Lincoln Quote That Can Be Used for Freedom of Religion

-By Warner Todd Huston

On August 24 of 1855, Abe Lincoln made another one of his arguments against slavery. But I’d dare say that the logic of his point works to defeat the left’s efforts to destroy freedom of religion today, too.

By 1855 Illinoisan Abraham Lincoln had firmly joined the anti-slave element of the Whig Party and he was already developing a reputation as an eloquent speaker against the “Peculiar Institution.”

In August he made the argument that having slavery in a nation that is supposed to believe in the freedom and equality of men is a contradiction that makes the belief in equality essentially a lie.

Here is how he once described the dichotomy between a nation that claims to value equality and a nation that supports slavery:
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Lincoln Quote That Can Be Used for Freedom of Religion”

Vatican Signs Peace ‘Treaty’ With Non-Existent ‘State of Palestine’

-By Warner Todd Huston

Those criticizing Pope Francis as the “Red Pope” have yet another reason to rail against him with the announcement that the Vatican has signed a new peace treaty with the “state of Palestine” despite the fact that no such state exists not to mention that the Palestinians are a terror group whose chief goal is to kill all Jews–a goal the Palestinians have steadfastly refused to change.

The AP reports today that Vatican Foreign Minister Paul Gallagher signed a treaty with the terrorist state of Palestine in order to “help stimulate peace with Israel.”

Israel said that it regrets the move saying it would tend to discourage the Palestinians from returning to direct peace negotiations with Israel and warned that it would study the agreement “and its implications for future cooperation between Israel and the Vatican.”
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Vatican Signs Peace ‘Treaty’ With Non-Existent ‘State of Palestine’”

Obama Claims Anti-Semitic Iranians are Just Being ‘Rational’

-By Warner Todd Huston

Obama has now decided that being a wild-eyed hater of Jews is a “rational” action and that the Iranian’s hate for Jews doesn’t make them bad people. How can Jews still support Obama?

In discussing his foreign policy ideas concerning Iran getting a nuke, Obama once again had harsher things to say about Israel than he does about Iran despite that Iran has actually helped kill thousands of American soldiers.

Obama complained that there are “political forces” in the US that want to help give Benjamin Netanyahu and the Israeli government a rubber stamp to do what ever it wants to do and Obama thinks that is a bad idea.

In particular, Obama wants the Israelis to end its settlement efforts. In fact, Obama insists that standing against Israel’s policy doesn’t make him anti-Jew.

On the other hand, it doesn’t seem that Obama cares too much if anyone else is anti-Jew if his next set of comments are any indication.
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Obama Claims Anti-Semitic Iranians are Just Being ‘Rational’”

Disastrous Commie Pope Now Calling Murderous Palestinians ‘Angels of Peace’

-By Warner Todd Huston

Every day this disastrous commie Pope gets worse for Catholics in particular and the west in general. This time this foolish man is lauding the so-called “Palestinians” a “angels of peace.” Nothing–absolutely NOTHING–could be farther from truth than calling Palestinians “angels of peace” unless you are referring to the relative peace of death because death merchants is all they are.

This weekend Pope Francis praised murderer Mahmoud Abbas calling him an “angel of peace” in a meeting held at the Vatican on Saturday.

Abbas presented the red pope with a medallion that supposedly represents the “angel of peace destroying the bad spirit of war.”

In reply this Marxist pope told Abbas that the gift was appropriate because Abbas is “an angel of peace.”

Add this weekend’s foolishness to this pope’s decision to confer statehood on the non-existent “country” of Palestine by signing a treaty recognizing the Palestinians as a state. The announcement for the treaty was made last week, but has been neither officially drawn up, released to the church nor signed.

All this glad handing for a man who represents a terror outfit that is based on murder and genocide. This pope is calling a terrorist state an “angel of peace.”
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Disastrous Commie Pope Now Calling Murderous Palestinians ‘Angels of Peace’”

Number of Christians Decline ‘Unaffiliated’ Rise in New Pew Religious Survey

-By Warner Todd Huston

A new poll on religious affiliation in the country shows that the number of Christians has declined while the number of people not affiliated with a religion is up.

Firstly, the new Pew Research Center poll does not suggest that the change in numbers automatically means that agnosticism or even atheism is up a commensurate amount, only that a larger number of respondents are no longer claiming to be part of a particular religion.

“The Christian share of the U.S. population is declining, while the number of U.S. adults who do not identify with any organized religion is growing,” Pew said on Tuesday.

“While the drop in Christian affiliation is particularly pronounced among young adults,” Pew continued, “it is occurring among Americans of all ages. The same trends are seen among whites, blacks and Latinos; among both college graduates and adults with only a high school education; and among women as well as men.”
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Number of Christians Decline ‘Unaffiliated’ Rise in New Pew Religious Survey”

Obama’s Chicago Terrorist Convicted, No His OTHER Terrorist

-By Warner Todd Huston

Obama’s Chicago terrorist has been sentenced to 18 months in prison, authorities in the Windy City announced late last week. No, not his old terrorist, Bill Ayers, his newer terrorist, Rasmieh Yousef Odeh, the woman he hired to work as an Obamacare “navigator” in Illinois.

Rasmieh Yousef Odeh, a terrorist from Jordan, was convicted in Israel for her part in several bombings including one from way back in 1969 that killed two students in a grocery store.
Despite her murderous past, the Illinois Department of Insurance hired this killer Muslim as an Obamacare “navigator” to push the President’s odious healthcare take over onto citizens in that state.

So, Obama had a terrorist pushing his Obamacare law on citizens in his own home state.

Great work if you can get it.
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Obama’s Chicago Terrorist Convicted, No His OTHER Terrorist”

Obama’s Anti-Israel Rhetoric in Softball Vox Interview

-By Warner Todd Huston

Earlier this week released an interview with President Obama where he dismissed the radical Islamist attacks on a Jewish deli in France as just some “random shooting of a bunch of folks” instead of the Islamist terror attack it was. But what many didn’t seem to notice was Obama’s anti-Jewish rhetoric uttered during that same segment.

In the interview released Monday, Obama rambled about the history of capitalism and gave another example of his “you didn’t build that” garbage. Obama then explicitly endorsed communist-styled wealth redistribution.

But his comments about the attack on a French deli by radial Islamists got a lot of press. Here is the full quote:
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Obama’s Anti-Israel Rhetoric in Softball Vox Interview”

The Elimination of Christianity in the West Brings Disrespect for Life

-By Warner Todd Huston

Abortion activists are taking the next, logical step in their justification of abortion by agreeing that, yes, abortion kills a human baby, but… “so what?” It is just the next logical step in abortion apologia that results from the end of the Christian philosophical influence in society. But we don’t see that end affecting just abortion. We see it throughout society.

Whether leftists like the idea or not, the United States of America was conceived as a Christian nation. Not a Catholic one, not a Muslim one, not a Jewish one and not a secular one, but a Christian nation built solidly on the Christian ethos. Every state initially formed with a particular flavor of Protestantism as a state sanctioned religion and our entire culture was fueled by the twin influences of Christian philosophy and the Scottish Enlightenment.

It is certainly true that our form of government is essentially secular in that it is not guided or controlled by any particular religion, but the ethics underlying those governments where heavily informed by Christian ethics.

The left, though, has been angling to destroy the underlying Christian ethos since the turn of the last century as academia and the left became imbued with communist and socialist propaganda.
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The Elimination of Christianity in the West Brings Disrespect for Life”

The Communist Pope Now Saying Christians Just Like Islamist Terrorists

-By Warner Todd Huston

With “friends” like Pope Francis, who needs enemies? Now the Pope notorious for his Marxist rhetoric is essentially saying that Christian “fundamentalists” are somehow just like Islamist terrorists. This guy is a disaster for Catholics and the west.

During an address last weekend, Pope Francis said that equating Islam with it worst, most violent members is unfair. Then he went on to downplay Islamist terror by saying that Christians have their fundamentalists, too–as if Islamist terrorists and Christian hardliners are exactly the same.

Francis said that calling terrorists Muslim was a mistake because not all Muslims are terrorists.
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The Communist Pope Now Saying Christians Just Like Islamist Terrorists”

President Obama Says Christians More Responsible for Beheadings Than Muslims

-By Warner Todd Huston

After the murder of American hostage and aide worker Peter Kassig by members of the Islamist terror group ISIS, Obama claimed that Christians were more responsible for terrorism than Muslims are.

After he returned from his trip to Asia, Obama deigned to comment on the murder of the aide worker by claiming that the actions of ISIS “represent no faith.”

“ISIL’s actions represent no faith, least of all the Muslim faith which Abdul-Rahman adopted as his own,” Obama claimed.

Obama also claimed that the act was one of “pure evil.”

But my friend, Chicago’s Joe Walsh, noted on Monday evening, this means that Obama just said that Christians, Jews, Hindus, even Mormons are more responsible for terror than Muslims.

Before you get incredulous just look at what he wrote.
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President Obama Says Christians More Responsible for Beheadings Than Muslims”

Chicago Muslim Calls for Jihad Against Jews in Gaza

-By Warner Todd Huston

It has been revealed that Muslim Imam in a Chicago mosque has been calling for Chicago Muslims to go wage jihad against the Jews by flying to Gaza to join the fighting there.

Video of Sheik Mohamed Elimam of the Chicago Islamic Center has come to light showing this “religious” leader urging his followers to go kill Jews in a series of July sermons.

As Breitbart’s Joel Pollak reports, in one excerpt, Elimam says: “Oh, those of you who want to wage Jihad for the sake of Allah, Palestine is calling you and Gaza is crying out for your help. If you are true believers, real mujahideen, hasten to Palestine.”

In another he says that Israel should be dismantled and the Jews sent “back to their countries.”
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Chicago Muslim Calls for Jihad Against Jews in Gaza”

Wall Street Journal: Supporting Palestinians Means You Are a Blithering Idiot & Immoral, Too

-By Warner Todd Huston

The Wall Street Journal’s Bret Stephens has an excellent, clarifying piece explaining why if you support the so-called Palestinians that you are pretty much a moron, and an immoral moron at that. And he is dead on, too.

In his July 28 piece, “Palestine Makes You Dumb,” Stephens made the salient point that in a war set in an urban area, civilians die. Period. It happened in WWII, it happened in Iraq, it’s happening in Gaza. It is what happens when an enemy hides its facilities among a civilian population.

That latter part is key. Civilians are not dying because Israel is mean and evil. Civilians are dying because Hamas operates among the civilian populace.

Stephens goes on with another extremely important point. He points out that this body count we keep getting of dead Palestinian civilians is most likely completely bogus. Why? Because the media is using the numbers supplied them by… Hamas! The one group that has a vested interest in making sure there is a large civilian death rate–whether there really is one or not–is the one “reporting” those statistics. And the western media is lapping it up.

To cast doubt on the 82 percent civilian deaths statistic Hamas is reporting, Stephens notes that Hamas also reported exactly the same percentage in the 2008-09 Gaza conflict. Gee what a coinicdence, eh?
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Wall Street Journal: Supporting Palestinians Means You Are a Blithering Idiot & Immoral, Too”

Are The Religious More Tolerant Than Social Scientists?

-By Warner Todd Huston

A new book by science writer Nicholas Wade seeks to explore the possible connection between evolution and race but in a recent op ed the author points out that in some ways religious people have become more tolerant than those social scientists who think of themselves as being warriors against racism and ignorance.

The book, A Troublesome Inheritance: Genes, Race and Human History, is being attacked by those Ivory Tower profs in the social sciences. But with this attack they have proven themselves to have essentially become anti-intellectual and anti-science as the genome project expands humanity’s knowledge about the building blocks of our biology.

In a June 22 Wall Street Journal op ed, Mr. Wade seeks to expose the ignoramuses in the so-called social sciences.
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Are The Religious More Tolerant Than Social Scientists?”

MSNBC’s Schultz Says Gays ‘Really The Ones Persecuted’ in Nazi Holocaust

-By Warner Todd Huston

Sometimes a celebrity will Tweet something, so blatantly a-historical, something so totally outrageous and insensible, that even they realize how bad it is and will try to delete it right away. But someone will always be there to preserve the evidence.

Well, MSNBC’s Ed Schultz just found out that Twitter is forever when he Tweeted that gays were “really” the ones persecuted during Hitler’s holocaust. Seriously. A guy with a German surname just said that. In public.

The MSNBC host Goodwined himself before anyone else even said a word with a Tweet where he informed the world of who was the “real” target of Hitler’s Final Solution.

“Gay people were really the ones being persecuted in Hitler’s Germany,” Schultz blurted out on his EdShow Twitter feed at ten to 5 PM on May 12.

Schultz accompanied his Tweet with an image of a webpage that reported on the thousands of gays that the Nazis reportedly put to death or otherwise interned in their odious death camps.
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MSNBC’s Schultz Says Gays ‘Really The Ones Persecuted’ in Nazi Holocaust”

New York Councilwoman Blames Jews for Knockout Game Attacks

-By Warner Todd Huston

Gangs of black teens (both girls and boys) have been coursing through our big cities sucker punching white people–often the aged and many times Jews–in the so-called knock out game. These crimes are happening from coast to coast and the story is always the same; black kids attacking whites without warning. But one New York Councilwoman has an explanation for it all. It’s the Jews’ fault.

Newly elected New York City Councilwoman Laurie Cumbo of Crown Heights thinks she knows why gangs of criminal blacks are beating up whites and Jews in obvious hate crimes. It’s those darn Jews causing all her poor black constituents to feel “threatened.”

Cumbo released a letter explaining how none of this could be the black criminals’ fault and it all has to be the Jews fault because, she says, Jews in her area has been prospering and growing of late.

“Many African American/Caribbean residents expressed a genuine concern that as the Jewish community continues to grow, they would be pushed out by their Jewish landlords or by Jewish families looking to purchase home,” this racist wrote on her Facebook page.
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New York Councilwoman Blames Jews for Knockout Game Attacks”

Obama Disrepecting The Vatican, Catholics, Jews, Everyone But Muslims

-By Warner Todd Huston

First Obama pushes a deal with Iran that does nothing to prevent that Muslim nation from getting the bomb putting Israel in mortal danger, before that he sided with al Qaeda and other Muslim groups in Syria despite that they are murdering Christians just for being Christians, and now Obama disses Catholics by moving the US embassy to the Vatican out of the Vatican and miles away next to the Italian embassy in Rome.

In only a few day’s time, Obama has turned his back on Jews and Catholics both while giving Muslims all the help they need to become an even greater danger to the whole world. Who’s side is this guy on, anyway?

Obama has offended the Vatican and Catholics everywhere with his unilateral decision to move the embassy out of the Holy See, claiming he did so because of “security” reasons.

Security is a pretty weak reason, of course. The embassy to the Vatican is no more safe in Rome than it is in the Vatican itself.
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Obama Disrepecting The Vatican, Catholics, Jews, Everyone But Muslims”

U.S. Post Office Celebrates Kwanzaa and Hanukkah… but NOT Christmas

-By Warner Todd Huston

The U.S.Post Office Holiday Stamps Flier

A new print ad for the U.S. Post office reminding customers about its wonderful new holiday stamps seems to be missing the “Christmas” part of the holidays. The ad features a Hanukkah menorah stamp, a Kwanzaa stamp and that wonderful standby Christian stamp… the gingerbread house. Yes, the Post Office just excluded Christmas in its ad.

The advertisement is a mailer sent to American’s homes to remind them of the holiday stamps offered by the U.S. Post Office.

As is clearly seen, the Jewish holiday of Hanukkah is celebrated by a stamp. So is the fake African American “holiday,” Kwanzaa. But instead of Christmas being celebrated, we get a gingerbread house. Where is Christmas?

As the wags at Twitchy noted, “One of these USPS holiday stamps is not like the others.”
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U.S. Post Office Celebrates Kwanzaa and Hanukkah… but NOT Christmas”

Religion of Peace: Muslims Throw Stones at Jews Visiting Temple Mount for Rosh Hashanah

-By Warner Todd Huston

The religion of peace is at it again, this time throwing stones at Jews visiting one of the most holy sites for three world religions. Jews arriving at the Temple Mount in Jerusalem’s Old City as they begin preparations to celebrate Rosh Hashanah were attacked by Muslims looking to prevent them from worshipping.

Rosh Hashanah is one of Judaism’s most holy days and the Temple Mount one of its most holy sites, but once again Muslims gathered to physically harm anyone not Muslim.

The attacks on Jews rose to such a fracas that police were called to put an end to the brawling between the attacking Muslims and the defending Jews.
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Religion of Peace: Muslims Throw Stones at Jews Visiting Temple Mount for Rosh Hashanah”

Wikipedia’s Top Hits: In America, George W. Bush’s Entry Most Controversial

-By Warner Todd Huston

A new study of the most controversial entries on Wikipedia, the crowd sourced, online encyclopedia, shows that in the English language entry the most fought over is the biography of George W. Bush.

The authors of The most controversial topics in Wikipedia, a study that looked at the most controversial pages by language group, finds some topics stir passions in all cultures–such as matters of religion, God, Jesus, and Muhammad–while others are dependent on more localized matters–such as ages old ethnic conflicts and local politics.

The study looked at the pages that are fought over the most by constant behind the scenes editing by users. The most debated pages undergo what the study terms “edit wars,” which is the back and forth of “reverts,” the action of undoing what another editor added. The goal of the study was to find what subjects were most controversial by language, but also to see what topics straddled cultures.

Maybe unsurprisingly, in the English language Wiki, which is visited most heavily in the United States, the bio of George W. Bush still elicits hot controversy. Bush’s entry appears at the very top among the top ten most edited pages in English. Anarchism comes in second and Muhammad third.
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Wikipedia’s Top Hits: In America, George W. Bush’s Entry Most Controversial”

Pro-Palestinian Group Buys Anti-Israel Ads on New York Metro

-By Warner Todd Huston

A pro-Palestinian group has commissioned a new billboard ad now appearing at some New York Metro Stations. The ads attack Israel, U.S. foreign policy, and calls for an end to “Israeli Apartheid.”

American Muslims for Palestine (AMP), an Illinois-based advocacy group, bought space at 25 stations on the New York City Transit Authority’s Metro North line and will run these placards for a month before the campaign moves to another city.

AMP calls itself “a national grassroots organization educating the public about Palestine and its rich cultural and historical heritage.”

The placards quote South African Catholic Bishop and Nobel Peace Prize winner, Desmond Tutu: “I’ve been very deeply distressed in my visit to the Holy Land; it reminded me so much of what happened to us black people in South Africa.”

(Click to see larger image)

The ad also says: “Americans give Israel $3 billion per year! End Apartheid NOW! Stop U.S. Aid to Israel.”

The ad features a silhouette photo of a gun-toting soldier and a small, crouching boy surrounded by prison-like concrete walls and towers.
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Pro-Palestinian Group Buys Anti-Israel Ads on New York Metro”

Gore’s TV Staffers Not Happy About Being Sold to Al Jazeera

-By Warner Todd Huston

Al Gore may have gotten a multi-million dollar payday from his new friends in Jihadland, but his Current TV employees don’t seem so all fired up about being sold to Al Jazeera.

Current TV employees were called to an early staff meeting in San Francisco and via teleconference to the New York and Los Angeles offices in order to be introduced to their new Al Jazeera masters.

Ehab Al Shihabi, executive director of Al Jazeera’s international operations, and Muftah AlSuwaidan, general manager of the London bureau were in attendance and so was Al Gore’s partner Joel Hyatt. But, Al Gore, Current TV’s globalwarming-pushing star was nowhere to be seen.

“Of course Al didn’t show up,” one staffer grumbled. “He has no credibility.”
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Gore’s TV Staffers Not Happy About Being Sold to Al Jazeera”

Why Does Western Media Ignore Terrorists Using Journalists as Human Shields?

-By Warner Todd Huston

Last week a handful of jihadi terrorists that worked with Hamas were killed in Gaza by the Israeli Defense Force (IDF). These terrorists were hiding among western journalists and pretending to be one of them. Sadly a few actual journalists were also killed in these pinpoint strikes, but the bigger outrage is that western journalists don’t seem to mind at all that these terrorists are using them for human shields. One has to wonder why that is?

On November 18, The New York Times went apoplectic over those “attacks on journalists” when the IDF struck several buildings that housed the studios and offices of several western and mid eastern media outlets, offices that also housed the terrorist’s operations.

The Times article gave room for terror group Hamas to claim that the Israelis were “targeting journalists” and scolded the IDF for its actions. But what The Times didn’t bother to note is that the IDF wasn’t attacking “journalists,” it was targeting and eliminating known Hamas commanders who had been hiding their base of operations among the journalists.
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Why Does Western Media Ignore Terrorists Using Journalists as Human Shields?”

NYTimes Pretending Terrorists are Journalists

-By Warner Todd Huston

Once again The New York Times has attempted to paint Israel as murders of journalists, this time by falsely labeling as “journalists” two terror commanders that the Israeli Defense Force recently eliminated.

Over the weekend The Times reported on two terrorists, Mahmoud al-Kumi and Hussam Salama, that were killed last week in Gaza by an IDF missile aimed at their car, a vehicle that The Times complains “was clearly marked with the letters TV.”

The paper claimed that the two were merely “cameramen for Al-Aqsa TV” and were but “covering events in central Gaza” when they were killed.

It would be outrageous if the IDF were targeting journalists, we all agree. But just who were these two that were killed, anyway? Were they just run-of-the-mill journalists? It turns out they were not journalists at all.
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NYTimes Pretending Terrorists are Journalists”

NYTimes Rips Israel for Bombing Gaza Media Offices, Ignores 4 Terror Leaders Inside

-By Warner Todd Huston

The New York Times is full of outrage at the Israeli Defense Force (IDF) for its surgical bomb strikes launched against a few buildings in Gaza that held offices and studios of several international media outlets. But in its report the “paper of record” forgot to add one little fact: four highly placed terrorist leaders that were killed that day were also based in those same buildings.

The Grey Lady reported the bombings mostly from the Palestinian point of view, of course, giving Hamas leaders all the space they wanted to excoriate Israel for replying to a constant wave of rockets indiscriminately launched into its territory with surgical strikes aimed at specific terror assets.

In its November 18 article, The Times reported that Salama Marouf of the Hamas media office called the rocket hits “an immoral massacre against the media.”

The production studios hit were used by such international media outlets as Sky News, Fox News, CBS, the Saudi-owned Al Arabiya Channel, and Germany’s ARD TV as well as the Hamas propaganda machine.
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NYTimes Rips Israel for Bombing Gaza Media Offices, Ignores 4 Terror Leaders Inside”

NYTimes Portrays Muslim Brotherhood Member Morsai as Torn About Supporting Islamists Over Israel

-By Warner Todd Huston

In an unbelievable case of not seeing the forest for the trees, The New York Times portrayed Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi as a leader conflicted over his support for the terrorist organization Muslim Brotherhood — a group of which he was once a member — and his duty as Egypt’s President to observe the truce that his country has had for many years with Israel.

Setting up the premise, The Times begins is piece saying, “The escalating conflict in Gaza has confronted President Mohamed Morsi of Egypt with a wrenching test of his commitments — to his fellow Islamists of the militant group Hamas and to Egypt’s landmark peace agreement with Israel.”

The Times claims that Morsi is a man with “divided loyalties” with both sides appearing to be “testing him.”

It is flatly silly to claim that Morsi is attempting to walk any tightrope in this situation. He is a member of the virulently anti-Jew Muslim Brotherhood and has made no bones about the fact that he still subscribes to all that terror organization’s main tenets.
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NYTimes Portrays Muslim Brotherhood Member Morsai as Torn About Supporting Islamists Over Israel”

CNN Uses Faked Palestinian ‘Casualty’ Video in Coverage

-By Warner Todd Huston

In its pro-Palestinian coverage of the escalated violence in the Middle East, CNN used faked video footage showing Palestinian “victims” of Israel’s rockets being dragged off the streets.

On his November 15 report, Anderson Cooper hosted a report by CNN correspondent Sara Sidner and during the wind up to her report Cooper played a few video snippets of “victims” being dragged off the streets of the Palestinian held areas.

But one of those “victims” wasn’t a victim at all but was instead a man merely acting injured all for the benefit of western cameras.

Worse, this particular faux victim video is a well-known fake. Breitbart already posted about this “Pallywood” theatrical extravaganza and if we knew about it, how could CNN not have known?

CNN isn’t the only Old Media outlet that falls for fake Palestinian videos. There is, for example, a famous video that caused a contentious court case in France back in 2008. It was a fake video supposedly showing a young Palestinian boy named Muhammad al-Dura being shot at by Israel’s Defense Forces. At first, the video caused international outrage, but in time it was proven to be just Palestinian street theater. No Muhammad al-Dura was ever shot at.
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CNN Uses Faked Palestinian ‘Casualty’ Video in Coverage”

Assoc. Press Delegitimizing Israel’s Capital City

-By Warner Todd Huston

Once again we see the Old Media using subtle rhetoric in an attempt to undermine the legitimacy of Israel, this time it’s the Associated Press playing the trick.

In a November 16 story about Palestinian rockets being launched into Israel’s civilian population, the AP decided to try and cajole readers into feeling that Israel’s capital isn’t really Israel’s legitimate capital.

This is how the AP described Jerusalem: (my bold)

An attack on Israel’s self-declared capital marks a major escalation by Gaza militants, both for its symbolism and its distance from the Palestinian territory. Located roughly 75 kilometers (50 miles) away from the Gaza border, Jerusalem had been thought to be beyond the range of Gaza rocket squads.

What is this “self-declared” business, AP? Are you trying to say that Jerusalem isn’t really or legitimately Israel’s capital? Of course you are.
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Assoc. Press Delegitimizing Israel’s Capital City”

BBC: Those Terrorists Are as Bad as the Victims

-By Warner Todd Huston

Once again it’s moral equivalence day at the BBC. To celebrate, the BBC took to Twitter to let the world know that it thinks that there is no difference between terrorists and victims.

If you are unaware of what is going on in Israel lately, Hamas and the Palestinians have been launching rockets into the Jewish State killing women and children in a renewed and sustained attack. Today, the Israeli government and her Defense Force (IDF) have at last had enough. The IDF even took to Twitter to warn the Palestinians that retaliation is immanent.

Israel launched a few rockets of her own this week and has made threats that it is considering using ground forces to stop the constant barrage of rockets steaming into its territory, killing innocents.

So, how did the BBC turn this unprovoked attack on Israel by terrorists and a corresponding announcement of defensive action into an exercise in blame-the-victims?
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BBC: Those Terrorists Are as Bad as the Victims”

NY Times Dismissing Palestinian Rocket Attacks on Israel?

-By Warner Todd Huston

In a classic example of the media accepting the terrorist’s ideas that Israel is the bad actor in the Middle East, The New York Times had an interesting way to describe the more than 150 rockets that Palestinians have launched on Israeli civilians over the last week or so. The Times wrote that those attacks were “called rocket attacks” by Israel as if the Israeli’s were simply making unsubstantiated claims about the attacks.

They were “called rocket attacks” New York Times? No, they were rocket attacks, they weren’t just “called” rocket attacks. That these rocket attacks happened is not a claim but a fact.

It was in the third paragraph of its November 15 piece that the Times used the deprecating language saying, “The ferocity of the airstrikes, which Israel called Operation “Pillar of Defense” in response to what Israel called repeated rocket attacks by Gaza-based Palestinian militants, provoked rage in Gaza, where Hamas said…” (My bold for emphasis)
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NY Times Dismissing Palestinian Rocket Attacks on Israel?”