berlin Wall and the end of communism in Eastern Europe in the months that followed.”

He said ‘the events of 30 years ago still stir our conscience.” He called on Beijing “to make a full, public accounting of those killed or missing to give comfort to the many victims of this dark chapter of history. Such a step would begin to demonstrate the Communist Party’s willingness to respect human rights and fundamental freedoms.”

He said that in the three decades since the incident was televised throughout the world, the U.S. had “hoped that China’s integration into the international system would lead to a more open, tolerant society.”
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Foolish Sci Fi Geeks Celebrate Chinese Government’s New Sci Fi ‘Award’

-By Warner Todd Huston

A left-wing science fiction site hosted by the Gawker chain of websites recently posted a silly, fawning article revealing that the Chinese government is sponsoring a new “major science fiction award.” It was a piece that wholly ignored the autocratic and murderous history of the Chinese government and ridiculously treated this “award” as a legitimate celebration of the arts.

The website i09,com posted a piece (June 4, “The Chinese Government is Setting Up Its Own Major Science Fiction Award“) by blogger Andrew Liptak who revealed himself to be absolutely clueless about how oppressive China is and seemed to assume that China–being just like every western country–is just doing the world a service with its new “award” instead of creating a scheme whereby an authoritarian government will control “art”–or at the very least holding up state propaganda as worthy of awards.

“This is pretty interesting,” Liptak says as he begins his slobbering article, “during the latest national congress of the China Association for Science and Technology, chairman Han Qide announced that the country would be setting up a program to promote science fiction and fantasy, including the creation of a new major award.”

Now, let’s first wonder exactly what liberals like Mr. Liptak and his audience would say if the U.S. government–or any western government, for that matter–were to announce it intended to meddle in a field of literature like this. Mr. Liptak would be one of the first to denounce the intentions and to scream that said government would be merely spreading propaganda and not the art of literature. Or at the very least he’d be uncomfortable with the idea of a government promoting art for fear that it would eventually turn to pushing pro-government propaganda.

But in Liptak’s piece we get not a whiff that he should be worried that the Chinese government would use its award not to celebrate art on its own merit but rather to further the communist government’s message.
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Foolish Sci Fi Geeks Celebrate Chinese Government’s New Sci Fi ‘Award’”

Lincoln Quote That Can Be Used for Freedom of Religion

-By Warner Todd Huston

On August 24 of 1855, Abe Lincoln made another one of his arguments against slavery. But I’d dare say that the logic of his point works to defeat the left’s efforts to destroy freedom of religion today, too.

By 1855 Illinoisan Abraham Lincoln had firmly joined the anti-slave element of the Whig Party and he was already developing a reputation as an eloquent speaker against the “Peculiar Institution.”

In August he made the argument that having slavery in a nation that is supposed to believe in the freedom and equality of men is a contradiction that makes the belief in equality essentially a lie.

Here is how he once described the dichotomy between a nation that claims to value equality and a nation that supports slavery:
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Lincoln Quote That Can Be Used for Freedom of Religion”

Daughter of Hong Kong’s Political Leader Bragged About Her Taxpayer Funded Lifestyle

-By Warner Todd Huston

As protesters demanding democratic reforms continue to fill the streets of Hong Kong, the disaffection that regular people there have for their leadership has been further inflamed by the daughter of Hong Kong’s Chief Executive who was caught bragging on social media about her jet-setting lifestyle paid for by the taxpayers.

Hong Kong leader CY Leung’s daughter, Chai Yan Leung, audaciously flaunted her high spending lifestyle boasting about “beautiful shoes and dresses and clutches” angering the regular citizens of Hong Kong.

The city’s chief executive, supported by the communist government in China, is a very “unloved leader” and demonstrators are demanding his resignation. Protesters also want to implement a new system of elections.

With his rise to power, Leung was presented as a sort of man of the people. His supporters claimed he was not like the city’s richest citizens and would lead like a regular citizen, not a tycoon.
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Daughter of Hong Kong’s Political Leader Bragged About Her Taxpayer Funded Lifestyle”

Could India Be On The Verge of a Major Shift Toward Capitalism?

-By Warner Todd Huston

Of all the countries in the world that have the potential to become one of the world’s next great superpowers, India is a nation poised to take that step. While there is an awful lot holding that giant nation back, their latest election just might be the next step to a more secure, prosperous future.

This possible new step was the election of a pro business party to govern the nation. For some time India has been controlled by the Congress Party, a very corrupt and typically socialist-styled political party that has done little to bring growth to the country. But the Congress Party has fallen and in a big way.

This week the BJP (the Bharatiya Janata Party) has won a shocking landslide election booting the Congress Party entirely out of power.

Headed by Prime Minister-Elect Narendra Modi, the BJP is a very pro-business and pro-modernity party. Modi has already created India’s version of Texas with his governorship of the Gujarat state, the most prosperous area of India and now he is poised to try and bring that level of success to the whole country.
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Could India Be On The Verge of a Major Shift Toward Capitalism?”

Now Obama Bows to Foreign Robot, Seriously!

-By Warner Todd Huston

Our simpering president, Barack Hussein Obama, has a a habit of bowing for foreign dictators like the mewling, subservient, simpleton he is. But this week he took his bowing to foreigners to its most absurd end. He bowed to a Japanese robot!

Back in 2010 after Obama had toured various parts of the world, photos of him bowing to the Saudi King, Japanese leaders, and Chinese dictators. But now he’s even bowing to foreign robots.

During a visit to Tokyo, Japan, Obama was treated to a demonstration of ASIMO robot (the Advanced Step in Innovative Mobility robot) and Obama bowed to the stupid thing. He really did.

AP Photo

As noted above, this isn’t the first time this simpering manchild has bowed to foreigners.
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Now Obama Bows to Foreign Robot, Seriously!”

The World’s Ten Worst Places to Be a Christian

-By Warner Todd Huston

The 2014 World Watch List of the 50 worst places in the world to be a Christian has been released showing all the usual suspect nations where Christians face daily persecution.

Since the American invasion of Iraq and later as the so-called Arab Spring has grown, persecution of Christians has exploded across the world–most especially in the middle east and Africa.
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The World’s Ten Worst Places to Be a Christian”

Reporter Who Leaked Joint Bloomberg/Chinese Censorship Suspended

-By Warner Todd Huston

Earlier in November it was revealed that Bloomberg News was self-censoring stories that angered Chinese authorities in order to keep access to government officials. Now the reporter who leaked that story to sources outside Bloomberg has been suspended.

On November 8, The New York Times reported that Bloomberg had spiked several stories that were thought to have been angering Chinese authorities.

Bloomberg editor Matthew Winkler was reported as having said in a company conference call that the self-censorship was akin to foreign news bureaus preserving their ability to report inside Nazi Germany during WWII.

Winkler strenuously denies the report.
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Reporter Who Leaked Joint Bloomberg/Chinese Censorship Suspended”

Shades of Obamacare? Chinese Man Cuts Off Own Leg Over Inability to Afford Healthcare

-By Warner Todd Huston

So much for the worker’s paradise in Red China! A man in Hefei Province, China was forced to cut his own leg off because he could not afford the cost of the operations and healthcare regimen that he needed to save his life.

Zheng Yanliang, who is from Boading, used a hack saw and a paring knife to remove his own rotting leg after suffering for over a year with intense pain as his leg withered and rotted.

Yanliang, a former farmer and factory worker, says that his pain began in January of 2012 and after several visits to the state hospital he was diagnosed with an arterial embolism.

Unfortunately for Mr. Yanliang, he was unable to afford the long treatment plan doctors outlined nor could he afford several operations he needed.
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Shades of Obamacare? Chinese Man Cuts Off Own Leg Over Inability to Afford Healthcare”

Chinese Bloggers Get Wasteful Gov’t Official Fired

-By Warner Todd Huston

Citizen journalists in China have succeeded in getting a wasteful government official fired by reporting on a lavish party he threw paid for by government funds.

The Communist Party boss of Taizhou City, Zhang Aihua, had developed a habit of extravagant parties, high spending, and glad-handing industrial representatives, so much so that local residents had become angry at the excess.

At length, Jia Hongwei, a web forum administrator in Taizhou, joined other local citizens in outrage at Aihua’s latest blowout party. Hongwei brought his video camera and took images of the expensive foods and wines that cluttered the tables of Aihua’s party scene and posted them online.

The crowd of every-day Chinese harangued the official until he mounted a table to beg for forgiveness over a loudspeaker. “I was wrong tonight. Please forgive me. I’ll do anything if you let me go,” he is reported as having pleaded to the crowd.

But it was blogger Hongwei that seems to have been instrumental in urging the government to investigate the Communist Party boss.
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Chinese Bloggers Get Wasteful Gov’t Official Fired”

Charges That Wall Street Journal Bribed Chinese Officials Appear Unproven

-By Warner Todd Huston

Charges that the Wall Street Journal bribed Chinese officials in exchange for inside information on the Chinese government appear unsubstantiated according to an internal investigation conducted by the paper. The investigation was conducted with an outside investigative firm and was mandated by the federal government.

The Journal reports that an internal audit of financial records “found no evidence to support the claim,” according to “government and corporate officials familiar with the case.”

These allegations came to light during the federal government’s wider probe into WSJ’s parent corporation, News Corp., in connection with the wire tapping and bribery probe allegedly perpetrated by the company’s tabloid papers in the United Kingdom.

According to WSJ, the allegations of bribery of Chinese officials came from a “whistleblower who claimed one or more Journal employees had provided gifts to Chinese government officials in exchange for information.”
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Charges That Wall Street Journal Bribed Chinese Officials Appear Unproven”

China Censors Bond Flick ‘Skyfall’

-By Warner Todd Huston

The Chinese government apparently wasn’t happy with the latest James Bond movie, “Skyfall.” Reports say Chinese censors edited many scenes and changed subtitles for others ahead of its debut this week.

One edit was made to a scene where a Chinese security guard is murdered in a Shanghai skyscraper by one of the film’s villains.

In another scene, Daniel Craig’s James Bond asks a woman if a tattoo she sports was given to her by Chinese mobsters as a result of having been forced into prostitution as a child. Craig still says this line in English, but the Chinese subtitles change the context to read as Bond merely asking the woman if she was connected to organized crime. The subtitles eliminate any thought that Chinese mobsters might force a woman into sex slavery.

All references to the film’s villain being tortured by Chinese authorities were also removed.

This isn’t wholly uncommon, of course. Chinese authorities edit many of the foreign movies it deigns to allow its people to see.
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China Censors Bond Flick ‘Skyfall’”

Nearly Half of Washington State’s Jobs Are From China

-By Warner Todd Huston

A new study shows that nearly half of the jobs in Washington State’s economy are generated by Chinese imports and exports.

The study, sponsored by the Washington Council on International Trade and the Trade Development Alliance of Greater Seattle, found that 40 percent of the jobs in the Evergreen State are linked to the international trade industry and Washington’s many shipping ports and transportation hubs.

The report also finds that 1.1 million of Washington State’s 2.8 million jobs are directly involved in the international trade industry. State exports reached $64 million in 2011.
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Nearly Half of Washington State’s Jobs Are From China”

Obama ‘Outsourcing’ Fundraising… to China!

-By Warner Todd Huston

While Obama tries to get America focused on the false claim that Romney outsourced jobs as the chief of Bain Capitol, what was the President doing? Why, outsourcing his fundraising, of course. Outsourcing it to Shanghai, China to be precise.

On July 11, Obama’s big money men were holding a nice fundraiser in Red China for the President. It headed up by Technology for Obama co-chairman Robert Roche, who has committed to raising $500,000 for Obama.

Here is the fundraising webpage for the Shanghai event.

Does that seem a bit hypocritical? Attacking Romney not only for supposedly outsourcing jobs overseas, but also attacking him for having investments outside the U.S., yet here Obama is sponsoring fund raisers in China, of all places?
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Obama ‘Outsourcing’ Fundraising… to China!”

Will Media Apologize for Airing Anti-Apple Computer Activist’s False Claims?

-By Warner Todd Huston

When it broke, the Old Media was all over Mike Daisey’s story of the horrid working conditions at Apple Computer’s foreign manufacturing plants. The story had oppressed workers, pathos, and best of all, eeevil corporate greed. Daisey was well on the road to making Apple the liberal’s newest bete noire and was being hailed as the next Upton Sinclair. Until, that is, it became clear that he made it all up.

One of the first major media outlets to push Daisey’s anti-Apple claims was the program This American Life aired on the venerable Public Radio station WBEZ. The program featured Daisey’s claims in a January episode, but has now been faced with the “difficult news,” as representatives of the show have said, of Daisey’s fabrication.
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Will Media Apologize for Airing Anti-Apple Computer Activist’s False Claims?”

Biden Gaffe: Condones Atrocities Against Women, Lake Co. Group Supports House Bill HR 2121 in Response

From Lake County Right to Life…

(Grayslake, IL – August 24, 2011) Speaking before an audience in Chengdu, China on Sunday, August 21, Joe Biden said he “fully understands” China’s One-child Policy and would “not second guess” it. Biden’s comments produced an immediate firestorm of criticism from other elected officials, women’s rights advocates, and pro-life groups, because the policy is widely considered one of the greatest human rights abuses in modern times. Biden spoke about the policy’s drawbacks only in demographic terms, comparing it to the US problem of too few younger workers to provide a safety net for retirees.

Instituted by the Chinese government in 1979 to deal with population growth, the policy has been widely condemned. Punishments include forced abortions and sterilizations, fines, and beatings. Both violators and those who help them are sent to prison and forced labor camps.

Reggie Littlejohn of Women’s Rights Without Frontiers (WRWF) states that “Chinese women are literally dragged out of their homes, strapped to tables and forced to abort.” She adds that the policy promotes gendercide—since the 400 million “prevented” births are mostly girls, “this gendercide gives rise to human trafficking and sexual slavery.”

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Biden Gaffe: Condones Atrocities Against Women, Lake Co. Group Supports House Bill HR 2121 in Response”

Joe Biden OK With Murdering Chinese Babies

-By Warner Todd Huston

We are faced with a difficult dilemma concerning Vice President Joe Biden’s outrageous comments about China’s one-child policy delivered in China this week.

On one hand we must either believe Joe Biden is a compete idiot, or on the other understand that he is OK with the fact that Chinese officials forced women to late term abortions and in many cases actually murdered already born babies to satisfy the one child per couple rule that the communist oppressors put into place years ago to curb the country’s population size.

Neither prospect is very auspicious for Biden or Obama.

While visiting Chinese students in southwest China, Biden raised the one-child issueContinue reading

Joe Biden OK With Murdering Chinese Babies”

Presenting The U.S. Military’s New Fighter, the F-35 Lightning II

-By Warner Todd Huston

It has been a tough few decades for high-end military procurement, for sure. Promising projects, hardware, weapons systems, trains, planes, and automobiles — not to mention numerous boats — have been started, millions spent on them, only to be unceremoniously cancelled due to those pernicious political whirlwinds. Our nation has an aging military infrastructure and we are losing ground to other nations.

But one project looks to have weathered those whirlwinds. That would be the F-35 Lightening II fighter jet. And this one is a must for national security, too.

I was happy to have been invited to a presentation of the F-35 in Rockford, Illinois put on by Lockheed Martin. There I heard about the F-35 from its development team, I heard from two Illinois congressmen, and was fortunate enough to have had a chance to fly the cockpit simulator (very fun, by the way).

As it happens, Illinois supplies quite a few parts and computer systems for the F-35, so a demonstration in Illinois was a very apt locale.

The new F-35 is already undergoing flight tests at various bases across the country and the military is training pilots to fly them as we speak. I keep saying “the military” and not the Air Force for a specific reason. This is not just a Navy plane, nor is it solely an Air Force or a Marine fighter. In fact, one of the reasons this project has survived the budget cutter’s axe is because it satisfies more than one role of a new fighter required by our military.
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Presenting The U.S. Military’s New Fighter, the F-35 Lightning II”

Destroying the Dollar

-By Alan Caruba

Something I never thought I would ever see in my former hometown, a wealthy New Jersey suburb of New York City, was a Dollar Store, but one opened recently in a former supermarket. Dollar Stores are giving Wal-Mart, Target, and similar outlets a run for their money and it’s not hard to see why. The local one has just about everything you could need and all for astonishing low prices.

In countless ways people are looking to save money these days. The looming problem, however, is the question of what happens when Americans wake up to learn that even a dollar can no longer buy anything?

When Faith in U.S. Dollars and U.S. Debt is Dead the Game is over – And that Day is Closer than You May Think” is the cheery title of an article recently posted on EconomicCollapse.com.
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Destroying the Dollar”

Tolerance and Diversity – What are we Supposed to Tolerate?

-By Rev Michael Bresciani‏

After the brutal shooting death of Pakistan’s Christian Minister Shabbaz Bhatti for his opposition to ‘blasphemy laws’ the persecution and murders of Christians continues unabated in Pakistan and other Muslim countries. Is this what the west is supposed to tolerate?

Even that lumbering and largely ineffective body known has the UN has voiced its concerns over the brutality and torture by Muslims on young boys in Afghanistan. There, they are sexually molested and severely punished with electric shock and beatings. Is this what we are supposed to tolerate?

In Egypt Christians are being slaughtered and Coptic Churches are being burned to the ground. As the rest of the world watches and President Barack Obama plans to send billions in aide to Egypt, no one seems to mention these human rights violations in the mainstream media. Little wonder that Sarah Palin coined the phrase the ‘lamestream media.” Is this what we are supposed to tolerate?
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Tolerance and Diversity – What are we Supposed to Tolerate?”

Jon Hunstman: RINO King

He’s for cap and trade… well, until he was against it. He’s for Obamacare… well until he wants to run against it. He’s against insurance companies… well, maybe not these days. He’s called himself a “non-traditional” Republican because Democrats support him… yet now he wants to be Mr. Conservative to run for president?

It’s Jon Huntsman: RINO King…

For those not following that closely, Jon Huntsman is Obama’s recently resigned Ambassador to China. He was also the 16th Governor of Utah. A Mormon, Hunstsman is also a Republican and, though he has not officially announced, is interested in running for the GOP nomination for president.

The Nation’s ‘Best’ Export

-By Frank Hyland

The definition of the “best” export that the United States could possibly have is: One that is Win-Win for everyone, but especially for us here in the US. Also, the export commodity should be one that we want to export. Finally, the commodity would be inexpensive to obtain for those to whom we export it, at least at first.

With those criteria in mind, I will tell you that I’m speaking of the United States “exporting” to the People’s Republic China (PRC) one Barack Hussein Obama. I can see the question marks appearing in that bubble above your head as you say to yourself, “Huh?” But just think how much better off the US would be if Obama were comfortably ensconced in Beijing rather than in Washington, DC. The increase in Chinese military power would grind to a halt, making the PRC less of a threat to the US. The PRC economy, now increasing at the rate of 8% a year or more, would also grind to a halt and then begin a downward spiral as the US economy has done. This would be especially true if he were to take Ben Bernanke and Tim Geithner with him to guide the PRC economy. Night and day printing of the Chinese currency, the Yuan, would alleviate the greatly weakened US currency and restore the dollar to its former luster. While much of the present danger to the world from North Korea exists because China is North Korea’s best friend and refuses to rein in Kim Jong-Il, just imagine the terror that would result in Pyongyang upon discovering that Obama was now their best friend. Bye-bye Kim. The Chinese people would notice little difference, if any, were Obama to be exported to Beijing. They already are very much used to being told by the government what to do and then being forced to do it. The more I think about this, the more I think that the entire White House, the entire Cabinet, the entire workforce of several departments (Education and the EPA for just two), should be exported as a package deal for the same low price — Free. As a bonus, we’ll throw in several Members of Congress at no extra charge.
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The Nation’s ‘Best’ Export”

China’s Dead Babies‏

-By Nancy Morgan

America is shocked, shocked! Kermit Gosnell, a 69 year old abortion doctor, was arrested last week, charged with killing seven babies and causing the death of a woman during a botched abortion. An illegal, late-term abortion. Prosecutors are accusing Gosnell of using scissors to snip the spinal cords of 7 babies who were inconveniently born alive.

CBS news reports that “Gosnell is suspected of killing hundreds of living babies over the course of his 30-year practice.” Surprisingly, this story is being reported in all its gruesome details by the mainstream media. The same media who, for decades, have reported on abortions issues only in the context of “women’s rights” and “choice.”

As Americans gasp in horror over the sordid details of killing living babies and tossing them in the trash, our President is wining and dining a man who is responsible for enabling thousands of Kermit Gosnells. I refer to Chinese President Hu Jintao. And China’s 40 year-old policy, yawn, of forced abortions.
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China’s Dead Babies‏”

Obama Allows Anti-American Song to be Played at State Dinner for China

-By Warner Todd Huston

The Epoch Times has a stunner of a story for January 22. Unbeknownst to most Americans, China insulted the United States right in front of Obama and the world by having its nationalist pianist, Lang Lang, play a Chinese propaganda song that called Americans “jackals” during the Chinese sponsored concert during the recent state dinner in Washington D.C. Chinese nationalists have been hailing this stick in the eye of the U.S. since it occurred at the state dinner on January 19.

There is little doubt that Obama knew this was going to happen, but that he had no problem with it fits neatly with his world apology tour, his three years of apologizing for the United States in foreign lands, his bowing and scraping (literally) before kings and tyrants the world over, and his constant need to punish this country.

The song was titled “My Homeland” and is famous for appearing in the Chinese propaganda movie Battle on Shangganling Mountain, a film about the Korean War. In the song, American troops are called “jackals” that are “greeted” by Chinese “hunting rifles.”
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Obama Allows Anti-American Song to be Played at State Dinner for China”

China Scenario Overwhelms US in Taiwan Strait

-By Kevin Roeten

The Australian Strategic Policy Institute (ASPI) claims the Chinese Air Force Could Overwhelm OpponentsPatriot Update in a battle in the Taiwan Strait. Even with a 6 to 1 kill ratio by American jets, a Rand simulation program in “war gaming” still reveals that the Americans would lose. This was revealed in an interview with Aviation Week (1/9/11). Even with all American missiles spent with a kill, more Chinese jets would presumably be available to wreak mass havoc.

That scenario is not likely true if all of China’s arsenal of jets are not in the near vicinity of Taiwan.

But for ballistic missiles—those able to traverse continents—their speed (10-15,000 mph) and nuclear capability–would cancel out sheer numbers of attacking ‘bogies’. The scary part is what President Obama presently knows.

He knows that American technology with missiles enables a spot on a “bullet” to be hit by another “bullet”. He knows that America has demonstrated its ability to shoot down any incoming missile with a non-aggressive missile that could destroy the interloper with the sheer speed of contact. Continue reading

China Scenario Overwhelms US in Taiwan Strait”

Could China’s Instability Threaten America?

– By Jeff Lukens

China’s double-digit economic growth over the past thirty years has been breathtaking. Growth has limits, however, and China may soon be reaching them. With worldwide recession, and inflation coming to the yuan, a slowdown in China’s growth is increasing probable. If China experiences any let up in growth, the nation’s internal stability becomes a concern. The modern western trait of rising expectations has set in with the populace. By their sheer numbers, any setback in the standard of living could ominously jeopardize the nation’s political and economic structure — and affect us as well.

Beijing has established, over the years, an integrated economy with surrounding Asian nations equal in size to that of the United States. They have the technological and financial advantages of a modern economy, and with their huge population, the cost advantages of a developing one.

But China has problems too. Part of their insecurity stems from a dependence on foreign sources for raw materials. China imports about half its oil, for example, and the vast majority of that comes from tankers that pass through the strategic chokepoint at Strait of Malacca near Singapore. And to reach Africa or the Persian Gulf, they must cross a vast Indian Ocean heavily patrolled by the U.S. and Indian warships.
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Could China’s Instability Threaten America?”

Cronkiting North Korea Won’t Work This Time

-By Resa LaRu Kirkland

He’s dead, and we’re not buying it

You know the man on the right. He’s hard to miss with his ridiculous hair and Dr. Evil wardrobe. But do you recognize the man on the left? Most of you probably don’t. Allow me to give you a refresher.

After we won the Tet Offensive in 1968, the Hippy Press here in America sank to new depths. Walter Cronkite, “the most trusted man in America,” made a perverse choice.

He looked directly into the camera and lied through his “most trusted” teeth.

He told America that after what happened at Tet, surely the war was now lost.
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Cronkiting North Korea Won’t Work This Time”

North Korea, China’s Hidden Dagger‏

-By Alan Caruba

The Korean War ended in a stalemate in 1953. Having begun on June 25, 1950 with the blessings of Joseph Stalin, an armistice agreement on July 27, 1953 left the peninsula divided between the Republic of South Korea and the Peoples Republic of North Korea. How long ago was that? Dwight D. Eisenhower was elected largely on the promise to go there and secure an end to the conflict

By the time it was over the Red Chinese had intervened and American casualties were around 54,000 with 103,000 wounded. The North Koreans and Chinese were estimated to have lost ten times that number. The war was immensely unpopular with an American public that was still recovering from World War Two that had ended in 1945.

To his credit, President Truman did not hesitate to commit troops. Within two days after the invasion, Americans were fighting another war in Asia. The United Nations provided cover and the conflict was officially a UN action.
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North Korea, China’s Hidden Dagger‏”

TIME FOR I TOLD YOU SO, And For War…It’s Inevitable Now

-By Resa LaRu Kirkland

Let’s dispense from the beginning with the idea that more “sternly-worded letters,” sanctions, condemnations, or talks (serious this time!) are the answer to North Korea’s dual declarations of war. They have NEVER worked, because when dealing with evil, you must speak to it in the language it understands. Evil only understands violence.

It gives me no pleasure to say so, but the pattern of history has borne out this truth: there will never be peace so long as only one side is willing to abide by the rules for peace.
he pictures coming from Yeonpeyong, South Korea, are chillingly reminiscent of Pearl Harbor. But did we get the “a date which will live in infamy” speech, which Pres. Roosevelt delivered only 1 day after the December 7, 1941 attack?

Here’s what we got from the Eunuch in Chief: “…too soon to discuss ways the U.S. military might deter the reclusive communist state from another strike.”
And from his lapdog Stephen Bosworth: “I would not at all accept that our policy toward North Korea is a failure,” Bosworth said after flying to Seoul to meet South Korean officials. “They are a difficult interlocutor,” he said of the North, “but we’re not throwing our policy away.”
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TIME FOR I TOLD YOU SO, And For War…It’s Inevitable Now”