Students On ‘Hunger Strike’ Demanding University Prez Resign Over Non-Existent Racism on Campus

-By Warner Todd Huston

Once again we see the folly of sending anyone to an American college in a story out of Missouri where a large group of black students, including members of the football team, are on a purported “hunger strike” demanding that the president of the college resign over supposed acts of racism on campus none of which really even happened.

Students at the University of Missouri are taking action… meaningless action, naturally… over claimed examples of “racism” on campus. The incidents, these mewling little whiners say, are examples of “endemic” racism on campus.



On the campus of an American university.

The places where a politically correct attitude is so ingrained that speech codes have been implemented to stop people’s widdle feewings from getting hurt. The places where PCism runs amuck. The places where no conservative speakers are allowed to appear. The places comedians won’t even appear at anymore because everyone is perpetually “outraged.” The places where freedom does not exist. This is where these fools are pretending they see racism everywhere.
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Students On ‘Hunger Strike’ Demanding University Prez Resign Over Non-Existent Racism on Campus”

Planned Parenthood Protesters Throw Condoms at Carly Fiorina During Iowa Tailgate Stop

-By Warner Todd Huston

After her impassioned plea for Americans to turn against Planned Parenthood delivered to great acclaim at the last GOP debate, Carly Fiorina has gained a new foe, an enemy that turned out to protest her during her latest campaign swing through Iowa.

Fiorina attended a tailgate event outside Kinnick Stadium in Iowa City, Iowa on Saturday only to be faced with a small group of about 15 pro-abortion protesters.

Sporting signs with Planned Parenthood’s logo, yelling slogans, and even throwing condoms at her, the protesters certainly aimed to disrupt the event. One protester even wore an oversized facsimile of a birth control pill dispenser as she stomped around with her partners.

But even as Fiorina’s attackers tried desperately to disrupt the event, the small group was far outnumbered by the many Fiorina supporters who came out to see the candidate whose profile has been rising in the 2016 GOP field.
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Planned Parenthood Protesters Throw Condoms at Carly Fiorina During Iowa Tailgate Stop”

Miss America Contestant Says This Despite Undercover Videos Exposing Planned Parenthood

-By Warner Todd Huston

During a question and answer period at the 2016 Miss America Competition, Hannah Robison, the contestant from Tennessee, seemed to offer in her reply what was more like left-wing propaganda than fact by among other things perpetuating the myth that Planned Parenthood is a big purveyor of mammograms to poor and disadvantaged women.

One-time disgraced Miss America, actress Vanessa Williams, asked Miss Tennessee about her thoughts on the move in Congress to defund Planned Parenthood.

“Some legislators,” Williams asked Miss Tennessee, “are threatening to shut down the government over federal contributions to Planned Parenthood, even though no federal funds can be used for abortions. Should Planned Parenthood funding be cut off?”

Sadly, Hannah Robison replied with what seemed like a paid ad for Planned Parenthood, one filled with several lies and inaccuracies.

“I don’t think Planned Parenthood funding should be cut off,” Robinson said. “The $500 million that gets given to Planned Parenthood every single year goes to female care. It goes for scanning for cancer, it goes for mammograms. And if we don’t give that funding to Planned Parenthood, those women will be out of health care for reproductive causes.”

All of this is, of course, untrue. Planned Parenthood offers comparatively little by way of “health care” for women while the largest amount of its funding goes to its abortion mill services. Further, it doesn’t offer any mammogram services at all.
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Miss America Contestant Says This Despite Undercover Videos Exposing Planned Parenthood”

Pure Media Bias: Liberal Media Smears Mitt Romney With Death of Cecil The Lion

-By Warner Todd Huston

For the last few days the left-wing media has been losing its tiny collective mind over the death of Zimbabwe’s Cecil the lion. Well, today the liberal Washington-based political newspaper The Hill published a story breathlessly informing the world that the man who shot the lion donated to Mitt Romney’s presidential campaign. And then, in a perfect example of media bias, the left-wing newspaper Tweeted a photo of the dead lion next to an image of Romney!

This is little else but the yellowest of yellow journalism. What does Romney have to do with the death of Cecil the lion? Nothing. But for some reason The Hill wants to link the death of the beloved lion to Romney!

Here is the Tweet that the far left, non-journalists at The Hill sent out on Wednesday:
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Pure Media Bias: Liberal Media Smears Mitt Romney With Death of Cecil The Lion”

Planned Parenthood and the Jigsaw Man: The Moral Ethic vs. The Utilitarian Imperative

-By Gary Krasner

Planned Parenthood’s director of medical services, Dr. Deborah Nucatola was secretly taped describing how her organization secretly sells fetal body parts. I hope this spells the end of taxpayer support for Planned Parenthood, despite the likelihood that neither President Obama nor LA Mayor Eric Garcetti would prosecute this violation of law.

Apart from the immorality of abortion, we need to understand why the sale or donation of body parts, without the consent of the human whose body is being dissected, is a dangerous slippery slope for society. That is solely what this article is about.

Ethics Must Come First

The spin was pathetic. Planned Parenthood claims, in its defense, that it’s not selling baby parts. Rather, it’s getting reimbursed for ’tissue’ donations. But as Kevin D. Williamson wrote on July 15, Nucatola’s own words demonstrates that this is a competitive market where supply and demand, not Planned Parenthood’s expenses, is what sets prices.

But the immorality is not just about high profits, or even illegal profits. If you read this entire article, you’ll learn that there’s a terrible cost to society. But let’s start with the aspect of vested interests: Planned Parenthood is in the business of abortion. A profitable business. It receives a half-billion dollars a year in taxpayer money every 3 years. It aborts a million pre-born babies. So it has a vested interest in killing innocent life. And it uses its involvement in that killing to leverage an advantage in extracting and selling the organs of that killing. It’s similar to Microsoft using it’s large installed base of its operating system to leverage an unfair advantage in marketing its other products which run on that operating system.

Thus, Planned Parenthood is not just furnishing women with abortions–which it amazingly considers a virtuous service. We see now that it also has greater financial incentives to kill than we previously had known–by selling off the body parts of the innocent human it killed. Worse, by receiving $500 million in government funds annually, government adopts a stake in this inhumane undertaking.

Why is that of concern? We’ve become all too aware of the dangers of an overpowering government under President Obama. It’s one thing for individuals and families to make decisions about when life begins and when it can end, and who lives and who dies, but it’s quite another when government bureaucrats decide it. As my friend Debi Vinnedge (Director of Children of God For Life ) succinctly said it last April, “I prefer government when it’s protecting life and not when it’s calculating when life should be ended, because it’s an amoral calculation.”

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Planned Parenthood and the Jigsaw Man: The Moral Ethic vs. The Utilitarian Imperative”

Time to Stop Supporting the Girl Scouts

-By Warner Todd Huston

For a few years now I have been seeing stories about how the Girl Scouts are pushing abortion harder and harder. At first the references to the organization’s campaign in favor of abortion was disparate and isolated. But now that they are pushing for Texas candidate Wendy Davis, it’s finally all too much. It is time to stop supporting the Girl Scouts.

For me, in years past I maintained that you shouldn’t hold the national organization to task for what local groups did. But as the connections mounted year in and year out, it all became too much to ignore. Now, despite what the national organization claims, it is simply impossible to believe that the GS doesn’t materially support abortion quite despite what they claim as an official policy.

Several national pro-life groups have banded together this year to officially boycott the Girl Scouts over its support of abortion, most especially its ties to the baby-killing group Planned Parenthood.

Granted the Girl Scouts claim that their official position on abortion is to have no position on abortion. But the GS’s actions speak to the opposite.

In fact, the GS denies that they have any ties at all to Planned Parenthood. However, they have recently come to tout Texas abortion pusher Wendy Davis as an important “role model” for their girls and have in the past pushed Planned Parenthood leaders and operatives as “role models” for girls to look up to. The GS has also frequently pushed Planned Parenthood resources on their girls.

But to have “no position” would mean to avoid connecting with it pro or con in order to avoid a defacto position through support, yet the GS is thoroughly connected to Planned Parenthood despite the “no position” claim.
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Time to Stop Supporting the Girl Scouts”

Nancy Pelosi Again Pushes ‘Republicans Hate Women’ Lie

-By Warner Todd Huston

Former House Speaker (I love to say that) Nancy Pelosi had an interview recently with MSNBC’s Alex Wagner where Pelosi decided to let us all know that Republicans hate women. Yeah, she really has nothing new or truthful to say, granted.

In the interview Pelosi loaded up with a long series of lies.

“I have told people that the Republicans in Congress are against family planning,” she blabbered. “It’s not just about terminating a pregnancy iIt’s about disrespect for women in terms of their decision making to about the sizing or timing of their having a family.”

This is, of course, a straight out lie. Republicans couldn’t care less if women want or don’t want a family and have no interest in getting involved in how women plan their lives. Being against infanticide is does not equate to being against women’s freedom to lead their lives.
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Nancy Pelosi Again Pushes ‘Republicans Hate Women’ Lie”

Texas Planned Parenthood Abortion Mill Defrauded Medicaid to Tune of $1.4 Million

-By Warner Todd Huston

In Texas, abortion mill operators Planned Parenthood has been found to have defrauded Medicaid to the tune of $1.4 million and is being ordered to repay the stolen money.

In 2012, a former employee of Planned Parenthood’s Gulf Coast offices filed a whistleblower’s complaint with the Attorney General of Texas and the U.S. Department of Justice. The whistleblower alleged that Planned Parenthood engaged in an elaborate Medicaid fraud scheme.

The whistleblower, Karen Reynolds, submitted internal memos and other records to prove that PP engaged in a “systemwide scheme to bilk Medicaid, Title XX, and the Women’s Health Program of tens of millions of dollars over the course of at least a decade.”

Reynolds charged that PP indulged a long running practice of billing for medial services that were never performed. PP also altered records to make it seem as if abortions provided were actually other medical services and not abortions.

The whistleblower also said that PP would load visitors up with condoms, vaginal film, and other give-aways and would then charge Medicaid for the products.
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Texas Planned Parenthood Abortion Mill Defrauded Medicaid to Tune of $1.4 Million”

Network TV Still Ignoring Gosnell

-By Warner Todd Huston

Abortionist Kermit Gosnell has been on trial in Pennsylvania for seven weeks accused of murdering patients and killing babies born alive in a filthy clinic staffed by untrained, unlicensed assistants, but the trial has barely made a blip on big three network news programs.

The trial has been shocking, to say the least, but the networks have still ignored it. But the networks are obviously not trying to shield viewers from shocking trials. A recent review of network programming by the Media Research Center reveals that not all shocking trials are equal in the network’s eyes as they’ve covered dozens of them over the last 42 days.

MRC has found that hundreds of minutes of airtime have been dedicated to the Amanda Knox trial in Spain and the Arizona-based trial of Jodi Arias who is accused of the brutal murder of her boy friend Travis Alexander.

While practically ignoring the Gosnell trial, MRC found that ABC’s Good Morning America has visited the Arias trail 22 times in the last seven weeks alone. Along with the Arias trial, GMA has hit several other sensational trials amounting to 41 separate stories since the Gosnell trial started.
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Network TV Still Ignoring Gosnell”

Biden Lies Saying Planned Parenthood Can’t Legally Perform Abortions

-By Warner Todd Huston

Vice President Joe Biden has done it again, unleashed an outright lie on the campaign trail. This time Joe told an audience at the University of Wisconsin-LaCrosse that the abortion provider Planned Parenthood was prevented by law to perform abortions. And yet, Planned Parenthood itself has claimed it committed 985,731 abortions in just the last three years alone.

In front of that crowd, Biden said, “And now these guys pledge that they are going to defund Planned Parenthood, which under law cannot perform any abortion” The fact is, though, Biden simply lied (again).

There is no law at all that prevents Planned Parenthood from committing abortions whenever and whereever it likes.

Now, there is a law that prevents PP from using any of the 66 million dollars a year in federal tax money that Democrat politicians hand over to it, granted. The law states that the federal subsidies cannot be used for abortions.
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Biden Lies Saying Planned Parenthood Can’t Legally Perform Abortions”

VIDEO: Obama/Abortion Supporter Spits in Face of Grandmotherly Romney Supporter in Wisconsin

-By Warner Todd Huston

Once again we see an Obama/abortion supporter who cannot keep to a civil debate, this time in Wisconsin where Appleton resident Mary Hogland, 83, tried to interrupt a small, private Romney event. When her outburst was vociferously opposed by the Romney supporters that were actually invited to the gathering, Hogland spat in the face of one of the elderly women present.

This gathering was part of a “Wisconsin Women for Mitt” bus tour event featuring Wis. State Senator Alberta Darling and Lt. Gov. Rebecca Kleefisch who recently beat a recall election mounted by the Badger State’s government employee unions.

Hogland interrupted the event questioning the Republican’s opposition to abortion and Planned Parenthood.

The small event, held in Grand Chute, Wisconsin, was by invite only, says Chris Hanson owner of the place where the event was held.

“This is a private business and we invited a small group of clients and friends. Whatever happened to grace and mercy in politics? This isn’t a town hall meeting,” Hanson said.

After Hogland assaulted the Romney rally goers, she and another protester were removed from the premises to chants of, “Romney, Romney, Romney!”

On her Facbook page, Mary Hogland lists several left-wing and Obama items as her interests. It is apparent she is quite the left-wing activist.

Hogland was treated for scratches on her neck by paramedics after she was escorted out of the event.

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VIDEO: Obama/Abortion Supporter Spits in Face of Grandmotherly Romney Supporter in Wisconsin”

Advocates Want Contraceptives Services Pushed Even if Real Healthcare is Cut

-By Warner Todd Huston

The 2012 London Summit on Family Planning, to be held on July 11, is intended to “mobilize global policy” to assure that 120 million women and girls are afforded family planning, contraceptives and other information. Sponsors of the event want more money put to these services for poor women around the world. But it seems likely funding this new program will take money away from actual healthcare services already offered, especially in a day when economies are failing worldwide.

Claiming, “It has been proven that family planning saves lives, improves health, strengthens communities, and stimulates economic growth,” the London Summit intends to get its funding from the international community in any way it can.

One thing seems certain, it is painfully obvious that these people think of pregnancy as an affliction, something that needs to be stamped out. Also interesting is the focus on the poor in a eugenics-like push to eliminate the lower classes of peoples by encouraging fewer pregnancies.
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Advocates Want Contraceptives Services Pushed Even if Real Healthcare is Cut”

When You Disagree With Leftists, They Simply Dehumanize You

-By Warner Todd Huston

The hatemongers of the Democrat Party and their pals on the far left like to pretend that it is the right that dehumanizes its foes, but the truth is no one dehumanizes enemies better than the left does. Case in point, the left thinks if you are a woman that doesn’t support convenience infanticide, then they will accuse you of not even being a woman at all.

A State Representative from Pennsylvania, Babette Josephs, a Democrat from Philadelphia, is today’s prime example of how expertly Democrats dehumanize their enemies. At a recent rally sponsored by Philly infanticide supporters, Josephs unleashed what Steven Ertelt calls “a new low in political discourse.”

I think Mr. Ertelt was too kind, for what Josephs did was to discount the very womanhood of her enemies simply because they disagree with her support for easy-to-get Infanticide. From Charles Thompson we learn that at this rally, Josephs said that any woman that disagrees with the extremists of the abortion-mill lobby aren’t even women.

Then, she took specific aim at women lawmakers who co-sponsored the ultrasound bill, asking rhetorically, “I do not understand how a woman in this Legislature can say to herself: ‘I’m not capable of making my own health decisions… but I can get elected and make them for somebody else.’

“What is wrong with these women? What are they thinking about?” Josephs continued. “Are they women? Or are they men with breasts.”

Now, you might imagine that this was just one creep with a big mouth, right? Would that were the case. You see, after this creep’s words became public knowledge, the Democrat Party organization that sponsored the rally immediately announced that it was standing behind her outrageous comments.
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When You Disagree With Leftists, They Simply Dehumanize You”

Ultrasound Cacophony: The Left’s Newest Pro-Abortion Lie

-By Warner Todd Huston

In the Commonwealth of Virginia the left has a new attack against those that want to regulate abortions. The legislature in the Old Dominion introduced legislation to require ultrasounds to be performed before an abortion could be performed. Idiotically, leftists cried foul claiming the requirement is somehow “like” getting raped. Yet a new study show that the left’s favorite abortion mill, Planned Parenthood, performs ultrasounds before abortions in 99% of its operations.

Talk about making fools of themselves, the left has done it again.

First, let’s look at the left’s claim, though. Speaking for the pro-infanticide set, Dahlia Lithwck at Slate makes the case:
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Ultrasound Cacophony: The Left’s Newest Pro-Abortion Lie”

Planned Parenthood vs Women: PP Getting Its Thug On!

-By Warner Todd Huston

Recently the Susan G. Komen for the Cure Foundation announced that it was no longer going to be offering funds and grants to Planned Parenthood, the nation’s leading abortion mill operator. This decision has sent Planned Parenthood over the edge of both sanity and civility with a new fundraising letter that dispenses with its past staid talk about women’s healthcare and goes straight for thuggish threats of retaliation, finger pointing, and attacks on other women.

The Susan G. Komen for the Cure Foundation, a well known breast cancer-fighting charity, decided to withhold further donations to the abortion provider for several reasons, one of which is that Planned Parenthood is under investigation by Congress for violating various state abortion laws.

Last month the Associated Press reported Komen’s new criteria and why it is excluding PP. “Komen spokeswoman Leslie Aun said the cutoff results from the charity’s newly adopted criteria barring grants to organizations that are under investigation by local, state or federal authorities,” the report said. “According to Komen, this applies to Planned Parenthood because it’s the focus of an inquiry launched by Rep. Cliff Stearns, R-Fla., seeking to determine whether public money was improperly spent on abortions.”
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Planned Parenthood vs Women: PP Getting Its Thug On!”

Is Apple’s iPhone Ap Siri Pro-Life?

-By Warner Todd Huston

A story has been circulating about Apple’s new smart phone product called Siri. It is an iPhone application that allows users to ask the phone questions that the phone then searches to answer. Well, apparently one thing that the ap won’t answer is for it to provide directions to the nearest abortion mill.

Siri is an early voice recognition phone ap that hears your spoken questions, searches the Internet and/or Apple’s cloud services, then returns a verbal answer to the user. If, for instance, you ask for an email to be read to you, Siri will do so. If you ask for the nearest Taco Bell, Siri will tell you.

As mentioned, though, it has been discovered that if you ask where the nearest baby killing center is, well apparently it won’t tell you.

This is leading people to tout Siri as a “pro-life” ap.
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Is Apple’s iPhone Ap Siri Pro-Life?”

Unbelievable: Planned Parenthood Used Thanksgiving Holiday to Push Abortion!

-By Warner Todd Huston

The indefatigable Steven Ertelt reports another outrage from the infanticide fanatics at Planned Parenthood. Apparently Planned Parenthood is advocating that families use the Thanksgiving holiday (and the upcoming Christmas break) as a day to push their ideas on abortion onto friends and family.

What could be more heartwarming? Friends and family, good food, and a little convivial conversation about killing babies? I mean, what is more fun to talk about around the Thanksgiving table than killing babies? Besides, remember how the Pilgrims were so concerned with killing babies? Yeah, so the discussion is a natural Thanksgiving Day topic, ya know?

As Ertelt says, the page on Planned Parenthood’s website is, “sure to upset millions of pro-life advocates who are busy spending the day thanking God for the gifts and blessings they’ve been given, especially the gift of human life…”

PP wants to help you for the holidays, you see? They offered a nice list of “eight easy steps” for pushing infanticide on family and friends for the holiday.
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Unbelievable: Planned Parenthood Used Thanksgiving Holiday to Push Abortion!”

Another Tale of Our Anti-Parent DCFS Establishment (Updated)

-By Warner Todd Huston

This is a repost from earlier this year. I’ve added Shelley’s new video at the outset.

It is a sad truth that from coast to coast our departments of children and family service (DCFS) agencies are in disarray. All too often they ill serve the children they are supposed to be helping and they almost always step on the rights of parents without much bothering to give a good reading of the situation before action is taken. The travails of 13-year-old Chloe Faulkner is another such story. Taken from her parents, isolated in a world of faceless bureaucrats, used as a cash cow for state aide, abused, repeatedly raped, and eventually impregnated without her loving parents being given a chance to be heard, this tale is another DCFS/State intervention horror story.

In 2009 Chloe was a 13-year-old, home schooled, bright-eyed girl who had been diagnosed with the serious medical condition of Type 1 diabetes. Like many 13-year-olds she was in a rebellious stage, pushing back at a world of parental rules and the constrictions that her medical condition unfairly imposed upon her. And, like many rebelling teens, Chloe ran away one day, refusing to return home.
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Another Tale of Our Anti-Parent DCFS Establishment (Updated)”

Belief that Women are Inferior IS Inferior

-By Kevin Roeten

Mixing abortion with woman power is not an oxymoron. Women many times claim that a young baby they’re pregnant with (what else can they be pregnant with?) is only her body. She says she can do anything with her body she wants.

If she’s pregnant, she’s got a living, breathing, human within her body. But that living human is a totally separate entity, with a whole set of different chromosomes. It’s in her body, but it’s no longer her body.

One non-abortion group seems overly concerned with the “After Abortion” part. They believe abortion can be a direct or indirect result of an unwanted abortion, or coerced actions that can psychologically force the woman into aborting.

Women are considered the stronger sex in many forms. Usually, they can withstand higher amounts of physical pain than their male counterparts, and many women would consider themselves equal or better than men in most instances, except with the possibility of brute strength.
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Belief that Women are Inferior IS Inferior”

Ella’s End Run: HHS Decree Makes You Pay for Abortion

-By Daniel Clark

Using one of the many powers ceded to her by the Democrats’ health care law, Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius declared that a broad range of “women’s preventive services” must be covered by insurers, without any deductible or co-pay. Included under that heading are “all Food and Drug Administration approved contraceptive methods,” including so-called “morning-after pills” that often kill already fertilized human embryos.

They do this by preventing a newly created embryo from adhering to the uterine wall. Though lethal, this does not technically constitute an abortion. That’s because in an abortion, the thing being aborted is the pregnancy, not the fetus or embryo. If an embryo has not been conceived in the womb, there is no pregnancy, and therefore can be no abortion. Hence, a “morning-after pill” like Plan B can accurately be described as a contraceptive, in that it prevents conception in the womb, despite the fact that it kills an existing human embryo.

Last year, the FDA approved a drug called “ella” (chemical name: “ulipristal acetate”) to be used as a contraceptive, which qualifies it for inclusion among these essentially free services. The catch is that ella can also be used to kill a child who has already been conceived in the womb. That makes it an abortifacient, no matter how you slice the semantics. In fact, ella acts in the same way as mifepristone, a drug more commonly known as RU-486. By suppressing a hormone called progesterone, it not only prevents an embryo from implanting, but can also weaken the womb’s lining to the point that an already implanted embryo will detach itself and die of malnourishment.
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Ella’s End Run: HHS Decree Makes You Pay for Abortion”

Are Blacks Oblivious to Their Obvious Problem?

Many Blacks don’t even think about their biggest problem. Many continue to send Democrats to Washington. But others know what is taking place, and refuse to bow down to dramatic culling, genocide, certain annihilation. They already see their population percentage decreasing in the America. Their numbers hacked away each year. They already know the culprits, the instigators, and the villains.

The National Black Prolife Coalition exposes the number one killer of Blacks: Planned Parenthood and urban abortion clinics. This coalition knows these organizations are responsible for abortions in the Black community that outnumber all other causes of death combined. This includes heart disease, cancer, kidney disease, homicides, and HIV/AIDS. Abortion is responsible for 363,705 black deaths per year. All the major causes above total 289,366 black deaths per year.

A talk show host in San Francisco spelled it out for all radical Blacks. Sharon Hughes — African Americans the Target of Planned Parenthood, explains her views by revealing a black baby is 5 times more likely to be killed in the womb than a white baby.

The CDC even found Black mothers get abortions at a 300 percent higher per capita rate than other races. The pro-life Blacks and the public knows their tax dollars are feeding PP’s coffers and others for this attack, but they are temporarily helpless against this onslaught.

MLKJr never would have stood up to this unsurpassed forced death. No clear-thinking American could do this. Most Americans wouldn’t have allowed this to happen in another country, much less ours. So many are hardened to the killing of life, and it is commonplace to value pleasure far over life. Something not written in the Constitution.

But this radical group of Blacks continue to vote for those who foster abortions. Democrats are still elected every election who continue to demand funding PP, continue to push Roe vs Wade, and continue to incorrectly advocate any abortion and/or contraception as legal and safe.

The American Life League was shocked that “America’s first black president drew a bizarre line in the sand declaring he would shut down the government of the United States to keep federal funding for Planned Parenthood, the organization that aborts over 125,000 black children nationwide each year.”

Obama’s close relationship with PP is obvious on YouTube – Barack Obama Addresses Planned Parenthood.

“When will our black leaders take an honest look at these numbers, become outraged and do something to stop the abortion deaths of our beautiful black babies?” asked Rev. Arnold M. Culbreath [Protecting Black Life]. “The numbers don’t lie. Abortion takes a tremendous toll on our women, our men, our families and our future.”

The Case Against Abortion: Abortion and Race, shows how abortion and race are intertwined. Why have pro-abortion individuals linked the two? Some political figures are on-board for a major disparity in killing Blacks. Those include figures such as Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, and (president) Barack Obama. We hope and pray that their skewed opinions will change, and more black citizens will be allowed to live.

We fervently hope that the black views of Thomas Sowell, Bill Cosby, Condolezza Rice, Justice Clarence Thomas, Walter Williams, Rev. Clenard Childress (, Herman Cain (presidential nominee), Booker T. Washington, Shelby Steele, Allen West (House), Tim Scott (House), Alan Keyes, Lynn Swann, Larry Elder (columnist), Ward Connerly, Joseph C. Phillips (columnist), Karl Malone (basketball), Star Parker, Ken Hamblin, Don King (fight promoter), Alveda King (niece of MLKJr), etc., etc., will no longer go unheeded.

No doubt, some White, Latino, and other non-Black voters will also continue to vote for Obama the next presidential election. Much can be said about those who do not fear killing fellow Americans, and are happy if others vote that way. These people want pleasure, but no responsibility.

The next presidential election will be more telling about the American public than most realize. It will dictate the fall of the greatest nation on earth, or the rise of an insurmountable swelling of the greatest nation on earth.

For many, a famous quote seen on a passing bumper sticker seems quite applicable to the above arguments: “Voting for someone because he’s Black, is as racist as voting against someone because he’s Black.”


Kevin Roeten can be reached at

Pro-Lifers Get a Win in Illinois

-By Warner Todd Huston

Illinois pro-lifers have this year been pursuing several new bills in Springfield and at least with one initiative they have won the day.

Students for Life of Illinois reports that on August 4th, Governor Quinn signed HB2093 into law to become Public Act 97-0254.

This Act extends the list of persons required to report child abuse or neglect to include any physician, physician’s assistant, registered nurse, licensed practical nurse, medical technician, certified nursing assistant, social worker, or licensed professional counselor of any office, clinic or physical location that provides abortions, abortion referrals or contraceptives. (Planned Parenthood and ACLU originally lobbied against this bill, btw)

This provides more protection to young girls who are victims of sexual abuse and whose abusers are using abortion to cover up their crime. The bill was inspired by the fact that Planned Parenthood has been shown to routinely cover-up sexual abuse of minors.

There are many more battles to fight, of course, but at least in this dismal state one bright spot has emerged. So, congrats to the supporters of the DCFS child neglect reporting changes.
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Pro-Lifers Get a Win in Illinois”

Planned Parenthood’s Stranglehold on Congress

-By Kevin Roeten

Young unborn tigers being killed in their mother’s womb is not accepted in our society. What about killing young unborn golden retrievers? If large enough, the baby retrievers would have to be removed piece by piece, or if almost full term, would have to be wholly removed and left to die outside of the womb somewhere.

One could kill the mother, but no more babies would be produced after that. But with humans, the mother is a “life”. It would be unacceptable to kill her. But many decide to kill the baby instead. Wasn’t it thought to be unacceptable to kill “life”?

But humans fall back on Roe v. Wade, not only to justify, but to claim as ‘legal’ the killing of unborn children. It’s difficult to answer the question—what happens to the soul if I abort? Then we comprehend that diabolical accomplice—Planned Parenthood of America (PPA).
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Planned Parenthood’s Stranglehold on Congress”

Defunding of Planned Parenthood Upended With Secret Amendment in Tennessee Budget Work

-By Warner Todd Huston

One of the Things Wrong With Our Legislative System Appears in Tennessee

One of the things wrong with our system of creating legislation and passing it into law in America today has appeared in Tennessee. The Volunteer State is not the only place things like this happen, either.

Recently the Tennessee legislature passed a bill to remove state funding from the abortion mill operator Planned Parenthood. The bill was a hard fought victory for the Tennessee GOP and finds favor with the voters as well. As it happens, while the budget was winding its way through the Tennessee legislature a thus far unnamed state senator slipped in an amendment that no one saw, no one voted on, and no one knew anything about. This surreptitious amendment completely upends the defunding of Planned Parenthood quite despite the open legislative process that eliminated the funding in the first place.
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Defunding of Planned Parenthood Upended With Secret Amendment in Tennessee Budget Work”

TIME Mag Does Not Know What ‘Influential’ Means with Top 100 Most Influential People

-By Warner Todd Huston

Like all too many Americans TIME Magazine proves that it doesn’t know what is worth celebrating, noting, or memorializing in this world. Time doesn’t know what “important” means, it doesn’t know what “influential” means, it doesn’t even know what “top” means. And it has proven this again with its latest “2011 TIME 100 most influential people in the world.”

Let me just ask this: why is TV actress and comedienne Amy Poehler on a list of the “most influential people in the world”? It is idiotic. Ridiculously actor Colin Firth is also on the list.

Another actress, Blake Lively, a “B” actress at best, is on the list. Unbelievable. TIME has so little to say of this “most influential person” that barely a paragraph was offered about her. How influential can you be if your whole life can be summed up in a mere 65 words?
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TIME Mag Does Not Know What ‘Influential’ Means with Top 100 Most Influential People”

Budget Victory: All Right, Tea Partiers, Time to Stop Whining and Learn Politics

-By Warner Todd Huston

Sorry Tea Partiers, but the GOP won this budget battle despite that you didn’t get all you wanted, this was a major GOP win. In fact, treating it otherwise endangers further cuts and bigger budget wins. If the drive to cut the budget stops now, it might be YOUR fault!

What is that you say? Gosh, we only got a paltry $38.5 billion in cuts? You say this is a loss because we were promised $100 billion and even that is a drop in the bucket with a budget trillions overspent?

Yes, your laments are all true to a degree. And here’s the “but” you know is coming…

…but it’s time for you Tea Partiers to grow up and learn a little something about reality and politics. Oh, you can scrunch your face up all you want over that dirty word, “politics.” But you’d better come to learn, it, live it, and love it if you really want to keep your influence and continue pushing the government down this new path to the budget cuts.
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Budget Victory: All Right, Tea Partiers, Time to Stop Whining and Learn Politics”

Pro-Life Group Rallies in Chicago

This past weekend in Chicago, pro-lifers came together to pay a special tribute to pro-life activism hero, Joe Scheidler. Pro-abortion groups found out about the event and began organizing a protest. Fortunately, the Chicago “LIFE Mob” had the event covered. They showed up with their trademark yellow “LIFE” balloons, outnumbered the protesters, and showed their support for Joe.

Students for Life of Illinois

GOP Hopefuls Support Cuts to Planned Parenthood Funding

-By Warner Todd Huston

Remember, President Obama is an advocate of infanticide…

The pro-life organization Susan B. Anthony List has announced that nine potential GOP presidential candidates have signed on to a call for Congress to defund the abortion mill organization Planned Parenthood.

The pro-life group has statements from Rep. Michelle Bachmann, Governor Haley Barbour, Herman Cain, Newt Gingrich, former Gov. Mike Huckabee, former Gov. Sarah Palin, Rep. Ron Paul, Gov. Tim Pawlenty, former Gov. Mitt Romney,and former Senator Rick Santorum all saying in one way or another the Planned Parenthood should be defunded.

Abortion is certainly an issue that shine a light of stark differences between Republicans and President Ogbama. Obama is solidly for abortion. In fact, he is a supporter of infanticide as his own words have clearly shown.
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GOP Hopefuls Support Cuts to Planned Parenthood Funding”

Anti-Population Zealots Condemning the Human Race to Extinction

-By Kevin Roeten

The ‘left’ must be shaking in their boots to see the latest trends of the pro-life juggernaut. More and more people consider themselves pro-life, and favor more restrictions on abortion. The lean towards being pro-life is growing, especially with the young adult.

They understand babies begin sometime, and realize the most obvious answer is at conception. Men, especially, know if they’re in the woods hunting deer and they hear something, prudence dictates to wait and make sure it’s a deer. But it’s already known to be a baby if a woman’s pregnant.

The now commonplace practices of birth control, abortifacient use, late-term abortion (all 3 can be abortion), same-sex marriage, and sterilization were not typically thought of 100 years ago.

With birth control, the uterus is always made inhospitable for implantation, whether the fertilized embryo comes for a visit or not. If the fertilized embryo does visit, it usually can’t implant and is aborted. With same-sex marriage and sterilization, there’s only one purpose–and it’s not population generation.
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Anti-Population Zealots Condemning the Human Race to Extinction”

Texas Abortion Centers Killing Teen’s Babies Without Informing Parents

-By Warner Todd Huston

Texas has a parental notification law for abortions. Underage teens are not supposed to be allowed to have the procedure until her parents are made aware of the crisis. Unfortunately, it has been discovered that many abortion mills in Texas are breaking the law and killing the babies of under aged girls without informing parents.

But there are more violations than just that. A three-month-long investigation by a pro-life group has also found that medical records are routinely and illegally destroyed and hazardous medical waste is commonly disposed of illegally. reports that Operation Rescue has announced that it has identified several abortion clinics that have violated regulations imposed by the Federal Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA).
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Texas Abortion Centers Killing Teen’s Babies Without Informing Parents”