New York Police Allow Muslims to Openly Attack Journalists, No Arrests Made

-By Warner Todd Huston

New York police stood by and did nothing as a pack of raving Islamists physically and verbally attacked several Egyptian journalists right out in the open, on the streets, and right in front of police.

Members of the terror group the Muslim Brotherhood accosted the journalists who were in New York as part of the Egyptian media covering Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi as he attends the 70th annual session of the United Nations General Assembly.

You may recall that back in 2013 the terrorist group the Muslim Brotherhood had control over Egypt when their man, Mohamed Morsi was president of the ancient country. Morsi was in power with the backing Barack Obama, but the people of the country rose up to eliminate the terror-connected candidate and paved the way for el-Sisi to take the office.
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New York Police Allow Muslims to Openly Attack Journalists, No Arrests Made”

Islam Is The REAL War on Women: 92% of Women in Egypt Forced to Undergo Genital Mutilation

-By Warner Todd Huston

As putrid Democrats continue to promulgate their lie-filled “Republican war on women” campaign theme, they sit by ignoring that the real war on women is perpetrated by Islam. Another reminder of where the real hate for women emanates is in a survey showing that fully 92 percent of married women in Egypt are forced to undergo genital mutilation.

If you are unaware of what Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) is, be prepared to be horrified. Euphemistically called “female circumcision” by liberals who want to obviate what it really is, it is in fact the utter destruction of the female pleasure centers in the vagina so that a woman can never gain pleasure or have an orgasm from sexual intercourse.

Many Muslims from Africa to the Middle East think that women are disgusting beasts who should not be allowed to enjoy sex. So, to keep girls pure in the eyes of The “Prophet” Muhammad, in their pre-teen stage, these inhuman Muslims rip out a girls’ clitoris and sew herr vagina shut leaving but a small hole for urination.
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Islam Is The REAL War on Women: 92% of Women in Egypt Forced to Undergo Genital Mutilation”

Wall Street Journal: Supporting Palestinians Means You Are a Blithering Idiot & Immoral, Too

-By Warner Todd Huston

The Wall Street Journal’s Bret Stephens has an excellent, clarifying piece explaining why if you support the so-called Palestinians that you are pretty much a moron, and an immoral moron at that. And he is dead on, too.

In his July 28 piece, “Palestine Makes You Dumb,” Stephens made the salient point that in a war set in an urban area, civilians die. Period. It happened in WWII, it happened in Iraq, it’s happening in Gaza. It is what happens when an enemy hides its facilities among a civilian population.

That latter part is key. Civilians are not dying because Israel is mean and evil. Civilians are dying because Hamas operates among the civilian populace.

Stephens goes on with another extremely important point. He points out that this body count we keep getting of dead Palestinian civilians is most likely completely bogus. Why? Because the media is using the numbers supplied them by… Hamas! The one group that has a vested interest in making sure there is a large civilian death rate–whether there really is one or not–is the one “reporting” those statistics. And the western media is lapping it up.

To cast doubt on the 82 percent civilian deaths statistic Hamas is reporting, Stephens notes that Hamas also reported exactly the same percentage in the 2008-09 Gaza conflict. Gee what a coinicdence, eh?
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Wall Street Journal: Supporting Palestinians Means You Are a Blithering Idiot & Immoral, Too”

What Sympathy is Deserved for the ‘Palestinians’?

What Sympathy is Deserved for the ‘Palestinians’?
-By Warner Todd Huston

What real sympathy does Hamas, and by extension the “Palestinians,” deserve in this latest conflict with the self-defense employing Israelis? A simple review of the facts may convince that the answer to that is “not much.”

Firstly we have to dismiss two of the Palestinians’ major claims; that they live in an “apartheid” state and that Gaza is “occupied territory. Both are lies.

Israel is a democratic society and has duly elected Muslims in its government. There is no Jewish-sponsored “apartheid,” not in Israel nor in Gaza.
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What Sympathy is Deserved for the ‘Palestinians’?”

Democrats Fundraising With Terrorists

-By Warner Todd Huston

Once again we see that the Democrat Party is thoroughly un-American and pro-terror with a Democrat Party fundraiser in Virginia with two members of the terror group the Muslim Brotherhood.

As reported on March 10 by the Washington Free Beacon, Representative Gerry Connolly (D, VA) is happy as a clam having terror supporters and Muslim Brotherhood activists Akram Elzend and Sameh Elhennawy at a fundraiser later this month. The pair will co-host the fundraiser at the home of Mohamed Mohamed in Fairfax.

The Muslim Brotherhood has been labeled a terrorist group by Egypt’s new authorities after the many Egyptians killed by supporters of the group in recent unrest there.

Yet, here is Rep. Connolly teaming up with these terror supporters for a fundraiser?
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Democrats Fundraising With Terrorists”

Egyptian Museum Ransacked, Media Silent

-By Warner Todd Huston

Remember when we invaded Iraq and the western news media went wild because one of Iraq’s museums was broken into and looted during the fighting? It was proof of how evil the USA was, if you’ll recall. But now museums in Egypt have been looted during the unrest there and, lo and behold, the media remains silent over it all.

Imagine that, right?

I guess looting of museums is only bad when the USA is somehow involved.

Back in 2003 when US forces were investing Baghdad, Iraq, many decried the looting of the museum there. It was idiotically termed the US “waging war against history and culture.”
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Egyptian Museum Ransacked, Media Silent”

Obama Demands Egypt Release Jailed Members of Muslim Brotherhood

-By Warner Todd Huston

Obama’s Ambassador to Egypt is siding with Islamist terrorists in the unrest in that ancient country. Ambassador Ann Patterson has demanded that the Egyptians release all the Muslim brotherhood terrorists they’ve imprisoned during this time of strife.

Isn’t it just like the Obama administration to side with the extremist Islamists?

Robert Spencer of Jihad Watch has the scoop about Obama’s administration:
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Obama Demands Egypt Release Jailed Members of Muslim Brotherhood”

NYTimes Portrays Muslim Brotherhood Member Morsai as Torn About Supporting Islamists Over Israel

-By Warner Todd Huston

In an unbelievable case of not seeing the forest for the trees, The New York Times portrayed Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi as a leader conflicted over his support for the terrorist organization Muslim Brotherhood — a group of which he was once a member — and his duty as Egypt’s President to observe the truce that his country has had for many years with Israel.

Setting up the premise, The Times begins is piece saying, “The escalating conflict in Gaza has confronted President Mohamed Morsi of Egypt with a wrenching test of his commitments — to his fellow Islamists of the militant group Hamas and to Egypt’s landmark peace agreement with Israel.”

The Times claims that Morsi is a man with “divided loyalties” with both sides appearing to be “testing him.”

It is flatly silly to claim that Morsi is attempting to walk any tightrope in this situation. He is a member of the virulently anti-Jew Muslim Brotherhood and has made no bones about the fact that he still subscribes to all that terror organization’s main tenets.
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NYTimes Portrays Muslim Brotherhood Member Morsai as Torn About Supporting Islamists Over Israel”

Doris Kearns-Goodwin: We Need to Excuse Affairs to Get the ‘Best People in Public Life’

-By Warner Todd Huston

In response to revelations of the extramarital affair that now former CIA Chief David Petraeus admitted to over the weekend, liberal historian Doris Kearns-Goodwin scoffed at the idea of holding highly placed public figures to account for their personal behavior.

On the Sunday, November 11 episode of NBC’s Meet The Press, Kearns-Goodwin made the point that we are too strict with our public officials and because of that we won’t get any more great presidents like Franklin Roosevelt and… Bill Clinton?

“What would we have done if FDR had not been our leader because he had an affair with Lucy Mercer? Think of the productive years that Clinton could have had if Monica Lewinsky hadn’t derailed them. We’ve got to figure out a way that we give a private sphere for our public leaders. We’re not gonna get the best people in public life if we don’t do that.”

Kearns-Goodwin also longed for the day when Americans paid little mind to the private lives of public figures.
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Doris Kearns-Goodwin: We Need to Excuse Affairs to Get the ‘Best People in Public Life’”

Most Transparent President Ever Finally Has a Press Conference

-By Warner Todd Huston

Today at 1:30 PM, President Obama has deigned to hold an honest-to-goodness, question-taking press conference. I guess the President took to heart the plaintive plea of ABC’s Jake Tapper who asked Obama not to be a stranger as the Prez exited his last presser on August 20.

But that was just a walk on, guest shot, a surprise to the press. Obama’s last scheduled, solo press conference was all the way back on March 6.

Despite claiming that he’d be the most open, transparent president ever, Obama hasn’t been as forth coming with the Old Media establishment as other presidents. In fact, he’s been chided by the media since he first became president for keeping them at arm’s length.

The latest scolding Obama took over his shyness was in early in October when Washington Post columnist Dana Milbank looked up the numbers and noted that in the last four years, President Obama “has worked assiduously to avoid being questioned, maintaining a regal detachment from the media and other sources of dissent and skeptical inquiry.”
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Most Transparent President Ever Finally Has a Press Conference”

As Embassies Burned, Obama More Interested in Interviews and Photo Ops

-By Warner Todd Huston

Even as President Obama’s flacks are telling the media that he is too smart to attend daily intelligence briefings, we are finally finding out what he did on that volatile Friday morning last week when our embassies were burning and 21 countries were erupting in anti-American protests. Instead of worrying about all that, Obama was giving puffball interviews to entertainment magazines and having photo ops.

Instead of spending precious time dealing with the developing crisis in the Mid East and with his foreign policy scheme in a total freefall, on Friday morning, September 14, Obama was giving an interview to the entertainment magazine People en Español and participating in a photo session with photographer Omar Cruz.

Worse, this puffball interview wasn’t on his public schedule and was hidden from the public. Wasn’t Obama the one that claimed he’d have the most transparent administration in history?
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As Embassies Burned, Obama More Interested in Interviews and Photo Ops”

Instead of Watching Embassies Burn Obama Watches Football Last Weekend

-By Warner Todd Huston

We are told that President Obama watched a lot of football this weekend. I guess it was more fun than attempting to deal with our embassies burning in the Middle East and our soldiers being killed in Afghanistan.

The newsflash is courtesy of Amy Gardner’s twitter feed. Gardner, the White House reporter for the Washington Post, reports that the press gaggle on Air Force One reported that Obama spent his time watching football.

President Obama didn’t watch SNL season opener this weekend; watched a lot of football, per Josh Earnest on AF1 gaggle.

Must be nice to take time away from the pressing duties of being president to relax and watch a little football. But one wonders when this president actually takes time to undertake any of those pressing duties between golf, football, bowling in the White House bowling alley, and flying about the country for daily fundraising events?
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Instead of Watching Embassies Burn Obama Watches Football Last Weekend”

CNN Hides Facts: Cairo Riots Not About ‘Offensive’ American Movie, But Freedom of Blind Sheik The Goal

-By Warner Todd Huston

Just before the crowd in Cairo, Egypt erupted in violence against the U.S. embassy there, CNN’s cameras were in the capital interviewing protesters who said that the main purpose for their protest was to have Sheik Omar Abdel-Rahman (known as the ‘Blind Sheik’) released from a U.S. prison. Yet as soon as the riots began, CNN began to push the false story that the riots were sparked by some low-budget American movie that denigrated the Prophet Muhammad.

The very day before rioters stormed the U.S. embassy in Cairo, CNN’s Nic Robertson filmed an interview with a handful of Islamists right outside the U.S. embassy. One of those protesters that CNN interviewed was the Blind Sheik’s brother, Mohamed al Zawahiri.

The Blind Sheik’s brother had an absurd “peace plan” proposal that he thought would end the blood shed between Muslims and the west and it was this so-called plan for peace that formed the basis for CNN’s report. But what is more interesting about the interview was that it serves as proof that the riots that happened hours later were not about any movie but were started in order to push for the release of The Blind Sheik.

Egyptian President Morsi has in the past expressed solidarity with Sheik Abdel-Rahman claiming that as Egypt’s president he’d work to have the U.S. free the terrorist. Morsi claimed this only two months ago proving that the release of Abdel-Rahman has been a key issue in his country.
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CNN Hides Facts: Cairo Riots Not About ‘Offensive’ American Movie, But Freedom of Blind Sheik The Goal”

Roll Call Claims a ‘Republican Split’ Over Romney Embassy Comments, Offers no Examples

-By Warner Todd Huston

Along with the rest of the Old Media establishment, Washington D.C.-based newspaper Roll Call also attacked Mitt Romney for having dared to criticize the Obama administration for its failures in the Middle East after the attacks on our embassies in Egypt and Libya. To push the anti-Romney narrative, Roll Call claimed that a “rift” had developed among Republicans over Romney’s reaction. Strangely, the Capitol Hill newser didn’t offer much by way of proof that such a rift exists

Immediately after the attack in Cairo, Egypt, our embassy released an ill advised statement that essentially blamed America’s tradition of free speech for the violence. Mitt Romney immediately responded that this was a “disgraceful” statement for a U.S. embassy to make and criticized the Obama administration for it.

After all, America’s embassies operate under the control of the President of the United States and when an embassy speaks it is rightfully assumed that they are speaking with the President’s voice.
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Roll Call Claims a ‘Republican Split’ Over Romney Embassy Comments, Offers no Examples”

NBC Pushes Unproven Claims of ‘Anti-Muslim Incidents’ In USA

-By Warner Todd Huston

When “journalists” confront conservatives, typically every claim, statistic, or assertion is challenged, but when talking to kindred spirits, reporters allow any manner of claim to pass by unchallenged. Such is the case with NBC’s interview of spokesmen for CAIR who, without any proof, were allowed to claim that “a spike in hate” against Muslims was occurring in the U.S.A.

Jim Gold of NBC News spends the more than half of his recent report giving spokesmen for the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) all the room they needed to make the claim that after the Muslim rioters attacked American embassies in Egypt and Libya, they have seen more calls to their offices reporting hate crimes and discrimination against Muslims in the U.S.

Naturally, Mr. Gold never bothers to ask these Muslim activists for any proof of their claim. He just reports it straight as if it is simply a fact. If this were conservatives making such a statement, Gold would never allow the claim to be taken as Gospel truth without challenge like he did here. He would have had “experts” included in the story to rebut the conservative’s claims. But Gold did not seem interested in such “balance,” here.
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NBC Pushes Unproven Claims of ‘Anti-Muslim Incidents’ In USA”

The ‘No Justification’ Talking Points

-By Gary Krasner

Referring to events in Libya and Egypt today, Obama said there was “no justification” for Muslim mobs violating US sovereign territory and murdering our embassy people and ambassador.

Hilary also said there was “no justification.”

Presidential spokesman Jay Carney said there was “no justification.” That was the administration’s line for the day. It’s an abamination.

Whenever one says that there’s no justification for a particular action, that means there are situations when that action might be deemed justified.
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The ‘No Justification’ Talking Points”

HuffPo Contributor: ‘Why Should I Care’ About Death of Ambassador Stevens

-By Warner Todd Huston

Huffington Post contributor Sharmine Narwani took the occasion of the murder of our ambassador to Libya to launch into an anti-American diatribe that culminated in her asking why she is supposed to care about Ambassador Chris Stevens’ death or that of the other two killed with him.

Sharmine Narwani, who is also a correspondent for Al Jezeera and an associate at St Antony’s College, Oxford University, took to her Twitter account on Wednesday after it was reported that Ambassador Stevens was murdered by a rioting Islamist crowd in Benghazi, Libya.

100s of 1,000s of Arabs & Muslims slaughtered by American troops. Tell me again why I should care about whatshisname-plus-three?

Almost immediately Twitter followers began to attack the HuffPo blogger for her callousness. But Narwani was unapologetic. At one point she asked a detractor why he questioned her “logic” just because it was different from his. “His life,” she said of the ambassador, “does not hold any more weight than another.”
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HuffPo Contributor: ‘Why Should I Care’ About Death of Ambassador Stevens”

The Atlantic Criticizes Romney Over Libya, But Mitt Was Talking About Egypt

-By Warner Todd Huston

The Atlantic Wire accused Mitt Romney for a “less-than-factual” statement on Libya delivered in the hours after the attacks on our embassy. But in its rush to attack Mitt Romney, The Atlantic Wire got its countries mixed up as the statement it was condemning was Mitt’s statement on Egypt, not one on Libya.

A screen capture of the original headline

It wasn’t long before The Atlantic Wire changed its headline dropping the “On Libya” part.
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The Atlantic Criticizes Romney Over Libya, But Mitt Was Talking About Egypt”

For Half The Day, MSNBC Ignored U.S. Embassy Attacks in Cairo

-By Warner Todd Huston

Aside from the 11th anniversary of 9/11, there was no bigger story on Sept. 11, 2012 than the attack made upon the U.S. embassy in Cairo, Egypt. But for half the day on Tuesday, MSNBC didn’t mention the incident.

A careful review of MSNBC’s programming on Tuesday proved that up until 6PM eastern, MSNBC had still not bothered to report the storming of the U.S. embassy.

Late on the morning of Sept. 11, Muslim protesters angry, they claimed, over an American movie that portrays the Prophet Muhammad in an unsavory light, scaled the walls of the embassy in Cairo. The protesters removed the U.S. flag and replaced it with the black al Qaeda flag. Some five hours later, the U.S. embassy in Benghazi, Libya was also attacked. One American was killed and the embassy was burned to the ground.

By 6PM eastern both CNN and Fox News had televised stories about the attacks while MSNBC remained quiet.
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For Half The Day, MSNBC Ignored U.S. Embassy Attacks in Cairo”

Are Conservatives with Ginsburg or the Founders on the Constitution?

-By Selwyn Duke

When Ruth Bader Ginsburg said in Egypt recently that she “would not look to the U.S. Constitution if [she] were drafting a constitution in the year 2012,” it was no surprise. In that the Constitution militates against a nanny state and preserves a status quo, it is by its very nature a conservative document. This is why liberals hate it so. And, as the power of the left grows via their control over the culture, their teeth and contempt for the Constitution are displayed ever more (see Obama, Barack et al.). But what of conservatives?

Some may say that I need not ask; as reflected in the rise of the Tea Party and Ron Paul, constitutionalism is all the rage. In truth, though, while conservatives generally mean well, most just play at constitutionalism.

“What are you talking about, Duke?” you may ask. “I believe in constitutional adherence!” Well, let’s conduct a little test. What do you think about Social Security?

Because, you know, it is unconstitutional.
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Are Conservatives with Ginsburg or the Founders on the Constitution?”

Why Democracy Is Dangerous for the ‘Arab Spring’

-By Frank Salvato

There is a concerted movement that began in earnest with the Progressive Era to identify the United States of America as a Democracy. To be sure, this movement has made great strides in convincing the American citizenry of just that. This movement has been so successful in delivering this message that Democrats, Republicans, Liberals and Conservatives have, throughout history – and even up to and including today, have identified our American form of government as that of being a Democracy. There is even an initiative promoted by our federal government to export “Democracy” throughout the world. Today we see this initiative playing out in the Middle East and North Africa. There is only one thing wrong with all of the above and the problem exists at the root: The United States of America is not a Democracy; it never has been and, God willing, it never will be.

Democracy has always, throughout history, served as a gateway to despotism. This is primarily because Democracy is tantamount to “mob rule,” or government by the majority. In a government ruled by the will of the majority – a Democracy, the rights of the minority are not guaranteed and are often neglected or even ignored by those who hold power, most often in pursuit of keeping or maintaining that power.

Additionally, in a Democracy, because it is essentially government by the will of the majority, government has no constraints. If fifty-one percent of the people – or a plurality of the people – can be persuaded to believe a particular avenue of thinking; convinced that a certain law is “necessary,” it becomes the policy of the government or the law of the land, regardless of whether or not the minority’s rights have been usurped or protected.
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Why Democracy Is Dangerous for the ‘Arab Spring’”

The Consequence of US Leadership Failure at the UN

From the office of Rep. Peter Roskam (Ill., 6th District)…

In the coming weeks the United Nations Security Council is expected to take a series of misguided procedural steps towards allowing the Palestinian Authority (PA) to unilaterally declare independence (UDI). If they happen they will mark a step backwards from any potentially genuine Middle East peace and illustrate yet another failure of the Obama Administration’s “leading from behind” approach.

This did not have to be a foregone conclusion. This past May, Majority Leader Eric Cantor and I called on the Administration to stand united with the American people, and with Israel, opposing this UN action. The State Department has heard a similar chorus in the months since.
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The Consequence of US Leadership Failure at the UN”

Debunking the Palestine Lie

There has NEVER been such a people as the Palestinians. And those that wanted their own nation have been little else but murderers, racists, and hatemongers since the 1920s and before!

This video does a great job explaining the REAL history of these murderous, monstrous, haters.

Worse, during WWII the Palestinians honed their hatred to a special edge by learning at the feet of the Nazis.

The basis for all this violence, hatred, murder, war, and destruction perpetrated by the so-called Palestinians? Islam, of course.

Obama, Israel Hater, Claiming to be Israel’s Friend

-By Warner Todd Huston

This takes the cake, doesn’t it? Obama has spent about three years doing everything he can do to make things harder on our only Mid East ally, Israel. He’s slammed Israel, dissed them and generally turned his back on our only true friend in the Mideast. Now Obama has launched a campaign to “go on the offensive” against those that claim he is anti-Israel. I suppose it’s like a campaign to convince people that up is down and cold is hot?

Greg Sargent of the Washington Post blog The Plum Line is reporting that

Obama Puts Israel on ‘State Supporters of Terror’ List, Then Opens Diplomatic Relations With Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt

-By Warner Todd Huston

Obama’s is one of the most disastrous foreign policies of any president ever. His latest outrage is the dual absurdities of, on one hand putting Israel on a list of state sponsors of terrorism, while on the other hand opening a dialog with and bestowing diplomatic legitimacy upon the terrorists of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt.

This is the schizophrenic mess that Obama’s anti-western centric foreign policy ideas have created. It shouldn’t be much of a surprise, though. Upon becoming President Obama almost immediately launched into a series of one more example of Obama giving Israel the back of his hand.
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Obama Puts Israel on ‘State Supporters of Terror’ List, Then Opens Diplomatic Relations With Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt”

No Short Term Middle East Solutions

-By Alan Caruba

A problem with which American administrations have grappled since the days of Thomas Jefferson’s presidency has been Arabs and the Middle East. The Marine anthem mentions “the shores of Tripoli” because, in 1801, Jefferson sent them to there to put down the Barbary pirates.

One of the best books on this subject is “Power, Faith, and Fantasy: America in the Middle East, 1776 to the Present” by Michael B. Oren who, with exquisite irony, is currently serving as the Israeli ambassador to the United States, the nation of his birth.

Regarding the Middle East, if you have had the feeling that the Obama administration has been spectacularly inept as it takes its turn at bat, you’re right. Barely six months into his first year, on June 4, 2009, the newly-minted President gave a speech in Cairo.
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No Short Term Middle East Solutions”

Presidents, Pundits and Prophets – Big List of Wrong Answers for 2011

-By Rev Michael Bresciani

Here are 5 of the most often asked questions of 2011 that by virtue of the answers given by Presidents, Pundits and Prophets can also be included in the list of the 5 most absurd answers of 2011, or perhaps of all time. Can we correct some of these answers?

1. Does the Arab Spring praised by Barack Obama mean the Muslims will now peacefully come into the 21st century with the rest of the world?

The first way to answer this question is to consider that both Osama Bin Laden and President Obama have praised the Muslim Spring. If it doesn’t warm the cockles of your heart to know that the world’s most infamous terrorist and the world’s most radical, socialist and controversial U.S. President in American history firmly agree on something; then what could.
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Presidents, Pundits and Prophets – Big List of Wrong Answers for 2011″

Tolerance and Diversity – What are we Supposed to Tolerate?

-By Rev Michael Bresciani‏

After the brutal shooting death of Pakistan’s Christian Minister Shabbaz Bhatti for his opposition to ‘blasphemy laws’ the persecution and murders of Christians continues unabated in Pakistan and other Muslim countries. Is this what the west is supposed to tolerate?

Even that lumbering and largely ineffective body known has the UN has voiced its concerns over the brutality and torture by Muslims on young boys in Afghanistan. There, they are sexually molested and severely punished with electric shock and beatings. Is this what we are supposed to tolerate?

In Egypt Christians are being slaughtered and Coptic Churches are being burned to the ground. As the rest of the world watches and President Barack Obama plans to send billions in aide to Egypt, no one seems to mention these human rights violations in the mainstream media. Little wonder that Sarah Palin coined the phrase the ‘lamestream media.” Is this what we are supposed to tolerate?
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Tolerance and Diversity – What are we Supposed to Tolerate?”

The Mistake of Global Democratization

-By Frank Salvato

We are hearing a great deal about a budding “Democracy movement” spreading throughout the Middle East. Many are calling it an “Arab Spring.” The belief is that after centuries of totalitarian oppression, the Arab street is suddenly pining for more freedom; rebelling against the elitist ruling class of kings, emirs, despots and tyrants. This is most likely true for a great number of those filling the streets of Egypt, Syria, Tunisia, Bahrain and myriad other Middle Eastern, predominantly Muslim nations. But there is a less than honorable component amongst the rebellion that simply waits for the “right” to a democratic vote. Contrary to how the idea of a move to Democracy presents, in the volatile Middle East there are elements in play that could make it a move in the wrong direction.

Each and every day we hear the misnomer that the United States of America is a Democracy. We hear it from the average man on the street, the mainstream media and even from those we have elected to office. But the fact of the matter is this: we are not a Democracy. We are a Constitutional Republic. A thorough and convincing exhibit of the facts surrounding this reality is presented in Notes on Democracy: And the Republic for Which It Stands. The fact that this issue is even in need of address is a scathing commentary on the constitutional illiteracy of the American electorate and serves as a sobering reminder that, often times, what sounds good – what “feels good” – isn’t always as it presents.

The distinction – between the benefits of a Democracy and a Constitutional Republic – is incredibly important, and while some describe our nation as a Democracy in an error of ignorance, others – some with schemes of political opportunism – do so with a nefarious purpose and bad intentions.
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The Mistake of Global Democratization”