Taxpayer Paid Professor Forces Students to Recite Faux ‘Pledge of Allegiance’ That Mocks USA & Republicans

-By Warner Todd Huston

A taxpayer paid professor in Denver is forcing students to recite a satirical version of the pledge of allegiance that attacks the United States for targeting blacks and women and says that Republicans are homophobic and against “the poor.”

Dr. Charles Angeletti, is a self-proclaimed atheist and socialist professor of American Civilization at the publicly funded Denver university, reports. This communist “required students recite the satirical Pledge of Allegiance during the fall 2014 semester.”

The fake pledge is as follows:

“I pledge allegiance to and wrap myself in the flag of the United States
Against Anything Un-American and to the Republicans for which it stands,
two nations, under Jesus, rich against poor, with curtailed liberty and
justice for all except blacks, homosexuals, women who want abortions,
Communists, welfare queens, treehuggers, feminazis, illegal immigrants,
children of illegal immigrants, and you if you don’t watch your step.”

The professor distributed this faux pledge to every student and demanded that they recite it in his classroom.

Steven Farr, an MSU freshman majoring in Meteorology, reports that this “teacher’s” class was wall to wall condemnation of the United States and that the “teacher” offered no other view other than anti-Americanism.

Other students have also noted that this “teacher” coddles liberals but viciously attacks anyone who differs with his opinion of hatred for the country.

Firstly, no one who is an avowed communist should even be allowed to teach American civilization. Communism is antithetical to America in every single way, so having a teacher with a personal ideology that hates everything that is American must–not will, not can, not might, must–burden students with a biased view of that history. It is simply impossible for someone to have an ideology built on hate of his subject to teach that subject without negative bias infusing every aspect of his instruction.

Secondly, a class on any sort of civilization–whether it be European, Roman, Western, Eastern, or what have you–should not be a biased class in any direction. It should be a straight recitation of the history of that society. It must be up to students to decide what value to confer on that group and that group’s history.

This professor is not a teacher. He is a hater attempting to force students to accept his outlandish and hate-filled opinions as fact. He is not “teaching” he is attempting to indoctrinate. He should be fired because he is failing to teach and not through mere incompetence, at that. He has set himself up as an enemy of the United States and is trying to cajole students into developing a similar enmity.
“The only end of writing is to enable the reader better to enjoy life, or better to endure it.”
–Samuel Johnson

Follow Warner Todd Huston on:

Warner Todd Huston is a Chicago based freelance writer. He has been writing opinion editorials and social criticism since early 2001 and before that he wrote articles on U.S. history for several small American magazines. His political columns are featured on many websites such as Andrew Breitbart’s,, and, as well as,,, among many, many others. Huston has also appeared on Fox News, Fox Business Network, CNN, and many local TV shows as well as numerous talk radio shows throughout the country.

For a full bio, please CLICK HERE.

Politico Claims it’s ‘Unclear’ if Colorado Healthcare Plan Cancellations are Fault of Obamacare

-By Warner Todd Huston

The Senate race in Colorado has begun to turn in favor of the Republicans over the last few months but that favor may grow as this week it was learned that some 22,000 citizens are losing their healthcare plans. But Politico claims it is “unclear” if those cancellations are a result of Obamacare.

On Friday, only weeks before voters go to the polls, the Colorado Division of Insurance announced that 22,000 Coloradoans were losing their insurance plans this year and another 200,000 will likely lose theirs in 2015.

The announcement could not have come at a worse time for incumbent Democrat Senator Mark Udall whose campaign has recently begun to flounder in the face of a surging Republican opponent.

Surprising many in the Centennial State, Congressman Cory Gardner has jumped ahead of the long-time Senator and this massive wave of healthcare insurance policy cancellations could drive even more Republicans and independents to the polls next month.
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Politico Claims it’s ‘Unclear’ if Colorado Healthcare Plan Cancellations are Fault of Obamacare”

One Day After Colorado Legalizes Pot, a 2-Year-Old Tests Positive for the Drug

-By Warner Todd Huston

Only one day after Colorado legalized marijuana, a 2-year-old child was tested positive for pot when she found and ate a cookie laced with the drug that was lying on the ground near her home.

Pot was legalized on January 1 and only a day later, on Wednesday January 2, a little child was rushed to the hospital after her mother, Aida Hernandez, observed her daughter acting like she was drunk.

Aida Hernandez her her 2-year-old daughter Evelyn.

“She was asleep, she was opening and closing her eyes and she couldn’t walk really well. She was weak,” Hernandez told Colorado’s CBS affiliate.
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One Day After Colorado Legalizes Pot, a 2-Year-Old Tests Positive for the Drug”

‘Denver Post’ Brands ‘Duck Dynasty’s’ Phil Robertson a ‘Hate-Speech Spewer’

-By Warner Todd Huston

In a December 28 Facebook posting advertising its article on the A&E network’s decision to reinstate Duck Dynasty’s Phil Robertson, the Denver Post called Robertson a “hate-speech spewer.” So much for an unbiased reporting of the news.

To flack its December 28 article titled, “‘Duck Dynasty’ debacle winners and losers,” by television critic, Joanne Ostrow, the Post threw up a blurb on Facebook saying that A&E “welcomed patriarch and hate-speech spewer Phil Robertson” back to the show.

“The feathers are no longer flying,” the Facebook blurb reads. “For now, the “Duck Dynasty” debacle is settled. The network, A&E, has welcomed patriarch and hate-speech spewer Phil Robertson back into the fold. So who were the winners and losers in this sad episode?”

Many of the comments on the Facebook page take the Post to task for its extreme bias.
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‘Denver Post’ Brands ‘Duck Dynasty’s’ Phil Robertson a ‘Hate-Speech Spewer’”

Media Ignoring That Colorado School Shooter Was Stopped by Armed Security Guard

-By Warner Todd Huston

Did you know that the latest left-winger who decided to shoot up a local school was stopped in 80 seconds by an armed security guard? Few do because the media refuses to focus on this fact.

Arapaho High School shooter Karl Pierson was loaded up for a long shooting spree when he entered his high school at about 12:30 on December 13. But it was all over in seconds resulting in this admitted communist shooting himself when he was confronted by an armed Arapahoe County Sheriff’s officer. The sheriff was employed by the school as its Student Resource Officer.

The media isn’t focusing much on the true facts in this story because it doesn’t fit its narrative.

But the fact is the shooter was a left-wing criminal and was stopped by a man with a gun! These are facts that the left-wing, anti-Constitution media establishment are loath to report.

Victim Claire Davis, now in critical condition.

In fact, when it first published a story about the shooting, The Denver Post buried the fact that the boy was a self-identified socialist in the 13th paragraph of its story. But then, early the next morning, the paper erased the word “socialist” altogether and never told readers it had done so.

Why was the Post trying to shield this would be mass murderer from his own acclaimed, left-wing views?

Your guess is as good as mine. OK, who am I kidding, the left-wing paper didn’t want to identify a killer as a socialist for fear that it would make socialists look bad. But think of this: would the paper have been as reluctant to identify this creep’s political ideas if he called himself a tea partier?

Nope.They’d have been all over it.

Would be killer Karl Pierson.

The other key aspect of this story that most news outlets are trying to downplay is the fact that this kid was stopped in seconds by an armed security guard.

One of the few outlets to report on this fact was CNN, which wrote:

The deputy was yelling for people to get down and identified himself as a county deputy sheriff, Robinson said. “We know for a fact that the shooter knew that the deputy was in the immediate area and, while the deputy was containing the shooter, the shooter took his own life.”

But even at that, these facts were buried deep down in the story instead of serving as a central point of the news as it should.

Left-wingers don’t want America to know that this kid is a socialist nor do they want us all to know that an armed man in a school stopped a mass murder. This does not fit the story they want to tell the country.
“The only end of writing is to enable the reader better to enjoy life, or better to endure it.”
–Samuel Johnson

Follow Warner Todd Huston on:

Warner Todd Huston is a Chicago based freelance writer. He has been writing opinion editorials and social criticism since early 2001 and before that he wrote articles on U.S. history for several small American magazines. His political columns are featured on many websites such as Andrew Breitbart’s,, and, as well as,,,,, among many, many others. Huston has also appeared on Fox News, Fox Business Network, CNN, and many local TV shows as well as numerous talk radio shows throughout the country.

For a full bio, please CLICK HERE.

Is It Outrageous That Denver Newspaper Now has a Pot Reviewer? Bill O’Reilly Thinks it is

-By Warner Todd Huston

It is now legal in Colorado to sell and buy marijuana. As a result of this law, The Denver Post newspaper has hired a “pot editor.” Bill O’Reilly thinks this is an outrage.

The venerable, left-wing Denver paper hired toker Ricardo Baca to review pot sellers and write about the issues around the current legal status as the Centennial State moves forward with counties and communities figuring out how to write laws and ordinances to accommodate the new pot laws.

Well, maybe “toker” isn’t the right word to use for Baca. In an appearance on the Stephen Colbert show he noted that he doesn’t smoke weed. But he does eat it.

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Is It Outrageous That Denver Newspaper Now has a Pot Reviewer? Bill O’Reilly Thinks it is”

DeVotchKa: Rock Band Stage Show Features Romney Beheading

-By Warner Todd Huston

At the Boulder Theater in Colorado, the Denver-based rock band DeVotchKa performed a stage show that featured the ritual beheading of Mitt Romney in a pseudo Mayan beheading scene.

The DeVotchKa stage show featured the beheading of Mitt Romney

The October 26 performance of the Day of The Dead-like experience kicked off the concert with stilt-walkers, skeletons, acrobats and Mayanesque, befeathered characters roaming the stage.

The segment culminated in the “ritual beheading” of a band member sporting a Mitt Romney mask.
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DeVotchKa: Rock Band Stage Show Features Romney Beheading”

Roger Ebert Tries to Exploit Colorado Crime for Gun Control Purposes

-By Warner Todd Huston

Dear Mr. Ebert, the Colorado theater was a ‘gun free zone’

Jumping on the gun-ban band wagon and to take political advantage of the murders in Colorado, film critic Roger Ebert immediately ran to his keyboard to decry our “insane” gun laws in an Op Ed in the New York Times. His goal was to invalidate concealed carry laws by noting that no one in the theater shot back at the murderer in black. But, Ebert misses an important point. The Cinemark theater chain has a “gun-free zone” policy.

In the NYT, Ebert decried America for its gun laws (my bold).

That James Holmes is insane, few may doubt. Our gun laws are also insane, but many refuse to make the connection. The United States is one of few developed nations that accepts the notion of firearms in public hands. In theory, the citizenry needs to defend itself. Not a single person at the Aurora, Colo., theater shot back, but the theory will still be defended.

Of course, if Ebert had bothered to check before trying to use this murderous crime for his own anti-Second Amendment purposes, he may have found that no one could have shot back because the theater chain does not allow its customers to carry guns in its theaters.
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Roger Ebert Tries to Exploit Colorado Crime for Gun Control Purposes”

Denver Protest Shows Incoherence of ‘Occupy’

-By Warner Todd Huston

Over this past weekend several hundred conservative bloggers, writers, political operatives, and Tea Patiers got together in Denver, Colorado to attend a conference aimed toward helping these activists be more effective n their efforts. But conservative activism wasn’t the only theme on the schedule when the event was crashed by denizens of Occupy Denver who came to protest. What they came to protest was a tad unclear, but isn’t that just of a piece with the whole Occupy “movement”?

The event, Blogcon 2011, was organized by Freedom Works and featured seminars on Website SEO, use of Youtube and Facebook, information on which candidates Freedom Works is supporting in the upcoming GOP primaries, panels of bloggers telling their story, and the like.

What it wasn’t was attended by Washington’s policy makers or catering to the rich and famous! The folks at these events are most assuredly not members of the so-called one percent. They are work-a-day folks that just happen to be interested in conservative ideas. Essentially the participants at Blogcon 2011 were similar to the Occunuts that invaded their event in that they are all citizen activists.

But that didn’t stop the Occupiers from attacking Blogcon 2011 hopeful of disrupting the event. Two separate times Occupiers came to Blogcon to yell their empty slogans, chant their prosaic chants, ply their “mic check” silliness, call names, threaten violence, and in general act like children.
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Denver Protest Shows Incoherence of ‘Occupy’”

Every Generation, A Salute to America’s Veterans

A thank you to our veterans for the sacrifices they’ve made in the name of freedom featuring comments from Rick Perry, Ted Cruz, Don Stenberg, Dan Liljenquist, and Adam Hasner.

Freedom Works debuted this great video for Veteran’s Day while we were in Denver this past weekend. It is now up at Youtube and, even though the holiday is past, I thought I’d feature the video today.

Coke Heads Protest Koch Heads at Blogcon 2011

-By Warner Todd Huston

Well, here we are we conservative bloggers gathered together at Blogcon 2011 (sponsored by Freedom Works) in downtown Denver, Colorado and what do we find? You guessed it, the Occupy-Whatevers, ever present Guy Fawkes masks in hand, came to disrupt our little conference.

Just after 3PM the Occupiers tried to Occupy Blogcon yelling out epithets at their favorite boogiemen, the Koch Brothers (pronounced coke, like the famous American soft drink). Of course no one at this conference is funded by the Koch Brothers, but, hey, let’s not ruin a good chant.

Small handful of Occupy protesters disrupt conservative conference

The Occupiers infested the lobby here at the Crowne Plaza and immediately raised a ruckus. It seemed that the protesters numbered somewhere about 30 or so and were heavily outnumbered by the conservative bloggers huddling around them with cameras and microphones to record their theatrics for prosperity.

Some of these young people were brought by a Denver school teacher who was ashamed to tell us her name.
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Coke Heads Protest Koch Heads at Blogcon 2011″